Effectiveness of Subsidized Fertilizer Distribution from Distributors through Farmers’ Kiosks to the Farmers’ Level (Case Study in West Lombok District)
Suprianto1, Putu Karismawan2, Sujadi3
1,2,3 Faculty of Economics and Business, IESP Study Program, University of Mataram
Vol 02 No 10 (2022): Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
Article Date Published : 22 October 2022 | Page No.: 573-583
Abstract :
This research takes the title “Effectiveness of Subsidized Fertilizer Distribution From Distributors Through Farmers’ Kiosk to Farmer Level (Case Study in West Lombok Regency). The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the subsidized fertilizer subsidy policy in its distribution from distributors to retail kiosks until it was accepted by farmers who were members of farmer groups. Determination of research areas purvosively in two sub-districts, namely Narmada sub-district and Gunungsari sub-district, West Lombok district. The population in this study are farmers who are members of farmer groups who use subsidized fertilizers in processing their farming business. Determining the sample as many as 120 respondents were determined randomly by random sampling from each selected farmer group in the work area of the subsidized fertilizer retailer kiosk. The research method used to analyze and measure the effectiveness of subsidized fertilizer is descriptive qualitative and quantitative methods. by using four main indicators, namely, right place, right time, right quantity and right price.
The results showed that from the four indicators that were observed, it could be said that the distribution of subsidized fertilizer from the distributor to the farmer level. 83.0%, the aspect of suitability with a ratio of 74.45%, the aspect of the suitability of the amount of fertilizer with an average achievement percentage of 55.28% and the ratio ratio with a ratio of 43, 04%. If viewed from the five aspects of fertilizer presentation, the application of subsidized fertilizer seen from these five aspects is 69.24%, based on the fertilizer subsidy policy criteria (Permendagri; 2011) then the delivery of subsidized fertilizer in the research area is in the effective category.
With changes in government policy on fertilizer prices which are increasing at any time, farmers are expected to be able to use fertilizers according to the recommendations recommended by the government. In addition, to anticipate the general shortage of fertilizers, the government is currently selling non-subsidized fertilizers to farmers at quite high prices.
Keywords :
Effectiveness, Fertilizer Distributor, Subsidized Fertilizer Retailer KioskReferences :
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Author's Affiliation
Suprianto1, Putu Karismawan2, Sujadi3
1,2,3 Faculty of Economics and Business, IESP Study Program, University of Mataram
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 02 No 10 (2022): Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
- Page No.: 573-583
- Published : 22 October 2022
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.55677/ijssers/V02I10Y2022-09
How to Cite :
Effectiveness of Subsidized Fertilizer Distribution from Distributors through Farmers’ Kiosks to the Farmers’ Level (Case Study in West Lombok District). Suprianto, Putu Karismawan, Sujadi , 02(10), 573-583. Retrieved from https://ijssers.org/single-view/?id=7463&pid=7405
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International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies