Implementation of the “TANDUR” Model with Script Card Media in Learning Local Content in Regional Languages (Javanese) in Elementary Schools
Heru Subrata1, Ulhaq Zuhdi2, Hapsari Dewi3, Witri Vidiandari4
1, 2Universitas Negeri Surabaya Indonesia
3, 4SD Labschool Unesa Surabaya Indonesia
ABSTRACT: This research was motivated by the suboptimal use of innovative media for grade III students in elementary school. In addition to this, the learning strategies he uses have also not contributed to improving the quality of learning outcomes. Based on observations, results were obtained that the use of Javanese in students’ daily activities was very low. The language used by students is generally Indonesian, so students generally find it difficult to ask or answer questions given by the teacher using Javanese. In addition to this, in the school environment, Javanese is rarely used. In terms of using strategies, it is still monotonous and 80% still use conventional learning strategies. This is what underlies class action research, to improve the quality of Javanese language learning in elementary schools. This study generally aims to improve the quality of Javanese language learning by applying the innovative learning model “TANDUR” using Javanese script cards. The research method used is Participation Action Research (PAR) which adopts Kemmis & Mc. Taggart model which is carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consists of one meeting. The data collection techniques used are observation sheets for the implementation of learning, tests, and field notes. The results showed a significant improvement in the process of using the “TANDUR” model and an increase in student learning outcomes which reached 81.5% in cycle I, and 92% in cycle II. Meanwhile, regarding the use of Javanese script cards 95% stated that they were very happy and easier to understand the learning material. Overall, it can be concluded that the application of the “TANDUR” model using the media of script cards in Javanese language learning can improve the quality of learning in grade III elementary school.
KEYWORDS: quantum teaching, “tandur model”, Javanese script card
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 67 of 2013 concerning the Basic Framework and Curriculum Structure of Ibtidaiyah Elementary Schools / Madrasahs, regional languages as local content can be taught in an integrated manner with the subjects of Cultural Arts and Crafts or taught separately if the region feels the need to separate them. Education units can increase class hours per week according to the needs of the education unit (Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Agency for Standards, Curriculum, (Pergub No. 19 of 2014: Learning Local Content in East Java – Sasana Widya Guru, n.d.) and Education Assessment, 2022).
Javanese language learning is one of the local content learning developed at various levels of education. Javanese is a regional language that is included in the variety of national cultures of the Indonesian nation. Javanese is one of the cultures that need to be preserved. Therefore, Javanese is included in the local content curriculum. Learning local content in Javanese aims to train students to be able to improve their skills and knowledge of the language. Learning local content in Javanese will provide understanding to students so that they always appreciate and are proud of their culture. (Nadhiroh, 2021) (Ono et al., 2022)
Based on the Regulation of the Governor of East Java Region Number 19 of 2014 article 17 paragraph 1 states that regional languages must be taught as local content at the primary and secondary education levels. Based on these regulations, Javanese is a local content that must be given to students to improve learning in the classroom (Nadhiroh, 2021). Learning is a plan consisting of components that are interconnected with each other, components in the form of evaluation, objectives, materials, and methods (Rusman, 2013: 1). Based on this opinion, learning is a teacher’s effort to create an effective and efficient student learning environment to achieve student competence.
Language skills, especially Javanese language following the Curriculum of Local Content Subjects (Javanese) for the Elementary / SDLB / MI and Junior High School / SMPLB / MTs Public and Private Levels of East Java Province based on the Decree of the Governor of East Java, contain four skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The four skills are interrelated with each other and in school learning, language skills are taught in an integrated manner. Aspects of reading and writing taught using Latin letters and using Javanese script (PERGUB no 19 of 2014 Mulok, n.d.).
Writing Javanese script is very important for students because it is a form of effort to increase love for the nation’s culture and also to instill a sense of belonging to Javanese culture that has faded and forgotten by today’s younger generation (Ariani & Subrata, 2020) (Subrata, 2022).
The Decree of the Governor of East Java (2010:18) states that writing is a skill both literary and non-literary in various languages to express thoughts, feelings, and information in the form of simple essays, letters, dialogues, reports, summaries, paraphrasing, geguritan, and Javanese letters. Writing Javanese script is one of the lessons that is not liked by most students in school because in general students are not familiarized with and are not introduced to Javanese script from an early age so students have difficulty in reading and writing Javanese script.
Another factor is that the teaching method applied in learning to write Javanese script is still conventional. This is because teachers only give monotonous lectures and they lack media use in learning so children are less interested and less active in participating in the learning teaching which results in low Javanese script writing skills (Ari Kuncoro et al., 2022). In addition, based on the results of observations with grade IV teachers at Lab school Unesa elementary school, information was obtained that the problems faced by teachers in learning Javanese script writing, namely: (1) learning local content in Javanese has not been implemented properly, (2) there is no adequate learning media, (3) the use of learning models that are not optimal (Subrata et al., 2022)
One alternative learning model that is applied to be able to improve Javanese script writing skills in students optimally is by using the Quantum Teaching model. This model is one of the models that help students learn in a fun way. According to Colin Rose (in Muhammad Fathurrohman, 2015:179), Quantum Teaching is a practical guide in teaching that seeks to accommodate each student’s talents or be able to reach each student. Meanwhile, according to Bobby De Porter (in Muhammad Fathurrohman, 2015: 179), Quantum Teaching is a concept that outlines new ways of facilitating the teaching and learning process, through the mixing of artistic elements and directed achievements, regardless of the subject taught (Maruti & Anggraini, 2022; (Sunarsih, 2017).
Based on this statement, the Quantum Teaching model can lead students to activities that develop their skills (Basic & Kurniasari, 2020). Students are invited to participate and be active in a fun learning process. The principle of Quantum Teaching is to bring the world of students to the world of teaching, and usher in the world of teachers to the world of students which in its application is called “Tandur” (Grow, Experience , Label, Demonstrate, Repeat, and Celebrate)(Ramadhani & Syriza, 2019)(Widya et al., 2020) Thus, students’ Javanese script writing process skills will improve through the implementation of the Quantum Teaching model in Javanese script writing skills (Maruti & Anggraini, 2022).
Efforts to improve learning conditions can be done using the Quantum Teaching (Tandur) learning design model. This “Tandur” model will be able to optimize learning, and practice, making the content of learning real for students. Learning with the “Tandur” model is divided into several phases, namely: Grow, Experience , Label, Demonstrate, Repeat, and Celebrate (Nurdin et al., 2011) (Rosita et al., 2017). The use of the “TANDUR” model is an effort to create conducive and enjoyable learning by referring to observation skills as a learning center so that students can show a positive response to the learning process and play an active role in learning (Larasayu & Subrata, 2014).
Based on the above considerations, learning is designed that is expected to be able to provide new experiences for students and can improve the skills and processes of having real experiences, experiencing, and applying like the real world. The implementation plan is stated in a class action study using Javanese script card mediaThis is an example of text formatting. Please note that citations are in superscript numerals following the punctuation. Abbreviations are defined in full at their first instance.
Research Design
The type of research used is Participation Action Research (PAR) because this research aims to find contributions from the implementation of the Quantum Teaching model on the learning of Javanese script writing skills through grade IV elementary school.
The subjects of the study were teachers and students of class IV as many as 21 students, consisting of 14 men and 7 women. The procedure for conducting the study uses a Participation Action Research (PAR) design adopted from Kemmis & Taggart (S. Kemmis, 2009). The stage begins with planning, in the form of activities that determine the steps to solve problems as an effort to fix problems in the learning process of writing Javanese script so far. At this planning stage, a plan for the implementation of learning to write Javanese script is prepared using the Quantum Teaching model (“Tandur” model). The use of the model is expected to be a directed learning objectives. In addition to the learning implementation plan, the researcher also prepared a research instrument consisting of compiling pre-test and post-test questions as a measuring tool for students’ Javanese writing skills, compiling student activity observation sheets to observe student activities and interactions during the learning process, compiling observation sheets for teacher success to observe teacher activities when carrying out the learning process, compiling a grid of test questions and compiling questions test to find out the improvement of Javanese script writing skills.
