Contributing to Understanding Mother Goddess Worship in Vietnam

Mother Goddess worship is one of the important types of spiritual activities, reflecting the aspiration of Vietnamese people for abundant clothing and food, timely rains and favorable weather. Along with the flow of time, the belief of Mother Goddess worship has certain changes, increasingly meeting the diverse and rich spiritual needs of Vietnamese people. The article presents an overview of the situation of this worship in Vietnam, as well as some values and limitations.

Factors Affecting Results of Pre-clinical Phase1 of Medical Students: A Research in Mekong Delta

Training preclinical skill for medical students plays a vital role in medical education, contributing into examining, diagnose, treat and follow patients. The research identified factors that impact results of pre-clinical phase 1 of medical students at a university in Vietnam. The research was carried out to collect data from examination results of 850 sophomores (school year: 2019-2020) after they finished pre-clinical phase 1. The research was to find out the relationship between the affecting factors and preclinical outcomes by SPSS. The finding shows that 97.6% obtained high results from fair level to excellent level. There was a correlation between learning preparation and preclinical results. The findings also help students know their scores in detail, building a suitable and positive learning scheme.

Quality Assurance of the Aun-Qa Standards Training Program for the Training Majors in Vietnam Today

International integration is an inevitable trend that requires all participating countries to cooperate and compete with each other. That is also the process in which each nation must quickly create a breakthrough to assert its position in the international arena. Under the influence of that factor, Vietnam’s education is also on the threshold of innovation and integration. Therefore, learning advanced educational models and ensuring world and regional standards is extremely necessary. In recent years, integrating into the common trend with other countries, Vietnam has introduced the concept of ensuring the quality of training programs at the higher education level since 1998. Among them, AUN-QA’s training program evaluation standards are the most used by universities in Vietnam to date. Within the scope of the article, the author focuses on introducing the quality of training programs according to AUN-QA standards with its sets of criteria, pointing out the impacts of ensuring the quality of training programs according to AUN -QA. From there, we provide solutions to ensure the quality of training programs according to AUN-QA standards for training majors in Vietnam today.

Enhancing Agricultural Enterprise Development in Hoa Binh Province- Vietnam: Challenges and Policy Considerations

This article delves into the advancement of agricultural enterprise development within Hoa Binh Province, Vietnam, shedding light on the challenges encountered and proposing pertinent policy considerations. The geographical and topographical advantages of Hoa Binh Province for agricultural activities are highlighted, yet the complex terrain and varying climatic conditions pose challenges to enterprises. The inadequacy of water resources, susceptibility to natural disasters, and limited access to suitable production areas impede progress. In this context, policy solutions are explored, focusing on the support mechanisms offered to small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises. The study elucidates the existing policies that promote infrastructure investment, technology adoption, market access, and financial assistance. However, challenges remain in policy implementation, including regulatory complexities, resource limitations, and insufficient incentives to attract investments. Drawing from empirical data and policy analysis, this article underscores the need for streamlined policies that address challenges comprehensively and foster the sustainable growth of agricultural enterprises in Hoa Binh Province.

Lanna Oral Buddhist Literature: Identity, Development, and Value-adding in a New Dimension

This study was aimed at 1) analyzing the identity and development of Lanna oral Buddhist literature, 2) analyzing the contents and principles in propagating Buddhism for new generations, and 3) proposing the guidelines for value-adding and management of Lanna oral Buddhist literature in a new dimension. The sample consisted of 1) the sample who responded to the questionnaire:  152 monks and 152 deacons, and 2) the interviewees: 2 monks, 2 deacons, and 2 scholars. Research tools used to collect data consisted of 1) questionnaire, where percentage, statistics, mean, and standard deviation were used for data analysis, and 2) structured interview, where a descriptive analysis was conducted for data analysis.

The results indicated that 1) the identity of literature included indigenous preaching, Ventan (alms offering), asking for forgiveness from the Triple Gem and others, Lanna proverbs, asking for forgiveness from dead bodies, storytelling, morals, and Tan praying (folk praying), and the development of literature stemed from a mix with current events, changing based on the community context, integration with other local languages, adaptations over time, and compliance with the regime, 2) contents in the propagation of Buddhism included diligence, education, learning, use of intelligence to solve problems, folk tales, lives of the people, and dharma-based fairy tales, and 3) guidelines for literature value-adding included creating a new body of knowledge from oral Buddhist literature, organizing a “Local Northern Preaching” short course, preparing a handbook on oral Buddhist literature, promoting the learning for children, youth, and higher education, providing a subject in local Buddhist literature, preparing dharma-based Lanna books and tales, teaching and learning on oral Buddhist literature from the secondary education, and producing books on oral Buddhist literature.

The Effect of Brand Image and Perceived Value on Customer Loyalty of iPhone Users in Malang City

This study intends to ascertain how brand image and perceived value affect iPhone users in Malang’s customer loyalty. In this study, Malang residents who own iPhones made up the population, while 78 Malang residents made up the sample. The information from this study is primary information that was gathered via the interview method and the distribution of questionnaires for observation. SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) and the analysis tool PLS (Partial Least Square) were employed in this study’s data analysis technique. According to the study’s findings, consumer loyalty among iPhone users in Malang is positively and significantly influenced by brand image and perceived value.

A Study of the Effects of Discussion and Inquiry Methods on Students’ Scholarly Performance in Biology

This study examined the effects of discussion and inquiry methods on secondary school students’ scholarly performance in Biology. The study adopted quasi-experimental pre-test, post-test, control group research design. Three hundred and eighty (380) secondary school one Biology students from nine schools through the simple random sampling technique were used as the research sample. The control group were instructed employing the lecture method, while the experimental group participated using the inquiry method. Both groups were instructed with same biological concepts in intact classroom for six weeks. Biology Achievement Test (BAT) was administered to collect data for pre-test and post-test. A reliability coefficient of 0.76 was obtained using kuder-Richardson Formula 21. The data collected were analysed using the statistics of mean to answer the research questions and t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The study’s findings indicated a significant difference in the scholarly performance of male and female students instructed using discussion and inquiry methods, with the former yielding better results; and a significant difference in the scholarly performance of discussion- and inquiry-based instruction when it came to student gender. In conclusion, both discussion and inquiry methods of teaching help Biology students do better in high school, but the discussion method works better than the inquiry method. Based on these, recommendations were made.

The Effect of Price Perception, Product Variations, and Brand Ambassador on Purchase Decisions of Aice Products in Gresik Regency

The development of science and technology changed various sectors, especially in the food and beverage sector. Using Aice as the research object at the Gresik Regency, this study sought to explain how perceived pricing, product diversity, and brand ambassadors affect shopping decisions. Purposive sampling and a quantitative strategy were both used in this study. The Gresik Regency’s Aice consumers made up the study’s sample population. Consumers who resided in Gresik Regency and were at least 18 years old made up the sample for this study. According to the criteria, 110 Aice customer respondents made up the sample for this study. All tests using the Smart PLS Application showed that all tests got scores above the required values, so the tests were declared reliable. The study’s findings demonstrated that pricing perceptions significantly influenced consumers’ decisions to buy. Purchase decisions were significantly influenced favorably by product variation. In a similar vein, the brand ambassador variable significantly improved decision-making.

The Influence of Leadership and Motivation on the Discipline of Naval Academy Cadets (AAL)

The achievement of goals in the organization has many aspects that are thought to influence it, including elements of leadership, motivation, working conditions and discipline of naval cadets. This research aims to: 1) To partially analyze the effect of leadership and motivation on the discipline of Naval Academy cadets. 2) To analyze the simultaneous influence of leadership and motivation on the discipline of Naval Academy cadets.

This research uses an explanatory research approach, namely the type of research that seeks to explain the influence between variables through hypothesis testing. The independent variables are X1 = leadership, X2 = motivation and the dependent variable is the discipline of naval academy cadets. (Y). The sampling technique uses non-probability sampling with saturated sampling technique so that the entire population is used as a sample. Furthermore, the data were analyzed quantitatively, namely by using a statistical model in a computer program (SPSS 22.0), with descriptive analysis techniques and multiple linear regression analysis.

The results showed that: a) Simultaneously, leadership and motivation simultaneously affect the discipline of Naval Academy cadets. It can be said that well-executed leadership and motivation can improve the discipline of Naval Academy cadets; b) Partially, leadership and motivation variables affect the discipline of Naval Academy cadets. Seeing the results of this study, it is necessary to make a standardized assessment of the leadership of Navy officers who will be placed as caretaker officers at AAL and increased motivation, so that through leadership and motivation, reliable and professional Naval Academy cadets will be obtained.

Evaluation of the Impact of the Maritime Employment Agreement Policy in Government Regulation Number 7 of 2000 Concerning Maritime Affairs at the Main Maritime Office of Tanjung Perak Surabaya

Syahbandar is the highest official in the port area, having the authority to regulate shipping activities. Syahbandar has the responsibility for the safety and security of shipping in accordance with Law No. 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping. A Syahbandar is required to work professionally both when supervising, issuing shipping documents, and coordinating. Shipping safety and security has become the main task and responsibility of the syahbandar.

The problem that the author examines is how to evaluate the impact of the Sea Labor Agreement policy in Government Regulation Number 7 of 2000 concerning Maritime Affairs at the Tanjung Perak Main Harbormaster’s Office in Surabaya. The data source obtained is primary data from within the Tanjung Perak Main Syahbandar Office Surabaya by means of direct observation and interviews in the form of questions asked to related parties and documentation techniques using audio visual in data collection.

Based on the results of the analysis of the Marine Employment Agreement policy based on Government Regulation No. 7 of 2000, it can be explained as follows: 1) The Sea Labor Agreement Policy at the Tanjung Perak Main Shipping Office based on individuals has been implemented quite well even though there are several shipping companies that do not all have a Sea Labor Agreement (PKL); 2). The Marine Employment Agreement Policy at the Tanjung Perak Main Shipping Office based on the bureaucratic or organizational structure has been implemented well. The Tanjung Perak Surabaya Main Shipping Office organization has also carried out the division of shipping management tasks to each sub-section and section within the scope of the organization; 3) The Marine Employment Agreement Policy at the Tanjung Perak Surabaya Main Shipping Office based on the social system has been implemented properly, so that there is a good working relationship and balance between the two. The shipping company should provide guarantees related to the rights of seafarers (ABK) by complying with Government Regulation No. 7 of 2000, so that the implications of the policy can be implemented properly.