Social System of Herbal Distribution in Structural Functionalism Approach in Makassar City
Mustar1, Syamsuddin AB2
1Social Faculty, Sipatokkong Mambo Bone University
2Social Welfare, State Islamic University Alauddin Makassar
ABSTRACT: Counseling on traditional medicine clinics received positive responses, especially the elderly. The aim of the research was to study the process of distributing herbal users from the healing aspect in Makassar City. The approach used was using five informants. Data obtained through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation, then analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.
The results of this study indicate that: the social system in distribution is carried out by herbal officers in Makassar City, namely; 1). Doing with the marketing system, 2). Spread using marketing, 3). Conduct a survey on advertising. While the supports in the herbal distribution process are: Excellent service methods, human resource development, facilities and infrastructure related to the availability of herbal facilities, and the establishment of a good work culture. Thus the behavior of herbal officers in carrying out their duties as alternative officers in the implementation of herbal users from a healing aspect, and cannot be separated from local wisdom, namely sipakatau, sigunakannge and sipakalebbi.
KEYWORDS: Social System, Distribution, Herbs, Structural Functionalism
In the modern era, using traditional medicine is not only used by people with weak economic abilities, but also people from the upper economic class. in reality based on herbal clinic data that visiting patients have varied economic backgrounds, there are patients with high, medium and low economics. The social system of healing certainly uses tools and habits, materials and simple methods such as the pasak bumi herb. Herbal medicine is an alternative to traditional community medicine. Traditional is everything such as tools, beliefs, habits, teachings and so on that have been passed down from generation to generation (Poerwadar Minta, 1976: 76).
This traditional nature can be seen from the way of treatment that uses simple tools passed down from generation to generation and is carried out with experience. Based on the functions, benefits and motives that are adapted to the conditions of the local community seen from their development. The use of herbs is of course divided into two, namely traditional medicine and modern medicine. Especially in traditional medicine, there are many types or names that we can see with a variety of options available to be used. Herbal medicine has become one of and has even become the choice of some people who believe in its efficacy and prowess in curing various diseases. By using simple measuring tools and materials such as leaves to cure various kinds of diseases from simple to serious (chronic) diseases, through experienced mediators called tengkorong (belian). (Mariyono, 2003: 3). Based on the observation that the condition of the development of traditional herbs that are used by the community for body care, is considered to be in conflict
with modern medicine, one of which will cause underutilization of health services. Thus, rationally, herbal medicine is an alternative form of treatment that is trusted and can be reached by all groups and is an ancestral heritage that has been passed down from generation to generation and is used as a tradition that is maintained by the community.
The use of herbs is a method used by BKTM officers and Herbal Clinics in an effort to heal by using traditional tools and equipment, providing convenience, efficiency and effectiveness in facilitating treatment. According to Sarwono (1992) that in developing countries like Indonesia there is still one more stage that many sufferers pass before they come to health workers, namely by going to a traditional healer for treatment. Hasan (2002) sees that traditional medicine is the treatment that people prefer in health because of economic conditions, so that they consider everything in making a decision to seek treatment, reality shows that because of economic problems medical care is underutilized because it is considered treatment for people who earn and can meet daily needs. According to Sudjaswadi (2008) one of the decision makers about treatment is influenced by economic factors.Based on the results of observations and the reality in the field that patients choose BKTM and Herbal Clinics as a place to cure their illness, there are several factors, namely: a). There is a fear in a person of medical treatment by means of surgery, because they think surgery has a high risk of death so they are more interested in traditional medicine which, according to the experience of previous people, shows that traditional medicine through herbs has been proven to cure many times, so many people who believe in the efficacy of traditional medicine, b). The existence of public belief about every disease that is difficult to cure with medicine is medically considered an extraordinary disease, because of the tendency to assume that for any disease that cannot be treated or cured, then one of the alternative treatments is traditional medicine. Traditional medicine is still trusted apart from being built on the basis of a belief and belief. The choice of herbal medicine is an element of regional culture influenced by different factors.The community’s mindset has dynamically developed to understand the functions and benefits of herbs in overcoming the types of illnesses suffered, causing them to want to visit Herbal Clinics and BKTM. In this case, change occurs because of the emergence of pressures on groups, individuals, or organizations. He concluded that the power of pressure will be met with a resistance to change. Change can occur by strengthening the driving forces and weakening resistance to change. The role of the change agent is very important in providing driving force. Community members affected by hypertension have taken preventive measures so that hypertension can be normal, not only chemical drugs but have started consuming herbs to maintain stamina (Dewi Purnamasari, 2011: 34). Currently, traditional medicine is in great demand by the public, so that the supply of herbal (traditional medicine) is quite high. The services of BKTM and Herbal Clinic officers aim to restore individual health so that they can recover quickly. Thus, officer services emphasize efforts to take actions that can have a positive influence on individual behavior, so that individual behavior is able to show attitudes and a culture of healthy living. One of the important things that need to get the attention of health practitioners is how individuals or communities use traditional healing services. According to the “Department of Education and Welfare”, USA cited by Damhar (2002), factors that influence service utilization are regional and residence factors, factors from the service system concerned, factors for herbal clinic facilities, factors from consumers who use services including age , gender and marital status, sociopsychological factors including attitudes or perceptions of health services in general, knowledge and sources of information from health services), economic factors and ease of accessing health services. Suchman’s theory concerns social patterns of behavior that appear in the way people seek, find, and perform treatment (Muzaham, 1995:45).Social and economic conditions affect people in utilizing health services. According to Parsons that disease can not only be seen as a pathophysiological process but can also be seen as a social symptom. When people fall ill, according to Parsons, they accept a social role. The role is marked by 4 role expectations namely; that sick people have no responsibility for their condition, b). They are freed from some of their social obligations, they want to escape from the role of being sick and want to get well soon, they are asked to seek help and follow the advice of competent officials. (Waitzkin, 1993: 20). In social life, every individual must have a relationship with other people, this relationship in sociology is called social interaction. Social interaction is the essence of social life. The thing that underlies social interaction is social action. As living beings always perform actions to achieve certain goals. The action taken is an act, behavior, or action carried out by humans throughout their life in order to achieve certain goals. According to Max Weber, there is a shift in pressure towards beliefs, motivations, and goals in members of society, all of which give content and form to their behavior.The people of Makassar City are already advanced, where science is learned through education, both formal and non-formal. Meanwhile, in traditional society, more knowledge is obtained by inheriting it from generation to generation. Thus, as citizens who experience the process of socialization and interaction in the daily social arena, of course, in an open community life environment there is the possibility of exchanging knowledge and experience as a legacy from previous generations. Treatment techniques that are often forgotten by health workers are ethics as part of the treatment process. Ethics is one of the useful medical techniques in improving the quality of one’s health. Muslim scientists indeed equate ethics with health behavior, both in terms of interests and methods. Nowadays, many people who feel sick then go for treatment. They don’t see the ethical aspect as a way of treatment. This could be because not many people know the technique or because the cultural trend of modern society today places more emphasis on aspects of physical health so that ethical techniques as part of health medicine are getting very little attention. In order to maintain health, things to pay attention to are: carefully looking for good friends and not getting bad friends because once we get bad friends we will undoubtedly steal their character without realizing it, maintaining alertness of the mind by exercising our mind so as not to fall into the trap of laziness, maintaining purity and honor by not stimulating lust, synchronizing between plans and actions so as not to get tangled up in a network of bad habits, trying to improve oneself by constantly correcting one’s shortcomings. Building ethics in the traditional medicine marketing system through treatment can also be developed through the context of creating a healthy social environment such as communication, association and interaction. build a healthy environment and culture. Thus what is explored in this research is the social systems in the distribution of herbs in the city of Makassar.
The process of spreading innovation certainly depends on several things, including the social, economic and cultural conditions of the community. The influence of technological and economic innovations causes changes in structure, or more concretely, changes in social class as a result of social mobility, especially social mobility in society. (Ritzer, George. 1995. In addition, local wisdom related to the utilization of the home environment by planting various plants such as vegetables and fruits should be revitalized. (East Java Provincial Tourism Office, 1993). Communities have social dynamics for emergence the insistence on continuous social behavior, it turns out, is also rooted in its ideological mission, namely the ideals to uphold social law are two sides that cannot be separated from transcendence, (Kuntowijoyo, 1994; 338).In every society, with any structure and system in At any historical stage, the aspirations for humanization, emancipation, liberation and transcendence will always motivate the movement as well as the types of medicinal plants that can be used to treat various types of diseases. Medicinal plants have the effect of cleansing and neutralizing heat and toxins, improving blood circulation. , (Titin Rahayu, 2011: 27) In Indonesia, one of the s One plant that is used as herbal medicine so that people use it is frangipani flower, this plant is used as herbal medicine besides being used as a service. (Hernati Avriza, 2011; 27). . These new elements are introduced to society in two ways, namely by new discoveries (inventions) that occur in society and the influence of other communities. (Adham Nasution, 1983; 155). This can be seen in members of the community who are 35 years old who experience vaginal discharge. This type of disease is one of the reasons for carrying out herbal preventive measures by using sepatan sari herbs whose ingredients are turmeric, tapak liman root, bluntas leaves, meeting wood, cumin, betel leaves which are processed into jamu sepatan sari, (Salim lubis, 1995:101). On the other hand, the types of plants that are used as herbs to protect against pest attacks, of course, are carried out by spraying carbaryl, malathion or dimethoate two or three times a week. while the heavily infested plants were sprayed with the insecticide mesurol 50 WP, (Team Karya Tani Mandiri, 2010:76). In this way, of course, the plants used as herbal medicines will thrive, the leaves will grow a thousand green leaves ready to be picked for herbal medicine (Rahmat Rukmana; 2013). By planning this form of social behavior on purpose, the system is clearer because it can be programmed by looking at the changes that occur in the process of making plants into herbs (Soe’oed, R. Diniarti; 1999).
Using Herbs For Social Change
Humans cannot escape from relationships with other humans, as a result of the relationships that occur between individuals (humans) give birth to social groups (social groups) based on common interests. Not that all human associations can be said to be social groups. To say social groups there are certain requirements. In a social group whose society has been structured, changes will occur, in this arrangement it is a necessity because change is something that absolutely happens wherever it is. ( Sztompka Piotr; 2007). When people walk after eating is not bad at all, on the contrary a leisurely walk after eating helps in digestion of food, weight control is very good for people who have flatulation problems (gas in the stomach), but walking immediately after eating will make the digestive system it is difficult to absorb nutrients from the food we eat but wait at least thirty minutes to an hour after eating and then walking, there will be a change in body condition after eating (Myra Puspitorini; 2011; 8). The reality of changes in society can be analyzed from various aspects, including: in which direction is the change in society moving (direction of change), what is clear is that the change is moving away from the factor being changed, but after leaving that factor, the change may move to something a new form, but may also move to a form that already existed in the past. Jamu gendong, for example, is a traditional medicine that has been known to the people of the island of Java since ancient times and has even spread to areas of the island of Java. Jamu gendong is made very simply, such as kencur rice, lempuyang chilies, turmeric tamarind and the like, which of course maintains the body’s stamina to stay healthy. (Rahmat Rukmana, 2003:10)Social change in society is not an outcome or product but a process. The flowers used are usually seven kinds of setaman flowers, telon flowers which consist of three kinds of flowers, namely jasmine, ylang and cempaka. Saleh, 2010: 77). Social change is a joint decision taken by community members. The concept of group dynamics is an interesting topic for understanding social change. Maintaining the structure of the body has been done by our ancestors for a long time so that the stamina of the body remains healthy, such as consuming betel, areca nut, gambier, tobacco and whiting which of course has benefits for dental health, as well as boils, paralysis, cavities, the types of herbs used are of course frangipani flowers. . (Sudarman Mardisiswojo, 1985:115). In the past, the symbols used to maintain the structure of the body so that it remains culturally healthy was galangal. Galangal is a symbol for improving body structure, herbal galangal certainly has the benefit of maintaining a healthy body condition, galangal has benefits such as neutralizing poisons (antitoxic), reducing heat (antipyretic), eliminating pain, straightening coughs, straightening urine, mushroom medicine, chase the body, strengthen the stomach, and increase appetite. (Daily Arief, 2012:95).
Structural Functionalism Theory
According to Parsons (1985: 21) that society is composed of parts such as hospitals, schools and the like which are divided based on their function, society is like an organization, living things can be healthy or sick, he is healthy if the parts of him have togetherness with one another. each other if there are parts that are no longer united collectively then the health of the community is threatened or sick. Society tends to lead to a state of equilibrium or homestasis, thus disturbances in one part create adjustments in other parts to achieve harmonization or stability. Likewise, plants have a diversity of medicinal plants that exist, there are several plants that have different names and types, therefore it is important to know the types of plants used for herbs. (Arief Hariana, 2012:5).According to Durkheim (in Poloma, 1984) that human groups have individual characteristics, assess a modern society, have certain existing functions or needs, as a whole organism and if the functions are not fulfilled then a state of pathology will develop. (Turner, 1982). According to Kingsley (in Ritzer, 2007). about the theory of functional stratification that there is no society that is not stratified or classless, all societies need a system that causes a stratification system, a social stratification system is a structure and people who occupy special positions need to be rewarded for the good of society. (Ritzer and Goodman, 2009). Talcott Parsons then made assumptions in four action systems to realize the AGIL scheme, namely: behavioral organisms, namely action systems that carry out adaptation functions (A), by adjusting to and changing the external environment. The personality system is an action system that carries out goal attainment (G) by setting system goals and mobilizing resources to achieve them. The social system is tackling the function of integration (I) by controlling the parts into its components. The cultural system is carrying out the pattern maintenance function (L) by providing actors with a set of norms and values that motivate them to act. The system tends towards maintaining self-balance which includes maintaining boundaries and maintaining relationships between parts and the whole system. One example of an efficacious herbal medicinal plant is garlic, which has a unified system that is used as herbal medicine (Handriani Kristanti, 2012: 166). Parsons describes a number of functional requirements of a social system. First, to maintain its survival, a social system must obtain the necessary support from other systems. Second, the social system must be structured (organized) in such a way that it can operate in a harmonious relationship with other systems. Third, the social system must have and meet the needs of its actors in significant proportions. Fourth, the system must be able to produce adequate participation from its members. Fifth, the social system must be able to control potentially disruptive behavior. Sixth, if the conflict will cause chaos it must be controlled. Seventh, for its survival, the social system requires discussion.
Traditional Medicine
The Ministry of Health divides traditional medicines into two groups, namely 1). The herbal medicine group is traditional medicines whose raw materials are simplicia, most of which have not been standardized and have never been studied. The forms are still simple, in the form of steeping powder, chopped for steeping and so on. 2). The phylotherapy group, which is better known as the phytopharmaca group, is a traditional medicine whose raw material is simplicia which has undergone standardization and research has been carried out on its preparations. (Taufik H. Tadjoedin, 2002). Using medicinal plants, there are several things that need to be considered so that the results of the treatment can be maximized, namely the time of collection; leaves are collected when the plant is flowering and before the fruit is ripe. Flowers are collected before or immediately after blooming. The fruit is picked when it is ripe. Seeds are collected from perfectly ripe fruit. Roots, rhizomes (rhizome), tubers (tubers), and tubers (bulbs) are collected when the plant process stops. (Setijo Pitojo, 2006:31).
Research studies use descriptive research types. This type makes it easier for researchers to reveal the occurrence of social behavior to use herbs in prevention, treatment and healing. This data source is collected from primary sources and secondary sources to achieve research objectives. Primary data sources are the main data sources used to capture various data and information related to the focus of the research under study. The selection of key informants will consider: BKTM Officers and Herbal Clinics, Officers who have experience and knowledge in accordance with the problems studied, Registered as patients in BKTM and Herbal Clinic. The instrument in research is the researcher himself because humans as instruments in research are useful if they are fulfilled, among others: the person concerned has a responsive attitude, has the ability to adapt, emphasizes wholeness (utilizes his imagination and creativity) and summarizes and takes advantage of opportunities to seek unusual and idiosyncratic responses. (Moleong,l996). Data collection techniques are natural. To increase the depth of the research, the researcher uses structural functional theory by Tallcon Parsons as Grounded Theory. Regarding data analysis techniques obtained from the research field, a qualitative analysis was carried out by means of a narrative description. (Abu Hamid, 2003). The next steps are the data analysis of the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions.
The social system in terms of distributing and promoting traditional or herbal medicines certainly has its own way of using traditional medicines to cure various diseases, this is explained as follows:
Marketing System.
As it is known that the marketing system is the implementation of the business world that directs goods and services from producers to consumers or users or in other words a social process where individuals and groups get what they need, and they want by creating and maintaining products and value with individuals. and other groups, as well as planning, pricing, promoting, and distributing herbs. Based on observations and the results of interviews with researchers, the herbal distribution system certainly prepares various things, such as: a). Prepare a plan or strategy, b). Carry out the plan, c). Conduct evaluation, analyze and supervise the plan in its implementation. The use of herbal distribution can support success by incorporating three main elements, such as consumer orientation or herbal users, profitable sales volume, and integrated coordination of all distribution activities. In this case, of course, it refers to determining the basic needs of patients to be served and fulfilled, determining products and distribution programs, conducting assessments on consumers to measure, assess and interpret their desires and behavior. In reality, in making decisions regarding the herbal distribution system that has been implemented so far by BKTM, namely pricing of herbal medicines, herbal products for types of disease, distribution of herbal medicines to regions, and promotion of the efficacy of herbal medicines. The decision making was inseparable from the influence of the external environment, such as the development of herbal clinics in Makassar City and other areas. Rational decisions in the herbal distribution system require a consistent and logical decision process in distributing herbs. There are several things that are done before distributing herbs, such as: a) Defining the problem, in this case herbal officers always have the ability to identify problems and opportunities earlier so that the implementation is more effective, b). Formulate various alternative possibilities that will occur, c). Suggesting an action plan, in this case when making a decision, an action plan to implement the decision to determine strategic steps for distributing herbs, d). The action plan might be able to find a number of things related to the distribution of herbs which will later include important factors and then include them at a later stage. Thus, the herbal distribution system through the marketing system aims to change the source of herbal products that can meet the needs of the community.
Using marketing
Decision making in the field of marketing is always related to marketing. Based on the results of in-depth interviews that there are several things that are done in the marketing section, namely. a). Market introduction in marketing. The main pressure from marketing is the community because in the end the products offered lead to the local community, the products delivered by marketing will have an important influence on the community regarding price, promotion and distribution because they are tied to the prices of herbs and other ingredients. The influence of marketing efforts carried out by marketing is highly dependent on the efficacy of herbal medicines, the greater the effort expended in marketing to offer to the public, the greater the public’s interest in visiting herbal clinics. BKTM officers and the Herbal Clinic have taken strategic steps in the herbal distribution marketing system, namely assigning staff to go out in the field to promote herbs to areas, especially the people of Makassar City. Thus the marketing strategy steps taken certainly earn the respect of the community, this is in reality proven that every time the BKTM and the Herbal Clinic are visited by the community for healing, treatment and disease prevention.
Advertising is part of marketing carried out by BKTM and Herbal Clinics in herbal distribution systems such as product types, market characteristics, competitive conditions. With these various factors, each clinic certainly has differences in advertising activities. Advertising is one aspect of communicating the distribution of herbs to the community, especially people who live in Makassar City. Before determining the advertising budget and planning, of course, the leadership of the BKTM and the herbal clinic will first determine whether advertising needs to be done. As a result of the advertising carried out by BKTM and the Herbal Clinic in the herbal distribution system, it can encourage people to carry out healing, treatment and prevention based on the type of disease they are suffering from. Social and environmental factors that support trends in demand for herbal products are often more important than the amount of advertising costs, besides that advertising can align the demand that occurs. BKTM and the Herbal Clinic conduct advertising so that the wider community, especially the people of Makassar City, know and find customers. The purpose of advertising for herbs depends on the stages in the product life cycle. All of this is aimed at maintaining the market position of these herbal products. Thus advertising of herbal products or traditional ingredients is carried out to provide awareness to the public about the existence of efficacious herbal products, encourage distribution, and show the public. Advertising carried out by BKTM and the Herbal Clinic is very helpful in the development of herbs in the community, because through advertising, people know more about the properties of herbs. Reality shows that the public interest in visiting herbs is very large, this is evidenced that the average BKTM and herbal clinics are visited by 10 patients per day.
Help distribute herbs
The development of herbal medicines carried out by BKMT so that it continues to exist in the community certainly carries out various strategies, one of which is integrating into existing provinces in Indonesia such as Bogor and Solo. With the integration carried out, he received assistance in developing herbs in Makassar City such as the Center for Research and Development and Tamangmangu Traditional Medicine Plantation, Biofarindo Bogor. Besides that, developing related agency assistance through the cooperation carried out.
Support in the use of traditional medicine
Users of traditional medicine in the midst of the people of Makassar City greatly contribute to the government in overcoming the types of diseases suffered by the community, besides that the treatment system carried out on patients has a positive impact, because consuming herbs can improve other organs of the body before the main target of the patient’s disease is If it is aimed at hypercholesterolemia, the treatment method is Dutch identity, yellowing and roselia flowers which are mixed in powder form, then drunk to people with hypercholesterolemia, but the drug reaction does not directly affect the disease but improves other organs of the body until it reaches the target of the disease. However, based on the results of observations and in-depth interviews with researchers to informants, the Herbal Clinic business still receives support in its development. The supporting factors in the development of herbs in the community are as follows: a). Excellent Service: The ability to provide accurate, honest, safe, timely services according to what is offered. That the attitude that is carried out always instills the character of honesty when communicating, providing comfort when communicating with patients. The behavior of the officers and the Herbal Clinic is a demand and responsibility that must be developed so that the patient’s healing process can be carried out. One of the communication that is often done between officers and patients is non-verbal. An excellent service system carried out by officers with the ease of communicating with patients who are good and understand the needs of patients, of course supported by the availability of adequate physical facilities and equipment. To carry out a plan, herbal officers certainly carry out the process of compiling the strategies needed to prevent, reduce, maintain, or overcome patient health problems that have been identified and have been validated, b). Development of human resources: Improving the quality of human resources as well as the motivation for work done and increasing work discipline is one of the characteristics of the officers in developing BKTM and Herbal Clinics. According to Bass (1999) that the leader’s behavior makes his followers admire, respect and at the same time trust him. described as a leader who is able to articulate clear expectations for the performance of subordinates. Hartanto (1991) believes that better work performance occurs when officers can carry out one or a combination of them, namely providing insight and awareness of the mission, arousing pride, and cultivating a friendly attitude among staff. According to Basuki (2006) that the leader by himself is a “perceptual learner” or continuous learner who is tireless so that leaders must be responsive to problems, able to motivate, have emotional strength in overcoming anxiety, change cultural assumptions and be able to create involvement and participation and learn a new culture. According to Richard C. (2002) that organizational success is not determined solely by leaders, nor is it determined only by good governance (good governance), but is determined by various factors, namely leadership, maturity of subordinates, work team, enterprise and expertise, c). Herbal Facilities: Facilities as a support in the development of herbs in the midst of the community are clear evidence that herbs are still a favorite of the community. According to Basuki. J (2006) to prove that the successful implementation of good public services is highly dependent on how large the capacity of the infrastructure owned by the institution in providing services to the community. To measure the effectiveness of public services, in fact it can be measured by comparing the difference between expectations and perceived performance, of course BKTM and the Herbal Clinic use operational standards based on their work experience from year to year as a benchmark for the level of a work program, success or failure. whether or not the function and use of herbs in healing, treating and preventing the types of diseases suffered by patients.
Herbal distribution process approach to structural functionalism
The theory of structural functionalism views that society was originally composed by individuals who wanted to meet their needs together as well as the development of the types of diseases experienced by people who were very varied, so that people tried in various ways to be able to overcome the types of diseases they suffered, not only that but the community, especially herbal workers, strives for the disease that the community suffers to be resolved properly. According to Parsons (1985:21) that society is composed of parts such as hospitals, schools and the like, society is like an organization of living things that can be healthy or sick, they are healthy if the parts of him have togetherness with one another, if there are parts that are no longer united collectively then the health of the community is threatened or sick. The family certainly has parts that bind each other so that if a part does not function it will affect other family members, by which the family members try to keep the family from all kinds of diseases by consuming traditional or herbal concoctions. Johnsons, (1986: 110) views that functional structure provides a framework for viewing social policy dilemmas, as well as a society as a social system that has components in the use of herbs that are interdependent and function in the survival of society. Communities have the most basic needs, namely the desire to maintain their survival, manifested in the form of various efforts to achieve their goals and this will increase the structural complexity of society. The structure of society is distinguished according to its function which is formed by various elements that maintain survival.The social system in the distribution of herbs in the city of Makassar. In this case the system, the implementation of the distributor is carried out through an integration pattern with advertising parties such as 1). Marketing system; BKTM and Herbal Clinics to exist and be known by the community requires a positional role in social strengthening through a marketing system, in other words a social process where individuals and groups get what they need, and they want by creating and maintaining herbal products so that people continue to use herbs as a healing, care and prevention, 2). Using marketing. The strategy carried out by herbal officers is aggressive, such as the introduction of herbs to the world market through latency or maintenance of patterns such as the products offered lead to the local community, the products delivered by marketing will have an important influence on the community, 3). Advertising; In this case the marketing system implemented such as the type of product, the nature of the market, the state of competition has been carried out so that the herbs are still known to the public, 4) Assistance in distributing herbs; In order to continue to exist in the community, herbal development must carry out various strategies, one of which is integrating into existing provinces in Indonesia, such as Bogor and Solo. With the integration carried out, he gets assistance in herbal development.Supporting factors in terms of herbal development in Makassar City are very dynamic in their use, this is supported by referring to real (manifest) and hidden functions. (latent). Real functions are expected functions and various kinds of things like 1). Excellent service. The polarization of services performed by herbal workers for patients and the community environment is very supportive in the herbal development process because every step taken by herbal workers is accommodated from the concept of adaptation. Thus, officers always make adjustments to the needs of patients, in addition to facial expressions and when fully interacting with hospitality based on the spirit of local genius (local wisdom), 2) Building a good work culture. The concept of latency (pattern maintenance); is one of the systems carried out by herbal officers so that cooperation is always well maintained. While the inhibiting factors in herbal users are caused by an unprofessional management system besides the limited human resources of herbal officers while every action taken by herbal officers requires an attitude of professionalism because this is patterned by maintaining a pattern (latency) between BKTM officers and herbal clinics.
After going through observations and in-depth interviews in answering the problems raised, regarding the social system in the distribution carried out by officers, namely; 1). Marketing system, 2). Using marketing, 3). Advertising, While supporting namely; excellent service, developing human resources, availability of herbal facilities, building a good work culture. and As a reference for developers of sociological sciences, especially studies regarding the distribution process to patients and as reference material for further researchers on matters that policy makers should do so that health services, especially BKTM and Herbal Clinics in Makassar City can be further improved.
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Social System of Herbal Distribution in Structural Functionalism Approach in Makassar City
Mustar1, Syamsuddin AB2
1Social Faculty, Sipatokkong Mambo Bone University
2Social Welfare, State Islamic University Alauddin Makassar
Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 01 January 2023
Article Date Published : 27 January 2023 | Page No.: 179-186
Abstract :
Counseling on traditional medicine clinics received positive responses, especially the elderly. The aim of the research was to study the process of distributing herbal users from the healing aspect in Makassar City. The approach used was using five informants. Data obtained through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation, then analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.The results of this study indicate that: the social system in distribution is carried out by herbal officers in Makassar City, namely; 1). Doing with the marketing system, 2). Spread using marketing, 3). Conduct a survey on advertising. While the supports in the herbal distribution process are: Excellent service methods, human resource development, facilities and infrastructure related to the availability of herbal facilities, and the establishment of a good work culture. Thus the behavior of herbal officers in carrying out their duties as alternative officers in the implementation of herbal users from a healing aspect, and cannot be separated from local wisdom, namely sipakatau, sigunakannge and sipakalebbi.
Keywords :
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Author's Affiliation
Mustar1, Syamsuddin AB2
1Social Faculty, Sipatokkong Mambo Bone University
2Social Welfare, State Islamic University Alauddin Makassar
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 01 January 2023
- Page No.: 179-186
- Published : 27 January 2023
- DOI:
How to Cite :
Social System of Herbal Distribution in Structural Functionalism Approach in Makassar City. Mustar, Syamsuddin AB , 3(1), 179-186. Retrieved from
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