The Effect of Trust and Ease of Use on Online Purchase Decisions on Lazada (A Study on Lazada Consumers in Surabaya)

The increasing use of the internet and supported by the existence of covid-19 has formed a new phenomenon of consumer behavior, one of which is that consumers are becoming accustomed to using applications or websites to shop digitally. the purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of trust and ease of use on online purchasing decisions among Lazada consumers in Surabaya. This study uses a quantitative methodology and has a sample size of 72 participants. The population of interest in this study consists of Lazada consumers in Surabaya. The sample is selected using a non-probability sampling method, specifically purposive sampling, through the distribution of questionnaires. The sample consists of respondents who have previously used Lazada as an online shopping platform. Both primary and secondary data are utilized in this research. The data analysis is conducted using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on the component-based approach, employing Partial Least Square (PLS) as the analytical tool. According to the study’s conclusions that Trust and ease of use both significantly among Lazada consumers in Surabaya.

Responsibility of the Heirs for the Submission of Notary Protocol

The legal responsibilities of heirs in submitting and storing notary protocols by heirs are complex because they involve various parties, procedures and legal regulations that must be obeyed. Heirs as recipients of the notary protocol have the responsibility to carry out this process in accordance with applicable legal provisions. considering vital documents that record legal actions and written evidence regarding the distribution of inherited assets. Based on this, this study discusses the legal certainty of the position of heirs to the notary protocol in the legal framework in Indonesia, as well as its comparison with regulations in the Netherlands. The research method used is normative legal research with conceptual, statutory and comparative approaches. The results of the study show that the responsibility of the heirs for submitting notary protocols plays an important role in maintaining the continuity of notary practice and providing legal certainty for parties involved in legal actions involving a notary. Although UUJN does not explicitly regulate the obligations of heirs, based on the provisions of UUJN, heirs have a legal obligation to notify the Notary Supervisory Board regarding the death of a notary and submit a notary protocol to the notary receiving the protocol. The main difference between Indonesia and the Netherlands lies in the role of a Junior Notary or Deputy Notary in the Netherlands, who takes over the duties and responsibilities of a deceased notary, eliminating the direct involvement of the heirs in submitting the notary protocol. In Indonesia, the existence of heirs is still important because there is no role for Junior Notaries or Deputy Notaries. However, there is legal ambiguity regarding sanctions for heirs who do not report the death of a notary or do not submit a notary’s protocol, so it is necessary to update the UUJN to provide clarity on this matter.

Parents-Children Communication: Islamic Approach

This study intends to review pertinent literature on embracing Islamic values which are significantly relevant in strengthening parents-children relationship in the modern world. The prominent Qur’anic verses on communication values among humankinds in general, parenting roles, parenting skills, child-to-parents mannerism and the rights of children to communicate in a family are covered broadly with the intention to provide a better insight and perspectives on the subject matter.  As parenting has never been easy back then and modern-days, this study also aims to give sufficient emphasis on the significance Islamic values have on the Muslim parents in communicating with family members – children in particular.  This study concluded that the six primary values of Islamic teaching in family communication: Qaulan Sadida, Qaulan Ma‟rufa, Qaulan Baligha, Qaulan Maysura, Qaulan Layyina, and Qaulan Karima would definitely produce a great communication mode, affectionate parents-children relationship, and ultimately develop an excellent youth personality in society. This is also a must-have-skill each Muslim parents acquire towards nurturing strong and beneficial family institution.

The Effects of Climate, Madrasah Principal Leadership, and Emotional Intelligence on the Performance of MI Plus Al-Islam Dagangan Madiun Teachers

This study aims to determine the effect of climate, the leadership of the madrasa head, and emotional intelligence on the performance of MI Plus Al-Islam Dagangan Madiun teachers. The population in this study were all teachers at MI Plus Al-Islam Dagangan Madiun, totaling 80 people with a sampling technique that is a saturated sample. This research uses a quantitative approach with the type of ex post facto. Data collection techniques are using questionnaires, documentation, observation, and interviews with data analysis techniques using simple and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the analysis show that there is a significant effects between the leadership of the madrasah head, madrasa climate, and teachers’ emotional intelligence on the performance of MI Plus Al-Islam Dagang Madiun teachers in the 2022/2023 Academic Year. This is indicated by the calculated F value (31, 090) ≥ F table (3.96). The percentage of effect is 55.1%, while 44.9% is affected by other factors that are not included in the regression model.

Optimizing the Role of Law Enforcement Officers in Realizing Social Stability

Social stability is an important foundation in the development and welfare of society. In this context, the role of law enforcement officials plays a crucial role in maintaining order, justice and security. This study aims to examine the urgency and impact of optimizing the role of law enforcement officials in realizing social stability. By digging into the literature and analyzing case studies, this research shows that law enforcement officials have a multidimensional role which includes fair law enforcement, crime prevention, social conflict management, and prosecution of organizational crimes and corruption. The optimization of their role has a significant impact on social stability. In the context of crime prevention, this study found that law enforcement officers who are actively present in the field and carry out patrols can prevent criminal acts from occurring. In addition, consistent and fair law enforcement also helps encourage compliance with the law. Law Enforcement Officers are a manifestation of the will of the people, therefore they must pay attention to the interests of the people and carry out the functions of public service and regulation of citizens. One of its functions is to realize social stability for Indonesian citizens. The problems to be discussed in this study are related to optimizing the role of law enforcement officials in realizing social stability. The research method used in this study is a normative research method using a statutory approach and a case approach and will be analyzed using content analysis.

Funding Management to Improve Human Resource Empowerment (Case Study at MI Ma’arif Panjeng Jenangan Ponorogo)

In order to realize optimal education in madrasa needs professional management. It can happen if supported by adequate funding sources because education without funding will not work. The provision of BOS funds by the government is a breakthrough program to help finance schools. However, in the implementation process, it experiences many obstacles. As experienced by MI Ma’arif Panjeng Jenangan Ponorogo, such as delays in distributing BOS funds. Of course, this can hinder the learning process. However, even so, MI still exists and takes part in the world of education. The increasing number of students each year is proof of the importance of good Human Resources financing management at MI Ma’arif Panjang. This issue cannot be overlooked. The aims of this study were (1) to find out the planning, (2) to find out the implementation, and (3) to find out the evaluation of education management financing in MI Ma’arif Panjeng. This study uses a type of qualitative research. Data collection used in this study were semi-structured interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique uses an interactive model from Milles and Huberman to analyze the research data by collecting, condensation, drawing conclusions and presenting. The results of this study are (1) On the planning aspect, preparation of the budget plan begins with holding the institution’s annual work meeting, (2) On the implementation aspect of education financing includes two activities, namely receiving funds and disbursing funds, (3) On the evaluation aspect of education financing, it is accountable, namely following planning and can be accounted. There are two forms of evaluation, namely internal and external evaluation. The foundation carries out internal evaluations, which are monthly, annual, and committee evaluations. At the same time, the external evaluation is carried out by the government (BOS funds).

Transformational Leadership of Female Ulama in Improving Education Quality (Case Study at Mamba’ul Ma’arif Islamic Boarding School Denanyar Jombang)

This study aims to formulate in depth related to: How is the transformational leadership of Female Ulama in defining success. Analyzing the internal-external context, setting strategies, building capacity, negotiating authority in improving the quality of education. This study uses a type of qualitative research with a case study approach. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed using techniques of reading all data, coding, interconnecting themes or descriptions, and interpreting the meaning of themes or descriptions. While the method of checking the validity of the data uses credibility, dependability, transferability, and confirmability techniques. The results of this study indicate that the transformational leadership of female Ulama in improving the quality of Islamic boarding school education is by means of better output of students, better management and leadership of Islamic boarding schools, Islamic boarding schools have religious values ​​in their members in the form of trustworthiness, resignation and tawadu. The definition of pesantren success in a broad sense can reflect the values ​​and beliefs of life. Internal analysis includes 1) an analysis of better school performance, 2) increased student capacity and 3) expectations of teachers are in accordance with expectations, namely the affective process of the school and the conditions of Islamic boarding schools and madrasas that support it. External analysis includes 1) the background and expectations of the parents of the students who enroll their children in Islamic boarding schools, 2) government policies in a global context. Preconditional strategy, Excellent service, Academic strategies, Supporting strategy, Final strategy. Capacity building in the form of: Developing human resources, Creating Islamic boarding schools’ cultures in the form of professional values ​​at work, Decision-making processes through participatory and collaborative methods. In negotiating authority in the form of: collaborative culture, visioning process by the chairman of the foundation, building collaboration with members of the wider community.

Finding Common Ground: Factors that Unify Farming Communities in Leyte and Samar

This study examines the interplay of identified common grounds (e.g., traditions, ancient rites, religious beliefs) that impacts on unifying farming communities in Leyte and Samar. Through a qualitative approach, the researchers explored how shared values, rituals, and a sense of identity stemming from these cultural elements promote collaboration, sustainable agricultural practices, and community cohesion among these farming communities. With the constraints present, farmers still can navigate these challenges by embracing innovative strategies that balance tradition with modernity. The implications of this study underscore the importance of preserving cultural heritage while fostering adaptive approaches to promote unity and sustainable agriculture.

EFL High School Teachers’ Perceptions on Teaching Listening Online

In recent years, research on teaching listening skills online has addressed its role and positive impact on students’ listening learning and improved teacher teaching methods. Therefore, this study carried out a descriptive study aimed at understanding the perception of English teachers about the advantages and challenges as well as demands of teaching listening online. The study was designed as a mixed-method study, a questionnaire, and semi-structured interviews were used as collecting data instruments. 44 EFL teachers in various high schools in Can Tho city responded to the questionnaires. Then 6 of them were invited to participate in the interviews. The study found the following main results. Online listening teaching brings significant benefits to both teachers and students in English. For teachers, they pointed out that teaching online listening will give teachers flexibility in time and location in sending listening materials, assigning homework or online tests. Besides, due to online tools, online listening teaching helps teachers save time and effort in preparation. For students, they preferred online listening classes and gained confidence when learning online listening lessons. Some of the challenges that English teachers in high schools face in online listening classes. First, teachers have difficulty in interacting with their students. Second, students are not focused when learning listening online. The next difficulties are the limitation of the teacher’s observation through the platforms and students are not aware of the importance of listen lessons. Besides, some internal and external factors influence on teaching listening online. External factors for online listening classes include technology and the environment. Internal factors include teaching methods and proper guidance or training for online listening lessons and learner autonomy. The results revealed that EFL teachers had positive views about teaching online listening.

A Study on the Behavior of Tourists and Suggesting Appropriate Leisure Activities in the Ha Long Bay Bay – Vietnam

This study examines the factors influencing tourist destination selection in Ha Long Bay: accommodation, attractions, dining, and transportation. Regression analysis reveals that accommodation, attractions, dining, and transportation have a positive and significant impact on destination selection. Tourists prefer a range of accommodation options, including hotels and alternative choices like homestays. Engaging attractions and activities significantly influence destination attractiveness. Dining options, showcasing local cuisine, play a crucial role in shaping tourists’ perception of the destination. Providing diverse transportation options is essential for attracting and retaining tourists. Policymakers and tourism businesses can leverage these findings to enhance the overall tourist experience and effectively promote Ha Long Bay.