Human Resource Management in Improving the Quality of Education in MAN 2 Kediri City
Dika Tripitasari1, Akhyak2, Abd. Aziz3, Maftukhin4, Achmad Patoni5
1,2,3,4,5UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: This study aims to find and analyze related to planning, recruitment and selection, evaluation and training and development of educators and education staff in improving the quality of education in MAN 2 Kediri City. This research uses a qualitative approach and includes a type of field research in the form of a case study, and is classified as a descriptive research with the researcher as the main instrument. Data sources consist of person, place, and paper. Data collection techniques include participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques use interactive models. Checking the validity of the data includes: 1. Credibility through extending participation, increasing persistence, and triangulation (sources, techniques, and time); 2. Transferability: the results of this research are written in a clear and complete manner so that readers can apply them in other locations; 3. Dependability: the results of this study are examined and approved by the supervising lecturer as an auditor; 4. Confirmability: data exposure is based on the results of research in the field. The results show that the planning of educators and education staff in improving the quality of education in MAN 2 Kediri City includes needs analysis, availability analysis, and vision determination. Recruitment and selection are carried out at a certain time when there is a vacancy through CPNS and Non-PNS with a contract system that uses two alternatives; firstly prioritizing existing applications, secondly through internal publications; the criteria for passing applicants refer to the provisions of the Law which are then developed in accordance with the needs of madrasas whose level of success can be seen from the number of educators and education staff who have succeeded in making achievements. Meanwhile, training and development are in the form of in-house training and out-house training by applying the principles of efficiency through a peer teaching system and supported by the efforts of madrasa heads who bring new perspectives towards human real-source management. The evaluation includes setting targets, setting standards, conducting assessments, and providing feedback on the results of the evaluation.
KEYWORDS: Human Resource Management, Education Quality
Education is one of the important foundations for building a nation and state. Through education, it will be able to give birth to a superior and competitive generation so that in this case success in the field of education becomes a barometer of the success of national development. As mandated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, it is stated that national education is education based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia which is rooted in religious values, Indonesian national culture and responsive to the demands of changing times. Furthermore, in article 3 of Law no. 20 of 2003 states that national education functions to develop capabilities and form dignified character and national civilization in order to educate the life of the nation, aims to develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, competent, creative, independent, and become a democratic and responsible citizen.
The function and purpose of education in general leads to improving the quality of the nation which is reflected in improving the quality of education so that the Indonesian nation becomes a nation that is honorable, dignified, superior and reckoned with in world relations and competition. However, the reality on the ground shows that the quality of education for the Indonesian people is still relatively low, especially at the primary and secondary education levels when compared to other countries.
Various efforts have also been made by the government to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Among them is the Education Quality Improvement Movement launched by the Minister of National Education on May 2, 2002, followed by Law no. 20 of 2003 article 35 and PP no. 19 of 2005 concerning National Education Standards (Mulyasa, 2009). And in an effort to improve the quality of education, of course the Education Standards that have been set several years ago must be revised as a form of adjustment to the dynamics of science, technology and people’s lives that continue to develop.
As the government’s efforts to continue to improve the National Education Standards through Government Regulation No. 32 of 2013, then followed by PP no. 13 of 2015, further refined through PP no. 57 of 2021 concerning National Education Standards. And in 2022, the government has just issued PP No. 4 of 2022 as a form of adjustment to the education system that is currently needed. The efforts to improve continuously by the government above show that the National Education Standards are refined in a planned, directed and sustainable manner to improve the quality of education in accordance with the changing demands of local, national and global life.
One of the logical consequences of efforts to improve the quality of education is through managing the quality of human resources. The educational component in the form of human resources (HR) has a very important role in achieving the desired goals. Therefore the leaders of educational institutions need to pay serious attention to the management of human resources involved in them, not only educators, principals and employees but also students, parents of students and the community. Because only with the readiness of human resources will be able to bring educational institutions to survive and can improve the quality of education.
Human Resources are the only resources that have reason, feelings, desires, abilities, skills, knowledge, encouragement and intention. The potential possessed by Human Resources is also influential in achieving organizational goals, because no matter how advanced and sophisticated technology is, information development, the availability of adequate facilities and infrastructure, without reliable Human Resources, organizational goals will be difficult to achieve. In other words, the educational component in the form of Material Resources cannot be efficient without the component in the form of Human Resources.
Thus Human Resources as a component of education which is considered to be the key to the success of education must be nurtured and developed continuously so that they become quality Human Resources capable of carrying out their functions in a professional manner. Because quality and professional human resources are an absolute necessity in efforts to improve the quality of education.
The important role of the school or madrasah principal as an education manager is to explore, distribute, foster, and develop the potential and abilities possessed by educators and education staff in improving the quality of education. As happened in one of the madrasas in East Java province, namely MAN 2 Kediri City. The Principal of Madrasah MAN 2 Kediri City always pays attention and supports the educators and education staff there to continue to develop their potential.
And one of the results is that MAN 2 Kediri City contributed the most to the Indonesian Madrasah Competency Assessment Instrument Writing Team (AKMI) from East Java, as stated by Mr. Edi as Deputy Curriculum that, “Many teachers here are on the writing team AKMI”. It is proven that the results of the researchers’ observations also show that the MAN 2 Kediri City teachers have successfully joined the Instrument Writing Team, which has increased in number every year. In fact, one of them was chosen as the representative for the coordination of scientific literacy. This was emphasized again by Mr. Facris as Deputy Head of Public Relations at MAN 2 Kediri City, he said that, “Incidentally our school is the largest contributor. There are many teachers who enter there and that goes through selection.” The existence of superior educators is certainly one of the pluses that MAN 2 Kediri City has in improving the quality of education there.
Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in conducting research by submitting a dissertation title, namely “Management of Human Resources in Improving the Quality of Education in MAN 2 Kediri City)”.
Overview of Human Resource Management
Basic Concepts of Management
Etymologically, the word management comes from the Old French management, which means the art of implementing and managing. Whereas in English the word management is taken from the word management which means leadership, management, governance, or management (Echols and Shadily, 1996). Meanwhile, according to figures, one of them is George R. Terry (2000) in his book Principles of Management, management is defined as a process that uses scientific and artistic methods to apply the functions of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the activities of a group of people who equipped with resources/factors of production to achieve the goals that have been set effectively and efficiently. The management function according to Terry as quoted by Marno consists of four aspects, namely planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling (Marno and Supriyanto, 2008).
John R Schermerhorn Jr. (2011) put forward the same thing that management is a process that includes planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the resources owned, both human and material to achieve goals. The same thing was also stated by Stoner as quoted by Handoko who stated that management is the process of planning, organizing, directing, and supervising the efforts of members of the organization and the use of other organizational resources in order to achieve organizational goals that have been set.
Based on the three opinions put forward by the experts above, a common thread can be drawn regarding the definition of management, namely a process of utilizing resources, both human and material within an organization to achieve certain goals. So there are three important points in the concept of management, namely the process, a group of people or organization and the goals to be achieved. As mentioned by Dale Timpe in Yusmiar (2014), the term management contains three meanings, namely management as a process, management as the collectivity of people who carry out management activities, and management as an art and as a science.
From the views of several experts above, a conclusion can be drawn regarding the concept of management, namely:
Management is a process, in the sense that management activities include several series of activities that are carried out continuously in order to achieve the goals that have been set.
Management has a basic function and the simplest function consists of four things, namely: planning (planning), organizing (organizing), implementing (actuating), and monitoring (controlling). It is said to be simple, because several experts formulate management functions according to their respective backgrounds, views or orientations which in principle can be summarized into these four functions. In practice, these management functions are carried out in stages, beginning with planning, organizing people into work groups, then implementation accompanied by supervision.
Management is an effort to utilize available resources, not only human but also material so as to achieve optimal results.
Human Resource Management
Human resources (HR) simply means personnel or employees or staff or also employees who work in an organization. Furthermore Nurul Ulfatin (2016) suggests that human resources can be equated with employees, workers or employees, namely people who do or have jobs. This simple understanding tends to have an impact on HR management which must be harmonious and able to fulfill the nature, dignity and universal needs of these human beings (Nawawi, 2005). Managing Human Resources is certainly different from managing other resources such as machines which are only used to achieve goals. Human Resources must be optimally empowered to achieve success.
A number of experts put forward a definition of human resource management which emphasizes the aspects of systems and humans as something that has potential that can be managed and developed in a certain direction. Some of the opinions of these experts include Gary Dessler. According to Dessler (1997) human resource management are all the concepts and techniques needed to handle the human resource aspects of a managerial position, such as selection, training, rewarding, and appraisal (and all other activities so far known).
Wayne Mondy and Robert M. Noe as quoted by Chotimah and Fathurrohman (2014) state that human resource management is the utilization of company human assets to achieve organizational goals. According to Douglass T. Hall and James G. Goodale human resource management is a process of optimal fit between employees, the organization and the environment so that employees achieve the level of satisfaction and performance they want and the organization can achieve its goals.
Malayu P. Hasibuan (2004) which explains that human resource management is the science and art of managing relationships and the role of the workforce so that it is effective and efficient in helping the realization of corporate, employee and community goals. In a corporate or organizational environment, every employee/employee as a human being always wants treatment that is in accordance with their dignity, including having their human rights protected, being treated as subjects that are respected and included in organizational activities, not as objects that are treated arbitrarily. Receiving fair treatment at every opportunity, achieving or realizing/actualizing oneself and others. That is management is said to be a science in which there is art to regulate the harmonization of the relationships of each individual so that they are able to go hand in hand so that it becomes a complete composition which is expected to facilitate the achievement of the desired goals.
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that human resource management is a process of empowering employees through planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, and evaluation of employees to create a good, healthy and able organization to develop its existence in order to achieve a goal.
Human Resource Management Function
Human Resource Management has functions that can generally be divided into 2 parts, namely managerial functions and operational functions (Gomes, 2003). Managerial functions include planning, organizing, actuating, controlling. While the operational function according to Lunenburg and Ornstein (2004), namely in the Human Resource Management process there are 4 programs namely: human resource planning, recruitment and selection, professional development, performance appraisal.
Human Resource Planning
A plan must be based on facts and information and not on emotions and desires alone. The facts directly related to the situation in the field are associated with the experience and knowledge of a planner (leader). As a planner, of course, always looks ahead, surmises possibilities, is willing to be prepared for the unexpected, maps activities, and holds regular sequences to achieve goals (Terry and Rue, 1992).
Regarding Human Resource planning, in this case it is divided into types, namely short term and long term. The short-term plan shows the various workforce needs that must be met for the coming year. Meanwhile, long-term plans estimate the human resource situation for the next two, five, or sometimes ten years (Handoko, 1989).
Resource planning is essentially a process for systematically looking at human resource needs in order to obtain certainty that there are a number of workers with the appropriate skills when needed. It can also be interpreted as an action to be taken to obtain a specified result within a certain period of time. Thus, planning is a thought process, both in outline and in detail, of an activity carried out to achieve good and dynamic certainty (Hasibuan, 2001).
Recruitment and Selection of Human Resources
According to T. Hani Handoko (2001) recruitment is defined as an effort to find a number of prospective employees who meet the requirements in a certain number, so that among them the organization can select the most appropriate person to fill the existing job vacancies. Recruitment can also be interpreted as a process of withdrawing a number of potential candidates to be selected as employees. Henry Simamora (2006) states that recruitment is a series of activities to find and attract job applicants with the necessary motivation, abilities, skills, and knowledge to cover deficiencies identified in staffing planning.
Dale Yoder (2004) explains that employee withdrawal includes identification and evaluation of sources, stages in the overall process for the organization, then followed by enrollment, selection, placement and orientation). Based on this opinion it can be said that in the process of human resource management recruitment, selection, placement and orientation are carried out by an organization. This process is carried out by pushing or attracting potential applicants who have the potential to submit applications and ends with obtaining a number of candidates. Or in other words, as an effort to find a number of prospective employees who meet the requirements in a certain number so that, from them, the organization can select the most appropriate person to fill the existing job vacancies.
So recruitment is the process of looking for, finding, inviting and specifying a number of people from within and from outside the organization as prospective workers with certain characteristics as specified in the human resource planning, and is also an effort made to obtain the human resources needed to to fill certain vacant positions. In addition, recruitment is an effort to regulate the composition of human resources in a balanced way according to demands through the settlements carried out. The recruitment process to find and determine a number of people in accordance with the required field of work is very important in Islamic teachings. A job must be done by people who have the appropriate competence in the field of work.
Human Resource Training and Development
In facing changes in the organizational environment that are increasingly fast and complex, every organization is required to be ready and sensitive to change. Dynamic organizations/institutions will try to anticipate and adapt to everything from the organizational environment to both the micro and macro environment. One effort to anticipate changes in the organizational environment is to develop the quality and capabilities of human resources within the organization through human resource training and development programs.
According to Sastradipoera (2002), HR development includes education that increases general knowledge and the overall environment as well as training that adds skills in carrying out specific tasks. Training and development is very important because it does not only involve increasing knowledge but also the skills and performance of an employee to make it more professional.
Nawawi (2005) explains that the difference between training and human resource development lies in the focus of the activity, namely the focus of training activities is to improve work ability to meet the demands of the most effective ways of working today. Meanwhile, the focus of human resource development activities is to maintain and improve the company’s existence as an effort to anticipate business demands in the future. So, training and development is carried out to increase the knowledge and skills of employees to face challenges and anticipate them in the future.
So it can be concluded that the notion of human resource development is a process of improving the skills and abilities of employees at present and anticipating changes in the future and ultimately improving the quality of human resources.
Training and development for schools are two of the same concepts, namely to increase the knowledge, skills and abilities of educators and education staff. However, in terms of their purpose, generally the two concepts can be distinguished. Training is more emphasized on increasing the ability to carry out work and school assignments that are more specific at this time, while development is more emphasized on increasing employee knowledge to carry out work and school assignments in the future, which is carried out through an integrated approach with other activities.
Human Resources Performance Assessment
Several steps must be taken by school organizations to conduct performance appraisals (Harianja, 2005), namely:
Determination of performance targets must be specific, measurable, challenging and based on a certain time. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the process of setting performance targets, namely that it is expected that individual task targets are formulated jointly between subordinates and superiors.
Determination of performance standards must be truly objective, namely measuring the actual performance of teachers. The assessment must reflect the actual implementation of performance or evaluate behavior that reflects the successful implementation of the work. Therefore, the performance appraisal system must follow assessment standards, have reliable measurements, and be easy to use and understand by the appraiser and those being assessed. Particularly for teaching or mentoring activities, the competencies used as standards for evaluating teacher performance are; pedagogical, professional, social, and personality competencies. This assessment standard is stipulated in National Education Regulation Number 16 of 2007 concerning Academic Qualification Standards and Teacher Competency.
Determination of the method and implementation of the assessment. The method in question is the approach or method and equipment used in performance appraisal and its implementation.
Objectives of Human Resource Management
There are four objectives of Human Resource management (Rokhman, 2011), namely:
Organizational Purpose. This objective is related to the Human Resources management function as the party responsible for the management and utilization of Human Resources in the organization. The organizational functions of Human Resource management include: planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, and assessment.
Social Goals. Human Resource Management will have a positive impact on social welfare through the use of local workers to fill job vacancies.
Functional Purpose. This functional objective is related to the contribution of Human Resources to each department in the organization, namely by providing Human Resources according to the needs of each department. The demand for new knowledge and skills should be responded to by holding training according to the needs of each division in the company.
Personal Goals. This goal is related to the interests of each individual in the organization. Each member of the organization has different interests that they want to achieve through their activities in the organization such as: compensation, career development and others.
Quality of Education
The Basic Concept of Education Quality
In simple terms, quality is a level of quality that meets or even exceeds expectations. Nevertheless, quality is not an easy concept to define, especially in the field of services which can be perceived in various ways. Quality can be understood as continuous improvement. Quality can mean meeting customer expectations (Noronha, 2002).
Experts have different views on the conception of quality. Discussing quality issues, there are three of the most popular quality conceptors, namely W. Edwards Deming, Philip B. Crosby, and Joseph M. Juran (Salis, 2010). Deming defines quality as all the needs and wants of customers. Philip B. Crosby defines quality as conformity to requirements. Meanwhile, M. Joseph Juran defines quality as conformity to specifications. Even though experts have different views regarding the definition of quality, there are general criteria that have been agreed that something is of quality. Something is said to be of good quality when something is of good value or has good meaning.
As for the definition of education, based on the National Education System Law No. II of 2003 is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed by themselves, society, nation and state. .
Correlation of quality with education, as stated by Djauzak Ahmad (1996) that the quality of education is the school’s ability to manage operationally and efficiently the components related to the school so as to produce added value to these components.
In the context of education, a quality school is interpreted as having good graduates, good teachers, good buildings, and so on. To mark something as qualified or not, someone gives symbols with certain designations, for example, namely superior schools, exemplary schools, pilot schools and so on.
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the quality of education is a good or bad quality or measure of the process of changing the attitude and behavior of a person or group of people in an effort to mature humans to get closer to God through teaching guidance and training.
Characteristics of Education Quality
The quality of education is universally measured in terms of input, process, output and outcome. There are 13 characteristics that are assessed in terms of education quality, namely: a) performance) b). timelines c) reliability d) durability e) aesthetics f) personal interface g). easy of use h). feature i). conformence to specification j) consistency k) uniformity l) serviceability m) accuracy (Usman, 2006).
Principles of Education Quality
Meanwhile, according to Hensler and Brunell (1991) in Husaini Usman, there are four main principles in educational quality management, namely:
Customer principle. Quality does not only mean compliance with certain specifications, but that quality is determined by the customer.
Respect for everyone in a world-class quality school, everyone in the school is seen as having potential.
Fact-based management of world-class schools is fact-oriented, meaning that every decision is always based on facts, not on mere feelings or memories.
Continuous improvement. In order to be successful every school needs to undertake a systematic process of implementing continuous improvement. Remembering that quality improvement efforts are endless tasks that emphasize continuous effort, not just maintaining the status quo.
In an effort to improve the quality of all elements in an organization are involved and have the same tasks, vision and mission. Stakeholders must adhere to a principle in improving the quality of their education, because the responsibility they carry is quite large. The development of an increasingly developing era requires educational institutions to compete in introducing the quality of their educational institutions.
Education Quality Standards
Regarding the quality of education, in Indonesia there is an implementing agency/institution involved in quality assurance activities, both at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels, namely the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP). BSNP is an independent body tasked with developing, monitoring the implementation and evaluating national education standards.
Apart from the BSNP, there is also the National Accreditation Board for Non-Formal Education, hereinafter referred to as BANPNF. BANPNF is an independent evaluation body that determines the eligibility of non-formal education programs and/or educational units with reference to the National Education Standards. Assessment is carried out through accreditation based on the following value ratings (Mu’ti, 2014):
Accreditation rating A (Very Good) if the school/madrasah obtains a Final Accreditation Score (NA) of 86 to 100 (86 < NA < 100)
Accreditation rating B (Good) if the school/madrasah obtains a Final Accreditation Score of 71 to 85 (71 < NA < 85)
Accreditation rating (Fairly Good) if the school/madrasah obtains a Final Accreditation Score of 56 to 70 (56 < NA < 70).
Improving the Quality of Educational Institutions
According to Syaiful Sagala (2010), improving the quality of education is obtained through two strategies, namely increasing the quality of academically oriented education (high based education) to provide a minimal basis for the journey that must be taken to achieve the quality of education required by the demands of the times, and improving the quality of education that is oriented towards essential broad-based education which is covered by education that is broad-based, real and meaningful.
According to Nurkholis (2003) the quality of education can also be improved in several ways, such as:
Increasing the measurement of academic achievement through national exams or regional exams concerning competence and knowledge, improving aptitude tests (scholastic aptitude tests), competency certification and portfolio profiles.
Forming peer groups to increase the passion of learning through cooperative learning (cooperative learning).
Create new opportunities in schools by turning school hours into all-day learning centers and keeping schools open during public holidays.
Increase understanding and appreciation of learning through mastery learning and appreciation of academic achievements.
Help students find employment by offering courses related to job-getting skills.
Quality Assurance of Educational Institutions
The quality and quality of education has been determined in the National Education Standards. The established National Standards are standards that have been reviewed and can be achieved by every educational institution in Indonesia. The concept of national education standardization has implications for improving the quality of education, so it is hoped that the existence of national standards can motivate schools to provide the best service for students in their educational environment.
The essence of quality assurance is systematic plans and actions in providing confidence in quality. In this activity, the main objective is improvement and efforts to achieve National Education Standards and make improvements. Based on the quality assurance model, the quality assurance process contains 4 functional characteristics, namely standard setting, standard fulfillment, evaluation, and quality improvement (Sani, 2015). Therefore, quality assurance must continue to be carried out to achieve and even exceed the standards that have been set.
Human Resource Management in Improving Education Quality
As previously described that human resource management is carried out in order to optimize the organizational goals to be achieved. If it is drawn in the world of education, then the goals to be achieved definitely lead to the vision of madrasas or schools which are certainly inseparable from efforts to improve the quality of education. Every madrasa or school must at least meet the quality standards set by the government. Each madrasa continues to strive to achieve the quality standards that have been set and even strive to exceed them. And one of the efforts that can be taken is through human resource management.
So to improve the quality of education in this case absolutely requires human resource management, not just focusing on quality management. Educators and educational staff who are living assets owned by a madrasa if properly empowered and organized will be able to do many things to achieve a goal. They have advantages that other non-living assets do not have.
Therefore, in this case, the role of a madrasa head as a manager is very necessary. Especially in terms of setting madrasa goals or visions that must be achieved within a certain period of time. This is important to do because if you don’t have clear and directed goals then the essence of management itself will also be in vain. As stated by Deming, goals that are not constant are a deadly obstacle in efforts to improve the quality of education (Dahlgaard, et al, 2007). So that goal setting should be the main concern of a manager.
Planning of Educators and Education Personnel in Improving the Quality of Education in MAN 2 Kediri City
Analysis of the needs of educators and education personnel
Analysis of the availability of educators and education personnel
Vision setting
Recruitment and Selection of Educators and Education Personnel in Improving the Quality of Education at MAN 2 Kediri City
Executed within a certain time when there is a vacancy
The mechanism for the recruitment and selection of educators and educational staff in improving the quality of education is carried out in 2 ways, namely
Recruitment and selection of CPNS.
Recruitment and selection of Non-PNS. It is carried out if the Ministry of Religion has not realized the submission of the required educators and educational staff.
The method of recruiting non-PNS educators and educational staff is through existing applications to fill vacancies with a yearly contract system.
The criteria used in the selection of non-PNS educators and education personnel in improving the quality of education basically follow the standard minimum regulations set out in the law covering pedagogic, personality, professional and social competencies which are then developed according to the needs of madrasahs.
The selection of non-PNS educators and education staff in improving the quality of education involves the head of the madrasa and a special team consisting of deputy heads in madrasas starting from the deputy head of curriculum, deputy head of public relations, deputy head of infrastructure facilities, deputy head of student affairs.
The success of the recruitment and selection of educators and education staff in improving the quality of education at MAN 2 Kediri City is measured by the number of educators who have made achievements.
Training and Development of Educators and Education Personnel in Improving the Quality of Education in MAN 2 Kediri City
Training and development of educators and education staff in improving the quality of education at MAN 2 Kediri City consists of: in house training and out house training.
Training and development of educators and education staff in improving the quality of education at MAN 2 Kediri City uses the principle of efficiency.
The training and development of educators and education staff at MAN 2 Kediri City in improving the quality of education is not coercive because the head of the madrasa is trying to change the concept of human resources to the level of human real-source (HRs).
Evaluation of Educators and Education Personnel in Improving the Quality of Education in MAN 2 Kediri City
Evaluation of educators and education staff in improving the quality of education at MAN 2 Kediri City is by setting targets, setting standards, conducting assessments and feedback on evaluation results.
Planning of Educators and Education Personnel in Improving the Quality of Education in MAN 2 Kediri City
Analysis of the needs of educators and education staff is the first thing that is done in employee planning as an effort to improve the quality of education. This analysis is carried out annually but is projected to meet demand within the next 5 years. Or in other words the analysis refers to long-term planning. In line with the theory which states that long-term planning estimates the situation of human resources for a period of more than one year, five years, or sometimes up to ten years to come (Handoko, 1989).
Analysis of the availability of educators and education staff at MAN 2 Kediri City is carried out by considering the number of educators and education staff available to fill the vacancies in existing positions. If the existence of educators and educational staff owned can be optimized to fill the existing vacancies, then there is no need to use external sources. Madrasahs take alternative actions to optimize the presence of existing educators and education staff, including rolling positions for those who meet the criteria, reducing working hours, and increasing working hours for educators and education staff there.
The most important thing related to the planning of educators and education staff in improving the quality of education is determining the vision that will be achieved together. By fulfilling the needs of educators and education staff at MAN 2 Kediri City, then the madrasah head is responsible for establishing the vision of the madrasa to be achieved. In accordance with the theory which states that the vision of the madrasa is essentially a fundamental statement regarding the values, aspirations, and goals of the madrasa institution that must be achieved (Mutohar, 2013).
In MAN 2 Kediri City, the determination of the madrasa vision was not necessarily formulated by the head of the madrasa but also involved educators and education staff who were there. This is done as an effort to build a sense of belonging within them so that they have a sense of enthusiasm and passion in realizing the vision that has been set.
Recruitment and Selection of Educators and Education Personnel in Improving the Quality of Education in MAN 2 Kediri City
When a vacancy occurs, the madrasa immediately recruits to fill the vacancy so that it does not interfere with the process of achieving the vision that has been set, namely to improve the quality of education. This is consistent with Gorton’s opinion cited by Mujamil Qomar (2007) that the purpose of recruitment is to provide truly good and most qualified candidates for certain positions. Therefore, recruitment is only carried out for certain positions and conditions.
CPNS recruitment and selection has a monopoly element from the center, meaning that there is no involvement of the madrasah because the process has been taken over by the Ministry of Religion through the recruitment and selection of CPNS which is usually carried out simultaneously. Meanwhile, non-PNS recruitment is carried out if the Ministry of Religion has not realized the submission of the required educators and education staff.
The method of recruiting non-PNS educators and educational staff is through existing applications to fill vacancies with a yearly contract system. However, if the existing application does not meet the vacancy criteria, publication will be carried out internally, including through the alumni network and teacher network, and after that a selection will be carried out. The selection of the recruitment method above is in accordance with the principles of effectiveness and efficiency, namely the method that best allows prospective educators and educational staff to get the minimum time and cost (Efendi, 2017).
The selection team for educators and non-PNS education staff consists of deputy heads in madrasas, starting from the deputy head of curriculum, deputy head of public relations, deputy head of infrastructure facilities, deputy head of student affairs. They are the parties who carry out the selection and then submit the results in the form of recommendations to the Head of Madrasah. Next, the head of the madrasa conducts interviews directly with prospective educators and educational staff and then a decision will be made.
Training and Development of Educators and Education Personnel in Improving the Quality of Education in MAN 2 Kediri City
Training and development of educators at MAN 2 Kediri City is organized by internal madrasas, one of which is through curriculum review activities which are a routine agenda for madrasas and are carried out ahead of the new school year. The curriculum review activity consists of several types of conditional training and development, referring to the needs of teaching staff and the interests of the madrasah. Of the various programs that are there, one of the programs that stands out is the digital week program which provides specific training related to IT which is handled by a digital week team consisting of several teachers there who are competent in the IT field.
These findings are consistent with the concept of In House Training which is carried out internally in teacher working groups or schools. IHT is based on the idea that some of the skills in improving teacher competence can be carried out by teachers who have competencies that other teachers do not yet have. Training and development of educators and education staff in improving the quality of education at MAN 2 Kediri City uses the principle of efficiency. In line with the Danim’s opinion which states that one of the goals of in-house training is to save time and also costs (Danim, 2011).
The training and development of educators and education staff at MAN 2 Kediri City in improving the quality of education is not coercive because the head of the madrasa is trying to change from implementing human resource management to human REALsource (HRs) management.
Evaluation of Educators and Education Personnel in Improving the Quality of Education in MAN 2 Kediri City
Evaluation of educators and education staff in improving the quality of education is not just about assessing but also to improve their performance so that the goals for the assessment must be clear. Evaluation of educators and education staff at MAN 2 Kediri City includes two aspects, namely performance appraisal and work behavior assessment. Performance evaluation or assessment of the work behavior of educators and educational staff at MAN 2 Kediri City in improving the quality of education is carried out objectively, its implementation reflects the actual implementation of performance and evaluates work behavior. Therefore there are indicators that reflect the aspects to be assessed.
In order to improve the quality of education, the performance evaluation of educators and educational staff uses a delegated authority system. The head of the madrasa as the top leader in an educational institution cannot possibly complete all of his tasks alone, therefore it is necessary to delegate authority to those under his leadership.
Authority or authority according to G.R. Terry, as quoted by Sunarno (2019), is power and the right to act. The authority given by the head of the madrasa will then give rise to the power or rights of the selected parties to act according to the tasks required. The selection of parties who have this authority must be based on various considerations and also certain criteria, so that it cannot be done haphazardly.
The evaluation results of educators and education staff at MAN 2 Kediri City for civil servants have an effect on promotion. While in general it has an effect on giving appreciation from the Madrasah Principal in the form of rewards or vice versa in the form of punishment. Reward is a gift or something that makes someone happy, either physical or non-physical. Meanwhile, punishment is a sanction or something that hurts someone, either physical or non-physical (Nata, 2012).
The conclusions of Human Resource Management in Improving the Quality of Education from research at the institution are as follows:
Planning for educators and education staff in improving the quality of education at MAN 2 Kediri City includes: first, an analysis of the needs of educators and education staff. Second, analysis of the availability of educators and educational staff. Third, setting the Vision.
Recruitment and selection of educators and education staff in improving the quality of education at MAN 2 Kediri City, which is carried out at a certain time, precisely when there is a vacancy. The mechanism is through 2 ways: first, recruitment and selection of CPNS. Second, the recruitment and selection of Non-PNS. The recruitment method is carried out through existing applications and through internal publications to fill vacancies with an annual contract system. Meanwhile, the graduation criteria refer to the provisions of the law which are then developed according to the needs of madrasas. The selection stage was carried out by involving the head of the madrasa and the waka in the madrasa. Recruitment and selection of educators and education staff can be considered successful if more and more educators and education staff succeed in making achievements which will have an impact on improving the quality of education in MAN 2 Kediri City.
Training and development of educators and education staff in improving the quality of education at MAN 2 Kediri City, namely in the form of In house training (IHT) and out house training. Applying the principle of efficiency by utilizing educators and educational staff who have superior competence in certain fields to fill in various programs held under the peer teaching concept. As well as not being coercive because the principal of the madrasa is trying to change from initially implementing human resource management to human REALsource (HRs) management.
Evaluation of educators and education staff in improving the quality of education at MAN 2 Kediri City includes setting targets, setting standards, conducting assessments, and feedback on evaluation results.
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Human Resource Management in Improving the Quality of Education in MAN 2 Kediri City
Dika Tripitasari1, Akhyak2, Abd. Aziz3, Maftukhin4, Achmad Patoni5
1,2,3,4,5UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
Vol 3 No 9 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 09 September 2023
Article Date Published : 4 September 2023 | Page No.: 1814-1824
Abstract :
This study aims to find and analyze related to planning, recruitment and selection, evaluation and training and development of educators and education staff in improving the quality of education in MAN 2 Kediri City. This research uses a qualitative approach and includes a type of field research in the form of a case study, and is classified as a descriptive research with the researcher as the main instrument. Data sources consist of person, place, and paper. Data collection techniques include participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques use interactive models. Checking the validity of the data includes: 1. Credibility through extending participation, increasing persistence, and triangulation (sources, techniques, and time); 2. Transferability: the results of this research are written in a clear and complete manner so that readers can apply them in other locations; 3. Dependability: the results of this study are examined and approved by the supervising lecturer as an auditor; 4. Confirmability: data exposure is based on the results of research in the field. The results show that the planning of educators and education staff in improving the quality of education in MAN 2 Kediri City includes needs analysis, availability analysis, and vision determination. Recruitment and selection are carried out at a certain time when there is a vacancy through CPNS and Non-PNS with a contract system that uses two alternatives; firstly prioritizing existing applications, secondly through internal publications; the criteria for passing applicants refer to the provisions of the Law which are then developed in accordance with the needs of madrasas whose level of success can be seen from the number of educators and education staff who have succeeded in making achievements. Meanwhile, training and development are in the form of in-house training and out-house training by applying the principles of efficiency through a peer teaching system and supported by the efforts of madrasa heads who bring new perspectives towards human real-source management. The evaluation includes setting targets, setting standards, conducting assessments, and providing feedback on the results of the evaluation.
Keywords :
Human Resource Management, Education QualityReferences :
- Menjadi Guru Profesional: Studi Tentang Budaya Organisasi, Kepemimpinan Dan Kinerja Guru di Zaman Milenial. Jakarta: UNJ Press, 2020.
- Ahmad, Djauzak. Penunjuk Pengingkatan Mutu Pendidikan di Sekolah Dasar. Jakarta: Depdikbud, 1996.
- Dahlgaard, Jens J. and Kristensen, Kai and Kanji, Gopal K. Fundamentals of Total Quality Manegement: Process Analysis And Improvement. London and New York: Taylor and Francis Group, 2007.
- Danim, Sudarwan. Otonomi Manajemen Sekolah. Bandung: Alfabeta, 2010.
- Dessler, Gary. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, terj. Benyamin Molan. Jakarta: PT. Prenhallindo, 1997.
- Echolis, John M. dan Shadily, Hassan. Kamus Inggris-Indonesia. Jakarta: Gramedia, 1996.
- Efendi, Nur. Islamic Educational Leadership: Praktik Kepemimpinan di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam. Yogyakarta: Kalimedia, 2017.
- Gomes, Faustino Cordoso. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset, 2003.
- Handoko, T. Hani. Manajemen. Yogyakarta: BPFE-UGM, 2011.
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- Hasibuan, Malayu S. P. Manajemen Dasar, Pengertian dan Masalah. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2001.
- Jr, John R. Schermerhorn. Management. New York: John Wiley, 2011.
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- Nata, Abuddin. Akhlak Tasawuf. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 1995.
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- Salis, Edward. Total Quality Management in Education. London: Kogn Page, 2002.
- Sani, Ridwan Abdullah dkk. Penjaminan Mutu Sekolah. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2015.
- Sastradipoera, Komaruddin. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia: Suatu Pendekatan Fungsi Operatif. Bandung: Kappa-Sigma, 2002.
- Simamora, Henry. Sumber Daya Manusia. Jakarta: Bumi aksara, 2006.
- Sulistyorini dan Fathurrohman, Muhammad. Esensi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam: Pengelolaan untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan Islam. Yogyakarta: Kalimedia, 2016.
- Pengantar Studi Organisasi dan Manajemen. Jakarta: Lembaga Studi Hukum Indonesia, 2019.
- Terry, George R. dan Rue, Leslie W. Dasar-dasar Manjaemen. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 1992.
- Ulfatin, Nurul dan Triwiyanto, Teguh. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Bidang Pendidikan. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2016.
- Usman, Husaini. Manajemen Teori, Praktek Dan Riset Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2006.
- Yoder, Dale. Memahami Good Governance Dalam Perspektif Sumber Daya Manusia. Jakarta: Gava Media, 2004.
- Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Peningkatan Kinerja Pegawai. Makassar: Alauddin University Press, 2014.
Author's Affiliation
Dika Tripitasari1, Akhyak2, Abd. Aziz3, Maftukhin4, Achmad Patoni5
1,2,3,4,5UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 3 No 9 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 09 September 2023
- Page No.: 1814-1824
- Published : 4 September 2023
- DOI:
How to Cite :
Human Resource Management in Improving the Quality of Education in MAN 2 Kediri City. Dika Tripitasari, Akhyak, Abd. Aziz, Maftukhin, Achmad Patoni , 3(9), 1814-1824. Retrieved from
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International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies