Strategy Implementation of Islamic Education Institutions in Increasing Public Interest in Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School
Muhson1, Agus Zaenul Fitri2, Moh Nashihudin3
1,2 UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
3 STAI KH. Muhammad Ali Shodiq Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe in depth the implementation of the strategy of Islamic educational institutions in increasing public interest which focuses on developing programs, budgets, and standard operating procedures at Islamic Middle School Sunan Gunung Jati Ngunut Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia to increase public interest. This study uses a qualitative approach with a type of field research or field research. While collecting data using observation, interviews, data, and documentation. Data analysis using descriptive analysis method. The results of this study indicate that strategic implementation includes 1) program development including the fulfillment of graduate competencies, sustainable development of human resources for both educators and education staff, development of facilities and infrastructure, and priority in marketing programs. 2) Budget which includes budget management and planning in accordance with procedures, starting from budget preparation, foundation approval, analyzing budget sources (central BOS and committees) to the use of the budget for both goods and services. 3) SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) follows the rules set by the education office. In addition, the process of implementing SOP is influenced by Islamic boarding schools which lead to positive student morals. The results above show that the implementation of the strategy of Islamic education institutions in the form of program development, budgets, and standard operating procedures has had a positive impact in the realm of education at Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School in increasing public interest.
KEYWORDS: Strategy Implementation, Program Development, Budget, Marketing and SOP (Standard Operating Procedures), public interest
Performing four functions such as planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling is a key element in management. Describing management functions is easier than performing real implementation functions (Yun Zhang, 2009). Every company has alternative strategies in advancing the goals to be achieved, even the choice of strategy is part of the existing picture (Mary, 2008). The use of strategies undertaken by managers to increase capabilities that are considered important and avoid risks, disruptions, and challenges. Strategy is a tool used to accelerate and balance the goals of the organization, so that they can be achieved effectively and efficiently. The strategic discussion itself started and was more popular from the military. Strategic management is the achievement of future goals of an organization which includes three pillars, namely formulation, implementation, and evaluation (Akdon, 2016).
Another explanation explains that strategic management includes five concepts, namely analyzing the environment, providing determination of organizational direction, formulating strategies, implementing strategies, and carrying out evaluation or control. Between strategy and implementation in the perspective of strategic management in organizations there is no conflict term. In fact, both of them are a unit that synergizes with each other in describing managerial tasks in all lines. Values, ethics, norms, beliefs, style of management that are accepted in an organization are very much needed in strategic management which are useful for obtaining unity and harmony. Other important factors for gaining commitment and appreciation from individuals in the organization are the administration system, organizational structure, and organizational culture.
According to F.R.David as quoted by Agus Zaenul Fitri (2013) states that the implementation of the strategy includes the development of targeted programs, carefully regulated budgets and standard operating procedures. In implementing or implementing the strategy, there are several important factors for achieving the goals of the organization, namely staffing, directing, leadership, power and organizational culture. At present the industrial revolution 4.0 is marked by advances in technology and information which are increasingly giving rise to increasingly fierce competition, so every organization or business sector must always pay attention to product quality so that it can have public interest in the education sector. Research conducted by Imam Qori (2019) with the title “Analysis of the implementation of strategic management in improving the quality of Islamic boarding school education” shows that the strategy implementation process includes cultural development, creating organizational structures, preparing budgets and developing and utilizing information systems. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research related to strategy implementation which includes program development, budgeting and standard operating procedures at Sunan Gunung Jati Ngunut Tulungagung Islamic Middle School in increasing public interest.
Definition of Strategy Implementation
The strategy implementation of an organization was originally believed to be a natural process that just flows as a form of creation and continuation of strategy formulation. Strategy implementation is considered a very crucial step, because most people cannot feel the benefits or value of strategy formulation efforts, but more can be felt by adequate implementation of the strategy (Faisal and Ismeth, 2010). Although experts provide different definitions of strategy implementation, the aim is to carry out a series of activities that are repeated, changes made by managers and employees in realizing the formulation of the strategy.
In reality there are difficulties in formulating strategy, but the most difficult is implementing strategy and making it work on all fronts (Abdullah, 2017). For example, it could be that the formulation of the strategy is correct and reaches 80%, but in implementation it is still minimal and maybe 14% can successfully implement it. In an organization, in order to create a conducive environment, managers when implementing implementation must monitor and operate the strategy that has been formulated.
When several companies have problems with financing, one of them is by laying off their employees. Strategy implementation can be a reference for leaders or managers and employees in the organization. Managers and employees may synergize and anticipate threats, both in terms of social and political structure by considering the formulation of strategies and the regulation of strategy implementation (Fred, 2005). In implementing the strategy at Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School, the principal implements it based on the vision and mission of the school. Developing human resources, making policies, motivating employees, establishing long-term strategic plans are conditions for implementing a company’s strategy. High sacrifice, both from leaders, managers, employees and staff, commitment, and self-discipline are needed to realize strategy implementation.
In relation to integrated quality management, strategy implementation must be supported by superior human resources. The functions of leaders, managers, staff and employees who work according to their positions and are supported by responsibility, high motivation, attention and commitment will make the implementation of the strategy well realized. In an educational perspective, strategy implementation is also not entirely successful even when the formulation of the strategy is well prepared. In fact, it often happens that an organization fails due to the weakness of various or compound formulations. For example, the preparation of visions, missions, goals, and programs that have been formulated and compiled with great difficulty and even cost a lot of money, sometimes they only become archives, wall hangings, and documents (Imam Machali, 2016). The future without planning is nonsense, maybe this expression can represent the importance of planning in education. Planning also provides a clear direction in the educational process. Planning from the national, regional, institutional/school levels is carried out and formulated thoroughly in order to provide quality education. Management of education is also very urgent and absolutely necessary in improving the quality of education.
Program Development
Program development in realizing strategy implementation includes marketing, which includes quality products or goods, competitive prices, and conducting promotions that attract consumers. Promotions that can attract consumer interest will make consumers interested in buying the products offered. Whereas consumers have the desire to buy a product when they see quality goods or offered, there are large discounts, affordable prices, consumers already have confidence in these products and are affordable by individual purchasing power (Richard, 2015). For students who come from underprivileged families, they can apply for a fee reduction with conditions determined by the school. The fee relief provided varies from around twenty percent to fifty percent, considering the income situation of the students’ parents.
The quality of production can be interpreted that the qualifications of goods that aim to fulfill people’s desires can even exceed what is expected by consumers. The quality of the product has several factors, namely: First, performance related to the main function of the product. Second, the reliability of a product is related to the condition of the goods or products that have a function according to a predetermined time. The three product characteristics can be interpreted as secondary, namely the form of a product will always change and innovate in accordance with the times and technology and in the realm of providing consumer satisfaction. The fourth is durability or durability in the sense that goods or products when used by consumers can last a long time. Fifth, there is consistency, namely the standardization of a product that is the same as the size or standard set. Sixth, it is easy to repair a product when it is damaged. The seventh is aesthetics, namely when a product can be seen, felt, and heard. Eighth, there is perceived quality, namely the compatibility of the quality specified in a product.
The price of a product is a benchmark in determining buying and selling power. Price is also interpreted as the amount of money exchanged for a product and service. There are three price measures that can be used as a basis, namely: the existence of similarity and compatibility between price and quality of goods, the existence of price competition, in the sense of a comparison of a product and competitors’ prices and prices in accordance with its benefits.
Marketing will become more attractive to consumers, including when there is an attractive promotion from the manufacturer or company that produces the product. The promotion can be done through electronic media, social media, advertisements, sales promotions, or directly to the public as users. The purchase intention is an encouragement from someone to act or buy a product. Factors in buying interest are the consumer’s consideration for purchasing a product, the intention to try an item, the planning to purchase goods, and interest in using a product.
In the 4.0 era, marketing was excited by the online system, namely by utilizing technological sophistication via the internet. Marketing with an online system provides several conveniences including ease of communication, easy cancellation of orders, easy payment systems, accuracy and speed of delivery and other conveniences (Hesti, 2018). But behind some of the conveniences provided by the online system, there are several weaknesses that this system has, including when there are indications of fraud and others. Some people still use an offline system that is considered safe and simple. In online-based marketing, there is a great need for mutual trust between sellers and product buyers.
Budgeting or budgeting is planning which is usually in the short term or one year with measurements using financial policy rules. A budget can also be interpreted as planning within a certain period of time which is applied in the form of numbers, official and structured. In compiling a budget, an organization must understand the work plan and the achievements of the targets designed (Chelsea, 2017). The effectiveness and efficiency of the use of finance in an organization or company depends on the management and planning of the budget which is usually used for operational purposes, spending, and other activities (Made, 2015).
Standard Operating Prosedures
In the standard operational process, there is also selecting and analyzing things that are considered important and discarding those that are not in accordance with predetermined standards. Standard operating procedures also prevent errors from occurring, improve and control the quality and performance of employees, and every operational activity must be effective and efficient. The function and benefits of SOP are that it can assess a company’s compliance with standards and is also known by employees. With SOP processes can also be evaluated and improved according to existing standards. SOP also guarantees that there are no findings that could harm the institution or company, provide official protection guarantees, and minimize system differences that can affect production and quality control effectively and efficiently.
SOP also assists in increasing employee resources by providing collaborative training and continuously evaluating employee performance. SOP in the realm of operational performance can be interpreted as identifying any changes and evaluating performance. The existence of SOP is also the basis or reference in carrying out the work method that has been determined. The benefits of SOP include being able to analyze and reduce the many mistakes that occur in a company or institution. There are several factors that are important in order to achieve the goals of the organization that must have an organized SOP, namely regarding staffing, directing, leadership, and organizational culture.
- Staffing and Directing
The term staff or staffing is closely related to effective human resource development, employee recruitment, training, development, and utilization (Syaiful, 2008). In the function of carrying out their duties and obligations, staff or staffing has an important role because it relates to the placement of personnel. Staffing is a strategic key in human resource management, especially regarding the recruitment and selection of employees. In the hiring and selection process, organizations select and screen new employees. An organization has several ways in the selection process, including based on diplomas, experience, and abilities. Staffing is also called structuralization, which relates to someone who sits in the organizational structure, organizes personnel according to position, rank, position and authority (Saefullah, 2019).
From an educational perspective, staffing is a system whose components are interconnected with structural management processes. The leader of every team in the organization is responsible for the entire structure. In the staffing system, authority and responsibility are in accordance with the division of their respective duties. With regard to human resources, companies make changes such as hiring new employees according to the skills needed, firing employees who cannot meet standards, or perhaps providing retraining to learn the skills needed. Recruitment and training of new employees really need to be done to implement the strategies needed in the company. While briefing/directing briefings so employees can work effectively, also leadership, motivation, and guidance activities. Fulfillment of personal and group goals by integrating the efforts of members of a group so that through briefings it can run successfully. In a business perspective, direction is a management process of leader activities that aims to motivate and direct subordinates to achieve their goals (Basri, 2005).
In carrying out their duties as employees, the leadership provides direction in the form of plans that have been made and orders. The information provided must also be complete and certain, but concise. Strong leadership, good communication, and the participation of subordinates are the duties of a manager in giving full direction. More directives on realizing actions and giving orders are then carried out, as well as motivation for personnel in carrying out these orders (Ahmad Zanni, 2008). To achieve organizational goals in implementing strategy, directing employees is carried out so that their abilities and skills can be carried out effectively and efficiently.
There is direction for employees to carry out tasks according to what they should be done, for what purpose, and how to do the work. While some of the characteristics of the direction are: Pervasive Function is a guide and direction from the manager and is accepted at all levels of the organization. Continuous Activity is directing managers who are carried out continuously and continuously within the organization. Creative Activity, namely changing planning into an action. Executive Function – subordinate instructions from superiors, in the sense of directives carried out while working in the company at all levels from all managers. Delegated Function direction that is more focused on the behavior of subordinates, so that superiors can condition employee behavior towards the desired goal, because behavior is unpredictable and natural. The most urgent thing about directing is that work is not only aimed at working alone, but there is an effort to develop morale and subordinates are willing to give everything (Winardi, 1990).
- Leadership and Organizational Culture
In an organization leadership is the ability to influence, foster, guide, direct, advise, train, order, order, prohibit, move, motivate, even punish people who are part of the organization to achieve goals themselves and the organization so that they are achieved effectively and efficiently. Imam Machali, 2016). Leadership is not only about the skills possessed, but also the skills and level of influencing someone. Leaders or managers who have charisma with self-confidence that emanates from themselves, have authority, have a calm demeanor, and have unlimited power are also used to change the behavior of subordinates. Leadership is said to be effective if it can be placed in accordance with the leadership model and style, and adapts to the work environment. If a manager is described as a ladder to achieve a goal, then leadership is described as like a wall or pillar on which to lean on something (Abudin Nata, 2018).
There is something very important that must be done by leaders in the organization, namely creating and managing organizational culture. In the organizational culture of values, organizational norms have a significant impact on the people who are in the organization (Maschal, 2014). This is based because it can influence employees or subordinates in thinking, behaving, and feeling in the organization. The basic assumptions found and developed by old members for new members in the organizational culture are created and developed so that the organization can deal with internal and external problems by understanding, thinking and feeling about these problems.
Organizational culture in its definition is transmitted to each new personnel in the form of norms, beliefs, and values that form the basis of the organization, as well as the way of learning of people in the organization which is the glue and characteristic of the organization that can distinguish one organization from another. Cecep, 2015). Organizational culture is formed when members of the organization interact, then values, norms, beliefs, and ways of thinking together (Wayne, 2014). The great influence of organizational culture is to change the direction of its strategy because of its strong influence on the behavior of all employees. If in the company there are opposition parties to the adopted organizational culture, then it is likely to affect the success of the mission, goals, and strategies or policies of a company. Leaders who have advantages such as strong skills and knowledge, and are able to carry out their duties effectively, will naturally change the values, behavior and attitudes of their subordinates. This makes it easier to achieve the expected direction and goals, both from leaders and subordinates (Moo and Rasyad, 2015).
There is a very close relationship between organizational culture and education, in the sense that both are in the same way, namely values. Humans have always been members of society and support certain cultures, while education is always related to humans. The concept of education elevates humans as cultural beings, namely beings who have the ability to create cultural values and cultural functions and education is the activity of conveying values.
The behavior of members in the realm of organizational culture influences achievement and will affect the effectiveness of achieving organizational goals (Uus, 2008). It can be concluded that organizational culture influences organizational effectiveness. Although it has been agreed in many previous studies that organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction, recently some researchers in their findings argue that there is a less significant and weak relationship between organizational culture and employee performance (Lies , 2008). Organizational culture can sometimes be said to be strong and can also be weak.
While the standard operating procedure is a guide that is used as a reference in carrying out daily activities in an organization, which includes processes, tasks, and roles that are structured and systematic. Standard operating procedures can also be interpreted as recording an activity, effective implementation, consistent flow of information, which aims so that everyone in an organization or company can form a self-discipline (Lilliana and Alfin, 2019).
Public Interest
Sociologically, the public is characterized by the existence of groups of individuals who have the same interests/desires, the will to solve problems together, and achieve goals together as well. In communication science (public relations), the public is defined as a group of people who have the same interests and concerns (Zenal, 2000). In this case the interest of the community/in educational institutions is something that really needs attention. This is because people are smart in choosing educational institutions for their children. So that educational institutions must compete to improve the quality of institutions in order to compete with other educational institutions.
Educational issues, including the management of Islamic Education require real government action as a form of public policy. Programs, actions or public policies in the field of Islamic Education carried out by the government are one of the substantive areas of public policy studies. This is also part of the Study Management Study of Islamic Education (Tatang, 2021). This shows that the implementation of public policy can be studied in the management of Islamic Education, so that the Management of Islamic Education has a contribution to policy, especially in Education.
Program Development
Program development carried out at Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School includes fulfilling graduate competencies. Among them are increasing the average national exam score by adding study hours, carrying out test trials, and coaching students with special abilities. Apart from that, it also improves academic achievement by coaching participation in the Olympics and collaborating with universities or other educational institutions that are capable of academic development. Not only that, the principal also supports the increase in non-academic achievements such as sports, arts, extracurriculars and involving students in non-academic competitions. Ayib Mubtadiin as the deputy principal of the student affairs section also explained that the steps taken with the academic and non-academic programs were intended to improve the quality of students so as to be able to attract users of Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School education services.
The development of human resources for both educators and education staff is carried out by carrying out training on developing teaching materials, developing IT-based learning, developing learning media, training on literacy in writing scientific papers, developing the latest learning models, archiving and library training for education staff. So that the continuous development of educators and education staff is included in the main program of Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School. As’ad as the education staff at the Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School added that every time there is an education staff development program, the school principal requests that representatives of the education staff take part in the activity.
Another development that is also a priority is the development of facilities and infrastructure. Among them are the fulfillment of study rooms, comfortable green open spaces, computer laboratories and other educational infrastructure. Imron Rosadi also focused on developing facilities and infrastructure because he realized that this would support teaching and learning activities. Related to lobbying for proposals and other things, it is always done to ease the funding burden for schools and foundations.
Next is the marketing program for the Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School to be able to attract consumers, including by distributing brochures, putting up banners, conducting socialization in both public and private institutions, and also to the community, although structurally the Foundation already has an Islamic Elementary School which is one of the biggest inputs. . Marketing is also carried out through social media such as websites, Instagram and conducting training or try outs together and in collaboration with airlangga publishers. In the try out, a fee reduction or dispensation will be given to participants whose scores are in the top ten. Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School also provides free fees for prospective students whose parents teach and work at the SMP.
The budget at Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School is managed by the SMP itself which begins with submitting a school budget plan to the foundation for approval. Furthermore, the approved budget can be operationalized under the supervision of the foundation and accountable to the foundation. The financial sources for Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School come from the Central School Operational Assistance (BOS), and the school committee. The percentage of Central BOS revenue with funds from school committees starting from the 2017/2018 academic year to 2020/2021 is as follows:
The budget is intended for the use of goods and services in the form of teacher salaries, educational staff, consumables, honorarium for extracurricular trainers and expenses for meeting educational standards. Imron Rosadi also provided information that in the process of income and expenses this was still under the supervision of the foundation. This aims to control the use of the Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School budget.
Meanwhile, teachers, education staff or other committees in submitting a budget must make a plan and submit it to the school principal. The budget proposed by the Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School relates to practical materials for all majors, ATK for teaching and learning activities, office needs, osis activities during the semester. Ida as treasurer of Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School also stated that budget proposals for class meeting activities were often not approved by the school, besides that budget proposals were also related to PHBI or PHBN. Funding related to the largest budget is in the form of consumables such as markers, ink and paper. In submitting a budget, it is usually examined first by the relevant officials so that it can be used as a formal budget. The budget is the most important economic tool in increasing and directing improvements in the social and economic fields, increasing the standard of living of citizens and continuing guarantees from the government.
Standard Operating Procedures
Standard operating procedures at Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School are based on or follow what has been set by the education office, while the implementation of SOPs in daily activities is influenced by Islamic boarding schools which lead to the morals of students in a positive perspective. When an error is detected, based on the SOP, improvements will be made immediately. In improving human resources, the Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School sometimes sends educators or students to take part in training or training organized by related parties. However, Endah stated that the implementation of standard operational processes at Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School could not be maximized and needed to make improvements towards a better direction.
The implementation of the strategy carried out by the Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School above has a good effect in increasing public interest in entrusting their children to Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School. Data that increase students as follows:
In recruiting employees or staff, in the sense of educational and non-educational staff at Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School, the principal carries out several stages, including prospective employees or staff are asked to make job applications, find out the applicant’s track record, morals, achievements, values of struggle , and the most important thing is about ideology. Ideology is very important in the requirements for applying to Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School, because it is related to radicalism which is becoming a crucial topic of discussion, both in electronic media and in society. Morality is also a requirement that is taken into account in hiring employees, because Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School is under the auspices of a foundation affiliated with the Islamic boarding school. The values of the struggle are also questioned in the staff or employee recruitment system, in terms of the extent to which potential applicants interpret the struggle in developing and advancing education which incidentally is under the auspices of the foundation. Meanwhile, a formal degree can follow along with the experience you have.
Leadership at Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School is more in a democratic style, in the sense that there is solid cooperation between stakeholders and subordinates. Ayib Mubtadiin as the head of student affairs at Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School stated that the principal always listens to the aspirations of his subordinates and makes improvements together. In giving rewards to subordinates, a leader does not only give gifts, but can also be in the form of praise, promotions, and others. Leadership according to experts has a different meaning from the manager. If the manager is more concerned with his duties, namely realizing what has been set by the leadership, while the leadership has the task of directing, establishing the vision, mission, goals, and programs that are the references to be achieved.
The school culture that is instilled in Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School tends to be student culture, because Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School is under the auspices of the Hidayatul Mubtadiin Islamic Boarding School, this has a positive effect on students in building personality. Other cultures that have become part of the values or norms at Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School include performing dhuha prayers, routinely making pilgrimages to guardians every year, and at the end of every Thursday at the end of the month students wear the santri version of clothing with batik clothes and sarong.
Program development at Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School consists of developing graduate competencies, developing human resources, developing facilities and infrastructure and developing marketing programs. The development of this program aims to attract consumers of educational services and entrust their children and children to these institutions. Richard explained that consumers have a desire to buy a product when they see quality goods or offered, there are large discounts, affordable prices, consumers already have confidence in these products and are affordable by individual purchasing power (Richard, 2015). This quality and quality must be developed if Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School wants to increase public interest.
The budget at Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School is designed according to the needs during the learning process. The draft budget must obtain approval and supervision from the Ngunut Islamic Boarding School Foundation before it can be used and distributed. The approval and supervision of the Foundation aims to ensure that the use of the budget is on target. This is evidenced by the existence of short, medium and long term plans. Chelsea revealed that in carrying out planning, it is usually in the short term or one year with measurements using financial policy rules. A budget can also be interpreted as planning within a certain period of time which is applied in the form of numbers, official and structured. In compiling a budget, an organization must understand the work plan and the achievements of the targets designed (Chelsea, 2017).
Standard operating procedures in Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School include improving human resources. This is done starting with the recruitment process of educators and educational staff in accordance with the rules that have been made. Among them are carrying out several stages, including prospective employees or staff being asked to make job applications, knowing the applicant’s track record, morals, achievements, values of struggle, and most importantly regarding ideology. A. Mello (2006) has a minimum standard of recruitment by looking at diplomas, experience and abilities. Because a good start will facilitate the placement of teaching personnel and educational staff, or better known as staffing.
School culture, such as instilling a culture of students, congregational Duha prayers, and pilgrimages to guardians is one of the strategies to improve the spiritual quality of students. This is intended so that students who graduate from Islamic Middle School Sunan Gunung Jati have both academic and non-academic skills. The implementation of this culture must be carried out jointly by adhering to the vision and mission of the school. Wayne (2014) says that when organizational members interact, values, norms, beliefs, and ways of thinking are formed together. So that the entire academic community must be able to work together so that this organizational culture can be formed so that it can be embedded in students.
The implementation of the strategy of Islamic education institutions to increase public interest in the Sunan Gunung Jati Ngunut Tulungagung Islamic Middle School is carried out in three ways, namely program development, budget and standard operating procedures. Program development includes improving the quality of graduates, the quality of educators and education staff, facilities and infrastructure to support the learning process. Meanwhile, with regard to the budget, schools must plan carefully regarding the source of funds and expenses to suit their needs. This is accompanied by periodic supervision from the foundation so that the approved budget goes according to plan. While standard operational procedures function as rules and steps in the process of running an educational institution. Starting from the recruitment of educators and educational staff, placement of personnel in positions according to ability, organizational culture to the leadership of the school principal. So that the contribution from the implementation of this strategy is able to increase the public interest of Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School.
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- Yun Zhang, Study on the Innovational Function of The Management, dalam International Jurnal of Business and Management, Vol.4, No. 6, Juni, 2009
Strategy Implementation of Islamic Education Institutions in Increasing Public Interest in Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School
Muhson1, Agus Zaenul Fitri2, Moh Nashihudin3
1,2 UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
3 STAI KH. Muhammad Ali Shodiq Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 01 January 2023
Article Date Published : 10 January 2023 | Page No.: 32-39
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe in depth the implementation of the strategy of Islamic educational institutions in increasing public interest which focuses on developing programs, budgets, and standard operating procedures at Islamic Middle School Sunan Gunung Jati Ngunut Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia to increase public interest. This study uses a qualitative approach with a type of field research or field research. While collecting data using observation, interviews, data, and documentation. Data analysis using descriptive analysis method. The results of this study indicate that strategic implementation includes 1) program development including the fulfillment of graduate competencies, sustainable development of human resources for both educators and education staff, development of facilities and infrastructure, and priority in marketing programs. 2) Budget which includes budget management and planning in accordance with procedures, starting from budget preparation, foundation approval, analyzing budget sources (central BOS and committees) to the use of the budget for both goods and services. 3) SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) follows the rules set by the education office. In addition, the process of implementing SOP is influenced by Islamic boarding schools which lead to positive student morals. The results above show that the implementation of the strategy of Islamic education institutions in the form of program development, budgets, and standard operating procedures has had a positive impact in the realm of education at Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School in increasing public interest.
Keywords :
Strategy Implementation, Program Development, Budget, Marketing and SOP (Standard Operating Procedures), public interestReferences :
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Author's Affiliation
Muhson1, Agus Zaenul Fitri2, Moh Nashihudin3
1,2 UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
3 STAI KH. Muhammad Ali Shodiq Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 01 January 2023
- Page No.: 32-39
- Published : 10 January 2023
- DOI:
How to Cite :
Strategy Implementation of Islamic Education Institutions in Increasing Public Interest in Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Middle School. Muhson, Agus Zainul Fitri Moh Nashihudin , 3(1), 32-39. Retrieved from
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