Visionary Leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin Chalim and Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyyah in Improving Competitiveness in Islamic Boarding School-Based Educational Institutions
Ainur Rofiq1, Mujamil Qomar2, Nur Efendi3, Maftukhin4, Akhyak5
1,2,3,4,5 UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to describe in depth related to: (1) how the visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai ‘Ainaul Mardliyyah communicates the vision in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions (2) how the visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai ‘Ainaul Mardliyyah as a determinant of direction in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions (3) how is the visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai ‘Ainaul Mardliyyah as agents of change in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding schools-based educational institutions, (4) how is the visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai Aina as a spokesperson and trainer in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions. This research uses qualitative research with a phenomenological approach and a multi-site study design. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed using techniques of reading all data, coding, interconnecting themes or descriptions, and interpreting the meaning of themes or descriptions. While the method of checking the validity of the data uses credibility, dependability, transparability, and confirmability techniques. The results of this study indicate that the visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai ‘Ainaul Mardliyyah in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding schools based educational institutions by referring to the vision and mission of educational institutions. Realizing the vision and mission to achieve superior and quality education.
KEYWORDS: Visionary Leadership, Competitiveness, Islamic Boarding School-Based Education
Leadership is a very important factor in advancing an organization, especially educational institutions. In the era of global competition, a leader is needed who is able to make changes, think far ahead, and has the ability to influence his subordinates in achieving common goals (Dedi, 2019). Leadership is said to be effective and conducive if it is able to increase competitiveness in an educational institution or organization (Rosalina, 2012). Leadership is the ability to influence, foster, guide, direct, advise, train, order, order, prohibit, move, motivate, even punish humans as part of the organization to achieve self-organizational goals so that they are achieved effectively and efficiently (Imam, 2016). ). The changing times are getting faster, demanding that Islamic educational institutions have leaders who are quick and responsive in making improvements and changes, having major breakthroughs, making breakthroughs, and innovating with the aim of realizing the vision of the institution they lead.
The success or failure of an organization is caused by someone’s leadership or figure, given the importance of leadership in bringing the organization to success (Yuni, 2014). One leadership model that is felt to be capable of bringing about changes in the future of Islamic education institutions is visionary leadership. According to Mujamil Qomar (2013), visionary leaders are believed to be able to reveal the dark mist of the future, predict the conditions of the times, translate future needs, and be responsive in responding to future demands. Visionary leaders have thoughts and actions that are capable of transcending their time.
Visionary leadership is able to inspire all members of an organization to think and interact creatively and innovatively accompanied by full responsibility (Prim Masrokan, 2020). To realize the goals of an organization, there are efforts related to the formulation of goals and trying together with the direction and guidance of the leadership. Leaders must also establish harmonious relationships with subordinates, both vertically and horizontally without discriminating between one another (Ali Abdulriha, 2017). The key word in visionary leadership lies in vision, namely vision is not only seen as a slogan or writing that is arranged and easy to read, but vision is also an inspiration, unites ideas, creates solid components, and gives a sense of enthusiasm within the organization (Imam Machali, 2016) . Vision is a mirror of the future that you want to achieve and make it an ideal achievement, besides vision is a goal that leaders and subordinates want to realize together (Saeed, 2007). Vision is a big dream that will be realized by the visionary leader and all members in the future. Visionary leadership creates a vision as an attractive, credible, realistic future achievement. To achieve a mission that is interesting, focused on what is inspiring, unique, achievable, and offers an offering that boils down to a difference. Vision is the main goal of achieving a visionary leader, being able to transfer the vision both verbally and in behavior to others. The ability to expand vision and communicate effectively with subordinates is one of the keys that a visionary leader must have.
According to Robin and Judge, as quoted by Neneng Hayati (2020), visionary leadership is more aimed at creating and emphasizing a vision to become a reality, something that is very interesting and becomes the future of an organization. Visionary leaders are able to deal with a variety of different subordinate characters, both those who provide positive support or those that weaken the organization. Even visionary leaders can provide direction, motivate, organize, reconcile, soothe, organize, and provide solutions when subordinates feel confused about directions (Herni, 2020). To deal with very rapid changes, visionary leadership is the main choice in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding schools-based educational institutions.
The kiai’s visionary leadership cannot be separated from the pesantren world, because the kiai is a central figure in the pesantren world. Likewise Mrs. Nyai is also a very influential figure after the kiai. Kiai and Mrs. Nyai are absolute policy makers in decisions taken by subordinates in educational institutions under the auspices of Islamic boarding schools (Nur Efendi, 2014). Visionary leadership figure K.H. Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai Hj. Aina ‘Ainaul Mardiyah is a leader who has a big vision and is future-oriented at the educational institutions of the Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School and the Ar-Risalah Integrated Assalafi Islamic Boarding School.
The Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School cannot be separated from the figure of its founder and caretaker, namely K.H. Asep Saifuddin Chalim. When people mention Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School, what is remembered is Kiai Asep’s hut. Researcher observations at the research location of the Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School were pioneered by Kiai Asep based in Surabaya and a few years later opened a branch boarding school in Kembang Belor Pacet Mojokerto. In a period of about eight years, the Amanatul Ummah Pacet Islamic Boarding School developed rapidly and has thousands of students from various regions in Indonesia. tahfidz Development of the Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School with high enthusiasm under the cold hands of K.H. Asep Saifudin, Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School has become one of the educational institutions that is considered in terms of quality and quantity.
The Lirboyo Integrated Assalafi Islamic Boarding School is located in the Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School complex, Kediri. Ar-Risalah Islamic Boarding School has educational institutions at the junior and senior high levels. Mrs. Nyai Hj. Aina ‘Ainaul Mardiyah is a caretaker at the Ar-Risalah Islamic boarding school, and is the daughter of K.H. Anwar Mansur Rois Syuriah, East Java, who is also the caretaker of Pondok Lirboyo. Although the daughter of K.H. Anwar Mansur, who incidentally is the caretaker of the Salaf Islamic boarding school, but Mrs. Nyai Hj. Aina ‘Ainaul Mardiyah has a commitment so that students can adapt and achieve in the era of globalization. Ar-Risalah Santri come not only from the island of Java, but also from outside Java. Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardiyah has a vision that the output of Ar-Risalah must be able to keep up with the rapid development of the times, in addition to having the provision of religious knowledge.
Based on data and observations as well as information from several people who were successfully met, the visionary leadership of K.H. Asep Saifudin changed his big dream, bringing the Amnatul Ummah educational institution to become one of the reference places for education in Indonesia, even at the Asian level, to become a reality. Ar-Risalah under the leadership of Mrs. Nyai ‘Ainaul Mardiyah, contributes to the output of superior human resources who are ready to fill various PTNs both at home and abroad. From the observations the researchers made in the field, the researchers were interested in conducting research, studies, and related understandings.
- Visionary Leadership
Visionary leadership is a hope in the era of the industrial revolution because it is considered capable of creating leadership strategies that are full of innovation, full of creativity, prioritize quality or quality, are very responsive to developments in the digital world, can think far ahead with instinct and sufficient knowledge (Buchari Alma, 2009 ). Visionary leadership is the ability possessed by a leader to be able to create, formulate, socialize, communicate, transform, and implement ideal thoughts from himself as a result of interaction between stakeholders and members of the organization which becomes the vision of the organization in the future and is realized together. Engkoswara and Aan, 2015). Communicating the vision is important because it becomes an encouragement for educators to realize this vision. According to Harold Lasswell, communication is divided into three, namely interpersonal communication, intrapersonal communication, and audience communication. Interpersonal communication has the meaning of communication carried out between two or more people face to face. Intrapersonal communication is a form of communication that takes place within a person. According to Hafied, public communication is a communication process in which messages are delivered in front of a wider audience (Cangara, 2013).
Vision determines the direction to achieve organizational goals and the organization will not be swayed when the vision is implemented. A visionary leader is a leader who is able to formulate a vision, articulate and realize the vision as a big dream that becomes the ideals for the future. Vision is also a foresight that leads to the core or crystallization of competency, ability, self-efficacy in seeing, analyzing, and interpreting (Fahmi, 1995).
Based on a vision that is made clear and becomes the main footing in organizational goals, visionary leadership is a leadership model that has meaning in working together with all organizational components to realize the goals of the vision (Ara and Imam, 2009). Visionary leaders have a focus of thought and imagination on a future full of competition and challenges, determine policy directions, are superior change agents, and guide subordinates to become professionals. To detect challenges and see opportunities in the future in order to achieve common organizational goals, visionary leaders are expected to be able to manage and overcome all problems that arise, and suggest appropriate ways to others (Seth Kahan, 2019).
