Empirical Case Studies on the Economic and Political Effects of the Belt and Road Initiative in Pakistan, Kenya, Sri Lanka, and Montenegro

The Belt and Road Initiative has had a wide range of effects on participating countries. Its economic and political implications continue to raise important questions about China’s global influence using soft power. The BRI initiative has the potential to accelerate globalization and boost domestic economies. This paper analyzes the BRI’s involvement in three geopolitical regions (Asia, Africa, and Europe) by examining the economic and political impacts of four internal BRI projects: Chinese Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway, International Hambantota Port, and Bar Boljare Highway. The analysis is conducted by examining different outcomes of each project using a predetermined rubric which considers economic (GDP, FDI, trade, social welfare, debt sustainability) and political (internal power, international relations) implications. The analysis of all four case studies conclude that Kenya and Pakistan have benefited from their respective BRI projects, while Sri Lanka and Montenegro’s BRI projects appear unsuccessful due to lack of strategy involved in their placement/creation. Furthermore, all four countries suffer from varying amounts of debt distress as a result of Chinese BRI investment. Lastly, the BRI provides outlets for Chinese involvement in internal power (especially in the case of Kenya and Sri Lanka), as well as strengthens Sino relations with participating countries.

The Impact of Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) Sustainability Disclosure on Accounting Performance: A Case Study of Firms in Liberia

This research investigates the relationship between sustainability disclosure and accounting performance of companies listed on the Liberian Stock Exchange. The study focuses on the natural resources, industrial goods, and oil and gas sectors, selecting 20 out of 24 firms through stratified sampling. Given Liberia’s strive for economic stability and sustainable development following a prolonged civil conflict, understanding the association between sustainability reporting and Return on Assets (ROA) is crucial. The research aims to provide empirical evidence to guide firms in adopting sustainable practices that drive financial performance. Using secondary data from financial statements, annual reports, and sustainability reports covering 2010-2020, pooled and panel linear regression analyses are conducted. The findings indicate that while environmental and governance disclosure did not significantly impact ROA, social disclosure had a positive effect. These results contribute to our understanding of sustainability reporting’s dimensions that influence firm performance in Liberia. The study offers theoretical and practical contributions, emphasizing the importance of social disclosure practices in enhancing performance and guiding strategic decision-making for firms listed on the Liberian Stock Exchange.

The Effect of Product Quality and Price Perception on Purchasing Decisions for Tango Wafers in Surabaya

The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of product quality and price perception on purchasing decisions for Wafer Tango in Surabaya. This research method uses quantitative research methods where the dependent variable is purchasing decisions and the independent variables in this study are product quality and price perception. The number of samples in this study were 72 Wafer Tango consumers in Surabaya. Sampling using non probability sampling method with accidental sampling technique through distributing questionnaires. Data analysis was carried out using the component-based Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method using the Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis tool. The results of this study indicate that product quality and price perception have a positive impact on purchasing decisions for Wafer Tango in Surabaya.

The Status of Training Presentation Skills of Ethnic Minority Students in Tuyen Quang

The presentation not only helps students improve their communication skills but also contributes to promoting other positive relationships. However, the content and methods of education in high schools today still attach great importance to the teaching of scientific knowledge and study skills and have not paid enough attention to the education of presentation skills  public speaking and presentations. That is also the reality of presentation skills of ethnic minority students in high schools in Tuyen Quang province, which this study concludes based on a survey of the actual situation. This situation is the practical basis to propose measures to improve this skill for ethnic minority students in high schools in Tuyen Quang province in Vietnam.

The Current Situation of Human Resources at Universities: A Study on Tan Trao University

The Communist Party of Vietnam has determined that education and training are the top national policy and decisive factors for economic growth and social development. Education development is the responsibility of the whole Party, the people, and the entire society. Teachers and educational administrators are the core force, playing a decisive role in ensuring the quality of education. The article studies the current situation and proposes solutions to develop the lecturers of Tan Trao University to improve the number and professional capacity: professional skills and practical ability to meet the requirements of the times.

Fulfillment of Student Religious Education Services as a Strategy in Installation of Religious Moderation Values from Early Religion in Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to find out how the fulfillment of religious education learning services at Elementary School (SD) Inpres I Nimbokrang 2, Nimbokrang District, Jayapura Regency, Papua, Indonesia, is in accordance with each student’s religion from an early age in the context of instilling the values of religious moderation in a multicultural society. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods so that researchers can see directly the problems that occur in the field with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that even though the school did not provide teachers for one of the students’ religions due to limited human resources, namely Buddhism, the school worked closely with non-formal educational institutions at the Vihara. The attitude of religious moderation can be realized through fulfilled religious education. Such as an understanding of living side by side amidst cultural differences in the school environment and the community environment, applying an attitude of tolerance, loving one another, and understanding the concept of karma. Strengthening the values of religious moderation needs to be taught to children from the elementary school level on so that they are able to behave moderately and prevent conflicts that ignite due to cultural, ethnic, and religious differences in the future when they go through the stages of maturation.

Implementation of Pertamina Dppu Adisucipto’s Social Innovation in Community Development Efforts in Sustainable Agriculture and Fisheries

Companies have a responsibility to have a positive impact on their social environment as a dispensation for production activities carried out in their surroundings. There are various activities initiated and modified in such a way with new approaches and assistance to enable communities to increase their capabilities in agriculture and fisheries. This paper describes the social innovations carried out by Pertamina Adisucipto in the surrounding community as an implementation of its social responsibility. This study uses a qualitative approach. This research is located in Sambilegi Kidul Padukuhan, Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta. In this study, the type of data used was Primary Data, namely data obtained directly from the assisted residents at Sambilegi Kidul Padukuhan in the Mina Horti Dangau location by means of interviews and observations on the assisted residents of the Adisutjipto CSR DPPU. The results of this study state that in a series of corporate social responsibility activities at the Adisucipto DPPU on the community around the company in agriculture and fisheries, it shows a significant impact. This Dulang Limbuk innovation does not require a lot of assets but only emphasizes human resources. Although it does not require a lot of assets, this innovation can have a real impact on fish farmers and women farming groups. First, the Dulang Limbuk innovation is able to reduce the cost of purchasing planting media for KWT Arimbi and the surrounding community. Second, for Dulang Limbuk fish farmers it can reduce fish mortality from 15% to 5%. Third, preserving the biota of the river waters around Dangau Minahorti.

Social Media Addiction and Academic Performance of Social Studies Students in Upper Basic Schools in Delta State

This study examined social media addiction on the academic performance of Social Studies students in upper basic education in Delta State. The study adopted a correlational research design. The sample size comprised 381 Basic 9 students in Delta State, selected through a multistage sampling method. The instruments used to generate data for the study were questionnaire and student’s past results. The research questions were analysed using Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient, while the hypotheses were tested using regression and Fisher-Z statistics at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that there is a significant relationship between social media addiction and academic performance; there is no significant influence of gender on the relationship between social media addiction and academic performance of Social Studies students; and that there is no significant influence of location on the relationship between social media addiction and academic performance of Social Studies students. The study recommended amongst many others, that the students should be advised to always use social media platforms to support their studies and for academic discussions.

Innovative Fintech Startups: What does the Future hold for Financial Institutions in Kenya?

Fintech startups play an important role, particularly where traditional financial institutions are unable to meet the growing need of the customers. Fintech startups combine IT and finance to develop financial services without the assistance of traditional financial institutions, but the sector is so fluid that startups must innovate continuously. This paper focused on Fintech Startups. The research was anchored on the balanced scorecard model, Schumpeter’s theory of innovation, and the lean start-up framework. Existing secondary data on fintech start-ups was analysed. The findings indicated that Kenyan government regulations, user authentication, and Government bureaucracy remains a serious hindrance to the future of startups. However, with growth of Fintech startups in the country the future is promising and thus changing the land scape of the traditional financial institutions. The study recommends that the governments could allow Fintech startups to visionary new products and technology to meet underserved customer requirements while enforcing light regulations contact in the early phases. The tradition financial institutions should collaborate with the Fintech firms to strengthen their competitive edge and thus performance.

Locating the Bemba Kinship in 21st Century Zambia: A Historical and Futuristic Perspective

This article emanates from findings of a desktop research conducted to describe the historical and futuristic perspectives of the Bemba kingship. The details of the study were extracted from the data gathered from archives, interviews and literature reviewed on kingship. Findings point to a well-archived, once rock-solid Bemba kingship lineage to a degenerated Bemba kingship one today. Findings have revealed that the causes of the degeneration of the Bemba kingship are in print, electronic and oral tradition domains. Lifestyles interrogated point to a complete breakdown of the extended family system as one of the main reasons of the none-adherence to kingship ties. Other reasons established by the study include dynamics in the political, socio-economic, cultural practices and modernization. The study recommends various familial, community, stakeholder and government initiatives to support and restore the Bemba kingship.