Principal’s Visionary Leadership in Improving Competitiveness
Moh Nashihudin1, Imam Fu’adi2, Nur Efendi3, Akhyak4, Maftukhin5
1,2,3,4,5 UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to describe in depth: How the visionary principal is a direction setter, agent of change and implements change strategy steps to improve school competitiveness. This study uses a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach and a multi-site study design. Data collection techniques used in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed using the technique of reading all the data, coding, connecting the themes or descriptions to each other, and interpreting the meaning of the themes or descriptions. Meanwhile, the method of checking the validity of the data uses the techniques of credibility, dependability, transferability, and confirmability. The results of this study indicate that the principal’s visionary leadership in increasing competitiveness by means of the principal as a director setter, as an agent of change and carrying out change strategy steps including vision-oriented competitiveness, producing graduates who master IMTAQ, science and technology, are independent, nationalist and religious in the style of Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah An-Nahdliyah, implementation of curriculum and administration in accordance with national education standards, orientation to graduates who are able to compete in the industrial world, higher education and other education, Vocational High Schools have expertise which can be used as a school icon that can attract prospective students and develop student potential, has a Quality Guarantee/quality guarantee for students by providing additional or extracurricular activities, has standard facilities and infrastructure according to needs. The Conclusion of this study indicate that the principal’s visionary leadership in increasing competitiveness by means of the principal as a director setter, as an agent of change and carrying out change strategy.
KEYWORDS: Visionary Leadership, Change, Competitiveness
Leadership is an important issue that has been highlighted by many practitioners and academics in the existing literature (Ahlam, 2018). One of the most highlighted is leadership in educational institutions. This happens because leadership is the main factor in the process of achieving the vision and mission of educational institutions. In addition, educational institutions are a place to print quality and competitive human resources for the nation and state. Therefore, leadership is a strength that school principals should have to achieve the goals of educational institutions that have been determined.
In general, the key to the success of educational institutions is determined by the ability of the principal to lead effectively (Yusuf, 2019). Leadership is defined as a person’s ability to influence others to achieve predetermined common goals (Rosalina & Titik, 2012). So it will be very dangerous for educational institutions, if the principal cannot influence subordinates or other people, both individually and in groups.
In addition to dealing with changing circumstances and the various characteristics of institutional members that strengthen and even weaken, it is necessary to have leaders who can organize, motivate, direct, reconcile, organize, condition and can set the right goals when institutional members experience confusion of direction (Herni, 2020). From this, it is necessary for the principal to carry out visionary leadership.
Visionary leadership is the ability of a leader to plan, formulate, create, implement ideal thoughts originating from social interaction, stakeholders and even himself which is believed to be the ideals of the institution in the future and can be achieved through the commitment of all elements of the institution (Rinel, 2018). Visionary leaders must be able to transfer the vision to others both verbally and behaviorally and be able to expand the vision with different leadership models. Effective communication skills to subordinates are the key that must be possessed by visionary leaders. So visionary leadership can be used as an alternative for a leader in dealing with change to improve the quality and competitiveness of educational institutions. Especially now that change is very fast and unpredictable with regard to what will happen in the world of education in the future.
Change cannot be avoided if an organization wants to maintain its existence, especially in the world of education. Changes made to an educational institution are not merely to follow the existing trend. However, one of the goals of the visionary school principal in changing some of the structures or components of educational institutions is to increase the competitiveness of schools at the regional, national and even international levels. Because according to Abudin Nata that educational institutions are now entering the level of competitive market competition(Abuddin, 2003). If an educational institution wants to continue to exist and be in demand by the community, then it should continue to increase its competitiveness to compete with other educational institutions.
Competitiveness is a concept of how the organization and its human resources utilize the strengths of their competencies in an organized and integrated manner to gain benefits for the organization (Zuhal, 2010). Competitiveness is also one way for an organization to win the competition with other organizations. In addition, many new educational institutions have sprung up and become an alternative offer for the community to choose quality educational institutions. So that educational institutions that want to continue to exist and win competitions with other institutions should continue to improve the competitiveness of their institutions.
The description above is the basis for researchers to conduct research with the title “Visionary Leadership of School Principals in Improving Competitiveness” in order to be able to further explore visionary Principals as directionsetters, agents of change and carry out change strategy steps to increase school competitiveness.
1. Visionary Leadership
Visionary leadership is extraordinary and respected leadership, because it is able to articulate the vision and mission to followers as well as inspire and empower them. This will create a high level of cohesion, trust, commitment and performance improvement in an organization (Colette, 2014). Visionary leadership is defined as a leader who has the ability to create a vision and has good communication skills with subordinates in order to transfer the vision and get support from subordinates to achieve the vision that has been determined (NWACHUKWU, 2017). This shows that no matter how great a leader is in creating a vision and mission, but not accompanied by good communication and implementation skills, it will be difficult to realize the vision and mission that has been determined.
According to Burt Nanus (1992) skills that a visionary leader must have:
- Visionary leaders must have the ability and expertise to communicate well with employees and other managers. It is intended that leaders can provide guidance, encouragement and motivation to all elements of the organization.
- Visionary leaders must be able to understand the organizational environment and be able to respond quickly and appropriately to all threats and opportunities. In addition, visionary leaders must be able to establish relationships with people outside the organization who have an important role in advancing the organization.
- Visionary leaders must have and play an important role in the process of shaping and influencing the course of the organization, procedures, products and services. Visionary leaders must be directly involved in all processes that occur within an organization.
- Visionary leaders must be able to develop imaginative ideas based on the results of an analysis of consumer needs, technology and others. This includes the visionary leader’s ability to manage existing resources within the organization to respond to needs and changes.
The role of visionary leaders includes directing setter, agent of change, spokesperson and coach (Nanus, 1992).
- Direction Setter
Visionary leaders act as leaders who are able to present a vision, convince targets and an image of the organization that will be achieved in the future. Visionary leaders also involve people who are competent and willing to commit to achieving organizational goals.
- Agent of Change
The next visionary leader’s role is as an agent of change in the organization. Changes must continue to occur both in the external and internal environment. The external environment such as economic, technological, social, and political must experience continuous change. This causes the needs of customers or consumers for a product to change according to environmental developments. A good and effective leader is a leader who quickly and accurately responds to changes that occur for the progress of the organization. Some even argue that visionary leaders are a tool for organizational change.
- Spokesperson
One of the important roles of a visionary leader is as a spokesperson for both the internal and external environment of the organization. The ability to recognize and appreciate various forms of communication to influence and gain support from others to carry out the organization’s vision in the future. A visionary leader as a spokesperson in the process of communicating the vision to people both internal and external to the organization.
- Coach
Visionary leaders act as coaches for all members they lead. Visionary leaders use collaboration among members to achieve a predetermined vision. Visionary leaders play a role in keeping members focused on achieving the vision along with direction, motivation and trust among members.
Visionary leadership in the view of the Islamic religion cannot be separated from the deeds and words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW as uswatun hasanah for Muslims throughout the universe and becomes a guide and life guide for his followers (Abdul Rahmat, 2017). Visionary leadership in Islam is seen on the basis of the Qur’an and Al Hadith. This was demonstrated and practiced by the Prophet Muhammad while in the city of Medina. Because in the city of Medina the Prophet Muhammad SAW was able to develop and implement his leadership on a larger scale. This was supported by the enthusiasm of the people of Medina who wanted a leader who could serve as a role model and a good role model in fostering society.
2. Competitiveness
Competitiveness has become a special concern for academics and practitioners in forming a concept to face competition. Competitiveness is a very complex concept about the importance of the construction development process to survive in an ever-changing situation and environment accompanied by high competition (Alexander, 2019). According Heflin (2011), competitiveness is the culmination of various advantages and added values that are owned to make something, both in the form of products and services. These advantages are born from the work process and performance carried out with a good level of quality and the contribution of the best various resources.
Barney (1991) explained that there are four criteria for resources that can provide competitive advantage and sustainable performance to organizations, agencies or companies as follows:
- Valuable
Agencies or schools are declared to have competitiveness when they have valuable resources capable of providing strategic value to schools. This is done by the school’s efforts to utilize and even exploit market opportunities and minimize market threats. Resources that do not add value to the school, do not have the ability to produce innovation, are considered unprofitable for the school. So that resources are considered valuable when these resources enable schools to understand and implement strategies to improve school efficiency and effectiveness.
- Rare
Resources owned by agencies or schools should have unique or rare and hard-to-find characteristics, thus creating potential competitors for schools to offer competitive advantages.
- Imperfect imitability
Institutions or schools are considered to have competitiveness if the resources they have have advantages that are difficult to imitate so that other competitors are difficult and unable to obtain them. The difficulty in obtaining these resources will become a problem and an obstacle for competing schools in competing.
- Non-substitutability
Institutions or schools that have superior resources and are difficult to replace by other alternative resources. In this concept, competitors are likened to not being able to achieve the same performance even though they have replaced their resources.
3. The Visionary School Principal as a Direction Setter
Visionary Principals have a strong vision in the development of led educational institutions. The vision that has been determined becomes the basis for the direction of educational institutions to increase competitiveness. Vision is a weapon for visionary leadership that determines the future of the organization if implemented comprehensively. A leader’s vision will inspire his subordinates to take action and shape the future. Leaders who have a strong vision will have an impact on the practice of translating that vision to all the people who become their subordinates. A vision created by a leader with strong support from all elements of the organization will guide everyone in carrying out their activities. Every organizational resource in achieving the vision, a leader who can act as a determinant of direction is a visionary leader. To be a determinant of direction, visionary leaders must have the ability to analyze positions. SWOT analysis is widely used to find the position of the organization and as a sharing effort between members of the organization. Together, the visionary leadership analyzes the possibilities, techniques, strategies, and resources that are appropriate and in accordance with the goals of the organization to achieve future progress.
4. Visionary Principal as Agent of Change
Leaders must be able to anticipate various changes and developments in the global environment and make predictions about their implications for the organization, be able to make priorities for the changes that their vision implies, and be able to promote experimentation with the participation of people to produce the desired changes. The principal as a visionary leader does not always accept what is already there, but has the desire that his organization or school he leads has advantages and always thinks about developing an organization with innovations to improve education in schools.
5. Visionary Principal in the Change Strategy steps
The change process is carried out by taking into account the following three components (Robert, 2014):
- Input
Inputs are inputs and drivers of the change process. Organizational changes made must be consistent with the vision and mission of the organization. This input can come from the organization’s internal or external environment. Good input is the result of an analysis of opportunities and threats.
- Target element of change
The target of the change component in question is to determine the organizational component that will be changed. This step is important so that there are no mistakes in the change process. If the organization is not in a state of concern, then changes are made only in some components of the organization in accordance with the demands of changing times. However, if the organization needs a complete change, then the components to be changed must also include all components of the organization.
- Outputs
Outputs are the desired end results of a change. The results of the change must be consistent with the vision, mission and strategic plans of the organization. Change is directed at all levels of goals, both organizational, group and individual.
A. Principal’s Visionary Leadership as a Director Setter to Improve School Competitiveness
The findings of the visionary principal in determining the competitiveness of schools at the Islamic Vocational School of Sunan Kalijaga Ngunut Tulungagung. The competitiveness to be achieved is based on the school’s vision and mission. Creating SMK graduates who are able to work, continue their education and become entrepreneurs (BMW) based on strong religious knowledge in the style of Ahlussunnah waljamaah. In the process of achieving this vision, the teaching and learning process must be in accordance with the specified curriculum. This implementation must be supported by the activeness of all parties in SMK starting from teachers, education staff and students. This is in accordance with the principal’s motto that “if the teacher is active, the education staff is active and the students are active, then the SMK will progress”. Good mastery of skills must also be possessed by graduates of Sunan Kalijaga Islamic Vocational School to be competitive. In addition, good competitiveness also lies in the completeness of facilities and infrastructure. Finally, schools have competitiveness if they are able to maximize funding without burdening students.
While the findings at SMK Islam Anharul Ulum Kademangan Blitar are the desired competitiveness consists of several aspects. The principal wants competitiveness in accordance with the vision and mission of the SMK. Creating Islamic Human Resources who have IMTAQ and science and technology insight, have the spirit of nationalism, and have an independent entrepreneurial spirit. Then the learning and administrative activities are carried out in accordance with the agreed regulations with direct and indirect supervision. Followed by the school must have a unique competence that can be used as an institutional icon that characterizes it. And it is no less important that schools that have competitiveness must create graduates who are also able to compete in the world of work and are able to compete when continuing in college and entrepreneurship. Have a guarantee the quality of students and graduates such as memorizing the Qur’an, English, Arabic and other competencies that can be used as guarantees for guardians of students whose children attend vocational schools. Then the school has competitiveness if it is able to provide convenience for students to learn by minimizing the cost burden. The final competitiveness is the creation of standardization and routine evaluation, both activities and facilities and infrastructure.
B. The Visionary Leadership of The Principal as an Agent of Change to Increase School Competitiveness
The findings of the case at the Sunan Kalijaga Ngunut Tulungagung Islamic Vocational School that in determining the priority for change is that the Principal analyzes strategic issues related to the need for industrial workers who absorb labor from SMK graduates, analyzes the wishes of parents for their children who study in cottages as well as schools at Sunan Islamic Vocational School Kalidjaga. Then the Principal determines changes in three main sectors, namely curriculum, graduate competence, facilities and infrastructure.
While the findings at Anharul Ulum Islamic Vocational School Kademangan Blitar. The Principal in determining change priorities by conducting an internal environment analysis regarding strengths and weaknesses. Conduct an analysis of the external environment regarding the main opportunities and challenges for employment opportunities for graduates from SMK. And the last step is to determine the priority scale of changes which include curriculum, graduate competencies, facilities and infrastructure.
C. Principal’s Visionary Leadership in Strategic Change Steps to Increase School Competitiveness
The findings of the case at the Islamic Vocational School of Sunan Kalijaga Ngunut Tulungagung regarding the change strategy used by the principal consisting of input, strategic plan, target element of change and output. This input includes the school’s vision and mission, criticism and suggestions from internal and external parties and innovations that arise from the Principal. Furthermore, observing, imitating and modifying good programs from other institutions. The next input is to analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors. The strategic plan aims to maximize the curriculum with innovations. Creating graduates who are able to work, continue their education and become entrepreneurs. The last strategic plan is to have adequate facilities and infrastructure. The output resulting from the changes made is a curriculum that is able to improve the abilities and expertise of students, graduates of SMK Islam Sunan Kalijaga are able to be absorbed by the industrial world, continuing their education at a higher level. And the last is the realization of adequate facilities and infrastructure for teaching and learning activities.
Furthermore, the findings at the Anharul Ulum Islamic Vocational School Kademangan Blitar are related to the change strategy used by the Principal including inputs, strategic plans, target elements of change and outputs. The desired input comes from the school’s vision and mission, the results of personal analysis, internal and external environmental analysis. Seeing and observing other institutions that have better competitiveness than the Anharul Ulum Islamic Vocational School. And finally by looking at the supporting and inhibiting factors. The strategic plan includes maximizing the implementation of the curriculum, creating graduates who are able to work, continuing their education and becoming entrepreneurs. The target element of change includes changes to the curriculum and learning, graduates, facilities and infrastructure. The desired output consists of a curriculum that is able to improve the abilities and expertise of students. SMK graduates have a quality guarantee. Graduates of the Anharul Ulum Islamic Vocational School are able to be absorbed by the industrial world, and continue their education at a higher level. And the last is the standardization of adequate facilities and infrastructure for teaching and learning activities at the Anharul Ulum Islamic Vocational School.
A. Principal’s Visionary Leadership as a Director Setter to Improve School Competitiveness
The visionary principal who becomes the captain of the educational institution has the responsibility to make the school competitive (Faqihuddin, 2019). The visionary principal in the two schools studied as a direction setter determines the school’s competitiveness based on the school’s vision and mission. This shows that the visionary school principal adheres to the vision and mission that has been set in each of the educational institutions he leads. So that the steps for change and innovation will be carried out in accordance with the direction of the school’s vision.
The visions of the two schools have in common, namely to produce graduates who are able to master faith and piety (IMTAQ), science and technology (IPTEK), be independent, nationalist and based on religious knowledge in the style of ahlussunnah wal jamaah an -nahdliyah. This vision also shows a graduate product resulting from the learning process. With regard to competitiveness, Michael E Porter has analyzed the competitive strategy of a company or organization to obtain high profits. The analysis that has been carried out produces three types of general strategies to determine competitiveness to outperform other companies or organizations. Furthermore, the Visionary Principals in the two Islamic Vocational Schools studied wanted special skills that could be used as school icons that could attract prospective students and develop student potential. These three things include cost leadership, differentiation between products and focus (Porter, 1980) This is realized by the existence of a mini SMK in each school. Although later the development of this special skill will continue to be improved to get maximum results. So that people see this school as having advantages that make it different from other schools.
The competitiveness desired by the visionary principal as a direction setter in the two Islamic Vocational Schools studied further is to have a quality guarantee for students by providing additional or extracurricular activities such as memorizing the Qur’an and so on. This is in accordance with the opinion of Jay Barney (1991) who said that an institution or organization will be able to gain a competitive advantage if it has four factors, namely (1) valuable (2) rare (3) difficult to imitate imperfect imitability (4) difficult to be replaced .
The visionary school principals in the two schools as the direction setters carry out everything that has been decided which refers to the vision by starting from oneself as an example/uswatun hasanah in the process of achieving the vision to increase competitiveness. This is in accordance with what was in the Prophet Muhammad SAW as uswatun hasanah for Muslims throughout the universe and became a guide and life guide for his followers (Rahman, 2017).
B. The Visionary Leadership of The Principal As An Agent of Change to Increase School Competitiveness
Visionary school principals have a role in policy makers determining change priorities. The changes in the two school are inseparable from the decisions made by the Principal. Burt Nanus (1992) explained that the roles of visionary leaders are director setters, agents of change, spokespersons, and coaches. This is corroborated by the results of research conducted by Muh Hambali (2012) which explains that visionary leaders have a spirit of integrity, adaptation, determination of direction, positive thinking, competent and always disciplined.
The principal conducts an analysis of the school’s external environment in the process of determining priority changes in schools to increase competitiveness. The analysis is contained in the school development roadmap. External environment analysis is scanning and describing the operating environment of a company or institution. External analysis is conducted to identify and describe strategic opportunities and threats within the scope of operations of the company or institution that have the potential to affect the institution (Edward, 2002).
The Principal also analyzes and describes the internal environment of the school. This analysis includes strengths and weaknesses from the internal side of the school. This is done so that the implementation of the SWOT analysis can be balanced and in accordance with the wishes. Bearing in mind that SWOT analysis is a process of finding a strategic fit between opportunities in the external environment and the internal environment of an institution, and taking into account the various threats that exist and maximizing opportunities (Ismail, 2012).
The first priority chosen is to maximize the implementation of the curriculum with supporting changes and innovations. Innovation and creativity must be possessed by visionary school principals to increase school competitiveness. Army Management Staff College (2008) in the book Perspectives on Leadership explains that a leader must have interpersonal skills, conflict oriented, initiative and innovative, integrity, professional and have intelligence and agility. The Head of Anharul Kademangan Blitar Islamic Vocational School also prioritizes the implementation of a curriculum that is suitable for the business world and the industrial world.
C. Principal’s Visionary Leadership in Strategic Change Steps to Increase School Competitiveness
Visionary principals have roles as agents of change in their respective educational institutions (Nanus, 1992). These changes will certainly continue to occur both in the internal and external environment of educational institutions. The internal environment includes learning, facilities, infrastructure, administration, human resources and other things that are in educational institutions. While the external environment includes individuals or organizations that have a direct impact on schools such as competitors, suppliers, customers, companies and other publics. In addition, there are things that are always changing, which causes adjustments to educational institutions such as economics, technology, social and politics, to change continuously.
Principals in the two Islamic Vocational Schools studied did not necessarily change only because of their own desires. Soliciting input from various parties, determining change targets (target elements of change) and also determining the final results of the desired changes (outputs). Kreitner and Kinicki (2014) explain that the changes made include 1) (input) is the input and driver of the change process. Organizational changes made must be consistent with the vision and mission of the organization. This input can come from the organization’s internal or external environment. Good input is the result of an analysis of opportunities and threats. 2) The target component of change (target element of change) is to determine the organizational components to be changed. This step is important so that there are no mistakes in the change process. If the organization is not in a state of concern, then changes are made only in some components of the organization in accordance with the demands of changing times. However, if the organization needs to change as a whole, then the components to be changed must also include all organizational components. 3) Outputs are the final results that will be desired from a change. The results of the change must be consistent with the vision, mission and strategic plans of the organization. Change is directed at all levels of goals, both organizational, group and individual.
The visionary leadership of the Principal as a direction setter in increasing competitiveness includes first, the activities of educational institutions that are oriented towards the vision of producing graduates who master IMTAQ, Science and Technology, are independent, nationalist and have religious knowledge ‘ala ahlussunnah waljamaah an-nahdliyah. Second, maximizing the implementation of curriculum and administration in accordance with national education standards. Third, resultoriented graduates who are able to compete in the industrial and business world. Fourth, having an excellence program that can be used as a school icon. Fifth, have a quality guarantee/quality guarantee. Sixth, implement everything that has been decided which refers to the vision by starting from oneself to be an example/uswatun hasanah in the process of achieving the vision to increase competitiveness.
The visionary leadership of the Principal as an agent of change to improve competitiveness includes first, viewing and analyzing opportunities related to the workforce needs of SMK graduates. Second, ask for suggestions and criticisms from the internal school. Third, ask for suggestions and criticisms from external parties such as student guardians, industry colleagues and parties who have the will to advance the school. Fourth, determine priority changes in the form of curriculum, graduate competencies, facilities and infrastructure.
The visionary leadership of the Principal in strategic change steps to increase school competitiveness includes first, Input consisting of suggestions and criticism from internal and external parties, looking at a better institution, analyzing supporting and inhibiting factors. Second, the target element of change consists of curriculum, graduate competencies, facilities and infrastructure. Third, the desired output includes a curriculum that is able to improve the quality of students, maximize graduates who are able to compete in the world of industry and higher education, facilities and infrastructure that meet standards.
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Principal’s Visionary Leadership in Improving Competitiveness
Moh Nashihudin1, Imam Fu’adi2, Nur Efendi3, Akhyak4, Maftukhin6
1,2,3,4,5UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
Vol 2 No 12 (2022): Volume 02 Issue 12 December 2022
Article Date Published : 8 December 2022 | Page No.: 710-716
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to describe in depth: How the visionary principal is a direction setter, agent of change and implements change strategy steps to improve school competitiveness. This study uses a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach and a multi-site study design. Data collection techniques used in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed using the technique of reading all the data, coding, connecting the themes or descriptions to each other, and interpreting the meaning of the themes or descriptions. Meanwhile, the method of checking the validity of the data uses the techniques of credibility, dependability, transferability, and confirmability. The results of this study indicate that the principal’s visionary leadership in increasing competitiveness by means of the principal as a director setter, as an agent of change and carrying out change strategy steps including vision-oriented competitiveness, producing graduates who master IMTAQ, science and technology, are independent, nationalist and religious in the style of Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah An-Nahdliyah, implementation of curriculum and administration in accordance with national education standards, orientation to graduates who are able to compete in the industrial world, higher education and other education, Vocational High Schools have expertise which can be used as a school icon that can attract prospective students and develop student potential, has a Quality Guarantee/quality guarantee for students by providing additional or extracurricular activities, has standard facilities and infrastructure according to needs. The Conclusion of this study indicate that the principal’s visionary leadership in increasing competitiveness by means of the principal as a director setter, as an agent of change and carrying out change strategy.
Keywords :
Visionary Leadership, Change, CompetitivenessReferences :
- Army Management Staff College, Perspectives on Leadership, United States of America: Army Civilian University, 2008.
- Barney, Jay, “Firms Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage,” Journal of Management, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1991.
- Ginting, Rosalina dan Haryati, Titik, “Kepemimpinan dan Konteks Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan”, Jurnal Ilmiah CIVIS Vol. II, No. 2, Juli 2012, 455
- Hassan, Ahlam et. al, “Critical Factors Affecting Leadership: A Higher Education Context”, Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, Vol. 12 No. 1, 19 Maret 2018,
- Herni, “Model Kepemimpinan Visioner Kepala Sekolah Dalam Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler,” Journal of Islamic Education Management, Vol.5, No.1. April 2020,
- Kreitner, Robert dan Kinicki, Angelio, Perilaku Organisasi, Jakarta: Salemba Empat, 2014.
- Michael E Porter, Competitive Strategy, New York: The Free Press, 1980.
- Muhammad Faqihuddin. Peran Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru Dan Mutu Sekolah. Vol I No 1 Novemer 2019. ISSN 2656-839X.
- Nanus, Burt, Visionary Leadership, San Fransisco: Josse-Bass Publisher, 1992.
- Nata, Abuddin, Manajemen Pendidikan Mengatasi Kelemahan Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, Jakarta: Prenamedia Grup, 2003.
- NWACHUKWU, Chijioke et. al., “Visionary Leadership and Its Relationship to Corporate Social Performance,” Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. Vol. 3, Issue 4, 2017,
- Rahim, Abd. Rahman. Manajemen Kepemimpinan Islam. Lembaga Perpustakaan Dan Penerbitan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar 2017.
- Rahmat, Abdul & Kadir, Syaiful, Kepemimpinan Pendidikan dan Budaya Mutu, Yogyakarta: Zahir Publishing, 2017.
- Rinel, “Efektivitas Sekolah: Kepemimpinan Visioner Kepala Sekolah Dan Iklim Sekolah,” Edum Journal Vol. 1 No. 1, Maret 2018,
- Sallis, Edward. Total Quality Management in Education. Kogan Page Ltd 120 Pentonville Road London N1 9JN UK. 2002.
- Solihin, Ismail. Manajemen Strategik. Jakarta: Erlangga, 2012.
- Taylor, Colette M et. al, “Visionary leadership and its relationship to organizational effectiveness,” Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Agustus 2014, ht-tps://
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Author's Affiliation
Moh Nashihudin1, Imam Fu’adi2, Nur Efendi3, Akhyak4, Maftukhin6
1,2,3,4,5UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 2 No 12 (2022): Volume 02 Issue 12 December 2022
- Page No.: 710-716
- Published : 8 December 2022
- DOI:
How to Cite :
Principal’s Visionary Leadership in Improving Competitiveness. Moh Nashihudin, Imam Fu’adi, Nur Efendi, Akhyak, Achmad Patoni, Maftukhin, Ali Mudhofir, Ahmad Tanzeh, Abdul Aziz, Agus Zainul Fitri , 2(12), 710-716. Retrieved from
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