Strengthening of Public Service Regulations to Overcome the Challenges of the Sandwich Generation in the Indonesian Economy
Aulia Sholichah Iman Nurchotimah1, & Alif Aditya Candra2, Raitam Afandi3
1,3 State Islamic Institute Syekh Nurjati Cirebon (IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon), Indonesia
2University of Jambi (Universitas Jambi), Indonesia
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to dig deeper about the sandwich generation who are faced with a double responsibility in caring for children and elderly parents. Effective and appropriate public services are necessary in supporting the needs of the sandwich generation. This article provides an overview of the current regulation of public services and outlines strategies to strengthen regulation. Best practice case studies from other countries are also included. The method used in this research is literature review by analyzing various books and journal articles. The results of this study provide an overview of strengthening regulations that have positive implications and benefits for the sandwich generation and the general public, the importance of strengthening public service regulations in overcoming the challenges of the sandwich generation in Indonesia. Strengthening public service regulations has a deep role in overcoming various problems faced by the sandwich generation in the context of the Indonesian economy. Robust and effective regulations will ensure a fair and honest trajectory of public services. In this case, the regulation must organize the special needs and views of the sandwich generation, such as services that are flexible, and can be accessed easily. Realizing the optimization of public services for the sandwich generation requires full collaboration between the government and the community. It is also important to evaluate the required public service regulations in this discussion to inform deficiencies and necessary improvements. That way, strengthening public service regulations will turn into effective instruments in overcoming the challenges of the sandwich generation in the Indonesian economy, then they can contribute optimally to the state.
KEYWORDS: Regulation, Public Service, Sandwich Generation, Strengthening, Economy, Regulatory Law
Effective and efficient public services are one of the main elements in building a just and sustainable nation. In Indonesia, an advanced economy is developing which triggers the presence of new challenges, this is a phenomenon known as the “sandwich generation”. The sandwich generation is aimed at a generation that must face heavy demands and burdens, both in terms of family responsibilities and in dealing with social and economic changes.
The sandwich generation is divided from those who are in the midst of parental responsibilities, who have to care for and care for their children, on the other hand they are also obliged to care for and give attention to their elderly parents. They generally face double pressure to provide for their family, themselves, while also loving the attention and support of both generations before and after them. This is because it is increasingly relevant in Indonesia, recognizing the recent demographic changes and changes in family dynamics.
In line with the statement above, (Chotimah & Affandi, 2018) in his article states that service is any event or activity that one party can negotiate with another individual or group, which is based on non-formal nature and also results in ownership. Another opinion about public service is any activity developed by the government for a handful of people who have useful activities in one unit and offer satisfaction but also the results are not connected with a physical product. This means that public services are services that are allocated for the benefit of the community from the government, both in the form of public goods and services. Public services provided by the government to citizens include services in the form of goods, services, and also administrative services. Basically the activities carried out by public service providers have the aim of providing the best service and urgency in accordance with the expectations of citizens as service users.
In the context of the sandwich generation, there is an urgency to strengthen regulations on public services in order to provide protection and justice for them. This strengthened regulation can maximize efforts to develop service standards, in the administration of public services. Thus, the sandwich generation will receive more efficient, effective and quality public services.
Good and effective public service change is critical in addressing the challenges faced in the sandwich generation. Public service regulations must be proactive to ensure that the sandwich generation can provide for themselves and provide the necessary attention to their family members in need. However, in facing this challenge, it is necessary to evaluate the existing public service regulations in order to correct deficiencies and increase their effectiveness.
This article will discuss strengthening public service regulations as a solution to overcoming the challenge of the sandwich generation in the Indonesian economy. We will explore the importance of relevant public services in meeting the needs of the sandwich generation, evaluate current public service regulations, and formulate strategies to strengthen these regulations. Apart from that, I will also cite best practice examples from other countries that have succeeded in strengthening public service regulations and implementing them in Indonesia.
The method used in this research is the literature review method. Research on material for strengthening public service regulations to overcome the challenges of the sandwich generation in the Indonesian economy. The research method using literature study is included in the qualitative approach. This research study explores and analyzes journal articles and books as well as documents
Data analysis on the results of this study used descriptive analysis methods, namely describing various facts from the research results and followed by an analysis of various literature, namely books and journal articles relevant to the research and various documents to produce in-depth research results. (Creswell, 2014)
- Sandwich Generation Concept
At this time, there is a phenomenon that is mushrooming, namely the sandwich generation. The sandwich generation belongs to families that include members of the wider family. Families that include extended family members consist of a nuclear family that includes more or less one or more family members such as grandparents, uncles or aunts who live together. The term “sandwich generation” was first published by Dorothy A. Miller in her journal entitled “The ‘Sandwich’ Generation: Adults of the Aging” in 1981. The sandwich generation is aimed at the generation of adults who have additional responsibilities in terms of these are their parents, will also be related to their children. In this connection, the sandwich generation is given a situation where they must look after both their children who need special attention and their aging parents. Because of this, it is also called that the sandwich generation is a middle-aged generation that has obligations to elderly parents and their children. (Aushaful Husain & Sartika, 2021).
The sandwich generation is aimed at the handful of middle-aged people who are in positions of looking after aging parents and also caring for their children. The term provides an understanding of someone who is squeezed between different responsibilities, which refers to caring for elderly parents and also providing encouragement for their children who are still dependent on them. This dual role and responsibility provides various challenges that must be faced. In this case, the sandwich generation has had various kinds of impacts, both physically, psychologically, emotionally, and in terms of financial burdens (Kusumaningrum, 2018).
The definition that the sandwich generation continues to grow, then the financial responsibility that they are involved in is not only for their parents and their children, it also involves the generations above and below them who are still part of from blood relations. The existence of the sandwich generation can also be triggered by various factors, namely the level of financial literacy. Lack of knowledge about financial management results in first generation individuals not providing retirement funds wisely, that is when they reach an unproductive period, they need help from the second generation. (Nuryasman & Elizabeth,2023)
At the same time, generally, the second generation already has a family and children (the third generation). The financial demands made by the second generation can be described as a “sandwich”, so they are called the sandwich generation. From a statistical point of view, there is an increase in the financial burden burdened on the second generation as the sandwich generation. Because it means that the financial burden is unthinkable for the first and third generations. People with a fairly good understanding of finances also make better financial decisions, such as paying credit card bills on time, investing in stocks, and investing in other financial products according to age.
Generation Y, or better known as the millennial generation, is a group of individuals who emerged and were born in the 80-90s. They are also known as the digitally connected generation and have bold, innovative, creative and modern traits. In contrast, the Baby Boomers/generation X generation, who were born in the 65-89s era, are also related to the sandwich generation, namely the millennial generation as the generation above them.
They have different preferences from previous generations, such as the desire for freedom and flexibility in working, studying and doing business. The millennial generation, also known as Generation Y, is a group of individuals who were born between the 1980s and 1997, but when they experienced a condition where they took care of generation X (baby boomers) and generation Z. The term “millennial” is used because it is the only generation that has felt the change of the millennium since the theory of this generation was first proposed by Karl Mannheim in 1923.
The sandwich generation, which is aimed at generations that are between generations Z and generations X, has a close relationship with the millennial generation. These three generations have much in common in their choice and suitability. This shows that there are various individuals from the millennial generation who also belong to the sandwich generation.
In this case, the link between the sandwich generation and the millennial generation is closely related. The millennial generation, with the various challenges they face, is an important part in changing and improving the Indonesian economy. There must be a comprehensive effort to understand the role of the millennial generation as well as strengthening public service regulations regarding the impacts and challenges faced by the sandwich generation in the context of the Indonesian economy. (Ambarwati A, & Raharjo, S T 2018)
- b. The Role of The Sandwich Generation in The Indonesian Economy
The sandwich generation has an easy threat to poverty if they experience Termination of Employment (PHK). Under such conditions, the people they care for will have a negative effect, which will further increase the number of people living in extreme poverty, currently reaching around 6 million people. Therefore, the government through Employment BPJS has provided 5 guarantee schemes, namely work accident insurance, death security, pension security, old age security, and job loss insurance.
The Generation is the support for the three generations above, himself, and the generations below, this is a very crucial and complex issue. As the country of Indonesia, this is a problem that must be faced in optimizing the estimated demographic bonus in the coming 2030-2040 years. The number of sandwich generations is estimated to reach 64 percent or around 180.08 million of the total estimated population of 297 million. (Suharyono & Hadiningrat, 2023)
The sandwich generation, which accounts for around 70.72 percent of the total population, has a significant impact on productivity, competitiveness, economic progress and other sectors based on the principles of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. be in line with the values of Pancasila.
The sandwich generation, which is divided from someone bearing responsibility for older and younger family members, has a role to play in Indonesia’s economy. Here are some of the important roles the sandwich generation plays in the economy
1) The role of economic activity
The sandwich generation participates in channeling economic contributions through their work and business activities. They are human resources who participate in creating additional value for the economy.
2) Consumption The Sandwich Generation has The Character of an Influential Consumer.
They spend from income to provide for their needs and the needs of their families, which has a positive effect on the growth of the trade and industrial sector.
3) The Development of The Quality of Labor
The sandwich generation that is at a productive age can develop the quality of the workforce in various sectors. They provide good experience and knowledge because their experience in managing two generations can be applied in the work environment.
4) Social and Caring Roles
The sandwich generation also has an important role to play in providing care and support to family members in need, such as parents and their children. By ensuring the well-being of their families, they can create stability that supports economic growth.
5) Innovation and Business Development
Several generations of sandwiches have ambitions to grow their own business. By leveraging the knowledge and experience they have gained from previous generations, they can create new innovations and contribute to the growth of the business sector. (Nicholas Stern, Financial Services Authority, 2020)
The role of sandwich generation in this context can be positive or negative depending on the effect it triggers. For those who have higher positions and higher incomes, the demands that they bring as the sandwich generation can benefit in sufficient for themselves and their families. Conversely, for the sandwich generation who have a low position and insufficient income, the burden they bear can have a negative impact. This burden can significantly affect their productivity and competitiveness results.
Basically, their productivity and competitiveness suffers, which has a negative impact on the potential benefits of demographic bonus opportunities. That’s how the sandwich generation can pose obstacles in perfecting demographic dividend opportunities. In increasing opportunities to take advantage of the demographic bonus, a roadmap is needed that includes a series of activities to maximize the benefits of the demographic bonus. Steps that can be taken include developing human qualities through education and training, expanding the labor market, managing population growth, and improving the health level of the population.
In this case, the South Korean government has been successful in taking advantage of demographic bonuses from strengthening human resources, such as the intellectual capital development plan by inviting young people to study abroad. What was obtained was very optimal and made South Korea a developed country. The Japanese government has also designed plans for various strategies to deal with demographic bonuses, as well as from improving the education sector, health sector, employment, and activities that reduce the number of unproductive youth. This section is the right step to make Japan a developed country. (Suharyono & Hadiningrat, 2023)
- The Role of Public Service in Supporting the Sandwich Generation
Each regional government tries its best to use all available resources to carry out government work and expand its economy with the aim of promoting people’s welfare in an effective, efficient, transparent and accountable manner in line with the principles of good governance. From these claims, it can be explained in depth that the transformation in the government system has an effect on governance activities, in which each area of government has the obligation to allocate rights and authorities to improve society, especially in actions to improve people’s welfare by channeling contributions to development and services that are appropriate and of good quality. for society in general.
This is stated by (Lanak & Ranaka, 2021) the transfer of authority and special obligations for good public services, aiming to invite, empower, and serve the community specifically, in the end the government’s obligation to serve the community can be done more optimally. The services allocated to the community are specifically intended to describe the role that the government has in properly regulating and empowering the community and its bureaucracy, so that concrete government tasks will have an impact on the social order in society, as well as the development and welfare of society as a whole.
According to him, the provision of public services is an ethical obligation as a government agency to carry out activities to distribute services to someone who needs them. The availability of public services is an effort carried out by the state to fulfill primary needs and the rights of every citizen involved in goods and services, as well as various administrative services provided by public service institutions. From this, on paper, public service is a responsibility attached to government institutions, from the central, regional, to village levels. The realization of this public service as one of the government’s main things in terms of easy access to the community also utilizes their rights and obligations.
The existence of good public services has a very important role in meeting the demands of the sandwich generation, a demographic group that is responsible for three generations at once. The following are various reasons why relevant public services have a significant role to play in meeting the various needs of the sandwich generation:
1) Adequate Access to Health Services
The sandwich generation has the responsibility to care for family members from the older and younger generations. Effective public services can facilitate difficult and multi-faceted access to health services, improve service standards, and deliver programs that suit their various needs.
2) Quality Education
The sandwich generation is also involved in the education of their children and provides support in the education of the younger generation. Effective public services will ensure the availability of quality education, training programs and skills improvement, as well as educational support relevant to the needs of the sandwich generation.
3) Adequate Job Opportunities
The sandwich generation often faces barriers in navigating jobs that align with their responsibilities towards older and younger families. Optimal public services will produce an environment that supports economic growth, fosters job opportunities, provides job training, and supports the integration of the sandwich generation into the world of work.
4) Social Protection and Security
The sandwich generation also faces greater social and security challenges, such as risks of poverty, financial instability, and housing instability. Good public services will provide strong social safeguards, such as social assistance programs, welfare protection, and affordable housing programs to meet the needs of the sandwich generation.
5) Participation and Engagement
Effective public services also support the participation and participation of the sandwich generation to be creative in decisions that affect their lives. By providing transparent information, open consultation, and effective participation mechanisms, public services can ensure that the sandwich generation has the right to be heard and recognized in policy making.
Improving the quality of life of the community is also included in the target of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) specifically on sustainable development and communities (PUPR, 2020). This was stated by (Anwar Nur Lovenika & Rozalinna, 2021) which can be indicated by the provision of livable housing, building construction capabilities, and various accesses to facilitate sandwich generation activities. This increase was supported by accessibility policies for the generation of sandwiches with MBR (Low Income Society) criteria.
- Strategy for Strengthening Public Service Regulations Impacting the Sandwich Generation
Law No. 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services is a regulation that regulates public services in Indonesia. This regulation is vital in verifying that every citizen and resident has the right to public services that are relevant to their various needs. In the context of the sandwich generation, this regulation has a crucial impact, it provides a legal basis governing the delivery of public services to meet their needs.
This law emphasizes the importance of good, fast, easy, affordable and measurable public services. The service standards stated in this law serve as benchmarks for service managers to ensure the quality of services allocated to the public, including the generation of sandwiches. This leads to ensuring that the sandwich generation can obtain effective access and appropriate services according to their needs (
This regulation also introduces the important role of actors in public services, which include officials, employees, officers, and individuals who work in service delivery organizations. They claim responsibility for carrying out actions or various public service objectives that meet established standards.
On the other hand, this law also emphasizes that public services must include the community as direct or indirect beneficiaries. Communities, whether as individuals, groups or legal institutions, hold the right to provide quality public services according to their needs.
In this case (Nurchotimah, AS I, 2021) Reveals that Public service is a state obligation to fulfill the basic interests of citizens, which is mandated in the 1945 Constitution. It is crucial for the government to provide good, fair and non-discriminatory public services to achieve social welfare. The effectiveness and efficiency of public services are considered as an assessment of the quality of government.
Decree of the Minister of Administrative Reform Number 63 of 2003 describes public services for all forms of services issued by central, regional and BUMN/BUMD government units, both in the form of goods and services, to meet the needs of the community and realize statutory policies. Public services need to be based on the interests of the community and must not be despotic.
Important things that need to be studied in public services include the same understanding of public services, the functions of public service providers, the implementation of public services, as well as the scope and system of integrated services. Service standards, special services, tiered services, community participation, settlement of complaints, compensation payment mechanisms, facilities and infrastructure, innovation, monitoring and evaluation, as well as assessment and guidance in supervision are also important parts of public service delivery (Rozalinna, GM, & Anwar V L N, 2021)
The Strategy to Strengthen Public Service Regulation is an effort to improve the quality and effectiveness of public services in the sandwich generation group. Which can be considered through improving and strengthening regulations related to public services, so as to provide guarantees and legal stability in the delivery of services. The goal is to make services more efficient, transparent and accountable, as well as provide protection and justice for the sandwich generation in obtaining quality public services.
With the presence of this regulation, it is certain that public services can improve significantly, also for the sandwich generation. This will make it easier for them to meet their daily needs and improve their overall quality of life.
- Evaluation of Current Public Service Regulations Among the Sandwich Generation
Good, fair, and non-discriminatory public services are the basic fulfillment for the sandwich generation, which is aimed at those who protect elderly parents while also caring for their own children. The sandwich generation sometimes faces special challenges in accessing public services, such as health services, elderly care, education and other supporting facilities.
In this regard, strengthening regulation of public services is vital to provide protection and justice for the sandwich generation. Through the development and improvement of regulations, the government can ensure that public services are met in the special needs of the sandwich generation. For example, by providing integrated and integrated health services, including facilities for the elderly and children’s health services, as well as educational programs that accommodate their needs.
In this case (Ummu, M A M L F, & Iman, AA S, 2022). emphasizes that public service is a measuring tool for success in measuring government performance and carrying out tasks through the bureaucracy, so that it is claimed to be crucial by all groups of good governance. This success was greatly motivated by communication matters and efforts by the government program service unit in defining service standards. Preparation of communication standards in each part of the service given to ensure that the implementation goes according to plan. Failure in public service communication can trigger disruptions to the flow of information which impacts on service quality and undermines public confidence, as well as a deficit in people’s views on government public services.
In the context of the sandwich generation, strengthening regulations on public services creates the importance of channeling protection and justice to them. Thus the regulation has been strengthened, it is hoped that public services can become optimal and of good quality for the sandwich generation.
On the other hand, the same perception about public services, community participation, and facilitating complaints is also important in the context of the sandwich generation. The sandwich generation needs to have clear knowledge about their rights and obligations in operating public services, as well as having an effective complaint resolution mechanism in case of dissatisfaction or problems with the services received.
Thus, the strategy to strengthen regulation of public services among the sandwich generation aims to make services more efficient, transparent and accountable. This will ensure protection and justice for the sandwich generation in obtaining quality public services that meet their needs as caregivers for the elderly and their children.
The sandwich generation, of those who have to care for their parents and their own children. Good, fair and efficient public services will be useful in meeting their various needs. Law No. 25 of 2009 concerning public services to make aware of the legal basis governing the implementation of public services in Indonesia. Therefore, the state’s mandate is to provide quality, transparent and accountable services to the interests of the community.
Strategies to strengthen regulation of public services that have an effect on the generation of sandwiches must be realized. The development and improvement of regulations in public services is essential in creating efficient, transparent and accountable services. The aim is to guarantee and provide legal certainty for a handful of sandwich generations for the purpose of quality public services. Evaluation of public service regulations to date in the sandwich generation group must also be carried out to ensure that these services are relevant to the standards mandated in the law.
Thus is Law No. 25 of 2009 concerning public services, it is hoped that the government can carry out its duties to provide quality, fair and impartial public services to all citizens, as well as the sandwich generation. Good and correct public services are also considered as a view of the quality of government. Therefore, it is urgent for the government to continue to develop and optimize public services to gain people’s welfare, including the generation of sandwiches.
The role of the sandwich generation is very extraordinary for Indonesia, therefore various efforts need to be strengthened to grow a good quality generation.
- Ambarwati, A., & Raharjo, S. T. (2018). Prinsip Kepemimpinan Character of A Leader pada Era Generasi Milenial. PHILANTHROPY: Journal of Psychology, 2(2), 114-127.
- Anwar Nur Lovenika, V., & Rozalinna, G. M. (2021). Rusunawa dan Sandwich Generation: Violetta Lovenika Nur Anwar Mahasiswa Program Studi S1 Sosiologi FISIP (Vol. 1, Issue 1).
- Aushaful Husain, S., & Sartika, R. (2021). Sandwich Parenting: Pola Asuh Keluarga Abad 21. Sosietas Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi, Vol 11, No 1 (2021).
- Chotimah, A. S. I. N., & Affandi, I. Ombudsman’s Efforts to Encourage Participation of State Citizens in Public Service Supervision.
- Creswell, J. W. (2014). Penelitian Kualitatif & Desain Riset. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
- Kusumaningrum, F. A. (2018). Generasi Sandwich: Beban Pengasuhan dan Dukungan Sosial pada Wanita Bekerja. Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Penelitian Psikologi, 23(2), 109–120.
- Lanak, B., & Ranaka, P. (2021). Peran Perangkat Desa dalam Peningkatan Pelayanan Publik di Desa Gajahrejo, Kabupaten Malang. In Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (Vol. 1, Issue Januari).
- Nurchotimah, A. S. I. (2021). Pengawasan Pelayanan Publik-Jejak Pustaka (Vol. 1). Jejak Pustaka, Pengawasan Pelayanan Publik, 1(1), 2-4.
- Nuryasman MN, & Elizabeth Elizabeth. (2023). Generasi Sandwich: Penyebab Stres Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Keputusan Keuangan. Jurnal Ekonomi, 28(1), 20–41.
- Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, (Nicholas Stern, 2020). Roadmap Keuangan Berkelanjutan Tahap II (2021 – 2025), OJK. Jakarta
- Rozalinna, G. M., & Anwar, V. L. N. (2021). Rusunawa dan Sandwich Generation: Resiliensi Masa Pandemi di Ruang Perkotaan. Brawijaya Journal of Social Science, 1(1), 63-79.
- Suharyono, K. P., & Hadiningrat, S. (2023). Dampak Generasi Roti Apit Terhadap Peluang Bonus Demografi Di Indonesia (The Impact Of The Sandwich Generation On The Demography Bonus Opportunities In Indonesia). Jurnal Lemhannas RI, Volume 11 No. 2, 30–43.
- Ummu, M. A. M. L. F., & Iman, A. A. S. (2022). Peran Komunikasi Masyarakat terhadap Pemerintah untuk Mewujudkan Pelayanan Publik yang Berkualitas. Jurnal Kewarganegaraan, 6(2).
Strengthening of Public Service Regulations to Overcome the Challenges of the Sandwich Generation in the Indonesian Economy
Aulia Sholichah Iman Nurchotimah1, & Alif Aditya Candra2, Raitam Afandi3
1,3 State Islamic Institute Syekh Nurjati Cirebon (IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon), Indonesia
2University of Jambi (Universitas Jambi), Indonesia
Vol 3 No 7 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 07 July 2023
Article Date Published : 6 July 2023 | Page No.: 1226-1231
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to dig deeper about the sandwich generation who are faced with a double responsibility in caring for children and elderly parents. Effective and appropriate public services are necessary in supporting the needs of the sandwich generation. This article provides an overview of the current regulation of public services and outlines strategies to strengthen regulation. Best practice case studies from other countries are also included. The method used in this research is literature review by analyzing various books and journal articles. The results of this study provide an overview of strengthening regulations that have positive implications and benefits for the sandwich generation and the general public, the importance of strengthening public service regulations in overcoming the challenges of the sandwich generation in Indonesia. Strengthening public service regulations has a deep role in overcoming various problems faced by the sandwich generation in the context of the Indonesian economy. Robust and effective regulations will ensure a fair and honest trajectory of public services. In this case, the regulation must organize the special needs and views of the sandwich generation, such as services that are flexible, and can be accessed easily. Realizing the optimization of public services for the sandwich generation requires full collaboration between the government and the community. It is also important to evaluate the required public service regulations in this discussion to inform deficiencies and necessary improvements. That way, strengthening public service regulations will turn into effective instruments in overcoming the challenges of the sandwich generation in the Indonesian economy, then they can contribute optimally to the state.
Keywords :
References :
1. Ambarwati, A., & Raharjo, S. T. (2018). Prinsip Kepemimpinan Character of A Leader pada Era Generasi Milenial. PHILANTHROPY: Journal of Psychology, 2(2), 114-127.
2. Anwar Nur Lovenika, V., & Rozalinna, G. M. (2021). Rusunawa dan Sandwich Generation: Violetta Lovenika Nur Anwar Mahasiswa Program Studi S1 Sosiologi FISIP (Vol. 1, Issue 1).
3. Aushaful Husain, S., & Sartika, R. (2021). Sandwich Parenting: Pola Asuh Keluarga Abad 21. Sosietas Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi, Vol 11, No 1 (2021).
4. Chotimah, A. S. I. N., & Affandi, I. Ombudsman’s Efforts to Encourage Participation of State Citizens in Public Service Supervision.
5. Creswell, J. W. (2014). Penelitian Kualitatif & Desain Riset. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
6. Kusumaningrum, F. A. (2018). Generasi Sandwich: Beban Pengasuhan dan Dukungan Sosial pada Wanita Bekerja. Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Penelitian Psikologi, 23(2), 109–120.
7. Lanak, B., & Ranaka, P. (2021). Peran Perangkat Desa dalam Peningkatan Pelayanan Publik di Desa Gajahrejo, Kabupaten Malang. In Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (Vol. 1, Issue Januari).
8. Nurchotimah, A. S. I. (2021). Pengawasan Pelayanan Publik-Jejak Pustaka (Vol. 1). Jejak Pustaka, Pengawasan Pelayanan Publik, 1(1), 2-4.
9. Nuryasman MN, & Elizabeth Elizabeth. (2023). Generasi Sandwich: Penyebab Stres Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Keputusan Keuangan. Jurnal Ekonomi, 28(1), 20–41.
10. Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, (Nicholas Stern, 2020). Roadmap Keuangan Berkelanjutan Tahap II (2021 – 2025), OJK. Jakarta
11. Rozalinna, G. M., & Anwar, V. L. N. (2021). Rusunawa dan Sandwich Generation: Resiliensi Masa Pandemi di Ruang Perkotaan. Brawijaya Journal of Social Science, 1(1), 63-79.
12. Suharyono, K. P., & Hadiningrat, S. (2023). Dampak Generasi Roti Apit Terhadap Peluang Bonus Demografi Di Indonesia (The Impact Of The Sandwich Generation On The Demography Bonus Opportunities In Indonesia). Jurnal Lemhannas RI, Volume 11 No. 2, 30–43.
13. Ummu, M. A. M. L. F., & Iman, A. A. S. (2022). Peran Komunikasi Masyarakat terhadap Pemerintah untuk Mewujudkan Pelayanan Publik yang Berkualitas. Jurnal Kewarganegaraan, 6(2).
Author's Affiliation
Aulia Sholichah Iman Nurchotimah1, & Alif Aditya Candra2, Raitam Afandi3
1,3 State Islamic Institute Syekh Nurjati Cirebon (IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon), Indonesia
2University of Jambi (Universitas Jambi), Indonesia
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 3 No 7 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 07 July 2023
- Page No.: 1226-1231
- Published : 6 July 2023
- DOI:
How to Cite :
Strengthening of Public Service Regulations to Overcome the Challenges of the Sandwich Generation in the Indonesian Economy. Aulia Sholichah Iman Nurchotimah, Alif Aditya Candra, Raitam Afandi , 3(7), 1226-1231. Retrieved from
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International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies