Videoblog Based on Citizens Journalism as Media Learning of News Text Construction
Agus Wismanto1, Asropah2
1,2 Department of Language and Arts, University of PGRI Semarang, Semarang City, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: Technological developments make teachers have to continue to adapt learning with current developments. The existence of technology in the form of the internet allows teacher to find and use the media from there. On learning in constructing news texts, teachers can use media in the form of video blogs based on citizen journalism that can be easily accessed using Internet. This study aims to describe the results of the application of videoblog based on citizen journalism as a medium of learning to construct news texts. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Analysis the function, structure, and language of the news text become the scalpel of this research. The results of this study indicate that citizen journalism-based videoblogs can help students in constructing news texts.
KEYWORDS: Citizen Journalism; Learning Media; News Text; Videoblog
In the 21st century, technology has spread to the world of education. Every learning cannot be separated from technology which is commonly referred to as learning media.Rahman (2018) in his research states that one of the basic skills that teachers need to master is mastery of learning media. Asyhar (2012) classifies media into four types, namely visual, audio, audiovisual, and multimedia media. Audio media can only be heard by the sense of hearing (ears). Audiovisual media is a combination of audio and visual media that involves the senses of sight and hearing. Multimedia is a combination of all types of computer-based media, information and communication technology.
The learning media used must be varied so that it can increase students’ learning motivation. Teachers are required to constantly improvise. But in reality there are still many obstacles experienced by teachers in using appropriate and interesting learning media. Media when associated with learning means a communication tool used by teachers to convey information to their students (Kustandi and Cecep, 2013). Now learning media is very important for the teaching and learning process. Learning media is used to assist teachers in delivering the material.
This is an attempt by the teacher to help students to more easily understand the lesson optimally.
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that learning media is a learning component that is used to channel messages in order to stimulate students’ thoughts, feelings, attention, and willingness. Learning media has a very important role in the learning process because it can support the achievement of the learning process in students.
Alwi (2017) in his research suggests that there are many obstacles experienced by teachers in using learning media. Obstacles experienced such as teachers find it difficult to make or prepare media, production costs are quite expensive, are unable to make interesting media, schools do not provide supporting tools, and lack of appreciation
In addition, the assumption that learning media is not too important and the media is identical to sophisticated technology makes teachers reluctant to use learning media. Learning media that are always discussed are limited to textbooks and worksheets (Junal, 2016). Knowledge of the use of media must be continuously improved so that teachers always get ideas and creativity in their learning.
In choosing learning media, teachers must pay attention to several factors. as follows. Factors that are considered by teachers in choosing learning media, namely accuracy or suitability both with learning objectives, teaching materials, time allocation, students’ cognitive abilities, and times. In choosing learning media, you must also pay attention to the convenience factor. This facility must be felt by two parties, namely teachers and students. For teachers, it is easy to obtain and use learning media. As for students to understand the material being taught. Learning media should not burden the teacher because of the high cost and News has six functions. Apart from being a tool of information, news also has other functions such as a means of education, a means of social control, entertainment, mediation, and persuasion (Ardianto, 2007). In addition, the structure that is often used to create or present a news story is the inverted pyramid. The inverted pyramid is a writing model that follows the shape of an inverted triangle. The top is wide and the bottom is narrow. It contains six elements of news. The first part is the main part and the lower part is the details that tend to be unimportant (Kosasih, 2018). The further down, the information contains as additional information or that strengthens the content of the news (Septiawan, 2017).
Teachers can be more creative in finding and making them with tools and materials around them. Support from various parties such as schools is very helpful for teachers in providing learning media. For example, by providing tools that cannot be reached by teachers such as projectors, laboratory equipment, and others. These factors need to be considered in order to achieve the learning objectives (Sudjana and Rivai, 2012). Khaerudin (2015) describes the characteristics of various journalistic languages, namely short, dense, simple, straightforward, interesting, fluent, and clear. The language used is Indonesian journalistic variety. The language used must be guided by the standard language so that it can be understood by readers throughout the archipelago. In addition, the language used must be effective and efficient in order to achieve the intended target. is a blog that contains the currently dominating Indonesian media.
In the 21st century, there are a lot of learning media that can be used by teachers, both in the form of audio, visual, and audiovisual. In this study, researchers discuss the use of audio-visual media in the form of learning media to construct news texts. a report News on is new facts or ideas that are true, interesting, and important that are informed through the mass media (Haris, 2011). According to Kosasih (2018) in journalism or newspapers, the main points of news information are summarized in the formula 5w+1H (The linguistic rules of news include the use of language (standard and colloquial), the use of direct sentences for exposing information from the source, the conjunction ‘that’ to explain, mental verbs, the existence of adverbs of time and place as an explanation of a news, and using temporal conjunctions (chronology).
News has six functions. Apart from being a tool of information, news also has other functions such as a means of education, a means of social control, entertainment, mediation, and persuasion (Ardianto, 2007). In addition, the structure that is often used to create or present a news story is the inverted pyramid. The inverted pyramid is a writing model that follows the shape of an inverted triangle. The top is wide and the bottom is narrow. It contains six elements of news. The first part is the main part and the lower part is the details that tend to be unimportant (Kosasih, 2018). The further down, the information contains as additional information or that strengthens the content of the news (Septiawan, 2017).
Teachers can be more creative in finding and making them with tools and materials around them. Support from various parties such as schools is very helpful for teachers in providing learning media. For example, by providing tools that cannot be reached by teachers such as projectors, laboratory equipment, and others. These factors need to be considered in order to achieve the learning objectives (Sudjana and Rivai, 2012). Khaerudin (2015) describes the characteristics of various journalistic languages, namely short, dense, simple, straightforward, interesting, fluent, and clear. The language used is Indonesian journalistic variety. The language used must be guided by the standard language so that it can be understood by readers throughout the archipelago. In addition, the language used must be effective and efficient in order to achieve the intended a blog that contains the currently dominating Indonesian media.
People can create whatever content they like. Inside content varies greatly. Some told about their personal life, traveling, studying, conveying information, and others. Apart from being a personal diary, it can also be in the form of news coverage, political commentary, or artistic expression. They can upload the content freely so that it can be watched by the public.
Videoblog has also spread to the world of Indonesian journalism. This is usually made by the community (non-professionals) to report events or information that is hot around them. This activity is commonly known as citizen journalism. Nurudin in Sukartik (2016) said that journalism is an activity carried ordinary out citizens by in reporting, channeling aspirations, protesting against phenomena around. According to Nah et al. (2017), citizen journalism is considered professional journalism without training that produces content and or generates discussions related to society, health and other relevant issues to be conveyed to the general public. Adliashany and Purnama (2018) define citizen journalism as individuals who carry out active activities in the process of collecting, reporting, sorting, analyzing and disseminating news or information.
Based on the problems above, the researchers tried to use an audiovisual-based media, namely citizen journalism-based videoblogs for learning to construct news texts. This can be used as a learning medium. However, not many people use this media for learning to construct news texts.
The approach that will be used for this research is descriptive qualitative. This study serves to describe or describe the object under study through data or samples (Sugiono, 2018). This research belongs to the type of qualitative research. Qualitative research is research that is used to understand the phenomena experienced by research subjects holistically by means of descriptions in the form of words or language (Moleong, 2017). This research is often called non-experimental, because it does not control and manipulate variables (Uhar, 2014). The scalpel used in this research is the analysis of the function, structure, and language of the news text. This approach was chosen as an effort by researchers to systematically describe and describe the selection, feasibility assessment and implementation of citizen journalism-based media in learning to construct news texts.
In choosing learning media, it is necessary to consider various aspects. There are six aspects that can be taken into consideration in choosing learning media (Sudjana dan Rivai, 2001). First, accuracy with learning objectives, alignment with the material, ease of obtaining media, easy to use by teachers, alignment with learning time allocation, and suitability with students’ cognitive abilities.
In this study, the researchers elaborated aspects of the selection of instructional media into several more coherent parts. This is to make it easier for teachers to assess the feasibility of learning media. This assessment is divided into four aspects. The first aspect is learning. In this aspect there is an assessment of the harmony between the material and the media, learning objectives with the media, and accessibility (ease). Second, there is a content aspect that contains an assessment of the elements and structures of news based on citizen journalism. Third, there is the linguistic aspect of videoblog. Finally, there are aspects of image (visual) and sound (audio) quality assessment.
After determining the aspect of the assessment, the researcher began to look for videoblogs based on citizen journalism on the YouTube page. Researchers chose several videoblogs that were deemed to fit the criteria of the desired media. After getting several videoblogs, the videos are rated according to the scoring guidelines. As a result, there are two v which are considered to best meet the assessment aspect. These two videos were chosen so that students do not stick to just one example. Students can also learn from other videos to better understand learning to construct news.
There are two videoblogs used in this research. First, a videoblog entitled Citizen Journalism-HIDDEN GEMS DI SELATAN JAKARTA-The Kite Museum. The videoblog informs that there are places that must be visited when visiting Jakarta. The place is the Kite Museum. The video also informs the history of the museum, its location, operating hours, ticket prices, what activities can be done, and the various kite collections that are there. Second, a videoblog entitled VLOG WISMA ATHLETS-WNI overseas who want to go home must know this. The videoblog informs Indonesian citizens of the COVID-19 examination procedures that must be carried out after landing in Indonesia as well as what facilities are available at Wisma Atlet if they are indicated to have COVID-19. Following are the findings of citizen journalism-based videoblogs.The two videos are feasible to be used as learning media to construct news texts. This is because the two videos fulfill all aspects of the assessment of the selection of learning media. Aspects that are fulfilled include suitability and ease of learning, completeness of elements and structure of news based on citizen journalism, language, and visual and audio quality.
However, the use of citizen journalism-based videoblogs is still insufficient to help students analyze news sections. Evidenced by the number of titles that are still less varied and representative. Of the 21 news stories made by students, 15 news stories had the same title, namely the Kite Museum, 2 news stories that had no titles, and 4 news stories with other titles.
Figure 1. Graph of Percentage of Variations in Student News Titles (See in Pdf File)
The headline is a very important part to attract readers’ interest. In addition, a complete structure is equally important. The structure is like the head, body, and tail of the news. In the news made by students, some have a complete structure and some do not. A complete structure makes it easy for readers to find important information contained in the news. If the structure is incomplete, it cannot be said that the news has clear and accurate information. So it can’t be called news. Well element B Aspect Average 3.5 B Graph of Percentage of Variations in Student News Titles Well Language Structure Description So that in making a title, students must choose the appropriate diction so that the message contained in the news can be described through the title.
After the news texts were analyzed, the researchers conducted an assessment of the news texts made by students. This assessment is guided by the rubric of the news text assessment that has been made. The assessment includes four aspects, first the news elements, the second the function of the news, the third the structure of the news text, and finally the language of the news. Based on the assessment that has been carried out, the students’ average scores in each aspect are as follows.
Figure 2. Graph of Average Score on Each Aspect (See in Pdf File)
Based on the tables and graphs above, the average value of the news elements is higher than the other aspects, which is 3.6. The function aspect has an average value of 3.5. Then, the linguistic aspect of the news has an average value of 3.4. Finally, the structural aspect has the lowest average value compared to other aspects, which is 3.1. If the value is converted into letters (Nurgiyantoro, 2001), all aspects of the assessment are still in category B which means Good.
Videoblog citizen journalism is still lacking to be able to assist students in analyzing news structures. It is proven by the number of titles that are still not representative and there is no complete structure. In addition, the average score of students in this aspect is 3.
The value in this aspect is the lowest compared to other aspects. This makes the sentence that comes from his voice can be a reference for students to make a news with good language. There have been many stories made by students that use direct sentences, adverbs of place and time, and mental verbs. Although there are still many students who miss using the conjunction that and temporal. Videoblog Finally, there are aspects of image (visual) and sound (audio) quality assessment.
Based on the results of research and discussion, the following authors describe the conclusions. The assessment shows that the results of implementing citizen journalism based on learning to construct news make it easier for students to find important information and are able to convey that information through the news they make. Students are also able to develop simple information through news elements, namely 5W+1H. Students are also able to insert news functions through the information they get. In choosing learning media, it is necessary to consider various aspects. In this study, there are four aspects that are considered in the selection of citizen journalism-based videoblogs as learning media to construct news texts. The first aspect is learning. In this aspect there is an assessment of the harmony between the material and the media, learning objectives with the media, and accessibility (ease). Second, there is a content aspect that contains an assessment of the elements and structures of news based on citizen journalism. Third, there is the linguistic aspect of videoblog. Through citizen journalism-based videoblogs, students can also understand the characteristics of news through its language. it is an audiovisual media.
- Adliashany, R., & Purnama, H. P. (2018). Konsep Citizen Journalism Pada Konten Vlog “Belajar Pra Sejarah Di Museum Sri Baduga Bandung.” Komunikasi Hasil Pemikiran Dan Penelitian, 4(1), 79–87.
- Alwi, S. (2017). Problematika Guru dalam Pengembangan. Itqan, 8(2), 145–167.
- Asyhar, Rayandra. (2012). Kreatif Mengembangkan Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Referensi Jakarta
- (2016). Media Pembelajaran: Problematika Dan Solusinya. Jurnal Dosen STKIPPGRI.-BKL
- Kustandi, Cecep, B. S. (2013). Media Pembelajaran Manual dan Digital. Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia.
- Nana, Sudjana dan Rivai, Ahmad. (2012). Media Pengajaran. Bandung: Sinar Baru
- (2018). Keterampilan Guru Abad 21 Dalam Variabel Penguasaan Media Audio Visual. Kapita Literasi dalam Konteks Pedagogi Abad Revolusi Industri 4.0.
- Haris, AS. Sumadiria. (2011). Jurnalistik Indonesia: Menulis Berita Dan Feature. Bandung: Simbiosa Rekatama Media.
- Kosasih, E. (2018). Jenis-Jenis Teks: Analisis Fungsi, Struktur, dna Kaidah serta Langkah Penulisannya. Bandung: Yrama Widya.
- Ardianto, Elvinaro. (2007). Komunikasi Massa Suatu Pengantar. Bandung: Simbiosa Rekatama Media
- Santana, K. Septiawan. (2017). Jurnalisme Kontemporer. Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia.
- Kurniawan, K. (2015). Bahasa Indonesia Ragam Jurnalistik. Diksi. Https://Doi.Org/10.21831/Diksi.V13i5.7069
- Schmittauer, A. (2017). Vlog Like A Boss. United States of America: Author Academy Elite.
- Sukartik, D. (2016). Peran Jurnalisme Warga Dalam Mengakomodir Aspirasi Masyarakat. Risalah, 27(1), 10–16.
- Nah, S., Namkoong, K., Record, R., & Van Stee, S. K. (2017). Citizen Journalism Practice Increases Civic Participation. Newspaper Research Journal, 38(1), 62–78. Https://Doi.Org/10.1177/0739532917698444
- Nicolaou, C., Matsiola, M., & Kalliris, G. (2019). Technology-Enhanced Learning And Teaching Methodologies Through Audiovisual Media. Education Sciences, 9(3). Https://Doi.Org/10.3390/Educsci9030196
- Maria Klara, Ahadi Sulissusiawan, L. S. (2018). Penerapan Media Audiovisual Dalam Menulis Teks. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa, 7(1).
- (2018). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta.
- Moleong, L. J. (2017). Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif (Edisi Revisi). Jakarta:PT. Remaja Rosda Karya.
- Suharsaputra, Uhar. 2014. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan Tindakan. Bandung: PT. Refika Aditama.
- Nurgiyantoro, B. (2001). Penilaian Dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Dan Sastra. Yogyakarta: Bpfe
Videoblog Based on Citizens Journalism as Media Learning of News Text Construction
Agus Wismanto1, Asropah2
1,2 Department of Language and Arts, University of PGRI Semarang, Semarang City, Indonesia
Vol 3 No 5 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 05 May 2023
Article Date Published : 31 May 2023 | Page No.: 958-962
Abstract :
Technological developments make teachers have to continue to adapt learning with current developments. The existence of technology in the form of the internet allows teacher to find and use the media from there. On learning in constructing news texts, teachers can use media in the form of video blogs based on citizen journalism that can be easily accessed using Internet. This study aims to describe the results of the application of videoblog based on citizen journalism as a medium of learning to construct news texts. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Analysis the function, structure, and language of the news text become the scalpel of this research. The results of this study indicate that citizen journalism-based videoblogs can help students in constructing news texts.
Keywords :
Citizen Journalism; Learning Media; News Text; VideoblogReferences :
- Adliashany, R., & Purnama, H. P. (2018). Konsep Citizen Journalism Pada Konten Vlog “Belajar Pra Sejarah Di Museum Sri Baduga Bandung.” Komunikasi Hasil Pemikiran Dan Penelitian, 4(1), 79–87.
- Alwi, S. (2017). Problematika Guru dalam Pengembangan. Itqan, 8(2), 145–167.
- Asyhar, Rayandra. (2012). Kreatif Mengembangkan Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Referensi Jakarta
- (2016). Media Pembelajaran: Problematika Dan Solusinya. Jurnal Dosen STKIPPGRI.-BKL
- Kustandi, Cecep, B. S. (2013). Media Pembelajaran Manual dan Digital. Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia.
- Nana, Sudjana dan Rivai, Ahmad. (2012). Media Pengajaran. Bandung: Sinar Baru
- (2018). Keterampilan Guru Abad 21 Dalam Variabel Penguasaan Media Audio Visual. Kapita Literasi dalam Konteks Pedagogi Abad Revolusi Industri 4.0.
- Haris, AS. Sumadiria. (2011). Jurnalistik Indonesia: Menulis Berita Dan Feature. Bandung: Simbiosa Rekatama Media.
- Kosasih, E. (2018). Jenis-Jenis Teks: Analisis Fungsi, Struktur, dna Kaidah serta Langkah Penulisannya. Bandung: Yrama Widya.
- Ardianto, Elvinaro. (2007). Komunikasi Massa Suatu Pengantar. Bandung: Simbiosa Rekatama Media
- Santana, K. Septiawan. (2017). Jurnalisme Kontemporer. Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia.
- Kurniawan, K. (2015). Bahasa Indonesia Ragam Jurnalistik. Diksi. Https://Doi.Org/10.21831/Diksi.V13i5.7069
- Schmittauer, A. (2017). Vlog Like A Boss. United States of America: Author Academy Elite.
- Sukartik, D. (2016). Peran Jurnalisme Warga Dalam Mengakomodir Aspirasi Masyarakat. Risalah, 27(1), 10–16.
- Nah, S., Namkoong, K., Record, R., & Van Stee, S. K. (2017). Citizen Journalism Practice Increases Civic Participation. Newspaper Research Journal, 38(1), 62–78. Https://Doi.Org/10.1177/0739532917698444
- Nicolaou, C., Matsiola, M., & Kalliris, G. (2019). Technology-Enhanced Learning And Teaching Methodologies Through Audiovisual Media. Education Sciences, 9(3). Https://Doi.Org/10.3390/Educsci9030196
- Maria Klara, Ahadi Sulissusiawan, L. S. (2018). Penerapan Media Audiovisual Dalam Menulis Teks. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa, 7(1).
- (2018). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta.
- Moleong, L. J. (2017). Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif (Edisi Revisi). Jakarta:PT. Remaja Rosda Karya.
- Suharsaputra, Uhar. 2014. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan Tindakan. Bandung: PT. Refika Aditama.
- Nurgiyantoro, B. (2001). Penilaian Dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Dan Sastra. Yogyakarta: Bpfe
Author's Affiliation
Agus Wismanto1, Asropah2
1,2 Department of Language and Arts, University of PGRI Semarang, Semarang City, Indonesia
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 3 No 5 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 05 May 2023
- Page No.: 958-962
- Published : 31 May 2023
- DOI:
How to Cite :
Videoblog Based on Citizens Journalism as Media Learning of News Text Construction. Agus Wismanto, Asropah , 3(5), 958-962. Retrieved from
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International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies