The Influence of Teacher Professionalism and the Role of Parents on Learning Achievement of Al-Qur’an Hadith Grade X Students in MAN 10 Jombang Academic Year 2021/2022
Nining Aslihah1, Abdulloh Faqih2
1Darul ‘Ulum University Jombang, East Java, Indonesia
2Darul ‘Ulum Islamic University Lamongan, East Java, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: Correlation of Teacher Professionalism and the Role of Parents with Learning Achievement of Al-Qur’an Hadith Class X MAN 10 Jombang Academic Year 2021/2022. We have encountered many studies that discuss learning. However, research discussing the influence of teacher professionalism and the role of parents on learning achievement of the Al-Qur’an Hadith class X students at MAN 10 Jombang for the 2021/2022 academic year is still very minimal. With this research, it is expected that teacher professionalism, the role of parents and parties who have influence on the learning achievement of the Al-Qur’an Hadith class X MAN 10 Jombang students, to realize how important the learning achievement of Al-Qur’an Hadith class students X MAN 10 Jombang Academic year 2021/2022 which is expected to take the next level. Therefore, teacher professionalism in Madrasas must be implemented, as well as the role of parents is expected so that students’ aspirations can be achieved. Data on teacher professionalism and the role of parents were obtained from 47 students as respondents through a questionnaire and the learning achievement of the Al-Qur’an Hadith class X MAN 10 Jombang for the 2021/2022 academic year was taken from the report cards of 47 students. While the data analysis technique used is regression analysis. The results of the study show that partially, there is a positive and significant influence between teacher professionalism and the role of parents on learning achievement of the Al-Qur’an Hadith class X MAN 10 Jombang academic year 2021/2022 which is proven through the t test, so it is known that all t values > ttable, this means that the two independent variables partially have a positive and significant effect on the dependent variable, in which the t-test of the two variables is greater than the t-table. (t count X1 = 7.074 > 6.083, tcount X2 = 2.653 > 2.048) Simultaneously, there is a positive and significant influence between teacher professionalism and the role of parents on learning achievement Al-Qur’an Hadith class X MAN 10 Jombang academic year 2021 /2022 which is proven by the two independent variables influencing the dependent variable (learning achievement) which is proven through the F test which shows that Fcount > Ftable (35,937 > 1.42) and the effect is 62%.
KEYWORDS: Teacher Professionalism, Role of Parents, Learning Achievement
The educational problem faced by the Indonesian people is the low quality of education at every level of education. The low quality of education is influenced by several factors, one of which is the learning process which has not been able to create a quality learning process. One of the school’s tasks in this context is that Madrasas provide learning to students. They must acquire skills and knowledge from school, in addition to developing their personality. Giving skills and knowledge to students which is a learning process (learning – teaching) is carried out by the teacher at school. This is in accordance with the Government’s objectives, in this case the Minister of National Education has launched the “Education Quality Improvement Movement” on May 2, 2002. One of the main policies in the context of improving the quality of education through this movement which is related to the management of education is the adoption of School-Based Management. (MBS) starting from early childhood to secondary education units (Ibrahim, 2010).
Education that is able to support future development is education that is able to develop the potential of students, so that those concerned are able to face and solve the problems of life they face. The concept of education is even more important when someone has to enter life in society and the world of work, because the person concerned must be able to apply what is learned at school to deal with problems faced in daily life now and in the future.
In the teaching and learning process a teacher has a very strategic function in forming the character and personality of students. The teaching and learning process that is expected by a teacher is a change in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of students, so that this work cannot be done other than a teacher who meets professional standards, this aims to make the process and results of teaching and learning carried out optimally.
Management of school quality improvement can be carried out properly if it is supported by the existence of professional teachers who carry out various developments according to the needs of each school. In teaching and learning activities in general a teacher is said to be professional if a teacher has the ability to teach as evidenced by good teaching methods, diplomas or educational degrees, planning in learning in this case is lesson plans and training tailored to educational needs.
In the teaching and learning process a teacher has a very strategic function in carrying out the task of educating and teaching, because through the educational process the attitudes and behavior of students will be formed. Therefore, a religious teacher is required to have creativity in the teaching and learning process, in this case, to be proficient in using learning methods and models so that the teaching process can create good children’s personalities. The teacher is one of the important roles for the success of learning. Therefore, teachers are one of the components of human resources that must be given knowledge and skills continuously in an effort to increase resources. So that in the teaching and learning process the teacher is required to have a strategy so that students can learn effectively and efficiently so that they can be right on target at the expected goals.
Teachers must also be able to carry out continuous professional development independently through three activities namely self-development, scientific publications and or innovative work. Self-development includes functional and professional training activities for teachers such as KKG, MGMP and other similar activities. Scientific publications include presentations in popular forums, scientific articles, textbooks, modules or dictates, books in the field of education, translated works and teacher manuals. While innovative works include: finding appropriate technology, finding or creating works of art, making or modifying teaching aids or visual aids or practicums and following the development of standards, guidelines, questions and the like (Kunandar, 2013).
The teacher is one of the important roles for the success of learning. Therefore, teachers are one of the components of human resources that must be given knowledge and skills continuously in an effort to increase resources. So that in the teaching and learning process the teacher is required to have a strategy so that students can learn effectively and efficiently so that they can be right on target at the expected goals.
Teaching is essentially guiding student learning activities. Student activity in learning is very necessary for learning to be effective and to achieve optimal results. In order to teach effectively, teachers must increase learning opportunities for students (quantity) and improve the quality (quality) of teaching. Student learning opportunities can be increased by timely teaching. This means that there are more or optimal learning opportunities and the teacher shows seriousness in teaching so that it can arouse students’ interest and motivation to learn. The more students are active in learning, the higher the possibility of learning achievement achieved. On the other hand, the more students are passive, the more likely their learning achievement will decrease.
O you who believe! If it is said to you “Give spaciousness in the Assembly”, then make room for it, surely Allah will make room for you. And when it is said “Stand up”, then stand up, Allah will raise (degrees) those who believe among you and those who are given knowledge of several degrees. And Allah is Aware of what you do.
As for increasing teacher professionalism in teaching, teachers should be willing to plan teaching programs from syllabuses that have been adapted to the Semester Program while also being able to implement them in teaching and learning. If the teacher succeeds in carrying out meaningful changes in students’ positive attitudes in learning and learning achievement.
For the teacher himself, this success is self-confidence and enthusiasm for teaching, the basic teaching skills that need to be fostered, he becomes a truly creative teacher. Professionalism basically comes from a job that has an intellectual mark (Achmadi, 2010). Thus professionalism is owned by someone, both beneficial for Professionalism is a professional organization that strengthens and sharpens that profession (Sardiman, 2010).
Al-Qur’an Hadith subject as an integral part of Islamic Religious Education in Madrasahs, substantially contributes in motivating students to know, understand and practice the values of religious beliefs that are rooted in the Al-Qur’an and Hadith. Knowledge, understanding and implementation of religious values in Al-Qur’an and Hadith subjects proves the occurrence of learning, which includes cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. Where is a teacher who plays a very important role in the achievement of Madrasah Aliyah students.
Another factor that influences student achievement that comes from outside the student’s self is the family environment. The family has an important role in teaching and protecting children from birth to adolescence. Chasiyah, (2009) stated “the basic function of the family is to provide a sense of belonging, a sense of security, affection and to develop good relationships among family members”. Children are the responsibility of parents, therefore parents must try to provide the best for their children. The family has a very important role in children’s education, because it is the family, especially the parents, that is the environment and the first person the child knows, so that basic education is the responsibility of the parents.
The inculcation of bad behavior and inappropriate education, even the wrong education of children, can hinder the development of a child’s good nature. Children are actually introduced to the behavior of people who deviate, both related to their beliefs, morals and behavior, ways of thinking about world affairs and the purpose of life in the world, taking role models and idol figures, as well as other things. Parents have a big hand in the problem.
Based on the description of the background of the problem above, the writer intends to conduct research with the title “The influence of teacher professionalism and the role of parents on learning achievement of the Al-Qur’an Hadith class X students at MAN 10 Jombang for the academic year 2021/2022”.
- The Concept of Teacher Professionalism
- Definition of Teacher Professionalism
The term professionalism comes from the word profession. In the Indonesian English dictionary, “profession means work” (John, 1996). Arifin (1995) in the book Kapita Selecta Education suggests that profession has the same meaning as the word occupation or work that requires expertise obtained through education or special training.
In a book written by Kusnandar (2007) entitled Professional Teacher Implementation of Education Unit Level Curriculum, it is also stated that professionalism comes from the word profession which means a field of work that someone wants or will be engaged in. Profession is also defined as a certain position or work that requires special knowledge and skills obtained from intensive academic education. So a profession is a job or position according to certain expertise. According to Martinis Yamin (2007) profession has the meaning of someone who is engaged in work based on expertise, abilities, techniques, and procedures based on intellect.
Thus, Kunandar (2007) argues that the teaching profession is special expertise and authority in the fields of education, teaching, and training that are occupied to become a livelihood in meeting the needs of the person concerned. Teacher as a profession means teacher as a job that requires competence (expertise and authority) in education and learning in order to carry out the work effectively and efficiently and effectively.
Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that a profession is a job or skill that requires intellectual competence, attitudes and certain skills obtained through an academic educational process.
As for the word Professional, Uzer Usman (2006) provides a conclusion that a job that is professional in nature requires several fields of knowledge that must be studied on purpose and then applied to the public interest. The word professional itself comes from an adjective which means livelihood and as a noun which means people who have expertise such as teachers, doctors, judges, and so on. In other words, work that is professional in nature is work that can only be done by those who are specially prepared for it and not work done by those who cannot get another job. Starting from this understanding, the definition of a professional teacher is a person who has special abilities and expertise in the field of teacher training so that he is able to carry out his duties and functions as a teacher with maximum abilities.
H.A.R. Tilaar (2002) also explains that a professional carries out his work in accordance with the demands of the profession or in other words has the ability and attitude in accordance with the demands of his profession. A professional carries out his activities based on professionalism, and not in an amateurish manner. Professionalism is opposed to amateurism. A professional will continuously improve the quality of his work consciously, through education and training.
As for the notion of professionalism itself, it is a view that a certain skill is needed in a certain job where that skill is only obtained through special education or special training. Teacher professionalism is a condition, direction, value, purpose and quality of an expertise and authority in the field of education and teaching related to one’s work as a source of livelihood. Meanwhile, professional teachers are teachers who have the competencies required to carry out educational and teaching tasks. In other words, it can be concluded that the definition of a professional teacher is a person who has special abilities and expertise in the field of teacher training so that he is able to carry out his duties and functions as a teacher with maximum abilities. Professional teachers are people who are well educated and well trained, and have rich experience in their field (Arifin, 1995).
Meanwhile, Oemar Hamalik (2006) argues that a professional teacher is someone who has taken a teacher education program and has a master’s level and has received a state diploma and has experience in teaching large classes.
From the explanation above it can be concluded that, profession is a position, professional is the ability or expertise in holding a certain position, while professionalism is the soul of a profession and professionalism. Thus, teacher professionalism in this study is teacher professionalism in the field of Al-Qur’an Hadith studies, namely a teacher who has special abilities and expertise in the field of Al-Qur’an Hadith studies and has experience in teaching Al-Qur’an Hadith so that he is able to carry out his duties and functions as a Al-Qur’an Hadith teacher with maximum ability and competence according to the criteria of a professional teacher, and his profession has become a source of livelihood.
- Profession Characteristics
Other characteristics of the profession identified by Buchari (2012) are as follows:
- A unique, definite and essential (a service that is unique, certain and fundamental, a service which in practice can be identified from other services).
- An emphasis upon intellectual techniques in performing its service.
- A long period of specialized training (profession is achieved through training over a long period of time).
- A broad range of autonomy for both the individual practitioners and occupation group as a whole (a broad economic field for both individual practitioners and for work groups as a whole).
- As acceptance by practitioners of road personal responsibility for judgment made and acts performed with in the scope of professional autonomy professional).
- An emphasis upon the service to be rendered rather than the economic gain to the practitioners as the basis for organization and performance of the social service delegated to the occupational group work).
- A comprehensive self-governing organization of practitioners (an organization of practitioners who are comprehensive in managing the organization independently).
- A code of ethics ambiguous and doubtful points (a code of ethics that has been classified and interpreted in an unambiguous sense).
- Characteristics of the Teacher Profession
These characteristics and conditions can be used as criteria or benchmarks for teacher professionalism. This criterion will have a dual function, namely: To serve as a point of interest that will direct all efforts towards teacher professionalization. Specifically for teachers, the National Education Association states the following criteria:
- Positions involving intellectuals.
It is clear to the school that the position of teacher fulfills this criterion, because teaching involves efforts that are highly dominated by intellectual activities. It can further be observed that the activities carried out by members of this profession are the basis for the preparation of all other professional activities. Therefore, teaching is often referred to as the mother of all professions.
- A position that deals with a particular body of knowledge.
All offices have a monopoly on knowledge that separates their members from the common people. And allows them to hold oversight of his position. Members of a profession hold a field of knowledge that builds their expertise and protects society from abuse, uneducated amateurs and certain groups seeking profit master a field of knowledge that builds their expertise and protects society from abuse, uneducated amateurs and certain groups who want to make a profit. However, there is no agreement on the specific field of science that underlies education or teacher training.
- Jobs that require a long professional preparation (compared to jobs that require mere general training).
Members of the teacher group and those in authority in the education department are of the opinion that a long period of professional preparation is necessary to train qualified teachers.
- Positions that require continuous in-service training.
The teacher’s position tends to show strong evidence of being a professional position, because almost every year teachers carry out various professional training activities, both for which credit and without credit are awarded.
- A position that promises a living career and permanent membership
In Indonesia it seems that not many teachers have moved to other fields, although this does not mean that teacher positions in Indonesia have high incomes. The reason may be because of the employment and position change system which is rather difficult. Thus these criteria can be met by teacher positions in Indonesia.
- A position that determines its own standards.
Because the position of a teacher concerns the needs of the public, the standards for teacher positions are often not created by members of the profession themselves, especially in our country. Standard teacher positions are still very much regulated by the government, or other parties that use these teachers, such as private educational foundations.
- A position that is more concerned with service above personal gain.
A teaching position is a position that has high social value, there is no doubt about it. Good teachers will play a major role in influencing a better life and future citizens.
- A position that has a strong and closely knit professional organization.
In several cases, the position of teacher has met these criteria and in this case has not been achieved. In Indonesia, there is the Republic of Indonesia Teachers’ Association (PGRI), which is a forum for all teachers, from kindergarten teachers to high school teachers, and there is also the Indonesian Education Graduate Association (ISPI), which accommodates all graduates of education.
- Teacher Professional Requirements
According to article 28 PP No. 19/2005 concerning national education standards, it is explained that:
- Educators must have academic qualifications and competencies as learning agents, physically and mentally healthy, and have the ability to realize national education goals.
- The academic qualifications referred to in the paragraph are the minimum level of education that must be met by an educator as evidenced by a diploma or certificate of relevant expertise in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
- Competence as a learning agent at the level of primary and secondary education and early childhood education includes: competence and early childhood education includes: pedagogic competence, personal competence, professional competence and social competence.
- (2) A person who does not have a diploma or expertise certificate as referred to in paragraph (2) but has special skills that are recognized and needed can be appointed as an educator after passing a fit and proper test.
- Academic quality and competence as learning agents as referred to in paragraphs (1) to (4) are developed by BSNP and stipulated by Ministerial Regulation (Buchari, 2012).
- Principles of the Teacher Profession
Article 7 paragraph 1 of the Teacher and Lecturer Law states that the profession of teacher and lecturer is a special field of work that requires professional principles as follows (Suyanto, 2013):
- Have talents, interests, calling and idealism.
- Have educational qualifications and educational background in accordance with the field of work.
- Have the necessary competence according to the field of work.
- Adhere to the professional code of ethics
- Have rights and obligations in carrying out duties.
- Obtain income determined according to work performance.
- Have the opportunity to develop their profession in a sustainable manner.
- Obtain legal protection in carrying out their professional duties.
- Has a professional organization that is a legal entity.
- Teacher Competence in a Professional Context
The profile of teaching staff (teachers) turns out to vary, depending on how to prepare and view what their main roles and duties are.
- Teacher as teacher
The teacher must present his personality as a scholar (scholar) and at the same time as a teacher (teacher). Accordingly, the person concerned must master:
- The scientific discipline he teaches, both in terms of substance and research and development methodology.
- How to teach it to others or how to learn it.
- The teacher as a teacher and also as an educator
He must present his personality as a scientist and at the same time as an educator, as follows:
- Mastering the disciplines he teaches.
- Mastering how to teach and administer it.
- Have insight and understanding of the intricacies of education, by studying educational philosophy, educational history, educational sociology and educational psychology.
- Teachers as teachers, educators and also agents of reform and community development.
The person concerned is expected to be able to present his personality as a teacher and educator of his students in various situations (individually and in groups, inside and outside the classroom, formal and non-formal, as well as informal) in accordance with the diversity of characteristics and objective conditions of students with their contextual environment: more broadly as a driving force and a pioneer of community renewal where he is.
- Teachers who have multiple authorities as professional educators with areas of expertise other than education
Anticipating the possibility of developments and changes in demands and requirements and dynamic work requirements in the future globalization, teachers must be prepared flexibly for the possibility of changing functions or changing professions (if they wish). The basic idea is to provide alternative opportunities for education personnel to achieve a decent standard and dignity of life, without any pretensions to reduce the meaning and dignity of the teaching profession, so that teachers are ready to face competition in offering professional services in the future.
- Parental Role Concept
- Definition of Role
Role is a dynamic aspect of position (status). This means that a person has carried out his rights and obligations according to his position, then that person has carried out according to his role (Suyanto, 2004). According to Nye (1976) in (Friedman, 2008) roles are behaviors related to who holds a certain position, position identifies one’s status or place in a social system. The role is always interpreted as something that is available to the person who will play it, namely the actor, the style is outside. A role already exists outside the person concerned before being distributed or conveyed to be staged (Sudarma, 2008). Role is the expected behavior of someone who has a status (Horton, 2009).
From some of the definitions above, the authors conclude that a role is an attitude or behavior that is expected by many people or a group of people towards someone who has a certain status or position.
- Main Factors Influencing Role
The factors that influence the role are as follows (Sudarma, 2008):
- Education
The education sector plays an important role. The higher the education, the easier it is to accept new things and be able to adapt easily. Higher education allows a person to be able to receive information.
- Knowledge
Knowledge is the result of knowing, and this occurs after people sense an object.
- Behavior
Behavior is an act or actions and words of a person whose nature can be observed, described and recorded by other people or people who do it.
- Attitude
Attitude is a view or feeling that is accompanied by a tendency to act, an attitude that is always directed towards a thing or object. Humans can have attitudes towards various things. Attitude is a readiness or willingness to act and is not an executor of a particular motive. Attitude is not yet an action or activity, but a predisposition to action or behavior.
- Attention
Attention is the activity of the soul directed to an object.
- Economy
Lack of family economic income brings bad consequences to the role.
- The Role of Parents Against Children
The role of parents in educating children is closely related to the development and progress of their children, because a child will develop and have a personality, namely from the family, the first child grows and develops in the family environment, especially in the parents.
Parents play an important role in the education of their children, the role of parents is also very important in providing guidance to children, including assistance guidance provided by an individual to others in making choices and adjustments as well as in making problem solving (Munarji , 2004).
The first key in directing in the field of education and forming a child’s mentality lies in the role of the parents so that good or bad character depends on the character of the parents, the purpose of parents guiding their children is to become a pious child and excel in learning so as to elevate people’s good name. elder who had guided him.
In fostering a child’s life, parents as the influence of the family have a very important role because where the child’s life will be taken depends on the parents, parents are the first people the child knows before he gets to know the environment more broadly. The family, school and community are the center of education but it is the family that has the first influence.
Islam has also ordered every parent to act as an educator and have an important role in the education of their children, because it is in the family that children are first exposed to education for the development of all their basic potential, both religious, cultural and social potential. Therefore, the role of parents in maturing and guiding and saving children is the main goal, this is in accordance with the word of Allah SWT in the letter At-Tahrim Verse 6 which reads:
“O you who believe, protect yourselves and your families from the fires of hell whose fuel is human and stone, guardians of angels who are rough, harsh, who do not disobey Allah for what He commands them and always do what order”.
Various child environments such as family (parents) and patterns of relationships within them, school, community, culture, and religion influence children’s adjustment. But keep in mind also that educating children is really the duty of parents.
Based on the description above, what is meant by the role of parents is the pattern of behavior of the father and mother in the form of responsibility for educating, nurturing and guiding their children to reach certain stages that lead children to be ready for social life. As a social group, the family has a structure consisting of father, mother and children. If one part of the structure is absent, then the family can be said to be incomplete, but the integrity of a family is not only seen from the integrity of the structure but also seen from the integrity in interaction.
- The Basic Concept of Learning Achievement
- Definition of Learning Achievement
According to WS Winkel (1987) learning achievement is the business success achieved by someone after gaining learning experience or learning something. According to Djalal (1986) “student learning achievement is a description of student abilities obtained from the results of assessing student learning processes in achieving teaching goals. Hamalik (2001) argues that learning achievement is a change in attitude and behavior after receiving a lesson or after learning something. Benyamin S Bloom (2006) learning achievement is the result of behavior change which includes three cognitive domains consisting of: knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation Saifudin Azwar (1996) says learning achievement can be operationalized in the form of indicators in the form of values report cards, study achievement index, graduation rate and predicate of success.
Based on the description above, learning achievement is the result that has been achieved by students after carrying out teaching and learning activities. These achievements include the level of knowledge, abilities, skills, and attitudes during the learning process as indicated by the number of report cards or summative test scores. Learning achievement of Al-Qur’an Hadith is the value obtained by students after involving directly/actively all of their potential, both cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitude) and psychomotor (skills) aspects in the teaching and learning process of Al-Qur’an Hadith
- Definition of Learning
Learning is an effort to master everything that is useful for life. Learning is a process of changing individual behavior through interaction with the environment (Mubarok, 2007). Learning is a process activity and is a fundamental element in every type and level of education. This means that the success or failure of achieving educational goals is very dependent on the learning process experienced by students, whether they are at school or in their own home or family environment (Muhibbin, 2001). Nana Sudjana (2008), that what is meant by “Learning is the process of reacting to all situations that exist around the individual”. Learning is a goal-directed process, a process of doing through various experiences. When we talk about learning, we talk about how to change one’s behavior.
So, learning implies a process of activity that causes changes in people who learn, both with regard to attitudes, behavior, and skills in a better direction, namely the attainment of knowledge, skills, personality, habits and other skills that are beneficial to humans.
- Objectives and Benefits of Learning Achievement
- Learning achievement goals
- Tracking the progress of students, meaning that by conducting assessments, the development of student learning outcomes can be identified, namely decreasing or increasing. Teachers can compile student progress profiles that contain achievement of learning outcomes periodically.
- Checking the achievement of student competencies, meaning that by conducting an assessment, it can be seen whether students have mastered these competencies or have not mastered them. Furthermore, certain actions are sought for those who have not mastered certain competencies.
- Detect competencies that have not been mastered by students, meaning that by conducting an assessment, it can be seen which competencies have not been mastered and which competencies have been mastered.
- Being feedback for improvement for students, meaning that by conducting an assessment, it can be used as reference material to improve student learning outcomes that are still below standard.
- The benefits of the assessment of learning outcomes carried out are:
- Knowing the level of competence achieved during and after the learning process takes place. That is, by conducting an assessment, the progress of student learning outcomes during and after the learning process can be known.
- Provide feedback for students to find out their strengths and weaknesses in the process of achieving competence. That is, by conducting an assessment, information can be obtained related to material that students have not mastered and material that students have mastered.
- Monitor progress and diagnose learning difficulties experienced by students. This means that by conducting an assessment, students can experience it, so that follow-up programs can be carried out through enrichment or remedial.
- Feedback for teachers in improving the methods, approaches, activities and learning resources used. That is, by conducting an assessment, the teacher can self-evaluate the success of the learning carried out.
- Provide alternative assessment options to teachers. That is, by conducting an assessment, the teacher can identify and analyze the assessment technique used by the teacher, whether it is in accordance with the characteristics of the material or not. This is due to an error in determining the assessment technique resulting in inaccurate information on the level of achievement obtained by students.
- Provide information to parents about the quality and effectiveness of learning conducted by schools. That is, by carrying out an assessment, parents can find out whether the school organizes education properly or not (Kunandar, 2013).
- Factors Influencing Academic Achievement
Many factors can affect individual academic achievement. According to Soemanto (2009) states the factors that influence achievement and individual behavior are:
- Self Concept
Individual thoughts or perceptions about himself, is an important factor influencing achievement and behavior.
- Locus of Control
Where individuals feel they see the relationship between behavior and its consequences, whether they can accept responsibility or not for their actions. Locus of control has two dimensions, namely the external dimension and the internal dimension. The external dimension will assume that the responsibility for all actions is outside the perpetrator. While the internal dimension sees that the responsibility for all actions lies with the perpetrator. Individuals who have an external locus of control have anxiety, suspicion and hostility. Meanwhile, individuals who have an internal locus of control like to work alone and are effective.
- Experienced Anxiety
Anxiety is an emotional picture associated with fear. Where in the teaching and learning process, individuals have different degrees and types of anxiety.
- Learning Outcome Motivation
If the individual’s motivation to succeed is stronger than the motivation not to fail, then the individual will immediately detail the difficulties they face. Conversely, if the individual’s motivation not to fail is stronger, the individual will look for easier or more difficult questions.
- Usaha Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar
The success or failure of students in learning lies largely in their own efforts and activities, in addition to the factors of will, interest, perseverance, determination to succeed, and high ideals that support each of their efforts and activities.
Some things that need to be considered in efforts to increase learning achievement include:
- Constitution
To achieve good learning outcomes, a healthy body is needed, because learning requires energy, if the body is sick, malnourished, lack of rest then it cannot study effectively.
- Social Emotional State.
Students who experience strong emotional turmoil, or are under mental pressure, as well as children who are disliked by their friends cannot learn effectively, because this condition greatly affects the concentration of thoughts, wills and feelings.
- Environmental Conditions
The place to study should be quiet, do not be disturbed by external stimuli, because learning requires concentration of mind. Before learning, there must be sufficient materials and tools and everything needed.
- Starting lessons should be on time, if you feel reluctance, overcome it with an order to yourself.
- Split Work
When studying all the attention and energy devoted to a specific task, do not take on a task that is too hard to complete, it is better to start the lesson first to determine what can be completed in a certain time.
- Take Control
Investigate at the end of the lesson, to what extent the material has been mastered. Good results are encouraging, but if they are not good they will torture themselves and require special training.
- Cultivate an optimistic attitude
Hold competition with yourself, undoubtedly achievement will increase and therefore foster an optimistic attitude. Do everything to perfection, because good work fosters a happy work atmosphere.
- Using time
Producing something is only possible, if we use time efficiently. Using time does not mean working long hours until you run out of energy, but rather working really hard with all your energy and attention to complete a specific task.
- How to study books
Before we read the book, we first try to get an overview of the book in outline.
- Increase reading speed
A student must be able to deal with as much content as possible from reading in the shortest possible time.
Because of that, efforts must be made to increase the efficiency of reading up to university. For an efficient action requires readiness in the individual both physical readiness and mental readiness. Likewise in learning, this readiness is essential.
- Hypothesis
- There is an influence of teacher professionalism on learning achievement of Al-Qur’an Hadith grade X students at MAN 10 Jombang for the 2021/2022 academic year.
- There is an influence of the role of parents on the learning achievement of Al-Qur’an Hadith class X students at MAN 10 Jombang for the 2021/2022 academic year.
- There is an influence of teacher professionalism and the role of parents on learning achievement of Al-Qur’an Hadith class X students at MAN 10 Jombang in the 2021/2022 academic year.
Characteristics of Respondents Based on the learning of Islamic religious education
No | Islamic religious education learning | Amount | Percentage (%) |
1 | Well | 11 | 22 |
2 | Enough | 29 | 58 |
3 | Not Enough | 10 | 20 |
Total | 50 | 100 |
Source: Results of Questionnaire Distribution (Processed by Researchers)
Based on the table above, it is known that most of the respondents in this study studied Islamic religious education sufficiently, namely as many as 29 people or 58%, and respondents who learned Islamic religious education well as many as 11 people or 22% and respondents who learned Islamic religious education less 10 people or by 20%.
Based on the respondents’ answers to the questions contained in the student learning motivation variable (X2), the score category of student learning motivation variable (X2) is obtained as follows:
No | Student’s motivation to study | Amount | Percentage (%) |
1 | Strong | 6 | 12 |
2 | Currently | 35 | 70 |
3 | Weak | 9 | 18 |
Total | 50 | 100 |
Based on the table above, it is known that most of the respondents in this study were moderate student learning motivation, namely as many as 35 people or 70%, and respondents with strong learning motivation were 6 people or 12% and weak learning motivation were 9 people or 18%.
Based on the results in the student achievement variable (X2), the score category for the student achievement variable (X2) is obtained as follows:
No | Student achievement | Amount | Percentage (%) |
1 | Well | 10 | 20 |
2 | Enough | 40 | 80 |
3 | Not Enough | 0 | 0 |
Total | 50 | 100 |
Based on the table above it is known that most of the respondents in this study were moderate student achievements, namely as many as 40 people or 80%, and respondents who had good student achievements were 10 people or 20%.
Based on the results of hypothesis testing which proves that the variable teacher professionalism is positively and very significantly related to and influences student achievement, then in terms of teacher professionalism which includes the ability to plan teaching and learning programs, the teacher’s ability to master the subject matter, the teacher’s ability to carry out/manage the teaching and learning process , the teacher’s ability to assess the progress of the learning process is very important to note in improving teacher performance in an effort to improve student achievement. And if you look at the contribution shown by the coefficient of determination of 0.620 or 620%, then the variable of teacher professionalism includes the ability to plan teaching and learning programs, the teacher’s ability to master the subject matter, the teacher’s ability to carry out/manage the teaching and learning process, the teacher’s ability to assess the progress of this learning process effective enough to improve student achievement. The meaning of the coefficient value is that student achievement in the MAN 10 Jombang environment is influenced by the professionalism of teachers and the role of parents as generators of behavior and scouts directed towards achieving student achievement. By looking at its existence as a determinant of student achievement, the variable of teacher professionalism needs to be improved.
In terms of both theoretical and practical, teacher professionalism needs to be known or identified, in relation to student achievement. The variable of teacher professionalism includes the ability to plan teaching and learning programs, the teacher’s ability to master the subject matter, the teacher’s ability to carry out/manage the teaching and learning process, the teacher’s ability to assess the progress of the learning process. Which of the four variables has more influence on student achievement? However, on the other hand theoretically it can also be explained that it is impossible for student achievement to be influenced solely by one variable, but rather that the synergy of one variable with the other variables has been fulfilled. This has been explained by the theory of teacher professionalism from Oemar Hamalik (Yamin, 2007) that professional teachers must have requirements, which include; (a) Having talent as a teacher (b) Having expertise as a teacher; (c) Having good and integrated expertise; (d) Have a healthy mentality; (Yamin, 2007: 5-7). This is a fundamental need for teachers regarding basic needs in teaching. If the basic needs of a professional teacher have been met, the learning process will go according to plan and supported by adequate facilities and infrastructure so that student achievement can be improved even better.
Based on the results of research that proves the influence of the variable teacher professionalism and the role of parents on learning achievement of student the Qur’an Hadith MAN 10 Jombang, it can be said that these two variables can be relatively fulfilled and this is one of the determinants of student achievement.
The results of research that prove there is a relationship and influence of the teacher’s professional ability variable on learning achievement in the Jombang MAN 10 environment show that student learning achievement assessments carried out by teachers are correlated or in accordance with teacher professionalism which is self-appraisal and the role of parents who really help the learning process. These findings also prove that the assessment of student achievement has been carried out based on the principles of objectivity. On the one hand the teacher assesses his own performance and on the other hand students assess the teacher’s work performance with several responses given by students as input for improving teacher performance and the results are equivalent.
The results of research on the influence of teacher professionalism and the role of parents on learning achievement of the Qur’an Hadith of Siwa MAN 10 Jombang can be concluded as follows:
- Partially, there is a positive and significant effect of teacher professionalism on learning achievement of the Qur’an Hadith of the Siwa MAN 10 Jombang as evidenced by the t test which shows that the tcount of each variable is greater than the ttable.
- Partially, there is a positive and significant influence between the role of parents on learning achievement of Al-Qur’an Hadith students MAN 10 Jombang as evidenced by the t test which shows that the tcount of each variable is greater than the t table.
- Simultaneously, there is a positive and significant influence between teacher professionalism and the role of parents on learning achievement of the Qur’an Hadith students MAN 10 Jombang as evidenced by the F test which shows that Fcount > Ftable and the magnitude of the effect is 62%.
- Teacher professionalism is the dominant variable affecting learning achievement of the Qur’an Hadith Siwa MAN 10 Jombang, because it has the greatest t-count compared to the t-count of other independent variables.
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The Influence of Teacher Professionalism and the Role of Parents on Learning Achievement of Al-Qur’an Hadith Grade X Students in MAN 10 Jombang Academic Year 2021/2022
Nining Aslihah1, Abdulloh Faqih2
1Darul ‘Ulum University Jombang, East Java, Indonesia
2Darul ‘Ulum Islamic University Lamongan, East Java, Indonesia
Vol 03 No 02 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 02 February 2023
Article Date Published : 6 February 2023 | Page No.: 225-234
Abstract :
Correlation of Teacher Professionalism and the Role of Parents with Learning Achievement of Al-Qur’an Hadith Class X MAN 10 Jombang Academic Year 2021/2022. We have encountered many studies that discuss learning. However, research discussing the influence of teacher professionalism and the role of parents on learning achievement of the Al-Qur’an Hadith class X students at MAN 10 Jombang for the 2021/2022 academic year is still very minimal. With this research, it is expected that teacher professionalism, the role of parents and parties who have influence on the learning achievement of the Al-Qur’an Hadith class X MAN 10 Jombang students, to realize how important the learning achievement of Al-Qur’an Hadith class students X MAN 10 Jombang Academic year 2021/2022 which is expected to take the next level. Therefore, teacher professionalism in Madrasas must be implemented, as well as the role of parents is expected so that students’ aspirations can be achieved. Data on teacher professionalism and the role of parents were obtained from 47 students as respondents through a questionnaire and the learning achievement of the Al-Qur’an Hadith class X MAN 10 Jombang for the 2021/2022 academic year was taken from the report cards of 47 students. While the data analysis technique used is regression analysis. The results of the study show that partially, there is a positive and significant influence between teacher professionalism and the role of parents on learning achievement of the Al-Qur’an Hadith class X MAN 10 Jombang academic year 2021/2022 which is proven through the t test, so it is known that all t values > ttable, this means that the two independent variables partially have a positive and significant effect on the dependent variable, in which the t-test of the two variables is greater than the t-table. (t count X1 = 7.074 > 6.083, tcount X2 = 2.653 > 2.048) Simultaneously, there is a positive and significant influence between teacher professionalism and the role of parents on learning achievement Al-Qur’an Hadith class X MAN 10 Jombang academic year 2021 /2022 which is proven by the two independent variables influencing the dependent variable (learning achievement) which is proven through the F test which shows that Fcount > Ftable (35,937 > 1.42) and the effect is 62%.
Keywords :
Teacher Professionalism, Role of Parents, Learning AchievementReferences :
- Bafadal, Ibrahim. Peningkatan Profesionalan Guru. (Jakarta: Grafindo Persada, 2010).
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- Chasiyah, Chadidjah, & Legowo, Edy. Perkembangan Peserta Didik. (Surakarta: UNS Press. 2009).
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- Djalal, MF, Pendidikan Dalam Pengajaran Bahasa.Asing, (Malang: P3T IKIP Malang, 1986).
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Author's Affiliation
Nining Aslihah1, Abdulloh Faqih2
1Darul ‘Ulum University Jombang, East Java, Indonesia
2Darul ‘Ulum Islamic University Lamongan, East Java, Indonesia
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 03 No 02 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 02 February 2023
- Page No.: 225-234
- Published : 6 February 2023
- DOI:
How to Cite :
The Influence of Teacher Professionalism and the Role of Parents on Learning Achievement of Al-Qur’an Hadith Grade X Students in MAN 10 Jombang Academic Year 2021/2022. Nining Aslihah, Abdulloh Faqih, 03(02), 225-234. Retrieved from
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