The Relationship between Welfare and Work Motivation with the Work Productivity of Family Planning Extension Workers in the Administrative City of East Jakarta
Rachmat Sangadji1, Veithzal Rivai Zainal2, Azis Hakim3
1Student Administrative Masters Program University of Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
2Professor Master of Administrative Sciences University of Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
3Lecturer Master of Administrative Sciences University of Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: The formulation of the problem in formulation of the problem in the research is how much the relationship between welfare and work motivation partially and simultaneously with work productivity at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration. This research aims to determine and examine the relationship between welfare and work motivation partially and simultaneously with work productivity at the East Jakarta City Administration Family Planning Office.
The research method uses a survey with a quantitative approach that is correlational with a sampling technique that is saturated sampling, namely a sample research technique when all members of the population are used as samples, another term for saturated samples is all, where all members of the population are used as samples. In this study, the number of samples was 110 respondents. The variables studied are welfare (X1) and work motivation (X2 ) as independent variables, while work productivity is the dependent variable (Y).
Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that from the results of the discussion and research, namely: a) The results of the hypothesis test for the welfare variable and work productivity obtained a correlation coefficient value of 0.796. Meanwhile, the coefficient of determination is r 2 = 0.634, meaning that 63.4% of work productivity is determined by welfare, and the remaining 36.6% is determined by other factors. This means that the Ha hypothesis is accepted, namely that there is a strong and significant positive relationship between welfare and work productivity. b) The results of the hypothesis test for the work motivation variable and work productivity obtained a correlation coefficient of 0.765. Meanwhile, the coefficient of determination is r 2 = 0.586, meaning that 58.6% of work productivity is determined by work motivation, and the remaining 41.4% is determined by other factors, this means that the Ha hypothesis is accepted, namely that there is a strong and significant positive relationship between work motivation and work productivity. . c) To test the hypothesis of a double correlation between the variables of well-being and work motivation together with work productivity, a correlation coefficient value of 0.828 was obtained. Meanwhile, the coefficient of determination is R 2 = 0.686, meaning that together, work productivity is 68.6% determined by welfare and work motivation, and the remaining 31.4% is determined by other factors, this means the Ha hypothesis is accepted, namely, there is a very strong relationship and significant relationship between well-being and work motivation together with work productivity.
KEYWORDS: Welfare, Work Motivation, Work Productivity
Regional Apparatus Work Unit (UKPD) of the City Administration Family Planning Office, by Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 10 of 2008 concerning Regional Apparatus Organizations of DKI Jakarta Province, and Governor Regulation Number 120 of 2009 concerning Organization and Work Procedures of Community and Women’s Empowerment Agencies, and Family Planning (BPMP and KB), is a BPMP and KB line work unit in the City Administration which has the main task of implementing the Management of Reproductive Health Services, Development, and Family Services to achieve a Prosperous Family as well as increasing community awareness and participation in KB programs within the scope of Administrative City area, this is also following Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 13 of 2006 concerning Guidelines for Regional Financial Management as amended by Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 59 of 2007.
Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 1 of 2008 concerning Regional Medium Term Development Plans (RPJMD) for 2007-2012. The Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD), is an elaboration of the Governor’s vision and mission, and programs which contain general regional development policies, general regional financial policies, SKPD strategies and programs, cross SKPDs, and regional programs accompanied by work plans within the regulatory framework and indicative funding framework. The RPJMD is determined by a Regional Regulation followed by the Medium Term Development Plan for the Regional Work Unit, hereinafter referred to as the SKPD Renstra, which is a planning document for the Regional Work Unit for five years.
Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 1 of 2008 concerning Regional Medium Term Development Plans (RPJMD) for 2007-2012. Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD), the DKI Jakarta Province Community and Women’s Empowerment and Family Planning Agency (BPMP and KB) has the task of carrying out 3 (three) Mandatory Affairs, namely: 1) Community and Village Empowerment (RW) Affairs; 2) Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Affairs; and 3) Family Planning and Family Welfare Affairs.
The East Jakarta Administrative City Family Planning Office is an extension of the DKI Jakarta Provincial BPMP and KB, which carries out one of the BPMP and KB affairs, namely Family Planning (KB) affairs. As accountability for the implementation of the Family Planning (KB) and Family Prosperity (KS) programs for the 2011 fiscal year, as mandated by Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 1 of 2008, it is necessary to submit it in the form of an Annual Report of the East Jakarta City Administrative Family Planning Office. The preparation of the Annual Report of the East Jakarta Administrative City Family Planning Office for 2011 was fully guided by the Decree of the Governor of the Province of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Number 6 of 2004 concerning Reporting Guidelines within the Government of the Province of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta and the Instruction of the Governor of the Province of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Number 84 of 2008 concerning Submission of the Regional Apparatus Work Unit (SKPD)/Regional Apparatus Work Unit (UKPD) Implementation Report for the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Provincial Government, and the 2011 Family Planning Office Annual Report.
Policy direction in Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 1 of 2008 concerning Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) 2007-2012 for SKPD Community and Women’s Empowerment Agency, and Family Planning (BPMP and KB) DKI Jakarta Province and KB Office City Administration as parts of the BPMP and KB are in line with the policy direction.
With the increasingly rapid development of organizations, this is why human resources are required to play the maximum role in activities. In addition to improving performance, it is also to increase the work productivity of Family Planning Instructors, in connection with this they are also required to adapt to various aspects of life. Starting from the way you think, act, and evaluate yourself regarding all the actions you have taken. Thus, Family Planning Counselors are required to have good work productivity in carrying out their duties following the responsibilities given to them.
The low work productivity of a Family Planning Instructor () at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration can be caused by several factors, in this case, welfare factors and work motivation are still dominant. Poor well-being and low work motivation can mean that the target for achieving goals in the organization will not be achieved because these two things will affect employee work productivity as a whole.
Work productivity is something important in achieving organizational goals. Achieving optimal goals is the result of good team or individual performance. Matters that are thought to be related to the work productivity of Family Planning Counselors include (a) welfare, (b) work motivation, (c) education, and (d) training. Welfare and work motivation support completing tasks in the office. Apart from elements of welfare and work motivation, education and training are also the main supports for the smooth completion of office tasks.
Likewise, what causes a Family Planning Counselor to want to have high welfare, the answer is the strength of encouragement from within and from outside the person to do the best they can. To realize a good welfare goal for a Family Planning Instructor, it is hoped that he will form himself to have a mindset and attitude and have broad insight so that the person will work well and support the tasks that must be completed to achieve the organization’s vision and mission that has been set. set. Welfare plays an important role in organizational productivity and the work productivity of Family Planning Counselors.
Welfare without being supported by high work motivation cannot run well. Because with low welfare there will not be high work motivation in a Family Planning Instructor.
In carrying out their work activities, Family Planning Counselors at the East Jakarta City Administration Family Planning Office still face some obstacles and problems that need to be resolved, such as:
- The welfare of Family Planning Instructors is not yet optimal due to the instructor’s rights not being fulfilled, such as inadequate income, minimal benefits obtained from their activities, lack of health insurance, and no opportunity to advance their career following their field;
- Not yet optimal work motivation with a person’s interaction with certain situations faced by making work meaningful, providing rewards and acting and being fair, as well as encouraging feedback and getting along with co-workers;
- The optimal implementation of budget absorption has not been achieved, which is quite high, namely 91.97%, but the quarterly Budget Realization is more focused on the fourth quarter, this is due to an imbalance in the preparation of activity schedules, resulting in a compression of activity implementation in the fourth quarter;
- The limited means of 4-wheeled and 2-wheeled transportation owned by the East Jakarta Family Planning Office causes difficulties in carrying out activities;
- The achievement of new Family Planning participants in Male Surgery (OP) or vasectomy has not yet reached the set target (only reached 48.06%), this is due to the lack of Communication, Information, and Education (KIE) facilities and infrastructure, and family planning service facilities (mobile units), family planning services) which can be used for mobile services (picking up the ball);
- There is a limited budget ceiling for implementing family planning programs in the East Jakarta Administrative City for 20 22.
Employee Welfare
Welfare efforts are compensation whose provision does not depend on the position/work of Civil Servants to improve the welfare of Civil Servants. Welfare efforts within the Civil Servant environment consist of Health Insurance, Pension Savings (Taspen), Leave, Overtime Pay, and Sekot as well as loans for renovating employee homes.
In the Big Indonesian Dictionary of the Department of National Education, it is stated that the definition of prosperity is safe and prosperous, safe (apart from all kinds of disturbances). Meanwhile, welfare is a thing or state of well-being, security, safety, and tranquility.
Sedarmayanti, (2007) stated that to improve the welfare of employees and their families, organizations provide welfare facilities by paying attention to employee needs and organizational capabilities. If the organization is deemed capable, the government can require the organization to provide welfare facilities for employees and their families.
Meanwhile, the Management of Civil Servants (PNS) according to Law Number 43 of 1999, quoted by Miftah Thoha (2007), states that Welfare is compensation that is given without depending on the position/work of Civil Servants (PNS) to improve the welfare of Civil Servants. Welfare efforts within civil servants consist of Health Insurance (Askes), Pension Savings (Taspen), leave, overtime pay, and school fees.
In Article 14 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2005 quoted by Thoha (2007), 5 (five) indicators of welfare are determined, namely: earning income, gaining benefits, having freedom, gaining a sense of security, and guaranteeing safety, and getting opportunities.
Work Motivation
Motive or motivation comes from the Latin word “movere” which means an urge from within humans to act or behave. The definition of motivation cannot be separated from the words need “needs” or “want”. Needs are a “potential” within humans that needs to be addressed or responded to.
The definition of motivation varies, this is because several experts define it according to their respective views. For example, M. Manulang (2001), explains that motivation is a stimulating force or driving force, which stimulates/encourages employees to want to work as hard as they can, differently from one employee to another. Meanwhile, Arep and Tanjung (2003), stated that motivation is something basic, which drives a person to work.
Both experts are of the view that every human activity, especially employees at work, requires a challenge. This challenge creates stimulation for someone to achieve something from their work. This is called motivation. Furthermore, Hasibuan (2003), stated that motivation is the provision of a driving force that creates enthusiasm for a person’s work so that they want to work together, work effectively, and integrate with all their efforts to achieve satisfaction.
Siagian (2004), stated that motivation is a psychological process that is very fundamental in nature. It would be very difficult to deny that motivation is a very important process in satisfying various needs and ensuring the various interests of organizational members. Indeed, the satisfaction of a person’s needs cannot be explained and understood solely based on motivation alone because other factors also influence it.
Another opinion, Mangkunegara (2004), states that motivation is a condition that moves employees to be able to achieve the goals of motivation. Suwatno and Priansa (2011), stated that motivation means giving a person a motive for acting, generally having a motive. Someone does something intentionally, of course, there is a purpose or purpose that drives them to act. The basic motive of a person is the person’s need for pride and honor and, perhaps, material wealth.
Motivation can be interpreted and interpreted differently by each person according to the place and circumstances of each person, one of the uses of terms and concepts according to Zainun (2004), suggests that this motivation is to describe the relationship between hopes and goals, each person and other organizations can achieve one or several goals in their activities.
Work Productivity
The definition of productivity should not only refer to the physical processes that transform various inputs into outputs but also to various factors that can influence the process of achieving productivity itself. Work productivity is a measure of the level of performance of a work process as part of the productive system of an organization (unit or function).
Various expressions such as output, performance, efficiency, and effectiveness are often related to productivity in general, according to Gomes (2003), who suggests that productivity is an indication of the ratio of output to input. Input can include production costs and equipment costs, while output can consist of sales, earnings, market, share, and defects. Some even look at performance by emphasizing efficiency values. Efficiency is measured as the ratio of output and input. Among other things, measuring efficiency requires determining outcomes and determining the amount of resources used to produce these outcomes.
Productivity is a process by which inputs are transformed into outputs and compared with standards. According to Wibowo (2007), conceptually, productivity is the relationship between the output or results of an organization and the input required. Productivity can be quantified by dividing output by input. Increasing productivity can be done by improving the productivity ratio, by producing more output or better output with the level of input of certain resources.
According to Hasibuan (2003), productivity is the comparison between output (results) and input. If productivity increases, this is only possible by increasing the efficiency of time, materials, energy and work systems, production techniques, and increasing the skills of the workforce.
Sinungan (2004), provides a general understanding of productivity as a universal concept that aims to provide more goods, and services and people using fewer and fewer real resources. Productivity is an interdisciplinary approach to determining effective goals, making plans, and applying productive methods to use resources efficiently and while maintaining high quality.
Productivity involves the integrated use of human resources and skills, capital goods, technology, management, information, energy, and other resources towards development and living standards. If someone tries and works well, then organizational results will increase, this means that in addition to achieving organizational goals, a person’s personal goals are also achieved.
Sedarmayanti (2006), stated from the work productivity development center that 5 main factors determine employee productivity, namely work attitude, skill level, relationship between employees and organizational leaders, productivity management, and workforce efficiency.
Research Design
Using a survey research method with a quantitative approach, which is correlational in nature, is to see how much the independent variable is related to the dependent variable, namely the variables of welfare and work motivation with the work productivity of Family Planning Counselors.
The research was conducted with a group of individuals, these were employees at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration. This research method was chosen mainly because of the limited time, costs, and energy that researchers have. With this problem, researchers hope to be able to examine aspects of the relationship between well-being and work motivation with the work productivity of Family Planning Counselors.
Population and Sample
In general, the population is meant as a generalized area consisting of objects/subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics, Sugiyono (2009). The population in this study were Family Planning Counselors at the Family Planning Office of East Jakarta City Administration which had a total of 110 employees.
In this research (Sugiyono, 2009), the sampling technique used is the census technique or saturated sampling, which is a sample research technique in which all members of the population are used as samples, this is often done when the population is relatively small, another term for saturated sample or census is all members of the population are sampled. From Sugiyono’s (2009 ) opinion, the number of samples in this research was 110 people.
Data Processing Techniques
In processing data to provide an explanation or description of the problem being discussed, the data that has been collected from respondents in the form of questionnaire answers will be processed through several stages of data processing, namely: Editing, Scoring , and Data Tabulation
Analysis Method
Sugiyono (2009), testing the validity of data in writing, often only emphasizes validity and reliability tests. In quantitative writing, the main criteria for written data are valid, reliable, and objective. Validity is the degree of accuracy between the data that occurs on the object of writing and the data that can be reported by the author. Thus, valid data is data that does not differ between the data reported by the author and the data that occurs on the object of writing. The data analysis technique used in this research is statistical inference analysis.
- Relationship between Welfare (X1) and Work Productivity (Y)
To test this hypothesis the author uses Product Moment analysis. The Product Moment correlation analysis formula is:
Next, to calculate the value, namely between welfare and work productivity at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration.
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Based on the results of these calculations, the correlation coefficient found is rx 1 y = 0.796. After consulting this value with the previous interpretation guideline table, it is known that the correlation coefficient is included in the strongly positive category because it is between the interval (0.60 – 0.799). This shows that welfare has a positive and strong relationship with work productivity at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration. Meanwhile, to determine the contribution of welfare to work productivity, it can be calculated using the coefficient of determination (r) 2 using the following formula:
Kd = r 2 x 100 %
= (0.796) 2 x 100%
= 0.634 x 100%
= 63.4%
Based on these calculations, this means that 63.4% of welfare is related to work productivity while the remaining 36.6% is related to other factors. Apart from welfare, there are other factors related to work productivity, such as employee work effectiveness. Next, to find out whether the relationship between welfare and work productivity at the East Jakarta City Administration Family Planning Office is significant or not, it is necessary to test its significance using the t formula, which is as follows:
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From the results of the calculations above, a calculated t value of = 13.665 is obtained, then this value is compared with the t table value for an error of 5%, using a two-part test where dk = n- k; 110 – 2 = 108, and the t table value obtained is = 1.980, so it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between welfare and work productivity. So the conclusion is that welfare with work productivity of 0.796 is strong positive and significant, meaning that this coefficient can be applied to the entire population.
- Relationship between Work Motivation (X2) and Work Productivity (Y)
To test the hypothesis between work motivation and work productivity, the author uses product moment analysis. The product-moment correlation analysis formula (Sugiyono, 2009) is as follows:
To calculate the value, namely work motivation and work productivity at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration.
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Based on the results of these calculations, the correlation coefficient found is rx 2 y = 0.765. After this value is consulted with the previous interpretation guideline table, it can be seen that the correlation coefficient is included in the strongly positive category. This shows that work motivation has a strong positive relationship with work productivity. Meanwhile, to determine the contribution of work motivation to work productivity, it can be calculated using the coefficient of determination (r) 2 using the following formula:
Kd = r 2 x 100 %
= (0.765) 2 x 100%
= 0.586 x 100%
= 58 .6 %
Based on these calculations, this means that 58.6 % of work motivation is related to work productivity while the remaining 41.4% is related to other factors. Apart from work motivation, there are other factors related to work productivity such as employee work ethic. Next, to find out whether the relationship between work motivation and work productivity at the East Jakarta City Administration Family Planning Office is significant or not, it is necessary to test its significance using the t formula, which is as follows:
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The calculated t value = 12.356 is obtained, then compared with the t table value for the 5% error of the two-party test and dk = n- k; 110 – 2 = 108, and obtained t table = 1.980, so it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between work motivation and work productivity. So the conclusion is that work motivation with work productivity of 0.765 is strong positive and significant, meaning that the coefficient can be applied to the entire population.
- Relationship between Welfare (X1) and Work Motivation (X2) together with Work Productivity (Y)
Meanwhile, before testing the hypothesis of a double correlation between well-being (X 1 ) and work motivation (X 2 ) together with work productivity (Y), first calculate the correlation between well-being (X 1 ) and work motivation (X 2 ) with the following formula:
See in PDF File
Furthermore, to test the double correlation between welfare (X1) and work motivation (X2) together with work productivity (Y) at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration, it can be calculated using the following formula (Sugiyono, 2009):
See in PDF File
Based on the results of these calculations, the multiple correlation coefficient found is Rx 1 x 2 y = 0.828. After consulting this value with the previous interpretation guideline table, it is known that the multiple correlation coefficient is included in the very strong category. This shows that well-being and work motivation together have a very strong positive relationship with work productivity at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration. This relationship applies to the entire population.
To predict the magnitude of the relationship between well-being and work motivation together with work productivity at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration, this is done by calculating the coefficient of determination, namely using the following formula for squaring the value of the correlation coefficient (R 2 ) :
Kd = R 2 x 100 %
= (0.828) 2 x 100%
= 0.686 x 100%
= 68.6%
This means that welfare and work motivation are 68.6% together with work productivity, then the remaining 31.4% is related to other factors. Apart from welfare and work motivation, there are other factors related to work productivity such as employee performance.
Next, to test the significance of the double correlation between well-being and work motivation together with work productivity in terms of its possibility of being implemented in the entire population, by determining the calculated F value with the F table value using the formula (Sugiyono, 2009) as follows:
So the calculated F value is 117.061. This value is then consulted with the F table, for dk numerator = 2 and dk denominator = (110-2-1) = 107, the F table value obtained at the specified error level is 5 % = 3.09. In this case, the provisions apply if the calculated F is greater than the F table, then the multiple correlation coefficient tested is significant, that is, it can apply to the entire population. From the calculation above it turns out that F count > F table (117.061 > 3.09), it can be stated that there is a strong and significant positive relationship between well-being and work motivation together with work productivity at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration or proven, meaning that if welfare is high and work motivation is good, then work productivity will also increase.
Based on the proposed hypothesis of the relationship between well-being and work motivation with work productivity at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration, it is necessary to discuss the existence of each variable.
Based on the research results, the welfare variable has a positive and significant relationship with a correlation coefficient value of 0.796, while the coefficient of determination (r²) is 0.634, meaning that the welfare variable contributes 63.4% in explaining the work productivity variable.
Meanwhile, the work motivation variable (X2 ) has a positive and significant relationship with work productivity, namely with a correlation coefficient value of 0.765. while the coefficient of determination (r²) is 0.586, meaning that the work motivation variable contributes 58.6% in explaining work productivity.
The results of the simultaneous analysis show that well-being and work motivation are positively and significantly related to work productivity. This level of well-being is directly related to work productivity, it has been proven significantly from partial and simultaneous research results, it is known that work productivity at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration can be determined by factors of well-being and work motivation, namely the contribution of the resulting relationships ( R²) was 68.6%, and the remaining 31.4% was determined by other factors outside this research model.
Based on the above, namely the variables of well-being and work motivation with work productivity, it shows that the magnitude of the variable relationship quantitatively can be explained as follows:
- The author needs to analyze the relationship between variables of academic quality and competence and/or obtain training and professional development in their field.
- The author needs to analyze the relationship between variables ) towards objects outside the person, then how the person connects needs with “situations outside” the object to fulfill the needs in question, provide rewards, and act and act fairly, as well as encourage feedback and get along with co-workers.
- For the relationship between variables X 1 (welfare) and as well as work relations well as productivity management and labor efficiency. If productivity increases, this is only possible by increasing the efficiency of time, materials, energy and work systems, production techniques, and increasing the skills of employees.
Identifying well-being and work motivation will have an impact on work productivity. Based on the thoughts above, the author’s hypothesis which states that well-being and work motivation have a strong relationship with work productivity at the East Jakarta City Administration Family Planning Office is acceptable.
The magnitude of the relationship between the two independent variables and the dependent variable also shows the reality of how to carry out and increase optimal work productivity. This reality has been answered by the existence of good welfare and work motivation.
In practical terms, the two variables work together, meaning that in the process, well-being and work motivation can be variables or factors that determine whether work productivity is high or low. If welfare is good and work motivation is high, then work productivity will automatically increase.
In this discussion, the author concludes that the two independent variables above show that there is a very significant relationship, meaning that without good welfare and work motivation, work productivity at the East Jakarta City Administration Family Planning Office cannot be increased or implemented optimally.
This research has succeeded in testing the analyzed hypothesis while analyzing and interpreting the relationship between well-being and work motivation with work productivity at the East Jakarta City Administration Family Planning Office using simple correlation coefficients and multiple correlation coefficients as well as multiple linear regression equations.
However, it is realized that this research is limited to two independent variables, namely welfare and work motivation variables with a dependent variable, namely work productivity at the East Jakarta City Administration Family Planning Office. So it does not rule out the possibility of conducting further research. This is because there are still many limitations in this research activity, such as limited time and energy in conducting research.
Based on the results of the research, which was carried out to test the hypothesis and answers to the proposed problem formulation, the conclusions are as follows :
- Based on the results of the hypothesis test of the welfare variable with work productivity at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration, it turns out that it has a strong and significant positive relationship with a correlation coefficient of 0.796 and a coefficient of determination (r 2 ) of 0.634 or 63.4%. This means that increasing the level of employee welfare can significantly increase work productivity at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration.
- Based on the results of the hypothesis test of the work motivation variable with work productivity at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration, it turns out that it has a strong and significant positive relationship with a correlation coefficient of 0.765 and a coefficient of determination (r2 ) of 0.586 or 58.6%. This means that a high level of work motivation can significantly increase work productivity at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration.
- To test the hypothesis of a double correlation between the variables of well-being and work motivation together with work productivity at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration, it turns out that they have a very strong and significant positive relationship with a correlation coefficient of 0.828 and a coefficient of determination (r2) of 0.686 or 68.6%, this means that increasing the level of welfare and high work motivation together can significantly increase work productivity at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration.
Based on the results of the research and discussion in the conclusion above, the author tries to provide suggestions that may be followed up, namely as follows :
- It is recommended that employee welfare be improved by giving awards or appreciation to employees who excel or have good work performance and productivity, for example by giving job promotions, giving promotions, giving salary increases following employee work performance, incentives, bonuses, and other forms of other awards.
- It is recommended that work motivation needs to be increased by providing rewards and punishments that are appropriate to the employee’s performance. For example, employees are given high rewards for good work results, whereas employees are given punishment if their work results do not meet the organization’s expectations. So it can be said that employees have work motivation to be able to produce high rewards and avoid punishment from organizational leaders.
- It is recommended that work productivity be increased by increasing the skills and abilities of employees in carrying out their activities through good work attitudes, high skill levels, maintaining working relationships with co-workers, good productivity management, and having good work efficiency.
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The Relationship between Welfare and Work Motivation with the Work Productivity of Family Planning Extension Workers in the Administrative City of East Jakarta
Rachmat Sangadji1, Veithzal Rivai Zainal2, Azis Hakim3
1Student Administrative Masters Program University of Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
2Professor Master of Administrative Sciences University of Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
3Lecturer Master of Administrative Sciences University of Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
Vol 3 No 10 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 10 October 2023
Article Date Published : 17 October 2023 | Page No.: 2063-2071
Abstract :
The formulation of the problem in formulation of the problem in the research is how much the relationship between welfare and work motivation partially and simultaneously with work productivity at the Family Planning Office of the East Jakarta City Administration. This research aims to determine and examine the relationship between welfare and work motivation partially and simultaneously with work productivity at the East Jakarta City Administration Family Planning Office.
The research method uses a survey with a quantitative approach that is correlational with a sampling technique that is saturated sampling, namely a sample research technique when all members of the population are used as samples, another term for saturated samples is all, where all members of the population are used as samples. In this study, the number of samples was 110 respondents. The variables studied are welfare (X1) and work motivation (X2 ) as independent variables, while work productivity is the dependent variable (Y).
Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that from the results of the discussion and research, namely: a) The results of the hypothesis test for the welfare variable and work productivity obtained a correlation coefficient value of 0.796. Meanwhile, the coefficient of determination is r 2 = 0.634, meaning that 63.4% of work productivity is determined by welfare, and the remaining 36.6% is determined by other factors. This means that the Ha hypothesis is accepted, namely that there is a strong and significant positive relationship between welfare and work productivity. b) The results of the hypothesis test for the work motivation variable and work productivity obtained a correlation coefficient of 0.765. Meanwhile, the coefficient of determination is r 2 = 0.586, meaning that 58.6% of work productivity is determined by work motivation, and the remaining 41.4% is determined by other factors, this means that the Ha hypothesis is accepted, namely that there is a strong and significant positive relationship between work motivation and work productivity. . c) To test the hypothesis of a double correlation between the variables of well-being and work motivation together with work productivity, a correlation coefficient value of 0.828 was obtained. Meanwhile, the coefficient of determination is R 2 = 0.686, meaning that together, work productivity is 68.6% determined by welfare and work motivation, and the remaining 31.4% is determined by other factors, this means the Ha hypothesis is accepted, namely, there is a very strong relationship and significant relationship between well-being and work motivation together with work productivity.
Keywords :
Welfare, Work Motivation, Work ProductivityReferences :
- Arep, Ishak & Tanjung, Hendri (2003), Manajemen Motivasi, Jakarta : Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia.
- Gomes, Faustino Cardoso (2003), Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Yogyakarta : Andi.
- Hasibuan, Malayu S.P. (2003), Organisasi & Motivasi, Dasar Peningkatan Prouduktivitas, Jakarta : Bumi Aksara.
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Author's Affiliation
Rachmat Sangadji1, Veithzal Rivai Zainal2, Azis Hakim3
1Student Administrative Masters Program University of Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
2Professor Master of Administrative Sciences University of Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
3Lecturer Master of Administrative Sciences University of Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 3 No 10 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 10 October 2023
- Page No.: 2063-2071
- Published : 17 October 2023
- DOI:
How to Cite :
The Relationship between Welfare and Work Motivation with the Work Productivity of Family Planning Extension Workers in the Administrative City of East Jakarta. Rachmat Sangadji, Veithzal Rivai Zainal, Aziz Hakim, 3(10), 2063-2071. Retrieved from
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