Character is very important to be owned by a leader in leading an organization. The character of visionary leadership can inspire and together with members of the organization realize the vision that has become a goal in the future. Sashkin stated that at least three characteristics are possessed by visionary leaders, including (1) having a range of thinking power into the future, (2) creating and having a clear picture of a vision and having a strategy in achieving the vision, (3) to support the vision, it involves others (Saskhin, 1989). Aan Komariah and Cepi Triatna explained that some of the characteristics possessed by visionary leaders include (1) focusing on the future and having strategies for an increasingly complex future, (2) making themselves superior agents of change, (3) determining the direction in the organization, (4) as a reliable and professional trainer, (5) directing the work of subordinates in a more professional direction (Aan and Cepi, 2010). Rivai and Arviyan have the view that visionary leadership is a leader who is very sensitive to the developing times, has high imagination, broad knowledge, and looks to the future while making it happen with all members in accordance with the desired vision (Rivai and Arivan, 2009).
Visionary leaders have a very significant role in bringing about big changes and progress in the future of an organization. Visionary leaders are able to influence and invite all elements of the organization to jointly develop and realize the vision. Even a visionary leader provides opportunities for subordinates to play a role in realizing this vision (Perry, 2010). Visionary leaders have roles that they should play and know who is committed to the organization and aims to better serve consumers (Arthur, 2010). There are at least four important pillars or roles that visionary leaders have in playing their roles in leadership.
Burt Nanus in his book visionary leadership, as quoted by Imam Machali and Ara Hidayat (2016) states that the four pillars that a visionary leader must have are as follows:
- Direction Setter
Visionary leaders have a vision as a determinant of the direction of the organization, also bringing change when the organization is experiencing confusion. Through smart and rational thinking, visionary leaders appear to be pioneers and goal setters and always move forward as desired. Visionary leaders as direction setters always convey the vision, communicate, motivate employees, and convince and support all components to achieve the stages towards the future. Having a role as a direction setter, a visionary leader screens and determines goals and with consideration of the external environment in the future along with all organizational resources. Visionary leaders are expected to be able to design each step to achieve goals and be accepted as real progress by all members of the organization (Nanus, 1992).
- Agent of Change
Visionary leaders always provide stimulation to provide stimulation for changes in the internal environment. Visionary leaders do not feel comfortable when they see organizational conditions stagnant and static. Conversely, a visionary leader is always successful in making big moves and changes and accepting challenges within the framework of a rational work agenda. Visionary leaders always pioneer changes towards a better direction in realizing the vision.
- Spokesperson
Visionary leaders are not only able to convince within the organization. However, visionary leaders also have broad relations and access outside the organization and try to convince the outside world about excellent programs and socialization of visions that have an impact on organizational progress. As a skilled negotiator, a visionary leader has reliable communication skills and skills accompanied by logic, is capable of arguing, and is realistic about an attractive, beneficial, and fun organizational vision. Visionary leaders also produce negotiations that have an impact on mutually beneficial cooperation for the organization both morally and materially.
- Coach
The visionary leader as a trainer uses his expertise in working with groups to achieve the specified vision. Visionary leaders maximize all members of the organization to work together to achieve victory or achieve the vision of the organization. A leader also provides direction, gives hope, and builds trust in all members in realizing the vision of the organization. As a professional trainer, a visionary leader shares his experiences so that his subordinates become professional people, and invites them to implement the vision together.
- Competitiveness
Competitiveness is formed from many factors, including concepts, competencies, connections, and is influenced by quality human resources (Lia, 2018). Competitiveness is a comparative concept between the ability and performance of the company, and can be achieved through the competitiveness strategy of each company (Mudrajad, 2007). Added value exists in every company. Porter, as quoted by Foris and Mustamu, stated that competition is the essence of success. In winning the tough competition, every company must have the right way or competitive strategy. The goal of a competitive strategy is to respond to the environment, but also to make the environment what a company wants (Paskalimo, 2015).
Educational institutions as one of the printers of the nation’s next generation always try to provide the best service. Competition between educational institutions is a common sight in improving the quality or quality of education. Competition in the world of education tends to increase due to the addition of new educational institutions. The struggle between educational institutions can be seen from the various strategies used, including cost competition, incessant promotion, and the resulting output. The Minister of National Education provides a definition that competitiveness is the ability to show results that are faster, meaningful, and better. These capabilities include the ability to strengthen in market segments, interact with the environment, provide continuous performance improvement, position yourself in a profitable position (Permendiknas, 2007).
According to Porter (1980), a company or organization has a strategy to get satisfactory or high profits. There are at least three strategies that can be done to increase competitiveness in outperforming other companies. These three things include superior leadership in financing that differentiates between products and focus.
- Low financing strategy
The low cost strategy is to manufacture products at a low cost without compromising quality. This is targeting consumers who are not too concerned with brands, but rather consumers who are easily influenced by price fluctuations. Maximum use of management functions, companies or organizations with a low-cost strategy when the conditions, namely resources and organization have been achieved. Things that include resources are human resources, product marketing, promotion, good supervision, creativity and low distribution.
- Differences between products
A different product will certainly attract consumers to make transactions. This is why the company always innovates by creating unique products that are always in demand by consumers. However, the weak difference between products is easy to imitate when it is accepted and circulated according to the needs of the community. The downside is when people or competitors make the same product and offer it at a lower or cheaper price. The important thing in using this strategy is that research is carried out by the organization, namely the important role of the market in developing products (Fred, 2011).
- Focus
The focus strategy is usually used on small market segments because the goal of focus is to form competitive advantages. The strategy with this model is more on providing small number of customer services and not being affected by price. Usually the focus strategy is used in collaboration with other strategies in medium and large scale companies. According to Joko Mulyono (2012), a focus strategy can be implemented if it fulfills the conditions including good market share, no attention from competitors, and hopes of developing well. The focus strategy will be said to be successful if the distinctive features or uniqueness are not imitated and in demand by other competitors.
- Islamic Boarding School-Based Educational Institutions
Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions are places or organizations that have formal educational institutions under the auspices of Islamic boarding schools. According to M. Shulthon and Moh. Khusnuridho (2006), in the development of Islamic boarding schools to organize formal institutions by following the national standard curriculum, both those following the curriculum of religious schools/Ministry of Religion such as MI, MTs, MA, as well as the national curriculum/Didiknas such as SD, SMP, SMU, and even public universities such as several Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia include the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School and others. According to Zamakhsari Dhofier, Islamic boarding schools according to their openness to social change are divided into two, namely salafi pesantren and khalafi pesantren. Salaf Islamic boarding schools still maintain their style in teaching classical books / yellow itab as the core of teaching and use the sorogan system, while the kholafi boarding school has integrated general education and religious education in the pesantren environment.
Islamic boarding school educational institutions which were declared in the range of 2008 nationally with 25 members then at the end of 2015 grew to 302 members (Permendiknas, 2006). Islamic boarding schools organize formal schools based on Islamic boarding schools with the aim of making changes because of Islamic boarding schools’ guidance on the fast flow of globalization and technology which begins with the reflections and appreciation of the kiai and then is implemented into good deeds. Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions implement a superior education model that is integrated from the school education model with the superior Islamic education system. So, a culture that combines the school education model and the Islamic boarding school education system will produce graduates who are religious and master science and technology. Islamic boarding school-based schools with a combination of the formal education system and Islamic boarding schools continue to be developed by looking at and observing carefully the known quality of education from each of these systems. Character education which refers to KTSP which is continued by the 2013 Curriculum, religious subjects in public school units are felt to be lacking in the portion of time, which is only about three hours a week. Then in Islamic boarding schools more moral or character education is instilled, which essentially forms in the cultivation of students who are moral, religious, have appropriate morals taught by Islam.
In Islamic boarding schools initially it was more dominated by religious education so that lessons generally tended to be lacking. So, when general education is combined with Islamic boarding school education, the two disciplines will be able to work in an equally balanced and integrated manner. The benefits of the integration of general education and Islamic boarding school education are felt to be to further improve human resources/human resources who have intelligence as well as general insight and possess superior and formidable spiritual strength. The process of integrating the two scientific disciplines is also expected to be a person who has an intelligent intellectual, also has the character of strong spiritual and social strength. The products of graduates from Islamic boarding schools are also expected to be competitive individuals, able to compete with the rapid pace of science and technology, possessing qualified and superior intellectual and spiritual qualities. In pesantren-based schools, there is integration of pesantren culture into subjects and school management. In the integration of pesantren-based schools, you can choose which subjects can be included in subjects that are appropriate to the subject matter. Islamic boarding school culture usually consists of deepening religious knowledge, simplicity, qana’ah attitude, istiqomah, cleanliness, community, and others (Wahdi, 2013).
Integration between Islamic boarding schools and school management, namely as the actualization of Islamic boarding school culture with national education policies that are implemented in school management in Islamic boarding schools. School management that is integrated with Islamic boarding schools is an act of managing schools independently but is manifested in every educational service, both starting from the planning, monitoring, and evaluation stages of education in a pesantren-based school environment (Kholis and Ahmad, 2013).
The following are cross-site findings between the Amanatul Ummah Pacet Mojokerto Islamic Boarding School and the Ar-Risalah Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School, Kediri City.
- The visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah communicates a vision in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions
The findings of Kiai Asep Saifuddin’s visionary leadership communicated a vision in increasing competitiveness at the Amanatul Ummah Pacet Mojokerto Islamic Boarding School. K.H. Asep Saifuddin communicates the vision to educators, educational staff, and all of his subordinates at every opportunity. Conveying the vision to his subordinates reaches the subconscious, so that educators memorize it and become the main trigger and encouragement in transferring their knowledge to students. This was once conveyed by the Head of SMA Ahmad Khudhori “the vision that Pak Kiai often conveys until the teachers memorize everything, enters the subconscious.” At every morning apple, educator meeting, Kiai Asep Saifuddin always conveys and reminds him of the vision of Amanatul Ummah which must be realized. Kiai Asep has a very strong principle that Islam must triumph, Islamic civilization must shine again, through the great vision of the Amanatul Ummah.
Meanwhile, the findings at the Ar-Risalah Islamic Boarding School regarding the visionary leadership of Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah in communicating the vision is that the output of Ar-Risalah must be accomplished and have a global outlook. Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah’s wish is in accordance with the vision of Ar-Risalah, which is to excel in achievement. The output of Ar-Risalah must be able to study abroad and favorite domestic campuses. The vision of Ar-Risalah was conveyed by Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah at a meeting which is held every two weeks. Ar-Risalah’s vision aims for students to be the best, to be number one, and perfect. Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah enforced the rules in Ar-Risalah very strictly, there was no time to play and joke, so she only focused on studying. Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah is a moderate figure, in the midst of the family of the HM Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School caretakers who incidentally are salaf, she is a reformer woman in the field of education. Many of the ideas of Mrs. Nyai Aina broke through the salaf culture in the environment where she was raised.
- The visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah as a determinant of direction in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions
The finding of the case at the Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School is that the visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin as a direction maker is a constant carrier of change for Amanatul Ummah. Kiai Asep instilled an attitude of loyalty to all his subordinates in realizing the vision of Amanatul Ummah. Kiai Asep convinced his subordinates that what is being done now is a change for the future of Amanatul Ummah. Kiai Asep has strong mastery of the inner mind, has the advantage of things that are planned now, things he prays for at the present time, become facts and are proven in the future. Amanatul Ummah Pacet, which was just starting out, Kiai Asep was insinuated several times for establishing a pesantren in a very quiet area and in the highlands. Kiai Asep Saifuddin was silent and proved that later the Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School had grown to be big.
This was conveyed by Ahmad Sofwan “what was preached by Pak Kiai in the future all came true”. K.H. Asep Saifuddin istiqomah to pray at night, Kiai Asep istiqomah to pray at night with all the Amanatul Ummah students. It has a very strong network, for example, national organizations, cooperation with several universities in the Middle East, at the bureaucratic level, from the bottom up to the governor level, even the president.
Meanwhile, the findings at the Ar-Risalah Integrated Islamic Boarding School were that the visionary leader, Mrs. Nyai Aina Ainaul Mardliyah, as a determinant of direction, always supported all Ar-Risalah residents to realize the vision. Mrs. Nyai Aina ensured that what was done with all Ar-Risalah employees was to achieve a superior and outstanding future for Ar-Risalah. Prepare facilities and infrastructure in the form of the second and third Ar-Risalah buildings to prepare the long-term Ar-Risalah. Observations of researchers at the Ar-Risalah Islamic Boarding School took a close look at the magnificent buildings that had just been built, painted in dark green with three stories as a follow-up to Ar-Risalah one. From a technical point of view, Mrs. Nyai Hj. Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah dares to take risks that are not in line with the National Education curriculum, including taking Friday off, using the same educational calendar as the Lirboyo Salaf Islamic boarding school, using special time. the world, must not be outdone by schools owned by Wahhabism, PKS, Muhammadiyah.
- The visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah as an agent of change in increasing the competitiveness of Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions
The findings at the Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School regarding the role of the visionary leader Kiai Asep Saifuddin as an agent of change at the Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School are that he is very active in providing stimulus to his subordinates at the Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School, playing a very active role in following developments in the outside world for the benefit of Amanatul Ummah, making changes for the advancement of Amanatul Ummah , must be a world scientific reference. Every three years there is a new institution, Kiai Asep Saifuddin continues to make changes. Established the Asep Saifuddin Foundation (ASF) as a form of philanthropic activity related to scholarships, providing assistance in cash, and community issues related to social life. People who have had full organizational experience and started from scratch founded Amanatul Ummah.
The findings at the Ar-Risalah Islamic Boarding School related to the role of the visionary leader Mrs. Nyai Hj. Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah as an agent of change at Ar-Risalah is that she gives extraordinary enthusiasm to educators at the Ar-Risalah Islamic Boarding School every time. Mrs. Nyai Ainaul Mardliyyah is uncomfortable with stagnant educational institutions, figures who can’t stay still, always innovating and changing, both in learning methods, curriculum models, and so on. Ar-Risalah comparative studies to advanced schools such as Ciputra, Bina Insani Mulia, Amanatul Ummah, Tazkiya, and others. During the holidays he made study visits to Europe such as Italy, Germany, England, the United States, China and Japan. Ar-Risalah wants to introduce its programs to the international world as well as learn from well-known campuses in Europe.
- The visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah as spokespersons and trainers in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions
The findings of the researchers about the visionary leader Kiai Asep Saifuddin as a spokesman and trainer are that he builds good cooperation with internal and external parties at Amanatul Ummah, Kiai Asep Saifuddin is a reliable negotiator and has excellent communication skills. He empowers all employees to achieve the vision of Amanatul Ummah and convinces the outside world that Amanatul Ummah’s programs are worthy of being referred to. Kiai Asep provided direction, hope, and confidence in realizing the vision of Amanatul Ummah. Kiai Asep is also a good role model for all Amanatul Ummah residents, experiencing extraordinary benefits for all institutions in Amanatul Ummah due to the leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin. From time to time the Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School is growing rapidly. Realizing the four pillars as a manifestation of the vision and mission of Amanatul Ummah. Every Amanatul Ummah program will definitely be realized. Always be responsive and respond in line with the times.
While the findings of the researchers related to Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah as a spokesperson and trainer are that she builds cooperation with both internal and external parties. Mrs. Nyai Aina also introduced the advantages of Ar-Risalah to the national and international levels. Then Mrs. Nyai Aina established communication with outsiders of Ar-Risalah. He empowers all employees according to their respective duties. Mrs. Nyai Ainaul Mardliyyah provides training and coaching to educators at Ar-Risalah.
All members of Ar-Risalah are motivated by the teachings of Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah, namely the habit of high discipline in Ar-Risalah. It is a habit for educators to work optimally in every activity in Ar-Risalah. With the hard work of educators trying to realize the future of Ar-Risalah which is always responsive to developments in science and technology. Students are also accustomed to earnestly pursuing achievements, accompanied by many comparative studies to both domestic and foreign schools. Ar-Risalah is always responsive to the rapid progress of the times. Everyone, starting from school principals, educators, students, felt the leadership of Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah
- The visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah communicates a vision in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions:
The visionary leadership of K.H. Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai Aina communicated a vision in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions, namely open communication such as meetings and deliberations/discussions, realizing the vision, and consistent policies. to educators, education staff, and all their subordinates at every opportunity. The conveyance of the leader’s vision to his subordinates is so profound that it enters the subconscious, so that educators memorize it and become the main trigger and encouragement in transferring their knowledge to students. As for realizing and implementing policies in the two institutions, it is very strict, there is no time for playing around and joking around, so they only focus on learning to achieve achievements.
The above statement is corroborated by Aan Komariah and Cepi Triatna (2010) that visionary leaders make vision a trigger for winning and achieving achievements in education. The visions conveyed repeatedly by the two figures studied have merged into the subconscious of all educators. Vision when accompanied by strong instincts can predict events that will occur in the future. Based on the findings in the field and then formulated into propositions, it can be explained that the two figures studied in an effort to increase the competitiveness of these educational institutions lead to a vision. The two figures in the two institutions made the vision a trigger and guide in advancing the educational institutions they lead.
- The visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah as a determinant of direction in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions:
The visionary leadership of K.H. Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai as direction setters in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions by directing strategy and tactics, making decisions, and linking communications. The two figures studied are also the determinants of direction in each of the institutions they lead. The two leaders are the determinants of direction to ensure the direction of an organization’s goals so that they are not easily swayed in unclear directions so that the goals of the institution can be achieved.
According to Nanus in Ara Hidayat (2010) that visionary leadership as a determinant of direction tries to determine the direction to achieve the desired goals. In Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions, educators usually report their performance results to the principal, then the principal makes an accountability report to each coordinator. Then the coordinator reports accountability to caregivers. The two figures studied instill spiritual values in their subordinates, starting from coordinators, school principals, educators, and students. They teach and make night prayers a vehicle in achieving success in leading Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions.
- The visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah as an agent of change in increasing the competitiveness of Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions:
The visionary leadership of K.H. Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai as agents of change in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions by providing confidence, driving innovative and creative change, providing solutions and as communication mediators.
Visionary leaders according to Burt Nanus quoted by Ara Hidayat (2010) have four roles, including as agents of change. A visionary leader is a figure synonymous with the courage to change the organization he leads. The two pesantren leaders studied often make breakthroughs and changes for the betterment of the institution they lead. Visionary leaders have a focus of thought and imagination on a future full of competition and challenges, determine policy directions, are superior change agents, guide subordinates to become professionals.
- The visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah as spokespersons and trainers in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions:
The visionary leadership of K.H. Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai as spokespersons and trainers in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions, namely by collaborating with outside parties, cooperating with outside parties, and having qualified and experienced communication skills. According to Burt Nanus quoted by Ara Hidayat (2010), a visionary leader as a spokesperson can be interpreted as convincing superior programs and socializing visions that have an impact on organizational progress. The two leaders studied also convinced the outside world about the superior programs of the two educational institutions. Among them is introducing the Amanatul Ummah through its academic achievements which have been achieved not only in its surroundings, but also throughout Indonesia and even to the world level. The leaders of the Islamic boarding schools under study also tried to convince the outside world that Ar-Risalah is worthy of being a pilot with a myriad of academic achievements. The two leaders studied were both reliable negotiators and communicators.
The conclusions of this study are as follows:
- The visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah communicates a vision in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions:
- Open communication through meetings, deliberations, and discussions.
- Realizing the vision / making the vision a reality.
- Realizing policies that are consistent and in line with the vision and mission of the institution.
- The visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah as a determinant of direction in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions
- Directing the strategy and tactics of educational institutions in Islamic boarding schools.
- Become a determinant of all policies in both pesantren-based educational institutions.
- Make wise decisions in order to solve various problems in the institution.
- Connecting communication/as a liaison for two-way communication between subordinates within the institution with outsiders and policy makers.
- The visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah as an agent of change in increasing the competitiveness of Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions
- Giving confidence to all educational institutions in the boarding school environment about the importance of change towards a better direction.
- Driver of change for innovative and creative.
- Providing solutions to his subordinates in the institutional environment who are facing problems.
- As a mediator to expedite the process of change.
- The visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyah as spokespersons and trainers in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions:
- Establish cooperation with external parties.
- Convincing superior programs that become referrals.
- Have good communication skills and experience.
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Visionary Leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin Chalim and Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyyah in Improving Competitiveness in Islamic Boarding School-Based Educational Institutions
Ainur Rofiq1, Mujamil Qomar2, Nur Efendi3, Maftukhin4, Akhyak5
1,2,3,4,5 UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
Vol 3 No 6 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 06 June 2023
Article Date Published : 5 June 2023 | Page No.: 982-990
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to describe in depth related to: (1) how the visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai ‘Ainaul Mardliyyah communicates the vision in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions (2) how the visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai ‘Ainaul Mardliyyah as a determinant of direction in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions (3) how is the visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai ‘Ainaul Mardliyyah as agents of change in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding schools-based educational institutions, (4) how is the visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai Aina as a spokesperson and trainer in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding school-based educational institutions. This research uses qualitative research with a phenomenological approach and a multi-site study design. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed using techniques of reading all data, coding, interconnecting themes or descriptions, and interpreting the meaning of themes or descriptions. While the method of checking the validity of the data uses credibility, dependability, transparability, and confirmability techniques. The results of this study indicate that the visionary leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin and Mrs. Nyai ‘Ainaul Mardliyyah in increasing competitiveness in Islamic boarding schools based educational institutions by referring to the vision and mission of educational institutions. Realizing the vision and mission to achieve superior and quality education.
Keywords :
Visionary Leadership, Competitiveness, Islamic Boarding School-Based EducationReferences :
- Alma, Buchari. Manajemen Corporate dan Strategi Pemasaran Jasa Pendidikan, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2009).
- Bismala, Lila, Susi Handayani, Dewi Andriyani, Hafsah, Strategi Peningkatan Daya Saing Usaha Kecil Menengah, Cetakan Pertama, (Medan, Lembaga Penelitian Dan Penulisan Ilmiah Aqli, 2018).
- David, Fred R. Strategic Management Concepts and Cases, ( New Jersey : Pearson Education, 2011).
- Efendi, Nur. Manajemen Perubahan di Pondok Pesantren, Cetakan Pertama (Yogyakarta: Penerbit Teras, 2014).
- Engkoswara & Komariah, Aan Administrasi Pendidikan (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2015).
- Ginting, Rosalina & Haryati, Titik. Kepemimpinan dan Konteks Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan, dalam jurnal CIVIS, Vol, II, No.2, Juli 2012, hlm. 455.
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- Hayati, Neneng. The Influence of Visionary Leadership, Talent Management, Employee Engagement, and Employee Motivation to Job Satisfaction and its Implications for Employee All Divisions of Bank BJB Head Office, dalam Internasional Journal of Scientific and Tecnology Research, Vol.9 No. 3 Marc 2020.
- Herni, “Model Kepemimpinan Visioner Kepala Sekolah dalam Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler,” Journal of Islamic Education Management Vol.5, No.1 (April 2020).
- Jabbar, Ali Abdulridha Ali Muhammed Husein, Peran Kepemimpinan dalam Manajemen Strategis, dalam Jurnal Internasional Penelitian Grantaalayah, Vol.5, Iss. 5, Mei, 2017.
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- Mohtsham, Saeed M. Vision and Visionary Leadership – An Islamic Perspective, International Review of Business Research Papers, Vol 3, (2 Juni 2007).
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- Mutohar, Prim Masrokan, Jani, Hikmah Eva Trisnantari, Contribution of Visionary Leadership, Lecturer Performance, and Academic Culture to the Competitiveness of Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia, dalam International Journal of Advances in Education and Philosophy. 2020.
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- Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional No.41 Tahun 2007 Tentang Standar Proses.
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- Porter, Michael P. Competitive Strategy, (New York: The Free Press, 1980).
- Prestiadi, Dedi, Raden Bambang Sumarsono, Wildan Zulkarnaen, Visionary Leadership in Total Quality Management Efforts to Improve the Quality of Education, dalam International Conference on Education and Management, hlm. 381. 2019
- Kholis, Ridho & Sofyan, Ahmad. Integrasi Kultur Kepesantrenan ke dalam Manajemen Sekolah, ( Jakarta: Direktorat Pendidikan Diniyah dan Pondok Pesantren dan Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam, Kementrian Agama Republik Indonesia, 2013).
- Sayuti, Wahdi & Fauzan, Integrasi Kultur Kepesantrenan ke Dalam Mata Pelajaran, ( Jakarta: Direktorat Pendidikan Diniyah dan Pondok Pesantren dan Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam, Kementrian Agama Republik Indonesia, 2013).
- Siswanti, Yuni & Rahatmawati, Istiana. Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Visioner dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Organisasi, dalam Jurnal Sosial dan Ekonomi, 2014.
- Sulthon, M. & Khusnuridho, Moh Manajemen Pondok Pesantren dalam Perspektif Global, (Yokyakarta: LaksBang Pressindo, 2006).
- TaRabua, Fahim. Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Islam, (Malang: CV Dream Litera Buana, 2016).
- Veithzal, Rivai & Arifin, Arviyan. Islamic Leadership Membangun Superleadership Melalui Kecerdasan Spiritual, ( Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2009).
- Winzenried, Arthur Visionary Leaders For Information, First Edition (New South Wales: Charles Sturt University, 2010).
Author's Affiliation
Ainur Rofiq1, Mujamil Qomar2, Nur Efendi3, Maftukhin4, Akhyak5
1,2,3,4,5 UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 3 No 6 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 06 June 2023
- Page No.: 982-990
- Published : 5 June 2023
- DOI:
How to Cite :
Visionary Leadership of Kiai Asep Saifuddin Chalim and Mrs. Nyai Aina ‘Ainaul Mardliyyah in Improving Competitiveness in Islamic Boarding School-Based Educational Institutions. Ainur Rofiq, Mujamil Qomar, Nur Efendi, Maftukhin, Akhyak, 3(6), 982-990. Retrieved from
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