Vol 3 No 7(2023)

Exploring Learner Behavior within School Context: A Study of Disciplinary Committees in Selected Secondary Schools of Southern Zambia

Kalisto Kalimaposo1, Rex Chooye Nalubamba2, Chivunda Kaumba3, Sanny Mulubale4, Harrison Daka5

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 University of Zambia, School of Education, Lusaka, Zambia

Page No. 1130-1145

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Education Relationship with the Community in a Sociological Per Spective

Juni Tabah Lestari1, Sindi Pebiola2, Rizka Novi Kurnia Sari3

1,2,3 STAI-BS Lubuklinggau, Indonesia

Page No. 1186-1194

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Teaching Professionalism: Comparison of Teachers in Training

Agboro-Eravwoke, Ochuko. Urhievwejire

Science Education Department, Faculty of Education, Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State

Page No. 1202-1205

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Some Historical Place Name in Tan Trao

Duong Thi Ngu, Phd.

Tan Trao University, Tuyen Quang, Vietnam

Page No. 1206-1209

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Factors Influencing the Performance of Accounting Information Systems University Public Services Agency

A.A. Ngurah Mayun Narindra1, Komang Adi Kurniawan Saputra2*, A.A.N.B. Dwirandra3

1,2 Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University

3 Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University

Page No. 1210-1219

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Strengthening of Public Service Regulations to Overcome the Challenges of the Sandwich Generation in the Indonesian Economy

Aulia Sholichah Iman Nurchotimah1, & Alif Aditya Candra2, Raitam Afandi3

1,3 State Islamic Institute Syekh Nurjati Cirebon (IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon), Indonesia

2University of Jambi (Universitas Jambi), Indonesia

Page No. 1226-1231

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Education in Austerity: Exploring Parental Participation in Supporting Community Schools in Two Villages of Eastern Zambia

Kalisto Kalimaposo1, Sanny Mulubale2, Harrison Daka3, Chivunda Kaumba4

1, 2, 3, 4University of Zambia, School of Education

Page No. 1236-1243

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The Existence of Azan Magazine as a Media for Spreading Islamic Knowledge in Pattani Thailand

Rizka Harfiani1*, Suraiya Chapakiya2, Zailani3

1,3Islamic Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia

2Faculty of Literature and Social Sciences, Fathony University, Pattani, Thailand

Page No. 1251-1256

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The Narration of the Female Workers’ Coffins in Literary Works

Maria Matildis Banda1, Ida Bagus Jelantik Sutanegara Pidada2, I Nyoman Weda Kusuma3, Sri Jumadiah4

1,2,3,4 Faculty of Humanities – Udayana University Denpasar Bali

Page No. 1257-1267

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Development of E-Modin Persuasive Texts with Love the Environment Content for Grade VIII Students of SMPI Al Fattahiyyah Tulungagung

Qoyyimun Nafal1, Dyah Werdiningsih2, Sri Wahyuni3, Mas’ud Said4, Akhmad Tabrani5

1,2,3,4,5 Universitas Islam Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Page No. 1268-1276

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Legal Strength of Certificate of Property Rights to Land which is Enforced Duty for Acquisition of Land Rights Obtained

Yogi Firmanda1, Dyah Octhorina Susanti2, Aan Efendi3

1,2,3 Master of Notary Program Study, Faculty of Law, University of Jember

Page No. 1277-1284

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Gender Issues and Challenges in Post Covid-19 Pandemic: A Home Economist Perspective

OKWUNWA Rose Kehinde1, IGBINEWEKA Susan Osarenkhoe2, OKORUWA, Juliet Obigeli3

1,3 Department of Vocational Education, Delta State University, Abraka

2 Department of Vocational and Technical Education, University of Benin. Benin City

Page No. 1285-1291

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Error Analysis of Using Combined Directional Complementary Words "下来", "下去" and "起来" in Students of The Chinese Language Education Study Program of Widya Kartika University Surabaya

Elisa Churota’ayun1*, Minny Elisa Yanggah2, Patricia Fernanda3

1,2,3 Faculty of Chinese Literature and Education, Department of Chinese Language Education, Widya Kartika University Surabaya.

Page No. 1292-1296

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Analysis of Social Inequality and Education Level in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

Besse Qur’ani1*, Abdul Hadis2, Muh. Ashary Anshar3, Rukman Pala4

1,2State University of Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

3IBK Nitro, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

4National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia

Page No. 1297-1303

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Embracing Islamic Values in Governance: Reflecting the Concept of ‘Madani’ In the Holy Qur’an

Nadiah Abdul Aziz, Ph.D.1, Rossilawati Rusli, M.A2

1,2 Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology, Kuala Lumpur

Page No. 1304-1312

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Locating the Bemba Kinship in 21st Century Zambia: A Historical and Futuristic Perspective

Alice Bimba1, Daniel L. Mpolomoka2, Rex L. Sampa3, Obster Gorebrowne Nyirenda4, Lufeyo Chitondo5, Limbali Muyendekwa6, Kennedy Kangwa7, Abigail Nachilima Chalwe2

1Postgraduate Student, School of Graduate Studies, Zambian Open University

2School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Unicaf University Zambia

3School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Copperbelt University

4School of Education, Department of Secondary Education, Zambian Open University

5School of Education, Department of Literature and Languages, Rockview University, Zambia

6School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Literature and Languages Department, University of Zambia

7School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Literature and Languages Department, Kwame Nkrumah University

Page No. 1313-1326

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Innovative Fintech Startups: What does the Future hold for Financial Institutions in Kenya?

Samuel Hakizimana1, Stephen Muathe2, Charity Wairimu Muraguri3, Victor Muithya4

1,2,4 School of Business, Economics, and Tourism, Department of Business Administration, Kenyatta University

3School of Business, Economics, and Tourism, Department of Business Administration, Kenyatta University

Page No. 1327-1345

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Social Media Addiction and Academic Performance of Social Studies Students in Upper Basic Schools in Delta State

ESІEMURE, Patience Oghenechavwuko1, Ogheneakoke, Edore Clifford (PhD.) 2

1,2 Department of Social Science Education, Delta State University, Abraka; Nigeria.

Page No. 1347-1353

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Implementation of Pertamina Dppu Adisucipto's Social Innovation in Community Development Efforts in Sustainable Agriculture and Fisheries

Beti Nur Hayati1, Bagus Budianto2, Irfan Hibatulaziz3, Fira Nisa Rahmawati4

1 UIN Sunan Kalijaga

2,3 PT. Pertamina Patra Niaga DPPU Adisutjipto Yogyakarta

4 UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Page No. 1354-1360

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Fulfillment of Student Religious Education Services as a Strategy in Installation of Religious Moderation Values from Early Religion in Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia

Whan Nurdiana1, Roni Harsoyo2, Samsudin3

1IAIN Ponorogo, Indonesia

2STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk, Indonesia

3IAI Sunan Giri Ponorogo, Indonesia

Page No. 1361-1366

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The Effect of Product Quality and Price Perception on Purchasing Decisions for Tango Wafers in Surabaya

Moch. Ghofur Firmansyah1, Hery Pudjoprastyono2

1,2 Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” East Java, Indonesia

Page No. 1376-1379

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The Impact of Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) Sustainability Disclosure on Accounting Performance: A Case Study of Firms in Liberia

Lemuel Kenneth David1, Prof Jianling Wang2, Dr. Vanessa Angel3, Nosheen Amjad4

1,4 School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University

2 School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Department of Accounting and School of Management

3West Chester University, United States

Page No. 1380-1393

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Quality Assurance in Improving the Quality of Human Resources (Multisite Study at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang and UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Sindarwasih1, Mujamil Qomar 2, Prim Masrokan Mutohar3, Maftukhin4, Akhyak5

1,2,3,4,5UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia

Page No. 1435-1445

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Early Retirement Option among Teachers at the Teachers' Training Institute (IPG)

Syed Ismail Syed Mustapa1, Noor Diyana Salleh2, Ahmad Subki Miskon3, Noor Fitriyati Abdul Samad4

1,2Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia.

3,4 Jabatan Perancangan, Penyelidikan dan Inovasi, Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Ilmu Khas, Kuala Lumpur.

Page No. 1446-1451

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Common Challenges in Academic Writing of English-Majored Seniorsat Tay Do University

Phan Thị Minh Uyên1, Nguyễn Trần Nhã Khanh2, Phạm Thị Huỳnh Như3

1,2,3 Tay Do University, Vietnam

Page No. 1462-1479

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Relationship between Students' Adversity Quotient and their English Performance at a University in Viet Nam

Nguyen Thanh Hung1, Nguyen Van Tuan2, Lam Thi Thuy Tien3, Duong Quoc Thanh4, Nguyen Hoang Thai5

1,2,3,4,5 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Can Tho City, Viet Nam

Page No. 1480-1486

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Human Transformation in the Disruption Era in the Indonesian Novel

I Gusti Ayu Agung Mas Triadnyani1, Jalu Norva Illa Putra2

1,2 Udayana University, Faculty of Humanities, Denpasar.

Page No. 1487-1492

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Examining the Role of Physical Fitness and Perceived Autonomy Support in Academic Performance of Medical Students in Guangzhou China

Liu Yanjun1*, Siti Maziha Mustapha2, Shariffah Bahyan Binti Syed Ahmad3

1,2,3Department of Arts & Education, Faculty of Business, Information and Human Sciences, Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL), Malaysia

1Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, China

Page No. 1493-1498

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Managerial Competence of Madrasah Principals in the Development of Educators and Education Personnel in Madiun, Indonesia

Qurotul Fitriani1, Mukhibat2, Dhinuk Puspita Kirana3, Roni Harsoyo4

1Postgraduate Program Student of IAIN Ponorogo, Indonesia

2,3,4 IAIN Ponorogo, Indonesia

Page No. 1499-1508

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