Early Childhood Education Learning Management in Improving Children’s Language Skills with Storytelling Method
Sukron Nur Fauzi1, Elma Arma Vidia2, S. Maryam Yusuf3, Luqman Nur Karim4
1,2,3,4 Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
ABSTRACT: This research aims to describe the management of early childhood learning by using a storytelling method in improving language at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten. The steps of this research are as follows, (1) learning planning, (2) organizing learning, (3) implementing learning, and (4) assessing learning.
The descriptive qualitative approach was used as the method of this research, the type of this research is a case study design at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten. The researcher chose the management of early childhood learning by using the storytelling method in improving language skills as the object of this research. Furthermore, the researcher conducted interview, observation, and documentation as research methods. The data analysis technique used in this research is the data collection model, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.
The processes of data collection and analysis carried out by the researchers are as follows: (1) Making a semester activity plan (RKS). The next process is the preparation of RKM using the RKH format. After that, researcher prepared teaching activities. (2) Organizing activities carried out by the school principal. Then, in improving language skills, on the storytelling method, the teacher allocated it to language lessons, (3) The implementation of learning with the storytelling method was carried out in the form of fairy tales, stories of Prophets, and spontaneous stories. It is intended for children to be able to see and remember the incident. (4) Assessment on performance, observation, structured and unstructured conversations, and using a liaison book.
Early Childhood Education (ECE) is one of the platforms used to develop and add professionalism to Early Childhood Education (ECE) managers. The expansion and acceleration of Early Childhood Education (ECE) services is one of the strategic policies established by the Ministry of National Education. As a result of this policy, the addition and capacity of Early Childhood Education education is a demand that cannot be ignored. Physically, children experience extraordinary development, starting from the growth of brain cells and other organs. One of them happened at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten, where students’ language skills were improved through the storytelling method at school. The expansion and acceleration of Early Childhood Education (ECE) services is one of the strategic policies created by the Ministry of National Education.
KEYWORDS: Learning Management, Early Childhood Education, Storytelling Method, Language.
Early Childhood Education (ECE) is one of the platforms used to develop and add professionalism to Early Childhood Education (ECE) managers. In this case, the researcher believes that in the process of development, at this moment, changes have occurred which are experienced by every human being individually and will last throughout life.
This development began from the time of conception until death. Thus, development is a process in human life that takes place continuously. Development is also defined as the changes experienced by an individual towards the level of maturity that takes place systematically, progressively, and continuously both concerning physical and psychological aspects.
Expansion and acceleration of Early Childhood Education (ECE) services is one of the strategic policies created by the Ministry of National Education. With this policy, the addition and capacity of Early Childhood Education (ECE) is a demand that cannot be ignored. Various programs are developed in order to support the policy, such as training, internships, mentoring and so on. The government’s limitation in providing tiered and sustainable training and mentoring is one of the obstacles to equalizing and improving the competence of Early Childhood Education educators.
National policies governing early childhood education are outlined in Law Noumber 20/2003 on the National Education System. As a continuation, the government issued Government Regulation No. 19/2005 on National Education Standards (SNP), along with its Permendiknas. In addition, educators and education personnel are regulated in Law No. 14/2005 on Teachers and Lecturers. As for Early Childhood Education Standards, it is regulated in Permendiknas Number 58 of 2009, concerning Early Childhood education standards.
Sisdiknas in the Law has also emphasized that Early Childhood Education (ECE) is a coaching effort aimed at children from birth to six years of age. The activity is carried out by providing educational stimuli to help physical and spiritual growth and development so that children have readiness to enter further education.
Moreover, Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 58 of 2009 on Early Childhood Education (ECE) Standards states that Early Childhood Education (ECE) is organized before the primary education level. This can be through formal, non-formal and informal education pathways. The formal education pathway takes the form of Kindergarten, Raudhatul Athal, and other equivalent forms. In the non-formal pathway in the form of Play Groups, Daycare Centers, and other forms equivalent. In the informal pathway in the form of family educators and education organized by the environment.
In the future, it is expected to be in line with the development of science and technology and the results of research related to the development of human brain (brainware). Education is believed to be able to develop children’s personality beyond the limits of their potential or innate. This potential includes cognitive, creativity, language, physical (gross and fine motor), spiritual, social, and emotional domains.
Early childhood is in the golden age (goden age) because during this period there is a very amazing and best development throughout human life. This amazing development includes physical and psychological development. From a physical point of view, children experience extraordinary development, starting from the growth of brain cells and other organs. In addition to physical development, psychological development also experiences amazing things from the ability to interact with their own parents to the ability to interact with other people.
Regarding the terms for educators in Early Childhood Education, there are different terminologies but they have the same meaning. These terms include: the term teacher for those who teach in kindergartens and primary schools, the term pamong belajar for those who teach in centers. Learning activities that organize playgroup education. Other terms that are often heard are tutors, facilitators, mothers, cadres and posyandu or there are even those who call quite familiar greetings such as aunt or sister caregiver. All of these terms refer to the meaning of one, namely as early childhood educators.
Thus, ECE educators can be defined as professionals with certain academic qualifications who are tasked with educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, and evaluating students at the early childhood education level. While currently Early Childhood Education (ECE) is a preschool educational institution that introduces advertisements and school culture as a foundation for developing children’s potential optimally, the educational process takes place within the age range of 0 to 6 years. The experience that children receive through education in the family, community, and ECE environment is a very important process. It is considered important because it can determine the condition, development, and success in the future. The growth of a child’s knowledge, skills, creativity, talents, interests, attitudes, and character is highly dependent on his or her environment, as well as what others see, experience, acquire, and teach him or her.
Early childhood education standards are outlined in the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 58/2009 on Early Childhood Education Standards, which includes developmental achievement standards; standards of educators and education personnel; content, process, and assessment standards; and standards of facilities and infrastructure, management, and financing, while for non-formal education, the government has issued a policy on the “Generic Learning Menu for ECE.” The policy can be implemented well if it is socialized to various parties proportionally; and there is a harmonious relationship and cooperation between the central government and local government.
Learning management in Early Childhood Education (ECE) becomes very important to note, when looking at the fact that the imagination, creativity, innovation, and proactivity of its graduates are significantly different from those who do not go through it. Therefore, it is time for early childhood education to be developed effectively to rural areas. This is important, because in this global era, quality human resources with high competitiveness are needed. For this reason, it is necessary to prepare quality human resources through quality education from early childhood, as well as improve and improve the management of Early Childhood Education.
Based on this, it can be stated that the government has a work plan for ECE development that is adequate and strong enough to support improvements in equity, quality, and justice. This is because the plan covers the entire development process: it encompasses all services, and accommodates all institutions. Therefore, ECE policy can be carried out optimally, effectively, efficiently, productively and accountably. In addition, it can be well coordinated and supported by all the best institutions, from government, family, and community. Moreover, in order to obtain optimal results in the future, with a better positive impact, the planning and policies set by the government need to be understood by various parties, and applied in its implementation. In response to the government’s policy, the community has shown concern for early childhood education, care and protection issues with various types of services according to their respective conditions and abilities.
ECE management intends to improve early childhood education services. It aims to optimally develop the potential of early childhood. Like the road to primary school education, early childhood education can smooth the way. Children will be better prepared, more independent, more disciplined, and easier to make adjustments, and develop their potential optimally. Through early childhood education, a strong foundation is built, nurtured and watered appropriately, so that in the future the child can be firmly independent and become an effective human figure. in addition to the government, the community is a community that plays a very important role in the development of early childhood education. Therefore, cooperation between the government family, and the community is indispensable in the development of ECE.
According to Ahmad Susanto (2011), the stages of language development are as follows: stage I (pralinguistic), stage II (linguistic), stage III (grammar development, namely preschool 3, 4, 5 years), and stage IV (grammar towards adulthood, namely 6-8 years). Stage IV is characterized by the ability to combine simple sentences and complex sentences. Between the ages of 1.5 to 3 years old, children learn the language of their mother and the people around them. By the time children are 4 years old their vocabulary is growing and they can make sentences that are grammatically correct. Although they can say grammatically correct sentences and have a growing vocabulary, there is still much they cannot do with their language. They are not yet able to use verbal instructions effectively to guide their behavior. The incident or event is conveyed to learners through unique words, expressions, and facial expressions. Another opinion states that the story method is a learning method that uses teacher techniques to tell stories so that their behavior later through stories and language minimizes juvenile delinquency because at this time there is a moral crisis in the youth, especially students. Seeing from the above phenomenon, education is very necessary in the growth and development of children. In this case language education at an early age is indeed the right start because this age is a very important developmental period in human life. The growth and development of children at this time takes place very quickly and will determine the traits or children in adulthood Lack of parental care and weak parental emotional bonds result in children tending to seek attention outside the home. Early childhood is a period of basic laying or the initial foundation for further growth and development. So it is natural that we should pay more attention to learning for these early childhood. It is believed by most education experts that a happy childhood is the basis for success.
Early childhood is sometimes referred to as the golden age. These periods are critical times when a child needs the right stimuli to reach perfect maturity. This early age is also an important period as a foundation for development in the following years.
Early childhood is an individual who is undergoing a very rapid process of maturity and development. It is even said to be a developmental leap. Early childhood is in the process of development as a change experienced by every human being individually, and lasts throughout life: from conception to death.
On this occasion, the researcher examined how Early Childhood Education Learning Management in Improving Children’s Language Skills with the Storytelling Method at the Siwalan Darma Wanita Kindergarten which is located in Siwalan, Mlarak District, Ponorogo Regency. This institution stands in a village where the majority of its citizens work outside the region, city and even abroad who are cared for by their grandmothers and grandfathers. Based on this, a question arises how the child can develop language while the child lacks adequate attention and supervision from their parents. From this background, the question arises how schools can guide children to develop their language outside of school efficiently.
Learning Management
Definition of Learning Management
Management refers to a process of coordinating and integrating work activities to be accomplished efficiently and effectively through others. The process describes the ongoing functions or key activities performed by managers. These functions are commonly referred to as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. In the life of a society or institution is inseparable from a variety of changes little or a lot, big or small, change is constant, created, implemented revised and often abolished. In line with these rapid changes, management has become important, especially with the increasing specialization of work and its development. Management with regard to empowerment in learning is the most appropriate alternative to realize learning that is active, independent and has high excellence. Early childhood is an individual who is undergoing a developmental process that is central and fundamental to later life. The age range of children is 0-8 years. The process of growth and development of ECE children can be developed with various aspects, namely cognitive, affective, motor and development aspects of religious values and moral values. The learning process as a form of treatment given to ECE children by taking into account the characteristics possessed in each stage of child development. Management is a process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling to achieve the expected goals through a coordination with all resources. According to Henry (1999) Learning Management is a thought to carry out teaching tasks or learning activities by applying learning principles and through learning steps that include planning, implementation, and evaluation in order to achieve predetermined educational goals. Learning management is a process of planning, implementing, and assessing/evaluating learning, in the context of implementing teaching and learning tasks, in an interaction between teachers and students. Thus, learning management includes the implementation of management functions including planning, implementation and assessment, not the only determining factor for success in achieving goals. Other things that also determine the success of learning are the quality of management effectiveness and teacher motivation.
Furthermore, Mulyasa (2006) explained that learning is essentially a process of interaction between students and their environment, resulting in changes in behavior in a better direction. This implies that there are many factors which influence the interaction. Learning is not defined as something static, but rather a concept that can develop in line with the demands of educational needs related to advances in science and technology inherent in the form of developing the quality of human resources. According to Wing (2006), the development of Computational Thinking (CT) is included in computer science and, extensively, combined with educational robotics because of the same goals and objectives. In recent years, the term CT has been introduced in the computer science research community and the computer science teaching community by Wing who argues that CT skills are not only useful in computer science but also in many other fields as skills that are as fundamental as being able to read, write, and count. Thus, school-related learning is “the ability to manage operationally and efficiently the components related to learning, so as to produce added value to these components according to applicable norms/standards”. The components related to schools in order to improve the quality of learning include learners, students, school coaches, facilities/infrastructure and learning processes.
Management Function
Planning is the earliest function of Early Childhood Education management. Planning has various definitions, including:
Planning is a process of activities that systematically prepare various activities to be carried out to achieve certain goals.
Planning is a systematic thought process related to what is to be achieved, activities to be carried out, steps, methods, and implementation needed to carry out activities to achieve goals that are formulated rationally and logically and are forward-looking.
Planning is the establishment of goals, policies, procedures, budgets, and programs of an organization..
It can be concluded that planning is part of the whole process of thinking and determining carefully on things that will be done and implemented in the future in order to achieve predetermined goals. Meanwhile, in the context of teaching, planning can be interpreted as the process of preparing subject matter, using approaches and methods of learning and assessment in an allocation of time that will be carried out at a certain time to achieve predetermined goals. Based on Permendikbud regulation number 22 of 2016 concerning learning process standards, learning planning is designed in the form of syllabus and lesson plans (RPP) that refer to the learning content standards. Learning planning includes preparing lesson plans and preparing media and learning resources, learning assessment tools, and learning scenarios. The preparation of syllabus and lesson plans is adjusted to the learning approach used.
In achieving learning objectives, lesson planning includes three things, including:
Semester Activity Plan (RKS)
A learning plan that contains a network of themes, development areas, levels of developmental achievement, and indicators that are arranged systematically by including the time allocation required for each theme in one semester.
Weekly Activity Plan (RPM)
It is an elaboration of the semester program which contains activities in order to achieve the planned indicators in one week according to the scope of themes and subthemes. The procedures for making and preparing the RKM include:
Define themes and subthemes,
Develop a matrix of relationships between themes, development areas and activities,
Determine the implementation of activities in one week,
Determining activities in accordance with the field of development,
Determine the implementation of activities in one week.
Daily Activity Plan (RPH)
It is an elaboration of the weekly activity plan (RPPM). The daily activity plan (RKH) includes various learning activities, whether carried out individually, in groups or classically in one-day activities consisting of opening, core, eating and resting, and closing.
The principles in developing lesson plans are as follows:
Individual differences in learners, including talent, potential, interest, learning motivation, initial ability, intellectual level, social ability, emotion, learning style, cultural background, norms, values, special needs, learning speed, and scope of learners.
Learners actively participate.
Learner-centered to encourage a spirit of learning, creativity, initiative, motivation, interest, inspiration, innovation and independence.
The development of a reading and writing culture is designed to develop children’s enjoyment of reading, comprehension of a variety of reading, and expression in various forms of writing.
Providing feedback and follow-up the lesson plan contains a program design for providing positive feedback, reinforcement, enrichment, and remediation.
Emphasis on the linkage and integration between basic competencies (KD), learning materials, learning activities, indicators of competency achievement, assessment, and learning resources in a whole learning experience.
Program Planning can be structured as a determinant in the arrangement of actions to achieve a desired and expected and desired result. Planning related to learning objectives in accordance with the vision, mission and goals of the institution, especially character development learning is active, creative, effective learning.
Organizing is the process of employing two or more people to work together in a structured way to achieve a specific goal or multiple goals. The goal is to allocate work authority, and resources among the members of the organization, so that they achieve the goal. In addition to organizing people, organizing also includes project management, assembling the necessary resources (manpower, materials, and money) to carry out the work set out in the plan.
The movement function is the implementation of planning and organizing activities. The emphasis of project mobilization is on creating cooperation between group members and increasing the overall morale of members for the achievement of organizational goals. Direction and guidance activities as a manifestation of the mobilization function in management require the creation and development of effective and efficient communication. Actuating in organizations is also commonly defined as the whole process of giving work motives to subordinates in such a way that subordinates are willing to work with sincerity for the achievement of organizational goals.
Assessment of the collection process is a reporting and use of information about learner learning outcomes by applying the principles of assessment, continuous implementation, authentic evidence, accurate, and consistent. Assessment identifies the achievement of competencies and learning outcomes that are identified through a clear statement of the standards that must be and have been achieved accompanied by a map of students’ learning progress and reporting. at this stage of the assessment the teacher tries to collect information to determine what type of learning is emerging. At the same time according to Clarke Midura, (2021) Long-term assessment to build a coherent assessment system for early childhood requires a series of assessments to be made. In particular, there is a need to understand how to design formative assessments that can be used. This can be done in many ways, for example giving tests, quizzes, evaluating homework, paying attention to student responses to questions or comments.
Definition of ECE
ECE stands for Early Childhood Education. Law No. 20/2003 on the National Education System states that education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students can actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by themselves, society, nation and state. Meanwhile, children are defined as immature individuals. As well as in article 28 of the National Education System Law No. 20/2003 paragraph 1, it is stated that early childhood is included in the age range of 0-8 years. Early childhood is divided into three groups, namely the infant 2 year group, the 3-5 year group. Early childhood is an individual figure who is undergoing a developmental process with the center and fundamental for further life. The age range of early childhood is
0-8 years. The process of growth and development of ECE children can be developed with various aspects, namely cognitive, affective, motor and development aspects of religious values and moral values. The learning process as a form of treatment given to ECE children by paying attention to the characteristics possessed in each stage of child development. group 6 to 8 years. Based on their uniqueness and development, early childhood is divided into three stages, namely the infant period from birth to 12 months, the toddler period aged 1-3 years, the preschool period aged 3-6 years and the early grade period 6-8 years.
Thus early childhood is a child aged 0-6 years who goes through infancy, toddlerhood and preschool. In each period passed by early childhood will show its own development that is different between infancy, toddlerhood and preschool. This development can take place normally. Early childhood that is growing and developing has the following characteristics:
Has great curiosity. This is shown by their critical questions that are quite difficult for parents and ECE educators to answer.
Being a unique person. This is shown by their penchant for doing something over and over again without boredom and having certain tendencies in their behavior. The tendency is for each child to have his or her own learning style and preferences.
Spends most of his or her activities playing. That is why it is often mentioned that the world is playing.
Has an egocentric attitude. This is shown by their attitude that tends to be possessive of the objects they own and of certain favorites.
Early childhood education provides educational stimuli to help grow is an effort to foster children from birth to six years of age, which is done with their physical and spiritual development in order to have readiness to enter basic education. Early Childhood Education is essentially education that is organized with the aim of facilitating the growth and development of children as a whole or emphasizing the development of all aspects of the child’s personality. Therefore, Early Childhood Education provides opportunities for children to develop their personality and potential to the fullest. Consequently, Early Childhood Education institutions need to provide various activities that can develop various aspects of development such as: cognitive, language, social, emotional, physical, and motor.
Definition of Early Childhood Language
Communicating with others is a language skill. In this sense, it includes all ways to communicate, where thoughts and feelings are expressed in the form of symbols to express an understanding, such as by using oral, written, gestures, numbers, paintings, and facial expressions. Language is closely related to the development of individual thinking. The development of an individual’s mind appears in the development of his or her language, namely the ability to form understanding, form opinions, and draw conclusions. From the age of 2.6 onwards, the child’s desire to know everything increases. Children’s curiosity about everything makes children often ask questions. According to Blair & Raver (2012), early childhood is a period of rapid growth, where the main task is to develop self-regulation skills. Self-regulation as a general term to cover a variety of processes such as attentional and emotional regulation, which is closely related to the executive function of inhibition resisting distractions and urges), working memory (updating information in the mind), and cognitive flexibility (shifting between information or tasks).
According to Susanto (2018), reveals that language is a tool for thinking, expressing oneself and communicating. Language skills are also important in the framework of concept formation, information, and problem solving. Through language we can also understand the communication of thoughts and feelings, with language children can interact with other people and find many new things in the environment.
With language, children are also able to express an idea or idea about their desires. As well as In essence, humans are creatures who are born weak and helpless, but thus they already have innate potential that is tlaten. The child is a unique individual, free, likes to explore, has great curiosity, egocentric, identical to the world of play, needs the help of others, likes to imitate, is still innocent, still developing, and creative. Children are the generation whose existence is highly anticipated and expected to continue the life of the previous generation. Any parent will strive for the best life for their children. Children generally grow and develop better when cared for by complete parents, namely mother and father. Children with both parents living at home tend to do better emotionally and academically.
Definition of storytelling method
The story method is a method that tells an event or incident to learners. The event or event is conveyed to learners through unique words, expressions, and facial expressions. According to Bornstein & Putnik (2012), storytelling at home and outdoors is a central activity in early childhood in many countries that supports children’s social and cognitive development and can foster fun interactions guided by peers or experienced adults. Guided play enables practices such as questioning and explaining thought processes that further deepen children’s learning. Another opinion states that the story method is a learning method that uses teacher techniques to tell stories about a legend, fairy tale, myth, or story in which certain moral or intellectual messages are inserted.
Advantages of Storytelling Method
Here are some reasons why stories are so important to the world of children:
It is a tool of ethical education that is most easily digested by children, as well as a role model that children see every day.
Storytelling is a method and material that can be integrated with other basic skills, namely speaking, reading, writing and listening, not least for kindergarten (ECE).
Storytelling gives children free scope to develop the ability to sympathize and empathize with events that happen to others. This underlies the child to have social sensitivity.
Modeling for children how to address a problem properly, how to have a good conversation as well as teaching children how to control desires that are considered negative by society.
Storytelling provides a social barometer for children, what values are accepted by the surrounding community, such as obeying parents’ orders, giving in to younger siblings, and always being honest.
Storytelling gives children space to decide when to apply the values they have captured.
Providing positive psychological effects on children and teachers as storytellers, such as emotional closeness as a substitute for parental figures.
Storytelling provides an attraction to school for children because it has a recreative and imaginative effect that early childhood needs. The presence of stories makes children more Joy in School and have a longing for school.
Overview of Dharma Wanita Siwalan Mlarak Kindergarten
History of the establishment of Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten
Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten was established in 1986 under the auspices of Dharma Wanita Siwalan. In that year the government recommended that each village have a Dharma Wanita Kindergarten so that community leaders, especially the wife of the village head and the wives of village officials at that time, initiated the establishment of the Siwalan Dharma Wanita Kindergarten located in Dusun III Siwalan Village. At the beginning of the establishment of Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten, it was just a name that did not have its own building, the teaching and learning process took place in the teacher’s housing in the neighborhood of SDN 2 Siwalan, at that time there were no facilities, infrastructure for learning or playing children, everything went as it was with a teacher taught by a sukuan with a number of students around 15-20 children.
Furthermore, year after year we continue to improve step by step. Improving in terms of infrastructure facilities, there are already hand washing faucets and also adding out door and in door toys and developing themselves by attending training and learning independently.
Thank God, Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten has begun to develop, even though the infrastructure is not complete. However, we are still trying to meet the educational standards.
In terms of learning, it is also always improving, starting from the application of learning models, from classical learning models, to group learning. In teaching and learning activities, innovations are always made, emphasizing the principles of learning in kindergarten, namely learning while playing, and playing while learning. All of this is done to create a safe, comfortable and fun atmosphere at school. Improvements are also made in terms of teaching staff, by including teacher training, workshops, active in cluster activities (KKG), as well as professional organization activities, (IGTKI), teacher personnel are also added from 1 person to 2. Teachers also adjust their education to be linear, by taking Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education, Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten has also been accredited with a B grade. Hopefully Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten will always improve to be better and always in demand by the community.
Education Sytem
Currently, the Indonesian education system uses Curriculum 13 by compiling the scope of learning materials for each Basic Competency that will be delivered to children during the year through play activities. How to compile and develop learning materials can be seen in the KTSP preparation guidelines. Weekly Learning Implementation Plan (RPPM) is prepared for learning for one week. RPPM is elaborated from the semester program. The RPPM contains the selected Basic
Competencies, learning materials, and activity plans. Daily lesson plans (RPPH) are daily program plans implemented by educators on each day or in accordance with the institution’s program. The components of the lesson plan are as follows:
The curriculum of Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten is structured by carrying Islamic values as the basis for developing the character of students. The character values developed include: religious, honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, national spirit, love for the country, respect for achievement, friendly/communicative, peace-loving, fond of reading, environmental care, social care, responsibility.
Optimizing children’s development which includes: aspects of religious and moral values, physical-motor, cognitive, language, social-emotional, and art which are reflected in the balance of attitude, knowledge, and skills competencies.
Using thematic learning with a scientific approach in providing educational stimulation.
Use authentic assessment in monitoring children’s development.
The application of values is done through routine habituation that is applied while the child is in the ECE unit of Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten.
The Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten curriculum is an early childhood education learning program that refers to the competency standards published by the Department of National Education.
The curriculum of Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten is implemented in an integrated manner by taking into account the needs and interests of children.
The curriculum at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten is implemented flexibly in accordance with the characteristics of early childhood.
The curriculum of Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten is implemented based on the principle of playing while learning by taking into account the differences in talents, interests, and abilities of each child, social culture, and the conditions and needs of the community.
In managing fun learning activities, creatively apply the group learning model with safety corners. Where in one day provides 3 activities in turn.
Empowering the role of parents in the learning process.
Based on the Ponorogo Regent Regulation Numb. 41 of 2020, concerning the
Implementation of the Insertion of AntiCorruption Education in Schools in Ponorogo Regency, starting in the 2020/2021 academic year, Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten implements AntiCorruption Education into 6 aspects of development, which basically anticorruption values already exist in character education.
In the 2021/2022 academic year where the situation is uncertain due to Covid 19, the learning activities of Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten are guided by:
Circular of the Minister of Education and Culture Numb. 4 of 2020, concerning the implementation of education policies during the emergency period of the spread of the corona virus desease (covid-19).
Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture Numb. 15 of 2020, regarding guidelines for organizing learning from home during the emergency period of the spread of corona virus desease (covid19).
BT SKB 4 Ministers Numb. 01/KB/2O2O, Numb. 516 Year 2O2O, Numb. HK.03.0 1 /Menkes I 363 I 2O2O, Numb. 440-882, Guidelines for the Implementation of Learning in the 2O20/2O21 Academic Year and 2O2O/2O21 Academic Year During the pandemic of the spread of corona virus desease (covid-19).
Based on the circumstances above, finally in the 2021/2022 academic year, Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten implemented Learning from Home, where teachers are not face-to-face but guide through online classes, and also limited face-to-face learning according to the decision of the Education Office that has been determined. However, learning plans are still made carefully. When needed, teachers conduct home visits.
Address and Location Map of Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten
Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten is located on Lombok Street Numb. 48 Dusun III Siwalan Village, Mlarak District, Ponorogo Regency.
Status of Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten
Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten Is a ECE unit which is managed with communitybased management under the auspices of the Dharma Wanita Foundation, has an operational permit from the education office of Ponorogo district number: 421.1/4229/405.07/2019 for Kindergarten program and has passed Accreditation from BAN S / M in 2018 with Grade B.
Vision and Mission
Vision of Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten.
The creation of children who are noble, intelligent, creative optimally in accordance with the noble values of Pancasila
Mission of Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten.
Build habituation to clean, healthy and noble behavior independently.
Provide integrative holistic development services.
Facilitate active and fun learning activities in accordance with the stages of development, interests and potential of children.
Educational Objectives of Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten
To increase the understanding and experience of religious beliefs, ethics, manners and a sense of love for the country.
To make children able to think, communicate, act productively and creatively through language, music, work and simple movements.
To prepare children to enter the next level of education with good qualities intellectually and religiously.
Teacher and Student Data
The number of teachers and employees at this kindergarten consists of one principal and two assistant teachers who each teach class A and Class B, with three overall educators. The development in the last four years, namely from 2020 / 2021 a total of thirteen students and 2021. 2022 which has been running consists of ten male students and five female students with a total of 15 students. Educators between groups A and B who each teach a class at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten.
List of Infrastructure Facilities of Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten
Facilities must be adequate in an educational institution so that students who learn can get the knowledge expected by the educational institution absolutely must exist and must be adequate needs. Facilities function for the continuity of learning. The classroom during home study does not function but is kept clean. In limited face-to-face learning children learn in the classroom for a maximum of 90 minutes per day.
Specific Data
Based on the results of interviews with resource persons, and supplemented by documentation and observation, it can be seen that learning management is an important factor in determining the success of the educational process that takes place in schools. Therefore, serious attention to learning management will encourage the improvement of the quality of education at Dharma Wanita Siwalan
Early childhood education learning planning at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten.
Educational planning is an activity related to the effort to formulate an educational program that contains everything that will be implemented, determining educational goals, policies in education, the direction to be taken in educational activities, procedures, and methods to be followed in an effort to achieve educational goals. It is part of the whole process of thinking and determining carefully on things that will be done and implemented in the future in order to achieve the goals that have been set.
About lesson planning with the storytelling method in language development at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten, Mrs. Boyatun said:
“Learning planning with the storytelling method in language development stems from the teacher’s unrest in terms of expressing speech, and lack of sensitivity to the environment. departing from this, the teacher and principal discussed how to introduce students to language, without coercion. Therefore, it came an idea to make the story media to introduce children to what language is, and how to express it to friends. As if while playing the child expresses his language “.
Preparation for learning with the storytelling method in language development at Dharma Wanita Kindergarten, Mrs. Aviva said:
“The storytelling method with learning planning in its development, well prepared in accordance with the objectives to be achieved in recognizing good language conveyed through stories and demonstrations and examples exemplified by the teacher will run smoothly”.
Planning learning with the storytelling method in language development at Dharma Wanita Kindergarten, Mrs. Sri said:
“Determining what steps will be conveyed during the opening, core, and closing, preparing what media is needed such as storybooks according to the theme, props that support children’s understanding of the material taught. For example, after the story is told about the work of painting, the children are given the task of demonstrating in groups and each group of three people, each group is given three kinds of coloring, from these activities the child waits when the coloring he wants is used by a group mate “.
About lesson planning with the storytelling method in language development at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten, Mrs. Boyatun said:
“In field treatment, sometimes, for example, only with stories from books without appreciation by the teacher who conveys it, it will also make children crowded, understandably still in kindergarten, therefore it is necessary to have props and games to test understanding of the material, the story that is delivered after that a race is held through the line on the floor, each child is encouraged to pass no more than the line, well from here the teacher does the story while the child walks following the story”.
Before carrying out learning planning activities, the teacher prepares a Daily learning implementation plan (RPPH) which is compiled in a simple / simple, easy to implement, and contains only the main things. In preparing lesson plans refer to STTPA, Core Competencies-Basic Competencies of the material and Achievement Indicators elaborated from Basic Competencies. In each lesson plan, there are 3 (three) domains that need to be achieved and need to be considered at the end of each lesson, namely the attitude dimension, knowledge aspects and skills aspects.
In achieving learning objectives, lesson planning includes three things, including:
Semester Activity Plan (RKS)
A learning plan that contains a network of themes, development areas, levels of developmental achievement, and indicators that are arranged systematically by including the time allocation required for each theme in one semester.
Weekly Activity Plan (RPM)
It is an elaboration of the semester program which contains activities in order to achieve the planned indicators in one week according to the scope of themes and subthemes. The procedures for making and preparing the RKM include:
Determine the theme and subtheme,
Develop a matrix of relationships between themes, development areas and activities,
Determining the implementation of activities in one week,
Determining activities in accordance with the field of development
Determining the implementation of activities in one week
Daily activity Plan (RPH)
It is an elaboration of the weekly activity plan (RPPM). The daily activity plan (RKH) includes various learning activities, whether carried out individually, in groups or classically in one-day activities consisting of opening, core, eating and resting, and closing.
The principles in developing lesson plans are as follows:
Individual differences in learners, including talent, potential, interest, learning motivation, initial ability, intellectual level, social ability, emotion, learning style, cultural background, norms, values, special needs, learning speed, and learners’ environment.
Active learners in participation.
Learner-centered to encourage the spirit of learning, creativity, initiative, motivation, interest, inspiration, innovation and independence.
Development of a culture of reading and writing is designed to develop children’s love of reading, comprehension of various readings, and expression in various forms of writing.
Providing feedback and follow-up the lesson plan contains a program design for providing positive feedback, reinforcement, enrichment, and remediation.
Emphasis on the linkage and integration between basic competencies (KD), learning materials, learning activities, indicators of achievement of competencies, assessment, and learning resources in a whole learning experience.
Planning programs can be arranged as a determinant in the arrangement of actions to achieve a desired and expected and desired result. Planning related to learning objectives in accordance with the vision, mission and goals of the institution, especially character development learning is active, creative, effective learning.
Organizing Early Childhood Education Learning at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten.
Learning early childhood education in the organizing process with the storytelling method at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten, Mrs. Boyatun as the principal said:
“Organizing learning with the storytelling method of children’s language development is carried out at a meeting before the new school year or new semester begins. With each ability they have. As well as teachers who are experts in storytelling there are also experts in presentation, which is adjusted to the material (game) presented “.
The organizing actions that have been implemented by the principal, Mrs Aviva said:
“After planning, the principal usually follows up with organizing, in the form of dividing tasks for teachers in teaching. With this organization, the teacher immediately compiles the materials in the lesson in accordance with the lesson plan that has been formed together”.
Ms. Sri also added, saying that:
“The story method, in which the organization of learning on material content for children is usually included in the language field, is then supported by the delivery of stories to children so that the appreciation of students and teachers in delivering, the voice resembles the character being told so that children will not be easily bored.”
Early childhood education learning development at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten.
The learning strategy carried out by Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten teachers is in accordance with the general reference which consists of three stages, including: a. Opening
At the initial stage, the teacher has made the habit of always praying together before carrying out a learning process. After that, hold the attendance of children, and talk about the material that has been delivered on the previous day.
Major Activity
At the major activity, teachers at Dharma Wanita Kindergarten carry out a series of learning activities with students in order to achieve learning objectives. The source of learning with the storytelling method in language development is a storybook of fairy tales, legends, and stories of Prophets, Apostles and Nuzulul Al-Qur’an After the material is conveyed, to support children’s understanding, a performance is held related to the material taught.
In the closing stage the teacher always provides reinforcement or conclusions about the learning that has been carried out. Giving reinforcement or conclusions about learning material to children will be useful for providing more understanding related to the discussion during the learning process, this is because some children can only understand the lesson after hearing the conclusion of the class teacher.
In the process of implementing learning with the storytelling method at Dharma Wanita Kindergarten, Mrs. Sri explained:
“The implementation of learning with the storytelling method in children’s language development, namely with a conversation before starting the story, the conversation is the beginning to find out and attract children to listen to the story that will be told, as for the conversation is conveyed by connecting the material presented with the experiences experienced by children in everyday life. After that the teacher begins to tell the planned theme. The teacher gives freedom to children in responding to the material presented. Then after that there are assignment activities, in the form of work performance or adapted to the material presented in the form of games “.
Learning variations with the storytelling method in language development at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten, Mrs. Aviva said:
“On that day, the grandmother of one of the students passed away and was absent from school. From here, a spontaneous story can be taken, for example, by asking the first question why Si B did not come, the child will answer that his grandfather died. Now the next question arises, for example, do you know what is called death, by introducing the grave in the ground, alone there is no father and mother, dark there is no light, visited by angels and asked who is your God? children who are lazy to recite the Koran and pray, like to argue with the orders of parents and teachers, often get angry with their friends, then when asked by angels cannot answer, and get a very painful blow. For children who diligently pray, diligently recite the Koran, obey parents and teachers in their graves will be spacious and bright, when asked by angels can answer well.
Spontaneous stories in delivering and understanding about trustworthiness to children, for example, first children have learned and memorized about Asmaul Husna, where one of them is Allah who is all-seeing. From here children are accustomed to bringing their own savings and handing over to the teacher when at school. Then the children must hand over the savings money to the teacher’s mother, and not to buy snacks at school, because what Allah sees when parents do not know but Allah knows. So children will sin if they do this.
In introducing children to saving from an early age with the storytelling method carried out by the teacher, Mrs. Boyatun said: “Introducing children to saving is also done every Friday morning where children before entering the classroom to save in the Savings box provided by the kindergarten, and the activity is completed by the teacher explaining the benefits of saving through cartoon stories such as Ara likes to save so that children will understand the story the teacher is doing turns out to be good for these children”.
Early childhood education learning assessment at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten.
Learning assessment is carried out to determine the achievement of learning planning that has been formulated, organized, and realized in the implementation of learning has been achieved or not. on the other hand, it can be understood that assessment is a series of activities carried out deliberately to see and find out how high the success rate of planned activities is. The form of learning assessment with the storytelling method in character development at Dharma Wanita Siwalan
Kindergarten can be divided into several types of assessments carried out in it. Assessment is carried out in daily activities, midterm and end of semester exams. The learning assessment system used at Dharma Wanita Kindergarten is carried out every day. After learning, structured and unstructured conversations, work performance, observations are presented in the form of reports and children’s daily grades. The effectiveness of learning cannot be known without the assessment of children’s learning outcomes.
Related to learning assessment, the researcher obtained answers from the results of an interview with Mrs. Boyatun, stating that: “Assessment of learning outcomes uses classbased and out-of-class assessments because children sometimes carry out activities outside the classroom as well. The assessment contains cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. In this case, the forms of assessment used are process assessment and outcome assessment”.
Mrs. Sri has a slightly different way of assessing children’s learning. In the interview, she explained: “I conduct learning assessment since the first lesson. At first I will open questions about the material I teach, to find out the child’s knowledge of the material I convey. In addition, after every lesson, I will ask about what lessons they have learned while studying at school”.
The implementation of learning assessment can be carried out through an independent program carried out by the teacher or based on government regulations by conducting the Midterm Examination (UTS) and the Final Semester Examination (UAS), as stated by Mrs. Boyatun as follows: “The learning assessment carried out at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten in principle still refers to government regulations, namely by carrying out the Midterm Examination (UTS) and the Final Semester Examination (UAS), but every day the teacher also conducts assessments through observation, performance, and structured and unstructured conversations”.
Observations are made when children come to school or go home from school. For example, when coming to school, some children come by school pick-up car without being accompanied by parents, some are accompanied by parents. When returning from school, children will queue to shake hands with the teacher. Based on this, it can also be seen which children are orderly and which are not. When taking shoes on the shoe rack, children also queue, some push each other, some patiently wait behind and then take shoes. There are also children who go home with the school pick-up car without being accompanied by their parents. At the time of returning from school, it can be seen the excitement that appears occasionally the child expresses the learning done by the teacher, such as the story lesson with the language obtained.
The interview from one of the student’s guardians said: From school, a liaison book is brought every two days, where the teacher conveys the development of children from their speech and behavior. From the book, parents are also asked to continue to guide children when outside school in all their speech and behavior.
Learning assessment with the storytelling method in language development at Dharma Wanita Kindergarten is carried out in an effective and efficient way. By conducting process assessment and outcome assessment, the explanation is as follows: the completeness of the assessment through three aspects, including:
Process Assessment
Individually or in groups during the learning process inside or outside the classroom. The standards used in process assessment can be seen from the active order of students, courtesy towards teachers, mentally and socially in the learning process, showing high enthusiasm and self-confidence. Process assessment in the cognitive field can be done with a written test in the form of performance after the material is given or programmed tests such as midterm and end of semester exams. the completeness of the Dharma Wanita Kindergarten assessment through three aspects, including:
Cognitive aspects, cognitive assessment is carried out with a written test. Assignments after the material is delivered, programmed exercises as well as mid and end of semester tests.
Affective aspects, this assessment includes attendance, politeness, craftsmanship, discipline, how to get along with fellow friends.
Psychomotor aspects, this psychomoric assessment can be assessed according to the material and method used, for example the group work method, it will be seen how the level of children’s attention to the lesson, the courage to express opinions.
The assessment column is filled with categories, namely, 1 (BB) means not yet developing: if the child performs the activity must be guided or exemplified by the teacher, 2 (MB) means starting to develop: if the child performs the activity still has to be reminded or assisted by the teacher, 3 (BSH) develops as expected: if the child can already do the activity independently and consistently without having to be reminded or exemplified by the teacher, 4 (BSB) means very well developed: if the child can already do the activity independently and can already help his friend who has not achieved the ability according to the expected indicators.
Result Assessment
The learning process is said to be successful if there are positive behavioral changes in all or most students. In carrying out the assessment of results, it is carried out on a daily basis, mid and end of semester tests. Its implementation is useful for getting a complete and comprehensive picture of understanding and learning completeness. In assessing these results, it is done in various ways:
Oral questions in and out of class.
Daily exercises in accordance with the material that has been delivered.
Individual assignments, this assignment is given to students through package books, notebooks, and picture books owned by each student.
Semester exams are exams conducted at the end of the semester.
The Result of Analysis
Noting and examining the results of data exposure in the previous chapter, it broadly contains learning planning, organizing learning, mobilizing or implementing learning and assessing learning at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten. Based on the findings presented in Chapter III, the researcher seeks to conduct an analysis of the research results related to early childhood education learning management with the storytelling method in language development. This analysis is carried out by looking at the facts and findings in the field as has been done then the researcher seeks to conduct an analysis of the results of research related to Early Childhood Learning Management that this analysis is carried out by looking at the facts and findings in the field. In accordance with 4 focus issues namely planning, organizing, implementing, and assessing learning with the storytelling method in language development.
Early Childhood Education Learning Planning with Storytelling Method
Learning planning with the storytelling method in language development at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten, on a daily basis there are guidelines on the daily lesson plan. The systematic is that there are sub-themes, then the teacher chooses the right method for learning, detailed steps from the opening, core, and end of learning. In addition, teachers prepare props if needed to support children’s understanding. As for teachers who have variations in teaching that do not always refer to books, but are combined with games to make students not easily bored and easily understood by children. According to Jeon et al (2020), they observed that children living in households with higher levels of parental involvement showed stronger social competence, fewer behavioral problems, and higher levels of vocabulary knowledge.
Planning is the initial stage of all activities for which the preparation must consider various aspects, because the quality of the results or achievement of goals is very dependent on maturity, the statement above is in accordance with the definition of planning, namely:
Planning is an activity process that systematically prepares various activities to be carried out to achieve certain goals.
Planning is a systematic process of thinking activities related to what will be achieved, activities to be carried out, steps, methods, and implementation needed to carry out activities to achieve goals that are formulated rationally and logically and are forward-looking.
Planning is the determination of goals, policies, procedures, budgets, and programs of an organization.
The Indonesian Government
Regulation Numb. 19 of 2005 concerning National Education Standards, especially the standard process article 20 explains that the planning of the learning process is a syllabus, a lesson plan that contains learning objectives, learning materials, teaching methods, learning resources, and assessment of learning outcomes. The opinion states that learning planning is the determination of a series of actions to achieve a desired result. In active, creative, effective learning, planning is related to learning objectives in accordance with the vision and mission of the institution, especially active, creative, effective learning with storytelling methods in character development. So it can be concluded that learning planning is the process of preparing subject matter, using teaching media, learning methods, and assessment in an allocation of time that will be carried out at a certain time to achieve predetermined goals.
Organizing Early Childhood Education
Learning with the Storytelling Method in
Language Development at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten
Organizing learning with the storytelling method in language development at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten, begins with a coordination meeting at the beginning of the new school year and the beginning of the semester led by the principal, which departs from the learning plan that has been formed. To achieve the goals of the learning plan, the principal holds a meeting to map the teachers according to their ability to teach. After the division of tasks by the principal, the teacher then begins to organize the learning process in accordance with the division.
The above expression is in accordance with the organizing function, which is the process of forming a container or system and arranging members in the form of an organizational structure to achieve organizational goals. If associated with education, the organization is a place to carry out educational activities to achieve the desired learning objectives. While organizing education is a process of forming a place or system in order to carry out educational activities to achieve the desired educational goals. Another opinion reveals that organizing is a continuation of the planning function in the implementation of management, including management, Early Childhood Education.
The definition of organizing can be known from the following opinions:
Terry explained that organizing is an activity carried out to collect and arrange all the resources required in the plan, especially human resources in such a way that the achievement of predetermined goals can be carried out effectively and efficiently.
Nanang Fattah argued that organizing is the process of dividing work into these tasks to people who have expertise and allocating resources and coordinating them in the context of the effectiveness of achieving organizational goals.
From the above expression, it can be concluded that organizing in learning is an activity to follow up on the learning plan that has been formulated with the division of tasks for educators in implementing learning for students.
Implementation of Early Childhood Education Learning with the Storytelling Method in Improving Language Skills at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten
The implementation of learning with the storytelling method in character development is by first, there is an initial activity of question and answer with children related to the material that has been delivered on the previous day, then the child’s teacher invites children to talk about the material to be delivered by connecting with children’s experiences in everyday life. Second, in the core activities, the delivery of material using the storytelling method is supported by appreciation and props to attract students’ attention. After the material is conveyed the teacher will test children’s understanding through demonstration activities and games related to the material presented. At the end of learning the teacher will reinforce the material that has been presented by making conclusions and giving children the freedom to express opinions.
The above expression is in accordance with actuating in education in the form of the learning process. After having a predetermined plan and relevant strategies to achieve the plan and goals, the teacher can then implement the strategy. The way teachers implement materials in learning is for example asking questions, presenting pictures, demonstrating, feeling, observing, and involving students to actively participate during the learning process. Therefore, the main thing that teachers must emphasize in the implementation or implementation of learning is: how the teacher will help students to achieve a goal, The answer to this question will be the learning procedure or strategy that will be used. Choosing the most appropriate method depends on the objectives, background, needs of the students, available materials, as well as the personality, strengths and teaching style of the teacher.
Learning Assessment of Early Childhood Education with the Storytelling Method in Language Development at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten
Learning assessment aims to determine the level of children’s understanding of the material presented by the teacher. Learning assessment with the storytelling method in language development at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten. begins with activities after the story is told. For example, starting with the assessment of work performance both individually and in groups, then with exercises both in the middle and end of the semester in the cognitive aspects of children. Furthermore, in the psychomoric aspect by holding conversations both structured and unstructured inside and outside the classroom, where children have the freedom to express their opinions. In the affective aspect, teachers assess the day of observation of children during the teaching and learning process both inside and outside the classroom.
The expression above is in accordance with the assessment of early childhood education which can be done, among others, through performance assessment, observation, assignments and conversations. As will be described as follows:
Performance Assessment
Performance assessment is done based on students’ tasks in performing observable actions, such as praying, singing, and exercising.
Observation is a way of collecting data to obtain information through direct observation of children’s attitudes and behavior. For this purpose, guidelines are needed that refer to the predetermined indicators. According to the method and purpose, observation can be divided as follows:
Participatory observation, when the observer is involved in the activities of the subject being observed.
Systematic observation, when a structure has been previously arranged that contains certain elements to be observed.
Experiential observation, observations made in a non-participatory but systematic manner, this is done to determine changes and symptoms as a result of something intentional.
Conversations were conducted to obtain information about children’s knowledge or reasoning for knowing something. Conversation is data collection by communicating with the source of information through dialog. Conversational assessment can be divided into structured and unstructured conversations.
Structured Conversation Assessment
Structured conversational assessment is done deliberately by the teacher using a special time, and using a guideline, albeit a simple one. In this case, the activities carried out are assessing children’s understanding of certain abilities such as praying, singing, imitating teacher speech, reading rhymes, poems and rhymes, mentioning the names of objects that have certain properties, expressing feelings, and telling about experiments carried out.
Unstructured Conversation Assessment
Unstructured conversation assessment is assessing conversations between children and teachers without being prepared in advance, which is done during recess or while doing assignments. The abilities that can be revealed include:
Saying greetings when visiting
Praying before and after starting the activity
Introducing self-identity
Saying simple sentences
Telling the events around him
Using the pronoun “I” or “me”
Mentioning the home address.
Furthermore, in this assessment stage the teacher tries to gather information to determine what type of learning is emerging. This can be done in many ways, for example giving tests, quizzes, evaluating homework, paying attention to student responses to questions or comments. Assessment aims to determine student understanding with various assessment methods, but because children are so diverse, their characters also vary. Some are diligent with assignments, some are interested in games only. There are also those who just like to talk and express their opinions. Sometimes it is difficult when there is a lack of preparation in teaching which affects the implementation and assessment of learning.
Based on the results of research, management and data analysis that researchers have conducted related to Early Childhood Education Learning Management with the Storytelling Method in Language Development at Dharma Wanita Siwalan
Kindergarten, the researchers can conclude:
Planning for Early Childhood Education (ECE) learning with the storytelling method in language development at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten, namely with teachers guided by the semester learning implementation plan (RPPS), weekly learning implementation plan (RPPM), and daily learning implementation plan (RPPH). After that, determine the steps of learning, the method of delivering by telling stories, props as support. Furthermore, the preparation of activities carried out after the material is delivered.
Organizing Early Childhood Education (ECE) learning with the storytelling method in language development at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten, carried out by the coordination meeting of the division of tasks by the principal giving assignments to teachers in accordance with their fields for the implementation of learning in the classroom. Furthermore, the teacher begins to organize the material that has been made and how to deliver it in detail.
Implementation of Early Childhood Education (ECE) learning with the storytelling method in language development at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten, starting with prayer, questions about yesterday’s material, and chatting about the material to be delivered where the teacher connects with the child’s daily experience. Furthermore, this activity is in the form of delivering material using the storytelling method and other supporting tools. As well as activities or games that are carried out after the material is delivered. The last activity is in the form of conversation, so that children can freely express the learning experiences they have experienced that day and reinforce the form of conclusions by the teacher regarding the material presented.
Assessment of Early Childhood Education (ECE) learning with the storytelling method in language development at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten, assessment is carried out after the material is delivered in the form of daily exercise activities, as well as in the midterm and end of semester tests for cognitive aspects. In the psychomotor aspect of assessment through conversations carried out both inside and outside the classroom, the courage of children in expressing opinions. In the affective aspect, teachers assess through observations during learning and children’s activities at school, about children’s behavior both in words and actions.
Based on the results of the research, discussion, and conclusions that have been written, researchers need to submit suggestions for future improvements regarding the management of early childhood education learning with the storytelling method in language development at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten, as follows:
To teachers, based on the results of research conducted by researchers, it would be nice if the implementation of the story method in character development is varied with pictures through audio visual so that children are not easily bored and have a variety of backup activities to attract children’s attention.
To parents, in addition to direction from teachers at school in following up on reporting children’s behavior at school, parents are expected to be able to motivate children and be good role models for children in language development.
To the community, in the childhood phase, children have a great attraction in imitating the behavior of people around. Therefore, it is hoped that the community will be more enthusiastic in being a good role model for children’s language development.
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Early Childhood Education Learning Management in Improving Children’s Language Skills with Storytelling Method
Sukron Nur Fauzi1, Elma Arma Vidia2, S. Maryam Yusuf3, Luqman Nur Karim4
1,2,3,4 Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
Vol 3 No 8 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 08 August 2023
Article Date Published : 25 August 2023 | Page No.: 1723-1737
Abstract :
This research aims to describe the management of early childhood learning by using a storytelling method in improving language at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten. The steps of this research are as follows, (1) learning planning, (2) organizing learning, (3) implementing learning, and (4) assessing learning.
The descriptive qualitative approach was used as the method of this research, the type of this research is a case study design at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten. The researcher chose the management of early childhood learning by using the storytelling method in improving language skills as the object of this research. Furthermore, the researcher conducted interview, observation, and documentation as research methods. The data analysis technique used in this research is the data collection model, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.
The processes of data collection and analysis carried out by the researchers are as follows: (1) Making a semester activity plan (RKS). The next process is the preparation of RKM using the RKH format. After that, researcher prepared teaching activities. (2) Organizing activities carried out by the school principal. Then, in improving language skills, on the storytelling method, the teacher allocated it to language lessons, (3) The implementation of learning with the storytelling method was carried out in the form of fairy tales, stories of Prophets, and spontaneous stories. It is intended for children to be able to see and remember the incident. (4) Assessment on performance, observation, structured and unstructured conversations, and using a liaison book.
Early Childhood Education (ECE) is one of the platforms used to develop and add professionalism to Early Childhood Education (ECE) managers. The expansion and acceleration of Early Childhood Education (ECE) services is one of the strategic policies established by the Ministry of National Education. As a result of this policy, the addition and capacity of Early Childhood Education education is a demand that cannot be ignored. Physically, children experience extraordinary development, starting from the growth of brain cells and other organs. One of them happened at Dharma Wanita Siwalan Kindergarten, where students’ language skills were improved through the storytelling method at school. The expansion and acceleration of Early Childhood Education (ECE) services is one of the strategic policies created by the Ministry of National Education.
Keywords :
Learning Management, Early Childhood Education, Storytelling Method, Language.References :
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Author's Affiliation
Sukron Nur Fauzi1, Elma Arma Vidia2, S. Maryam Yusuf3, Luqman Nur Karim4
1,2,3,4 Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 3 No 8 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 08 August 2023
- Page No.: 1723-1737
- Published : 25 August 2023
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.55677/ijssers/V03I8Y2023-29
How to Cite :
Early Childhood Education Learning Management in Improving Children’s Language Skills with Storytelling Method. Sukron Nur Fauzi, Elma Arma Vidia, S. Maryam Yusuf, Luqman Nur Karim , 3(8), 1723-1737. Retrieved from https://ijssers.org/single-view/?id=8819&pid=8674
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