Principal Supervision Management in Improving Teacher Performance at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun
Yusron Rizqi Saputro1, Isna Faridatun Nadziroh2, Elfi Yuliani Rochmah3
1,2,3 IAIN Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: This paper is the result of a field study conducted at one of the educational institutions in the Madiun district, namely SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo. This study aims to determine the principal’s supervision management and its impact on improving teacher performance. The research method used is a case study with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is data condensation, data presentation, and conclusion. Data checking techniques used extended participation, persistence of observation, triangulation, and peer checking through discussion. The results of the study show that the principal’s supervisory management in improving teacher performance is carried out through several stages, namely: 1) The planning stage, namely making strategic steps in supervision activities to be carried out by the school principal, 2) The organizing stage, through the division of tasks supported by good coordination, 3) The implementation stage, at this stage, the school principal conducts observations or class visits at the same time do follow-up on the results obtained through individual and group supervision techniques, 4) Supervision stage, through monitoring activities on teachers both individual and group monitoring after follow-up supervision is carried out. The impacts of the principal’s supervisory management include: 1) Helping teachers to develop within the scope of learning, 2) Improving teacher teaching skills, 3) Helping teachers to learn about how to improve their abilities and quality so that students can achieve predetermined learning goals.
KEYWORDS: Management, Supervision of the Principal, Teacher Performance, Educational Institutions
The teacher is a profession, which means that this position requires special expertise and cannot be done by just anyone outside the field of education. A teacher needs to know and apply several learning principles to carry out his duties in a professional manner. These learning principles include attention and motivation, activeness, direct involvement, repetition, challenge, and individual differences (Ali, 2013). A professional will understand what, why, and how a job is done (Dalyono & Agustina, 2016).
Teachers are required to be able to foster students’ attention to learning material, be able to foster students’ interest in actively discovering their knowledge, be able to arrange the sequence of learning materials so that students can understand the material as a whole, be able to build student character to foster social relations both at school and in the community, and being able to motivate students to excel is expected to be able to develop the knowledge or skills students need for student life and career preparation, the things needed are (1) Cognitive skills, including critical thinking, problem-solving discipline that looks at the whole,
(2) Interpersonal skills, including complex communication, social competence, teamwork, and overcoming cultural differences, (3) inner skills, namely executive functions such as planning, self-improvement, and adapting (Basar & ADA, 2023).
Teachers or educators are considered one of the keys to determining the success of an educational institution. Teachers do not only teach or transfer knowledge, but behind that teachers are also required to be able to provide exemplary, guidance, and training to students, be able to carry out administrative tasks, and serve the community (Masrum, 2021). This is by established laws, that teachers are professional educators with the main task of teaching, educating, directing, guiding, assessing, training, and evaluating students in early childhood education, basic education, and secondary education in the formal education pathway. The teacher is the main element in the whole educational process, especially at the institutional level (Republik Indonesia, 2005).
Seeing this reality, teachers are required to be qualified human beings. Quality teachers can be seen from the increased performance of educators or teachers in the educational institutions they occupy. Performance is often interpreted as work performance, namely a work result that is achieved by someone based on ability and experience. According to Nana Sudjaja, teacher performance will be seen as successful or not when viewed from: 1) planning teaching and learning programs; 2) implementing and managing the teaching and learning process; 3) assessing the progress of the teaching and learning process; 4) master the subject matter (Sudjaja, 1989).
Teacher performance is an important element in education, besides that, it is also a determinant of the level of quality of education. In realizing an increase in teacher performance, of course, good and planned management is needed. Management is a structured process starting from planning to evaluation by maximizing all the resources in it so that the goals set by the institution can be achieved effectively and efficiently. Management in the world of education has a very important position. This is because management plays a very important role in dynamicizing the potential of the school (Pangesti & Hanifuddin, 2021).
The management process can assist a leader in establishing good decisions or policies. According to George R. Terry in the journal Zayyini Rusyda Mustarsyidah and Sugiyar, Management is a distinctive process, which consists of actions: planning, organizing, activating, and controlling, which are carried out to determine and achieve the goals that have been set through the utilization of human resources as well as other sources (Zayyini Rusyda Mustarsyidah & Sugiyar, 2022). Meanwhile, according to Fattah quoted by Muhammad Kristiawan (Muhammad Kristiawan et al, 2017), educational management objectives and benefits are as follows; 1) the realization of an active, innovative, creative, effective, and enjoyable learning atmosphere and learning process; 2) the creation of students who actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed by themselves, society, nation, and state; 3) fulfillment of one of the four competencies of teaching and educational staff; 4) achieving educational goals effectively and efficiently; 5) education staff are equipped with theories about the processes and tasks of educational administration; 6) The problem of education quality has been resolved.
The main role in carrying out the wheel of school management lies with the institutional leaders and all components of the school, both collectively and individually. The principal is the person most responsible for the running of the organizational pattern of an institution. Responding to the roles, functions, and responsibilities of the Principal should have a high commitment to his work besides being professional and dedicated (Purwanti et al., 2014). The principal as a supervisor is expected to be able to foster and improve teacher performance through their respective abilities and duties (Kuncoro, 2021).
Based on the results of interviews with the Principal of SMK Muhamnadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun, the Principal has carried out observations and class visits to know the teacher’s learning process in class. From this action, information was obtained that several teachers had not carried out learning by the directions previously conveyed by the principal so these constraints would affect the quality of learning. This was also reinforced by the results of observations made by researchers, that the results of observations were by what was conveyed by the Principal.
One strategy to overcome teacher problems in learning is educational supervision. Supervision is coaching in the form of guidance or coaching towards improving the educational situation in general and improving the quality of teaching and learning. Supervision is carried out by the Principal (supervisor) whose role is to oversee teaching and learning activities, teacher performance, etc (Prihatin, 2014). The purpose of supervision is to develop a better situation for training the learning process and improving the teaching profession (Utami, 2021).
One type of educational supervision to improve the ability of teachers in learning is academic supervision. Academic supervision is inseparable from evaluating teacher performance in managing learning itself. The objectives of conducting academic supervision are: (1) Helping teachers develop competence, (2) developing curriculum, and (3) developing teacher work groups, as well as guiding classroom action research (PTK) (Rahabav, 2016). Thus, to improve the teacher’s ability to teach, it is necessary to carry out academic supervision by the school principal. By carrying out academic supervision, it will greatly assist teachers in improving their competence in teaching. Thus, predetermined educational goals can be achieved properly. Based on these findings, the title of this thesis is Principal Supervision Management in Improving Teacher Performance at Muhammadiyah 3 Vocational School Dolopo Madiun.
Etymologically, the word “management” comes from English, namely management, which was developed from the word to manage, which means to manage or manage
(Tunggal, 2002). In general, management activities within the organization are directed to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently. Management is a process of working together between individuals and groups as well as other resources in achieving goals, the organization is as a management activity. In other words, managerial activities are only found in the context of an organization, both business organizations, schools, and others (Syafaruddin, 2005).Whereas Meanwhile, in terms of terminology, according to George R. Terry, Management is a distinct process, which consists of actions: planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling, which are carried out to determine and achieve the goals that have been set through the utilization of human resources and other sources (George R Terry, 1992).
The management functions include:
- Planning(Planning)
Planning is choosing facts and connecting facts and making and using estimates or assumptions for the future by describing and formulating the activities needed to achieve the desired results (Sukarna, 2010).
The steps in formulating planning according to Stoner James, AF are:
- Setting goals by determining what is needed or desired by an organization so that resources can be used effectively and efficiently.
- Defining the current situation, regarding how far the organization is from its goals, the resources it has, and financial data so that the next steps can be carried out smoothly.
- Identify things that help and hinder goals from both internal and external factors
- Develop a plan or set of actions to achieve goals (Herujito, 2001).
- Organizing (Organizing)
Organizing is the determination, grouping, and arrangement of the various activities needed to achieve the goal, the placement of people (employees), the provision of suitable physical factors for work requirements, and the appointment of the relationship of authority, which is delegated to each person about the implementation any expected activity. As for the principles of organizing including Purpose, division of labor, placement of labor, authority and responsibility, and delegation of authority (Herujito, 2001).
The organizational structure provides details on the division of work activities and shows how work activities function and shows the relationship between various functions or activities. The structure also shows the levels of organization and structure of authority and shows the relationship between levels. According to Stoner in Saefrudin’s journal entitled Organizing in Management (Saefrudin, 2018).
- Actuating(Implementation)
Mobilizing is arousing and encouraging all group members so that they will try hard to achieve goals sincerely and in harmony with the planning and organizing efforts of the leadership. The factors needed in the movement are leadership, attitude and morale, relationship management, stimulation, supervision, and discipline (Herujito, 2001).
- Controlling(Supervision)
Supervision has a very important role or position in management, considering that it has a function to test whether the implementation of work is orderly, orderly, directed, or not. Even though planning, organizing, and actuating are good, if the implementation of work is not orderly, orderly, and directed, then the goals that have been set will not be achieved.
The achievement of goals does not only depend on good planning and organizing but also depends on mobilizing and supervising. Planning and organizing are only a strong foundation for the existence of directed movement toward the intended target. Mobilization without planning will not run effectively because it is in planning that objectives, budgets, standards, work methods, procedures, and programs are determined.
According to (Manulung, 2008) Supervision is a process of implementing what work has been carried out, assessing it, and if necessary correcting it with the intention that the implementation of the work is to the original plan.
Educational Supervision
- The basic concept of Supervision
Supervision comes from the word supervision, which means supervision. Supervision is the activity of observing, and identifying which things are correct, which are not correct, and which are not correct, with the intention that they are appropriate for providing guidance (Arikunto, 2006). In the world of education, supervision is assistance and guidance or professional direction for teachers in carrying out instructional tasks to improve the quality of learning and teaching by carrying out stimulation, coordination, and guidance on an ongoing basis as part of improving the quality of learning. The principal as a supervisor must understand and understand what steps must be taken to improve teacher performance (Shulhan, 2012).
The objectives of educational supervision include:
- Helping school principals and teachers to appreciate and work together to achieve educational goals.
- Increasing the potential and ambition of the Principal and teachers to prepare and educate students to become independent members of society.
- Fostering Principals and teachers to evaluate their own performance and learning problems.
- Growing awareness of school principals as well as teachers of democratic ways of working, and being willing to work together in achieving goals.
- Increasing achievement motivation of teachers
(Sulistyorini, 2021)
Supervision activities can be carried out using 2 techniques, namely:
- Individual Supervision
Techniques that can be used for individual supervision are 1) class visits, 2) individual talks, 3) teaching demonstrations, and 4) professional libraries.
- Group Supervision
Techniques that can be carried out in this group supervision include: 1) holding meetings, 2) Group Discussions, 3) holding upgrading, 4) Workshops or workshops, 5) Teaching Demonstrations, 6) Library development, and 7) Home Visits (Kosasi, 2000).
Educational supervision is carried out with certain principles. The principles of supervision in general according to Soetopo were cited by Jasmani Asf and Syaiful Mustofa (Mustofa, 2013)There are seven principles of supervision, which are as follows:
- Organizational principles, meaning that supervision can be carried out within the framework of the surrounding organizational structure.
- The principle of improvement means that supervision tries to find out weaknesses or deficiencies, then looks for solutions so that management can run according to standards and the organization can achieve its goals.
- The principle of communication means that supervision is carried out to foster a system of cooperation between superiors and subordinates, fostering good relations between superiors and subordinates in the process of implementing organizational management.
- The principle of prevention means that supervision is carried out to avoid errors in managing organizational components.
- The principle of control means that supervision is carried out so that all management processes are on the rails that have been previously outlined. In this case, the principles of efficiency and effectiveness in management become a measure.
- The principle is objective, meaning that supervision is carried out based on real data in the field without using the supervisor’s subjective judgments and interpretations.
- The principle of continuity means that supervision is carried out continuously, both during the implementation process and after the implementation of work.
Therefore, supervision is an assistance and guidance or professional direction for teachers in carrying out instructional tasks to improve the quality of learning and teaching by carrying out stimulation, coordination, and guidance on an ongoing basis as part of improving the quality of learning. The principal as a supervisor must understand and understand what steps must be taken to improve teacher performance
- Principal As Supervisor
The principal as a supervisor must be manifested in the ability to compile and implement educational supervision programs and utilize the results. The ability to develop educational supervision programs must be realized in the preparation of class supervision programs, development of supervision programs for extra-curricular activities, and development of library, laboratory, and examination supervision programs.
In its implementation, the Principal as a supervisor must pay attention to the following principles: (1) consultative, collegial, and not hierarchical relationships, (2) implemented democratically, (3) centered on educational staff (teachers), (4) carried out based on the needs of educational staff (teacher), (5) is professional assistance (Mulyasa, 2003).
The principal as a supervisor can be seen from the tasks he does. A task performed confers status and function on a person. In its function, the role of a supervisor is the essential role of supervision itself, which is to encourage, assist, and involve. Talking about the supervisory function, the Principal plays a very important role, including:
- Guiding the teacher so that he can understand more clearly the problem or problems and needs of students, and assisting the teacher in overcoming a problem.
- Assist teachers in overcoming difficulties in teaching.
- Help teachers acquire better teaching skills by using a variety of teaching methods appropriate to the nature of the material.
- Helping teachers enrich the learning experience, so that the teaching atmosphere can make students happy.
- Fostering group morale, cultivating high morale in carrying out school assignments for all staff (Soemanto, 2001).
Thus the principal can be understood as a leader and supervisor. The principal is the leader who has the authority and responsibility in developing and fostering education, which is related to the teaching and learning process and the curriculum with all its implementation. As a supervisor, the Principal carries out administration, management, development, supervision, and technical services to support the educational process in educational units(Basri, 2014).
Teacher Performance
Performance is that which can be achieved by a person or group of people in an organization, by their respective authorities and responsibilities to achieve the goals of the organization concerned legally, not violating the law, and by morals and ethics. The term performance comes from the words job performance or actual performance (work achievements or actual achievements achieved by a person). (Mustofa, 2013). Performance can also be understood as the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties by the responsibilities given to him (Anwar Prabu Mangkunegoro, 2001).
In the educational environment, there are several performance standard indicators, especially teacher performance, including knowledge, skills, placement systems and experience variation units, practical abilities, qualifications, work results, and development.
The achievement of teacher performance standards itself requires efforts to improve teacher performance carried out by the school principal, several activities that can be carried out include:
- Teaching and learning activities in class. This is implemented and controlled by the curriculum representative which includes the division of teacher teaching hours, whether or not the teacher arrives late, and whether or not the teacher is in the class.
- Teacher scientific meetings which include panel discussions, seminars, conferences, discussions, and academic workshops.
- Teacher creativity competition, namely through the participation of teachers in the competition will gain experience from other participants, and if the experience is by the goals of the school, the teacher can apply or modify the experience gained from the competition.
- Training is to support teachers in completing their duties, schools send teachers to training activities, or schools can organize training activities for teachers themselves. This training is carried out to minimize the constraints that arise in particular on teacher competence, if not handled adequately, can affect teacher performance during teaching and may in the long term form lasting negative perceptions of the teaching profession as a whole with very big consequences (Kalimaposo et al., 2023).
- Subject Teacher Deliberation (MGMP), this activity can assist teachers in guiding student learning experiences, using information technology-based learning media, assessing student learning abilities, and making lesson plans to be implemented.
Performance is often associated with the achievement of a teacher. Therefore, performance is a measure of the success of a person or institution in running a management system and good performance can help teach effectiveness to encourage student learning activities well (Ekwok & Venatius, 2023). Several factors influence teacher performance, including:
- Work motivation is the process carried out to move teachers so that their behavior can be directed towards real efforts to achieve the goals set.
- Awards, this is given because of the achievements obtained, this award can be in the form of material or the form of respect.
- Work environment factors also affect teacher performance. Environmental factors can be in the form of the physical environment, namely the location of comfort and cleanliness of the work environment, or environmental factors in the form of the social environment, namely harmonious relations between coworkers or with the surrounding community (Jelantik, 2015).
Principal Supervision Management in Improving Teacher Performance at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun
Steps in realizing increased teacher performance require good and structured supervision management. Principal supervision management is expected to be able to overcome obstacles and optimize teacher performance by the main tasks and functions of each. At Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun Vocational School, optimization of management functions is carried out which can be used as a step in improving teacher performance, these functions include:
- Planning
Planning for the supervision of the Principal at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun is carried out by compiling various steps to optimize activities, while the steps include: a) Searching for and collecting data through class visits, private meetings, and teacher meetings which are conducted and led directly by the Principal, 2) Processing the data that has been obtained by selecting the correctness of the data that has been collected by the school principal during the supervision, 3) Grouping or classifying data according to the main problems that occur in the teacher in the learning process, 4) Establishing the right technique as well as being suitable for improving or increasing teacher performance, 5) controlling or supervising after followup supervision activities.
- Organizing
Organizing the supervision of the Principal at Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun Vocational School is carried out using the Principal working with all components within the scope of educational institutions, especially the Waka Curriculum, this is related to learning activities such as distributing schedules, monitoring the preparation of teacher learning tools, as well as monitoring the implementation of teacher learning accordance with the provisions of the independent curriculum. In addition, because Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun Vocational School has 2 campuses so the Principal came up with the idea to create a team to facilitate supervision and monitoring related to learning carried out by teachers, the team includes the Principal, Waka Curriculum and Curriculum Working Group.
The organization of this supervision is linked to the determination of work, the division of labor, and the mechanism for coordinating activities.
- Implementation
Based on the results of research at Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun Vocational School in optimizing the implementation of supervision, the Principal maximizes the duties and responsibilities of teachers in an activity by way of outreach to teachers during routine meetings held at the beginning of each month, followed by giving motivation by the Principal so that each Each teacher is responsible for the tasks that have been given. On the other hand, the school principal also carries out observation activities or class visits, but previously the program was socialized by the school principal to teachers along with routine meeting activities at the beginning of the month. The head of the school said that to find out the process of teaching and learning activities that the teacher did, the head of the school carried out observations or class visits when learning took place with a schedule that was deliberately kept secret so that the teacher did not manipulate the learning he was doing. Meanwhile, to maximize and succeed in supervision activities, the Principal of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun adheres to the principles of improvement, communication, prevention, control, and continuity.
According to the results of the supervision carried out by the Principal and the Team, information was obtained that several teachers were still having problems in their learning, to overcome these problems the Principal followed up by conducting coaching using 2 supervision techniques, namely individual supervision techniques and group supervision techniques. Individual techniques are through personal communication and coaching, while group techniques include group communication and holding workshops or in-house training.
- Supervision
From the results of research at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun in monitoring and supervising learning activities carried out by teachers, the Principal conducts monitoring using groups and individuals. Group monitoring activities are carried out by the Principal during regular monthly meetings, this activity aims to monitor and at the same time arouse the enthusiasm of the teachers in their teaching readiness starting from the preparation of materials, the methods to be used, to the mental readiness of the teachers in conducting classroom learning. While individual monitoring activities are carried out by the Principal by making observations or class visits, this aims to see and supervise directly the course of teaching and learning activities carried out by the teacher.
The Impact of Principal Supervision in Improving Teacher Performance at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun
From the results of research at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun, the existence of supervision activities carried out by the school principal certainly has a significant impact on improving teacher performance, including: 1. Helping Teachers to Develop in the Learning Scope
The existence of supervision activities by the Principal of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun in the form of class visits or observations of learning activities with visiting schedules without the knowledge of the teacher, can make the teacher automatically always be available in carrying out learning activities by the learning plan made.
- Improving Teacher Teaching Skills
Supervision activities carried out by the principal of
SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun which are carried out continuously and continuously have an impact on the teacher’s ability to determine strategies, methods, and learning techniques that are by the needs of students and current technological developments, it is hoped that this will able to achieve the learning objectives that have been determined
- Helping Teachers to Learn How to Improve Their Quality of Learning
Supervision activities carried out by the Principal of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun can be the right step in finding deficiencies in the teaching and learning process carried out by the teacher so that the teacher can find the right solution in the improvement process through appropriate techniques whether it is enough to provide motivation or participate in training. So indirectly the teachers of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun are allowed to continue learning to develop themselves which will affect the quality of their learning.
This indicates that the supervision carried out by the Principal of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo is running well and maximally. Because after supervising several teachers, they have carried out learning by the directions given by the Principal so that the implementation of learning at Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun Vocational School can run smoothly and optimally.
Principal Supervision Management in Improving Teacher Performance at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo
- Planning
Planning activities carried out at Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Vocational School with steps 1) Finding and collecting data through class visits, private meetings, and teacher meetings, 2) Processing data by selecting the correctness of the data that has been collected, 3) Grouping or classifying data according to the main problem, 4) determine the right technique to improve or increase teacher performance, 5) carry out controlling or supervision after follow-up is carried out.
This is by the steps in formulating a plan according to Stoner James, AF, namely: 1) Setting goals or a set of goals, namely determining what is needed or desired by an organization so that organizational resources can be used effectively and efficiently, 2) Defining the current situation, information on the current state of the organization about how far the organization is from its goals, and the resources it has, 3) Identify things that help and hinder goals from both internal and external factors, 4) Develop plans or action devices to achieve goals (Herujito, 2001).
- Organizing
Principal supervision activities at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun, in carrying out their duties and functions as a supervisor, the Principal of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun works closely with all components within the scope of educational institutions, especially Waka Curriculum, especially about learning activities, starting from the division schedules, monitoring the preparation of teacher learning tools, as well as monitoring the implementation of teacher learning.
This was built by the 5 elements of the organizational structure proposed by Stoner, which was quoted in Saefrudin’s journal entitled Organizing in Management, namely: 1) Activity specialization, which refers to individual and group task specifications throughout the organization. 2) Standardization of activities, which is a procedure used by the organization to ensure the predictability of activities, many of these procedures are determined by formulating activities and relationships within the organization. 3) Activity coordination, which is a procedure that combines functions within the organization, 4) Centralization and decentralization of decision-making, which refers to the location of decision-making power, 5) Work unit size, which refers to the number of employees in a workgroup (Saefrudin, 2018)
- Implementation
Supervision activities carried out by the principal of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun are held during routine meetings with giving motivation which is carried out every month besides that there are also observation activities or class visits with sudden timing without the teacher’s knowledge. Teacher problems encountered during supervision activities were followed up by conducting coaching using 2 supervision techniques, namely individual supervision techniques and group supervision techniques. This individual technique uses personal communication and coaching, while group techniques include group communication and holding workshops or in-house training.
This is by the individual supervision technique presented (Mulyasa, 2003) among them; Class visits, individual talks, teaching demonstrations, and professional libraries. Meanwhile, group supervision was delivered by M. Ngalim Purwanto (Purwanto, 2014) among them; Holding meetings or conferences, group discussions, holding training courses, workshops/workshops, teaching demonstrations, library development, home visits, and interventions.
- Supervision
Supervision is the monitoring of activities that aim to collect information as well as to influence and direct in a better direction at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun by carrying out individual and group monitoring. This is what was conveyed by Manulung regarding the definition of supervision, which is a process to apply what work has been carried out, evaluating it, and if necessary correcting it. with the intention of so implementation work according to the original plan (Manulung, 2008). Supervision is important so that all activities can be controlled properly, systematically, and optimally.
The Impact of Principal Supervision in Improving Teacher Performance at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun
Principal supervision activities have been shown to have a positive influence on teacher performance. This means that teacher performance will increase if it is supported by good and sustainable Principal supervision. Teacher performance is the result of work or work performance carried out by a teacher based on the ability to manage teaching and learning activities, which include lesson planning, learning implementation, learning evaluation, and fostering interpersonal relationships with students. The definition of teacher performance according to Anwar Prabu
Mangkunegara, namely teacher performance is the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee/teacher in carrying out his duties by the responsibilities given to him (Anwar Prabu Mangkunegoro, 2001).
The implementation of the supervision of the Principal of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun has many impacts on teachers, one of which can help teachers to develop within the scope of learning, one of which is the use of learning tools or media, the use of teaching aids among teachers in schools has a positive impact on student’s academic excellence and teaching methods it self (Mustafa & Miskon, 2023). The methods and strategies that can be used are by utilizing information technology, most people agree that ICT can help teachers and students work together and improve 21stcentury training. ICTs are changing not only how people are taught, but also how they learn. ICT provides instructors and teachers with a powerful domain and helps students understand ideas and remember what they have learned (Kennedy, 2023). On the other hand, it helps teachers to learn about how to improve their abilities and quality so that students can achieve predetermined learning goals. This is by the supervision function put forward by Suharsimi Arikunto, namely: 1) improving the quality of learning; 2) triggering elements related to learning; 3) fostering and leading (Arikunto, 2006).
From the presentation of field data and analysis of data based on theory, it can be concluded that the management of the supervision of the Principal in improving teacher performance at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun, through the implementation of management functions, namely planning, organizing, implementing and supervising as a step in optimizing the supervision activities carried out.
In planning activities with the preparation of steps taken by the Principal starting from finding and collecting data through class visits, private meetings, and teacher meetings then proceed with processing, collecting, and establishing appropriate techniques so that appropriate corrective steps can be determined. In Organizing, the Principal divides tasks/work into smaller tasks according to their respective duties and functions and is supported by implementation by conducting socialization and motivation before activities are carried out so that each teacher is responsible for the tasks that have been given. Including the Principal’s supervision program, namely observation and class visits. Follow-up of supervision activities is carried out using 2 techniques, namely individual techniques and group techniques. While supervision is carried out by the Principal by monitoring or supervising teachers after follow-up supervision is carried out. This is done with individual and group techniques.
Supervision activities have a significant impact on improving teacher performance at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun including being able to help teachers develop within the scope of learning, being able to improve teacher teaching skills starting from strategies, methods, and teacher learning techniques in expanding teacher knowledge, as well as helping teachers to learn about how to improve their abilities and quality so that students can achieve predetermined learning goals.
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Principal Supervision Management in Improving Teacher Performance at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun
Yusron Rizqi Saputro1, Isna Faridatun Nadziroh2, Elfi Yuliani Rochmah3
1,2,3 IAIN Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia
Vol 3 No 8 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 08 August 2023
Article Date Published : 24 August 2023 | Page No.: 1689-1697
Abstract :
This paper is the result of a field study conducted at one of the educational institutions in the
Madiun district, namely SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo. This study aims to determine the principal’s supervision management and its impact on improving teacher performance. The research method used is a case study with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is data condensation, data presentation, and conclusion. Data checking techniques used extended participation, persistence of observation, triangulation, and peer checking through discussion. The results of the study show that the principal’s supervisory management in improving teacher performance is carried out through several stages, namely: 1) The planning stage, namely making strategic steps in supervision activities to be carried out by the school principal, 2) The organizing stage, through the division of tasks supported by good coordination, 3) The implementation stage, at this stage, the school principal conducts observations or class visits at the same time do follow-up on the results obtained through individual and group supervision techniques, 4) Supervision stage, through monitoring activities on teachers both individual and group monitoring after follow-up supervision is carried out. The impacts of the principal’s supervisory management include: 1) Helping teachers to develop within the scope of learning, 2) Improving teacher teaching skills, 3) Helping teachers to learn about how to improve their abilities and quality so that students can achieve predetermined learning goals.
Keywords :
Management, Supervision of the Principal, Teacher Performance, Educational InstitutionsReferences :
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Author's Affiliation
Yusron Rizqi Saputro1, Isna Faridatun Nadziroh2, Elfi Yuliani Rochmah3
1,2,3 IAIN Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 3 No 8 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 08 August 2023
- Page No.: 1689-1697
- Published : 24 August 2023
- DOI:
How to Cite :
Principal Supervision Management in Improving Teacher Performance at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo Madiun. Yusron Rizqi Saputro, Isna Faridatun Nadziroh, Elfi Yuliani Rochmah , 3(8), 1689-1697. Retrieved from
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