The next stage, is the implementation of actions (actions), in the form of activities explaining the activity plan by implementing learning scenarios that have been made based on the learning implementation plan. As for the learning steps using Quantum Teaching (“Tandur” model), whose activities are: initial activities for preparing physical conditions, namely teacher activities at this stage conditioning students and preparing learning materials, conveying learning objectives, and informing learning media to be used, apperception is that the teacher asks questions and answers about material related to Javanese script. Furthermore, in the core activity, the teacher delivered the subject matter about the nglegena script (20 Javanese scripts) and sandhangan and gave examples of writing using Javanese script (Subrata, 2022). Each student was given a sheet containing the Javanese script nglegena and sandhangan with dotted lines, students bolded and named, the implementation using the Quantum Teaching (Tandur) model, with stages as shown in the following table 1:
Table 1. Implementation of the Quantum Teaching Model (Tandur)
No | Activity | Stage |
1. | Tanamkan [Instill] | Students asked questions global about the Javanese script and the “sandhangan” they knew.
2. | Alami [Experience] | Students Are Asked to bolding the Javanese script along with the dotted sandhangan on the given sheet.
. |
3. | Namai [Label] | The requested Student gives or writes the name of the Javanese script along with the sandhangan that has been bolded correctly.
dengan benar. |
4. | Demonstrasikan [Demonstrate] | Students composing word using Javanese script card media along with sandhangan that has been provided.
. |
5. | Ulangi [Repeat] | Students asked Back about the learning that has taken place |
6. | Rayakan [Celebrate] | Students being rewarded in the form of praise, and applause |
The activity continued by analyzing and evaluating the results of students’ work and reviewing the results of work, the teacher provided material reinforcement to the overall work results, and ended with the final / closing activity in the form of guidance to conclude the subject matter, evaluation, and follow-up. The next stage, is observation of the implementation of the learning process to record students’ Javanese script writing skills including: (1) carrying out activities related to learning, (2) interacting with each other, asking each other, explaining each other, (3) doing word writing problems using Javanese script, and (4) concluding the material at the end of the lesson.
Observations in learning activities are carried out collaboratively with teachers and reviewers with guidance through observation sheets. The order of presentation of teacher activities and student activities is recorded through observation sheets. Through observation, it can be known how students’ attitudes and behaviors in the activities carried out, the level of students’ skills in writing Javanese script during the process of activities carried out, assessing students’ writing skills, and the evaluation results obtained from student activities. The final stage of this series of activities is Analysis / reflection. At the analysis stage, the teacher conducts an evaluation of the learning process at each meeting, then it is reflected as a reference material in the implementation of the next cycle as an improvement.
This general line of implementation of class action research adopts the opinion of Kemmis & Taggard(S. Kemmis, 2009) (B. L. Kemmis & Dunn, 1996) as follows.
(See in PDF File)
Figure 1. Kemmis & Taggart Model Research Flow
Data Collection Methods and Instruments
The instruments used to collect research data in order to achieve the research objectives are: first, observation, in the form of observations on the learning process that applies the Quantum Teaching model. Second, in the form of tests to measure the improvement of Javanese script writing skills. The forms of tests used are cognitive and performance tests. Third, field records. Fourth, documentation.
The data obtained from the documentation study is in the form of learning device formats and photos that provide a concrete picture of student activities during the learning process, as well as data in the form of other documents.
The instruments used in this study were: Observation Sheet rating scale. This technique is used to collect data on the implementation of the Quantum Teaching learning model and student learning activities in the process of learning Javanese. Data collection through observation is carried out by researchers together with teachers as observation objects in the classroom which will be used as samples to get a direct picture of student learning activities in class. Cognitive sheets and performance tests, used to determine the improvement of Javanese script writing skills. The test is carried out after the students have learned the material that has been taught and then the test is carried out. Then field notes, and documentation (paper and electronic).
Data Analysis Techniques
The steps of the data analysis technique used in this study are as follows: the data obtained through performance tests and analyzed descriptively quantitatively, while the data from observation and documentation are analyzed descriptively qualitatively. Data on the results of the performance test is collected and calculated the number of scores of each of them. The score is the student’s grade. After obtaining student scores, the next stage is to determine the grade average. Success in this study if the percentage of students who completed learning was greater than or equal to 75% of the total number of students. The results of the analysis are used as reflection material to carry out further planning in the next cycle if it has not met the specified criteria. The overall research achievements in this study can be seen in the following table:
Table II. Criteria for Determining Learning Success
Results of Research and Discussion Before the use of media, when doing questions about reading and writing Javanese script, students worked with their abilities that only relied on memory. But with the use of letter card media, the problems they face become concrete and become clearer. This is in accordance with the opinion of Sumantri & Syaodih (2009) which states that children will find it difficult when facing abstract problems. The use of letter card media in learning can help students write Javanese using Javanese letters more easily. Learning using concrete media will contribute to optimizing student learning outcomes. This is because it: 1) real objects provide a very valuable experience because they are directly in the real world, 2) real objects have long-lasting memories and facilitate problems that are difficult to understand, 3) real experiences can form a positive mental and emotional attitude towards life and life, 4) real objects and models can be collected and searched, 5) the original object can be corrected people.
During the learning process, teachers and students were observed by three observers about the steps for using letter card media combined with flannel board media. Students pay attention to the media indicated by the teacher, students work together in groups stringing words from letter cards and continue to read the series of words. In learning, teachers carry out two kinds of assessments of students, namely process assessment and result assessment. Process assessment is carried out during learning which includes students’ mastery in reading and writing Javanese script, activeness, and cooperation. Assessment of learning outcomes is carried out at the end of learning in the form of a written test using the form of “Crossword Puzzle”.
Table III. Student Mastery in Reading & Writing Javanese Script, Activeness, and Cooperation.
NO | Name | MWR* | Activeness | Teamwork |
1 | AARP | 88 | 90 | 80 |
2 | AKA | 90 | 88 | 85 |
3 | AAS | 92 | 85 | 85 |
4 | APP | 92 | 88 | 85 |
5 | AAG | 88 | 85 | 88 |
6 | AAP | 92 | 88 | 88 |
7 | BRAS | 88 | 88 | 85 |
8 | DRA | 90 | 90 | 90 |
9 | FKSFP | 90 | 88 | 88 |
10 | JVB | 85 | 80 | 90 |
11 | KAW | 92 | 88 | 88 |
12 | MJA | 90 | 90 | 85 |
13 | ONS | 90 | 88 | 85 |
14 | RJS | 92 | 88 | 90 |
15 | RPM | 90 | 90 | 88 |
16 | ZPU | 94 | 85 | 88 |
*Mastery of Writing and Reading
The better the steps for using media carried out, the more enthusiastic and active students are to participate in learning so that learning outcomes increase. In the implementation of the first cycle, there are still shortcomings, this can be seen from the results of the steps to use letter card media that have not been satisfactory, both shortcomings from teachers and from students. Researchers made improvements to the implementation of steps for the use of letter card media in cycle II so that the deficiencies contained in cycle I could be corrected. The researcher then carried out Cycle II by relying on the device which is the design of the improvement of cycle I. Deficiencies in cycle I which generally lie in the step of using the script card are fixed in this cycle.
In addition to teacher process activities and student process activities when participating in learning using letter card media, it can also be seen that the analysis of student learning outcomes from cycles I, II of learning increases. This is evidenced by the implementation of the steps for the use of letter card media in cycle II better than cycle I. Following the results of the observation of steps carried out by teachers from cycle I to cycle II.
Table IV. Comparison of Implementation of Steps for Using Letter Card Media
(See in PDF File)
Table V. Comparison of The Implementation of Learning Cycle I & Cycle II
(See in PDF File)
After implementing two cycles in learning to read and write Javanese script, more than >85% of students have achieved the grade standards set by researchers. Learning that is carried out with the use of media, namely the media of letter cards in each cycle, is more interesting, students are more eager to learn than the implementation of initial conditions learning which only uses conventional learning. This is following Hamalik (in Arsyad, 2011) that the media in the teaching and learning process can arouse new desires and interests, arouse motivation and learning stimuli, and even bring psychological influence on students. The use of letter card media carried out in this study was able to improve mastery of reading and writing Javanese script, this is evident from the results of the evaluation before and after the study. A comparison of the average values of the evaluation results before and after the action can be seen in Table 4 below.
Table VI. Percentage of students who achieved completion in reading and writing Javanese script
(See in PDF File)
The implementation of the “TANDUR” model with script card media in learning local content of regional languages (Javanese) in elementary schools can be concluded that the appropriate steps in the use of script card media equipped with flannel boards in Javanese language learning. Meanwhile, the technique of reading and writing Javanese script in elementary school is technically carried out by holding it at chest level while being shown to all students. Then the letter cards were unplugged one by one and shown to all the students and pasted on the flannel board. Finally, the letter cards are arranged/composed accordingly into the required words. This step of using media has been proven to improve the learning outcomes of reading and writing Javanese scripts for students in elementary school.
The results of this study are far from perfect, and I can only give a small part of the effort to solve the learning problems of a teacher. The result is a recommendation that is also not general. Thank you to all those who have helped with this research. Hope it is useful.
- [Ari Kuncoro, W., Taufik, M., & Eko Saputro, G. (2022). Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Untuk Melestarikan Bahasa Jawa Krama. 10(`).
- Ariani, D., & Subrata, H. (2020). Pengembangan Media Karsawa (Kartu Aksara Jawa) Untuk Pembelajaran Menulis Aksara Jawa Di Kelas III Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, 8(1).
- Dasar, S., & Kurniasari, R. (2020). Penerapan Model Quantum Teaching Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Di Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Elementaria Edukasia, 3(1).
- Kemmis, B. L., & Dunn, W. (1996). Collaborative Consultation: The Efficacy of Remedial and Compensatory Interventions in School Contexts. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 50(9), 709–717.
- Kemmis, S. (2009). Action research as a practice‐based practice. Educational Action Research, 17(3), 463–474.
- Larasayu, E. T., & Subrata, H. (2014). Penggunaan Model Tandur Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Jawa Siswa Kelas II Sdn Sidomulyo II.
- Maruti, E. S., & Anggraini, E. D. (2022). Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Quantum Learning berbantukan Flash Card Materi Aksara Jawa Pada Siswa SD. JURNAL EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT, 10(1), 213–216.
- Meningkatkan, D., Belajar, H., Skripsi, B., Danik, O. :, 4304015, M. K., Keguruan, F., & Pendidikan, D. I. (2009). Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kolaboratif Disertai Strategi Quantum Learning.
- Nadhiroh, U. (2021). Peranan Pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa Dalam Melestarikan Budaya Jawa. JISABDA: Jurnal Ilmiah Sastra Dan Bahasa Daerah, Serta Pengajarannya, 3(1), 1–10.
- Nurdin, E. A., Wahyudin, & Octaviani, R. A. (2011). Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Tandur Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Padamata Pelajaran Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi. 1689, 136.
- Ono, B., Wiyani, N. A., & Setiani, M. Y. (2022). Implementasi Pendekatan Scientific dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa. DIDAKTIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar, 5(1), 25–36.
- PERGUB no 19 Tahun 2014 MULOK. (n.d.). Muatan Lokal Bahasa Jawa Kurikulum 2013 Pergub 19 Tahun 2014 | MI WAJIB BELAJAR NGARES. PERATURAN GUBERNUR JAWA TIMUR NOMOR 19 TAHUN 2014. Retrieved August 22, 2021, from
- Pergub No 19 Tahun 2014: Pembelajaran Muatan Lokal Jawa Timur – Sasana Widya Guru. (n.d.). Retrieved December 5, 2022, from
- Ramadhani, M. I., & Ayriza, Y. (2019). The effectiveness of quantum teaching learning model on improving the critical thinking skills and the social science concept understanding of the elementary school students. Jurnal Prima Edukasia, 7(1), 47–57.
- Subrata, H. (2022). Piwulang Basa Jawi (1st ed., Vol. 1). Zifatama Jawara.
- Subrata, H., Zuhdi, U., Damayanti, M. I., & Rukmi, A. S. S. (2022). Implementation of 21st Century Learning Principles on Local Content of Javanese Elementary Schools in East Java. RA Journal Of Applied Research, 8(12 December-2022), 847–857.
- Sunarsih, S. (2017). Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Aksara Jawa Di Sekolah Dasar Melalui Metode Jigsaw. Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru, 2(2), 81–90.
- Widya, A., Pendidikan, J., Fakultas, D., Acarya, D., Ferdika, O., Suardana, M., & Rosyadi, M. I. (2020). Peningkatan Minat Baca dan Menulis Aksara Jawa Melalui Metode Quatum Teaching pada Siswa Kelas IV SDN 03 Wirotaman. Adi Widya: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar, 5(2), 181–188.
Implementation of the “TANDUR” Model with Script Card Media in Learning Local Content in Regional Languages (Javanese) in Elementary Schools
Heru Subrata1, Ulhaq Zuhdi2, Hapsari Dewi3, Witri Vidiandari4
1,2Universitas Negeri Surabaya Indonesia
3,4SD Labschool Unesa Surabaya Indonesia
Vol 2 No 12 (2022): Volume 02 Issue 12 December 2022
Article Date Published : 19 December 2022 | Page No.: 811-816
Abstract :
This research was motivated by the suboptimal use of innovative media for grade III students in elementary school. In addition to this, the learning strategies he uses have also not contributed to improving the quality of learning outcomes. Based on observations, results were obtained that the use of Javanese in students’ daily activities was very low. The language used by students is generally Indonesian, so students generally find it difficult to ask or answer questions given by the teacher using Javanese. In addition to this, in the school environment, Javanese is rarely used. In terms of using strategies, it is still monotonous and 80% still use conventional learning strategies. This is what underlies class action research, to improve the quality of Javanese language learning in elementary schools. This study generally aims to improve the quality of Javanese language learning by applying the innovative learning model “TANDUR” using Javanese script cards. The research method used is Participation Action Research (PAR) which adopts Kemmis & Mc. Taggart model which is carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consists of one meeting. The data collection techniques used are observation sheets for the implementation of learning, tests, and field notes. The results showed a significant improvement in the process of using the “TANDUR” model and an increase in student learning outcomes which reached 81.5% in cycle I, and 92% in cycle II. Meanwhile, regarding the use of Javanese script cards 95% stated that they were very happy and easier to understand the learning material. Overall, it can be concluded that the application of the “TANDUR” model using the media of script cards in Javanese language learning can improve the quality of learning in grade III elementary school.
Keywords :
quantum teaching, “tandur model”, Javanese script cardReferences :
- [Ari Kuncoro, W., Taufik, M., & Eko Saputro, G. (2022). Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Untuk Melestarikan Bahasa Jawa Krama. 10(`).
- Ariani, D., & Subrata, H. (2020). Pengembangan Media Karsawa (Kartu Aksara Jawa) Untuk Pembelajaran Menulis Aksara Jawa Di Kelas III Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, 8(1).
- Dasar, S., & Kurniasari, R. (2020). Penerapan Model Quantum Teaching Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Di Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Elementaria Edukasia, 3(1).
- Kemmis, B. L., & Dunn, W. (1996). Collaborative Consultation: The Efficacy of Remedial and Compensatory Interventions in School Contexts. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 50(9), 709–717.
- Kemmis, S. (2009). Action research as a practice‐based practice. Educational Action Research, 17(3), 463–474.
- Larasayu, E. T., & Subrata, H. (2014). Penggunaan Model Tandur Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Jawa Siswa Kelas II Sdn Sidomulyo II.
- Maruti, E. S., & Anggraini, E. D. (2022). Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Quantum Learning berbantukan Flash Card Materi Aksara Jawa Pada Siswa SD. JURNAL EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT, 10(1), 213–216.
- Meningkatkan, D., Belajar, H., Skripsi, B., Danik, O. :, 4304015, M. K., Keguruan, F., & Pendidikan, D. I. (2009). Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kolaboratif Disertai Strategi Quantum Learning.
- Nadhiroh, U. (2021). Peranan Pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa Dalam Melestarikan Budaya Jawa. JISABDA: Jurnal Ilmiah Sastra Dan Bahasa Daerah, Serta Pengajarannya, 3(1), 1–10.
- Nurdin, E. A., Wahyudin, & Octaviani, R. A. (2011). Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Tandur Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Padamata Pelajaran Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi. 1689, 136.
- Ono, B., Wiyani, N. A., & Setiani, M. Y. (2022). Implementasi Pendekatan Scientific dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa. DIDAKTIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar, 5(1), 25–36.
- PERGUB no 19 Tahun 2014 MULOK. (n.d.). Muatan Lokal Bahasa Jawa Kurikulum 2013 Pergub 19 Tahun 2014 | MI WAJIB BELAJAR NGARES. PERATURAN GUBERNUR JAWA TIMUR NOMOR 19 TAHUN 2014. Retrieved August 22, 2021, from
- Pergub No 19 Tahun 2014: Pembelajaran Muatan Lokal Jawa Timur – Sasana Widya Guru. (n.d.). Retrieved December 5, 2022, from
- Ramadhani, M. I., & Ayriza, Y. (2019). The effectiveness of quantum teaching learning model on improving the critical thinking skills and the social science concept understanding of the elementary school students. Jurnal Prima Edukasia, 7(1), 47–57.
- Subrata, H. (2022). Piwulang Basa Jawi (1st ed., Vol. 1). Zifatama Jawara.
- Subrata, H., Zuhdi, U., Damayanti, M. I., & Rukmi, A. S. S. (2022). Implementation of 21st Century Learning Principles on Local Content of Javanese Elementary Schools in East Java. RA Journal Of Applied Research, 8(12 December-2022), 847–857.
- Sunarsih, S. (2017). Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Aksara Jawa Di Sekolah Dasar Melalui Metode Jigsaw. Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru, 2(2), 81–90.
- Widya, A., Pendidikan, J., Fakultas, D., Acarya, D., Ferdika, O., Suardana, M., & Rosyadi, M. I. (2020). Peningkatan Minat Baca dan Menulis Aksara Jawa Melalui Metode Quatum Teaching pada Siswa Kelas IV SDN 03 Wirotaman. Adi Widya: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar, 5(2), 181–188.
Author's Affiliation
Heru Subrata1, Ulhaq Zuhdi2, Hapsari Dewi3, Witri Vidiandari4
1,2Universitas Negeri Surabaya Indonesia
3,4SD Labschool Unesa Surabaya Indonesia
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 2 No 12 (2022): Volume 02 Issue 12 December 2022
- Page No.: 811-816
- Published : 19 December 2022
- DOI:
How to Cite :
Implementation of the “TANDUR” Model with Script Card Media in Learning Local Content in Regional Languages (Javanese) in Elementary Schools. Heru Subrata, Ulhaq Zuhdi, Hapsari Dewi, Witri Vidiandari , 2(12), 811-816. Retrieved from
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International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies