Madrasah Aliyah Management Plus Skills in Creating Student Job Readiness (Multi Site Study at MAN 1 Magetan, MAN Blitar City and MA Alma’arif Udanawu Blitar)
Rahadian Fatawi1, Akhyak2, Asrop Safi’i3, Maftukhin4, Achmad Patoni5
1,2,3,4,5 UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: This study aims to describe in depth related to: 1) Socialization of the Madrasah Aliyah Program plus Skills in creating Student work readiness, 2) Implementation of the Madrasah Aliyah Program plus Skills in creating Student work readiness, 3) Success of the Madrasah Aliyah program plus Skills in creating Student work readiness 4) Program Evaluation Plus Skills in creating Student Work Readiness. The research methodology uses qualitative methods. Data collection techniques are participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is l) data condensation, 2) data presentation, 3) conclusion/verification. Checking the validity of the data is based on several criteria including: degree of trust (creadibility), transferability (transferability), dependability (dependability), and certainty (confirmability). The results of this research show that; 1) A program will be understood and implemented by all parties, when the media, materials and socialization objects to be conveyed are appropriate and relevant. And all parties in these institutions or agencies must always innovate in providing socialization. Innovation programs are needed because the dynamics of socialization media are very dynamic and directly proportional to the environment in which society is located. 2) To increase students’ work readiness, Madrasahs provide students with the freedom to carry out internships and street vendors in the business world and industrial world and in addition to increasing the ability of teachers to either bring in mentors from outside the madrasah or send skilled teachers to attend training and workshops in relevant agencies. Equally important is the synchronization and alignment of the skills curriculum with the world of business and industry. 3) The success of the plus skills program in Madrasas aims to equip students who do not continue their studies to be independent/or entrepreneurship, Madrasas must have a strong networking team to build networks in an effort to improve the quality of Madrasas as well as diversification of Industrial cooperation with the televaned Business World and Industrial World with skills programs implemented in Madrasahs. 4) In terms of evaluation of the program that is launched, there are 2 basic things that can be implemented by Madrasahs both internally and externally. Internally, it can be seen from the mastery of student skills through competency tests that work well with BLK and DU/DI who have collaborated, while for externally it can be seen how many students are accepted to work in DU/DI who have collaborated or other agencies or who work independently in accordance with skills that students choose when studying.
KEYWORDS: Madrasah Aliyah, Plus Skills, Student Work Readiness
Educational discourse will still be interesting to discuss because in essence in everyday human life it cannot be separated, that humans are learners, while the learner himself is synonymous with education so that discussing current and future education will remain dynamic. Dynamics in the world of education is a direct comparison with the problems faced by humans, the problems faced by humans lead them to innovate how to minimize the problems they are facing, so efforts to minimize these problems humans are required to always learn, in this context education will always be dynamic and humane (National Education System Law). , 2003).
The Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia since 1989 along with the emergence of an educational program called Madrasah Aliyah plus Skills Program (MAPK) Madrasah Aliyah Program plus Skills is based on the idea that life in the modern era is marked by very fast changes, so that everyone is required to keep up with the changing times. which always develops rapidly in relations between nations and employment mobility (Tilaar, 1997).
MAN 1 Magetan as MAN plus Skills adjacent to the PSM Islamic Boarding School (Sabilil Muttakin Islamic Boarding School) Takeran. It becomes a plus in itself compared to MAN Plus other skills, especially in East Java. MAN 1 Magetan has a Special Job Exchange (BKK) as a medium for channeling students to work. Likewise, the MAN of Blitar city is the only MAN plus skills in the city of Blitar. In terms of the curriculum it is more based on student work readiness which places more emphasis on student practice in workshops/workshops up to 80% and adopts the SMK curriculum where 30% is theory and 70% practice, the more students practice in workshops the more their skills are honed. MA Al-Maa’rif NU Udanawu Blitar is the oldest MA plus skills since it was established in 1984 and since 2004 it was designated as MA plus Skills with 7 Skills programs, and what is interesting is that it always involves Alumni to increase students’ work readiness by providing revolving capital.
So, if graduates who do not have job opportunities and continue their studies to a higher level do not have any skills at all, this can certainly become an additional new problem in human development in Indonesia. This plus skills program is basically implemented in order to help students develop their learning abilities, especially in practice subjects in workshops/workshops to realize and be grateful for their own potential to be developed and practiced, to have the courage to face life’s problems in a creative way (Sujatmiko, 2010).
The birth of MAPK is based on the idea that in modern life everyone is required to adapt to the changing times which are always developing rapidly in relations between nations and mobility of employment. This means that the purpose of implementing skills programs in madrasas is to face competition in the world of work which is indeed required to have skills in certain skill areas (Directorate General of Islamic Education, Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, 2021). MA plus Skills is a Public and or Private Madrasah Aliyah that has a competitive advantage in certain vocational/skill fields. MA plus Skills is essentially an Aliyah Madrasah which organizes additional skills programs as one of the elective subjects. Students get additional skill lessons according to the talents and interests of each student. Therefore MA plus Skills is not a Vocational Aliyah Madrasah.
There is a very basic difference between the goals of religious education and skills education, the purpose of religious education is more of an attempt to awaken religious intuition and spiritual readiness in achieving transcendental experiences. Thus the main goal is not just transferring knowledge and skills within a student, but rather an endeavor to grow the Insaniyah Fitrah alone. So that students become people who are devoted to Allah, SWT and obedient to their religion accompanied by akhlakul karimah. While skills education aims to focus more on providing specific knowledge and skills and are strictly related to the selection of work areas needed by society and the business world, and the industrial world today. In this case the interactions between teachers, students and the community are more cognitive and psychomotor in nature, not touching the spiritual depth and noble personality of students much (Zaenul, 2013).
- Program Socialization Theory
Socialization is an attempt to provide information about a news or news. Socialization can also be referred to as promotion. Promotion occurs because there is also something that must be conveyed, the occurrence of socialization causes the spread of information that is not known by many people and the occurrence of information creates a relationship between the delivery of the message and the recipient of the message. Program socialization is the process of communicating company programs to the public with the aim of providing an introduction and appreciation in a particular environment (Putri, 2010).
Socialization is the process by which a person acquires the knowledge, skills and attitudes that he treats so that he can function as an adult and at the same time as an active player in a certain position or role in society. Socialization is one way to carry out social control (social control). If a society wants to function effectively, members of the community must behave in accordance with the social values and norms that regulate the pattern of life in that society. In socialization, that is, individuals who become members of society are controlled so that they do not commit deviant behavior. Socialization is forming habits, desires and customs (Shahrial, 2009).
In every socialization process, in practicing the Diffusion-Innovation Theory developed by Everest M Rogers (1962), he stated, diffusion-innovation is the process of transferring and disseminating information through various forms of communication channels involving the mass media as well as interpersonal communication and social systems. The aim of diffusion-innovation is how people can accept development programs planned by the government or institutions. Therefore, various approaches were developed which eventually gave birth to the Diffusion-Innovation theory. Starting from the notion that society may change and the media may influence audiences in making decisions.
There are four process elements in the diffusion-innovation (Hariyadi, 2018), namely:
- Innovation is an idea, practice, product or something new, meaning that the communication of new innovations can be said to take place if the idea, hope or product that is the message of the communication is something that is not yet known by the general public, meaning that the message conveyed has not become an even habit. in the community concerned, they are not even familiar with the message.
- Communication channels include communication media (print media, radio, television) and interpersonal communication involving influential individuals and organizations (governments, opinion leaders and agencies or by institutions).
- Having a certain period of time, the implementation time of diffusion-innovation communication, depends on the tempo of the planned program implementation and the receipt of messages or innovations that are channeled by credible sources that influence the thoughts and actions of the people involved.
- The social system of groups that accept innovation and are given accentuations to change attitudes in order to achieve the target source to apply innovation in the daily life of the community.
- Theory of Vocational Education and Training Fitting
The theory of Vocational Education and Training Fitting developed by Gill Dar and Fruitman in 2000 and Boreham N and Fischer M in 2009 stated; Planning for Vocational and Vocational Education and Training with the To Fit Approach Model will be effective only if Vocational Education and Training institutions really have good cooperation with Industrial institutions, or the World of Work who use their graduates. If institutions implementing Skills such as SMK (Vocational High School) or MAK (Vocational Madrasah Aliyah) or Vocational Education institutions such as Polytechnics do not have a cooperative relationship in carrying out the Placement of graduates, the Skills or Vocational Education program will be ineffective and inefficient. Because skills and or vocational education with a to fit model approach requires specific training that is laden with the need for various types of equipment and practical materials that are expensive (Sudira, 2012).
- Theory of Student Work Readiness
- Holland Theory
Explains that individual interactions with the environment can produce the characteristics of job choices and adjustments to the work environment. The essence of this theory is the projection of an individual’s personality with a job.
In addition, this theory, which emerged in 1997, assumes that a choice of job or position is the result of interactions between heredity and all cultural influences, associates, parents, adults who are considered to have an important role. This theory asserts that most people resemble more than one personality type.
Underlying Holland’s theory assumes that job interests are one of the aspects of personality, and therefore descriptions in individual work are also related to descriptions in individual personality.
Holland’s theory explains structural-interactive, because Holland’s theory has prepared between personality and type of work. Holland describes typology as a structure for organizing information about work and individuals, while assumptions about individuals and environments acting on one another are interactive components of his theory.
Career decisions are made using six personality types. The existence of Holland’s theory is to understand individual differences in personality, interests and behavior or models that are widely used by individuals in accordance with reality. Holland explains that individuals develop preferences for certain activities as a result of individual interactions with culture and personal strengths including friends, ancestry, parents, social class, culture and physical environment and that these preferences become in the interests of individuals to develop competence. Therefore, personality types are characterized by choices of school subjects, hobbies, leisure and work activities, and occupational interests and choices that are reflected in personality. In choosing and avoiding certain environments and activities, it is the type that is seen as active, not passive.
As previously mentioned, Holland’s typology categorizes or groups individuals into six personality types broadly, specifically (R) realistic, (I) investigative (intellectual), (A) artistic, (S) social, (E) Enterprising (enterprising) , and (K) conventional. As concluded, Holland’s type theory is usually referred to as the RIASEC model and in diagrams it usually uses hexagons which have provided a visual representation of the relationship between personalities or types of work (Komang, 2014).
- Program Evaluation and Success Theory
Evaluation is a systematic and periodic activity, in which it tries to see the actual condition of an object compared to the criteria that have been arranged previously until conclusions or questions are found. This was done as material for consideration and review to improve the object. While strategy evaluation in strategic management is efforts to monitor the results of the formulation (formulation) and implementation including measuring organizational performance, as well as taking corrective steps if necessary. Evaluation or assessment of school performance can be used to see the level of efficiency and effectiveness of schools in improving the quality and productivity of education.
Evaluation as part of the policy process is an important stage, namely as the stage of providing information about ongoing policies and programs. The theory of evaluation as an applied science is built on three roots of knowledge, namely epistemology, social inquiry and social accountability which builds three branches of evaluation science. The three branches of evaluation science include the method branch, the valuing branch, and the use branch. The three branches of the evaluation science tree are seen as something that is interconnected with one another.
Some evaluation experts try to define the meaning of evaluation. Ralp Tyler (1950) stated that evaluation is the process of determining to what extent the educational objectives are actually being realized. This definition means that evaluation is an activity to determine how far an educational goal is achieved. Evaluation is carried out with the aim of knowing the level of success of the program. Program evaluation is a method to determine the performance of a program by comparing it with predetermined criteria or the goals to be achieved with the results achieved. The results achieved in the form of information are used as material for consideration in making decisions and determining policies. This evaluation is carried out systematically through a process of collecting and analyzing data that can be accounted for, to determine the level of success of a program. Every planned activity program needs to end with an evaluation. This evaluation is intended to review whether the program is implemented according to plan and in accordance with its objectives. Based on the evaluation result information, it can be compared whether a program is in accordance with predetermined criteria. Based on the results of the evaluation, a decision is made whether the program will be continued, revised, discontinued due to causing many problems, or reformulated according to new goals, objectives and alternatives that are different from before.
- Socialization of the MA Program plus Skills in creating student work readiness
The implementation of the Socialization of the Plus Skills Program at MAN 1 Magetan has been carried out since the start of the PPDB where prospective students who have registered are asked to choose 3 skills programs which will later become the basis for forming parallel classes in the plus skills program, where classes are formed using class blocking. In carrying out this socialization, Madrasahs present parents of students, accompanying DU/DI who have collaborated with Madrasahs in particular to support skills programs, alumni who have successfully developed skills and all electronic and digital media owned by Madrasahs.
The socialization of the plus skills program at MAN in Blitar city also used social media and a questionnaire which was distributed using the PPDB and Matsama momentum. The results of this socialization program led to a skills class policy using the moving class system.
While the Socialization of Programs plus Skills at Madrasa Aliyah Al-Ma’arif Udanawu Blitar is slightly different from MAN 1 Magetan and MAN Blitar city, where at MA Al-Ma’arif Udanawu Blitar Using portfolio profiles of each program plus the skills possessed by the madrasa , so that the socialization model of this program produces a moving class policy. This means that the socialization of the program in the three madrasahs uses a different system but, substantively, the goal to be achieved is the same, namely to provide a comprehensive understanding and understanding of the program plus skills in madrasas.
- Implementation of the Madrasah Aliyah Program plus Skills in creating student work readiness
MAN 1 Magetan is very concerned about preparing post-school students for student work readiness, especially those who do not continue their studies. The addition of 2 hours of lessons beyond the specified curriculum for the Madrasah Aliyah organizers plus skills is one of the concrete evidences in supporting the plus skills program. The 2 hours of learning are filled with graphic design lessons that focus on developing program material plus the skills each student chooses. Another effort from madrasas in student work readiness is to promote skills products to relevant stakeholders, for example making profiles in several government offices, making Magetan batik for ASN within the scope of the Magetan district ministry of religion.
In the Student Apprenticeship Program there are no standard terms, they still use the terms apprenticeship and field work practice (PKL), but in substance there is no difference between the two. The only difference is the place and time. For internships, students are placed in the world of business/industrial world of DU/DI which has collaborated with madrasas, while the time is between 3 weeks to 1 month. For the field work practice program, it is only placed at the work training center (BLK) closest to the madrasah for a relatively short implementation time of only 3 weeks. It should be noted that the policy taken at MAN 1 Magetan is that all plus skills program students are required to take part in field work practices in collaboration with BLK Ponorogo.
MAN 1 Magetan always renews and develops collaboration with the Business World and the Industrial World that are relevant to plus skills programs. This diversification aims to become a place for student field work practice, curriculum synchronization especially skills, if possible it can be an alternative place for students to work when they have finished their studies and of course according to the criteria they are looking for.
In addition, MAN 1 Magetan also develops networking with fellow MA plus skills programs both at the East Java regional level and at the national level. This networking is taken to develop and progress the skills plus program in each Madrasah and focuses on sharing information on developments in general MA plus skills, both covering curriculum and facilities and infrastructure.
In Blitar city MAN, in preparing work-ready students, it emphasizes the teaching and learning process by adopting the teaching and learning process applied in Vocational High Schools (SMK). Especially in the practicum learning process in the workshop.
Apart from that, MAN in Blitar city every skill lesson is inserted into entrepreneurship material. Entrepreneurship material is also balanced with direct practice in the field, for example practicing selling Catering Skills products.
Meanwhile at Madrasah Aliyah Al Ma’arif Udanawu Blitar did not hold apprenticeships or street vendors outside the madrasa, both in DU/DI and BLK. MA Al Ma’rif Udanawu held a kind of training at the Madrasah by bringing in instructors from relevant stakeholders, which were in accordance with the plus skills programs in the madrasa. This policy was taken so that students are more focused and madrasas are easier to supervise. At the end of this training, each student will receive a certificate of competency.
In improving the skills and abilities of students, madrasas also require teachers whose knowledge is not linear with the subjects they teach, by attending training in DU/DI related to the training, madrasas provide cross-subsidized costs, with the hope that from this training all teachers who are not linear will get justification knowledge to be able to teach skills.
To develop students’ skills and a sense of ownership of the program plus skills, madrasas require each skills program to have a business unit. Where every Madrasah resident can patronize the business unit by using their services, for example when a teacher or employee has a daughter-in-law’s intention for bridal make-up using the services of the Cosmetology business unit and for video shooting and photography, you can use the services of the Multimedia business unit and so on. . In developing each business unit, each business unit involves alumni who are not yet employed and have qualified competencies. The involvement of alumni is expected to be able to provide work experience whenever they get a job when they already have work experience.
An interesting breakthrough in creating student work readiness, the madrasa provides loan stimulus to alumni as initial working capital, it is hoped that this capital stimulus can open up new jobs. When the alumni in question have opened new jobs, it does not mean that the madrasa is hands off, but the madrasa is still providing guidance until it feels truly independent and running, only to be slowly released while discussing the return on the capital lent by the madrasa.
- The success of the Madrasah Aliyah plus Skills program in creating student work readiness
One indicator of student work readiness at MAN 1 Magetan can be seen at PT. INKA Madiun prioritizes program students plus the skills of MAN 1 Magetan for street vendors and apprentices compared to other schools around Madiun including SMK. PT INKA is more interested in MAN 1 Magetan students because they have qualified competence, are also easy to manage and have a good attitude. Apart from that, several orders for profiles for official offices in the Magetan district were carried out by students of the Multimedia skills program, this indicates that the plus skills program at MAN 1 Magetan in creating student work readiness can be said to be quite successful.
As stated by Siti Fadilah, one of the Blitar city MAN alumni from the Fashion Design department who is currently working in a convection company. plus the skills of fashion design, and she competes with vocational graduates who incidentally are more ready to work.
The same thing was conveyed by other alumni of the Blitar city MAN plus skills program, Umi Fatimah from the Culinary Department who was accepted to work as a chef in Kampung Coklat Blitar, she felt grateful after graduating from MAN in Blitar city she was immediately accepted to work, all of which could not be separated from her education. the teachers and the experience of learning and participating in the Skills plus program at MAN Blitar city, he did not expect to be able to compete with alumni from other schools in Blitar. In the view of Ms. Luvi, as the coordinator of the Blitar city MAN skills program, it was only natural for the 2 alumni to be immediately accepted to work at a convection company and Kampung Cacao, because since school they were very concerned and enthusiastic about taking part in the skills program lessons. Even when carrying out street vendors, the two alumni were offered part-time work, namely in the morning of school, afternoon or evening they worked.
The reason the leadership where he works employs part time, because they are disciplined accompanied by a fairly good work ethic which is supported by qualified competence and superior character.
As a parameter, one program that can be accepted/recognized by the community is the service product developed by the program plus skills, namely the existence of the community or third parties who utilize and use the service product. The existence of third parties who use these service products cannot be separated from the existence of MA Al Ma’arif Udanawu in developing skills programs and the massive skills team in promoting the existence of skills plus programs and their service products to the public. The belief in making Ciprat batik indicates the success of the skills program in preparing students’ job readiness. However, there is no Special Job Exchange (BKK) so that student absorption in the world of work is less than optimal.
- Socialization of the Madrasah Aliyah Plus Skills Program in creating student job readiness
Socialization is the key word in the implementation of a program in all institutions or institutions, it is necessary to find a formulation that is right on target and effective. Socialization is the process by which a person acquires the knowledge, skills and attitudes that he treats so that he can function as an adult and at the same time as an active player in a certain position or role in society. Socialization is one way to carry out social control (social control). If a society wants to function effectively, members of the community must behave in accordance with the social values and norms that regulate the pattern of life in that society. In socialization, that is, individuals who become members of society are controlled so that they do not commit deviant behavior. Socialization is forming habits, desires and customs (Shahrial, 2009).
In each of these socialization processes, in practicing the Diffusion-Innovation Theory developed by Everest M Rogers (1962), he stated, diffusion-innovation is the process of transferring and disseminating information through various forms of communication channels involving the mass media as well as interpersonal communication and social systems. The aim of diffusion-innovation is how people can accept development programs planned by the government or institutions. Therefore, various approaches were developed which eventually gave birth to the Diffusion-Innovation theory.
In achieving the objectives of implementing the Program plus Skills, of course, each Madrasah has its own concept and method. As was the case at MAN 1 Magetan, at MAN 1 Magetan Program Socialization plus Skills had started since the PPDB process took place. To reinforce and simplify this process, the PPDB committee requires that every prospective student who registers must be accompanied by a parent or student guardian.
The choice of the New Student Skills Program was handed over by the PPDB committee to the Plus Skills Program Coordinator to be verified and used as the basis for forming parallel classes in Madrasahs. When giving explanations to prospective new students, one thing that the PPDB Committee will definitely convey is related to the plus skills program owned by MAN 1 Magetan. This socialization is important to be given to prospective students so that students have an idea of the choice of skills that are in accordance with their interests and talents.
Program socialization is the key word in the success of the program plus the intended skills, so the next stage of this socialization is by presenting parents/guardians of students before the regular KBM is held. This socialization, apart from presenting parents/guardians of students, also presenting stakeholders, especially DU/DI who have collaborated with Madrasahs in the Skills plus Program, as well as presenting Alumni who have been successful in developing their talents, especially those successful from the Skills plus Program.
From the results of the placement test, students who were detected in the Science specialization could take TKJ and Multimedia skills, Social Sciences took Dressmaking skills, and Religion took Catering.
In terms of program socialization management plus skills in Blitar City MAN using more social media, information conveyed to parents and students focuses more on the use of social media applications Examples in students choosing skills programs in Blitar City MAN, City MAN Blitar has the following skills plus programs: Dressmaking, Catering, Multi Media, Beauty, Textile Craft Making Batik through questionnaires with social media applications provided by Madrasahs to students and parents. To reinforce and understand the Program plus Skills, this socialization was also carried out during the PPDB and MATSAMA processes because the Madrasa felt that socialization only via online was not optimal. In terms of selecting the school program, it gives freedom to each student to choose according to their interests and talents. The basis for selecting skills for MAN Blitar City students is in accordance with the talents and interests of students
So the implication of the socialization of this program plus skills makes the KBM in the Skills program a moving class. Namely, students who choose the dressmaking skills program, the class will come from several departments set by the Madrasah. In other words, in one Fashion Design class, there are students from the Language Department, the Religion Department, and so on. When the moving class system is selected, a few problems will arise during the teaching and learning process. These problems will arise because the teaching and learning time will be a little delayed to wait for the gathering of students from various departments.
To support continuous socialization of the Program plus Skills, Madrasahs must invite relevant Stakeholders, especially DU/DI which have held collaborations. The presence of stakeholders adds its own energy for students, so that they will be more stable with the choice of majors and the existence of a program plus skills at Madrasah.
Providing a complete and thorough understanding of a program is needed from the start. MA al Maárif Udanawu prepares a portfolio of each skills program implemented at the Madrasah. The portfolio includes the curriculum and subjects taught in each skills program from class X – XII, street vendors and apprentices, job prospects after graduation, DU/DI that have collaborated, to conducting evaluations at the end of the study. The portfolio folio becomes material for each student in determining the skills program that will be taken according to the interests and talents of students, students are given the freedom to choose 3 skills programs which will later become the basis for the madrasa in determining the skill class for each student.
From each choice of student skills it is limited to a maximum of only 3 classes of Moving skills, this limitation is so that there is an even distribution of each skill and also pays attention to human resources, practical infrastructure and other supporting facilities. The socialization of this program plus skills was conveyed by Madrasahs since PPDB started.
As part of the socialization of the plus skills program and in order to foster a sense of belonging to the continuity and progress of Madrasahs, because the majority of students come from around the Madrasah, madrasas always involve community leaders and the surrounding community in providing input and criticism, especially in skills programs starting from adding skills programs, curriculum development to the implementation of street vendors and internships.
- Implementation of the Madrasah Aliyah Program plus Skills in creating Student work readiness
In preparing student work readiness, students and teachers must be given the widest possible opportunity to attend training, workshops and field work practices (PKL). Planning for Vocational and Vocational Education and Training with the To Fit Approach Model will be effective only if Vocational Education and Training institutions really have good cooperation with institutions, Industry, or the World of Work who use their graduates. This is in line with the Theory of Appropriation of Vocational Education and Training developed by Gill, Dar and Fruitman in 2000 and Boreham N and Fischer M in 2009 Vocational training will be effective when it has good cooperation with institutions, industry or the world of work as the main users of graduates. (Sudira, 2012).
By convening a plus skills madrasa at MAN 1 Magetan, it is hoped that students who graduate from MAN 1 Magetan will have the entrepreneurial insights and vocational competencies needed in order to develop survival in a future that is far more complex and competitive. This is in line with the commitment of the Ministry of Religion in efforts to develop the plus skills (life skills) program for madrasah aliyah.
The implementation of the plus skills program at MAN Blitar City apart from students understanding theoretical knowledge, they also practice directly in the skills laboratory. Adequate equipment and adequate number of teachers hope that this program will truly equip students with skills that can compete in the world of work.
MA Al-Ma’arif Udanawu is classified as a unique and interesting madrasah to discuss, one of the interesting things, for almost the last 3 years the State MAN in Kediri and Blitar Regencies started implementing PPDB instead the MA Al-Ma’arif Udanawu PPDB has been closed. It should be noted that there are several schools and MAs that are both running the skills plus program and a vocational school. To the east is Udanawu State Vocational School, to the north is MAN 5 Kediri, to the west is Kras Vocational School and to the south is Kunir MAN, but the existence The SMKN and MAN did not affect the community’s interest in sending their children to MA Al-Ma’arif Udanawu. It was proven that the number of classes and ceilings that had existed for the last 3 years had been fulfilled before the surrounding public schools opened PPDB. In terms of creating student work readiness, MA Al-Ma’arif Udanawu does not organize street vendors and internships. The PKL and Internship program was replaced with a kind of workshop which was held in each workshop at the madrasa for almost 1 month by bringing practitioners from both DU/DI and from the Tulungagung BLK to the Madrasa.
- The success of the Madrasah Aliyah Skills Program in creating student work readiness
Holland’s theory assumes that job interests are one of the aspects of personality, and therefore descriptions in individual work are also related to descriptions in individual personality. Holland’s theory explains structural-interactive, because Holland’s theory has prepared between personality and type of work. In the world of education, there is an educational trilogy where the three components must be simultaneous and continuous in working together to create a good world of education. Namely cooperation between the government, schools/madrasas and the community, must work hand in hand in the success of education (Komang, 2014).
In general, the Plus Skills Program at Madrasahs has won hearts in the eyes of the students. The students were very enthusiastic about participating in the program, according to them, the Skills Plus Program could add insight into the world of work and additional competencies according to the interests of students’ talents, even according to those who incidentally are Madrasah Aliyah, they dare to compete in competition with vocational students. In assessing the competencies that students of MAN 1 Magetan take, a policy at the end of class 11 Semester 4 learning will be complemented by apprenticeships in the business/industry world as a form of implementation of the skills that have been learned as evidenced by certification of expertise. In Class 12 semester 6 students are required to take the Skills Competency Test and Work Degree. When graduating from MAN 1 Magetan students get a Skills Value Transcript.
There are many things that can be taken by Madrasahs providing skills to prepare students to compete in the world of work, one of which is carried out at MAN Blitar city by designing a skills curriculum according to the needs of the world of work. In skills subjects, especially skills practice by inserting Entrepreneurship and Craft material, for example students who choose Beauty Skills, Madrasahs make policies for Madrasah residents when there are events both at Madrasah and at the homes of Mr./Mrs. beauty for make-up and grooming at very affordable rates and below the general price. Everyone who arranges from the beginning, from who does the make-up, make-up models to financial accounting, are students of cosmetology skills.
The Ministry of Religion’s alignment with madrasas is really expected because he feels that as long as MA Al Ma’arif Udanawu Blitar is running the plus skills program he has never received assistance in any form from the government, even if there is assistance it is integrated with the boss provided by the Ministry of Religion and even then the amount is not proportional to the needs of the Madrasah. In other words, according to him, the commitment from the Ministry of Religion for the plus skills program that has been implemented has not appeared or has not yet been seen. He really hopes that in the coming years as a reward from the Ministry of Religion there will be a program that will provide any assistance to MA Al Ma’arif Udanawu Blitar.
Because so far in meeting the need for facilities and infrastructure to support the pure self-funding Madrasah plus skill program that comes from contributions from parents/guardians of students/committees. As a private Madrasah, he is well aware that the needs of Madrasas do depend on the help of parents/guardians of students. It is not wrong if he really hopes for a helping hand and government assistance, in this case the Ministry of Religion. never received government assistance.
The conclusions of Management of Madrasah Aliyah Plus Skills in Preparing Student Work Readiness from research at the three institutions are as follows:
- A program will be understood and implemented by all parties, when the media, materials and socialization objects to be conveyed are appropriate and relevant. And all parties in these institutions or agencies must always innovate in providing socialization. Innovation programs are needed because the dynamics of socialization media are very dynamic and directly proportional to the environment in which society is located.
- To improve students’ work readiness, Madrasahs provide students with the freedom to carry out internships and street vendors in the business world and industrial world and in conjunction with improving teacher abilities, both by bringing in mentors from outside the madrasa and sending skilled teachers to attend training and workshops at relevant agencies. Equally important is the synchronization and alignment of the skills curriculum with the world of business and industry.
- The success of the plus skills program in Madrasas aims to equip students who do not continue their studies to be independent/or entrepreneurship, Madrasas must have a strong networking team to build networks in an effort to improve the quality of Madrasas and to diversify industrial collaboration with the televaned Business World and Industrial World with skills programs implemented in Madrasahs.
- In terms of evaluation of the launched program, there are 2 basic things that can be implemented by Madrasahs both internally and externally. Internally, it can be seen from the mastery of student skills through competency tests that work well with BLK and DU/DI who have collaborated, while for externally it can be seen how many students are accepted to work in DU/DI who have collaborated or other agencies or who work independently in accordance with skills that students choose when studying.
- Ditjen Pendis Kemenag RI, Sejarah Pendidikan Islam dan Organisasi Ditjen Pendis, Jakarta, 2021.
- HAR Tilaar, Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Era Globalisasi (Jakarta: Grasindo,1997).
- Haryadi, Toto, Adaptasi Teori Difusi Inovasi dalam Game “Yuk Benahi” dengan Pendekatan Komunikasi SCMR, Jurnal Audience I No. I 2018
- Jasniwati, Komang, dkk, Efektivitas Teori Karier Holand Melalui Layanan Informasi untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Diri terhadap Kesiapan Kerja Siswa, Jurnal Online Jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling 2 No. 1 tahun 2014
- Putri, Deviyana Utami, Strategi Sosiliasisa Program Pertamina Pasti Pas 2007-2009, Universitas Atmajaya Jogjakarta, 2010
- SK Dirjen Pendis No. 5466 Tahun 2019, Tentang Petunjuk Teknis Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Madrasah Aliyah Plus Keterampilan.
- Sujatmoko Emmanuel, Hak Warga Negara dalam Memperoleh Pendidikan, Jurnal Konstitusi, Volume 7, Nomor 1, Februari 2010
- Syahrial Sarbini, Rusdiyanta, Dasar-dasar Sosiologi, Graha Ilmu Jogjakarta, 2009.
- UU Sisdiknas UU. No. 20 Tahun 2003.
- Zaenul Fitri, Agus, Manajemen Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam dari Normatif-Filosofis ke Praktis,Alfabeta, Bandung, 2013.
Madrasah Aliyah Management Plus Skills in Creating Student Job Readiness (Multi Site Study at MAN 1 Magetan, MAN Blitar City and MA Alma’arif Udanawu Blitar)
Rahadian Fatawi1, Akhyak2, Asrop Safi’i3, Maftukhin4, Achmad Patoni5
1,2,3,4,5 UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
Vol 3 No 8 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 08 August 2023
Article Date Published : 7 August 2023 | Page No.: 1527-1535
Abstract :
This study aims to describe in depth related to: 1) Socialization of the Madrasah Aliyah Program plus Skills in creating Student work readiness, 2) Implementation of the Madrasah Aliyah Program plus Skills in creating Student work readiness, 3) Success of the Madrasah Aliyah program plus Skills in creating Student work readiness 4) Program Evaluation Plus Skills in creating Student Work Readiness. The research methodology uses qualitative methods. Data collection techniques are participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is l) data condensation, 2) data presentation, 3) conclusion/verification. Checking the validity of the data is based on several criteria including: degree of trust (creadibility), transferability (transferability), dependability (dependability), and certainty (confirmability). The results of this research show that; 1) A program will be understood and implemented by all parties, when the media, materials and socialization objects to be conveyed are appropriate and relevant. And all parties in these institutions or agencies must always innovate in providing socialization. Innovation programs are needed because the dynamics of socialization media are very dynamic and directly proportional to the environment in which society is located. 2) To increase students’ work readiness, Madrasahs provide students with the freedom to carry out internships and street vendors in the business world and industrial world and in addition to increasing the ability of teachers to either bring in mentors from outside the madrasah or send skilled teachers to attend training and workshops in relevant agencies. Equally important is the synchronization and alignment of the skills curriculum with the world of business and industry. 3) The success of the plus skills program in Madrasas aims to equip students who do not continue their studies to be independent/or entrepreneurship, Madrasas must have a strong networking team to build networks in an effort to improve the quality of Madrasas as well as diversification of Industrial cooperation with the televaned Business World and Industrial World with skills programs implemented in Madrasahs. 4) In terms of evaluation of the program that is launched, there are 2 basic things that can be implemented by Madrasahs both internally and externally. Internally, it can be seen from the mastery of student skills through competency tests that work well with BLK and DU/DI who have collaborated, while for externally it can be seen how many students are accepted to work in DU/DI who have collaborated or other agencies or who work independently in accordance with skills that students choose when studying.
Keywords :
Madrasah Aliyah, Plus Skills, Student Work ReadinessReferences :
- Ditjen Pendis Kemenag RI, Sejarah Pendidikan Islam dan Organisasi Ditjen Pendis, Jakarta, 2021.
- HAR Tilaar, Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Era Globalisasi (Jakarta: Grasindo,1997).
- Haryadi, Toto, Adaptasi Teori Difusi Inovasi dalam Game “Yuk Benahi” dengan Pendekatan Komunikasi SCMR, Jurnal Audience I No. I 2018
- Jasniwati, Komang, dkk, Efektivitas Teori Karier Holand Melalui Layanan Informasi untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Diri terhadap Kesiapan Kerja Siswa, Jurnal Online Jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling 2 No. 1 tahun 2014
- Putri, Deviyana Utami, Strategi Sosiliasisa Program Pertamina Pasti Pas 2007-2009, Universitas Atmajaya Jogjakarta, 2010
- SK Dirjen Pendis No. 5466 Tahun 2019, Tentang Petunjuk Teknis Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Madrasah Aliyah Plus Keterampilan.
- Sujatmoko Emmanuel, Hak Warga Negara dalam Memperoleh Pendidikan, Jurnal Konstitusi, Volume 7, Nomor 1, Februari 2010
- Syahrial Sarbini, Rusdiyanta, Dasar-dasar Sosiologi, Graha Ilmu Jogjakarta, 2009.
- UU Sisdiknas UU. No. 20 Tahun 2003.
- Zaenul Fitri, Agus, Manajemen Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam dari Normatif-Filosofis ke Praktis,Alfabeta, Bandung, 2013.
Author's Affiliation
Rahadian Fatawi1, Akhyak2, Asrop Safi’i3, Maftukhin4, Achmad Patoni5
1,2,3,4,5 UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 3 No 8 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 08 August 2023
- Page No.: 1527-1535
- Published : 7 August 2023
- DOI:
How to Cite :
Madrasah Aliyah Management Plus Skills in Creating Student Job Readiness (Multi Site Study at MAN 1 Magetan, MAN Blitar City and MA Alma’arif Udanawu Blitar). Rahadian Fatawi, Akhyak, Asrop Safi’i, Maftukhin, Achmad Patoni , 3(8), 1527-1535. Retrieved from
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International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies