Bargaining Position of The Government in the Mining Sector Regarding the Change to a Special Mining Business Permit

Mineral and coal mining activities in Indonesia have been going on for a long time, and because of this, many legal instruments that support it have certainly been formed. Its arrangements regarding the exploitation of minerals and coal are in accordance with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, however, because the Minerba Law was only able to reach legal actions after the publication of the Minerba Law, matters related to contracts of work that existed before the Minerba Law were not covered. The existence of a contract of work is considered inconsistent with Pancasila, namely the Fifth Precept “Social Justice for All Indonesian People” and Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution concerning the substance of earth, water and natural resources “controlled by the state” and “used for the greatest prosperity of the people” . Post-reform, with the spirit of decentralization and regional autonomy, mining policy was directed at supporting mining management authority by local governments, and at the same time, an concession system based on mining business licenses was introduced. Contracts of work, which are standard agreements, should provide a greater portion of profits to the Indonesian people as owners of natural resources, because they have a higher bargaining position. In reality, by becoming a party to a contract of work, it does not give the Indonesian government a balanced bargaining position. To be able to accommodate the interests of the community in terms of cooperation contracts in the field of mining exploitation, it is necessary to revise existing contracts by incorporating provisions that are legally binding on business actors and the Government, especially those relating to aspects of community development and the implementation of social responsibility of business actors.

Syakur Yasin’s Perspective on Religious Pluralism in Developing Islamic Education in Indramayu, Indonesia

Background: The issue of pluralism has always been a topic of conversation from time to time, along with scientific developments. Likewise, theological thinkers and Islamic thinkers have highlighted pluralism to date regarding pluralism in Islamic education. Pluralism is an essential issue because it has contributed to developing the world of Islamic education.

Purpose: This article examines the understanding of the concept of religious pluralism put forward by one of the Islamic leaders, namely Saykur Yasin or Buya Sakur.

Methods: This qualitative research uses content analysis with data sources from books, journals, and YouTube related to Buya Sakur’s thoughts.

Results:  The concept of religious pluralism of Buya Sakur in developing Islamic education can be seen from the concepts he teaches at Islamic boarding schools, public recitations, and da’wah through Chanel YouTube. The uniqueness of pluralism thinking, according to Buya Sakur, is that the reality of life in this world shows pluralism and various ethnic groups, skin colors, languages, and different religions that receive recognition from God as reality

Conclusion: The concept of religious pluralism that he conveyed was very different from that of other figures or scholars. Some claim that he has a concept of understanding, especially regarding religious pluralism which is liberal in orientation and adheres to relativism.

Project Management Skills, People Management Skills, and Operational Excellence of Construction Project Managers in Private Construction Management Services

This study was conducted to determine the level of project management skills, people management skills and operational excellence of construction project managers in private construction services. The respondents were the project management team composed of 215 engineers, architects, technical staff and document controllers fairly distributed to the three business units. The study utilized the descriptive correlational research method. Analysis of data revealed the following findings:  The construction project managers had a high level of project management skills in terms of scope management skills, schedule management skills, resources management skills, risks management skills, and quality management skills (=3.62). The construction project manager had a very high level of people management skills in terms of integrity, influence and persuasion, leadership, and planning (= 3.64). In terms of operational excellence, the construction project managers obtained a very high level on customer focus, flexibility, and systematic problem solving (= 3.62). A significant relationship was noted between construction project manager’s project management skills and people management skills; a significant relationship was perceived between project manager’s project management skills and operational excellence; and a significant relationship was noted on people management skills and operational excellence. Based on the summary of findings, the following conclusions were drawn, (1) The construction project managers had a very high level of project management skills in terms of scope management skills, schedule management skills, cost management skills, resources management skills, risks management skills, and quality management skills. (2) The construction project managers had a very high level of people management skills in terms of integrity, influence and persuasion, leadership, and planning. (3) The construction project managers had a very high level of operational excellence in terms of customer focus, flexibility, and systematic problem-solving. (4) The higher the level of construction project manager’s project management skills, the higher the level of their people management skills. (5) The higher the level of construction project manager’s project management skills, the higher the level of their operational excellence. (6) The higher the level of construction project manager’s people management skills, the higher the level of their operational excellence. (7) All the constructs of project management skills, only risks management skills and management skills are the significant predictors of the respondents’ level of operational excellence, implying that the higher the level of project management skills in terms of risks management and scope management skills, the higher the level of operational excellence of the respondents. To deliver the project successfully, the construction project managers should consistently demonstrate and balance the application of project management and people management since the area of focus of CPM in the project revolves in day to day managing of resources (material, manpower and equipment), solving problems, overcoming project challenges, dealing with changes in project requirements, communicating with stakeholders and satisfying the customer’s expectations. With these, the decision and approach of CPM would be solid and cohesive through collaboration with the project management team.

Implementation of Quality Improvement Strategies of Islamic Education Institutions at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik Indonesia

Islamic education institutions are currently still working to improve quality. Quality improvement is based on two factors: the quality standards set by the government and the quality standards desired by the community.

Efforts to improve quality are carried out in various ways, one of which is by implementing strategies to improve the quality of educational institutions. This study seeks to analyze and find the implementation of quality improvement strategies for Islamic education institutions at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik. This research uses a qualitative approach, data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. Data analysis uses the Miles Huberman model, data condensation, data presentation, verification, and conclusion drawing.

Data were analyzed from single site data. Test the validity of the data through credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. This study’s results indicate that the strategy’s implementation is carried out according to the strategy that has been formulated. Implementing programs that constitute a strategy is following the policies set. These policies include implementation techniques, rules, and regulations.

Dynamics of Communication Teaching in Universities, Evolution or Regression in the Era of Digitalization

In the current situation, with technological advances, has communication experienced a stagnation imposed by restriction or even the disappearance of social exchanges in specific contexts, in particular the learning context? A real enthusiasm for distance education currently shows the focus on the construction of a “technologized” knowledge which could be centered on a purely cognitive vision; transmit an “inhumanized” content as a determining factor in the cost of learning, the development of interactive tools, imitation of interactional relationships in the classroom. The e. Learning produces value in university students. The problem of e. Learning is felt to be more a matter of pedagogical management than of content pedagogy.

In this article we will seek to demonstrate how can we create, develop and maintain integral and transversal communication skills in the era of digitalization. Once the TEC teaching strategy in the era of digitalization has been demonstrated, the question of its long-term effectiveness will be addressed using an integrative approach based on postulates of communication effectiveness.

Youth Entrepreneurship in Africa and Development Growth “Options and Challenges”

Youth entrepreneurship is crucial to the sustainable economic growth of the African Continent. It creates job opportunities for millions of Africans, it helps the government to allocate funds for other development areas that might have been affected due to the joblessness of the young people. It is interesting to know that Africa is the second most youthful populated continent after Asia; youths between 15-24 years of age constitute 19% of its demographic composition, while there is a projection that this figure may double by 2030 as youths’ percentage may rise and reach 42%. However, this indicates a promising, upright projection and bright future for the continent in the sense that young people are the main engine of sustainable development (Demographic Dividend). Nevertheless, massive unemployment and underemployment rates are the biggest challenges and obstacles that still stand ahead of Africa’s growth (Demographic Distress). Hence, to handle this social economic problem and predicament, entrepreneurship that has been massively engaged by many talented young Africans ought to be exhorted by the governments and other development stakeholders. It is, therefore, recommended to governments and stakeholders smartly invest in training young people about entrepreneurship, mainly in agriculture, IT, and ICT in addition to providing all necessary support and reducing systematic barriers that come their way in many African economies such as bureaucratic barrier, high-cost of doing business, lack of access to finances and the existence of deplorable infrastructures both tangible and intangible, etc. This paper discusses young entrepreneurs’ role in driving the development agenda and realization of the United Nations-initiated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Africa. The Research is qualitative in nature to explore some of the challenges and prospects of youth entrepreneurship on the African Continent. The study concludes that entrepreneurship in general and youth entrepreneurship, in particular, are the main and must be the main engine of Africa’s economies, turning its demographic distress into dividends, and solving other associated sociopolitical and security challenges.

Visionary Leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin Chalim and Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyyah in Improving Competitiveness in Islamic Boarding School-Based Educational Institutions

The purpose of this study is to describe in depth related to: (1) how the visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai ‘Ainaul Mardliyyah communicates the vision in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions (2) how the visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai ‘Ainaul Mardliyyah as a determinant of direction in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions (3) how is the visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai ‘Ainaul Mardliyyah as agents of change in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding schools-based educational institutions, (4) how is the visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai Aina as a spokesperson and trainer in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions. This research uses qualitative research with a phenomenological approach and a multi-site study design. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed using techniques of reading all data, coding, interconnecting themes or descriptions, and interpreting the meaning of themes or descriptions. While the method of checking the validity of the data uses credibility, dependability, transparability, and confirmability techniques. The results of this study indicate that the visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai ‘Ainaul Mardliyyah in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding schools based educational institutions by referring to the vision and mission of educational institutions. Realizing the vision and mission to achieve superior and quality education.

Juridical Review of the Honorarium Received Advocates from the Crime of Money Laundering

Law No. 18 of 2003 on Advocates, there explains that Advocates are entitled to honorariums of legal services they have provided to their clients. The problem is the honorarium received by the advocate from the client as suspects of money laundering crime is a legal honorarium or not according to the law and can it have implications for the criminalization of an advocate when receiving an honorarium from the client as suspects of money laundering crime? Based on the analysis of the legislation in force that the payment of honorarium from the client as suspects of money laundering crime as payment for legal services advocates are legal tender and can be held legally accountable. Advocates do not need to report on the honorarium they receive from the client as suspects of money laundering crime, this is because of the rules of secrecy of the position. Thus, advocates can not be prosecuted either civil or criminal in carrying out their profession. The Law on Advocates stipulates that they are entitled to receive fees or honorariums as compensation from the clients they are defending. This is related to the right of retention, namely the right not to return the documents held before the honorarium is first paid. Including using the right of retention to threaten and reduce the capacity as an advocate in defending and protecting his client. But in litigation, advocates are prohibited from using unnecessary costs, thus burdening their clients.

Effects of Inquiry and Discussion Methods on Secondary School Biology Students’ Achievement and Attitudes in Delta Central Senatorial District

This study investigated the effects of inquiry and discussion methods on secondary school Biology students’ achievement and attitudes in Delta Central Senatorial District. The study adopted pre-test post-test control group quasi-experimental design. The population of the study consisted of 17,790 senior secondary school one (SS1) Biology students in public secondary schools in Delta Central Senatorial District. A sample size of 418 SS1 Biology students in 9 public mixed secondary schools was used for the study. The instruments used for collection of data were: Biology Achievement Test (BAT) and Biology Student Attitude Scale (BSAS). The reliability of BAT and BSAS were established using Kuder-Richardson Formula 21 and Cronbach Alpha which yielded 0.77 and 0.78 reliability coefficient respectively. The data collected using BAT and BSAS were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that there was significant difference in the mean achievement scores of secondary school Biology students taught with inquiry and discussion methods, in favour of discussion method; there was no significant difference in the mean attitude scores of secondary school Biology students taught with inquiry and discussion methods. It was concluded that inquiry, discussion and lecture method of teaching enhance secondary Biology students’ achievement but at varying degree; and inquiry and discussion methods of teaching improve secondary school Biology students’ attitudes more than lecture method of teaching. However, discussion method of teaching has more effect compared to inquiry and lecture method of teaching. Based on these findings, recommendations were made.

Pedagogical Practices among Teachers in a Private School: A Survey

Private schools have the autonomy to provide the best education to students. This study was conducted to review pedagogical practices among teachers in a private school in the Shah Alam District. The focus of the study was on nine (9) aspects of pedagogical practices, namely critical thinking skills, collaborative skills, communication skills, creativity & innovation skills, teacher pedagogical practices, learning environment, peer learning, digital utilization, and emotional management. The study sample consisted of 32 teachers working in the respective school. A combined approach was used, employing a questionnaire as the main data collection instrument, while quantitative data was obtained through interviews. The study findings showed that overall, the level of PAK21 practice skills among teachers in private schools was moderately high (mean 3.47; sd=.47). The study also revealed three (3) aspects of pedagogical skills that need improvement among teachers: applying the use of digital technology when interacting with students (mean=2.91; sd=.78); managing the teaching process through virtual environments and digital tools (mean=3.13; sd=.66); and creating collaborative products using contributions from each student (mean=3.16; sd=.45). The researcher suggests that school administrators regularly organize in-service training, particularly related to teaching and facilitation. Workshops based on committees and areas of need should be implemented to enhance teachers’ competency in teaching and facilitation, and mentors should be appointed to provide guidance to new teachers who require support. Teachers are also encouraged to adopt lifelong learning processes to explore various teaching methods suitable for PAK21.