Education Relationship with the Community in a Sociological Per Spective
Juni Tabah Lestari1, Sindi Pebiola2, Rizka Novi Kurnia Sari3
1,2,3 STAI-BS Lubuklinggau, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: This study aims to describe: the relationship between education and society, the notion of education, the notion of society, and the sociology of education . This research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. The information obtained came from one of the teachers who taught at the research site and the surrounding community. The results of this study are the development of education, community participation in education, and the supporting and inhibiting factors in the relationship between education and the community, namely the development of education in the research area is quite good, the community participates in activities carried out by the school, for example when holding competitions, supporting factors that is, there is a systematic program and planning, the condition of the school organization is quite good and the inhibiting factor is the lack of public understanding of the importance of having a relationship between parents and school, the road to school is quite far. Efforts to overcome these obstacles are to provide information as clearly as possible to parents about what is on the agenda in meetings or meetings between parents and the school.
KEYWORDS: Relations, Education, Society.
Education is a process of humanizing humans as humans. What is done is the teaching and learning stage that students go through, from elementary school to senior high school. Education is a very important element in creating a generation that is strong and able to make life better in the future. “There is no doubt that since the first human child was born into the world, educational efforts have been made, humans have tried to educate their children, even if in a very simple way. [1]” In this developing era, many schools have prepared adequate facilities. Both in technology and in the field of religion, this happens because of the role of society. The educators work with the community to create a better generation.
There are many benefits to be gained if the relationship between education and the community goes well. This is because people really need education to be able to progress and develop and compete to create interesting innovations. The community is always involved in advancing education both in the village and in the village like in Surodadi village, usually the community will be happy to give their time and energy to help the school in carrying out its duties. Humans are born in this world in a state of nature, so several factors will influence one’s development. Good or bad a person will be created from several educational factors he gets. Education is the right means to achieve this. Especially as Muslims, Islamic education is certainly a path that must be taken by all people.
The relationship between education and the community is very important in carrying out education. Currently education is developing very rapidly, this is evidenced by the increasing number of schools in Musirawas district. Community participation or community participation is an important prerequisite for improving school quality. Participation is a person’s involvement in achieving goals and taking responsibility for it. Participation is also referred to as a process of social interaction that is objectively determined by individuals and groups of people in an intersubjective world that can be differentiated by the socio-cultural conditions of the school. Community participation requires the same understanding from schools and parents.
The type of research used is field research. And the approach uses a qualitative approach, which is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observable behavior. The object of this research is the relationship between education and society in SD Negeri 1 Surodadi. The subjects of this study were local residents, teachers, and other elements of the community involved.
Based on the explanation above, the authors formulate the object of this research problem as follows:
- How is the development of education according to the community in the area of SD Negeri 1 Surodadi?
- What participation did the community make towards education in the area of SD Negeri 1 Surodadi?
- Supporting Factors and Obstacles to Educational Relations with the Community
- Definition of Sociology
Sociology is a science that studies the relationship between humans in groups and social structures. So sociology studies how humans relate to one another in their groups and how the arrangement of social or social units in an area and their relation to one another.
Sociology has the following characteristics:
- Empirical, is a feature of sociology as a science. Because it originates and is created from the reality that occurs in the field.
- Tolerance, is an increase in the creation phase earlier which is a form of culture that can be stored for a long time and can be passed on to the younger generation.
- Cumulative, as a result of continuous creation as a consequence of changes in society, which makes the cumulative theories lead to better theories.
- Nonethic, because the theory tells what it is about society and the individuals in it, does not judge whether that thing is good or bad.
In line with the birth of the idea of social education, in the 20th century sociology played an important role in the world of education. The education desired by this societal flow is an educational process that can maintain and improve the harmony of life in human association. To realize the ideals of education in dire need of sociological assistance. “The concept or theory of sociology gives instructions to teachers about how they should train their students so that they can have habits of living in harmony, friendship and intimacy with each other. One part of sociology, which can be seen as a special sociology is the sociology of education. [2]This sociology of education discusses the sociology contained in education.
Sociology of education includes:
- Teacher and student interaction
- Group dynamics in class and in inter-school organizations
- The structure and function of the education system
- Societal systems and their influence on education
The social process starts from social interaction and in that social process there is always social interaction. Interaction in the social process is based on the following factors:
- Imitation
Imitation or imitation can be positive and can also be negative. if a child imitates his parents or teacher, dresses neatly, then this child has socialized himself positively both to his parents and to his teacher. But if a child imitates people who drink, then he does negative socialization, he enters a group of people who drink.
- Suggestion
Suggestion will occur if a child accepts or is interested in the views or attitudes of other authoritative people, such as teachers or their peers. These suggestions provide a way for the child to socialize himself. However, if the child socializes too much through suggestion, it can hinder rational thinking.
- Identification
A child can also socialize through identification. He tries or tries to equate himself with other people, both consciously and subconsciously. The word identification comes from the word identical which means the same. A child may identify his teacher in the high jump because that teacher is a high jump champion, or another child will identify a teacher who is a beautiful girl. This child will want to be as pretty as her teacher at least
- Sympathy
Sympathy will occur when someone feels attracted to another person. Factor feelings play an important role in sympathy. Therefore, a close relationship needs to be developed between the teacher and students so that sympathy can easily arise, socialization can easily occur, and children will obey class rules in learning in an orderly manner.
In the social process there is social interaction, namely a dynamic social relationship. Social interaction will occur if it fulfills the following conditions:
- Social contact
Social contact can take place in three forms, namely:
- Contact between individuals, for example children and housewives, students and teachers or students and friends at school. Of course these contacts have their own purposes, such as asking for an explanation, asking questions, studying together and so on.
- Contact between individuals and groups or vice versa, for example: a teenager wants to join a soccer club, a teacher teaches class.
- Contact between groups, for example a meeting between parents and teacher councils, two social associations negotiating to deal with juvenile delinquency.
- Communication
Communication is the process of conveying one’s thoughts and feelings to another person or group of people. There are tools that can be used to establish communication, namely:
- Through speech, with all kinds of tones such as whispering, smooth, harsh, and loud depending on the purpose of the conversation and the nature of the person speaking.
- Through mimic, such as facial expressions, views, and attitudes.
- With symbols, for example speaking signs for deaf people, forming the letter o on the fingers.
- With tools, electronic devices such as television, radio, telephone and a number of print media such as books, magazines, newspapers, brochures and others.
The four communication tools can be used in education but need to be chosen so that they match the material that children are learning and the way they learn it.
- Definition of Education
Education is the process of teaching and learning patterns of human behavior according to what society expects. Education is concerned with the development and changes in the behavior of students. Education is closely related to the transmission or distribution of knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, skills and other aspects of behavior to the younger generation. Human behavior is essentially almost entirely social, that is, what is learned in interaction with other humans, something we learn is the result of relationships with other people at home, school, playgrounds, workplaces and so on. The learning material or content of education is determined by the group or community. Education is conscious leadership guidance by educators on the physical and spiritual development of students towards the formation of the main personality. Education is a human problem, only humans have education, education is carried out by and for humans. Education as a process of transfer and transformation of culture, which is an activity of cultural inheritance from generation to generation.
In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, education comes from the basic word educate (educate), namely to maintain and provide training (leadership teachings) regarding morals and intelligence. “Meanwhile, education has an understanding of the process of change and the behavior of a group of people in an effort to mature humans through teaching and training efforts, expansion processes, and ways of educating” [3].
According to experts, education is as follows:
- John Dewey
Education is the process of forming essential skills both intellectually and emotionally.
- Ki Hadjar Dewantara
Education is a guide in the growth and development of children, namely guiding all the strengths that exist in children in the form of potential so that they as human beings and as members of society can achieve the highest safety and happiness.
- Edgar Dale
Education is a conscious effort made by families, communities, and government through guidance, teaching and training activities, which take place at school and outside school throughout life to prepare students to be able to play roles in various living environments permanently for the future.
- According to Law no. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System
Education is a conscious, planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-judgment, personality, intelligence, noble character and the skills needed by them, society, nation and state.
As for the educational path
The educational path is a vehicle through which students develop their potential in an educational process that is in accordance with educational goals. In law no. 20 of 2003 article 13 paragraph 1 it is stated that the educational path consists of the following;
- formal education
Formal education is education that is held in schools in general. This educational path has clear levels of education, starting from elementary, secondary, to higher education.
- Non-formal education
Is an educational pathway outside of formal education that can be carried out in a structured and tiered manner. Most non-formal education is at an early age, as well as basic education, namely TPA, or Al-Qur’an Education Parks, which are widely available in mosques besides that there are also various courses, including music, tutoring and others.
- Informal education
This is a path of family and environmental education in the form of independent learning activities that are carried out consciously and responsibly. The results of informal education are recognized as the same as formal and non-formal education after students pass exams according to national education standards.
The government’s reasons for initiating informal education are;
- Education starts from the family
- Informal promulgation is also due to achieve national education goals starting from the family
- Homeschooling: formal education but carried out informally
- Children must be educated from birth
- Education Function
Discussion about the function of education becomes very important for young humans who have just been born by their mothers. The function of education has been very important for humans since the beginning, education in the sense of educating is to provide assistance to children so that these young children grow normally as other human beings. Educating in general is giving guidance, assistance, assistance to students to empower their potential to develop, and continue to develop through school education, and continue to develop through further education so that they can live independently, and can actualize themselves in real life as normal human beings. .
Based on the explanation above, “the function of education is to help students to live independently as normal human beings. Specifically, in a narrow or micro sense, the function of education is to consciously provide assistance for the physical and spiritual development of students themselves [4]. Physical development, namely regarding the physical self to be physically healthy must be disciplined in food and drink, sports and others. Spiritual development begins with knowing oneself, teaching oneself to know God. Furthermore, the function of education broadly is closely related to: 1). Personal self-development at the macro level, love for friends, love for family, love for the environment, and know the creator of the universe. 2). Development of cultural arts or diverse national culture. 3). To develop himself as a citizen, he must be determined to defend his nation and state. This macro function of education will run smoothly when in the educational process it is necessary to emphasize education on harmonious interaction, because actually the essence of education is a matter of interaction.
The function of education, according to a review of printed literature, states that the real educational function carried out by educational institutions is as follows:
- Preparing community members to earn a living
- Developing individual talent for personal satisfaction and for the benefit of society.
- Preserving culture.
- Inculcate skills necessary for participation in a democracy.
- Reducing parental control, through education in schools, parents delegate their duties and authority in educating children to schools.
- Maintaining the social class system, through school education it is hoped that it can socialize its students to accept differences in prestige and status in society.
- Educational Goals
The purpose of education is also instilled since humans are still in the womb, born, to adulthood according to their own development. Even when he was still small, education was stated in Law 20 of the 2003 National Education System, which stated that early childhood education aims to develop personality and self-potential in accordance with the stages of development of students. Thus the purpose of education also changes according to human development. Because education is experienced from birth to adulthood, the purpose of education is also a process. “The process of humanizing himself as a human being is an essential meaning in education. The success of education is the ideal of education to live in the world, in religion it is also emphasized that the ideal of human life is the hereafter. [5]However, humans do not always reap the results of this attempted process. Therefore the process is sometimes successful or not, so in this way it can be said that the success of the educational process at the macro level is the goal.
The success was also influenced by several factors. This is because there are three pillars of education, namely family education, school education and community education. In the formation and goals of education related to the formation of character, the factor of the family is very important. Parental factors are very influential on human education as students, parents’ awareness is increasing regarding the importance of education as an initial preparation to help achieve further educational success. This initial preparation concerns the attainment of healthy development mentally, emotionally, and socially. Thus the success of this education is not simply achieved, but requires selective requirements and processes. To obtain success in education requires the unity of the three components of educational success. The success of the unity of the three components involves several factors, namely:
- Educator component
The main requirement for educators is to be able to be a role model. The concept of an educator who is also a leader as expressed by Ki Hajar Dewantara namely ing feel sung tuladha, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani which must be fulfilled as much as possible by the educator component. If this concept is fulfilled, then within the educator will emit an aura that causes authority in him, besides that the educator as a figure to be looked up to and emulated will be proof of its truth.
- Student component
Humans as students are one of the components that determine the success of education. If humans as learners are passive, apathetic and indifferent then it is impossible for education to gain success. Therefore, students are required to play an active role in the educational process. This active role is manifested in an attitude of obedience to educators, namely the orders and prohibitions of educators.
- Executor component
In the implementation of education, humans, both educators and students, must be in conditions that are free and democratic. In an atmosphere of joy and mutual understanding. Educators are based on sincere intentions and sincerely impart their knowledge to students. Likewise, students are always sincere in seeking and receiving knowledge. If the two have been established in a harmonious relationship then the knowledge gained will be useful knowledge.
- Definition of Society
Society in English is called ” society” from the word ” sociuc” which means friends. The word “society” comes from the Arabic word ” shirk” which means socializing or interaction in scientific language. The existence of mutual association is of course due to the existence of rules of life which are not caused by humans as individuals, but by elements of other forces. “A more specific meaning of society is also called social unity as well as close bonds of affection. The word society is only found in two languages, namely Indonesian and Malaysian. Then it was adopted into Indonesian which means related and the formation of a group or group [6].
Society according to sociologists is as follows:
- Mac Iver and Page define society as a network of social relations and are always changing.
- Koentjaraningrat defines society as the living unity of human beings who are bound by a certain system of customs.
- Selo Soemardjan and Soelaiman Soemardi said that society is a place where people live together which produces culture.
In another sense, the community or called community (local community) is the citizens of a village, a city, a tribe or a country. If a group, whether large or small, lives together, fulfills the interests of living together, then it is called the local community. From the above opinion, it can be concluded that society is a unit of humans (social) who live in a place and get along with each other ( interaction) between one another, giving rise to a rule (custom/norm) both written and unwritten and forming a culture. Society or what is called society is a group of people who form a semi-closed or semi-open system, “where most interactions are between individuals or within the group.” [7]The word society comes from the Arabic word musyarak.
Community is the third educational field, educators generally agree that the educational field that influences the development of students is the family, educational institutions, and the community environment. Harmony between these three educational fields will have a positive impact on children’s development, including in the formation of their religious spirit.
The community environment will have an impact on the formation of that growth. If physical growth stops when a child reaches adulthood, psychological growth will last a lifetime. This shows that the insurance period in educational institutions (schools) only lasts for a certain time. Preferably, community care will last a lifetime. In this connection, it can be seen that the great influence of society on the growth of the religious soul as part of the personality aspect is integrated into psychological growth. The religious soul which contains the norms of decency cannot be controlled simply by knowing it. According to Emerson, politeness norms also require politeness norms for other people.
- Educational Relations with Society
Education and society are two components that cannot be separated from one another, society needs education and vice versa, without education society will not work well because in education there are elements of society such as teachers, students and others, and vice versa without community education there will be to be stupid and have no knowledge. In addition, society is also seen as “a laboratory where children learn, investigate and participate in community efforts that contain elements of society.” [8]And the community functions as “cultural successors from the next generation dynamically according to the situation and conditions and the needs of the community through education and social interaction”. [9]So it is very impossible if these two elements, namely education and society, are separated and unrelated and if the two things are not integrated, it will produce educational results that are not in accordance with the needs of society and the environment.
Education must also meet the needs of the community itself so that in the future a civil society is formed which later in the Indonesian state law has also been formulated regarding education that follows the needs of the surrounding community, which is contained in law no. 20 of 2003. Likewise, when taken to a wider scope, namely the scope of society, where people must have high solidarity with each other so that the educational process runs well and smoothly. Where all members of society bear the responsibility of fostering, prospering, repairing, and ordering the ma’ruf to forbid the evil.
The Role of Society in Education
Society in general views education as an important role in achieving social goals. The government, along with parents, provides the education budget needed for educational, social and national development as an effort to maintain noble values that must be preserved, such as respect for parents, the obligation to comply with applicable rules and norms. Education is also expected to foster faith and piety to Allah, increase progress and development in politics, economy, socio-culture, and defense and security. The role of society in education is seen in the Republic of Indonesia Law no. 20 of 2003 concerning the national education system, CHAPTER XV, part one, article 54, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3.
- Public participation in education includes the participation of individuals, groups, families, professional organizations, employers and community organizations in the implementation and quality control of educational services.
- Communities can participate as sources, implementers, and users of educational outcomes.
- Provisions regarding community participation as referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 are further regulated by government regulations.
Types of School Relations with the Community
There are three types of school and community relations, namely:
- Educational relationship, “is a cooperative relationship in terms of educating students, between teachers at school and parents in the family. The existence of this relationship is intended so that there are no differences in principles or even conflicts that can lead to doubts in the stance and attitude of the child [10].
- Cultural relations, namely the cooperative relationship between the school and the community that allows mutual fostering and development of the culture of the community where the school is located. This requires cooperation between life in school and life in society. Student curriculum activities are adapted to the needs and demands of community development. Likewise regarding the selection of teaching materials and teaching methods.
- Institutional relations, namely cooperative relations between schools and other official institutions or agencies, both private and government, such as cooperative relations between one school and other schools, state companies, which are related to the improvement and development of education in general.
Educational Relationship Function with Society
“The public relations function is inherent in organizational/company management, namely how public relations organizes two-way or reciprocal communication between the organization/institution it represents and the public, which means that this role also determines the success or failure of the mission, vision and common goals. [11]”
According to Qoiman states that the function of public relations in education is as follows:
- Develop community understanding of all aspects of implementing educational programs in schools.
- To be able to determine what are the expectations regarding the goals of education in schools and what are the expectations of the community for institutions/schools.
- To obtain sufficient assistance from the community to their institutions, both material, financial and moral.
- Generate a greater sense of responsibility for the quality of education.
- Involve the wider community cooperatively in efforts to overcome educational problems and increase cooperation between schools and the community.
- Strengthen an increase and aim of the quality of life and community livelihoods.
- Increasing the enthusiasm of the community to establish a relationship with the school.
The aim of education is to assist children in the process of perfecting their behavior. In an article entitled “the nature and purpose of education” [12]published in 1942, Ki Hajar Dewantara stated that the purpose of education is the perfection of human life so that it can fulfill all physical and spiritual needs obtained from natural nature.
This research was conducted at one of the schools, precisely at SD Negeri 1 Surodadi. Which is located at Jln. Rahayu, Surodadi village, Tugumulyo sub-district, Musi Rawas district. This school has been established since the 70s in 1971 to be precise and until now it is still standing strong with more adequate facilities. Before this school was founded, the community carried out teaching and learning activities held in people’s homes. Education at SD Negeri 1 Surodadi is quite good because it is located in a village. Especially during this pandemic, teachers and students need adequate facilities, such as laptops and Android phones. Not many students have Android cellphones because of the condition of their parents who can’t afford it. Meanwhile, teaching and learning activities are carried out online. If students do not have handponds, they study offline, namely the teacher will come to study groups that have been formed from house to house.
The role of the community in Surodadi village towards education is that the community helps each other and works together. If in online learning students are unable or do not understand instructions from the teacher, parents will ask the teacher directly to help their child’s learning process. The teaching and learning process is carried out from 0 7:30 to 12:30, Monday-Thursday from 17:30 to 12:30 for grades 4,5,6. While class 1,2,3 from 07:30 to 10:30, Friday 07:30 to 11:00, Saturday 07:30 to 10:30. The teaching pattern at SD Negeri 1 Surodadi is democracy, assignments and discussion. SD Negeri 1 Surodadi has implemented the K13 curriculum since 2019. The number of students from grades 1 to grade 6 at SD Negeri 1 Surodadi has an average of 14 to 19 students, the number of teachers and administrative staff is 9 people, 3 teachers who are domiciled around the surodadi area, the rest came from outside the area.
The construction of SD Negeri 1 Surodadi uses committee money, every year student contributions go to help with the construction process. Government funds are used for rehabilitation. Schools during this pandemic are still open as usual, but the learning system takes turns or uses sessions. One day one class starts from 08:00 to 10:00, starting from grade 6 to grade 1. The existence of SD Negeri 1 Surodadi makes it easier for people to get an education. In addition, the community can also get the opportunity to earn rupiah coffers by selling food and setting up photocopying places. This is very helpful and mutually beneficial for students and society.
- The people in the surodadi area are very happy and enthusiastic. The development of education in Surodadi is quite good. However, in the future this school can be even better. it is proven that there are elementary schools, MTS, and kindergarten, even though there are no junior high schools and senior high schools, but the basic education studied in kindergarten and elementary school is enough to prove that education in Surodadi is quite good. The people here are also very happy with this development. The hope is that in the future their children will become human beings who are useful to society, religion and the State.
- Community Participation in Education
In the GBHN it is stated that the purpose of organizing education is to educate the life of the nation. The implementation of such education is the responsibility of the government, society and parents. In order for the implementation of education to be achieved, schools must establish relationships with the community, because schools are educational institutions that support community development. Community participation is one form of cooperation that can be carried out by schools and the community.
The community in the area of SD Negeri 1 Surodadi really participates in the activities carried out by the school. Both intra and extra, the cooperation that is fostered is very good so that people can easily enter and leave the school environment. The community participates in establishing and financing schools, the community plays a role in supervising education so that schools continue to help and support the aspirations and needs of the community. Until now, if there were students who skipped class or during school hours, the surrounding community would report it to the school so that the student would realize the mistake he had made.
- Supporting Factors and Obstacles to Educational Relations with the Community
Based on the results of observations and interviews conducted by researchers at SD Negeri 1 Surodadi regarding the supporting and inhibiting factors in the relationship between education and the community. Factors that support the implementation of school-community relations at SD Negeri 1 Surodadi, namely that there is a systematic program and planning, there is a complete documentation base, the availability of skilled experts, and adequate means and funds and conditions of school organization that allow for improving school relations activities with society. In connection with the implementation of school relations with the community, there are factors that support the implementation of the relationship process, namely there are several activities that are held periodically and planned, such as holding meetings with parents of class students, these activities are routinely carried out at the end of each semester, teacher council meetings are attended by the committee board.
Another supporting factor is that the organizational structure in SD Negri 1 Surodadi is quite good and each of the personnel from the structure functions properly, starting from the teaching staff, TU staff, deputy head of curricula, deputy head of student affairs, committees. and the context of social relations with the surrounding community, school members and the wider community. And also because this school is located in a village, it is possible to always be in touch with the surrounding community.
As for the inhibiting factor in the process of school-community relations at SD Negeri 1 Surodadi, namely the lack of understanding of the community about education and also the understanding of school residents about what and how the management of school-community relations should be developed. Lack of communication between school members and community members, resulting in one-way communication between the school and community members or student guardians and in the end the school did not know the wishes of the community but forced its wishes on the community or student guardians who at that time were only involved in the financing aspect. there is a meeting between the parents of the students and the teachers usually there are some parents who are not present and they only represent others. This is caused by a lack of understanding by the community or parents about the importance of establishing a relationship between parents and schools, especially regarding their children’s problems at school.
Education is a process of humanizing humans as humans. What is done is the teaching and learning stage that students go through, from elementary school to senior high school. Education is a very important element in creating a generation that is strong and able to make life better in the future. The development of education in Surodadi is quite good . However, in the future this school can be even better.
In the process of teaching and learning there must be supporting and inhibiting factors. Factors that support the implementation of school-community relations at SD Negeri 1 Surodadi, namely that there is a systematic program and planning, there is a complete documentation base, the availability of skilled experts, and adequate facilities and funds and conditions of school organization that make it possible to improve school relations activities with society. In connection with the implementation of school relations with the community, there are factors that support the implementation of the relationship process, namely there are several activities that are held periodically and planned, such as holding meetings with parents of class students, these activities are routinely carried out at the end of each semester, teacher council meetings are attended by the committee board. the inhibiting factor in the process of school-community relations at SD Negeri 1 Surodadi is the lack of understanding of the community about education and also the understanding of school members about what and how the management of school-community relations should be developed. Lack of communication between school members and community members, resulting in one-way communication between the school and community members or parents of students and in the end the school did not know the wishes of the community but forced its wishes on the community or student parents who at that time were only involved in the financing aspect.
Community participation is also important for the advancement of education as in Surodadi. The community in the SD Negeri 1 Surodadi area participates very much in the activities carried out by the school. Both intra and extra, the cooperation that is fostered is very good so that people can easily enter and leave the school environment. The community participates in establishing and financing schools, the community plays a role in supervising education so that schools continue to help and support the aspirations and needs of the community. Until now, if there were students who skipped class or during school hours, the surrounding community would report it to the school so that the student would realize the mistake he had made.
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[2]Made Pidarta , Educational Foundation , (Jakarta: Rienka Cipta, 2009), pp. 151-154
[3]Syarif Hidayat, Theory and Principles of Education , (Tangerang: PT Pustaka Mandiri, 2013), p. 34
[4]Amos Neolaka, Foundation of Education: Basic Self-Introduction Towards Life Change, (Depok: Kencana, 2017), page 16
[5]Yuli Sectio Rini, Education: Nature, Purpose, and Process, Journal of Dance Arts Education, Yogyakarta: Education and Arts, Yogyakarta State University, 2013, page 9
[6]Sidi Gazalba, Islamic Society: Introduction to Sociology and Sociography , (Jakarta: Crescent Star, 1976), p. 11
[7]Iskandi, The Relationship between Education and Society in a Sociological Perspective, Journal of Taushiyah vol. 15, no, 1 of 2020, p. 3
[8]Abu Ahmad, Sociology of Education , (Jakarta: Rienka Cipta, 2004), p. 133
[9]Ary H. Gunawan, Educational Sociology, a sociological analysis of various educational problems, (Jakarta: Rienka Cipta, 2000), p. 54
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Education Relationship with the Community in a Sociological Per Spective
Juni Tabah Lestari1, Sindi Pebiola2, Rizka Novi Kurnia Sari3
1,2,3 STAI-BS Lubuklinggau, Indonesia
Vol 3 No 7 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 07 July 2023
Article Date Published : 4 July 2023 | Page No.: 1186-1194
Abstract :
This study aims to describe: the relationship between education and society, the notion of education, the notion of society, and the sociology of education. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. The information obtained came from one of the teachers who taught at the research site and the surrounding community. The results of this study are the development of education, community participation in education, and the supporting and inhibiting factors in the relationship between education and the community, namely the development of education in the research area is quite good, the community participates in activities carried out by the school, for example when holding competitions, supporting factors that is, there is a systematic program and planning, the condition of the school organization is quite good and the inhibiting factor is the lack of public understanding of the importance of having a relationship between parents and school, the road to school is quite far. Efforts to overcome these obstacles are to provide information as clearly as possible to parents about what is on the agenda in meetings or meetings between parents and the school.
Keywords :
Relations, Education, Society.References :
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Author's Affiliation
Juni Tabah Lestari1, Sindi Pebiola2, Rizka Novi Kurnia Sari3
1,2,3 STAI-BS Lubuklinggau, Indonesia
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 3 No 7 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 07 July 2023
- Page No.: 1186-1194
- Published : 4 July 2023
- DOI:
How to Cite :
Education Relationship with the Community in a Sociological Per Spective. Juni Tabah Lestari, Sindi Pebiola, Rizka Novi Kurnia Sari, 3(7), 1186-1194. Retrieved from
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International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies