Improving the Quality of Teaching and Learning of Political Theory Subjects at University of Transport and Communications, Campus in Ho Chi Minh City

This article studies the current status of teaching and learning political theory subjects at the University of Transport and Communications Branch in Ho Chi Minh City. The author surveyed 11 lecturers and 500 students at the school to propose solutions to improve the quality of teaching and learning of these subjects.

Teachers and School Administrators’ Assessment of their Classroom Management and Leadership Practices

This study described school administrators’ leadership practices and teachers’ classroom management among purposively selected central schools in Cagayan de Oro City. Qualitative and quantitative research was employed utilizing a self-assessment survey questionnaire and focus group discussion method in gathering and collecting data. A simple random sampling technique was used to identify the number of classroom teachers, while purposive sampling was applied to determine the number of school principals as respondents. The data collected from the completed questionnaires were statistically analyzed and interpreted. At the same time, the results of the FGD were transcribed, and patterns of similarities and differences in leadership practices were identified and described.

The results of the self-assessment of the school principals on how they evaluate their administrative and supervisory practices revealed that most of them have excellent practices and management. The results of the principals’ assessment jived with the teacher’s classroom management assessment. The result of the focus group discussion revealed that on some items, the FGD respondents supported the assessment results of the principals; however, there were also notable and interesting responses made by the teachers that tended to invalidate the claims or responses of the school heads. Such incongruity is a clear manifestation of a problem, such as insufficient involvement of teachers in planning instructional programs, decision-making process, delegation of tasks and others, and inadequate staff and pupil development programs.

In light of the findings and limitations of the study, it is recommended that (1) a similar study that is wider and more comprehensive should be conducted to validate these findings, (2) create policies that will seriously involve teachers, especially in areas that concern them like but not limited to planning instructional programs, identifying and setting goals, involving teacher fully in all decisions related to their work, curriculum development, student development and staff development, and (3) school administrators should also use the Leadership Enhancement and Development (LEaD) Action Plan as reference to enhance leadership practices and classroom management.

Teaching Strategies Used In Government-Funded ECE Providers in Gaborone: Preliminary Pointers

Appropriate teaching strategies are a vital aspect of any learning programme including Early Childhood Education (ECE). The Government of Botswana has invested greatly in the provision of ECE, and it thus becomes necessary to conduct a brief survey of the teaching strategies used by government funded ECE providers in Gaborone as a preliminary pointer of strategies that are utilized and their effectiveness, and those that are not used, and make recommendations for holistic development of the learners. Data collection and analysis used qualitative research method. The survey used questionnaires for data collection and interviews were conducted to triangulate data. The interviews were audiotaped and transcribed into MS Word 15. The findings of the study revealed that out of the ten teaching strategies used in ECE provision, only three were used.

Harmonization of Protected Agricultural Land (LSD) Policy as an Implementation of Protection for Regional Food Security

The agricultural sector has a very strategic role in the national and regional economy through its contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), foreign exchange earnings, provision of food and industrial raw materials, poverty alleviation, provision of employment and increase in community income. The threat of food production raises concerns about the occurrence of a food crisis, as a result Indonesia will need additional food availability, especially the availability of food-supporting land. Protection of food agricultural land is an inseparable effort in order to control the function of food land which is increasing rapidly today as a result of increasing demand for land. In 2022, the Ministry of Agriculture through the Directorate General of Agricultural Infrastructure and Facilities allocated the Protected Agricultural Land  Protection Recommendation activities to the District/City Agriculture Office in 51 districts/cities in 12 Provinces. The method used in this research uses normative research methods with conceptual and statutory approaches.

Actor Collaboration Model in Ecotourism Management through a Local Wisdom Approach in East Java

Tourism is one of the leading sectors and has an important role in the development of a country. Tourism development can involve the participation of stakeholders from both the government, the community and the private sector or what is often referred to as collaboration so that it can have a positive impact. The research method uses qualitative methods, with a research focus (1) Sustainable fisheries resource management model through the nyatran tradition as local wisdom Collaboration of actors in local wisdom-based ecotourism management (2) Programs and activities as well as efforts made by the government and local institutions in utilizing and managing ecotourism and local wisdom values and existing local potential (3) Determining opportunities for local wisdom-based ecotourism management can be maintained and utilized in policy formulation. Qualitative data processing was carried out using the ‘cross check’ approach of informants to provide a deeper understanding of the various statements made by respondents, as well as based on the results of observations and secondary data review.

Ecotourism began when the negative impact on conventional tourism activities was felt. This negative impact is not only stated and proven by environmental experts but also culturalists, community leaders and tourism business people. Impacts in the form of environmental damage, uncontrolled influence on local culture, reduced role of local communities and business competition that began to threaten the environment, culture and economy of local communities. The government has collaborated in the development of ecotourism-based tourism.  Ecotourism is one of the strategies in mobilizing the community to participate actively in sustainable tourism development by making the community the main actors in tourism development as well as efforts in preserving the environment both natural and cultural.

The Culture of Living Reflected in the Individual Elements of the Place Names Shows the Living Habitat in Tuyên Quang

Linguistics has many specializations, including Toponymy, which studies the origin, structure, semantics, variation, distribution and use of Toponym. Toponymy explores different aspects of naming, and simultaneously learns about the language, culture of a region in particular and a nation in general. Tuyen Quang is a province in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam, where many ethnic groups live together, including ethnic minorities, 50% of the population of the area. Learning about landmarks in Tuyen Quang will show the relationship between places and the culture of ethnic minorities. The results of this study show that each relationship between ethnic languages in Vietnam is an interdisciplinary study of cultural content in languages, contributing to the values of interdisciplinary scientific disciplines, for the study of culture through language in Vietnam. Based on linguistic data, psychological characteristics of the ethnic group, and the relationship between language and culture, the article studies several places to find out the origin and original components of several typical landmarks that have significant cultural significance—elements of ethnic minority languages in districts where ethnic minorities live concentratedly in Tuyen Quang province.

Historic Sites: National Political Publishing House in Tuyen Quang

Place names are a part of vocabulary. Studying place names is learning about the class of words used to name geographical objects in a language. Therefore, place names are influenced by general linguistic rules. Place names are closely related to a certain region’s historical, cultural, and resident characteristics. Therefore, place names are a vibrant store of “data” that needs to be exploited. This article exploits historical and cultural elements in the “data” warehouse of place names, where the National Political Publishing House Truth Today was once based in Tuyen Quang.

Madrasah Excellent Service Management in Improving Customer Satisfaction

This research addresses the evolving challenges faced by Islamic educational institutions, emphasizing the crucial need for timely adaptation to technological advancements. Focused on MTsN 1 Tulungagung and MTsN 2 Blitar, the research investigates the impact of excellent services on customer satisfaction through planning, implementation, evaluation, and follow-up actions. Utilizing a qualitative multisite research design, data collection involves participant observation, interviews, and documentation, with single-site and cross-site analysis techniques applied.

The findings reveal that planning excellent services in Madrasah aims to align with educational policies, address student concerns, and meet customer needs. Implementation includes curriculum alignment, additional subjects, and diverse information services. Evaluation utilizes institutional and personal approaches, measuring success through increased public interest and institutional achievements. Follow-up actions involve collaborative decision-making and continuous improvement. This research contributes insights for Madrasahs striving to excel in providing dynamic and satisfying educational services.

Comparing the Representation of Anger in the Indonesian and English Proverbs: A Study Based on the Cognitive Semantics Analysis and the Contrastive Method

This study explores the complexities of emotions, specifically anger, as reflected in the sayings of both English and Indonesian cultures. This study aims to uncover the intricate web of cultural and cognitive nuances that shape how anger is conceptualized in these linguistic expressions by utilizing a cognitive semantics approach and qualitative methods. Through a meticulous examination of a diverse corpus of proverbs from both languages, this study seeks to illuminate the similarities and differences in how anger is conceptualized, articulated, and communicated through language. Content analysis and cross-cultural comparison are utilized to identify patterns, metaphors, and underlying cognitive structures that underpin the expression of anger in these sayings. The findings show (1) English and Indonesian proverbs use metaphors that draw upon bodily experiences and natural phenomena to depict anger, (2) English proverbs typically depict anger as a formidable force that needs to be controlled or suppressed, often highlighting the negative consequences that could arise if one fails and Indonesian proverbs emphasize the fleeting nature of anger and the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation in the aftermath of a conflict, and (3) while both languages have proverbs highlighting the destructive nature of uncontrolled anger, they differ in their metaphors and expressions. The findings from this study not only expand our understanding of the intricate interplay between language, culture, and emotion but also lay the groundwork for future study in cognitive semantics and cross-cultural studies. This study deepens our appreciation of the rich tapestry of human emotion and language, offering a nuanced perspective on how anger is perceived and articulated in two distinct linguistic and cultural contexts.

Tourist Destination Evaluation Museum of Cham sculpture, Da Nang city, Vietnam

Evaluating tourist destinations is a very important job, with the aim of classifying tourist destinations to have a basis for encouraging investment and enhancing effective management, upgrade service quality at tourist destinations. In addition, evaluating tourist destinations will help managers plan development strategies and allocate appropriate resources to increase the competitiveness of the destination in the tourism market, as well as enhance the destination’s ability to attract tourists. This study evaluates Da Nang Museum of Cham Sculpture (Da Nang city, Vietnam) based on the “Set of criteria for evaluating tourist destinations” issued by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam (2016) under Decision No. 4640/QD-BVHTTDL, December 28, 2016 [2]. Evaluation results show that the criteria of tourism resources, landscape, facilities, local community participation and management of the tourist area are evaluated very well. In contrast, the Museum of Cham Sculpture’s entertainment, shopping, entertainment and food services are limited issues.