The Implementation of Public Relations in Enhancing Competitiveness at Smk Negeri 1 Boyolangu, Tulungagung, Indonesia
Santika1. Akhyak2. Asrop Safi’I3.
1,2,3 Postgraduate Program of UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung.
ABSTRACT: This research is motivated by the phenomenon of school public relations management to win the hearts of the community and prospective students as the best choice. This program aims to convey information about the school and build opinions about the school’s competitiveness. One of the ways to achieve this is through school public relations management at the forefront of the school in the field of information and relations with stakeholders in planning, implementation, and evaluation.
The research question is: How does public relations implementation enhance competitiveness at SMKN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung? This research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach using a multi-case design at SMKN 1 Boyolangu. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis includes single-case and cross-case analyses using data reduction, presentation, and conclusions.
The results of this research are as follows: the implementation includes a) publicity, b) educational cooperation, and c) partnerships. The research findings support the theory of public relations functions by Cutlip & Center, Harlow, Broom, and Keith Butterick, J.C, Seidel, as well as the opinion of Emerson Reck that public relations is a two-way communication activity between an institution and its public. In addition, Kotler’s opinion is that school public relations sometimes act as human relations only sometimes combines a marketing role, and at times tends to be marketing-oriented only.
KEYWORDS: Public Relations Implementation, Public Relations Management, School Competitiveness.
Era 4.0, characterized by freedom of information that can be obtained anytime and anywhere, makes it easy for the public to obtain the broadest possible information regarding education and the desired educational services. Only armed with gadgets people can choose and sort educational institutions according to the service specifications, quality, and funding they want. For the management of educational institutions, it is a challenge to provide complete and easy-to-access information to gain public trust. The overall institutional information indirectly affirms the quality of competitive education that can be implemented in line with the demands of community responsibility (financing).
In some efforts to make a competitive and superior school, school management is faced with the problem of being able to create and or offer various programs that are relatively better than others. Excellence in competitiveness is reflected in eight essential criteria, namely: a) students who enter are strictly selected and accountable based on academic achievement, psychological tests, and physical tests; b) educational facilities and infrastructure are met and conducive to the learning process; c) climate and atmosphere supportive for learning activities; d) teachers and education personnel have high professionalism and an adequate level of welfare; e) improvising the curriculum to meet the needs of students who generally have a high motivation to learn compared to students of their age; f) student study hours are generally longer due to curriculum demands and student learning needs; g) the learning process is of higher quality and can be accounted for by students and their guardians; h) beneficial to the environment. (Department of Education, 1996)
Still related to competitiveness, the spearhead of managing competitiveness in educational institutions is school public relations with its promotion and communication (marketing) functions. Wijaya emphasized that marketing is crucial in winning inter-madrasah competitions (David Wijaya, 2012). In line with this opinion, Muhaimin stated that marketing helps madrasas face a better future and increases prospective applicants at the madrasa (Muhaimin et al., 2012). In a more general context, Kotler refers to marketing as the key to achieving organizational goals that are more effective than competitors in creating, presenting, and communicating organizational values to target audiences. (Phillip Kotler. 1994). As generally applies in educational institutions, this marketing function is carried out by public relations, especially in promoting (promotion) and information services. Matters related to how school public relations can carry out promotional and publicity activities to improve the institution’s image in the eyes of prospective students and student guardians. (Ngaripin, 2011).
Other research results show the importance of institutional relationships with institutions and society; ideally, there should be a harmonious relationship between the organization and the community. If not, the public will be reluctant to give their aspirations. Moreover, the community needs to obtain accurate and transparent information related to the process and management of education that occurs in schools, resulting in a gap in the relationship between schools and the community as education customers. (Dean Kruckeberg, 1998). The lack of an optimal role of public relations in the organization causes the lack of cooperation between institutions and the community. The public relations function needs to be appropriately placed in educational institutions. (Shahram Gilaninia, 2013). This gap can impact the community’s values, perceptions, and opinions toward the unfavorable image of educational institutions. The position of public relations in educational institutions can activate public views and opinions on education carried out by a school or educational institution. (Kingsley Agyapong, 2013). The development of educational institutions in global life must improve quality and institutions. (S. Ali Jadid, 2017). On the local dimension, the educational vision must-have elements: accountability, relevance, quality, institutional autonomy, and cooperation network. On the global dimension, the vision of educational institutions has three aspects: competitiveness, quality, and cooperation network. (H. A. R. Tilaar, 2000).
Public relations are often interpreted as “public relations (public relations).” The use of the term public relations is still a topic of discussion among communication science academics as the parent of public relations. The meaning of “public” in public relations differs from “society” in public relations. The term society is too broad, while the public is only part of that wider society. The public is a group of people or groups with the same interest or concern for something. The same interests bind members of the public to each other. (Rachmat Kriyantono, 2012)
Viewed etymologically, public relations (PR) consist of 2 (two) words: public and relations. In Indonesian, the first word means society, and the second word means relationships. So, public relations mean relationships with the public or society. The public referred to in public relations is the group of people who are the target. This means that the public involved here is divided into two types: internal public and external public. The internal public is all levels of personnel in an institution or company, from top management to the lowest layers, vertically, diagonally, and horizontally. The external public is a group of publics involved in an activity, which is the implementation of the public relations function.
Returning to the use of the terms above because it is considered normal, the term public relations (PR) to define the term public relations does not need to be questioned anymore. Cultip and Center say that public relations are:
- an interpretive communication activity;
- communication and ideas from an institution to its public, and
- It is communicating information, ideas, and opinions from the public to the institution honestly to foster mutual interests and create harmony between the institution and its community. (Kustadi Suhandang, 2004)
Public Relations (public relations) is an art and a social science discipline that analyzes various trends, predicts every possible consequence of each activity, provides input and suggestions to organizational leaders, and implements planned action programs to serve the organization’s public needs and interests (Frida Kusumastuti, 2002). Relations with the community are activities to instill and gain understanding, goodwill, trust, and respect from the public, a body in particular, and society in general. (B. Suryosubroto, 2004).
After reviewing more or less 472 definitions of public relations, Dr. Rex Harlow, in his book entitled A Model for Public Relations Education for Professional Practices published by the International Public Relations Association (IPRA) 1978, states that the definition of public relations is a distinctive management function and supports the development and maintenance of a common path between an organization and its public. , involving communication activities, understanding, acceptance, and cooperation, involving management in issues/problems, being able to respond to public opinion, supporting management in following and utilizing change effectively, acting as an early warning system in anticipating trends using research and healthy communication techniques and ethics as the primary means. (Rosady Ruslan, 2016).
Ibrahim Bafadhal quoted Leslie stating that school and community relations are a communication process between the school and the community to increase community members’ understanding of educational needs and practices and encourage interest and cooperation among residents to improve schools. (Ibrahim Bafadal, 2004). Meanwhile, according to Hadari Nawawi, public relations is a series of organizational/agency activities to create harmonious relationships with the community or certain parties outside the organization to obtain support for the efficiency and effectiveness of work implementation consciously and voluntarily. Harmonious relationships as a result of public relations work appear as follows:
- There is mutual understanding between the organization/agency and external parties.
- There are activities to help each other because they know each role’s benefits, meaning, and importance.
- There is close cooperation with each party, and they feel partly responsible for the success of the other party’s business (Hadari Nawawi, 1996).
- According to Terry, as quoted by Sagala, actuating means stimulating group members to carry out tasks with enthusiasm and goodwill. (Sagala, Syaiful, 2005).
Keith Davis (in Sagala) states that moving is the ability of a leader to persuade people to achieve the goals that have been set with enthusiasm. So, the leader drives with enthusiasm, and the followers also work with enthusiasm. (Sagala, Syaiful, 2005) In implementing/instituting school-community relations, it is necessary to pay attention to coordination between various parts and activities. In the use of time, there is a need for synchronization. (Soetjipto and Raflis Kosasi, 2004). Included in mobilization is motivation as one factor that influences the effectiveness of activities. (M. Manullang, 1985). Meanwhile, facilities, namely all things needed to achieve the goals set.
This study uses a qualitative approach, which is intended to understand phenomena about things experienced by research subjects, such as behavior, perceptions, motivations, actions, etc., holistically and utilizing descriptions in the form of words and language in a particular context that is natural and by utilizing various natural methods. (Lexy J. Meloeng, 1996). Bodgan and Tailor, as cited by Moleong, define it as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observable behavior. (Lexy J. Moleong, 2006). According to W. Mantja, qualitative research is to produce descriptive data in the form of writing about people or people’s words and their visible and visible behavior. (W. Mantja, 2003). Anselm Strauss and Juliet Corbin argue that “qualitative research is a type of research whose findings are not obtained through statistical procedures or other forms of computation. (Anselm Strauss and Juliet Corbin, 2003).
The mindset in qualitative research is inductive. An inductive mindset is a way of thinking based on repeated experiences or a method used to gain scientific knowledge, starting from observations of specific matters or problems and then drawing general conclusions. (Abd. Rachaman Assegaf, 2007).
The type of research used is field research using a multicase design. This study uses a multicase study design to describe a setting, object, or event in detail and depth. Case study/case study is research that aims to intensively study a particular social unit, including individuals, groups, institutions, and society. (Yatim Riyanto, 2001). Furthermore, the researcher uses a multi-site study type of research, in which the use of this method is due to an empirical inquiry that investigates temporary phenomena in real-life contexts when the boundaries between phenomena and contexts are not visible and the multiple factual sources used. This is as emphasized by Bogdan and Biklen, “multicase studies are oriented more towards developing theory and they usually require many sites or subjects rather than two or three.”
In qualitative research, researchers must be present in the field because researchers are the main research instrument (the instrument of choice in naturalistic inquiry is the human) (YS et al. Guba, 1985). The research was conducted at SMK Negeri 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung. In broadcasting and information production competence, SMK Negeri 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung collaborated with some local television stations such as JTV, Sigi TV, Madu TV, BBS TV, Metro TV, Trans TV, TVRI Surabaya, and MNC TV, many professionals engaged in shooting services, such as Maliq Video Production and Sony Video Production.
Data collection in this study used three techniques to obtain data holistically and interactively. In-depth interviews, Participant Observation, Documentation. According to Miles and Huberman, qualitative research data analysis can be carried out through three streams of activities that co-occur, namely: l) data reduction, 2) data presentation (data display, and 3) conclusion drawing/verification).
The working model of the analysis can be seen in the two pictures below: (Miles M.B & Huberman A. Mikel, 1992)
Several techniques for checking data validity include extending participation, diligent observation, triangulation, peer examination through discussion, negative case analysis, referential adequacy, member checking, detailed descriptions, and auditing. Of the several data examination techniques that can be used, the researchers determined two main techniques in this study: extending participation and triangulation.
Public Relations of SMKN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung utilizes all available information channels within the school’s reach, although with almost the same material on each channel (information media). This action reflects two fundamental objectives. First, it makes it easier for the public to access school information according to the information media they have. This is based on the consideration that public mastery or interest in information media is relatively diverse. Some people have access to all information channels. Some have access to only a few social media accounts. Some can only access information through print media such as brochures, banners, or school calendars. Second, color all information channels with school identity. This is intended so that information about the school will immediately appear in the reading or vision room whenever someone accesses one of the information channels.
Departing from the two fundamental objectives of using information channels, by coloring all public spaces offline and online, visual, audio, and audiovisual, the ultimate goal is influencing (stimulus) public opinion towards schools. With a reasonable opinion, the public can hope for the school. In terms of the choice of information channels, according to Walgito’s opinion, the level of public acceptance of the stimulus is influenced by the intensity of conveying information and repeating the information that is carried out. (Bimo Walgito, 2002). Socialization material contains school profile data, new student admissions programs, and school activities using content that embodies the excellence of the institution’s vision, mission, and objectives in the form of articles, photos, and videos.
The main task of school public relations is to instill and gain understanding, trust, interest, and appreciation as the best choice (goodwill) from specific publics (prospective students) and society in general (B. Suryosubroto) through a process of communication between schools and society. (Ibrahim Bafadal, 2004),
Related to socialization material (publication), besides aiming to provide information to the public, conditions with the interest of influencing public opinion as an educational institution of choice. This can be seen from the majority of information schools provide to the public, which is usually limited to the school’s profile, vision, mission and goals, facilities, documentation of selected activities, achievements, and promotion of programs for accepting new students. While there is a need for pragmatic information related to the educational process and educational administration that is carried out, school public relations tend to limit itself to giving a ‘message’ to the community to deal directly with school administrators.
The characteristics of this socialization material are a general phenomenon in line with the concept of competitiveness. The basic principle by which society measures the competitiveness of institutions is work productivity (educational process) and the side of comparative advantage (comparative advantage factors) and competitive advantage (competitive advantage factors) (Michael Porter, 2020). (Tambunan, T.T.H, 2020). In this case, school public relations productivity is influenced by the material capital (information material) owned under these comparative and competitive criteria. This can be seen from the comparison of public relations productivity at SMKN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung. SMKN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung has comparative and competitive information material capital in terms of the variety of school activities, educational facilities, and student or institutional achievements.
This difference in information material capital certainly also influences the performance of school public relations in influencing public opinion, both in terms of intensity of information delivery, strength of information, size of information, changes in material and appearance of information, repetition of information, and contrast (differentiation) of the information conveyed. (Bimo Walgito, 2002). Publication of existing school learning programs is done by a) publication of the school’s profile and physical condition; b) publication of exciting events held or attended by the school which the school can be proud of; c) publication of department activities and their facilities; d) publication of school activities with institutions and agencies; e) publication of new student acceptance programs.
The reflection (image) of a school’s competitiveness can be seen from the character and achievements of students, educational facilities and infrastructure, teaching and learning climate, professionalism, and level of welfare of teachers and education personnel, curriculum improvisation, student study hours, the learning process and contribution to the environment (Depdikbud, 1996). Likewise, Mulyasana said that some institutions implemented a strategy to strengthen Human Resources (HR), some chose to strengthen the facilities sector, some chose to strengthen the funding sector, and some chose to focus on maintaining and strengthening networks. (Dedi Mulyasana, 2012)
Referring to the Indonesian Education Authorities and Mulyasana concepts regarding school competitiveness above, regarding the researcher’s observation of the appearance of publications on the web and social media, public relations at SMKN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung has met the above criteria. The publication of the SMKN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung learning program has presented various majors supported by various complete and modern departmental facilities, student activities related to the majors, and various achievements achieved at both local and national levels. Establishing cooperation (partnerships) with stakeholders is carried out with district, sub-district, village governments, National Army and Police, universities, and business entities.
The findings of this research are in line with several research results regarding several factors that influence prospective students’ choices in choosing a school, including recommendations from people around them, educational agencies and institutions, alums, alums’ contribution to society, and absorption in the job market, and publications. (Mukhamad Abdullah, 2016). The choice of parents of prospective students, who are more considerate, accreditation status, school fees, school facilities, strategic location, variety of majors, choice of student activities, quality of teachers, ease of acceptance of graduates in the world of work, quality of alums, image of the school, and religious values (morality). (Lulu Wulanjanu, 2012).
Supporting the new student admission program is carried out through a) publication on social media, banners, and brochures; b) cooperation with SMP/MTs educational institutions; c) cooperation with the National Education Office; d) cooperation with community organizations; e) involving students and alums; f) direct contact with prospective students.
All activities carried out by an educational institution as a provider of educational services are oriented towards the availability of students as subjects and objects of education following the desired quality and quantity. All work programs are carried out by Public Relations of SMKN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung, except for cooperation with institutions or business entities as places for student internships, whose curriculum demands are oriented towards input (student) achievements. Recruiting new students is a fundamental open space for school competition.
Mulyasana stated that several factors, including the imbalance in the growth rate of educational institutions and potential users of educational services, caused the intense competition between educational institutions. (Mulyasana, 2011). Public Relations of SMKN 1 Boyolangu utilizes promotional media for New Student Admissions through banners, brochures, and social media. As an established and elite educational institution in the Tulungagung area, along with other State Vocational Schools, open space to influencing the interest of prospective students lies in program or department facilities, student and institutional activities, and student achievement. Therefore, Public Relations of SMKN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung in its publications displays more information and documentation of the three segments. The competition between SMKN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung and several public SMKs in Tulungagung is not limited to fulfilling student quotas but rather how the quota or ceiling set by the National Education Department is met by prospective students who excel in their schools (SMP/MTs).
In contrast to the challenges of SMKN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung in getting qualified students, State Vocational Schools in Tulungagung are faced with three fundamental problems. First, a government policy protects educational institutions organized by the government compared to those held by the community. Second, the mindset of the community in particular and prospective students generally trust educational institutions organized by the government compared to those organized by the community. Third, limited capital to issue funds that do not return directly (advertising, human resource development, facilities, and special facilities). (Mulyasana, 2011).
Getting around these weaknesses, Public Relations of SMKN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung adopted a strategy of accepting new students by distributing brochures and banners, meeting face-to-face with prospective students at SMP/MTs, and inviting students by inviting their friends.
The research results can be concluded by referring to the focus, research questions, data presentation, and research findings regarding the implementation of public relations in increasing competitiveness.
Implementation of Public Relations in increasing competitiveness at SMKN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung SMK NU Tulungagung:
- Publication work program through pamphlets, brochures, websites, Instagram, YouTube, Internet, radio, television, and mass media with school profile material, department programs, new student admission programs, and school activities using content that reflects the embodiment of superior vision, mission, and objectives of the institution in the form of articles, photos, and videos.
- Collaboration with educational institutions, communities, community organizations, National Army/Police, and Business Entities through educational collaboration and internships.
- Support for the student admission program is carried out through print and online media publications, collaboration with SMP/MTs, related education agencies, and school community involvement.
Public Relations at these two institutions should continue to develop forms of strategic cooperation programs with various parties, increasing intensity and creativity in conveying information to the public according to the media that is of interest to the public.
- School committees/foundations should assist in the availability of technology-based public relations facilities and disseminate information (publications) by school public relations.
- For guardians of students/students to help disseminate information (publications) by school public relations.
- Teachers should participate and contribute their expertise to create various innovative learning activities to enrich public relations material in building public opinion as an attractive school.
- Students should develop creativity to participate in building interesting information materials and participate in disseminating school information through the information media they have.
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The Implementation of Public Relations in Enhancing Competitiveness at Smk Negeri 1 Boyolangu, Tulungagung, Indonesia
Santika1, Akhyak2, Asrop Safi’I3
1,2,3 Postgraduate Program of UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung.
Vol 3 No 9 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 09 September 2023
Article Date Published : 19 September 2023 | Page No.: 1919-1925
Abstract :
This research is motivated by the phenomenon of school public relations management to win the hearts of the community and prospective students as the best choice. This program aims to convey information about the school and build opinions about the school’s competitiveness. One of the ways to achieve this is through school public relations management at the forefront of the school in the field of information and relations with stakeholders in planning, implementation, and evaluation.
The research question is: How does public relations implementation enhance competitiveness at SMKN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung? This research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach using a multi-case design at SMKN 1 Boyolangu. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis includes single-case and cross-case analyses using data reduction, presentation, and conclusions.
The results of this research are as follows: the implementation includes a) publicity, b) educational cooperation, and c) partnerships. The research findings support the theory of public relations functions by Cutlip & Center, Harlow, Broom, and Keith Butterick, J.C, Seidel, as well as the opinion of Emerson Reck that public relations is a two-way communication activity between an institution and its public. In addition, Kotler’s opinion is that school public relations sometimes act as human relations only sometimes combines a marketing role, and at times tends to be marketing-oriented only.
Keywords :
Public Relations Implementation, Public Relations Management, School Competitiveness.References :
- Rachaman Assegaf, 2007, Desain Riset Sosial-Keagamaan, Yogyakarta: Gama Media.
- Anselm Strauss dan Juliet Corbin, 2003, Dasar-dasar Penelitian Kualitatif: Tata Langkah dan Teknik-teknik Teoritisasi Data, terj. Muhammad Shodiq dkk, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
- Suryosubroto, 2004, Manajemen Pendidikan Sekolah, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, Edisi Revisi,
- Bimo Walgito, 2002, Pengantar Psikologi Umum, Yogyakarta: Andi Offset,
- David Wijaya, 2012, Pemasaran Jasa Pendidikan, Mengapa Sekolah Memerlukan Marketing, Jakarta: Salemba Empat,
- Dean Kruckeberg, (1998). The Future of PR Education: Some Recommendations, Journal Public Relation Review, vol 24 No 2
- Dedi Mulyasana, 2012, Pendidikan Bermutudan Berdaya Saing, Bandung: PT RemajaRosdakarya
- Depdikbud, 1996, Pengembangan Sekolah Unggul, (Jakarta: Depdikbud, 1994). Lihat David Reynolds dan Peter Cuttance, School Effectiveness: Research, Policy, and Practice, London: Cassel,
- Frida Kusumastuti, 2002, Dasar Dasar Humas, Jakarta: Ghalia
- A. R. Tilaar, 2000, Paradigma Baru Pendidikan Nasional, Jakarta: Rineka cipta
- Hadari Nawawi, 1996, Administrasi Pendidikan, Jakarta: PT Gunung Agung, Cet. Ke-13.
- Ibrahim Bafadal, 2004, Dasar-Dasar Manajemen dan Supervisi Taman Kanak-Kanak, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, Cet. 1
- Kingsley Agyapong, (2013). Educational Public Relations Functions in Private Tertiary Universities in Ghana, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Bussiness, Vol 4 No 11, March 2013
- Kustadi Suhandang, 2004, Public Relations Perusahaan Kajian Program lmplementasi, Bandung : Nuansa Cendekia
- Lexy J. Meloeng, 1996, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif, Remaja Rosdakarya, Bandung
- Lexy J. Moleong, 2006, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatf: Edisi Revisi, Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya,
- Lulu Wulanjanu, 2012, Analisis Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pilihan Perguruan Tinggi Swasta(Studi Kasus Orang Tua Siswa Kelas XII SMA Islam Al Azhar 1, 2, 3, Jakarta; Universitas Islam Al-Azhar,
- Manullang, 1985 Dasar-dasar Manajemen, Yudhistira, Jakarta
- Michael Porter, (2020). “The Competitive Advantage of Nations,”dalam Diakses 12 Maret 2020
- Miles M.B & Huberman A.Mikel, (1992). Qualitative Data Analisis, Beverly Hills: SAGE Publication, Inc,
- Muhaimin, 2012, Manajemen Pendidikan: Aplikasi dalam Penyusunan Rencana Pengembangan Sekolah, Jakarta:Kencana
- Mukhamad Abdullah,2016 Minat Siswa/Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) dan Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Kota Kediri Melanjutkan ke Perguruan Tinggi, Jurnal Realita Vol. 14 No 2 Juli 2016
- Mulyasana, 2011, Pendidikan Bermutu dan Berdaya Saing, (Bandung, Rosda, 2011) Mulyasana, Pendidikan Bermutu dan Berdaya Saing, (Bandung, Rosda, 2011), Ngaripin, Model Strategi Pemasaran Pendidikan SMK Plus As-Salafiyah Krangkeng Indramayu Jawa Barat, tahun
- Phillip Kotler. 1994, Manejemen Pemasaran, Jakarta: Prehallindo
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Author's Affiliation
Santika1, Akhyak2, Asrop Safi’I3
1,2,3 Postgraduate Program of UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung.
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 3 No 9 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 09 September 2023
- Page No.: 1919-1925
- Published : 19 September 2023
- DOI:
How to Cite :
The Implementation of Public Relations in Enhancing Competitiveness at Smk Negeri 1 Boyolangu, Tulungagung, Indonesia. Santika, Akhyak, Asrop Safi’I , 3(9), 1919-1925. Retrieved from
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