Human Resource Management in Improving the Competence of Multisite Study Teachers at MAN 1 Tulungagung and MAN 2 Tulungagung
Bahrun Nasor1, Ahmad Tanzeh2, Abd. Aziz3, Maftukhin4, Akhyak 5
1,2,3,4,5 Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah State Islamic University Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: This research aims to find and analyze in depth related to: a) human resource planning in improving teacher competency, b) implementation of human resources in increasing teacher competency, c) evaluation of human resources in improving teacher competency, and d) follow-up of resources human resources in improving teacher competence. This research was carried out using a qualitative approach to the site study type with a multisite design. The research locations chosen were Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Tulungagung and Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Tulungagung. The data collection techniques used participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The collected data is then analyzed via single sites or across sites using data condensation techniques, data presentation and drawing conclusions. All data will be tested for validity through credibility tests, transferability tests, dependability tests and confirmability tests. The results of the research show: a) human resource planning in improving teacher competency reveals mapping of existing human resource needs, followed by analysis of human resource needs and programming of recruitment plans, b) implementation of human resources in improving teacher competency is carried out by recruitment through two ways, internal recruitment and external recruitment, and selection, c) evaluation of human resources in improving teacher competency is carried out using a periodic system every month, every semester and every year which is managed by the madraah leadership. Evaluation activities are carried out through monitoring and supervision with a determined schedule, and d) follow-up of human resources in improving teacher competency with several patterns, including: training, education, position rotation and MGMP.
KEYWORDS: Management, Human Resources, Teacher Competency
Education is a long-term investment in human resources that has strategic value for the continuity of human civilization in the world. Therefore, almost all countries place the education variable as something important and main in the context of nation and state development. As stated in Law No. 20 of 2003 Chapter II in article 3 concerning the function and objectives of education itself. Jimmly Ash Shidiqie (1996) said that in the current global era, the existence of the Indonesian nation will be greatly influenced by the ability of Indonesian human resources to speak, especially those characterized by the ability to master science and technology and the strengthening of faith and devotion to God Almighty. One.
The national education problem that has emerged and is being faced by the Indonesian nation is the low level of human resources, both teaching and non-teaching staff at every level. Meanwhile, various efforts have been made to increase human resources, including through various training and increasing teacher competency, which is an important and strategic role because teachers are at the forefront of the implementation of education, both in formal education institutions and in Islamic education institutions.
The most important thing in improving human resource management is increasing teacher competence, which plays an important role in the success of an educational institution. Human resources (educators and employees) are active elements, while other elements are passive elements that can be changed by human creativity. Therefore, by managing quality human resources (educators and employees), it is hoped that we can optimize our potential so that we can support the formation of quality education.
HR (Human Resources) development is an activity that must be carried out by an organization, so that their knowledge, abilities and skills match the demands of the work they do. With this HR development activity, it is hoped that there will be improvements in overcoming weaknesses and deficiencies in carrying out work with better results, in accordance with developments in science and technology used in an organization or institution (Kadarisman, 2014).
Human resource management plays a very important role in an organization, including in educational institutions such as madrasas which also require effective human resource management in improving organizational performance. The demand for efforts to improve the quality of education basically has implications for the need for madrasas to have educational human resources, both educators and other human resources, to perform optimally.
The implications of this clearly result in the need to develop human resources in accordance with formal legal demands such as qualifications and competencies, as well as the demands of an increasingly competitive external environment in the current era of globalization, which demands increasingly high quality human resources who have a creative attitude. and innovate and be ready to face intense competition. All facilities and assets cannot possibly operate without the “driver” of a system in addition to other components such as curriculum, facilities and infrastructure.
According to Abuddin Nata (2007), to improve the quality of education in increasing teacher competence, one of the efforts that must be made is to make teachers competitive and professional educators. Competitive and professional teachers must master the field of knowledge that will be taught well and must have the ability to convey or teach the knowledge they have (transfer of knowledge) effectively and efficiently, and must adhere to a professional code of ethics, namely having noble morals.
Thus, a good teacher is able to try to start by educating himself, improving his behavior, straightening his thoughts and guarding his words first before conveying them to others. This management requires efforts by educational institutions or madrassas to increase teacher competency with various human resource management approaches, so that it will result in increased teacher performance which will lead to consumer or customer satisfaction (Dede, 2011).
Human Resources Management
Understanding Human Resources Management
Several experts provide an understanding of human resource management. In their book entitled Human Resource Management, Robert Mathis and Jackson (2015) provide the definition “Human resource management is designing formal systems in an organization to manage human talent for accomplishing organizational goals”. Meanwhile, according to Hall T. Douglas and Goodale G. James, human resource management is: “Human Resource Management is the process through which optimal fit is achieved among the employee, job, organization, and environment so that employees reach their desired level of satisfaction and performance and the organization meets its goals”.
Malayu S. P Hasibuan (2019) in his book also provides a definition of Human Resource Management as the science and art of managing the relationships and roles of the workforce so that they are effective and efficient in helping to realize the goals of the company, employees and society. Based on this description, human resource management is a science and art that regulates the process of utilizing human resources and other resources effectively and efficiently starting from planning, implementation, evaluation and follow-up to achieve a goal. Human resource management is a recognition of the importance of the human element as a resource that is quite potential and very decisive in an organization, and needs to continue to be developed so that it is able to provide maximum contribution to the organization and to its own development.
Objectives and Functions of Human Resources Management
According to Darmadi (2018), quoting from Sofyandi, the goals of human resource management are 1) Organizational goals, 2) Functional goals, 3) Focus goals, 4) Personal goals. Meanwhile, Irianto (2001) has three main objectives of human resource management, namely 1) improving productivity levels 2) improving the quality of work life 3) ensuring that the organization has fulfilled legal aspects.
The functions of human resource management include:
Planning is determining organizational goals to implement and determine various strategies to be carried out in achieving goals (Rohmat, 2010). There are others who say that planning is a conscious effort in making decisions that have been carefully calculated about what will be done in the future in order to achieve the goals previously set by the organization (Sondang, 2005).
Organizing is carried out after planning because this activity is the right activity for the organization. The plan will not be implemented by itself without the grouping and division of work between the resources that carry it out. Organizing consists of grouping activities and the existence of authority that will lead to activities achieving goals. Sondang P. Siagian (2005) also expressed his opinion that organizing is the entire process of grouping people, tools as well as authority and responsibility in such a way as to create an organization that can be moved as a unified whole in order to achieve predetermined goals.
Actuating is the process of providing motivation in the form of encouragement in working to subordinates in such a way that they work sincerely so that organizational goals run smoothly. So actuating is a guidance process carried out by leaders towards their co-workers so that they are able to carry out their duties well and seriously without any sense of compulsion (Sondang, 2005).
Supervision includes measuring work against predetermined goals, determining existing cases and making decisions to make future improvements. Based on this, it can be understood that supervision is an effort carried out by school leaders to see to what extent the programs and work plans that have been determined are running smoothly and whether they are in accordance with what was planned or not. If there are obstacles, improvements will be made in the future so that in the end it can be achieved as desired (Rohmat, 2010).
Scope of Human Resources Management
Sedarmayanti stated regarding the scope of human resource management (HR) based on the period of implementation and development tasks, into several sections including the following:
Pre Service Training
Training provided to prospective employees who will start working.
In Service Training
In-task training is carried out for employees currently serving in the organization.
Post Service Training
Training carried out by the organization to help and prepare employees to face tasks
Researchers describe that the scope of human resource management includes, among others: 1) the subjects who implement and manage, 2) activities and materials as a form of the human resource management process, and 3) the goals and direction of existing human resource management.
Principles of Human Resource Management
Wina Sanjaya (2009) said there are four main areas of HR management principles, namely:
Implementation of HR management to improve administrative and operational functions broadly to manage the madrasah as a whole
Integrating HR management in the curriculum
The importance of HR management in classroom teaching,
HR management to manage madrasa evaluation activities
Teacher Competency
Understanding Teacher Competency
Competence comes from English, namely competence. This means the same as being competent, while competences means being ability, power, authority, skill, knowledge, attitude and so on. Thus, competency is a person’s ability, skills, skills and knowledge in a particular field. Competence according to Elliot, (2005) is a condition or quality of effectiveness, ability, or success. Competence as a characteristic of a person is related to effective performance in a job and situation.
A teacher is said to have competence if: (1) able to develop responsibilities as well as possible, (2) able to carry out their roles successfully, (3) able to work in an effort to achieve educational goals, (4) able to carry out their role in the teaching process and study in class. According to Drexel, someone who has competence is always results-oriented, pays attention to procedures in identifying and assessing the results of the learning process, has experience, has formal and informal knowledge and behaves towards progress (Ingrid, 2003).
Teacher Competency Standards
In Law no. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers requires that professional educators must have four basic competencies, namely:
Pedagogical Competency is the ability to manage learning which includes understanding students, designing and implementing learning, evaluating learning and developing students to actualize the various potentials they have.
Personality Competency is the condition of a teacher as an individual who has a strong personality as an example of an authoritative educator. This personality competency covers various aspects, namely having a personality as an educator worthy of emulation, and having leadership attitudes and abilities in democratic interactions in protecting students,
Professional Competency, is broad and in-depth mastery of scientific and technological material regarding the field of study or subjects that will be given to students using appropriate instructional systems and learning strategies.
Social Competence, related to the influence of the teacher’s role on moral development, is the teacher’s ability as part of a social group to be able to communicate effectively and efficiently with students, fellow teachers, parents or guardians of students and the surrounding community in providing formal education.
Management and Measurement of Teacher Competency
According to Hanafi, there are several stages in managing teacher competency, including 1) Planning Teacher Competency 2) Organizing Teacher Competency 3) Developing Teacher Competency 4) Evaluating Teacher Competency. Based on the teacher competency map, schools use the map as a basis for determining decisions about teachers, starting from implementation to procurement, where determining requirements and teacher selection procedures can become the basis for teacher competency.
There are at least 3 testing activities that measure the four competencies mentioned in the Teacher and Lecturer Law, namely (1) Teacher Education Program which requires academic potential tests including pedagogical tests, field of study tests, and interest aptitude tests; (2) Teacher Competency Test (UKG) which measures pedagogical and professional competence for teachers who have been certified and those who have not; and (3) Teacher Performance Assessment (PKG) which is carried out twice a year to measure pedagogical, professional, personality and social competencies.
Human resource management in improving teacher competency as illustrated by the findings at each of the sites above shows that both sites have their own patterns and processes in improving teacher competency. In the management process, the madrasa head as the main leader in the institution can provide the best way to improve the competence of teachers in his environment.
Starting from the planning process which was designed before the school year started, with the formation of a team tasked with analyzing the availability of existing human resources, then mapping future needs. After the management planning is complete, it continues with human resource management, the contents of which are recruitment and selection with a slightly different system. First, by using a closed system, involving madrasa alumni who have successfully continued their studies at several state universities and have completed their bachelor’s degrees. Second, by using an open, accountable system, and can be accessed via several media.
The selection carried out by both institutions is almost the same, namely using an open system and being very selective. This is reflected in the recruitment system implemented by madrasas by following several selection stages that have been designed in the management program of each site. The next step for the two sites above is the development of human resource management which shows that each site is also very enthusiastic and interested in this process, because the final goal of this process, both sites hope to increase the competence of their teachers. In practice, human resource management development uses two methods, namely on-the-job training and off-the-job training. This aims to increase insight and improve the competence of teachers, and to be more professional in accordance with their respective fields.
After the development is carried out, evaluations are carried out for the teachers periodically by the head of the institution, both monthly and every semester of the teachers at each site to see whether the work achievements of the teachers are carried out, whether they are in accordance with the management program that has been planned and determined previously. . Apart from that, evaluation is also very useful to see whether there are any problems or obstacles, or whether it can be reused or repaired in the future.
This really needs to be looked at and paid attention to by both sites, because the success or failure of this human resource management program will determine whether or not the teacher’s competence develops.
Human Resource Planning in Improving Teacher Competency
Based on the results of research on human resource management in improving teacher competency, there are several things researchers can produce, including:
Human resource mapping
Human resources in an institution greatly influence its progress and development, because the better the human resources an institution has, the easier it will be to realize the path to improvement and development of the institution desired by its stakeholders. Moreover, developments in times are increasingly advanced, and human resources are needed who are able to continue to compete and compete in mutual progress.
Based on field research at both sites, it emerged that human resource mapping was based on the vision and mission as well as the goals of the madrasah, which was then translated into the form of management planning which refers to the percentage of the number of students compared to the number of existing teachers. This is done by both sites at the end of each school year to determine the fulfillment of future human resource needs.
Analysis of Human Resource Needs
Needs analysis plays a very important role in carrying out human resource management in organizations, especially Islamic educational institutions. By conducting a continuous analysis of human resource needs, it is possible to know with certainty the availability of teachers at the institution.
Mangkunegara believes that job analysis is based on the type of work, nature of work, estimated workload, estimated employee capacity, level and number of positions available, and the tools needed to carry it out. The process of collecting information for each position, studying various information related to operational work and its responsibilities, and compiling information regarding tasks, types of work and specific responsibilities are activities carried out in job analysis (Anwar, 2003).
Nitisemito believes that job analysis is a guide for recruitment and placement, determining the number of employees, and the basis for activities in HRM. Job analysis as a guideline for determining the conditions required in the recruitment and placement of employees (Nitisemito, 1996).
The results of this job analysis are used as indicators by institutions in determining the characteristics or criteria that prospective applicants must have before occupying a position, the output of which will later have an effect on the job specifications and job descriptions provided. Both sites carry out a needs analysis before the new school year begins. These two sites consider in detail the competencies and personality qualities of prospective employees as well as estimates of the number of personnel needed in order to consider the qualifications and competencies of teachers, so as to improve the existing work systems in the two site.
Andrew’s (2017) view above aims to make it easier to formulate the duties and positions of employees, provide detailed development regarding the position held, so that in the process the institution can ensure that applicants can carry out their duties appropriately and in accordance with the specifications set by the madrasah.
In the author’s opinion, a needs analysis will make it easier to analyze madrasah needs, so that this activity can be used as a guide for the recruitment and placement of prospective employees, determining the number of prospective employees as a basis for implementing human resource management. Hoping to improve the quality of madrasas in accordance with the vision and mission that has been set and the output will be a quality and superior madrasah in society.
Implementation of Human Resource Management in Improving Teacher Competency
The implementation of human resources is also important to determine the right criteria and competencies that suit the needs of madrasah institutions. Implementation of management here is a continuation process of human resource planning which leads to recruitment and selection programmed by the previous institution. This process aims to ensure that what is programmed and planned by the institution is truly in accordance with previous analysis and mapping.
Robert L. Mathis believes that recruitment is carried out as a process of producing a group of qualified applicants for organizational jobs. . Likewise, Raymon A. Neo (2014) believes that HR recruitment is a practice or activity carried out by an organization with the main aim of identifying and attracting potential employees.
From several expert opinions above, it is clear that recruitment carried out by madrasas aims to select potential new employee candidates to occupy certain positions, and with this activity, institutions can improve the competence of their teachers in implementing management.
Evaluation of Human Resources Management in Improving Teacher Competency
Evaluations carried out by madrasas are a continuation of activities starting from planning, management and development of human resources, especially for teachers. This evaluation is one of the steps taken by madrasa management to produce professional staff to improve teacher competence. The evaluation activity aims to find out the extent to which the work program has been achieved by teachers at the educational institution.
Currently, human resource evaluations are carried out regularly in the form of formative assessments at the beginning of the year, every month or summative assessments at the end of the year. The results of this formative assessment are used as a basis for planning annual continuous professional development programs for employees. Meanwhile, the results of the summative assessment are used to provide employee work performance scores.
This shows that the implementation of the human resource evaluation program is carried out in stages so that the quality and quantity of work possessed by teachers can be maximized and in line with the expectations of madrasah leaders and are able to quickly move towards the vision and mission of the madrasah.
Follow-up to Human Resource Management in Improving Teacher Competency
According to Raymon A. Neo, this follow-up refers to formal education, work experience, relationships, personality and ability assessments that help employees prepare themselves for the future. This follow-up is carried out as a form of madrasa effort to improve the technical, theoretical and personality competencies of teachers in accordance with the needs of the job or position through education and training.
Education aims to improve the theory and personality possessed by teachers, while training aims to improve the technical skills of implementing teacher work. Gerry Dassler emphasized that teacher and employee training techniques or methods can be carried out in two ways, namely on the job training and off the job training.
In line with this, the follow-up program at site 1 and site 2 is carried out through two patterns or methods, namely first, on the job training, and this development is carried out during working hours formally and informally. Such as training, workshops, position rotation, religious activities, education, MGMP, and seminars.
Conclusions on Human Resource Management in Improving Teacher Competency from research at this institution are as follows:
The human resource management planning system carried out by Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Tulungagung and Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Tulungagung is carried out by the madrasah leadership by forming a team whose task is to carry out job analysis mapping, both the number of existing human resources and human resource needs especially teachers who will arrive before the new school year begins. The planning carried out is based on the vision and mission of the madrasah and then translated into a planning process to analyze and map existing human resources. This aims to ensure that the planning process runs smoothly for the ultimate goal of increasing teacher competency.
Implementation of human resource management is carried out in two ways, namely first, internal recruitment, by calling alumni who have completed their bachelor’s degrees at State Universities, and second, external recruitment, by making announcements in several media including WA and the official madrasa website. This recruitment is carried out entirely by a team formed by the head of the institution. The recruitment system is carried out through internal and external sources, with selection stages in the form of administrative selection, written tests, interviews and micro teaching or real teaching. Recruitment is carried out in accordance with the criteria and differentiation of each site to improve teacher competency.
Evaluation of human resource management is carried out periodically, monthly, semesterly and annually, coordinated and monitored directly by the madrasah leadership. This evaluation activity is carried out through monitoring and class supervision by madrasah leaders on a specified schedule. The results of classroom monitoring and supervision show that teachers have completed the learning tools properly in accordance with the provisions set by the madrasah, although there are still teachers who do not complete the classroom tools completely.
Human resource management follow-up is prepared and implemented by a team formed by the head of the institution. This follow-up process for human resource development aims to ensure that teachers at both sites can improve their competence in their respective fields. The forms of development follow-up are in the form of training, education, position rotation, and also MGMP. Implications of human resource development in k
Both sites can be seen from several teachers who are National Instructors in subject areas, there are also several teachers who are Regional Facilitators in subject areas, and there are also some who are national level exam question writers.
- S Nitisemito, Manajemen Personalia. (Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia, 1996).
- Andrew J. Dubrin, Personnel and Human Resources Management, (California: kent Publishing Company, 1981), 29, lihat juga Mochamad Iskarim dalam Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Volume 2, Nomor 2, November 2017.
- Andrew J..Elliot.,, Competence and Motivation, Handbook of Competence and Motivaasi,ed.Andrew J.Elliot,aand Carlos S Dweck, (new York: The Guilford Press. 2005).
- Ash-Shidiqie (eds.). (1996). Sumber Daya Manusia Untuk Indonesia Masa Depan. Bandung: Mizan.
- Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Kekepalasekolahan. Yogyakarta: Deepublish, 2018
- Inggrid, Drexel, kThe Concept of Competence on Intstrument of Social and Political Change, (Bergon AS: Stein rokkan Centre,2003).
- Kadarisman, Manajemen Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia, Jakarta: PT Rajagrafindo Persada, Cet.3 .2014.
- Makbullah, Dede. Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan, Model Pengembangan Teori dan Aplikasi Sistem Penjaminan Mutu (Cet I: Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2011).
- Malayu S. P. Hasibuan, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, h. 10.
- Mangkunegara, Anwar Prabu. Perencanaan dan Pengembangan SDM. (Bandung: Refika Aditama, 2003).
- Mathis, R. L., & Jackson, J. H. Human Resource Management (12th ed., Vol. 15 Mason: Thomson South-Western, 2015.
- Nata, Abudin. Manajemen Penddikan, Menguasai Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, Jakarta: Prenada Press, 2007
- Raymon A. Neo, dll, Human Resource Manajement: Gaining A Compotitive Advantage, (Jakarta: Salemba Empat, 2014).
- Robert L. Mathis dan John H. Jackson, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia.
- Rohmat, Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Konsep Dan Aplikasi, (Yogyakarta: STAIN Press, 2010).
- Sondang P. Siagian, Fungsi-fungsi Manajerial, (Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara, 2005).
- Wina Sanjaya, Perencanaan dan Desain Sistem Pembelajaran (Cet.I; Jakarta: Kencana, 2009).
Human Resource Management in Improving the Competence of Multisite Study Teachers at MAN 1 Tulungagung and MAN 2 Tulungagung
Bahrun Nasor1, Ahmad Tanzeh2, Abd. Aziz3, Maftukhin4, Akhyak 5
1,2,3,4,5 Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah State Islamic University Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
Vol 3 No 11 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 11 November 2023
Article Date Published : 23 November 2023 | Page No.: 2275-2281
Abstract :
This research aims to find and analyze in depth related to: a) human resource planning in improving teacher competency, b) implementation of human resources in increasing teacher competency, c) evaluation of human resources in improving teacher competency, and d) follow-up of resources human resources in improving teacher competence. This research was carried out using a qualitative approach to the site study type with a multisite design. The research locations chosen were Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Tulungagung and Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Tulungagung. The data collection techniques used participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The collected data is then analyzed via single sites or across sites using data condensation techniques, data presentation and drawing conclusions. All data will be tested for validity through credibility tests, transferability tests, dependability tests and confirmability tests. The results of the research show: a) human resource planning in improving teacher competency reveals mapping of existing human resource needs, followed by analysis of human resource needs and programming of recruitment plans, b) implementation of human resources in improving teacher competency is carried out by recruitment through two ways, internal recruitment and external recruitment, and selection, c) evaluation of human resources in improving teacher competency is carried out using a periodic system every month, every semester and every year which is managed by the madraah leadership. Evaluation activities are carried out through monitoring and supervision with a determined schedule, and d) follow-up of human resources in improving teacher competency with several patterns, including: training, education, position rotation and MGMP.
Keywords :
Management, Human Resources, Teacher CompetencyReferences :
- S Nitisemito, Manajemen Personalia. (Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia, 1996).
- Andrew J. Dubrin, Personnel and Human Resources Management, (California: kent Publishing Company, 1981), 29, lihat juga Mochamad Iskarim dalam Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Volume 2, Nomor 2, November 2017.
- Andrew J..Elliot.,, Competence and Motivation, Handbook of Competence and Motivaasi,ed.Andrew J.Elliot,aand Carlos S Dweck, (new York: The Guilford Press. 2005).
- Ash-Shidiqie (eds.). (1996). Sumber Daya Manusia Untuk Indonesia Masa Depan. Bandung: Mizan.
- Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Kekepalasekolahan. Yogyakarta: Deepublish, 2018
- Inggrid, Drexel, kThe Concept of Competence on Intstrument of Social and Political Change, (Bergon AS: Stein rokkan Centre,2003).
- Kadarisman, Manajemen Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia, Jakarta: PT Rajagrafindo Persada, Cet.3 .2014.
- Makbullah, Dede. Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan, Model Pengembangan Teori dan Aplikasi Sistem Penjaminan Mutu (Cet I: Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2011).
- Malayu S. P. Hasibuan, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, h. 10.
- Mangkunegara, Anwar Prabu. Perencanaan dan Pengembangan SDM. (Bandung: Refika Aditama, 2003).
- Mathis, R. L., & Jackson, J. H. Human Resource Management (12th ed., Vol. 15 Mason: Thomson South-Western, 2015.
- Nata, Abudin. Manajemen Penddikan, Menguasai Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, Jakarta: Prenada Press, 2007
- Raymon A. Neo, dll, Human Resource Manajement: Gaining A Compotitive Advantage, (Jakarta: Salemba Empat, 2014).
- Robert L. Mathis dan John H. Jackson, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia.
- Rohmat, Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Konsep Dan Aplikasi, (Yogyakarta: STAIN Press, 2010).
- Sondang P. Siagian, Fungsi-fungsi Manajerial, (Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara, 2005).
- Wina Sanjaya, Perencanaan dan Desain Sistem Pembelajaran (Cet.I; Jakarta: Kencana, 2009).
Author's Affiliation
Bahrun Nasor1, Ahmad Tanzeh2, Abd. Aziz3, Maftukhin4, Akhyak 5
1,2,3,4,5 Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah State Islamic University Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
Article Details
- Issue: Vol 3 No 11 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 11 November 2023
- Page No.: 2275-2281
- Published : 23 November 2023
- DOI:
How to Cite :
Human Resource Management in Improving the Competence of Multisite Study Teachers at MAN 1 Tulungagung and MAN 2 Tulungagung. Bahrun Nasor, Ahmad Tanzeh, Abd. Aziz, Maftukhin, Akhyak , 3(11), 2275-2281. Retrieved from
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International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies