Policies for Building the Investment Climate in Increasing Investment in Indonesia

Investment has an important role, considering that a country needs investment, especially for developing countries. One of the investment problems in Indonesia is the issue of legal certainty. This problem arose both because of the disharmony of related legislation and the issue of synchronization. Even though the issue of legal certainty is something that is expected by every investor, this is because investment is related to the expected profit in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to have arrangements in terms of legislation, as well as services. The arrangement of services also needs to be accompanied by the arrangement of the legal system. Therefore the concept of an investment legal system must include the arrangement of investment law and related laws, such as labor law issues, licensing laws that encourage certainty and protection for the continuity of investment.

Role of English Communications for Employees’ Satisfaction, Performance, and Income: A Vietnam Research

In the context of globalization, English is becoming more and more critical in developing countries like Vietnam. Learning English in this country is compulsory and systematic from preschool to higher education. As a result, English proficiency put tremendous pressure on Vietnamese workers to have more job opportunities and increased income. The objective of this study was to examine the role of English proficiency in the satisfaction, performance, and wages of Vietnamese workers. This study was conducted through a cross-sectional survey using purposeful sampling (n=200). Multivariable linear regression analysis techniques and moderator regression were applied to prove the proposed hypotheses. The research results show that English proficiency has a positive and significant relationship with Vietnamese workers’ satisfaction, performance, and salary. The factor of language proficiency is a moderating variable between employee satisfaction and compensation.

The Motivations of Youth Involvement in Transactional Sexual Relationship in a South African University

The phenomenon of transactional sexual relationship among youth in sub-Saharan Africa especially at Universities in South Africa is becoming rampant these days. What really lure youth into engaging themselves in this act needed to be identified. However, not many researches have been undertaken on this issue, especially regarding the perceptions of youths about this phenomenon. Thus this research provided some preliminary findings on the factors that motivate youth to engage in transactional sexual relationship at the University of Zululand. Proportionate stratified sampling where respondents were chosen from each of the four faculties at the University of Zululand to reflect all the faculties at the University was used. This was complemented by the use of direct observation method. Findings: that youth engage in Transactional sexual relationship because they were motivated by expensive gifts (jewelries, cell phones, laptops, hairdos etc), peer pressure, money, modernization, poverty, and parental poverty.

The Role of Organizational Commitment as Mediating the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of perceived organizational support and job satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior with organizational commitment as an intervening variable. The object of this research is PT. Harta Tersembunyiwhich has four subsidiaries engaged in hospitality. The sample in this study was determined by the census method using all 70 employees as respondents. The data collection method is a survey method with a questionnaire. The analysis technique used is inferential analysis technique with Partial Least Square (PLS). The results found that perceived organizational support has a significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior both directly and through organizational commitment as mediation. While job satisfaction does not have a significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior directly, but its effect is significant through organizational commitment. Meanwhile, organizational commitment directly has a significant positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior. So that management is expected to be more employee-oriented to get positive reciprocity from employees.

Does Destructive Leadership Drive Job Performance in the Public Sector? Exploration of Mental Health as a Mediator

Positive biases dominate much leadership research by focusing on the attributes of the desired leader. In reality, many leaders misbehave and cause significant harm to the organization. This study aims to determine the role of mental health mediation on the relationship between destructive leadership and job performance in public sector organizations, using the JD-R theory approach. The data collection used a questionnaire distributed online, with a total of 218 respondents.  The hypothesis was tested using PLS-SEM. The results of this study show that destructive leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee mental health but does not affect job performance. Mental health does not mediate the relationship between destructive leadership and job performance.  The practical implication of this research is for management to periodically evaluate the behavior of leaders in their organizations so that the organization’s health is maintained, namely having high performance and the mental health of its employees is maintained.

The Influence of Teacher Professionalism and the Role of Parents on Learning Achievement of Al-Qur’an Hadith Grade X Students in MAN 10 Jombang Academic Year 2021/2022

Correlation of Teacher Professionalism and the Role of Parents with Learning Achievement of Al-Qur’an Hadith Class X MAN 10 Jombang Academic Year 2021/2022. We have encountered many studies that discuss learning. However, research discussing the influence of teacher professionalism and the role of parents on learning achievement of the Al-Qur’an Hadith class X students at MAN 10 Jombang for the 2021/2022 academic year is still very minimal. With this research, it is expected that teacher professionalism, the role of parents and parties who have influence on the learning achievement of the Al-Qur’an Hadith class X MAN 10 Jombang students, to realize how important the learning achievement of Al-Qur’an Hadith class students X MAN 10 Jombang Academic year 2021/2022 which is expected to take the next level. Therefore, teacher professionalism in Madrasas must be implemented, as well as the role of parents is expected so that students’ aspirations can be achieved. Data on teacher professionalism and the role of parents were obtained from 47 students as respondents through a questionnaire and the learning achievement of the Al-Qur’an Hadith class X MAN 10 Jombang for the 2021/2022 academic year was taken from the report cards of 47 students. While the data analysis technique used is regression analysis. The results of the study show that partially, there is a positive and significant influence between teacher professionalism and the role of parents on learning achievement of the Al-Qur’an Hadith class X MAN 10 Jombang academic year 2021/2022 which is proven through the t test, so it is known that all t values > ttable, this means that the two independent variables partially have a positive and significant effect on the dependent variable, in which the t-test of the two variables is greater than the t-table. (t count X1 = 7.074 > 6.083, tcount X2 = 2.653 > 2.048) Simultaneously, there is a positive and significant influence between teacher professionalism and the role of parents on learning achievement Al-Qur’an Hadith class X MAN 10 Jombang academic year 2021 /2022 which is proven by the two independent variables influencing the dependent variable (learning achievement) which is proven through the F test which shows that Fcount > Ftable (35,937 > 1.42) and the effect is 62%.

The Legal Concept of Changing the Status of a Legal Entity from a Commanditaire Vennootschap (Limited Partnership) to a Limited Liability Company

There is no detailed legal concept regarding CV, especially when businesses want to change CV to LLC, including the deed of the changing of CV to LLC and the authority of each ally. CV regulations are still guided by the Commercial Code and Civil Code, while technical regulations refer to MoLHR Number 17 of 2018. The research indicates that while the LLC establishment deed contains a statement that all assets and liabilities of the dissolved CV become the authorized capital of the LLC, the CV dissolution deed contains a statement that the CV is declared dissolved and transferred to a LLC. Additionally, the legal concept of CV needs to be governed by a separate law, so the government must review and assess the 2018 Draft Law on Legal Plans of Business Entities, which needs to incorporate provisions for CV continuity into the CVR concept adopted from the Dutch Draft Law on Legal Plans of Partnership and CV to LLC. Through a qualitative research approach called normative juridical with a statutory approach and a comparative approach, the research aims to reconstruct and identify the legal concept of changing CV to LLC in the Netherlands in comparison to the Nieuw Burgerlijk Wetboek and the Draft Law on Legal Plan of Partnership.