The Role of Job Satisfaction as a Moderating Variable on the Relationship between Organizational Climate and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Olivia Margareta Purnama Juwita Boru Manihuruk1, Kustini Kustini2
1,2 Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” East Java, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: With work satisfaction acting as a moderating variable, this study is helpful in determining the impact of organizational climate and organizational commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in employees of PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik. Quantitative descriptive research is what this study is. 82 PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik personnel made up the study’s sample. Purposive sampling was utilized as the sample method in this investigation. All PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik employees, excluding those in the operational division, who had never completed an OCB pre-survey made up the study’s sample. SEM-PLS (Partial Least Squares) is the data analysis approach applied in this study. The findings of this study suggest that job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational climate, and organizational commitment all influence organizational citizenship behavior. Organizational climate also influences organizational commitment, and organizational commitment also influences organizational citizenship behavior, with job satisfaction acting as a moderating variable.
KEYWORDS: Organizational Climate, Organizational Commitment, Customer Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior
In the world of work, the ability to be flexible in doing work is also very important. Organizations not only want good and productive human resources, but organizations also expect an employee to be willing to do a good job outside of his main task. This behavior is also called Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Organizations need human resources who will implement OCB well. This behavior of helping co-workers and volunteering to do extra work can be formed when supported by commitment to the organization and a good organizational climate.
PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik is a company engaged in freight forwarding services that provides goods delivery services by land, air, and sea which includes the process of managing export and import documents such as custom clearance, air and ocean freight, and trucking throughout Indonesia. The behavior carried out by human resources in the company cannot be separated from the unity of activities within a company that carries out its functions in accordance with the goals that the company wants to achieve.
Based on the results of the Pre-Survey, it is stated that employees at PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logsitik have high individualism towards other employees. He admitted that there were several problems related to employee behavior at work when he did it with one of the Heads of Section, including the lack of employee intention to help each other’s colleagues because employees felt that the tasks assigned were their respective responsibilities so that this indicated a problem with the organizational climate. The results of the absenteeism recap in 2020 the percentage level was 38% and in 2021 there was an increase with a percentage level of 42% in 2022 with a percentage of 45%. This is not in line with the behavior expected by the company, where employees should be able to come to the office on time and attend according to a predetermined schedule so that they can maximally do the work that has been given as the responsibility of each employee, so this indicates a problem with the organizational commitment of employees.
The researcher aims to close the gap in the research object by incorporating job satisfaction based on the description of the existing phenomena and conditions in the company PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik. Many businesses don’t place as much emphasis on how important it is to give employees a fulfilling job. This study is crucial so that businesses may understand how much worker satisfaction impacts work environment and organizational commitment to OCB. It is vital to do a review even though work satisfaction at PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik has been felt properly since job satisfaction is thought to strengthen the link between organizational climate and organizational commitment to OCB. In contrast to Priskila Kurnia Putri’s (2017) study, the findings of this study show that organizational commitment and climate have no impact on organizational citizenship behavior. Because of their tremendous workloads and lack of significant rewards, instructors do not exhibit OCB in the classroom. According to Robbins and Judge’s assertion, the primary determinant of an employee’s OCB behavior is their level of job satisfaction..
This study, which is an update of prior research, attempts to ascertain the relationship between organizational climate and organizational commitment to organizational citizenship behavior of PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik employees.
Organizational Climate Theory
Organizational climate is very important for a company. Because, the organizational climate will shape the attitude that employees will have towards their work. Organizational climate is a collection of perceptions of organizational members that can be measured about aspects of their work life that affect their motivation and behavior (Wendell, 2015). Individual views of a group of descriptors that set one organization apart from others and affect people’s behavior are referred to as an organization’s climate (Tastan, 2013). It can be said that the organizational climate is a state or atmosphere that is perceived directly or indirectly and influences employee behavior, which in turn affects how well the organization performs.
According to Timpe in Reski (2018) there are several indicators of organizational climate: 1) Group spirit, 2) Comfromity, 3) Responsibility, 4) Appreciation.
Organizational Commitmen Theory
Employees that are accountable for both their work and the organization they work for are needed by the business (Fajrina & Kustini, 2022). Each employee is expected to have a loyal nature toward the company, as this will foster a sense of concern for the company that will help it achieve its objectives. The term “organizational commitment” refers to a person’s (an employee’s) trust, loyalty, and dedication to the company. When individuals (employees) have high organizational commitment, they will have loyalty, trust, and loyalty to the organization where they will work (Imran Ukkas & Dirham Latif, 2017). Organizational commitment describes the relationship between individuals (employees) and organizations. According to Yuwono in Lukman (2017) According to what he wrote in his diary, devoted personnel have the capacity to enhance individual, group, and organizational performance..
High organizationally committed employees will voluntarily put out their best effort to advance the organization. They’ll make an effort to uphold the organization’s ideals and accomplish its objectives. Additionally, they will actively take part in expanding the business. Organizational commitment is a mindset that illustrates how much a person understands and is obligated to his organization. Employees’ willingness to work for a company in the future is measured by organizational commitment (Moorhead and Griffin, 2015). Employee commitment frequently indicates their conviction in the organization’s objective and goals, their willingness to put forth the necessary effort to complete the task at hand, and their desire to stay on staff. Individuals’ identification with the company and adherence to its objectives are shown in their organizational commitment (Kaswan, 2017). It is clear that organizational commitment is a person’s steadfast desire to uphold their membership in the group by putting the needs of the group and organizational objectives first.
There are numerous signs of organizational commitment, according to Shaleh (2018): 1) The presence of willingness among employees; 2) Employee loyalty; and 3) Employee pride in the company.
Organizational Citizenhip Behavior Theory
Individually free (discretionary) conduct, or OCB, is what does not directly and overtly get expectations from the formal incentive system but instead generally promotes the efficiency of organizational operations. It is free and voluntary since this behavior is chosen personally rather than being mandated by role specifications or job descriptions that are obviously demanded based on a contract with the business (Organ in Andi, 2017). OCB is a type of volunteer work done by members of an organization to support its operations. This conduct manifests itself in acts of altruism and compassion for others (Triani, 2020). It is clear that OCB is a free or voluntary attitude toward assisting coworkers who are having problems without anticipating a reward or incentive for performing extracurricular activities.
Several signs of OCB, according to Organ in Purjani and Riani (2019) include: Altruism, consciousness, and 3. Good sportsmanship Four: Courtesy, five: civic virtue.
Job Satisfaction Theory
Every human being has needs in life. The desire to fulfill these needs is what drives humans to carry out various activities. The needs that humans have are very diverse. The satisfaction of one person from one to another will vary, so satisfaction is individual. If compensation is commensurate with the amount of work performed, employees will be happier. According to Sutrisno (2016), job satisfaction is defined as an employee’s attitude toward their job in relation to workplace situations, employee cooperation, benefits received at work, and issues involving physical and psychological components. According to Jufrizen (2017), job satisfaction refers to an individual’s attitude and feelings regarding their work, work environment, rewards or rewards they receive, and evaluation of the results of their work. It can be said that a person’s mood of happiness or unhappiness at work is a subjective situation caused by drives or needs that are connected to his perception of reality..
According to Robbins & Judge in Fahmi (2019) there are several indicators of job satisfaction: 1) Job, 2) Supervision, 3) Promotion, 4) Salary 5) Coworkers.
Organizational Climate and OCB
The perspective of individuals and groups inside an organization that is connected to and affects how these employees behave within their organization is known as the organizational climate. Organizational climate greatly affects employee performance, if employees feel highly valued and the contributions they have made have received a positive response, employees will behave OCB (Owens in Oriza, 2016). Research conducted by Mukoffi & Tunggadewi (2018) believes that factors affecting organizational environment have a favorable and significant impact on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The results of this study prove that research related to organizational climate in accordance with positive organizational climate conditions provides a positive nuance and has an impact on the behavior of Human Resources (HR) in completing their obligations and responsibilities for the better.
Organizational climate influences organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and the more willingly members of the organization participate in efforts to achieve organizational goals—in this case, company employees—by going above and beyond what is required of them and carrying out tasks that are outside of their responsibilities, the more resources they can provide and how they can affect human resources.
H1 : Employees of PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik experience good effects on their OCB as a result of the workplace culture.
Organizational Commitment and OCB
According to George & Jones in Ningsih (2020), organizational commitment is the culmination of a person’s feelings and beliefs for their organization as a whole. This also applies to the organization as a whole. If there are employees who are unable to perform a job, these committed employees tend to assist their colleagues in order to achieve the goals anticipated by the organization without comparing their abilities with other employees. Employees who have organizational commitment will perform tasks that are not only tasks that have become their obligations, but also do other work. The organizational commitment variable, according to Dewi & Riana’s (2018) research, has a favorable and significant impact on OCB. The findings of this study demonstrate that organizational commitment research that takes into account employee loyalty and pride can affect how well OCB is implemented by employees.
In essence, employee commitment to the company and organizational citizenship cannot be separated since, as was mentioned earlier, employee commitment to the organization determines in large part whether or not work performance is above-par. The organizational commitment variable does, in fact, affect OCB, it can be said.
H2 : Organizational Commitment has a positive effect on OCB in employees of PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik.
Job Satisfaction and OCB
One can presume that the primary factor influencing organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is employee job satisfaction. When some aspects of happiness are met, employees are more likely to perform above and above what is required by the organization. According to Konovsky & Pugh in Kusumawati, et al. (2014), when workers are happy with their work, they will show it in kind. These workers’ responses include feelings of loyalty to the company and actions like organizational citizenship behavior (OCB).. According to research by Swaminathan & Jawahar (2013) suggests that factors affecting job satisfaction have a favorable and considerable impact on OCB. The findings of this study demonstrate that contented workers go above and beyond the call of duty and are more helpful to others..
It can be said that the variable measuring work satisfaction has an impact on OCB.
H3 : The OCB of PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik personnel is positively impacted by job satisfaction.
Job Satisfaction moderates the relationship between Organizational Climate and OCB
A positive work environment can affect how employees act. OCB. The existence of an organizational climate that feels fair will encourage employees to immediately achieve satisfaction at work. So that the organizational climate can provide a pleasant or unpleasant work environment for employees and will affect job satisfaction. The culture of the company has a good and significant impact on OCB. According to research by Lineker et al. (2016), contented workers go above and beyond the call of duty at work and significantly beyond standard expectations because they wish to spread their great experiences to others.
It can be said that the association between organizational climate and OCB can be strengthened by the job satisfaction variable.
H4 : PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik employees’ OCB is positively impacted by organizational climate, with job satisfaction acting as a moderating factor..
Job Satisfaction moderates the relationship between Organizational Commitment and OCB
The value of fostering OCB among employees cannot be divorced from their level of devotion to their jobs. According to Gautam in Partini (2020), employee dedication is what propels the development of OCB within the firm. Robbin and Judge’s 2018 film Mutiarni Organizational citizenship behavior can result from a variety of internal and external causes, such as high organizational commitment and employee job satisfaction. When workers are happy with the task they accomplish, they will put up their best effort to finish it, possibly even going above and beyond the call of duty.
According to research by Arifuddin et al. (2018), the organizational commitment variable significantly and favorably affects OCB. The findings of this study demonstrate that employees’ commitment to and sense of attachment to their employer are positively correlated. the better the OCB behavior. Conversely, employees with relatively low commitment will have OCB behavior which will also be relatively less good when compared to employees who have relatively high commitment.
H5 : PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik employees’ organizational commitment (OCB) is positively correlated with job satisfaction, which acts as a moderating factor.
Figure 1. Conceptual Frame Work
PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik personnel make up the population of this study, which employs quantitative approaches. Using a non-probability sampling approach and purposive sampling technique with the criteria for respondents in this study, the research sample was obtained. namely employees of PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik who were not included in the operational division and employees who had never filled out the OCB pre-survey questionnaire before. Data collecting through the use of an online Google Form that distributes a list of questions to respondents who meet the criteria. The partial least squares (PLS) analysis tool is used in the data analysis process, which employs the structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis method. All of the employees of PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik made up the sample in this study, which had a sample size of 42 people.
Validity and Reability Test
The amount of indicator variation identified in latent variables is represented by the term “Average Variance Extracted” (AVE). Convergent AVE acquisition must be more than 0.5 in order to be considered genuine. To be deemed consistent in measuring latent variables, the indicator’s composite reliability must be higher than 0.7..
Table 1. Avarage Extracted (AVE) and Composite Reliability
Variable | AVE | Composite Reliability |
Organizational Climate
(X1) |
0,782352 | 0,934858 |
Job Satisfication
(M) |
0,827388 | 0,959927 |
Organizational Commitment
(X2) |
0,824141 | 0,933582 |
Organizational Citizenship Behavior
(Y) |
0,822275 | 0,958542 |
Source : Data Processed 2023
The average variance extracted (AVE) value for each construct (variable) in reflective indicator variables reveals this. If the AVE of any construct is more than 0.5, a good model is necessary. In general, the variables in this study can be deemed to have good validity because the AVE test results for the Original Climate variable (X1) were 0,934858, the Original Commitment variable (X2) was 0,933582, the Job Satisfaction variable (M) was 0,959927 and the OCB (Y) was 0,958542. The Original Climate variable (X1), the Original Commitment variable (X2), the Job Satisfaction variable (M) and the OCB (Y) all have Composite Reliability values above 0.70, indicating that all variables in this study are reliable, according to the results of the Composite Reliability test.
Testing a structural model’s inner model The structural model is assessed using the goodness-of-fit model test known as the R-Square value. The R-square in the equation between the latent variables can be used to determine the inner model testing. The R2 number reflects how well the endogenous (dependent / dependent) variables can be explained by the exogenous (independent / free) variables in the model. R2 has a value of 0,951119. According to this interpretation, the model can account for the phenomenon OCB that are influenced by independent variables such as Original Climate, Original Commitment, Job Satisfaction with a variance of 95,11%, with the remaining 4.89% is explained by other variables outside this study (other than Organizational Climate, Job Satisfaction and Organizational). Commitment).
Figure 2 : T-Statistic Bootsraping (SEE IN PDF FILE)
Source : Data Processed 2023
The coefficient results and T-statistic values of the inner model for hypothesis testing are also provided in the following table. The value of the influence of exogenous (independent) factors on exogenous (dependent) variables is significant if the T-statistic value exceeds that of the T table and the p-value is less than the 5% significant threshold. Table 2 provides the results of the following hypothesis tests.
Table 2. Path Coefficients (Mean, STDEV, T-Values, P-Values)
Path Coefficients (O) | Sample Mean (M) | Standard Deviation (STDEV) | T Statistics (|O/STERR|) | P Values | |
X1 -> Y | 0,327611 | 0,345952 | 0,162637 | 2,014366 | 0,046 |
X2 -> Y | 0,837165 | 0,864218 | 0,167228 | 5,006128 | 0,000 |
M -> Y | 0,458568 | 0,467683 | 0,105302 | 4,354798 | 0,000 |
X1 * M -> Y | 0,811577 | 0,836469 | 0,250496 | 3,239874 | 0,002 |
X2 * M -> Y | 0,784536 | 0,826191 | 0,247537 | 3,169369 | 0,002 |
Source : Data Processed 2023
The Influence of Organizational Climate on OCB Employees of PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik
According to the research’s findings, PT Karya Abadi Express Logistics’ OCB personnel are significantly and favorably impacted by organizational climate. Considering the outcomes of the examination of the outer loading, it can be seen that the most influential indicator for Organizational Climate is group spirit. If employees have high group spirit, the climate will be created to be good or conducive. Because group spirit provides support for employees to complete the responsibilities given according to the job description and will voluntarily apply OCB to support the achievement of company goals. So it can be said that in order for employees to apply OCB at work, employees must have a good or conducive organizational climate. If the organizational climate produced by the company is not good or not conducive, it will be difficult for employees to apply OCB at work.
According to research by Suifan (2016), Ukkas and Latif (2017), Mukoffi & Tunggadewi (2018), and Khairuddin (2020), organizational climate has a positive and significant impact on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The results of this study are directly correlated with those findings.
The Influence of Organizational Commitment on OCB Employees of PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik
According to the findings of the research, organizational commitment has a favorable and significant impact on the OCB personnel of PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik. Based on the results of the Outer Loading analysis, it can be seen that the most influential indicator for Organizational Commitment is Employee Willingness. There were fluctuations in the percentage starting in 2020 with a percentage level of 38% and in 2021 there was an increase with a percentage level of 42% in 2022 with a percentage of 45%. If employees have a high willingness to complete their responsibilities, employees will come according to the specified schedule and can do the job optimally so as to achieve company goals and maintain their position and position. When other employees need help, organizational citizenship behavior will arise in accordance with the company’s demands for a sense of responsibility. Showing if the company demands workers to have a high sense of organizational commitment (Elvira & Kustini, 2022).
The findings of this study are directly related to the claim made by Lutahan in Petra (2020) that organizational commitment is no longer just represented by employees’ willingness to work for the company for a long time but also by their desire to give their best efforts and go above and beyond what is required of them. Of course, this can only occur if employees are content and happy in their jobs. The findings of this study are consistent with studies by Kurniawan (2020), Wahyuni & Supartha (2019), Sari, et al. (2021), and Sari, et al. (2019) that demonstrate the positive and significant impact of organizational commitment on employee OCB behavior.
The Influence of Job Satisfaction on OCB Employees of PT Karya Abadi Express Logistik
According to research findings, job satisfaction significantly and favorably affects OCB employees of PT Karya Abadi Express Logistics. Based on the outcomes of the examination of the outer loading, it can be seen that the most influential indicator for Organizational Commitment is receiving a salary that is in accordance with the responsibilities given. Salary is a multidimensional factor in job satisfaction. Money not only helps people to meet basic needs, but is also a tool to provide satisfaction needs to a higher level. Employees see salary as a reflection of how management views their contribution to the company. Additional benefits are also important, but not as influential.
Job satisfaction is able to influence organizational citizenship behavior, this is shown from the research of Pitaloka & Sofia (2015) which states that if employees are satisfied with their work, they will support the company’s goals, objectives, and will defend themselves. The results of this study are directly proportional to the statement by the opinion of research conducted by Larasati, et al (2017), Darmawan (2022), and Rizki & Rikha (2019) that good job satisfaction will make employees feel involved and responsible in doing their work, so job satisfaction has a positive effect on OCB.
The Influence of Job Satisfaction Moderating the Relationship between Organizational Climate and OCB Employees of PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik
The findings of the research demonstrate that Job Satisfaction significantly and positively moderates the association between Organizational Climate and OCB among employees of PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik. The results of the discussion of this study explain that job satisfaction strengthens the relationship between organizational climate and OCB, so the higher or better the job satisfaction of employees, the better or more conducive the climate that is created becomes conducive so that the higher the interest of employees to apply OCB.
This shows that Job Satisfaction is considered to moderate the Organizational Climate relationship so that employees apply OCB at work. If employees feel job satisfaction at work, the better or more conducive the resulting climate is so that it helps employees voluntarily do work outside their responsibilities or OCB.
The Influence of Job Satisfaction Moderating the Relationship between Organizational Commitment and OCB Employees of PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik
The findings of the research demonstrate that Job Satisfaction significantly and positively moderates the association between Organizational Commitment and OCB among employees of PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik. According to the study’s findings, work satisfaction improves the link between organizational commitment and OCB., so if employees feel satisfied in their personal lives, employees will have a high sense of commitment so that in maintaining their position or position in the company so that they will voluntarily carry out their responsibilities to achieve company goals both in job descriptions and outside of work.
This shows that Job Satisfaction is considered to moderate the relationship between Organizational Commitment to OCB at work. If employees feel job satisfaction at work, the better or more conducive the resulting climate will be, helping employees voluntarily do work outside their responsibilities or OCB.
The following inferences can be made in light of the data analysis findings and earlier discussions regarding the organizational climate and organizational commitment to organizational citizenship behavior of PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik employees using job satisfaction as a moderating variable.: (1) Organizational climate influences employees of PT Karya Abadi Express Logistik’s organizational citizenship behavior, and 2) organizational commitment influences that behavior. (3) Employees of PT Karya Abadi Express Logistik’s organizational citizenship behavior is influenced by job satisfaction, (4) Job satisfaction helps to moderate the relationship between organizational climate and employees of PT Karya Abadi Express Logistik’s organizational citizenship behavior, and (5) Job satisfaction helps to moderate the relationship between organizational commitment and employees of PT Karya Abadi Express Logistik’s organizational citizenship behavior. The author can make a number of recommendations based on the conclusions above, including: The author can make a number of recommendations based on the conclusions above, including: (1) PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik is expected to maintain and improve the organizational climate because the organizational climate is created well or conducive because of the group spirit, the level of cooperation between superiors and subordinates at work is very good so that it facilitates the implementation of work, in order to increase OCB because it has been proven that organizational climate has an effect on OCB, (2) Given that organizational commitment is owned by the willingness to be willing to make extra efforts in addition to the work that has been determined for the benefit of the organization, in order to increase OCB because it has been demonstrated that organizational commitment has an effect on OCB, PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik is expected to maintain and improve organizational commitment, (3) PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik is expected to maintain and improve job satisfaction because job satisfaction is felt because of the acceptance that is in accordance with the job responsibilities given, in order to increase OCB because it has been proven that job satisfaction has an effect on OCB, (4) As a consideration for future research, researchers suggest using or adding other variables that have not been shown in this research which can be used to improve OCB.
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The Role of Job Satisfaction as a Moderating Variable on the Relationship between Organizational Climate and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Olivia Margareta Purnama Juwita Boru Manihuruk1, Kustini Kustini2
1,2 Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Vol 3 No 9 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 09 September 2023
Article Date Published : 4 September 2023 | Page No.: 1825-1832
Abstract :
With work satisfaction acting as a moderating variable, this study is helpful in determining the impact of organizational climate and organizational commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in employees of PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik. Quantitative descriptive research is what this study is. 82 PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik personnel made up the study’s sample. Purposive sampling was utilized as the sample method in this investigation. All PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik employees, excluding those in the operational division, who had never completed an OCB pre-survey made up the study’s sample. SEM-PLS (Partial Least Squares) is the data analysis approach applied in this study. The findings of this study suggest that job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational climate, and organizational commitment all influence organizational citizenship behavior. Organizational climate also influences organizational commitment, and organizational commitment also influences organizational citizenship behavior, with job satisfaction acting as a moderating variable.
Keywords :
Organizational Climate, Organizational Commitment, Customer Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship BehaviorReferences :
- Andi Hendrawan, H., & Sucahyawati, I. (2017). Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) pada Karyawan Akademi Maritim Nusantara. Jurnal Unimus, 39–48.
- Dewi, K. D. C., & Riana, I. G. (2018). Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Komitmen Organisasional.
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Author's Affiliation
Olivia Margareta Purnama Juwita Boru Manihuruk1, Kustini Kustini2
1,2 Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 3 No 9 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 09 September 2023
- Page No.: 1825-1832
- Published : 4 September 2023
- DOI:
How to Cite :
The Role of Job Satisfaction as a Moderating Variable on the Relationship between Organizational Climate and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Olivia Margareta Purnama Juwita Boru Manihuruk, Kustini Kustini , 3(9), 1825-1832. Retrieved from
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