Management of Safety and Health in Schools: Benefits, Challenges and Prospects

The management of safety and health in schools is essential for creating safe and healthy learning environments for learners and staff. Through literature review and analysis, this paper examines the benefits, challenges, and prospects of safety and health management in schools in general. From research evidence, the benefits of safety and health management include improved academic performance, reduced absenteeism, and better mental and physical health outcomes for learners. However, managing safety and health in schools presents numerous challenges, such as legal and regulatory compliance, risk assessment, emergency preparedness, and ongoing training and education. According to reviewed literature, the prospects for safety and health management in schools are promising, as schools are increasingly prioritizing health and wellness initiatives and investing in the necessary resources and support. To overcome the challenges and realize the benefits of safety and health management in schools, this paper recommends effective collaboration and communication among all members of the school community, including learners, staff, parents, and community partners.

The Causes and Effects of Divorce on Child Upbringing among Muslim Family in Yobe North Senatorial Zone, Yobe State, Nigeria

This work titled: The Causes and Effect of Divorce on Child upbringing among Muslims Family in Yobe North Senatorial Zone, Yobe State, Nigeria: is conducted with the objective of enlightening prospective couple on the needs to exercise great restrain, caution and tolerance on how this institution could be sustained and maintained for the growth and development of the Islamic Ummah; Islam, as a finally revealed guidance enjoins married couple to handle the trust bestowed on them by Allah (SWT) so that the children they got through that children begotten could become an apple of their eyes in this life and hereafter if they are properly nurture for by both the father and the mother in  discharge their responsibility accordingly.  But in a situation where such solitary union become broken, the consequences of such dissolution of marriage do affect the couple and the children’s upbringing as well.  This research work, therefore intends to study the causes and effects of Divorce on child’s upbringing in a predominantly Muslim Community in Yobe State.  it will further assess the effects of Divorces on both parties and how such dissolution do affect the child upbringing in Muslim Community.

Code-Switching in Relation to Other Language-Contact Phenomena: A Theoretical Account

Research on code-switching (CS) has witnessed a major terminological issue, especially with regard to its relation to other concepts of language contact phenomena. CS, as a research area, is troubled with the question of terminological confusion. Sometimes, researchers use different labels to indicate the same notion; in others, they use the same term to refer to distinct notions. Hence, there is no definite consensus on the territory covered by the terms related to the CS phenomenon such as CM, borrowing, transfer and so on. This article attempts to explore and clarify these terms and examine their similarity or distinction to CS. The latter is reviewed in comparison to four close and interrelated linguistic phenomena, namely code-mixing, diglossia, borrowing, and interference. This review is based on reviewing the literature and reflecting on it.

State Intervention in the Establishment of the House of Worship to Realize Religious Harmony

Indonesia, with a plural society, is interested in guaranteeing every religious adherent’s independence. Therefore, various regulations are enacted to reduce conflicts that often occur, including matters relating to establishing places of Worship. This caused multiple responses from the community. At the same time, it is essential to take a closer look at how places of Worship are established. This research takes the form of literature, and concerning the data, the author divides it into 2 (two), namely primary and secondary. The analytical framework that will be optimized is Thomas R. Dye’s public policy. This study found that the intervention of the Indonesian State in the establishment of houses of Worship through a joint regulation made by two ministries, namely the Minister of Home Affairs and the Minister of Religion, regarding the establishment of places of worship Number 1 of 1969 and Numbers 8 and 9 of 2006 is essential. However, the government must disseminate the regulations for licensing the construction of houses of Worship to all religious communities in Indonesia and be firm in implementing these laws and regulations to minimize conflicts caused by religion.

E-Business Ethics Learning Effectiveness to Build Ethical Awareness, Moral Courage, and Ethical Decisions

Purpose: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of E-Business Ethics Learning which is being built in forming ethical awareness, moral courage, and ethical decisions by comparing ethical awareness, ethical courage, and ethical decisions of students in business and professional ethics courses using E-Business Ethics Learning. with students who only read the text with the same case.

Patients and methods: The design of this research is quantitative research with an experimental method. The data collection technique was carried out using an online survey using the google form application. Samples were taken from students who were taking courses in business and professional ethics. The data analysis technique was carried out by conducting different tests on the average scores of ethical awareness, ethical courage, and ethical decision-making between students who used E-Business Ethics Learning and those who did not.

Results: The results showed that there were differences in ethical awareness and ethical decision-making between students who used E-Business Ethics learning and those who did not use E-Business Ethics Learning. This study found no evidence of a difference in moral courage between the two groups. This study also gave unexpected results that the mean rank of ethical awareness and ethical decision-making in the group of students who read the text was higher than the mean rank of the group of students who used E-Business Ethics Learning.

Conclusion: The results showed that there was no difference in ethical awareness, moral courage, and ethical decisions between students who used E-Business Ethics learning and those who did not use E-Business Ethics Learning.

Strategies for Successful Change Implementation: Insights from Senior Business Leaders

Approximately 75% of organizations’ change initiatives fail to attain the expected results, affecting business growth and survival. Grounded in Lewin’s three-step Model of Change, this qualitative multiple-case study explored strategies senior business leaders used to implement positive change. The participants were five senior business leaders who successfully experienced positive change management in their organizations. Data were collected from face-to-face semistructured interviews and various organizational documents and analyzed using Yin’s five-phase analysis technique. The three business strategies for successful change implementation that emerged from data analysis were improving leadership support, implementing clear communication, and sustaining an influential organizational culture. A key recommendation was that open and effective communication allowed employees to understand the benefits of change and helped them embrace it. The implications for a positive social change included the potential for continued business growth and increased employment opportunities in the local communities.

Communication Strategy for Islamic Boarding School Leaders in Improving the Quality of Education

This study aims to describe in depth related to: (1) How is the interpersonal communication of the leaders of the Tarbiyatul Qur’an and Baitul Qur’an Islamic Boarding Schools in improving the quality of education? (2) How is the intrapersonal communication of the leaders of the Tarbiyatul Qur’an and Baitul Qur’an Islamic Boarding Schools in improving the quality of education? (3) How is the communication between the leadership of the Tarbiyatul Qur’an and Baitul Qur’an Islamic Boarding Schools in improving the quality of education? This study uses qualitative research methods and multi-site study types. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed using techniques of reading all data, coding, interconnecting themes or descriptions, and interpreting the meaning of themes or descriptions. While the method of checking the validity of the data uses credibility, dependability, transparability, and confirmability techniques. The results of this study indicate that leadership communication at the Tarbiyatul Quran Islamic Boarding School is broader and more detailed than communication at the Baitul Quran Islamic Boarding School, the scope of interpersonal, intrapersonal, and audience communication at the Tarbiyatul Quran Islamic Boarding School is wider than at the Baitul Quran Islamic Boarding School. As for interpersonal communication of Islamic boarding school leaders in improving the quality of education, namely by discussing/deliberating with all elements of the Islamic boarding school, giving orders, giving instructions/directions, communicating via letters, chat/telephone via electronic media, for intrapersonal communication, namely by conveying ideas to be applied to students, sparking innovative ideas to be implemented in Islamic boarding schools, and public communication, for example by creating websites, improving the quality of ustadz/ustadzah, and holding Al-Qur’an seminars assemblies.