Assistance for Broiler Carcas Evaluation and Marketing Management in Gianyar District
Ni Made Yudiastari1, Putu Yudha Asteria Putri2, I Gede Nyoman Carlos W. Mada3
1,2,3 Warmadewa University
ABSTRACT: Broiler chicken meat is a food ingredient that contains good nutrition for human needs. Low prices, good taste and aroma, soft texture and relatively easy to find in the market make broiler chicken meat an alternative food that is liked by almost everyone. This assistance will carry out counseling regarding any information that needs to be considered in the content of broiler chicken carcass and meat. Furthermore, bookkeeping assistance such as diaries, cash books, production cost calculations, profit or loss calculations are not yet available properly as well as product packaging assistance to make it more hygienic and marketing procedures
Chicken meat is a good source of protein consumed for the body. This animal protein is also very commonly processed in various kinds of Indonesian and foreign dishes. According to a report from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), in 2021 the average consumption of chicken meat in Indonesia will reach 0.14 kilograms (kg) per capita per week (Alamsyah et al., 2019) . This figure increased by 7.69% compared to 2020, as well as being the highest record in the last decade as shown in the chart. In terms of trends, per capita consumption of chicken meat in Indonesia tends to increase during the 2011-2021 period. The highest growth rate was recorded in 2014, which was up 19.76% from the previous year. The average national consumption of chicken meat is higher than beef or buffalo. It is recorded that the average consumption of beef or buffalo meat is only 0.009 kg per capita per week in 2021 (Annur, 2022)
But citing data from the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, consumption chicken meat Indonesia is only 8.1 kilograms (kg) per capita in 2021. Domestic consumption is still below the world average of 14.9 kg per capita (Pahlevi, 2022) . The healthy lifestyle adopted by modern society today demands the provision of food with good nutritional value for human needs. Nutritional needs are necessary for human growth and basic life. Broiler chicken meat is a food ingredient that contains good nutrition for human needs. Low prices, good taste and aroma, soft texture and relatively easy to find in the market make broiler chicken meat an alternative food that is liked by almost everyone. The chemical composition of broiler chickens consists of 18.6% protein, 15.1% fat, 66.0% water and 0.79% ash (Stade Iman, 1988, Rachmawati et al., 2021) .
As it is known that the growth of broiler chickens is currently very fast. Within a maintenance period of 30-35 days a body weight of 1.5-2.0 kg per chicken can be achieved and at this time many farmers also start harvesting the chickens (Pratama et al., 2015) . However, this harvesting time can be adjusted according to the time of achieving chicken body weight that is preferred by consumers. In making a decision to buy a product, consumers pay attention to the various attributes attached to the product for consideration. Product attributes are the characteristics of a product that are considered by consumers in buying a product. Consumers want chicken meat according to their preferences, so it is very important for both producers and traders to pay attention to what is the preference of chicken meat consumers so that they can satisfy consumers (Pratama et al., 2015)
In certain areas consumers prefer small broiler chickens (<1 kg per head), on the other hand there are also consumers who prefer large broiler chickens (>2.0 kg per head). The difference in harvesting time and the weight of the broiler chickens also allows for differences in the percentage of carcass and the quality of the physical properties of the broiler meat. According to (Pahlevi, 2022) small broiler chickens (1 -1.5 kg) are mostly in demand by household consumers, while large broiler chickens (> 1.5 kg) are used for processing processed products (such as satay, opor, soup, etc.) and for the chicken meat processing industry (nuggets, sausages, etc.).
For this reason, it is necessary to instill public awareness to be able to find out how important the content of carcass and meat in chicken meat is. Developments in the livestock sector in Indonesia are currently very rapid, which should be in line with increasing public awareness of the importance of nutritional value derived from animals, one of which comes from the food consumed daily, namely chicken (Frangki Sigaha et al., 2019 ) .
One of the sellers of broiler chicken meat is in Gianyar Regency. breeders have been running their business since 2012. Usually breeders sell broiler chickens according to customer demand. One month the breeder gets 2-3 orders of broiler chickens with each sale of 50 birds per order. However, farmers do not have knowledge of the value of carcass and broiler meat they sell. This limited knowledge causes farmers to sell broiler chickens with a very low level of hygiene. Breeder cut broiler chicken products are only sold in black plastic bags without being pressed.
In addition, broiler chicken business management has not been carried out properly, in the sense that it is still done conventionally. Financial bookkeeping is not yet owned so that the owner does not know accurately the amount of profit earned and the amount of costs spent in the operational process. The workforce owned by the farmer is 4 people who come from people around his house. The marketing pattern relies on orders from Nusa Penida which require farmers to sell their products frozen. Transportation costs for 1 chicken are charged nine thousand rupiahs, causing a return cost for calculating the profit earned. Due to limited ability and understanding of the marketing system, farmers do not sell their goods in the market in Gianyar, even though Gianyar is actually a big city in Bali which has a high market share for broiler chickens. The demand for purchases by the local community for breeder products is very minimal and occasionally there are traditional ceremonies.
Based on the observations that have been made on the broiler chicken business, for the sake of sustainability and existence, it is very feasible to receive guidance and assistance from universities on an ongoing basis so that it can increase the capacity and quality of products related to knowledge related to carcass and meat evaluation, especially broiler meat, coaching and management, marketing and other related aspects.
Partner Problems
Based on the results of observations on partners, there are several problems that become obstacles including:
- Farmers do not have the knowledge to understand the content of carcass and meat in broiler broiler chickens, causing a lack of hygiene of the products being sold.
- Low willingness to take advantage of the potential to sell their products in the surrounding community
- Partner management is not carried out in a professional manner. Likewise with bookkeeping such as diaries, cash books, production cost calculations, profit or loss calculations are not yet available properly.
- Partners do not yet have a good promotion system in marketing their products and there is no qualified packaging to increase the level of product hygiene.
Type of Expertise Required
In solving the problems faced by partners, the following expertise is needed: Expertise in the field of animal husbandry is needed in dealing with partner problems in the field of processing livestock products. This is done by providing important counseling to determine the carcass content in boiler chicken meat and its hygiene. Expertise in the field of accounting economics is needed in dealing with partner problems in the fields of bookkeeping/accounting and management accounting. This is done by providing counseling and assistance to partners regarding methods and techniques in preparing simple financial reports and calculating production costs, cost of orders, capital budgeting and MSMEs performance. Provide counseling on strategies for using costs and managing investments. Expertise in the field of management science is to assist in dealing with marketing problems by creating social media accounts, providing counseling to partners about corporate governance related to production and marketing strategies.
At first we visited Mitra, namely in July 2022. Prior to the mentoring training on carcass content in broiler chicken meat, partners distributed the carcass products they produced casually to middlemen without paying attention to the level of hygiene. This causes partners not to fully know whether the product they are selling is suitable for consumption or not. The income generated by partners is also not optimal. In fact, if the carcass can be marketed independently, not only to middlemen, it will generate added value and a higher selling price. In addition, by marketing their own products, partners can also open up job opportunities for relatives who live in the same village as employees. So far, partners only have a few employees because they only distribute their products to middlemen depending on the number of orders that have been determined by the middlemen beforehand. Moreover, these middlemen are in other districts.
The implementation of this assistance is very beneficial for partners, because by carrying out this assistance, we from the assistance team help to solve problems that are felt by partners, what we do during the assistance is to provide counseling regarding the importance of broiler carcass content and product hygiene, mentoring and helping in making books and simple financial reports. provide assistance and provide management accounting training, provide training on the implementation of corporate governance, especially with regard to determining production and marketing strategies , create social media and e-commerce to assist in product marketing as well as provide assistance in its use and provide assistance in the form of tools for partners to support its operational activities
When providing socialization related to counseling on carcass content in boiler chickens and hygiene, partners were very enthusiastic about participating. However, during training on making financial reports and cost of production, partners had difficulty understanding them. Because so far partners have not done bookkeeping at all. The standard is only if there is more money, then it is said to be profitable. Partners do not take into account operational costs which also include electricity, water, and so on. In addition, when providing solutions related to social media, partners also experience difficulties using technology. His social media is limited to WhatsApp to reply to middlemen’s messages, but does not use other social media to support his business activities.
Partners and several of their colleagues were very enthusiastic about listening to our explanations. Several residents who are also broiler breeders also listened to our training. Employees who help partners listen to our explanations with enthusiasm so that in the future they can always practice it in carrying out partner business activities. Based on the implementation of the activities that have been carried out, MSMEs should continue to maintain consistency in terms of production, marketing and finance so that the survival of MSMEs can be guaranteed. Apart from the production, marketing and financial aspects, MSMEs also need to be given counseling in terms of legal aspects, especially regarding business licenses and product patents.
- Alamsyah, A., Basuki, E., Prarudiyanto, A., & Cicilia, S. (2019). Diversifikasi Produk Olahan Daging Ayam. Jurnal Ilmiah Abdi Mas TPB Unram, 1(1).
- Annur, C. M. (2022). Konsumsi Daging Ayam Warga RI Meningkat, Capai Rekor pada 2021.
- Frangki Sigaha, Saleh, E. J., & Srisukmawati, Z. (2019). EVALUASI PERSENTASE KARKAS AYAM KAMPUNG SUPER DENGAN PEMBERIAN JERAMI JAGUNG FERMENTASI. Jambura Journal of Animal Science, 2(1), 1–7.
- Pahlevi, R. (2022). Konsumsi Daging Indonesia Masih di Bawah Rata-rata Dunia.
- Pratama, A., Suradi, K., Balia, R. L., Chairunnisa, H., Sutardjo, D. S., Suryaningsih, L., Gumilar, J., Wulandari, E., & Putranto, S. (2015). Evaluasi Karakteristik Sifat Fisik Karkas Ayam Broiler Berdasarkan Bobot Badan Hidup. Ilmu Ternak, 15(2), 61–64.
- Pratama, I. G. W., Sukanata, I. W., & Parimartha, I. K. W. (2015). Analisis preferensi konsumen dalam membeli daging ayam broiler di pasar tradisional kota Denpasar. Journal of Tropical Animal Science, 3(3), 549–560.
- Putri, P. Y. A., & Saputra, K. A. K. (2022). Use of the E-Filing System by MSME Actors during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies, 5(7), 1975-1982.
- Rachmawati, E., Sulistyani, T., Mufidah, L., & Stj, R. C. M. A. (2021). Penerapan HACCP Pada Pengolahan Daging Ayam di Instalasi Gizi RSUP dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten. Jurnal Socia Akademika, 7(2), 66–71. file:///C:/Users/Asus/Downloads/admin,+13.+Ardanisworo+Lintang+Wicaksani+dan+Retno+Adriyani.pdf
- Saputra, K. A. K., Pradnyanitasari, P. D., Putri, P. Y. A., & Kawisana, P. G. W. P. (2021). Competence, Optimization of Internal Control Systems and Information Technology to Prevent Village Financial Fraud. Design Engineering, 12730-12740.
- Saputra, K. A. K., Subroto, B., Rahman, A. F., & Saraswati, E. (2022). Eco-Efficiency and Energy Audit to Improve Environmental Performance: An Empirical Study of Hotels in Bali-Indonesia. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 12(6), 175.
- Stade Iman, W.J., V.M. Olson, G.A. Shmwell, S. P. (1988). Egg and Poultry Meat Processing. In Ellis Haewood Ltd.
Assistance for Broiler Carcas Evaluation and Marketing Management in Gianyar District
Ni Made Yudiastari1, Putu Yudha Asteria Putri2, I Gede Nyoman Carlos W. Mada3
1,2,3 Warmadewa University
Vol 3 No 6 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 06 June 2023
Article Date Published : 28 June 2023 | Page No.: 1127-1129
Abstract :
Broiler chicken meat is a food ingredient that contains good nutrition for human needs. Low prices, good taste and aroma, soft texture and relatively easy to find in the market make broiler chicken meat an alternative food that is liked by almost everyone. This assistance will carry out counseling regarding any information that needs to be considered in the content of broiler chicken carcass and meat. Furthermore, bookkeeping assistance such as diaries, cash books, production cost calculations, profit or loss calculations are not yet available properly as well as product packaging assistance to make it more hygienic and marketing procedures.
Keywords :
References :
- Alamsyah, A., Basuki, E., Prarudiyanto, A., & Cicilia, S. (2019). Diversifikasi Produk Olahan Daging Ayam. Jurnal Ilmiah Abdi Mas TPB Unram, 1(1).
- Annur, C. M. (2022). Konsumsi Daging Ayam Warga RI Meningkat, Capai Rekor pada 2021.
- Frangki Sigaha, Saleh, E. J., & Srisukmawati, Z. (2019). EVALUASI PERSENTASE KARKAS AYAM KAMPUNG SUPER DENGAN PEMBERIAN JERAMI JAGUNG FERMENTASI. Jambura Journal of Animal Science, 2(1), 1–7.
- Pahlevi, R. (2022). Konsumsi Daging Indonesia Masih di Bawah Rata-rata Dunia.
- Pratama, A., Suradi, K., Balia, R. L., Chairunnisa, H., Sutardjo, D. S., Suryaningsih, L., Gumilar, J., Wulandari, E., & Putranto, S. (2015). Evaluasi Karakteristik Sifat Fisik Karkas Ayam Broiler Berdasarkan Bobot Badan Hidup. Ilmu Ternak, 15(2), 61–64.
- Pratama, I. G. W., Sukanata, I. W., & Parimartha, I. K. W. (2015). Analisis preferensi konsumen dalam membeli daging ayam broiler di pasar tradisional kota Denpasar. Journal of Tropical Animal Science, 3(3), 549–560.
- Putri, P. Y. A., & Saputra, K. A. K. (2022). Use of the E-Filing System by MSME Actors during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies, 5(7), 1975-1982.
- Rachmawati, E., Sulistyani, T., Mufidah, L., & Stj, R. C. M. A. (2021). Penerapan HACCP Pada Pengolahan Daging Ayam di Instalasi Gizi RSUP dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten. Jurnal Socia Akademika, 7(2), 66–71. file:///C:/Users/Asus/Downloads/admin,+13.+Ardanisworo+Lintang+Wicaksani+dan+Retno+Adriyani.pdf
- Saputra, K. A. K., Pradnyanitasari, P. D., Putri, P. Y. A., & Kawisana, P. G. W. P. (2021). Competence, Optimization of Internal Control Systems and Information Technology to Prevent Village Financial Fraud. Design Engineering, 12730-12740.
- Saputra, K. A. K., Subroto, B., Rahman, A. F., & Saraswati, E. (2022). Eco-Efficiency and Energy Audit to Improve Environmental Performance: An Empirical Study of Hotels in Bali-Indonesia. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 12(6), 175.
- Stade Iman, W.J., V.M. Olson, G.A. Shmwell, S. P. (1988). Egg and Poultry Meat Processing. In Ellis Haewood Ltd.
Author's Affiliation
Ni Made Yudiastari1, Putu Yudha Asteria Putri2, I Gede Nyoman Carlos W. Mada3
1,2,3 Warmadewa University
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 3 No 6 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 06 June 2023
- Page No.: 1127-1129
- Published : 28 June 2023
- DOI:
How to Cite :
Assistance for Broiler Carcas Evaluation and Marketing Management in Gianyar District. Ni Made Yudiastari, Putu Yudha Asteria Putri, I Gede Nyoman Carlos W. Mada , 3(6), 1127-1129. Retrieved from
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