Vol 2 No 11(2022)

Legal Certainty of Income Tax Exemption on the Transfer of Rights to Land in the Sharing of Collective Integration Rights

Bayu Indra Permana1, Bhim Prakoso2, Iswi Hariyani3

1 Student of the Faculty of Law, University of Jember

2,3 Lecturer of the Faculty of Law, University of Jember

Page No. 603-610

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Utilizing Social Constructivism to cultivate teacher educators’ and trainees’ digital competence: energizing learner-centered approach

David Kakeeto1, Kabugo David2, Josephine Najjemba Lutaaya3, Masembe Edward4

1 Victoria University, FST

2,3,4 School of Education, Makerere University

Page No. 611-616

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The Influence of Social Media on Language Trends South Jakarta Children as the Use of Language Day to Day

Ida Nurhaidal1, Anna Gustina Zainal 2, Puspandari Setyowati3, Feri Firdaus4

1,2,3,4 Department of Communication, University of Lampung

Page No. 617-621

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The Impact of Business Environment on the Quality of Export Products

Yizhi Zhang1, Ziming Huang2, Jing Ma3

1,2 School of Interpreting and Translation Studies; Guangdong Institute for International Strategies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

 3 Guangdong Institute for International Strategies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China.

Page No. 633-639

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Towards Food Security and Agricultural Self-Reliance: A Policy Study for the Rice Production in Liberia

Dr. Mory Sumaworo

(BA, MCL, Cert in PFM Law, Ph.D.)

Lecturer @ Cuttington University Graduate School of Global Affairs and Policy, AMEU Graduate School and visiting lecturer at Liberian Foreign Service Institute (FSI),

Executive Director of the African Institute for Development Research (AIDER)

CEO of GBI Group of Companies.

Page No. 640-644

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Legal Protection on Good Intention Buyers Against the Auction Object Due to the Execution of Liability Rights

Ermanto Fahamsyah1, Bhim Prakoso2, Edo Rahmanta Ersu Putra3

1,2,3 Lecturer and Student of the Faculty of Law, University of Jember

Page No. 645-652

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A Review of English Restoration Drama and Politics on Stage

Dr. Meteb Alnwairan

Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature, Universtiy of Nizwa, Oman

Page No. 653-655

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Formulation of Criminal Law against Criminal Acts in the Land Sector in Indonesia

Dodik Prihatin AN1, Echwan Irianto2, I Wayan Yasa3, Ajeng Pramesthy Hardiani Kusuma4

1,2,3,4 Lecturer of the Faculty of Law, University of Jember

Page No. 656-662

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Research on the Path of Rural Revitalization Empowered by Judicial Assistance under the Background of Big Data

Fuzhong Tian1, Jianqi Li2, Yuwen Huang3, Yujie Yan4, Huafeng Zhao5, Zhi Liu6

1,2 School of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Heze University, Heze, Shandong, China

3 School of Computer, Heze University, Heze, Shandong, China

4,6 People’s Procuratorate of Heze, Heze, Shandong, China

5 People’s Procuratorate of Dongming, Heze, Shandong, China

Page No. 663-668

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Jurisdiction Conflict between Indonesian District Courts and State Administrative Courts: The Possibility Using ‘Joint-Proceeding’ Concept for Resolution

Elisabeth Sundari1, Helidorus Chandera Halim2, Maria Acynta Christy3, G.Widiartana4

1,2,3,4 Institution: Law Faculty of Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Page No. 669-680

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Legal Certainty on Registration of the Transitional Deed of Transition of Land Rights by the Officer of Providering Provisional Land Deed

Edwinda Surya Anggana1, Bayu Dwi Anggono2, Bhim Prakoso3

1 Students of the Notary Masters Study Program, Faculty of Law, University of Jember

2,3 Lecturer of the Notary Masters Study Program, Faculty of Law, University of Jember

Page No. 681-688

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The Influence of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace Environment: A Literature Review

Lee-Anne Johennesse1, Gareth Pressley2

1Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, CTBC Business School, Tainan City, Taiwan

2Providence University, No. 200, Section 7, Taiwan Blvd, Shalu District, Taichung City, Taiwan

Page No. 695-698

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