Implementation of Quality Improvement Strategies of Islamic Education Institutions at Smp Islamic Qon Gresik Indonesia
Muhammad Arif Syihabuddin1, Mujamil Qomar2, Prim Masrokan Mutohar3
1,2,3. UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung Indonesia
ABSTRACT: Islamic education institutions are currently still working to improve quality. Quality improvement is based on two factors: the quality standards set by the government and the quality standards desired by the community.
Efforts to improve quality are carried out in various ways, one of which is by implementing strategies to improve the quality of educational institutions. This study seeks to analyze and find the implementation of quality improvement strategies for Islamic education institutions at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik. This research uses a qualitative approach, data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. Data analysis uses the Miles Huberman model, data condensation, data presentation, verification, and conclusion drawing.
Data were analyzed from single site data. Test the validity of the data through credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. This study’s results indicate that the strategy’s implementation is carried out according to the strategy that has been formulated. Implementing programs that constitute a strategy is following the policies set. These policies include implementation techniques, rules, and regulations.
KEYWORDS: Strategy Implementation, Quality, Quality of Islamic Education Institutions
Islamic Education Institutions are one of the systems that can provide a platform for continuing Islamic Education consistently and sustainably. Islamic Education Institutions, which are a forum for implementing Islamic Education, must have the courage to provide alternative offers to resolve these issues. Many things can be done, such as improving quality, maintaining superior competitiveness, and striving to meet society’s expectations and demands. (M. Arifin, 1994). Many parties, especially Muslims, await the presence of Islamic Education institutions with excellent quality from various levels. (Mudjia Rahardjo, 2006)
Even today, it is felt to be an urgent need. Indirectly this provides a demand for managers of Islamic Education institutions to be more rational and think more about how to meet the great expectations of the wider community.
The flagship program owned by Islamic Education institutions is a program that can bring the institution to the peak of success that is aspired to together. The shared ideals of an institution are contained in the vision and mission of the institution with clear and easy-to-understand sentence descriptions. They can indicate the position of the institution in the future. The institution’s vision is formulated in a sentence that is easy to understand and explains the institution’s position in the long term. An institutional vision that is easy to understand will positively impact the institution’s internal environment. (Muhaimin, A, 2009)
Islamic Education Institutions must continue to strive to improve quality according to community expectations. A leader of an Islamic Education institution must be willing and able to think creatively to improve the quality of the institution he leads. With strategic management, a leader can develop a framework that is very useful for solving various strategic problems or problems in the institution, especially in facing challenges and competition.
Strategy implementation is often called the “action stage” of Strategic management, which means mobilizing employees and managers to turn formulated strategies into action. (Fred R. David and Forest R. David, 2015) Strategy implementation in educational institutions’ management involves significant efforts to transform strategic goals into action. (Syaiful Sagal, 2011)
Islamic Education Institutions in Indonesia have many forms and types, such as Islamic Boarding Schools, Madrasas, Schools with Islamic characteristics, Islamic Universities, etc. All of these forms and types are valuable assets and have become a configuration of the existing education system in Indonesia. Its existence is expected to be able to develop and empower Muslims in Indonesia optimally. It is miserable if we look at the fact that in Indonesia, there are still many Islamic education institutions that receive sharp scrutiny because they are considered to have many weaknesses and are even considered inferior.
This fact raises the notion of the public that Islamic educational institutions have not been able to respond to diverse demands, the swift currents of the times, and the technology that is developing very fast. However, not all Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia have low quality.
Many Islamic educational institutions in various regions have good quality, like the SMP Islamic Qon Gresik in Gresik Regency. In terms of quality, the institution received an accreditation score of A, which means that both institutions have quality and are in accordance with established standards. (Data obtained through a review of the work plan documents for the Principal of SMP Islamic Qon Gresik, January 22, 2020, and February 12, 2020).
SMP Islamic Qon Gresik is an educational institution concerned about the quality of education. Based on the observations at the two institutions, it was found that to improve quality sustainably and maintain public trust, SMP Islamic Qon Gresik implemented strategic management to meet the National Education Standards or even exceed them.
With this strategic management, SMP Islamic Qon Gresik strives to improve quality and provide the best educational services. (Data obtained through observation of the SMP Islamic Qon Gresik Evaluation Meeting on January 9, 2020).
SMP Islamic Qon Gresik has achieved many achievements; this shows the regularity and dynamic management of the two institutions. The success of the two institutions in strategic management is quite interesting to note. As with existing phenomena, the institution continues to strive to improve the quality of the institution by formulating various excellent programs. Likewise, SMP Islamic Qon Gresik this institution also has various excellent programs, such as superior programs in building the Islamic character of students through various activities. Program to train students in increasing competence, especially soft skills. Geographically the location of this Islamic education institution is also strategic; this can be seen from the location of SMP Islamic Qon Gresik, which is located in the Gresik housing area, Kota Baru, namely at l. Rantau Gg. Mosque No. 01 GKB, Raya Sukomulyo Street, Wonorejo, Yosowilangun, District of Manyar, Gresik Regency.
Strategy implementation is the action stage of strategic management. Implementing strategy means mobilizing human resources to act on implementing strategies that have been previously formulated. In implementing the strategy, there are several scopes, including developing a supportive-strategic culture, creation of an effective organizational structure;
redirection of marketing efforts;
budget preparation, development, and use of information systems, as well as the linkage of compensation with organizational performance. (Fred R. David and Forest R. David, 2015)
The strategy implementation stage is the step that can show whether the strategy formulation can have a performance effect on the organization. The leader and members translate various work plans into action through this stage. Leaders who originally planned organizational work must change to work on organizational plans.
The Higgins formulation, cited by J Salusu, explains that implementation is a summary of various activities which include human resources and are supported by other resources to achieve predetermined strategic goals. This activity involves the organization’s entire structure, from the principal leadership to the lowest part of the organizational hierarchy. (J. Salusu, 1996)
Daryanto, quoted by Nur Efendi, stated that the role of the school principal is to make schools effective and efficient; there needs to be a precise distribution of performance for the teachers who are their subordinates.
Leadership is a constructive effort to make a superior institution through proper delegation of authority and responsibility and remembering the principles of the organization so that school activities will run smoothly and optimally. (Nur Efendi, 2015)
In educational institutions, the quality that must be worked on is the learning process. The quality of the learning process is the implementation of learning strategies that are carried out from the leader level to the lowest level in the structure of educational institutions. Of course, the teacher and other supporting facilities are very much needed to create a conducive learning atmosphere. Implementing the strategy in schools includes all managerial activities that include employee motivation, compensation, performance rewards, and the process of supervising leaders. According to Schendel and Hofer, quoted by Syaiful Sagala, to assess the effectiveness of implementation, it can be grouped into three categories:
- Structure of who has task responsibilities, who is the principal responsible for.
- The process of how each task is carried out personally.
- Behaviour, ethics, discipline motivation, awards, etc. (Syaiful Sagala, 2000)
This research is an in-depth study to obtain complete and detailed data based on the focus and research objectives. The research aims to obtain an in-depth description of the implementation in improving the quality of Islamic Education institutions using qualitative research methods. (Noeng Muhadjir, 2007). The research method used in this research is qualitative. This method was chosen because the researcher tries to describe and interpret the object according to what it is. (Sukardi, 2005)
The choice of this qualitative research method is also because this type of method can assist researchers in understanding the deep and fundamental meaning related to participant behavior, as well as complex interactions so that researchers can explore and identify types of information and describe phenomena. (Sanapiah Faisal, 1999). Research with qualitative methods has various characteristics, including the following: 1) Based on idealism, humanism, and culturalism; 2) Can generate theory, develop an understanding, and explain various complex realities; 3) have an inductive-descriptive paradigm; 4) Requires a long time; 5) The data are in the form of descriptions, documents, field notes, photographic documentation, and drawings; 6) The informants are very diverse (Maximum Variety); 7) Process-oriented; 8) research with micro context. (Robert C. Bogdan and Sari Knopp Biklen, 1998)
This study uses a naturalistic phenomenological approach because research in the view of phenomenology is meaningful in understanding events concerning people in certain situations, as the opinion of Bogdan and Biklen stated, in order to be able to understand the meaning of events and people’s interactions, a theoretical orientation or theoretical perspective is used with a phenomenological approach (phenomenological approach). (Rochiati Wiriaatmadja, 2007)
The researcher’s presence in the research process is significant because the researcher is a crucial instrument in qualitative research. Rochiati Wiriaatmadja, The researcher, directly came to the research location and served as the primary research instrument (the instrument of choice in naturalistic inquiry is the human). (YS. Lincoln and Egon G. Guba, 1985).
Data collection was carried out in this study using in-depth interview techniques, participatory observation, and documentation studies. These three techniques were chosen so that researchers can obtain holistic and integrative data. (Bogdan and Biklen, 1982)
Checking the validity of the data is an essential and inseparable part of qualitative research. According to Guba and Lincoln, the implementation of checking the validity of the data is based on four criteria: degree of trust (credibility), transferability (transferability), dependability (dependability), and certainty (confirmability) (YS. Lincoln and Egon G. Guba, 1985)
Strategy implementation is an effort to realize a strategy that has been formulated into an actual activity and action, accompanied by various forms of direction and motivation so that program activities can be implemented optimally per each role and responsibility.
Strategy implementation can be detailed into policies related to implementing program activities formulated previously. The policy is a guideline for implementing specific actions based on strategies for achieving goals and objectives. These policies can be in the form of rules and technical implementation. (Akdon, 2016)
The implementation of the strategy for improving the quality of Islamic Education institutions that SMP Islamic Qon Gresik has formulated is illustrated in the following chart.
Figure (See in PDF File)
Based on the findings of the implementation of the strategy for improving the quality of Islamic education institutions at the SMP Islamic Qon Gresik, it can be explained as follows:
- Implementation of Human Resource Development Strategy
Implementing education in an educational institution certainly requires human resources who have good quality in various ways; the human resources needed must be able to think and act according to their inherent competencies. In addition, human educational resources must also be qualified and fully understand science and technology, especially in their areas of expertise, so that they have conceptual and technical abilities that can contribute to improving the quality of educational processes and products. (Muhamad Priyatna, 2016). Therefore, educational institutions’ human resources must continue to improve and develop their competencies.
SMP Islamic Qon Gresik has formulated an HR development strategy by formulating several programs, including training/seminar programs, workshops, coaching, and academic supervision. Implementing the human resource development strategy in the two institutions is carried out under the provisions and regulations that have been made. The training programs/seminars and workshops held at the two institutions are intended for educators and educational staff according to a predetermined schedule. The program is implemented to improve competence, especially professional competence. Implement training programs/seminars and workshops at SMP YIMI Gresik through independent development and cooperative programs.
Training/seminar programs and workshops impact improving the quality of educational human resources. (Fransina Wattimena, 2010). These programs can positively influence human resource development because their implementation is directly carried out by involving teachers and education personnel. The program is carried out using methods that suit the needs, involving qualified sources to increase the quality of educational human resources.
The implementation of the academic guidance and supervision program for SMP Islamic Qon Gresik is adjusted to a predetermined schedule. Academic supervision is carried out by carrying out supervisory activities such as learning activities, supervision, mentoring, and coaching for teachers who teach, as well as supervision of student learning activities. (Dadang Supardan, 2006)
Implementing the SMP Islamic Qon Gresik academic guidance and supervision program is expected to contribute to the development of human resources in the institution. The main objective of implementing an academic coaching and supervision program is to help teachers and education staff to be able to overcome various problems encountered so that they can overcome these problems and can improve learning conditions and situations for the better. (Iis Istianah, 2019
- Implementation of Facilities and Infrastructure Development Strategy
The strategy for developing facilities and infrastructure is implemented through cooperation with internal and external parties, institutions, and facilities and infrastructure management programs. In practice, the principal appoints the deputy head of facilities and infrastructure as the person in charge. Collaboration is carried out for development programs and procurement of infrastructure facilities that have previously been determined by conducting a needs analysis and making plans.
The development of facilities and infrastructure in educational institutions needs to be carried out to support existing activities in these institutions; representative facilities and infrastructure can positively influence the comfort of learning activities. (Suri Margi Rahayu and Sutama, 2015)
In the National Education System (National et al.), Law No. 20 of 2003, article 47, paragraph 2 states that the source of education funding is the central government, local government, and the community. (Ministry of National Education, Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System). If the costs for educational activities are only sourced from the State Budget, then it is not enough. Educational institutions must be able to seek funding sources for implementing education from several parties through cooperation.
The program for managing facilities and infrastructure in question is an activity that includes planning, procurement of infrastructure, utilization, and control of the facilities used so that the objectives that have been set can be achieved. With representative infrastructure, it is expected to produce good output. (Prastyawan, 2016)
- Implementation of Curriculum Development Strategy
The curriculum development strategy at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik through the Tahfidz and prayer practice programs. These programs are a form of curriculum development implemented in SMP Islamic Qon Gresik Education institutions to improve the quality of institutions. In curriculum development, there are many things to consider, such as an understanding of curriculum principles, curriculum theory, curriculum concepts, curriculum design, etc., especially in implementation. (Syamsul Bahri, 2011). Curriculum development is not just an abstraction but also prepares various alternatives for action in the form of inspiration from several ideas and other things that are considered necessary. (Oemar Hamalik, 2010)
The English Education Park Program (TPBI) was implemented by establishing a team in charge, compiling a program, memorizing vocabulary, conversations, and guest teachers. The TPBI program is implemented so that students can master foreign languages because mastery of foreign languages is essential in improving student quality. This is due to the many student learning resources written in foreign languages. In addition, students can use mastery of foreign languages as a provision later when they are already in the broader community. (Abd. Rajak, 2008)
The Asatidz council determination carries out the Tahini program; the program is intended for all students with a specific classification and is carried out every day according to the schedule. At this time, many Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia are developing the tahfidzul Qur’an program; this is an indicator that the enthusiasm of the Indonesian Muslim community for memorizing the Al-Qur’an is very high and making their children memorizers of the Qur’an. This trend is also expected to be an indicator of the progress of Islamic Education. This phenomenon can also be interpreted as an indication of the awareness of the Muslim community about the virtues of memorizing the Qur’an. (Nurul Hidayah, 2016) There are many benefits and virtues of memorizing the Qur’an, such as memorizing the Al-Qur’an means maintaining the authenticity of the Qur’an, memorizing the Qur’an forms noble character both for the memorizer and as an example for the wider community, increasing intelligence, and others.
Worship Practice Program, with the appointment of a team in charge and a team for compiling guidebooks. The program is implemented for all students. The program was carried out to improve students’ worship procedures following the guidance of the Islamic Religion and carried out according to schedule. Religious education is essentially focused on how students’ daily activities are in line with the guidance of the Islamic religion so that they really stick to themselves and become a character. One of the functions of educational institutions is to form a religious spirit in students, as an environment for continuing religious education in the family environment, or even to form the religious spirit of students who do not receive religious education in the family environment. The worship practice program is a learning process that aims to provide students with knowledge, understanding, living, and practicing Islamic law, which can be used as a guide and way of life. The program can be implemented through guidance, learning, and training, as well as practice and practice. (Sovia Mas Ayu, 2017)
- Implementation of Student Development Strategy
The student development strategy for SMP Islamic Qon Gresik is implemented by carrying out extracurricular programs, habituation programs, and healthy life skills programs. These programs are implemented to increase the self-potential and quality of students as well as a form of effort to improve the quality of institutions, and this is because the student element is essential in improving the quality of education. Students are actors or subjects and also objects in learning activities in which there are transfer activities of knowledge and skills in implementing education in educational institutions. (Adnan, Yusrizal and Niswanto, 2017)
Extracurricular programs at educational institutions are a vehicle for personal development for students, and extracurricular programs are also additional programs outside of class hours that students can choose from. (Wafroturrohmah and Eny Sulistiyawati, 2018)
Extracurricular programs implemented in educational institutions can foster student self-confidence and discipline and give students the courage to speak in public. In addition, an extracurricular activity program that is appropriately implemented and correctly will also foster student independence and maturity so that they can change how students think when facing a problem in life.
The habituation program implemented at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik positively impacts students. The habituation program is carried out continuously and repeatedly so that it can increase the potential of students. It can strengthen the character of students according to their wishes and goals, and the function of this repetition is as reinforcement. Indeed, in the implementation of the habituation program, students are still found who sometimes do not take part in the activities that have been programmed, so consequences are made for these students. Two kinds of consequences are used, namely in the form of reward and punishment, both of which are used with the aim that what is already good becomes even better, and what is not good can become good. (Robert E. Slavin, 2006)
Implementing healthy life skills programs in educational institutions is one of the efforts to improve and maintain student health. This program is carried out to benefit students later, especially regarding improving physical quality so that they can participate in learning activities in a healthy condition. The 2013 curriculum explains a healthy and clean environment in the school environment. Students are given material and learn how to form a healthy and clean environment. Material on maintaining personal hygiene, classrooms, and school environment must be given to students properly and correctly so that wherever they are, they can maintain cleanliness. (Ratih Pratiwi and Ardisal, 2019)
- Implementation of Environmental Development Strategy
The environmental development strategy at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik is implemented through the 7K Program and the School Culture and Climate Program. The 7K program is implemented by first forming and assigning the person in charge, then determining the goals and achievement targets, and preparing a program for further development. The scope of the 7K Program implemented is: a). piety; b). Security; c). Cleanliness; d). Order; e). Beauty; f). familial; g). longing. The program is implemented by the provisions as a form of effort to maintain the conduciveness of the student learning environment as well as efforts to improve the quality of institutions.
The internal environment of educational institutions is a significant force possessed by educational institutions; this environment has a considerable influence on the performance of educational institutions. (Devi Arisanti, 2016). Therefore, the implementation of the 7K program at the SMP Islamic Qon Gresik, which is the implementation of an environmental development strategy, is essential and significantly influences the quality of the institution.
Implementing the school culture and climate program at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik includes
- determining the team in charge of the program,
- setting program objectives, and
- determining the type and scope of the program.
The school culture and climate program includes Islamic culture; Culture greetings, smiles, greetings, and sadaqah; Growth of character; Morning apple/ morning prayer/ reading short letters of the Qur’an; Istighosah; Dhuhur prayer in the congregation; Friday prayers; Clean Friday; Morning exercise/exercise; Flag ceremony; academic adviser; School uniforms; The culture of visiting friends who are sick/has a disaster; Independent and responsible. This school culture and climate program is implemented to create a conducive, safe, comfortable, and orderly learning environment to make the student learning atmosphere more effective. A conducive school culture and climate can also encourage all school members to do their best, which leads to the realization of good student achievement. (E. Mulyasa, 2013)
- Implementation of Management Development Strategy
The management development strategy is implemented through the school management program (PPS) at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik with the determination of program implementers and the determination of program work areas. The SMP Islamic Qon Gresik management program has nine fields of work. Namely: curriculum, student affairs, infrastructure, public relations, manpower, finance, administration, supervision, and general affairs. From all cultivation fields, it is carried out by planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising. Because basically, the management of educational institutions is a series of activities that include planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling to achieve the goals that have been previously set. (Muhammad Faisal Haq, 2017)
Implementing the school management program at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik is an effort to improve the institution’s quality. There are several main problems related to the quality of education in Indonesia, one of which relates to education management. If referring to Permendiknas No. 19 of 2007, six aspects must be considered in the education management in institutions. The six aspects include program planning, program implementation, program evaluation, program supervision, school leadership, management information systems, and special assessments. (Permendiknas No. 19 of 2007, Standards for Management of Education by Elementary and Secondary Education Units)
- Implementation of Graduate Competency Development Strategy
The implementation of the graduate competency development strategy at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik is carried out through the Nine Graduate Quality Assurance Program, which includes: Assurance of having good morals and being able to communicate in polite language, Being able to carry out the obligatory prayers and circumcision; Able to memorize short letters of the Koran (Juz Amma), tahlil, and prayers; Can be accepted at the best-advanced schools; Healthy: prevented from using illegal drugs, promiscuity, and fights between students; Have the logic of scientific and creative thinking as outlined in scientific work; Skilled in operating a computer; Able to speak English; Able to care for, preserve, and utilize the environment.
SKL or Graduate Competency Standards are graduate qualifications that cover the fields of attitude, knowledge, and skills. as intended in PP No. 19 of 2005 article 1 paragraph (4). (This standard is used as a guide in the assessment for determining student graduation from the Education unit). Educational institutions have the primary function of providing facilities and guarantees in the student learning process so that they can achieve graduate competency standards set by the government and the institution itself. In implementing the Nine Graduate Quality Assurance Program at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik, there are several supporting factors, including adequate facilities and infrastructure, student motivation, and support from all residents in the institution.
Based on the discussion of research results in the chapters above, this study can be concluded as follows:
The implementation of the strategy for improving the quality of Islamic education institutions at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik is carried out according to the strategy that has been formulated. Implementing programs that constitute a strategy is following the policies that have been set. These policies include implementation techniques, rules, and regulations.
Based on the research findings described above, the researcher provides several suggestions to several parties as follows:
- To the government
The advice given by researchers is that the government continues to guide Human Resources in Islamic Education units/institutions related to developments that lead to improving the quality of Islamic education institutions.
- Head of School/Madrasa
Principals of schools/madrasas are managers and leaders in Islamic educational institutions. Therefore, researchers provide suggestions to continue to strive to innovate and carry out developments with strategic steps to improve the quality of institutions.
- Educators/Teachers
Educators have an essential role in improving the quality of Islamic Education institutions. Therefore, the researchers suggest that educators continue to strive to improve their competence and provide excellent service for students so that they can contribute to improving the quality of institutions.
- Next Researcher
Researchers hope that research related to strategy implementation and improving the quality of Islamic education institutions will continue to be carried out because creating and improving the quality of education is a necessity that managers of Islamic education institutions must carry out. With further research, new knowledge will be born that can be used to improve the quality of Islamic education institutions.
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Implementation of Quality Improvement Strategies of Islamic Education Institutions at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik Indonesia
Muhammad Arif Syihabuddin1, Mujamil Qomar2, Prim Masrokan Mutohar3
1,2,3. UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung Indonesia
Vol 3 No 6 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 06 June 2023
Article Date Published : 8 June 2023 | Page No.: 1011-1018
Abstract :
Islamic education institutions are currently still working to improve quality. Quality improvement is based on two factors: the quality standards set by the government and the quality standards desired by the community.
Efforts to improve quality are carried out in various ways, one of which is by implementing strategies to improve the quality of educational institutions. This study seeks to analyze and find the implementation of quality improvement strategies for Islamic education institutions at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik. This research uses a qualitative approach, data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. Data analysis uses the Miles Huberman model, data condensation, data presentation, verification, and conclusion drawing.
Data were analyzed from single site data. Test the validity of the data through credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. This study’s results indicate that the strategy’s implementation is carried out according to the strategy that has been formulated. Implementing programs that constitute a strategy is following the policies set. These policies include implementation techniques, rules, and regulations.
Keywords :
Strategy Implementation, Quality, Quality of Islamic Education InstitutionsReferences :
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Author's Affiliation
Muhammad Arif Syihabuddin1, Mujamil Qomar2, Prim Masrokan Mutohar3
1,2,3. UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung Indonesia
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 3 No 6 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 06 June 2023
- Page No.: 1011-1018
- Published : 8 June 2023
- DOI:
How to Cite :
Implementation of Quality Improvement Strategies of Islamic Education Institutions at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik Indonesia. Muhammad Arif Syihabuddin, Mujamil Qomar, Prim Masrokan Mutohar , 3(6), 1011-1018. Retrieved from
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