Empowering Rural Science Teachers as Reflective and Action-Oriented Practitioners

Teachers are aware of the presence, nature, and extent of classroom problem that they experience in daily teaching but they are not empowered enough to solve them as they aim to address learning losses. Thus, this paper described the profile of rural secondary science teachers; identified their problems encountered in daily teaching; and formulated policy recommendations that could empower them to be a reflective and action-oriented practitioner. Using qualitative case research design, eleven science teachers were purposively chosen as informants and data gathered were analyzed thematically.  Three  of them specializes in Biology, General Science, and Physics while the other two specializes in Chemistry; four of them were teaching Science in two or more grade levels; majority of science teachers were females; are Teachers I; and teaching experience of 0-5 years. Their problems meet was students’ poor performance, unfavorable behavior in class and teachers’ perceived difficulty. With these findings, the researcher recommends empowering teachers by developing their skills as reflective teachers and as classroom action researchers which could be strengthen by involving them in planning and designing professional development program, extending its implementation and evaluation in classrooms and by being part of a collaborative learning community.

Barriers to Accessing Vocational Training for Rural Youth in Phu Giao District, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam

This article explores the multifaceted barriers that hinder rural youth in Phu Giao District, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam, from accessing vocational training opportunities. Vocational training plays a pivotal role in equipping young individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to secure employment, contribute to economic development, and improve their quality of life. However, in rural areas like Phu Giao District, several challenges impede the effective access to and utilization of vocational training programs. Understanding these barriers is crucial for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders in the vocational training sector to develop targeted interventions and strategies that can address the unique challenges faced by rural youth.

Entrepreneurial Skills Required by Metalwork Technology Students for Workforce Sustainability in Technical Colleges in Lagos State

The purpose of this study was to determine the entrepreneurial skills required by metalwork technology students for workforce sustainability in technical colleges in Lagos State. Four research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. A descriptive survey research design was adopted to carry out the study. The population for the study was one hundred and four (104) respondents, comprising 19 metalwork technology students from Lagos State Technical College, Agidingbi. 28 metalwork technology students from Lagos State Technical College, Ikeja; 26 metalwork technology students from Lagos State Technical College, Ikorodu; and 31 metalwork technology students from the Federal College of Education (Technical), Akoka, Lagos. four questionnaires titled, The technical skills required by metal work technology students for workforce sustainability in Technical colleges in Lagos state. “; The marketing skills required by metal work technology students for workforce sustainability in technical colleges, The managerial skills required by metalwork technology students for workforce sustainability in technical colleges The problem-solving skills required by metalwork technology students for workforce sustainability in Nigeria’s technical colleges were developed by the researchers and used for data collection. Three experts validated the instruments: two experts from the Department of Industrial Technical Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and one expert from the Department of Vocational Education, School of Technical Education, Yaba College of Technology. The reliability coefficient of the instrument was found to be 0.86, 0.81, 0.89, and 0.73. Data collected were analyzed using the mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions, while t-test statistics were used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The study found no significant difference significant difference in the mean response of metalwork technology students and metalwork technology lecturer on the entrepreneurial skills required by metalwork technology students for workforce sustainability in technical colleges.

Effectiveness of Inductive and Deductive Methods in Enhancing the Paragraph Writing of Junior High School Students

Proficiency in paragraph writing has to be developed by individuals who were obliged to participate in the academic endeavor for them to be globally competitive and likewise be a productive citizen. With this, the mentors in the academic society conscientiously played their role in considering various methods in teaching writing to make the acquisition affluent; yet followed the appropriate standards in obtaining the necessary skills in writing. For this reason, the present study was crafted, exploring the effectiveness of the inductive and deductive methods in enhancing the writing proficiency of Grade 9 students in the hinterland in the Division of Misamis Oriental. Using the quasi-experimental research design, the study assigned students to the experimental group (inductive method) and control group (deductive method). The two groups of students were given essay test before and after the interventions, which were given for almost eight weeks. The students’ level of writing proficiency was determined using an analytic rubric that covered the following writing criteria: content, organization, development and use of the language. The essays were inter-rated by the English teachers. Data were analyzed and interpreted using both descriptive and inferential statistics.

Findings revealed that the students generally had unsatisfactory to less satisfactory writing proficiency indicating the need to improve their writing proficiency. However, after the interventions, only the deductive method was found to be effective in enhancing their writing proficiency. The inductive method did not work effectively for the hinterland students.

Therefore, it was concluded that deductive method was the appropriate method to be applied in teaching paragraph writing to the students who still need guide with the acquisition of the skill.  It is recommended that the deductive method be used for students who lack foundational knowledge and skills in writing for such students are not yet ready for the inductive method that requires high thinking skills.

Legal Protection for Consumers Due to Default in Handing Over Flat Units

This research aims to understand legal protection for consumers due to default in the delivery of apartment units. The research method used by the author is a type of normative juridical research carried out using a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The research results show that legal protection for consumers is provided through Articles 4 and 7 of the Consumer Protection Law which provides firm and clear direction regarding the rights and obligations of developers and consumers in terms of buying and selling apartment units. It is also regulated in Article 97 of the Condominium Law which states that every actor constructing commercial apartments may not neglect his obligation to provide public apartments for at least 20% (twenty percent) of the area of ​​the commercial apartment building being constructed. The Condominium Law also requires sellers (legal entities) to fulfill technical, administrative and civil requirements with the threat of administrative, civil and criminal sanctions in accordance with the provisions of Article 108 of the Condominium Law.

A Review of the Zambia Teacher Education Reform: Policy Challenges and Influence of Bilateral Agencies

Donor agencies have provided aid for the education system in Zambia by introducing innovations that seek to improve the provision of education. However, it has been observed that many innovations are discontinued after donor funding is withdrawn. A case in point is the Zambia Teacher Education Reform Programme (ZATERP) later renamed the Zambia Teacher Education Course (ZATEC). ZATERP/ZATEC were funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) between 1998 -2008.

In 2008 DANIDA withdrew support from ZATEC and the Ministry of Education through its Directorate of Teacher Education and Specialized Services (TESS) could not sustain the programme. The Ministry of Education failed to pay field allowances for students and lecturers including other logistical support for the programme. Consequently, some vital aspects of the programme were changed such as the school-based year which was discontinued. The old structure of teacher education was re-introduced where students were in college for two years and school experience was reduced to a single term.

Application of Intellectual Capital in Improving Employee Performance and Time Management as Intervening Variables

The employee performance in the government sector has a significant impact on services to the community. This study aims to analyze how intellectual capital, which includes employee knowledge, skills and relationships, can influence employee performance in the South Sulawesi Provincial Government with time management as an intervening variable. Through qualitative and quantitative methods, this research reveals that intellectual capital has a positive correlation with increasing employee performance. However, optimal application of intellectual capital requires effective time management. The results of the analysis show that time management acts as a mediator in the relationship between intellectual capital and employee performance. In other words, good time management allows intellectual capital to be applied more effectively, thereby improving employee performance. This research offers insight for the South Sulawesi Provincial Government in its efforts to improve employee performance through optimizing intellectual capital and efficient time management.

Exploring the Linguistic Expressions of Anger in Indonesian Proverbs: Uncovering the Underlying Cognitive Metaphorical Mappings

This study employs a combination of Cognitive Semantics Analysis (CSA) and Qualitative Methodology (QM) to thoroughly investigate the various expressions of anger depicted in Indonesian proverbs. The approach involves a detailed analysis of these proverbs’ linguistic structures and metaphoric nuances. The study aims to uncover the intricate interplay between cognitive conceptualizations of anger and the socio-cultural context they represent. By scrutinizing a diverse corpus of Indonesian proverbs, this study seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of anger and its portrayal within Indonesian linguistic and cultural heritage. The findings show that (1) Indonesians use various metaphors to express anger in their proverbs, i.e. natural phenomena, physical sensations, and spatial orientations as the three most common domains used in these metaphors, (2) Indonesian proverbs about anger shed light on their socio-cultural norms of emotional restraint and communal harmony, and (3) cognitive concepts, linguistic expressions, and socio-cultural dynamics interweave to form a comprehensive portrayal of rage in Indonesian context. This study will offer valuable insights into the cognitive and cultural dynamics of anger as illustrated through Indonesian proverbs. To gain a comprehensive understanding of emotional discourse across diverse cultures, it would be beneficial to broaden the scope of study to include a broader range of emotions and linguistic expressions.