The New Model of Relationship Leisure and Tourism Development on Quality of Life (Review Studies)

This report is about the quality of human life and leisure and tourism. Different perspectives of human life have been reviewed and have been related and connected with the quality of leisure and tourism. The Human life perspectives that have been reviewed are Human mankind, Human relationship, Human society, Human environment, and Human Development. Further on, there is a review of the quality of leisure and tourism under different dimensions which can be read in the report. Tourism development in the new paradigm concept of development has been addressed to the goal of sustainable development to increase the quality of life of the community (tourist, host, providers) based on the concept of values. The modernity of tourism development has to do with setting up the concept of values, development of humans by technology to minimize using natural resources, and harmonization of three main tourism stakeholder groups; are the owners of the destinations, tourism industries, and tourists as consumers of the destinations to the goal of quality of life.

Walking for Fitness: A Case Study on the Experiences, Challenges, and Perceived Benefits from Regular Walking Exercise of Young Adult

The COVID-19 outbreak, declared as a global health emergency, consequently led to lockdowns and community quarantines that have restricted people’s opportunity for physical activity. Evidence have shown that physical inactivity increases the risk of many communicable  diseases such as coronary heart disease and metabolic disorders (Booth et al., 2012). Moreover, a sedentary lifestyle induces worse, continuous, and progressive consequences to health. The World    Health Organization recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous- intensity physical activity per week, or a combination of both. Walking is one of the most   popular physical activities. The reasons why it appeals to the population is because it is accessible to all, requires little skill and has low risk of injury. Walking can be performed in various speeds, in groups or alone, and without the need for special equipment. This research explores the experiences of young adults on their walking exercise with the consideration of the current COVID-19 pandemic situation. It aims to determine and understand the challenges and perceived benefits of young adults in performing regular walking exercise. This research was an in-depth case study conducted in Tanza Cavite, Philippines, where a few residents practice regular walking exercises, among others. This study mainly focused on the experiences and perspectives of the participants towards walking exercise. Criterion sampling was used, and semi-structured interviews were employed for data collection. Individual experiences of the respondents were explained and analyzed to further understand the effects of regular walking exercise.

Transcendental Transformative of Islamic Pedagogy (The Implications of the Prophet Ibrahim a.s. Story in a Transformative Pedagogy Perspective)

This research is motivated by the human need for education which is a reflection of the characteristics of humans as pedagogical beings, namely creatures who are born with potential that can be educated and can educate.  This characteristic is because humans have a ratio or mind.  With their intellect, humans can process what they see, hear and feel into knowledge that accumulates into an experience to serve as a guide for acting, working, and creating in the future.  The results of this study are human nature, the world of life, and future orientation.  This pedagogy is continuous and perennial.  Continuity means that human nature in the course of his life is influenced by the world of life, and this pedagogy is future-oriented directed at future generations.  Because future generations are human, this pedagogy examines human nature, and so on.

Entrepreneurship Innovation and Their Problems: A Case Study on MSME Entrepreneurs in Blitar City Indonesia

This research is motivated by the mindset of the people in Blitar City which must be changed so that they are no longer job seekers, but participate in becoming job providers both for themselves, their families and the wider community in the city of Blitar.  One way to make a leap is the need for entrepreneurial innovation which is a solution to business independence.  This research approach is qualitative because of its effectiveness in the research context through exploration of the data collection methods used in this study based on semi-structured interviews and the conclusions include: Innovation and entrepreneurship complement each other because innovation is the source of entrepreneurship.  Entrepreneurship uses innovation to expand business scope and drive growth.  Entrepreneurial development through innovation and creativity can lead to successful commercialization.

Review Studies: Lifestyle and Social Class in Consumer Behavior for Services Industr

Lifestyle studies share all about how the people do activities, how their attitudes to get values, how they become as a unique individual and as a group, how they reflect experiences, how they interact in their group, where they are living, how they used their freedom to choose. These characteristics can influence consumer behavior. The power of consumer behavior can be explained by social class studies, these powers can become from occupation, education and qualifications, income, wealth or net worth, ownership of land, property, and means of production, economical factor, political factor, and cultural factor. Lifestyle and social class can influence consumer behavior.  It is an important case for a marketer because they can begin a marketing plan, who as consumers, where they are when they need the product. Market segmentation can be played by characteristics of consumers’ behavior base on lifestyle and social class.

Student Planning in Improving the Quality of Education

This research is motivated by the phenomenon of private elementary schools that have academic and non-academic achievements beating public elementary schools. This achievement is the positive impact of student management carried out starting from student planning, student organization, participant management and student supervision. Management is carried out using the national curriculum and local curriculum in student development activities. The researcher used a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach in a multi-site study design. Data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. Data analysis used single site data analysis and cross site analysis. The checking of the validity of the data is done by triangulation between sources, triangulation between methods, triangulation between times, member checks and analysis of negative cases. The conclusion of this study is that student planning in improving the quality of education can be done by setting criteria for prospective students, identifying and analyzing information on prospective students, determining alternative student plans, supervising the implementation of student planning, making agreements with parents of related students parenting style at home.

Health and Wellness Tourism Industry: Types and Development Potentials in Bali, Indonesia

This study aims to explore health and wellness tourism: types and development potentials in Bali, and
is expected to become an alternative attraction for tourism in Bali and Indonesia. This research uses
the desk research method with data and information search techniques online, secondary sources, and
other sources of scientific publications. While the analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative
analysis techniques, analogy, and comparison of several research results and other scientific
publications related to health and wellness problems. Particularly in Bali, the tourism market health
and wellness can be divided into four segments: (1) medical tourism, (2) wellness and spa, (3) nursing
and elderly care, and (4) research services, and diagnostics. In many countries, services health and
wellness are an ideal service to promote the role of tourism services exports as a share of GDP. In Bali,
the number of spas has grown to more than 160% since 2003. It is identified that around 390 spas are
currently operating and the remaining 21 are currently being built. The existence of health and wellness
tourism is an opportunity and strength to increase the competitiveness of Bali as an international
tourism destination.

Health and Wellness Tourism Industry: Types and Development Potentials in Bali, Indonesia

This study aims to explore health and wellness tourism: types and development potentials in Bali, and is expected to become an alternative attraction for tourism in Bali and Indonesia. This research uses the desk research method with data and information search techniques online, secondary sources, and other sources of scientific publications. While the analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis techniques, analogy, and comparison of several research results and other scientific publications related to health and wellness problems. Particularly in Bali, the tourism market health and wellness can be divided into four segments: (1) medical tourism, (2) wellness and spa, (3) nursing and elderly care, and (4) research services, and diagnostics. In many countries, services health and wellness are an ideal service to promote the role of tourism services exports as a share of GDP. In Bali, the number of spas has grown to more than 160% since 2003. It is identified that around 390 spas are currently operating and the remaining 21 are currently being built. The existence of health and wellness tourism is an opportunity and strength to increase the competitiveness of Bali as an international tourism destination.

Dilemma between Culture and Heritage Preservation and Tourist Attraction

Comparing a site listed as UNESCO’s World Heritage Site, the Tower of London, with the site of Tanah Lot Temple in Bali presents several interesting, namely that both these places have similar strength in their uniqueness, but have a discernable difference in terms of universality. Whereas the Tower of London has a feature of universality accepted by the international community, Tanah Lot Temple has yet to share such features. Both are visited by large numbers of tourists, thus creating a threat to the mitigation or conservation efforts for the sites, in terms of physical and cultural value preservations. Both sites have been commoditized for public purposes even have entered a significant commercialization phase, but the Tanah Lot site has created a management conflict because it is yet to have a long-term planning scheme, while such conflict has yet to arise in the case of the Tower of London because the site has been nationally and professionally managed. The existence of the Tower of London has been recognized by UNESCO while Tanah Lot Temple has not. The interpretation of the Tower of London has been nationally recognized as a mandatory site for UK students, while Tanah Lot has yet.