Development of E-Modin Persuasive Texts with Love the Environment Content for Grade VIII Students of SMPI Al Fattahiyyah Tulungagung
Qoyyimun Nafal1, Dyah Werdiningsih2, Sri Wahyuni3, Mas’ud Said4, Akhmad Tabrani5
1,2,3,4,5 Universitas Islam Malang, East Java, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to compose e-modin persuasive texts with love for the environment for grade VIII students of junior high school. The specific purpose of this research is to examine to obtain objective descriptions and explanations about the needs of e-modin, the process of developing e-modin products, and the appropriateness of e-modin persuasive texts with love for the environment for class VIII students of SMPI Al Fattahiyyah Tulungagung integrated with verse al- the Qur’an and the hadith of the Prophet, so that besides achieving KD in persuasive text learning, students also have understanding, attitudes, and positive behavior in protecting the environment. The development procedure in this study is an adaptation of the development procedure (Borg & Gall, 1989). The steps are (1) information gathering, (2) planning, (3) product development, (4) product trials, (5) product revisions. The subjects of this study were learning design experts, material/content experts, language experts, media experts, users (teachers), and users (students). The data collection instrument was in the form of assessment sheets which were assessed by learning design experts, material/content experts, language experts, media experts, users (teachers), and users (students). The results of this study are to examine the needs of e-modin, the process of developing e-modin products, and the appropriateness of e-modin persuasive texts with love for the environment for class VIII students of SMPI Al Fattahiyyah Tulungagung. The trial results showed that, first, namely the assessment of learning design experts, the results of the assessment were 92% in the “very feasible” category. The second, namely the assessment of material/content experts, obtained an assessment result of 94% in the “very feasible” category. The third, namely the assessment of linguists, obtained an assessment result of 92% in the “very decent” category. The four assessments of media experts obtained an assessment result of 92% in the “very decent” category. Apart from being assessed by experts, the product was also assessed by users, both teachers and students. The assessment carried out by teacher users is divided into three aspects, namely material/content aspects, linguistic aspects, and media aspects. The assessment of the material/content aspect obtained a result of 94% in the “very decent” category. Assessment of linguistic aspects obtained results of 93% in the “very decent” category. While the media aspect assessment obtained results of 98% in the “very decent” category. Next, the assessment of student users obtained an assessment result of 95% in the “very decent” category. With this acquisition, it can be categorized that e-modin persuasive text products with love for the environment content for Grade VIII students of junior high school are very appropriate to use in the learning process.
KEYWORDS: development, e-modin, persuasive text, love the environment, canva
Education is the most important component that must be considered in human life. In facing the industrial revolution 5.0, education determines one’s existence. Technology in the world of education is currently developing very rapidly both in terms of facilities, media, and targets to be achieved. To deal with this, the Indonesian government is always trying to improve the quality of education. One form of the government’s efforts is to change the curriculum according to the current situation and according to what is needed in the future. Currently the government is implementing an independent curriculum to improve the quality of education during a pandemic. This curriculum is still in the trial phase, so not all schools are implementing it, including Al-Fattahiyyah Islamic Middle School which is still using the revised 2013 curriculum.
According to Sukmadinata (2009: 5) curriculum is a plan that provides guidelines or guidelines in learning activities. An institution will be able to organize learning activities properly if it has a well-organized and well-planned curriculum. The curriculum is an effort to improve the quality of education that can run well, if it is supported by the competence and ability of adequate education managers. So that learning that occurs at the educational unit level can be created effectively, actively, and innovatively.
Learning is a series of processes of learning and teaching activities that have the goal of changing behavior as a result of students’ experiences in interacting with their environment towards a better direction. According to Rusman (2017: 2) the concept of teaching and learning is seen as a system, so that in the learning system there are components in the form of students, learning objectives, learning materials, facilities and procedures, and media that must be developed. Learning trends in the 5.0 era are characterized by the complexity of learning technology. A teacher must be able to apply inspirational, creative, and innovative learning activities and be able to achieve predetermined learning objectives.
In the learning process the role of the teacher becomes very important because it can increase efficiency and effectiveness in learning. In addition, those who are able to become facilitators are able to increase the attractiveness and attention of students. This is based on the 2013 Curriculum, student-centered learning, meaning that students must be able to learn independently and obtain information about knowledge not only obtained from the teacher. So that a teacher must have extensive knowledge and be able to develop teaching materials so that they can provide broader insights to students (Afrizon, 2017)
Learning Indonesian is essentially teaching students about good and correct Indonesian language skills according to their goals and functions. Indonesian language subjects aim that students have the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently in accordance with applicable ethics, both orally and in writing, respect and be proud to use the Indonesian language as a united nation and state.
An interesting and fun learning process is learning that uses sources, media, and various other learning supports, especially teaching materials, so it is important for us to develop them, among the materials taught in class VIII are persuasive texts. The importance of developing persuasive text teaching materials is motivated by the problem of the lack of information that students get from textbooks provided by the school, so teachers need to explain more to help students gain knowledge and understanding. In the latest curriculum, students are required to be active in the learning process because of the teacher’s role as a facilitator. Therefore, making innovative persuasive text teaching materials can create a learning that is more interesting for students and teachers. A good teaching material must include (1) study instructions (teachers and students), (2) competencies to be achieved, (3) supporting information, (4) exercises, (5) instructions/worksheets, and (6 ) evaluation (Lestari, 2014:3).
Meanwhile, in the reality of education in the field, we see many teachers who still use conventional teaching materials, namely teaching materials that you just have to use, just buy, instant, and without the effort to plan, prepare, and compile them yourself. Thus, it is very possible if the teaching materials used are not contextual, uninteresting, monotonous and not in accordance with the needs of students. Conventional teaching materials are usually textbooks that are traded in bookstores, books donated by the government, and/or worksheets that are purchased through salespeople who often come to schools.
We certainly know that interesting, effective and efficient learning requires teaching materials that are not enough just like that. An educator is required to be creative in preparing teaching materials that are innovative, varied, interesting, contextual, and in accordance with the level of student needs. Of course, those who understand this are teachers in the education unit concerned. Therefore, when teaching materials are actually made by the teacher concerned, of course learning will be more interesting and impressive for students. In addition, learning activities are not boring and not boring. With pleasant learning conditions, it can automatically trigger an effective learning process. However, we rarely find things like that in a teacher in this country so that education is still of low quality and far from expectations.
In the world of education, it is not only the role of creative and innovative teachers who can advance the quality of education. However, students have a very large role, if the teacher has tried hard with various learning techniques and models, as well as the use of teaching materials, but the students are just relaxed and don’t want to try, that’s just camouflage. In addition, if teaching materials are less sophisticated in terms of media which are widely used in this millennial era, it will result in students tending to get bored following the learning process in class.
Therefore, the teacher must play an active and creative role in making teaching materials that are no longer in the form of printed media. However, it can be developed with several media options, including using the Canva application which will later be saved in pdf or other formats, so that teaching materials can be accessed simply by opening the provided link or barcode. According to Tanjung and Faiza (2019) in the journal Garis Pelangi (2020: 81) canva is an online design program that provides various tools such as presentations, resumes, pamphlets, brochures, graphics, infographics, banners, bookmarks, bulletins, videos and so on. It is with these various conveniences that the Canva application is very supportive of being used for making teaching materials.
Developers have the inspiration to develop teaching materials, in this case e-modin based on Canva on persuasive text material with love for the environment content integrated with the verses of the Koran and the hadith of the Prophet according to the latest curriculum. The developer chose to develop the e-modin after making initial observations at SMPI Al Fattahiyyah school in class VIII C, in this observation the developer found problems (1) the teacher had limitations regarding teaching materials and difficulties in teaching persuasive text learning, (2) students lacked high interest and enthusiasm in learning Indonesian especially in persuasive texts, (3) following technological developments so that it is hoped that using media equipped with illustrations, pictures and videos is able to generate motivation and stimulate learning activities and even have a psychological influence on students, and (4) save time and thought, and more efficient to study it in certain places. In addition, the cost of buying books also tends to be more expensive.
- Persuasion Text
According to KBBI, the word persuasion has the meaning of inviting someone to give convincing reasons and good prospects. In this case the word persuasion is an invitation to do or leave something. Finoza (2008, p. 247) says that persuasion is an essay that aims to make believe, believe, and be persuaded of the things being communicated in the form of facts, opinions or ideas or feelings of a person.
Keraf (2006, p. 115) says that persuasion is a verbal art that aims to convince someone to do something the speaker wants (written, printed and electronic form) at present or in the future. In a persuasive text, a person’s stance can be changed with the aim of reaching agreement or suitability between the writer and the reader so that the reader accepts the author’s wishes. Readers’ trust must be built through expressing ideas, ideas, opinions, and facts. In line with Keraf’s opinion, according to the Ministry of Education and Culture (2017, p. 176) persuasion text is a text that contains an invitation or persuasion. Indirectly persuasive text conveys an invitation to the reader or listener.
Based on some of the opinions above, it can be concluded that Persuasion Text is a text that is intended to persuade or invite other people to follow certain thoughts or actions. This text is written to convince others (in this case readers) that the opinions and ideas written are proven to be true so they are worth following. Thus, this text uses invitation words. This paragraph is often found in advertisements, appeals, or propaganda in the mass media.
The characteristics of persuasive text are as follows:
- Contains Data and Facts
The characteristics of the first persuasive text are data and facts. The data and facts are very important role as strong reasons in supporting the content of the writing.
- Arguments Must Convince Readers
The purpose of persuasive text is to convince the reader. This text tries to convince the reader to do or believe what the author wrote. Therefore, this writing usually uses argumentative conjunctions, such as if, because, because, thus, as a result, because of that.
- Contains the word Persuasion
Persuasion text is a text that is persuasive, of course, the contents are also words of invitation. This text uses a lot of persuasive words and imperative verbs, such as come on, come on, do it, important, must, should, make, should, and beware.
- Avoiding Conflict
Persuasion text has other characteristics, namely avoiding conflict. This is usually done to maintain the reader’s trust. Opinions or facts used in persuasive texts aim to influence the reader to follow his invitations.
- Module
To support the learning process teachers can utilize modules. Modules can be made by the teacher or using a package book that can be purchased freely. At the beginning of implementing the 2013 curriculum, the government provided modules in the form of textbooks for teachers and students. These textbooks are called teacher books and student books. The teacher’s book contains learning steps according to the material contained in the student book. The student book contains material and learning tasks that are adjusted to the sequence of learning steps in the teacher’s book.
In addition to using teacher books and student books as teaching materials, teachers can use other teaching materials, one of which is a module. Prastowo (2015: 106) states that a module is a module that is arranged systematically in language that is easily understood by students according to their understanding and age level so that they can learn on their own (independently) with minimal assistance or guidance from educators. Based on this understanding, the development of this module is to fulfill students’ needs for independent learning with minimal teacher assistance.
Another opinion regarding the notion of a module is learning materials that are specially prepared and systematically designed based on a certain curriculum which are packaged into a smallest learning unit (modular) that learners can use independently to achieve certain predetermined learning objectives (High School Development Directorate, 2018: 3). Based on these two opinions, it can be concluded that the module is a module that is arranged systematically in language that is easily understood by students which can be used independently to achieve certain predetermined learning objectives.
There are several module functions according to Prastowo (2015: 107). These functions include:
1) As a standalone module
2) Substitute the function of educators
3) As an evaluation tool
4) As a reference material for students
The four module functions above are expected to provide assistance for students to study independently. In the second function it is stated that the module is a substitute for the educator’s function, the meaning of this function is that a module can replace the educator as a facilitator who explains material to students. So that in the module it is necessary to describe the material in a simple way so that it is easy for students to understand.
The types of modules can be divided into two. According to the use and according to the purpose of its preparation. According to its use, the module consists of modules for students and modules for educators. The module for students contains learning activities carried out by students. The module for educators contains instructions for educators, final tests, and test answer keys (Prastowo, 2015: 111). According to its purpose, modules are divided into core modules and enrichment modules. The core module is a module that is composed of the basic curriculum, which is a demand from the general basic education required by all Indonesian citizens. While the enrichment module is the development of the core module. This module broadens and deepens the material contained in the core module. Based on the objectives, the module developed in this study is a core module, because this module was developed based on the contents of KI and KD for junior high school students.
There are seven elements in the preparation of the module. The seven elements are: titles, study instructions (student or educator instructions), competencies to be achieved, supporting information, exercises, work instructions or worksheets (LKS), and evaluation (Prastowo, 2015: 111). The seven structures are the minimal structures contained in a module. As a module maker, educators can add a number of things according to the purpose of preparing the module. The preparation of modules can use the following steps: 1) curriculum analysis 2) determining the title of the module 3) coding the module 4) writing the module.
The interactive module developed by the researcher is named modin. Interactive is creating a two-way relationship, so as to create a dialogue situation between two or more users. Interactive can increase creativity and provide feedback on what is entered by the user so that learning can be two-way or more when assisted by other media.
Interactive modules (modin) are modules that are developed and equipped with several results from computer software programs, so that the module becomes interactive. Electronic teaching materials developed into interactive programs include making interactive modules. It is said to be interactive because the user will experience interaction and be active, for example actively paying attention to pictures, paying attention to color or motion, sound, animation, even videos and films.
The use of interactive modules as learning media has an important role, namely interactive modules have the ability to create student interest in learning, help students make it easier to understand the subject matter that has been delivered by educators, and interactive modules have interactive components that can make students more active in learning activities.
In its use, interactive modules with the help of computers can assist the teacher’s role in presenting information, testing through evaluation and providing feedback as in programmed learning that involves students in delivering material.
E-modin is a form of presenting self-learning materials that are arranged systematically into certain learning units, which are presented in an electronic format, where each learning activity in it is linked with links as navigation which makes students more interactive with the program, supplemented by video presentations. tutorials, animations and audio to enrich the learning experience (High School Development Directorate, 2017:3). In an e-modin you can find a combination of text, audio and video which functions to enrich students’ knowledge in understanding a material. Apart from combining these three things, an e-modin also uses technological advances. It is no longer in the form of printed materials but in the form of files that can be downloaded and stored on computers or smartphones.
In contrast to conventional modules, e-modules have certain features or characteristics. According to the Directorate of High School Development, 2017: 3 some of the characteristics of an e-module. These characteristics are:
- Self-instructional is that students are able to teach themselves.
- Self contained is all learning material from one competency unit studied contained in one module.
- Stand alone is a module that is developed not depending on other media.
- Adaptive is a module that has high adaptive power to the development of science and technology.
- User friendly, the module must meet the rules of being friendly with the user.
- Be consistent in the use of fonts, spacing, and layout.
- Delivered using a computer-based electronic media.
- Utilizing various functions of electronic media so that it is referred to as multimedia.
- Utilizing various features in software applications.
- It needs to be designed carefully (paying attention to learning principles).
Module writing is carried out in accordance with lesson plans based on independent learning activities. However, if the RPP does not yet exist, then it can be done with the following steps. Define the outline of the material to be compiled. Set the final goal (performance objective), namely the ability that must be achieved by students after completing studying a module. Set intermediate goals (enable objectives), namely specific capabilities that support the final goal. Determine the evaluation system (scheme/provisions, methods and tools). Set outlines or outlines of substance or material to achieve the goals that have been set, namely the components: competence (KI-KD), brief description, estimated time and library resources.
The material contained in the module is in the form of concepts, important facts that are directly related, and support the achievement of competencies that must be mastered by students. Evaluation or assessment that serves to measure students’ ability to master the module, key answers to questions, and assignments.
At this stage trials were carried out on the validator to determine whether the module was feasible to use. After the e-module refinement validation stage is carried out, so the module is ready for use.
- Canva
The e-module application developed in this study uses the Canva application. Reporting from the Canva account or web, this application provides features or uses for education. Canva is a creativity and collaboration tool for all classes. The only design platform needed in class. Developing creativity and skills to make visual learning and communication easy and fun (Rainbow, G, 2020).
The advantages and disadvantages of the Canva application are as follows.
Pros of the canva app:
- Make it easier for someone to make the desired or required design.
- This application provides various templates that are available and attractive.
- Easy to reach can be operated via smartphone, laptop or computer.
- Disadvantages of the Canva application:
- The Canva application relies on an adequate and stable internet network
- In the Canva application there are paid templates, stickers, illustrations, fonts.
- Sometimes the design chosen has similarities with other designs.
The product evaluation for the development of e-modin persuasive texts with love for the environment for grade VIII students of SMP is based on predetermined goals, namely the results of product development and feasibility. The results of the development are in the form of the resulting product, while the feasibility of the product is in the form of an assessment of the product seen from the learning design aspects, material/content aspects, linguistic aspects, and media aspects. Eligibility is used to indicate the ease and suitability of using e-modin.
Data regarding the analysis of development research needs were found by researchers during field surveys and literature studies. The information obtained by the researcher was (1) the persuasion text teaching materials used were in the form of textbooks from the Ministry of Education and Culture, (2) persuasion texts were the most difficult texts to teach and mastered by students, (3) teaching materials from the Ministry of Education and Culture contained material that was general in nature and lacking specific and less interactive so that it requires companion teaching materials so that the material delivered is more varied, and (4) practice questions for persuasive texts need to be added or enriched, not just making example sentences, answering questions, and identifying texts.
In accordance with the analysis data obtained, the researcher developed teaching materials that could meet the needs of students, namely (1) creating teaching materials that were interactive, comprehensive, interesting, and could be used independently in the form of electronic modules, (2) integrating persuasive text material with content love the environment with the verses of the Koran and the hadith of the prophet so that in addition to achieving KD in persuasive text learning, students also have an understanding, attitude, and positive behavior in protecting the environment. Based on this, the researcher developed an e-modin persuasive text with love for the environment for grade VIII students of junior high school.
The process of evaluating the first product, namely the assessment of learning design experts, obtained an assessment result of 92% in the “very feasible” category. The second, namely the assessment of material/content experts, obtained an assessment result of 94% in the “very feasible” category. The third, namely the assessment of linguists, obtained an assessment result of 92% in the “very decent” category. The four assessments of media experts, obtained an assessment result of 92% in the “very decent” category.
Apart from being assessed by experts, the product is also assessed by users, both teachers and students. The assessment carried out by teacher users is divided into three aspects, namely material/content aspects, linguistic aspects, and media aspects. The assessment of the material/content aspect obtained a result of 94% in the “very decent” category. Assessment of linguistic aspects obtained results of 93% in the “very decent” category. While the media aspect assessment obtained results of 98% in the “very decent” category. Next, the assessment of student users obtained an assessment result of 95% in the “very decent” category.
- Needs Analysis
- A Teacher Needs Analysis
Needs analysis is the initial or preparatory stage for developing a product. This stage consists of two work steps, namely needs analysis as a field survey and literature study. Both of these work steps have the goal of obtaining initial data for product needs analysis. The two steps are described as follows.
Based on the explanation of the results of the teacher’s needs analysis, it can be concluded, (1) from the aspect of the current conditions of persuasion text learning, the teacher is ready to teach persuasive texts, in liquid class conditions, good communication occurs between the teacher and students, and the teaching materials used are textbooks from the Ministry of Education and Culture, (2) from the aspect of the expected persuasion text learning conditions, teachers use innovative teaching materials so that learning is interesting. class management during learning, namely individuals and groups, agree if learning uses teaching materials, and the teaching materials used are in the form of modules, (3) from the aspect of the need for persuasion text modules, the types of modules are electronic/digital which can be accessed via PC/Laptop/HP, The contents of the module consist of material, examples of persuasive texts, videos to clarify students’ understanding, the module contains material in the form of understanding persuasive texts, persuasive text structures, language rules of persuasive texts, examples and steps for writing persuasive texts.
Presentation of material in the module contains material in a comprehensive, communicative manner, accompanied by examples of persuasion texts with the theme of love for the environment, modules on the theme of love for the environment, strongly agree that the module contains love for the environment, strongly agree the theme is integrated with verses of the Koran and the hadith of the Prophet, exercises that in the module includes exercises to understand the meaning in persuasion texts, identify invitations in persuasion texts, analyze structure, analyze the structure and language rules of persuasion texts, and construct persuasion texts, and (4) from the appearance aspect of the module, the elements in the module consist of title, level education, class, and illustrative images, illustrative images in the form of examples of natural, social, and cultural phenomena, and the title of the module is a persuasion text module.
- Analysis of Student Needs
The presentation of the results of the analysis of students’ needs can be concluded, (1) From the aspect of the current conditions of persuasion text learning, students are not ready to take part in persuasion text learning, in ordinary class conditions, and the teaching materials used are worksheets, (2) From the aspect of learning conditions the desired persuasive text, the teacher uses innovative teaching materials so that learning is interesting. class management during learning, namely individuals and groups, strongly agree if learning uses teaching materials, and the teaching materials used are in the form of modules, (3) From the aspect of the need for persuasion text modules, the types of modules are electronic/digital which can be accessed via PC/Laptop/HP , the contents of the module consist of material, examples, videos to clarify student understanding, material coverage on the notion of persuasion text, persuasion text structure, language rules of persuasion text, examples and steps of persuasion text, the module is presented in its entirety, communicative, accompanied by examples of persuasive text with the theme of love for the environment, do not agree that all examples of love for the environment are complemented by integration with verses of the Koran and the hadith of the Prophet, and there are exercises in understanding meaning in persuasion texts, identifying invitations in persuasive texts, analyzing structures, analyzing structures and rules the language of persuasion texts, as well as constructing persuasive texts, and (4) From the appearance aspect of the module, the elements in the module consist of titles, educational levels, classes, and illustration pictures, illustration pictures in the form of examples of natural, social and cultural phenomena, and titles module is the persuasive text module.
- Literature Study
Literature study is an activity to examine concepts or theories regarding the product to be developed. The researcher examined the characteristics of the applicable junior high school curriculum, namely the 2018 K13 revision. Apart from reviewing the curriculum, the literature study also examined the characteristics of Indonesian subjects in junior high schools, especially class VIII and studied the teaching materials used. The next literature study activity is to examine the theories and concepts of persuasion text material that will be developed into modules, and examine the ideal characteristics of the module. The researcher also looked at the types of teaching materials that were suitable for grade VIII junior high school students and persuasion text materials.
The activity of looking at the curriculum or competency analysis is trying to understand and measure the level of competence required by the curriculum. Based on the curriculum analysis, it can be seen the elaboration of Core Competencies (KI), Basic Competencies (KD), Indicators, and subject matter. The modules developed are adapted to the characteristics of the SMP class VIII curriculum and the students’ character so that students can study enthusiastically and can absorb the material well. In addition, the time given to students to complete e-modin must be flexible. Apart from looking at the curriculum, literature study activities also looked at the results of previous studies regarding interactive modules.
- Product Development
- Product Design
At this stage an initial draft of the product is obtained which has components including cover page, author profile, preface, table of contents, introduction (module identity, basic competence, competency achievement indicators), instructions for use, concept map (learning objectives, material description, summaries, material deepening, independent assignments, practice questions), evaluation, glossary and bibliography.
Obtaining the initial draft was based on preliminary information gathering data. Researchers begin to determine the module design, collect references related to the material, determine the form of evaluation used, and choose the type of application used. Before compiling the material, the researcher described the KD (Basic Competency) selected to be Competency Achievement Indicators up to the learning objectives. This is done to facilitate the selection of material and sort the learning activities contained in the module. So there is no significant difference between learning in class and learning through modules. This learning activity is outlined in the lesson plan, so that there is continuity between one activity and another. The lesson plan was then reviewed by the Indonesian language teacher at SMPI Al Fattahiyyah Tulungagung and the research supervisor. Based on the inputs, the researchers made improvements to the RPP into a module draft and developed it into an e-modin using the Canva application.
In addition, researchers also prepare supporting components. The supporting components are in the form of expert assessment instruments (learning design experts, material/content experts, language experts, and media experts), teacher practitioner assessment instruments, and student assessment instruments. In compiling these supporting components, the researcher created a grid of assessment instruments and at the same time tested the feasibility of the expert assessment instrument through a validation sheet. This expert assessment instrument was assessed by Dr. Akhmad Tabrani, M.Pd. and the instrument is declared feasible to collect data.
Furthermore, the researchers developed an initial draft of the finished module using the Canva application to produce e-modin persuasive texts with love for the environment for class VIII students of SMPI Al Fattahiyyah Tulungagung. Using the Canva application, researchers can organize and create digital modules in pdf or other formats. Researchers can make digital books according to what they want, accessing them is also very easy, namely being able to use a cellphone / computer / laptop, most importantly connected to the internet.
The material in this e-modin is persuasion text with KD 3.13, namely identifying the types of suggestions, solicitations, directions, and considerations about various positive things on the actual problems of persuasion texts (environment, social conditions and/or cultural diversity) that are heard and read, 3.14 namely examining the structure and language of persuasion texts in the form of suggestions, solicitations, directions, and considerations about various actual problems of persuasion texts (environment, social conditions and/or cultural diversity) that are heard from various sources that are heard and read, 4.13 namely concluding the contents of suggestions , solicitations, directions, and considerations about various positive things about the actual problems of persuasion texts (environment, social conditions and/or cultural diversity) that are heard from various sources that are heard and read, 4.14 namely presenting persuasive texts (suggestions, solicitations, directions, and considerations) in writing and orally by taking into account the structure, language, or oral aspects.
- Produced Products
- Front Cover
The basic color of this e-modin cover is blue and green and uses the Arial font. The front cover of this e-modin has a composition, namely the top right side displays the Unisma logo and the words e-modin, the top left side has a photo of someone harvesting tea leaves. Then in the middle part there is an e-modin identity writing and on the bottom right there is a photo of a researcher when doing research as a form of school identity and images of technology, culture, natural phenomena as illustrations of persuasive text. and at the bottom left there is the identity of the module maker.
- List of Contents
The table of contents in this e-modin is not only designed to give the user an overview of the things contained in the e-modin, but is also designed to make it easier for users to go to the page they want by linking the text of each section to the appropriate page. This table of contents contains the author’s profile, preface, guide words, introduction, material concept map, evaluation, glossary, and list of references.
- Author Profile
In the author’s profile section contains the identity of the student. The student identity describes the full name, NPM, Faculty, Study Program, place and date of birth, history of formal and non-formal education, organizational history, and photo of the author as an identifier. In writing the author’s profile, use capital letters and use Amaranth font size 16, student identity writing uses bold uppercase letters and use Amaranth and nunito font types, size 14, and content writing uses Amaranth font size 14. In addition, this is part of the author’s profile. a link to return to the table of contents is provided which is at the bottom right of the display.
- Foreword
The foreword is written in capital letters and uses Canva Sans font size 16. The contents of the foreword are written using uppercase and lower case and Amaranth font size 14. The foreword contains praise and thanks to those who has helped in the completion of e-modin. In addition, this section contains the benefits, purpose of writing, and an overview of the contents of e-modin. At the bottom on the right, the place and time of completion of e-modin is stated, and in this foreword, a link is provided to return to the table of contents, which is at the bottom right of the display.
- Introduction
The introduction is a general description of the contents of e-modin which is useful to make it easier for users to use e-modin. The introduction contains module identity, basic competence, GPA. The introductory text uses the amazing grotesk ultra font size 16 in white. The sub-chapters use black size 14 Canva sans font, while the contents use white Amaranth size 14 font and all use single spacing. In addition, this introductory section provides a link to return to the table of contents which is at the top right of the display
- Concept Maps
This concept map contains material and learning activities consisting of 4 learning activities. In general, the content in each learning activity is the same. Each learning activity has chapter titles and sub-chapter titles. The appearance of each of these learning activities consists of several elements. These elements include learning objectives, material analysis, pictures, photos, videos, summaries, independent assignments and practice. It’s just that what distinguishes each of these learning activities lies in the focus of the material, learning activity 1 the focus of the material is finding invitations in persuasion texts, learning activity 2 the focus of the material is concluding the contents of persuasion texts, learning activity 3 the focus of the material is examining the structure and rules of language persuasive texts, while learning activities 4 focus on the material is writing persuasive texts.
This learning activity 1 provides a link to return to the concept map which is at the bottom right of the display. In addition, learning activity 1 is also integrated with Google Form. This integration serves to collect student independent assignments and practice online.
In terms of the appearance of the writing, this section uses the Canva sans font type. Chapter titles use white, bold size 14 font Canva sans. The sub-chapters use white, size 14 bold Canva sans font, while the contents use white, size 14 bold Canva sans font and all use single spacing.
- Evaluation
The evaluation section in this e-modin contains questions aimed at measuring the level of students’ understanding of persuasion text learning material. The evaluation section is equipped with information about the scores obtained by students. This evaluation section provides a link to return to the table of contents which is at the bottom right of the display and a “join the game” button to enter quizizz because students can enter the evaluation by entering the code created by the teacher after successfully entering and then working on the evaluation questions. Quizizz is an additional application for working on evaluation questions.
- Glossary
Glossary is a list of terms used in e-modin and their meanings. The glossary uses bold amaranth font type with size 16 in white and the contents use amaranth font size 14 white color with single spacing. In addition, this section of the glossary also includes a link to return to the table of contents which is at the bottom right of the display.
- References
This reference list is a record of the list of reference materials used in the development of this e-modin. The list of references uses the bold amaranth font type with size 16 white and the contents use the amaranth font size 14 white color with single spacing. In addition, this section of the glossary also includes a link to return to the table of contents which is at the top right of the display. Figure 4.9 below is a reference list display.
The conclusions from this product development research include:
- The results of the development are in the form of the resulting product, while the feasibility of the product is in the form of an assessment of the product seen from the learning design aspects, material/content aspects, linguistic aspects, and media aspects. Eligibility is used to indicate the ease and suitability of using e-modin.
- Data regarding analysis of development research needs (1) the persuasion text teaching materials used are in the form of textbooks from the Ministry of Education and Culture, (2) persuasion texts are the most difficult texts to teach and master by students, (3) teaching materials from the Ministry of Education and Culture contain materials that are general and less specific and less interactive so that it requires companion teaching materials so that the material delivered is more varied, and (4) practice questions for persuasion texts need to be added or enriched, not just making example sentences, answering questions, and identifying texts.
- Development of teaching materials that can meet the needs of students, namely (1) creating teaching materials that are interactive, comprehensive, interesting, and can be used independently in the form of electronic modules, (2) integrating persuasive text material with love for the environment content and verses of the Koran ‘an and the hadith of the prophet so that in addition to achieving KD in persuasive text learning, students also have an understanding, attitude, and positive behavior in protecting the environment. Based on this, the researcher developed an e-modin persuasive text with love for the environment for grade VIII students of junior high school.
- The process of evaluating the first product, namely the assessment of learning design experts, obtained an assessment result of 92% in the “very feasible” category. The second, namely the assessment of material/content experts, obtained an assessment result of 94% in the “very feasible” category. The third, namely the assessment of linguists, obtained an assessment result of 92% in the “very decent” category. The four assessments of media experts, obtained an assessment result of 92% in the “very decent” category.
- Products are assessed by users, both teachers and students. The assessment carried out by teacher users is divided into three aspects, namely material/content aspects, linguistic aspects, and media aspects. The assessment of the material/content aspect obtained a result of 94% in the “very decent” category. Assessment of linguistic aspects obtained results of 93% in the “very decent” category. While the media aspect assessment obtained results of 98% in the “very decent” category. Next, the assessment of student users obtained an assessment result of 95% in the “very decent” category.
- Aji, G. P. (2018). Development of teaching materials for writing poetry on regional tourism for class VIII students of junior high school (Doctoral dissertation, State University of Malang).
- Borg, W.R., and Gall, M.D. (1983). In Education Research An Introduction, 4th. London: Longman Inc.
- Ministry of National Education. 2008. Instructional Material Development Guide. Jakarta: Ministry of National Education.
- Directorate General of Basic Education Management. 2008. Instructional Material Development Guide. Jakarta: Ministry of National Education.
- Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 22 of 2016 concerning Content Standards.
- Prastowo, A. 2012. Creative Guide to Making Innovative Teaching Materials. Yogyakarta: Diva Press
- 2017. Learning & Learning Oriented to Standards of the Educational Process. Jakarta: Kencana.
- Sukmadinata, N.S. 2008. Curriculum Development: Theory and Practice. Bandung: Rosdakarya Youth.
- Drafting Team. (2008). Module Writing. Jakarta: Directorate of Education Personnel Quality of Educators and Education Personnel Ministry of National Education.
Development of E-Modin Persuasive Texts with Love the Environment Content for Grade VIII Students of SMPI Al Fattahiyyah Tulungagung
Qoyyimun Nafal1, Dyah Werdiningsih2, Sri Wahyuni3, Mas’ud Said4, Akhmad Tabrani5
1,2,3,4,5 Universitas Islam Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Vol 3 No 7 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 07 July 2023
Article Date Published : 10 July 2023 | Page No.: 1268-1276
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to compose e-modin persuasive texts with love for the environment for grade VIII students of junior high school. The specific purpose of this research is to examine to obtain objective descriptions and explanations about the needs of e-modin, the process of developing e-modin products, and the appropriateness of e-modin persuasive texts with love for the environment for class VIII students of SMPI Al Fattahiyyah Tulungagung integrated with verse al- the Qur’an and the hadith of the Prophet, so that besides achieving KD in persuasive text learning, students also have understanding, attitudes, and positive behavior in protecting the environment. The development procedure in this study is an adaptation of the development procedure (Borg & Gall, 1989). The steps are (1) information gathering, (2) planning, (3) product development, (4) product trials, (5) product revisions. The subjects of this study were learning design experts, material/content experts, language experts, media experts, users (teachers), and users (students). The data collection instrument was in the form of assessment sheets which were assessed by learning design experts, material/content experts, language experts, media experts, users (teachers), and users (students). The results of this study are to examine the needs of e-modin, the process of developing e-modin products, and the appropriateness of e-modin persuasive texts with love for the environment for class VIII students of SMPI Al Fattahiyyah Tulungagung. The trial results showed that, first, namely the assessment of learning design experts, the results of the assessment were 92% in the “very feasible” category. The second, namely the assessment of material/content experts, obtained an assessment result of 94% in the “very feasible” category. The third, namely the assessment of linguists, obtained an assessment result of 92% in the “very decent” category. The four assessments of media experts obtained an assessment result of 92% in the “very decent” category. Apart from being assessed by experts, the product was also assessed by users, both teachers and students. The assessment carried out by teacher users is divided into three aspects, namely material/content aspects, linguistic aspects, and media aspects. The assessment of the material/content aspect obtained a result of 94% in the “very decent” category. Assessment of linguistic aspects obtained results of 93% in the “very decent” category. While the media aspect assessment obtained results of 98% in the “very decent” category. Next, the assessment of student users obtained an assessment result of 95% in the “very decent” category. With this acquisition, it can be categorized that e-modin persuasive text products with love for the environment content for Grade VIII students of junior high school are very appropriate to use in the learning process.
Keywords :
References :
- Aji, G. P. (2018). Development of teaching materials for writing poetry on regional tourism for class VIII students of junior high school (Doctoral dissertation, State University of Malang).
- Borg, W.R., and Gall, M.D. (1983). In Education Research An Introduction, 4th. London: Longman Inc.
- Ministry of National Education. 2008. Instructional Material Development Guide. Jakarta: Ministry of National Education.
- Directorate General of Basic Education Management. 2008. Instructional Material Development Guide. Jakarta: Ministry of National Education.
- Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 22 of 2016 concerning Content Standards.
- Prastowo, A. 2012. Creative Guide to Making Innovative Teaching Materials. Yogyakarta: Diva Press
- 2017. Learning & Learning Oriented to Standards of the Educational Process. Jakarta: Kencana.
- Sukmadinata, N.S. 2008. Curriculum Development: Theory and Practice. Bandung: Rosdakarya Youth.
- Drafting Team. (2008). Module Writing. Jakarta: Directorate of Education Personnel Quality of Educators and Education Personnel Ministry of National Education.
Author's Affiliation
Qoyyimun Nafal1, Dyah Werdiningsih2, Sri Wahyuni3, Mas’ud Said4, Akhmad Tabrani5
1,2,3,4,5 Universitas Islam Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 3 No 7 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 07 July 2023
- Page No.: 1268-1276
- Published : 10 July 2023
- DOI:
How to Cite :
Development of E-Modin Persuasive Texts with Love the Environment Content for Grade VIII Students of SMPI Al Fattahiyyah Tulungagung. Qoyyimun Nafal, Dyah Werdiningsih, Sri Wahyuni, Mas’ud Said, Akhmad Tabrani , 3(7), 1268-1276. Retrieved from
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International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies