Law Enforcement Ethics and Morality Contribution in Reducing the Culture of Corruption
Asep Syarifuddin Hidayat1, Nur Rohim Yunus2, Muhammad Ishar Helmi3
1,2,3 Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
ABSTRACT: Integrity and public trust can be bolstered when law enforcement agencies act ethically and morally, making them powerful tools in the fight against corruption. Law enforcement officials have high ethical standards and are expected to treat everyone equally and impartially. The greatest benefit of ethical and moral law enforcement is that it helps reduce corruption. By ensuring that law enforcers adhere to the ideals of fairness and honesty in their daily work, ethics and morals can help reduce corruption. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a literature approach and a statutory approach. The results of the study state that efforts that can be made to maintain law enforcement professionalism are by increasing knowledge about ethics and morality, fostering a sense of moral responsibility, strengthening the internal control system, and imposing sanctions on those who violate these standards. In addition, strengthening the interaction between law enforcers and the community as well as improving the quality of service and performance of law enforcement officials is very important in increasing public trust in law enforcement. All of these things are essential to building a respectable and professional policing.
KEYWORDS: Corruption Culture; Ethics; Morality; Law enforcer
The ethics and morality of law enforcement is a set of values, norms, and moral principles that law enforcers, whether they be judges, prosecutors, or police, are required to adhere to when carrying out their duties and responsibilities in law enforcement. These values, norms, and principles are known as the ethics and morality of law enforcement. The ethics and morals of law enforcement is a topic of discussion that focuses on the conduct, integrity, and professionalism of law enforcers while they are performing their jobs. The ethics and morality of law enforcement hold that the fundamental values of morality and integrity should serve as the foundation for law enforcement actions that are responsible and fair. This is done with the intention of ensuring that law enforcement is carried out in a manner that is just and fair. This will allow for the establishment of a harmonious relationship between law enforcers and the community, as well as an increase in public trust in law enforcement organizations.
The term “ethics” refers to the moral principles or behavioral expectations that are upheld within the legal industry. This encompasses the responsibilities and moral obligations that law enforcers place on their clients, as well as on the courts, communities, and the justice system as a whole. By carrying out their responsibilities, law enforcement officers are expected to uphold the high moral and ethical standards established by legal ethics. (Kurnia, 2020), (Nwabueze & Nwafor, 2021)
In the meantime, the morality of law enforcement is connected to the larger moral ideals that law enforcers uphold, both in their professional lives and in their personal lives. The ideals of honesty, integrity, impartiality, and social responsibility are all included in the canon of law enforcement morality. When carrying out their responsibilities and engaging in interactions with members of the public and other legal institutions, those tasked with upholding the law are obligated to adhere to these guiding principles. In light of this, the ethics and morality of law enforcers are essential moral concepts that each and every law enforcer must respect in order to carry out their responsibilities in a manner that is both professional and responsible.
Since it may improve integrity and public trust, law enforcement ethics and morals are highly essential in decreasing the culture of corruption. This is because it is one of the factors that can help reduce the culture of corruption. The ethics and morality of law enforcement ensure that officers adhere to a stringent code of ethics and behave in a fair and unbiased manner at all times. The public’s faith in the judicial system can be bolstered along with the agencies’ own reputations for fairness and impartiality when law enforcement officials act in this manner. In addition to being able to stop people from abusing their positions of authority. This implies that law enforcers who have high ethics and morality will not abuse their authority for personal or group interests since they will not want to compromise their principles. As a result, this has the potential to put an end to corrupt behaviors that are harmful to society.
When it comes to maintaining professionalism in law enforcement, ethics and morality are also extremely crucial factors. In the performance of their jobs, law enforcement officers benefit from adhering to a code of ethics and morality that helps them preserve their professionalism. Law enforcement officials can avoid behaving in an unprofessional manner and breaking the code of ethics if they adhere to proper codes of ethics and morals. In addition to that, it fosters a healthy culture of law and justice. The morality and ethics of law enforcement contribute to the development of a healthy legal culture in society. This has the potential to have a good impact on people’s understanding of the law and encourage them to comply with the many legal requirements that are in place. (West & Carrier, 2019), (Rikard, 2019)
The potential to lower overall levels of corrupt behavior is the most significant benefit that adhering to high standards of ethics and morality in law enforcement can offer. By ensuring that law enforcers conduct themselves in line with the principles of justice and honesty in every action that they take, the level of corruption can be decreased. This is accomplished through the ethics and morals of law enforcers. This can reduce the number of opportunities for unethical behavior to take place. As a result, the ethics and morals of law enforcement are of the utmost significance in order to promote law enforcement that is fair, professional, and responsible in the society, as well as to avoid the development of a culture of corruption that is harmful to the society.
In this discussion, the authors focus their research on three questions, namely: How can law enforcement ethics and morality shape professional character and integrity? How can the ethics and morality of law enforcement establish a healthy relationship with the public? How can law enforcement ethics and morality maintain professionalism in law enforcement?
In this investigation, a qualitative methodology was utilized, and both an empirical normative approach and a literature approach were taken. An investigation into how the ethics and morality of Indonesia’s law enforcers have played a role in lowering the country’s pervasive culture of bribery is presented in this article. Information collected from a variety of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. The authors of this study put a greater emphasis on references taken from scholarly journal articles as opposed to references taken from books or other forms of mainstream media.
3.1. Building Ethics and Morality Awareness
Building awareness of ethics and morality can be done in various ways, including by raising awareness of the importance of ethics and morality in the law enforcement profession; Teaching Law Enforcement Ethical and Moral Values in Formal and Non-Formal Education; and Instilling a Sense of Moral Responsibility in Every Law Enforcer.
3.1.1. Growing awareness of the importance of ethics and morality in the law enforcement profession
It is of the utmost importance to increase understanding of ethics and morals in the profession of law enforcement since it has a substantial impact on the quality and integrity of the judicial system. One of the reasons why it is necessary to educate those in the law enforcement profession about the importance of ethics and morals is so that they can earn the trust of the general population. When those who enforce the law adhere to strong ethical and moral standards, it has the potential to strengthen the public’s trust in both the judicial system and law enforcement. In addition to this, it can stop people from abusing their power. By carrying out their responsibilities, law enforcement officers who are conscious of their own ethics and morality will be better equipped to resist abusing the power that they have. This has the potential to aid in the prevention of acts of corruption and abuse of power that threaten the legitimacy of the judicial system. Another reason is that in order to fulfill their roles, law enforcement officers are frequently put in challenging and complicated circumstances. But, law enforcers who have a strong sense of ethics and morality will be better equipped to make the right decisions and face tough situations with integrity and professionalism. This is because they will be able to weigh the ethical and moral implications of their actions. In addition, the cultivation of an understanding of ethics and morality within the field of law enforcement can assist protect the reputation of the profession and guarantee that law enforcement is respected as a foundation of both the legal system and its own integrity. (Johnson, 2017), (Leung & Cooper, 2011), (Lerman & Schrag, 2009)
To raise awareness of the importance of ethics and morality in the law enforcement profession, there are several ways that can be done, including: (Johnson, 2017)
First: By Education. Education is one of the most efficient means available to enhance understanding of ethical and moral issues in the field of law enforcement. Courses on ethics and morality could be incorporated into the curricula of universities and other educational institutions to offer students with a more in-depth understanding of the role morality plays in the legal system.
Second: By Training. Training in ethics and morality is equally essential for those who enforce the law. Law enforcement officers can benefit from this training by gaining an understanding of the principles of ethics and morality as they pertain to the setting of law enforcement and learning how to apply these concepts in their day-to-day work.
Third: By Enforcing Discipline. It is essential to make certain that those who violate ethics and morality while working in the law enforcement profession are subjected to the necessary consequences and disciplinary actions. This can be helpful in ensuring that law enforcement officials adhere to the same ethical and moral standards that are applied to the profession of law.
Fourth: By promoting moral values. Leaders and other influential figures within the judicial system have the ability to instill moral ideals in the profession of law enforcement. This may serve as a motivating factor for those who execute the law to adopt and incorporate moral principles into their day-to-day operations. (Law Society of Ireland, 2018)
3.1.2. Teaching Law Enforcement Ethical and Moral Values in Formal and Non-Formal Education
It is vitally necessary to instill ethical ideals and morality in law enforcement officers through formal and non-formal education since this has a substantial bearing on the level of quality and integrity that is maintained within the justice system. Character and integrity can be developed through formal and non-formal education, specifically through the teaching of ethical ideals and the morality of law enforcement. This indicates that instilling ethical and moral principles in potential law enforcers at a young age, through both formal and non-formal education, can have a significant impact on the development of their character and integrity. In this manner, they will have a solid platform upon which to carry out their responsibilities as law enforcers while maintaining their honesty and professionalism. Also, it has the potential to lessen instances of corrupt behavior. The necessity of having integrity and being accountable for one’s actions will be emphasized to those who are training to become law enforcement officers if they are taught the ideals of ethics and morality. In this way, this can help to decrease acts of corruption and abuse of authority that threaten the legitimacy of the judicial system. (Galanter, 1974), (Johnson, 2017)
It is also vital to teach the ethical and moral principles of law enforcement in order to improve public trust. As a result, law enforcement officers who have received education on ethical and moral values will be better appreciated by society. The public will have a higher level of faith in the justice system’s ability to be fair and maintain its integrity. In addition, the teaching of morality and ethical values to members of law enforcement, through both formal and non-formal education, can help maintain the reputation of the profession and ensure that law enforcement is respected as a pillar of justice and the integrity of the justice system. This can be accomplished by ensuring that law enforcement is taught these things. (Santoso, 2016), (Scheppele, 2004)
3.1.3. Instilling a Sense of Moral Responsibility in Every Law Enforcer
It is of the utmost importance to instill a sense of moral responsibility in every member of the law enforcement community since these individuals play an essential part in ensuring that the justice system is both fair and honest. Law enforcement officers will have a greater awareness of the actions they take and the effects those actions have on society if they are taught a sense of moral responsibility. They will give greater weight to ethical principles when deliberating and carrying out their responsibilities. In addition, if law enforcement officials demonstrate a strong sense of moral responsibility, members of the general public will respect them and view them as more trustworthy. This will contribute to the enhancement of the integrity of the judicial system as well as the strengthening of public confidence in the judicial system. The fact that there is a strong feeling of moral responsibility among law enforcers would cause them to be more cautious and meticulous when making decisions, which is the most important factor. They will take into account moral and ethical principles while making judgments, and they will act in accordance with those guidelines. Law enforcers will be better able to resist the temptations to conduct acts of corruption and abuse of authority if they have a strong sense of moral responsibility, in addition to having a strong sense of moral responsibility. The honesty of the judicial system will be preserved thanks to this measure, which will also aid in the prevention of corrupt conduct. (Alford, 1999), (Smith, 2015)
Law enforcement officers that have a strong sense of moral responsibility will comprehend the significance of accountability when it comes to the jobs they perform. They are going to come to the realization that the activities they take have repercussions, and that they are responsible for the behaviors they take. Building public faith in the judicial system and avoiding the public’s suspicion that they are acting out of illicit reasons are both things that law enforcement officers may do. In addition, law enforcement professionals have the ability to uphold high ethical standards within their field and encourage others to do the same. They will have an understanding of how vital honesty and integrity are in the performance of their jobs, and as a result, they will be able to avoid engaging in corrupt behaviors. (Beuerman & Parry, 2015), (Johnson, 2017), (Raz, 1995)
It is essential for there to be an awareness of ethics and morals among law enforcers in order to develop a law enforcement system of high quality and maintain the agency’s integrity. Education, both formal and informal, as well as a supportive work environment, are all effective ways to develop this knowledge in individuals. Maintaining accountability, building public trust, promoting integrity, and preventing acts of corruption can all be accomplished by developing a sense of moral responsibility in every law enforcement officer. As a consequence of this, attempts to increase understanding of ethics and morality among law enforcers should be a significant focus in the endeavor to improve the justice system.
3.2. Forming Professional Character and Integrity
The efforts to form professional character and integrity can be done in ways such as; Forming Professional Character and Integrity in Every Law Enforcer; Increasing Public Trust in Law Enforcement Institutions; and Encouraging independence and independence in decision making.
3.2.1. Forming Professional Character and Integrity in Every Law Enforcer
In order to keep the quality of the justice system high and to keep people’s trust in it, it is vital to instill professional character and integrity in every law enforcement officer. Character traits essential to the practice of a profession include the capacity to comprehend and apply the law in a manner that is neutral and equitable, as well as the possession of an open mind and a willingness to learn new things in order to enhance the standard of public services. Integrity, on the other hand, refers to the moral and ethical traits that a person possesses when carrying out his obligations and responsibilities. When referring to one’s activities in the performance of one’s obligations, having integrity involves demonstrating a willingness to abstain from corrupt behavior, actions that discriminate against others, and actions that are unfair. (Putra, 2018)
To ensure that law enforcement officers can effectively carry out their responsibilities and continue to uphold the public’s trust in the justice system, it is essential that they develop strong professional character and integrity. For instance, one study found that public trust in the judicial system is mostly influenced by qualities such as a person’s honesty and professionalism in their work. Communities will have a sense of trust and safety if they believe that those who enforce the law can behave in a way that is fair and objective, as well as in accordance with generally accepted standards of ethics and morals. In addition, law enforcement that is conducted in an honest and competent manner has the potential to both increase citizens’ compliance with the law and decrease the number of crimes committed. According to the findings of one study, people are more likely to follow the law if they have faith that the judicial system can make decisions in an impartial and fair manner.
3.2.2. Increasing Public Trust in Law Enforcement Institutions
It is highly crucial to increase public trust in law enforcement agencies since this will have an effect on the effectiveness and efficiency of the judicial system as it is currently organized. When individuals believe that law enforcement officials have their best interests at heart, they will be more likely to report instances of illegal activity. In addition to this, strong levels of public trust will also serve to bolster the legitimacy of law enforcement authorities in the eyes of the public.
According to study that was carried out in 2019 by Transparency International Indonesia, the percentage of the general public that places their trust in law enforcement authorities is still quite low, coming in at only 39.2%. This occurs as a result of a number of causes, including inequality in law enforcement, corruption and nepotism within law enforcement agencies, and a poor quality of service offered by law enforcement agencies to the general people. (Transparency International Indonesia, 2019)
Thus, it is necessary to make measures to improve public trust in the agencies that enforce the law. Increasing the transparency of the law enforcement process, removing corrupt and nepotistic practices, giving protection to reporters and witnesses, and improving the quality of service provided to the community are some of the things that may be done. (Adi, 2020)
Other efforts that can be made to increase public trust in law enforcement agencies are:
First: Increase transparency and accountability. The public has a right to have access to law enforcement authorities, and these organizations have a responsibility to ensure that their decision-making processes and actions are responsible and transparent. (Seta, 2018)
Second: Maintain independence. In order to maintain their ability to act in a fair and impartial manner, law enforcement agencies need to ensure that they remain independent from political influence and personal interests. (Awan & Awan 2014)
Third: Improving quality and professionalism. All law enforcement agencies are required to maintain a high level of professionalism and quality in their work. They ought to have sufficient expertise and be able to apply the law in an appropriate and impartial manner. (Kanyongolo, 2010)
Fourth: Involve the community. It is imperative that law enforcement authorities maintain transparency and include members of the community in both the decision-making and action-taking processes. Law enforcement agencies are able to better understand the needs and expectations of the community when they involve the community in their processes, which in turn strengthens public trust in the authorities. (Seta, 2018)
These endeavors may be carried out in a variety of methods, including the hosting of public meetings, the execution of social campaigns, the enhancement of the quality of services, and the implementation of reforms in the judicial system. Also, law enforcement organizations have the ability to create cooperative relationships with institutions of civil society as well as the mass media in order to improve communication and raise the level of public participation.
3.2.3. Encouraging independence and independence in decision making
The goal of fostering independence and autonomy in decision-making within law enforcement agencies is to help ensure that choices are made in a manner that is impartial and is not swayed by the interests of any one group or individuals. It is essential for law enforcement agencies to maintain their autonomy and independence in order to carry out their responsibilities in a professional manner and to avoid being influenced by political involvement or the interests of particular groups. It is extremely crucial in every field, including law enforcement, to foster an environment that encourages independence and autonomy in decision making. This is due to the fact that decisions that are made independently and independently will reduce the likelihood that those decisions would be unjust or not in favor of one particular party. (Harding, 2017)
Law Number 16 of 2004 concerning the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic of Indonesia, Law Number 30 of 2002 concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission, and Law Number 14 of 1985 concerning the Supreme Court are the laws that regulate the independence and independence of law enforcement agencies in the context of Indonesia. These laws were passed in 2004, 2002, and 1985, respectively. There are clauses governing the independence of law enforcement agencies from political interests or particular parties in each of these three pieces of legislation. (Abidin, 2016)
In the context of the administration of justice, independence also refers to the fact that judicial and law enforcement institutions are not subject to the pressure or influence of other parties who seek to manipulate the outcomes of legal proceedings. In other words, if law enforcement authorities are allowed to maintain their independence, then the law will be executed in a manner that is both fair and unbiased. In addition, law enforcement officers will be better able to uphold their professional standards and integrity if they have financial and operational autonomy. This will result in a rise in public trust in law enforcement organizations and will reinforce these institutions’ legitimate status. (Basuki, 2018)
There is a favorable correlation between encouraging independence and autonomy in decision making within law enforcement agencies, which in turn has the effect of improving public trust in law enforcement institutions. Law enforcement authorities that are able to carry out their responsibilities in an autonomous and competent manner will earn more trust and respect from the general public.
3.3. Establish Healthy Relations with the Public
The efforts that can be made in establishing a healthy relationship with the public include: By building good communication with the public; Increasing openness and transparency in carrying out tasks; and Strengthen the relationship between law enforcement agencies and the community.
3.3.1. Build good communication with the community
In the context of law enforcement, developing strong lines of communication with the local population is of utmost importance. This is due to the fact that law enforcement agencies are representatives of the state, and it is the state’s responsibility to safeguard the interests of society. As a result, law enforcement agencies are required to maintain positive ties with the community in order to garner their support. (Sunyoto, 2015)
When law enforcement agencies have effective contact with the public, they will be able to gather information and input that will be helpful to them in the performance of their tasks. As a result, law enforcement authorities are better able to comprehend the requirements and aspirations of the community, allowing them to modify their law enforcement operations accordingly. In addition, effective communication with the general public can help strengthen the public’s faith in the authorities that are responsible for law enforcement. People will feel more at ease and have greater faith in the ability of law enforcement authorities to find solutions to problems and apply the law fairly when there is a solid relationship between the two parties. (Pratama, 2018)
Law enforcement can have a better understanding of the community’s needs and hopes by maintaining open lines of communication with members of the community. When law enforcement officials have a better grasp of the requirements of the community, they are better able to devise strategies and programs to deal with the legal issues that are experienced by the community. In addition, effective communication with the general public can help strengthen the public’s faith in the authorities that are responsible for law enforcement. The community will have a greater sense of involvement and a sense of ownership of the law enforcement process if law enforcement agencies and the community develop channels of contact with one another. The legitimacy of law enforcement authorities will be improved as a result, which will lead to an increase in public trust. (Suparlan, 2015), (Wicaksono, 2018)
3.3.2. Increasing openness and transparency in carrying out tasks
It is essential for law enforcement authorities to improve their level of openness and transparency when carrying out their responsibilities. Because openness and transparency can improve accountability and prevent the abuse of power, this is one reason why. The public has the ability to acquire information that is both clear and correct if there is an openness and transparency surrounding the procedure of law enforcement. This can assist the public in comprehending the measures performed by law enforcement agencies, which in turn can build public trust in those institutions. The process of law enforcement can also benefit from increased efficacy and efficiency if it is conducted in an open and transparent manner. A more open access to information will make it simpler for law enforcement authorities to collect the evidence and information necessary to resolve the cases they are working on. (Suparlan, 2015), (Duff, 2010)
Efforts to increase openness and transparency can be carried out in a variety of ways, such as making information readily available to the public and ensuring that it can be easily accessed and comprehended by the public, remaining open to questions and input from the public, and providing explanations regarding decisions taken by law enforcement agencies. Not only can openness and transparency help increase public trust, but they may also assist law enforcement agencies in recognizing and addressing any potential issues that may occur within the agency. Law enforcement agencies can demonstrate their dedication to doing their duties with integrity and accountability if they are transparent about the challenges they face and openly recognize and address those issues. (Nugroho, 2018), (Prabowo, 2019)
Law enforcement agencies have the ability to foster a stronger level of public trust and encourage public participation in the law enforcement process if they increase their level of openness and transparency. Also, openness and transparency can assist law enforcement agencies in locating and addressing any potential internal issues that may crop up, which is another benefit of these policies.
3.3.3. Strengthen the relationship between law enforcement agencies and the community
An effort is being made to develop a tight, trustworthy, and respectful connection between the police, prosecutors, and the community by strengthening the link between law enforcement authorities and the community. This is significant because it is possible for law enforcement agencies to boost their efficiency by cultivating positive relationships with the communities they serve, which in turn helps strengthen public trust in the institutions that are responsible for law enforcement. In the meantime, efforts to strengthen the relationship between law enforcement agencies and the community can be carried out by increasing community participation in the law enforcement process, educating the public about their rights and obligations in maintaining order and security, and establishing dialogue and good communication between law enforcement agencies and the community. These are just some of the ways that these efforts can be carried out. (Ariyanto, 2016), (Fajri, 2017), (Prabowo, 2020)
An attempt that is being made to develop mutual trust and support between the public and law enforcement agencies is being made through the strengthening of the relationship between the two groups. This is significant because a society’s demand for safety and justice in a variety of legal matters necessitates the existence of law enforcement institutions. On the other hand, in order to be able to carry out their responsibilities in an efficient manner, law enforcement organizations require the cooperation and participation of the community.
In strengthening the relationship between law enforcement agencies and the community, efforts such as: (Supriyadi, 2019), (Yusuf, 2018)
- Establishing strong and open lines of communication between local police enforcement and the community they serve. The connection between the two parties can be negatively impacted by poor communication since it prevents better understanding from being achieved and reduces the number of misconceptions that occur.
- The practice of disseminating information to the general public about the policies, actions, and work results of law enforcement authorities in a way that is both open and transparent. Both the public’s faith in law enforcement agencies and the connection between the public and law enforcement will improve as a result of this.
- Fostering an active involvement from the community members in the process of monitoring the efficiency of the law enforcement services. Participation from the community can assist in enhancing the accountability of law enforcement authorities and in enhancing their performance in the event that deficiencies or violations are discovered.
Efforts to develop a relationship of mutual trust and benefit between law enforcement agencies and the people they serve are an example of what is meant when we talk about “strengthening the relationship between law enforcement authorities and the community.” This comprises the improvement of interaction, communication, and coordination between the two parties in order to generate a good understanding and collaboration in addressing a variety of legal and security challenges.
Building strong relationships between law enforcement agencies and the community has many benefits, including: (Wicaksono, 2018), (Amry & Ramli, 2017)
- Raise the level of public trust in the agencies that enforce the law and the ongoing legal processes.
- Enhancing community participation in the process of law enforcement and increasing public reporting of criminal activities that have taken place are both important goals.
- Increasing oversight and control of law enforcement agencies in order to reduce the likelihood that these organizations may do unethical or immoral acts in the course of their work.
- Increasing the efficacy and efficiency of law enforcement authorities in their handling of a variety of legal and security challenges affecting society as a whole.
3.4. Maintaining Professionalism in Law Enforcement
Efforts to maintain professionalism in law enforcement can be carried out in three ways, namely: Strengthening the Internal Oversight System in Law Enforcement Agencies, Ensuring Sanctions for Violators of Law Enforcement Ethics and Morality, and Improving Service Quality and Performance of Law Enforcement Agencies.
3.4.1. Strengthening the Internal Oversight System in Law Enforcement Agencies
When we talk about “Strengthening the Internal Oversight System in Law Enforcement Institutions,” what we really mean is “increasing the ability of these institutions to supervise and control their internal activities in order for them to run effectively and efficiently, as well as minimize the occurrence of violations or actions that are not in accordance with applicable ethics and law.” This includes monitoring of law enforcement agencies’ overall performance as well as their governance, finances, and human resource practices. (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, 2019)
It is vital to strengthen the Internal Oversight System in order to promote accountability and transparency in the performance of the tasks and activities that are assigned to law enforcement agencies. In addition to this, this can also help to support the development of a culture of professionalism and integrity among the personnel working for law enforcement authorities. (Satgas Saber Pungli, 2019)
It is essential for the continued upkeep of the integrity and credibility of these institutions to make improvements to the internal control systems that are used in law enforcement organizations. Within the law enforcement authorities, this is done with the intention of preventing corrupt practices and abuses of power. The strengthening of the internal control system is crucial for the reason that having a robust internal control system can protect law enforcement agencies from engaging in corrupt conduct. If there is an effective internal control system in place, any suspicious actions can be identified and the right measures can be taken to prevent them from occurring. In addition, law enforcement agencies can ensure that every member of the organization carries out their responsibilities in a manner that is both professional and effective if they have a robust system of internal controls. This will contribute to the enhancement of the performance of the institution and will stimulate the accomplishment of organizational goals. A further argument is that doing so can help raise law enforcement agencies’ accountability to the public. This can be accomplished by strengthening the internal control system. Because of this, there will be increased levels of openness and accountability throughout the business, since each member of the organization will be held responsible for their own actions and decisions. In addition, the general public will have a higher level of trust in law enforcement authorities when those agency have robust internal control systems. While dealing with legal matters, the community will have the impression that the institution handles them in a professional manner and can be depended upon. (Effendi, 2018), (Siahaan, 2021), (Munir, 2018)
The term “strengthening the internal control system in law enforcement agencies” refers to the efforts made to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the performance of the institution through the implementation of a robust internal control mechanism. This is referred to as “strengthening the internal control system.” This involves the execution of internal control procedures, the conducting of internal audits, the monitoring of performance, and the prompt and accountable reporting of findings. (Yulianto & Handoyo, 2017)
The prevention of damaging and unethical actions in law enforcement agencies is the primary goal of efforts to strengthen their internal control systems. These practices include acts of corruption, misuse of authority, and violations of the code of ethics. Law enforcement agencies have the ability to minimize the danger of adverse acts, both financially and in terms of their reputations, if they have an effective internal oversight process. (Yulianto, 2019) A further objective is to avoid infractions and fraud that have the potential to undermine the integrity of law enforcement authorities, as well as to strengthen the accountability and transparency with which they carry out their duties. Law enforcement agencies are able to supervise all actions and choices made by their members when they have a robust internal control system in place. This helps ensure that every action is always conducted in accordance with the law and with professional ethics. Additionally, this has the potential to bolster the public’s faith in law enforcement authorities as honest and impartial institutions. (Muhammad, 2018)
3.4.2. Ensure That Law Enforcement Ethics and Morality Violations Are Punished
It is vital to ensure that there are consequences for those who violate the ethics and morality of law enforcement in order to keep the level of professionalism that this profession strives to maintain. This is done with the intention of reinforcing the regulations and ethical standards that serve as the foundation for the profession of law enforcement. In order to ensure that any transgressions of the ethics and morality of law enforcement are not ignored or treated lightly, these sanctions need to be applied in a manner that is both forceful and consistent. This will not only have a deterrent impact for those who violate the law, but it will also motivate law enforcement officers to always retain their integrity and professionalism while performing their duties. On the other hand, in addition to the imposition of punishments, it is essential to take a preventative approach in order to stop ethical and moral code infractions from happening. By formal and non-formal education, the law enforcement profession can be equipped with a greater awareness and comprehension of the ethical ideals and morality that should guide their work. This is one preventive method that can be adopted. (Pertiwi & Martono, 2020)
In this scenario, law enforcement authorities are likewise required to be open and upfront in how they deal with violations of ethics and morality perpetrated by members of their own organization. Access to reporting these infractions must be made more straightforward and user-friendly for the general public. As a result, there is potential for the public’s faith in law enforcement institutions to grow. (Sari & Sutanto, 2020)
Professionalism is of the utmost significance in the field of law enforcement because it ensures that the duties that are assigned to law enforcers are carried out with the utmost honesty, integrity, and sense of responsibility. Making ensuring that those who violate the ethics and morality of law enforcement are subject to consequences is one of the things that may be done to ensure that the law enforcement profession remains professional. Depending on the severity of the offense that was committed, these sanctions may take the shape of a reprimand, being fired, or even being brought before the criminal justice system. It is intended that by enforcing severe punishments for those who violate the ethics and morality of law enforcement, this will serve as a deterrence for those who violate these standards, as well as give rewards for those who uphold ethics and morality while performing their jobs as law enforcers. The presence of consequences for those who violate the ethics and morality of law enforcement is another factor that might contribute to a rise in public trust in law enforcement institutions. When the public perceives that acts of violation of ethics and morality are not noticed or ignored, it can create a sense of mistrust in the public and undermine the public’s trust in law enforcement organizations. (Basuki, 2018)
Given this scenario, it is essential for law enforcement agencies to have a system that is both effective and efficient in terms of supervising and enforcing discipline against law enforcement personnel who violate ethics and morality in their field of work. It is imperative that the process of monitoring and enforcing discipline be done out in an open and transparent manner. This will allow the general public to see that actions taken by law enforcement agencies are carried out in a professional and honest manner. (Saputro, 2019)
As a result of what has been said so far, one may draw the conclusion that enforcing sanctions against those who violate the ethics and morality of law enforcement is of utmost significance in terms of preserving the profession of law enforcement. Infractions of ethics and morality can be detrimental to the image of law enforcement organizations and bring about a decrease in public faith in the institutions in question. As a result, organizations that enforce laws need to be equipped with robust and efficient systems that allow them to respond appropriately to ethical and moral transgressions. In order to avoid creating a climate of mistrust toward law enforcement agencies, the imposition of sanctions must be carried out in a manner that is both just and open to public inspection. It is envisaged that law enforcement officers will be more professional and responsible in the performance of their jobs if they are subjected to consequences that are both stringent and effective.
3.4.3. Improving Service Quality and Performance of Law Enforcement Agencies
One of the things that is being done to keep the professional level of law enforcement at a high level is improving the level of service and performance that law enforcement agencies provide. This is done to both give excellent service to the community and ensure that law enforcement is carried out in a fair manner. There are a variety of approaches that can be taken in order to enhance the level of service provided as well as the level of performance achieved. Some of these approaches include providing employees of law enforcement agencies with training and opportunities to develop their skills, making use of appropriate information technology, closely monitoring and evaluating employee performance, and other similar approaches. (Karim & Suryadi, 2018), (Kurniawan, 2020)
In order to fulfill their responsibilities, law enforcement agencies are required to offer services that are prompt, accurate, and reliable to the general public. The public will have a strong sense of appreciation and trust in law enforcement authorities if they are consistently given good service. Improving the quality of performance can also reduce the number of errors made and boost the efficiency of law enforcement. (Putra & Mustaqim, 2019)
It is vital to improve work methods and procedures, increase the quality of human resources, and use suitable technology and information in order for law enforcement agencies to improve the quality of the services they provide and the performance they deliver. In addition, law enforcement agencies need to be able to deliver services to the community that are responsive, quick, and of high quality. Furthermore, they need to be open to receiving opinions and suggestions from the general public. (Bakar, 2017), (Fadzil,, 2020)
By enhancing the level of service provided and performance achieved by law enforcement agencies, it is hoped that members of the general public will have a greater level of trust and respect for these institutions. This will allow for more effective collaboration between law enforcement agencies and members of the general public. This will have a beneficial influence on law enforcement, making it more efficient and dependable, as well as aiding in the prevention of corrupt practices and the abuse of authority.
In light of what has been said thus far, it is possible to draw the conclusion that upholding high standards of ethics and morals within law enforcement is critical to the success of attempts to cut back on a culture of corruption. Increasing people’s understanding of ethics and morality, instilling a sense of moral responsibility, strengthening the internal control system, and instituting punishments for those who violate ethics and morality are some of the things that can be done to ensure that law enforcement agencies continue to operate professionally. In addition, increasing public trust in law enforcement agencies requires a focus on enhancing the quality of service and performance provided by law enforcement agencies as well as developing the relationships between law enforcement agencies and the general public. To establish a law enforcement agency that is professional and deserving of respect, each of these steps must be executed repeatedly and persistently.
It is not a simple task to institutionalize ethics and morality within the profession of law enforcement. A lack of understanding of the significance of ethics and morals, pressure from a variety of parties, and inadequate consequences for violators are some of the challenges and barriers that need to be overcome. There are also a number of other challenges and obstacles that need to be overcome. Despite this, it is not impossible to find a solution to the problem. Every law enforcement officer needs to have a deep comprehension of the concept of ethics and morals as well as a high level of moral awareness and responsibility in order to bring down the culture of corruption in law enforcement and keep the profession on a professional level. In addition to this, it is necessary to have support and collaboration from a number of different parties, such as the general public and the institutions of internal oversight, as well as the enforcement of stringent consequences for those who violate ethics and morality.
Efforts must be made to strengthen the ethics and morality of law enforcement in order for law enforcement agencies to overcome a variety of problems, particularly in reducing the culture of corruption and increasing public trust in these institutions. Cultivating professional character and integrity in every law enforcement officer through education and training; Raising awareness of the significance of ethics and morality in the law enforcement profession through campaigns and outreach; Promoting autonomy and autonomy in decision-making through the application of strong moral and ethical principles; Increasing openness and transparency in carrying out tasks by providing accurate, easily-understood information to the public; Establishing effective communication with the community through open and participatory dialogue; Strengthening the relationship between law enforcement agencies and the community through collaboration and the community’s active participation in efforts to prevent and deal with criminal acts; Strengthening the internal control system within law enforcement agencies by applying the principles of good governance and imposing sanctions on those who violate ethics and morality. However, these efforts continue to encounter obstacles such as resistance to change, a lack of adequate budget and human resources, and the existence of difficult-to-eradicate corrupt practices. Therefore, these efforts must be conducted consistently and sustainably over time.
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- Alford, C. F. (1999). The whys and wherefores of ethical responsibility in the modern legal profession. Law & Social Inquiry, 24(1), 1-68.
- Amry, M., & Ramli, M. (2017). Meningkatkan Kepercayaan Masyarakat Terhadap Lembaga Penegak Hukum. Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Hukum UMI, 6(1), 39-54.
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- Awan, M. R., & Awan, R. U. (2014). Strengthening the Rule of Law through the Justice System Reform in Pakistan. Journal of Law and Criminal Justice, 2(2), 34-43.
- Basuki, D. D. (2018). Pentingnya Kemandirian dan Independensi Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Pada Lembaga Penegak Hukum. Jurnal Konstitusi, 15(3), 445-462.
- Basuki, M. (2018). Etika dan Moralitas dalam Penegakan Hukum. Cetakan Kedua. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
- Beuerman, C. L., & Parry, J. T. (2015). The moral responsibility of law students and lawyers. Journal of Legal Studies Education, 32(2), 263-292.
- Duff, R. A. (2010). Pre-emptive punishment and the rule of law. In Crime and punishment in contemporary culture (pp. 13-29). Routledge.
- Effendi, N. (2018). Upaya Peningkatan Kinerja dan Akuntabilitas Lembaga Penegak Hukum. Jurnal Ilmu Hukum dan Pembangunan, 3(1), 55-68.
- Fajri, M. (2017). Membangun kepercayaan publik pada kepolisian melalui community policing. Jurnal Kebijakan dan Manajemen Publik, 5(1), 21-32.
- Galanter, M. (1974). Why the ‘haves’ come out ahead: Speculations on the limits of legal change. Law and Society Review, 9(1), 95-160.
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- Karim, M. Z. A., & Suryadi, K. (2018). Urgensi Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Bagi Masyarakat di Indonesia. Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 9(1), 15-27.
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- Kurnia, A. (2020). The Role of Ethics and Morality in Enhancing Professionalism in Law Enforcement. The Indonesian Journal of Criminal Justice, 1(1), 27-38.
- Kurniawan, E. (2020). Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Melalui Teknologi Informasi di Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Akuntansi Dan Manajemen, 19(1), 28-39.
- Law Society of Ireland. (2018). Code of Ethics and Conduct for Practising Solicitors. Diakses pada tanggal 8 April 2023 dari
- Lerman, L. C., & Schrag, P. G. (2009). Ethical problems in the practice of law (3rd ed.). West Group.
- Leung, P. T. Y., & Cooper, B. K. (2011). Ethical decision making of justice professionals: A critical review of the literature. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41(5), 1075-1104.
- Fikri Fadzil, dkk. (2020). Penegakan Hukum yang Efektif dan Akuntabel Melalui Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik. Jurnal Legalitas, 17(1), 105-120.
- Muhammad, A. F. (2018). Peningkatan Kinerja Lembaga Penegak Hukum Melalui Sistem Pengawasan Internal yang Baik. Jurnal Dinamika Hukum, 18(1), 67-79.
- Munir, M. (2018). Membangun Good Governance melalui Implementasi Pengawasan Internal yang Efektif pada Lembaga Penegak Hukum. Jurnal Hukum Administrasi Negara, 3(2), 167-177.
- Nugroho, R. A. (2018). Enhancing Transparency in the Criminal Justice System in Indonesia. In Indonesia’s Criminal Justice System (pp. 45-58). Springer, Singapore.
- Nwabueze, U., & Nwafor, C. E. (2021). Professionalism, Ethics, and Integrity in Law Enforcement: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 36(1), 54-63.
- Pertiwi, P. R., & Martono, H. (2020). Etika Profesi Hukum: Upaya Membangun Kualitas dan Integritas Penegak Hukum. Jurnal Dinamika Hukum, 20(1), 17-31.
- Prabowo, A. (2019). Restorative justice and transparency in Indonesia: a comparative analysis. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 58, 53-62.
- Prabowo, B. A. (2020). Konflik kebijakan kepolisian dan pandangan masyarakat tentang polisi sebagai lembaga penegak hukum di Indonesia. Jurnal Dinamika Hukum, 20(2), 295-306.
- Pratama, D. Y. (2018). Pentingnya Komunikasi Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Penegakan Hukum. Jurnal Al-Ulum, 18(1), 1-13.
- Putra, A. S. (2018). The Role of Professionalism and Integrity on Trust in the Justice System: An Indonesian Experience. Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun, 6(2), 293-310.
- Putra, M. A., & Mustaqim, R. (2019). Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Kompetensi, dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai di Kejaksaan Negeri Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Administrasi Publik, 9(1), 27-36.
- Raz, J. (1995). Ethics in the public domain: Essays in the morality of law and politics. Oxford University Press.
- Rikard, R. V. (2019). Ethics and Professionalism in Policing: Examining the Relationship Between Law Enforcement Ethics and Officer Conduct. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 34(3), 213-222.
- Santoso, B. (2016). Pendidikan Hukum dan Peran Perguruan Tinggi dalam Membentuk Moralitas dan Etika Mahasiswa Hukum. Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Luar Sekolah, 3(1), 63-72.
- Saputro, D. (2019). Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Penegak Hukum dalam Pelaksanaan Tugas di Indonesia. Jurnal Konstitusi, 16(2), 203-224.
- Sari, Y. K., & Sutanto, E. (2020). Penerapan Sanksi Administratif dalam Pelanggaran Etika dan Moralitas Penegak Hukum di Indonesia. Jurnal Konstitusi, 17(2), 267-289.
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- Scheppele, K. L. (2004). The globalization of corruption. Crime, Law and Social Change, 41(4), 347-372.
- Seta, W. D. (2018). The Role of Transparency, Accountability and Public Participation in Improving the Effectiveness of Law Enforcement Institutions. Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, 78, 99-106.
- Siahaan, Y. (2021). Pengawasan internal sebagai upaya pencegahan korupsi pada lembaga penegak hukum. Jurnal Transformasi Hukum, 1(1), 55-66.
- Siti Hajar Abu Bakar. (2017). Penegakan Hukum yang Bermartabat Melalui Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik. Jurnal Yuridika, 32(2), 339-354.
- Smith, B. C. (2015). The role of ethics in criminal justice. Law Enforcement Executive Forum, 15(1), 47-55.
- Sunyoto, D. (2015). Komunikasi antara Lembaga Penegak Hukum dengan Masyarakat dalam Perspektif Penegakan Hukum. Jurnal Yudisial, 3(1), 41-55.
- Suparlan, P. (2015). Public participation in the implementation of criminal law in Indonesia: the potentiality of community policing. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 43(3), 301-318.
- Supriyadi, D. (2019). Peran Polri dalam Mewujudkan Hubungan Harmonis dengan Masyarakat di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0. Jurnal Kajian Strategis Polisi, 5(1), 39-60.
- Transparency International Indonesia. (2019). Laporan Survei Integritas dan Kepercayaan Publik: Lembaga Penegak Hukum 2019.
- Tyler, T. R. (2006). Why people obey the law. Princeton University Press.
- West, H. W., & Carrier, J. G. (2019). Professionalism and Ethics in Law Enforcement: A Comparison of Law Enforcement Officers and Criminal Justice Students. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 30(4), 536-551.
- Wicaksono, A. (2018). Memperkuat Hubungan Antara Lembaga Penegak Hukum Dan Masyarakat Dalam Rangka Mewujudkan Pemerintahan Yang Baik. Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik, 6(1), 1-10.
- Wicaksono, R. A. (2018). Communication strategy of public legal education (PLE) in improving access to justice in Indonesia. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 53, 131-141.
- Yulianto, E. (2019). The Influence of Internal Control System, Ethical Culture and Whistleblowing System on Fraud Prevention and Detection: Case Study on Corruption in Law Enforcement Sector in Indonesia. International Journal of Social Science and Human Behavior Study, 2(2), 15-29.
- Yulianto, E., & Handoyo, S. (2017). The Importance of Internal Control System for Detecting Fraud: Case Study on Corruption in the Law Enforcement Sector in Indonesia. KnE Social Sciences, 1(1), 670-679.
- Yusuf, I. (2018). Strategi Polri Meningkatkan Kepuasan Masyarakat. Jurnal Administrasi Publik, 2(2), 1-14.
- Zainal Abidin, A. (2016). Mendorong Independensi Jaksa dalam Penegakan Hukum di Indonesia. Jurnal Legislasi Indonesia, 13(1), 89-109.
Law Enforcement Ethics and Morality Contribution in Reducing the Culture of Corruption
Asep Syarifuddin Hidayat1, Nur Rohim Yunus2, Muhammad Ishar Helmi3
1,2,3 Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Vol 2 No 4 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 04 April 2023
Article Date Published : 15 April 2023 | Page No.: 608-618
Abstract :
Integrity and public trust can be bolstered when law enforcement agencies act ethically and morally, making them powerful tools in the fight against corruption. Law enforcement officials have high ethical standards and are expected to treat everyone equally and impartially. The greatest benefit of ethical and moral law enforcement is that it helps reduce corruption. By ensuring that law enforcers adhere to the ideals of fairness and honesty in their daily work, ethics and morals can help reduce corruption. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a literature approach and a statutory approach. The results of the study state that efforts that can be made to maintain law enforcement professionalism are by increasing knowledge about ethics and morality, fostering a sense of moral responsibility, strengthening the internal control system, and imposing sanctions on those who violate these standards. In addition, strengthening the interaction between law enforcers and the community as well as improving the quality of service and performance of law enforcement officials is very important in increasing public trust in law enforcement. All of these things are essential to building a respectable and professional policing.
Keywords :
Corruption Culture; Ethics; Morality; Law enforcerReferences :
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- Nugroho, R. A. (2018). Enhancing Transparency in the Criminal Justice System in Indonesia. In Indonesia’s Criminal Justice System (pp. 45-58). Springer, Singapore.
- Nwabueze, U., & Nwafor, C. E. (2021). Professionalism, Ethics, and Integrity in Law Enforcement: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 36(1), 54-63.
- Pertiwi, P. R., & Martono, H. (2020). Etika Profesi Hukum: Upaya Membangun Kualitas dan Integritas Penegak Hukum. Jurnal Dinamika Hukum, 20(1), 17-31.
- Prabowo, A. (2019). Restorative justice and transparency in Indonesia: a comparative analysis. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 58, 53-62.
- Prabowo, B. A. (2020). Konflik kebijakan kepolisian dan pandangan masyarakat tentang polisi sebagai lembaga penegak hukum di Indonesia. Jurnal Dinamika Hukum, 20(2), 295-306.
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- Wicaksono, A. (2018). Memperkuat Hubungan Antara Lembaga Penegak Hukum Dan Masyarakat Dalam Rangka Mewujudkan Pemerintahan Yang Baik. Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik, 6(1), 1-10.
- Wicaksono, R. A. (2018). Communication strategy of public legal education (PLE) in improving access to justice in Indonesia. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 53, 131-141.
- Yulianto, E. (2019). The Influence of Internal Control System, Ethical Culture and Whistleblowing System on Fraud Prevention and Detection: Case Study on Corruption in Law Enforcement Sector in Indonesia. International Journal of Social Science and Human Behavior Study, 2(2), 15-29.
- Yulianto, E., & Handoyo, S. (2017). The Importance of Internal Control System for Detecting Fraud: Case Study on Corruption in the Law Enforcement Sector in Indonesia. KnE Social Sciences, 1(1), 670-679.
- Yusuf, I. (2018). Strategi Polri Meningkatkan Kepuasan Masyarakat. Jurnal Administrasi Publik, 2(2), 1-14.
- Zainal Abidin, A. (2016). Mendorong Independensi Jaksa dalam Penegakan Hukum di Indonesia. Jurnal Legislasi Indonesia, 13(1), 89-109.
Author's Affiliation
Asep Syarifuddin Hidayat1, Nur Rohim Yunus2, Muhammad Ishar Helmi3
1,2,3 Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 2 No 4 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 04 April 2023
- Page No.: 608-618
- Published : 15 April 2023
- DOI:
How to Cite :
Law Enforcement Ethics and Morality Contribution in Reducing the Culture of Corruption. Asep Syarifuddin Hidayat, Nur Rohim Yunus, Muhammad Ishar Helmi , 2(4), 608-618. Retrieved from
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International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies