Vol 4 No 12(2024)
Exploring Online Education in South African Correctional Centres: Perspectives from ODEL students
Dr. Tandiwe Mdlungu1, Mr. Joseph Hlatshwayo2
1,2Lecturer, School of Criminal Justice, University of South Africa, South Africa
Page No. 1269-1275
PDFFull textGoogle ScholarDOI: 10.55677/ijssers/V04I12Y2024-01GoogleCareer Perspectives and Pathways: A Multi-Method Clustering Analysis of First-year Business Students
Vicente Montano1, Joannalynn Mercado2
1,2Faculty of Business Administration Education, University of Mindanao
Page No. 1276-1284
PDFFull textGoogle ScholarDOI: 10.55677/ijssers/V04I12Y2024-02GoogleStudents’ Perceptions on Zoom as Alternative to In- person Purposive Communication Classes
Melody Raquel M. Al-Amrey
Communication & Literature Area, De La Salle-College of St. Benilde, Manila, Philippines
Page No. 1285-1290
PDFFull textGoogle ScholarDOI: 10.55677/ijssers/V04I12Y2024-03GoogleThe Effect of Transformational Leadership on Employee Engagement with Perceived Organizational Support as a Mediating Variable
Aditia Jaya Saputra1, RR. Erlina2, Zainnur M. Rusdi3
1,2,3 Magister Management, University of Lampung, Indonesia
Page No. 1291-1295
PDFFull textGoogle ScholarDOI: 10.55677/ijssers/V04I12Y2024-04GoogleMessage Design and Recipients’ Perception in Intercultural Emails: Iraqi Non-Native English Speakers’ Emails to Australian Native Speakers
Mohammed Tahir Aldhulaee
Deakin University
Page No. 1296-1309
PDFFull textGoogle ScholarDOI: 10.55677/ijssers/V04I12Y2024-05GoogleEthnomathematics Study on the Ornamentation Of The Traditional Malay House Of Selaso Jatuh Kembar
Ellis Mardiana Panggabean1, Windi Wahyuni2
1,2Departement of Mathematic Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Page No. 1310-1321
PDFFull textGoogle ScholarDOI: 10.55677/ijssers/V04I12Y2024-06GoogleAnalysis of Education Student Retention Rates: Basis for Policy Formation
Saranay I. Doyaoen1, Glen Darrel D. Cabote2, Limer G. Viernes3, Engelie S. Martinez4
1-4 Faculty, Northeastern College, Santiago City, Philippines
Page No. 1322-1328
PDFFull textGoogle ScholarDOI: 10.55677/ijssers/V04I12Y2024-07GoogleRecognizing the Work Values and Motivational Drives as Circumstances of Management Skills of Master Teachers
Mardyn P. Marimon1, Jeniemer B. Aranguez2, Marleonie Bauyot3
1Faculty of Graduate School Department, The Rizal Memorial Colleges, Inc., Davao City, Davao del Sur, Philippines
2Teacher III, Magugpo Pilot Central Elementary School, Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines
3Faculty, Educational Leadership Department, Ateneo de Davao University, Davao City, Davao Del Sur, Philippines
Page No. 1329-1334
PDFFull textGoogle ScholarDOI: 10.55677/ijssers/V04I12Y2024-08GoogleThe Influence of Work-Life Balance, Environment, and Motivation on Performance through Job Satisfaction of Gen Z Employees with Leadership Style as a Moderating Variable
Mutiara Larasaty Iwanto1, Dr. Drs. Ec. Soni Harsono, M.Si2, Dr. Emma Yulianti, SE., MM3
1,2,3 Faculty of Bussiness and Economics, Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University, Surabaya
Page No. 1335-1339
PDFFull textGoogle ScholarDOI: 10.55677/ijssers/V04I12Y2024-09GoogleScoping Review on Power Relations and Dynamics Existing in Political Organizations an Expositive Political Science Perspective
Reil Angelo C. Valdueza1, Jornie Lumintao2
1BA Political Science – Central Mindanao University, Bukidnon, Philippines
2BA Political Science Faculty – Central Mindanao University, Bukidnon, Philippines
Page No. 1340-1359
PDFFull textGoogle ScholarDOI: 10.55677/ijssers/V04I12Y2024-10GoogleThe Influence of Taxpayer Awareness, Tax Knowledge, and Tax Sanctions on Motor Vehicle Taxpayer Compliance
Rizky Aldi Setianda1*, Agung Cahyadi2, Try Edi Suwarno3, Itang Purnama4, Faisal Fadly Pulungan5
1,2,3,4,5 Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut
Page No. 1360-1368
PDFFull textGoogle ScholarDOI: 10.55677/ijssers/V04I12Y2024-11GoogleEvaluating the Impact of Enhancing Farmers' Knowledge, Attitudes, Motivation, and Behavior on Income Growth and Environmental Quality in the Technical Irrigation Areas of South Sulawesi Province
Faizal Amir1, Bakhrani A Rauf2, Edy Sabara3, Alimuddin Sa’ban Miru4
1Universitas Negeri Makassar [Envirenmental Management department, Makassar, Indonesia]
2,3,4Universitas Negeri Makassar [Civil Engineering department, Makassar, Indonesia]
Page No. 1369-1378
PDFFull textGoogle ScholarDOI: 10.55677/ijssers/V04I12Y2024-12GoogleA Legal Study on Drug Abuse among Teenagers
Juli Nurani
Faculty of Law, Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya
Page No. 1379-1383
PDFFull textGoogle ScholarDOI: 10.55677/ijssers/V04I12Y2024-13GoogleThe Role of Social Norms in the Formation of Legal Policy: Case Studies on Customary Practices and Environmental Protection
Indawati1, Susi Ratnawati2
1Faculty of Law, Bhayangkara University, Surabaya Indonesia
2Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Bhayangkara University, Surabaya Indonesia
Page No. 1384-1388
PDFFull textGoogle ScholarDOI: 10.55677/ijssers/V04I12Y2024-14GoogleThe Effect of Price, Promotion, Security and Service on Pharmacy Product Purchase Decisions at Conventional & Online Drugstore with Product Variation as Moderation
Valderama Tri Sadana1, Soni Harsono2
1 Department of Magister Management,Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas, Wonorejo Utara St. No.16 Rungkut Surabaya
2 Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas,Wonorejo Utara St. No.16 Rungkut Surabaya
Page No. 1389-1395
PDFFull textGoogle ScholarDOI: 10.55677/ijssers/V04I12Y2024-15Google