Marketing Mix Strategy in Increasing Public Interest in the Field of Education
Asyharul Muttaqin1, Akhyak2, Ahmad Tanzeh3, Maftukhin4, Achmad Patoni5
1,2,3,4,5 UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze and describe in depth 1) Product in increasing public interest in education at MTs Ma’arif NU 2 Blitar and SMP Mambaus Sholihin Blitar. 2) Price in increasing public interest in education at MTs Ma’arif NU 2 Blitar and SMP Mambaus Sholihin Blitar. 3) Place in increasing public interest in education at MTs Ma’arif NU 2 Blitar and SMP Mambaus Sholihin Blitar. 4) Promotion in increasing public interest in education at MTs Ma’arif NU 2 Blitar and SMP Mambaus Sholihin Blitar. This study uses a qualitative approach, a type of case study with a multi-case design. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentation. Data analysis starts from data conditioning, data presentation, verification and drawing conclusions. Data were analyzed from single case and cross case data. The results of the study show 1) Product as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes academic competence (guaranteed passing of madrasa exams and national exams), and Islamic boarding schools competence. 2) Price as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in the field includes affordable financing, cross subsidies and scholarships. 3) Place as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes the location of madrasas within Islamic boarding schools. 4) Promotion as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes direct promotion from the guardians of students and students, electronic print media and social media. 5) Institutional performance as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education is an institution accredited A, magnificent buildings and complete facilities, performance of financial administration services that are friendly, accountable and fast, performance of food and drink services that are timely, nutritious, healthy, varied, and sufficient, the performance of clean and sufficient MCK services, the performance of security and comfort services, teachers and supervisors are parents of students. 6) Pray as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education is istighosah, other aurotans and spiritual teachers.
KEYWORDS: Marketing Mix, Public Interest
Islamic educational institutions in the form of schools and madrasas are a unit of education providers that have a noble goal, namely to guide students in pursuing education. Advances in technology and information in the world of Islamic education is one aspect that is of particular concern that requires planning. People’s lives are always influenced by various things, one of which is in the field of education (Ngainun Naim, 2009). Schools/madrasas are non-profit educational institutions engaged in the field of educational services that serve consumers in the form of pupils, students, university students, and also the general public (Buchari Alma, 2005). Education is a service product produced by educational institutions, so when looking at the role of educational institutions it shows that the activities carried out are a production organization that produces educational services purchased by its consumers. Services to consumers of educational services are aimed at increasing public trust as well as promoting schools. Schools, especially private schools, in getting consumers/students need a marketing strategy.
The Islamic education marketing strategy has an urgent role as one of the school’s efforts to introduce the institution to prospective new students or users. Marketing of Islamic education should still be activities in order to realize the existence of Islamic educational institutions to be known by the public. The marketing of Islamic education must always pay attention to the development of science and technology so that it can be known and accepted by the community.
The stages in explaining education marketing begin with analyzing educational consumers through the process of market segmentation and identification of consumer behavior. These stages serve as the basis for discovering what the actual needs and wants are as well as the objective conditions of education consumers. Based on the study of the objective conditions of education consumers, a marketing mix will be developed. As a strategy for effective market domination, the marketing mix strategy is often known as the 4Ps or 7Ps and in this case we will focus on the 4Ps conception which includes product, price, promotion, and place (Kotler and Armstrong, 2012).
Marketing strategy is needed in facing the era of competition and globalization. The marketing strategy process helps organizations or institutions identify what to achieve, and how to achieve the expected results. The magnitude of the role of marketing strategy is increasingly recognized from time to time, especially in the present. Every organization is continuously challenged to compete with other organizations. Organizations that are unable to maintain their organizational/institutional existence will be abandoned by the community or their market share. With a marketing strategy, the organization will be able to interpret competitive abilities and develop sustainable competitive advantages in a systematic and consistent manner to increase public interest and trust.
Community trust is one of the keys to the progress of educational institutions. When people have trust in educational institutions, they will fully support them by enrolling their children in these educational institutions. In addition, they will also influence others to do the same. Conversely, when people do not believe, they will be reluctant to enroll their children in these educational institutions and even provoke other communities to enroll their sons and daughters in other educational institutions (Mujamil Qomar, 2007).
The researcher took the theme of the marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education in multi-case studies at MTs Ma’arif NU 2 Blitar and SMP Mambaus Sholihin Blitar. This was motivated by an increase in Islamic education which became an alternative for users to make it the main choice in order to deliver students to be able to gain knowledge in Islamic educational institutions. Islamic educational institutions at this time have also developed in the direction of technological and information advances. This research has specifications about how the marketing mix strategy implemented in the two Islamic educational institutions can be communicated to the public in general, as well as several institutions that can be invited to work together to increase public interest in education.
- Marketing Strategy Concept
According to Bittel in Buchari Alma (2011), strategy is a fundamental plan to achieve company goals. Whereas in KBBI, it is defined as a careful plan regarding activities to achieve specific goals. Strategy is seen as a program that includes the goals to be achieved, accompanied by specific actions or steps to achieve these goals as an effort to respond to the environment (KBBI, 2005).
Marketing is a process of planning and carrying out the concept, price, promotion and distribution of a number of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges capable of satisfying individual and organizational goals (Graham, 2008). Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders (AMA, 2010). Meanwhile, Kotler and Keller (2012) define marketing as a social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want by creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value with other parties.
According to Mc Charty (2015) that marketing strategy is a way of determining target markets and related marketing mixes. That’s a big picture of what the company will do in some markets. Two interrelated parts are needed: (1) a fairly homogeneous target market (similar) customer groups to whom the company wants to appeal; (2) the marketing mix, namely the controlled variables that the company put together to satisfy this target group. marketing mix elements.
- Educational Services Marketing Mix
Marketing mix is a combination of four variables, namely product, price structure, promotional activities, and distribution system. The four elements of the marketing mix are interconnected and influence one another, so efforts must be made to produce a marketing policy that leads to effective service and customer satisfaction. So in the marketing mix there are variables that mutually support each other, which the company then combines to obtain the desired responses in the target market.
Marketing environment consists of micro environment and macro environment. The micro marketing environment consists of companies, suppliers, intermediaries, consumers and competitors. While the macro marketing environment consists of broader social forces that affect the micro environment; includes demographic, economic, natural, technological, political and cultural (Kotler and Keller, 2009). Marketing mix (marketing mix) are marketing elements that are interrelated, mixed, organized and used appropriately so that companies can achieve marketing goals effectively, while satisfying consumer needs and wants. So that in the marketing mix the marketing elements are interrelated and organized, so that the company is able to produce effective marketing and achieve marketing goals effectively (Hurriyati, 2010).
The concept of the marketing mix according to Kotler and Keller (2002) consists of 4P. The service marketing mix in question is the 4P concept, namely:
- Product
Product is something that can be offered to the market to get attention, so that the product being sold is bought, used or consumed that can fulfill a desire or need from consumers. Products are anything that can be offered by producers to be noticed, requested, sought, purchased, used or consumed by the market to fulfill the needs or desires of the relevant market.
- Price
Price is the amount of value exchanged by consumers for the benefits of owning or using a product or service whose value is determined by buyers and sellers through bargaining, or set by sellers for one price that is the same for all buyers. Price is the only element of the marketing mix that provides income or revenue for the company, while the other three elements (product, distribution and promotion) cause costs (expenses). Besides that, price is an element of the marketing mix that is flexible, meaning it can be changed quickly. Unlike the case with product characteristics or commitment to distribution channels. These two things cannot be changed or adjusted easily and quickly, because they involve long-term decisions.
- Place
Place is a place associated with a distribution channel aimed at reaching target consumers. This distribution system includes location, transportation, warehousing, and so on. Distribution can be interpreted as an activity that seeks to expedite and facilitate the delivery of goods and services from producers to consumers, so that their use is in accordance with what is needed (type, quantity, price, place and when needed).
- Promotion
Promotion means activities that convey the benefits of the product and persuade customers to buy it. Promotion is one of the determining factors for the success of a marketing program. Regardless of the quality level of a product, if consumers have never heard of it and are not sure that the product will be useful to them, then they will never buy it. The importance of promotion can be illustrated by the parable that marketing without promotion can be likened to a man wearing black glasses who from a dark place on a dark night winks at a beautiful girl in the distance. No one knows what the man was doing, except himself. The purpose of sales promotion is based on marketing communications. Specific objectives set for sales promotion vary, depending on the type of target market. For companies, these goals include efforts to encourage consumers to use the product more, buy products in larger units and try products promoted by the company.
- Public Interest
Animo is a strong desire and desire to do, do, or follow something. Animo is also interpreted as interest according to the general Indonesian dictionary which means fondness (inclination) towards something, desire. According to Mulyasa (2003) interest is a person’s tendency to do something. Meanwhile, according to Winkel (1984) interest is a tendency that persists in the subject to feel interested in a particular field and feel happy to be involved in that field. So that interest contains an element of desire to know and study the desired object as an insight into knowledge for himself, the person will take real action to know and learn from something he wants as his need. Therefore, interest or also called a person’s desire for something he aspires to, is the result of conformity between conditions and situations with the needs he expects. Based on the two definitions above about interest (interest) it can be concluded that interest is a desire that tends to settle in a person to direct a certain choice as his need, then proceed to be manifested in real action by paying attention to the object he wants to seek. information as insight for himself.
Amin (2007) explains that public interest is influenced by the following factors:
- Motivation and goals.
Before interest arises, there are motives and motivations. Motive is a driving force from within a person to carry out certain activities to achieve certain goals. While motivation is a complex statement within an organism that directs behavior towards a goal. In general, intrinsic motivation is stronger and better than extrinsic motivation. The drive or desire to achieve something can lead to an interest in saving.
- Will
Will is a spiritual activity that causes a human being to be able to take various actions that are necessary to achieve certain goals. When there is a willingness from students to enter college, these students will try to achieve that goal.
- Interest
Interest is a feeling of pleasure, captivated, interested in something.
And according to Simamora (2001) the factors that influence public interest are:
- Cultural Factors
- Culture is the most basic determinant of a person’s desires and behavior. If the behavior of lower beings is largely governed by instinct, then human behavior is largely learned
- Sub-culture has smaller sub-cultural groups which are identification and socialization that are unique to the behavior of its members. There are four kinds of sub-cultures namely national groups, religious groups, racial groups and geographic regions
- Social Class is a group in society, where each group tends to have the same values, interests and behavior.
- Social Factors
- Reference groups are groups that have direct or indirect influence on a person’s attitude and behavior.
- Family members can exert a strong influence on buyer behavior
- Role and Status The position of a person in each group can be explained in terms of role and status. Each role carries a status that reflects the general esteem by society.
- Personal Factors
- Age and Life Cycle Stage, that is, a person’s purchases of goods and services will change throughout his life. Likewise with a person’s taste related to his age.
- Occupation, namely by having work groups, companies can produce products according to the needs of certain work groups.
- A person’s economic situation can be seen from the level of income which can affect product choices.
- A person’s lifestyle is a person’s lifestyle that also determines buying behavior.
- Personality and self-concept are psychological characteristics that distinguish each person, while self-concept is more towards self-image.
- Psychological Factors
- Motivation is a need that is strong enough to direct a person to seek satisfaction of that need.
- Perception is someone who is motivated ready to do an action. How someone who is motivated to do something is influenced by his perception of the situation he faces.
- Learn to describe changes in the behavior of an individual that comes from experience. Most human behavior is acquired by studying it.
- Beliefs and Attitudes Through actions and learning, people acquire beliefs and attitudes which then influence buying or transacting behavior.
From the research findings at the two institutions, there are similarities and priorities related to the marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education.
- Product as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes academic competence (guaranteed pass in madrasah exams and national exams) and has Islamic boarding school competence. The academic competence includes having a minimum of 2 (two) vocational competencies/skills and extracurricular achievements, boarding school competencies include Javanese language (kromo inggil) towards older people, memorizing the Al-Qur’an with good and correct reading (tartil Implementing 9 (nine) ubudiyyah santri pondok, carry out and memorize aqidah and ubudiyah An-Nahdliyah (ablution, call to prayer, iqamah, prayer, wirid and tahlil) Tahfidzul Qur’an class 5 (five) chapters per year, and graduates who excel in extra fields.
- Price as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes affordable financing, cross subsidies and scholarships. The next thing that is being pursued is in the form of raising funds from student guardians, deliberations on determining the cost of education
- Place as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes madrasah locations that are integrated with Islamic boarding schools. So that the learning location is very strategic, determining study rooms, mosques, expanding school buildings and other infrastructure facilities.
- Promotion as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education consists of direct promotion from the guardians of students and students. The way of promotion is done using electronic print media and social media.
- Institutional Performance as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in the field of Education includes institutions accredited A, adequate facilities and infrastructure including magnificent buildings and their facilities. In addition, the performance of financial administration services that are friendly, accountable and fast. For students to get food and drink services on time, nutritious, healthy, varied and sufficient to support food needs. Adequate and clean MCK service performance as well as safety and comfort performance which is also supported by teachers and supervisors are parents of students
- Pray as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes istighosah activities, other aurots and is supported by qualified spiritual teachers
The increase in public interest in entrusting their children to the two madrasas is evidenced by the increase in the number of students depicted in the following diagram: :
Procuct as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education
The product as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in the field of education in the two institutions studied includes academic competence (guaranteed pass in madrasa exams and national exams, academic competence includes having at least 2 (two) vocational competencies/skills and extracurricular achievements, boarding school competencies include language Javanese (kromo inggil) for older people, memorize the Al-Qur’an with good and correct reading (tartil Implement 9 (nine) Islamic boarding schools students, Implement and memorize the Aqidah and Ubudiyah An-Nahdliyah (ablution, call to prayer, iqamah, prayer, wirid and tahlil). Tahfidzul Qur’an Class 5 (five) Juz per year, and Graduates who excel in extra fields. According to Kotler and Keller (2012) stated that a product is something that can be offered to the market to get attention, so that the product to be sold is to be bought or consumed by consumers.
Price as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education
Price as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in the field of education in the two institutions studied was in the form of raising funds from student guardians, deliberations on determining education costs. Price is the amount of value exchanged by consumers for the benefits of owning or using a product or service whose value is determined by buyers and sellers through bidding, or set by sellers for one price that is the same for all buyers. As for the price in the school, it is a provision for the amount of financing that must be issued by the student’s guardian in the learning process (receiving educational services) at the school. According to Kotler (2012) price consists of List price Discounts Allowances Payment period Credit terms. The form of the price is in the form of a price list, discounts, allowances, payment periods, credit terms. So that the price in the marketing mix strategy carried out by the school is a variety of activities related to determining the price (amount of cost) of education. Various forms of determining the financing and payment processes are required.
Place as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education
Place as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in the education sector in two educational institutions is carried out through strategic Islamic boarding school locations, determining study rooms, mosques, expanding school buildings. Place is a place associated as a distribution channel aimed at reaching target consumers. This distribution system includes location, transportation, warehousing, and so on. Here placing the place as a distribution channel aimed at consumers. If in an educational institution, place is a place to distribute educational services, this includes classroom buildings, laboratories and other learning facilities.
According to Kotler (2012) related to place states that distribution channels consist of a set of institutions that perform all activities (functions) used to distribute products and the status of their owners from producers to consumers. From the definition above it can be interpreted that the distribution channel of a good is the entire activity or function of moving the product accompanied by the owner’s rights from the producer to the final consumer or industrial user. If it is related to educational institutions, place relates to the means of transferring educational services from school administrators to students.
Promotion as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education
Promotion as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education in the two institutions in the form of websites and other social media, alumni forums, banners and other media. Promotion is an activity that conveys the benefits of a product and persuades customers to buy it. In educational institutions, promotion is the task of public relations, which has the role of conveying the information needed by the community, especially students and parents of students related to educational information.
According to Kotler (2012) Promotion is an important thing for educational institutions, this is if in companies it is a form of advertising while in educational institutions promotion is used to convey or socialize programs in educational institutions so that they are known by the public. Promotion is an activity of communicating information from the seller to consumers or other parties in the sales channel to influence attitudes and behavior. Promotional education institutions are handled by the vice principal in the field of public relations.
Institutional performance as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education
Performance as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in the education sector in the two institutions in the form of Accredited A Institutions, Magnificent Buildings and complete facilities, Performance of friendly, accountable and fast financial administration services, performance of food and drink services that are timely, nutritious, healthy, varied, and sufficient, the performance of MCK services is clean and adequate, the performance of security and comfort services, teachers and supervisors are parents of students.
Pray as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education
Pray as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education in the two educational institutions studied in the form of Istighosah and other aurotans and spiritual teachers.
The conclusions from research in the two educational institutions above include:
- Product as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes academic competence (guaranteed pass in madrasa exams and national exams) and has Islamic boarding school competence.
- Price as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes affordable financing, cross subsidies and scholarships.
- Place as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes madrasah locations that are integrated with Islamic boarding schools
- Promotion as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education consists of direct promotion from the guardians of students and students. The way of promotion is done using electronic print media and social media.
- Institutional performance as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in the field of education includes institutions accredited A, adequate facilities and infrastructure including magnificent buildings and their facilities. In addition, the performance of financial administration services that are friendly, accountable and fast. For students to get food and drink services on time, nutritious, healthy, varied and sufficient to support food needs. Adequate and clean MCK service performance as well as safety and comfort performance which is also supported by teachers and supervisors are parents of students
- Pray as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes istighosah activities, other aurots and is supported by qualified spiritual teachers.
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Marketing Mix Strategy in Increasing Public Interest in the Field of Education
Asyharul Muttaqin1, Akhyak2, Ahmad Tanzeh3, Maftukhin4, Achmad Patoni5
1,2,3,4,5 UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
Vol 2 No 12 (2022): Volume 02 Issue 12 December 2022
Article Date Published : 26 December 2022 | Page No.: 873-878
Abstract :
This study aims to analyze and describe in depth 1) Product in increasing public interest in education at MTs Ma’arif NU 2 Blitar and SMP Mambaus Sholihin Blitar. 2) Price in increasing public interest in education at MTs Ma’arif NU 2 Blitar and SMP Mambaus Sholihin Blitar. 3) Place in increasing public interest in education at MTs Ma’arif NU 2 Blitar and SMP Mambaus Sholihin Blitar. 4) Promotion in increasing public interest in education at MTs Ma’arif NU 2 Blitar and SMP Mambaus Sholihin Blitar. This study uses a qualitative approach, a type of case study with a multi-case design. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentation. Data analysis starts from data conditioning, data presentation, verification and drawing conclusions. Data were analyzed from single case and cross case data. The results of the study show 1) Product as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes academic competence (guaranteed passing of madrasa exams and national exams), and Islamic boarding schools competence. 2) Price as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in the field includes affordable financing, cross subsidies and scholarships. 3) Place as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes the location of madrasas within Islamic boarding schools. 4) Promotion as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes direct promotion from the guardians of students and students, electronic print media and social media. 5) Institutional performance as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education is an institution accredited A, magnificent buildings and complete facilities, performance of financial administration services that are friendly, accountable and fast, performance of food and drink services that are timely, nutritious, healthy, varied, and sufficient, the performance of clean and sufficient MCK services, the performance of security and comfort services, teachers and supervisors are parents of students. 6) Pray as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education is istighosah, other aurotans and spiritual teachers.
Keywords :
Marketing Mix, Public InterestReferences :
- Alma Buchari. Strategic Marketing of Educational Services, Bandung: Alfabeta, 2005
- Alma, Buchari. Marketing Management and Service Marketing, Bandung: Alfabeta, 2011.
- Amin Suprapto, Interested in Entering Higher Education, Semarang: UNS. 2007.
- Budi Rustandi Kartawinata, Aditya Wardhana, Marketing Strategies and Their Impact on Marketing Performance of Indonesian Ship Classification Society, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) • Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015.
- Hooley, Graham J, Nigel F. Piercy, Brigitte Nicolaud. Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning, London: Prentice Hall, 2008.
- Hurriyati, Ratih. Consumer Mix and Consumer Loyalty., Bandung: Alfabeta, 2010.
- Kotler, Philip and Gary Armstrong. Principles of Marketing. 14th Edition. Pearson: New Jersey, 2012
- Kotler, Philip and Kevin Lane Keller. Marketing Management Volume 1. Jakarta: Erlangga, 2009.
- Kotler, Philip, Marketing Management Millennium Edition, New Jersey USA, Prentice Hall.Inc:2002
- Mujamil Qomar. Management of Islamic Education, New Strategy for Management of Islamic Education, Jakarta: Erlangga, 2007.
- Mulyasa, Competency Based Curriculum. Bandung: Rosdakarya Youth. 2003.
- Ngainun Naim, National Education Reconstruction, Yogyakarta: Teras, 2009
- Rajan Varadarajan, Strategic marketing and marketing strategy: domain, definition, fundamental issues and foundational premises, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science • April 2010.
- Simamora, Bilson, 2001, Winning the Market with Effective and Profitable Marketing (Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka
- KBBI Editorial Team. Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 2005.
- Winkel, Educational Psychology and Learning Evaluation. Jakarta: Gramedia. 1984
Author's Affiliation
Asyharul Muttaqin1, Akhyak2, Ahmad Tanzeh3, Maftukhin4, Achmad Patoni5
1,2,3,4,5 UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 2 No 12 (2022): Volume 02 Issue 12 December 2022
- Page No.: 873-878
- Published : 26 December 2022
- DOI:
How to Cite :
Marketing Mix Strategy in Increasing Public Interest in the Field of Education. Asyharul Muttaqin, Akhyak, Ahmad Tanzeh, Maftukhin, Achmad Patoni, 2(12), 873-878. Retrieved from
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International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies