Financial Literacy with Risk as a Moderation Variable in Students of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” East Java

Technology is a tool that facilitates access to the power needed by humans. The development of digital technology has penetrated the economic field, this phenomenon has changed the prospects of the financial sector around the world. As a result of these changes, a new phenomenon has emerged, namely financing that was previously traditional to digital, this phenomenon is called financial technology.

Purpose: This research aims to determine the effect of financial literacy and ease of use on interest in using Financial Technology with risk as a moderation variable.

Patients and methods: The analysis method employed is a moderation test on smart pls

Results: The research findings indicate that financial literacy has a direct impact on the use of financial technology, ease of use has a direct impact on interest in using financial technology, and that financial literacy is moderated by risks to interest in using financial technology but cannot contribute, and ease of use is moderated by risk to interest in using financial technology but cannot contribute.

The Effect of Job Stress and Organizational Climate on Turnover Intention with Job Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable

Human resources (HR) is a crucial aspect that determines the effectiveness of an organization. Therefore, organizations need to pay attention to the turnover rate within their companies. This research aims to determine the effects of job stress and organizational climate on turnover intention, mediated by job satisfaction. The sample of this study consists of 200 employees from a housing development company scattered across the city of Bandar Lampung. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire using probability sampling techniques and processed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the assistance of AMOS software. The results of the study show that job stress has a positive and significant impact on the turnover of employees in the housing development company in Bandar Lampung, while organizational climate has a negative and significant impact on employee turnover. Job satisfaction mediates the effects of job stress on turnover intention, and job satisfaction also mediates the effects of organizational climate on turnover intention. Companies can offer mental well-being support programs, open communication channels for all employees, periodically evaluate the workload of employees, and conduct interviews with employees regarding the primary reasons for the desire to leave the company.

Purpose: The aim of this research is to determine the effects of job stress and organizational climate on turnover intention, mediated by job satisfaction.

Patients and methods: The sample of this research consists of 135 employees from a housing development company in Bandar Lampung. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire based on the simple random sampling method, with the sampling technique being probability sampling.

Results: The results of the study show that job stress has a positive and significant impact on the turnover of employees in the housing development company in Bandar Lampung, while organizational climate has a negative and significant impact on employee turnover. Job satisfaction mediates the influence of job stress on turnover intention, and job satisfaction also mediates the effects of organizational climate on turnover intention.

Conclusion: Companies can offer mental well-being support programs, open communication channels for all employees, periodically evaluate the workload of employees, and conduct interviews with employees regarding the primary reasons for the desire to leave the company.

An Overview of the Precepts, Attitudes and Role of Governments and NGOs in Generation Z Political Participation in Singkawang City

Generation Z political participation refers to the involvement of generation Z in following various political activities, generation Z is also a generation group that is very close to the virtual world. Generation Z in Singkawang City has a very diverse participation and attitude towards politics. In this case, of course, there must be a role for government institutions and civil society to increase the political participation of Generation Z, but Generation Z really needs improvement efforts made through virtual approaches and social media. Singkawang City, which is a city in 2024, will hold general elections and regional head elections in the same year, of course, the role of government agencies and civil society is very important in increasing political participation. This research aims to look at a review of the perceptions, attitudes and roles of the government as well as NGOs in the political participation of generation Z in Singkawang City. The method used in this research is qualitative research with field research so that the results of this research can recognise the role of government institutions and civil society in Singkawang City in increasing the political participation of generation Z.

Instructional Coaching Through Technology Integration: Accompanying Teacher Services in the Digital Era of Education 5.0

In the era of Society 5.0, skills in the field of digitalization must be mastered by educators. This is because teaching and learning (TnL) in schools is no longer limited to pedagogy but also heutagogy, peeragogy, and cybergogy. In this regard, as an instructional coach, SISC+ not only emphasizes guiding teachers in their professional development (PD) in lecture rooms but also instills changes in pedagogical skills for better TnL. As an instructional coach, SISC+ must emphasize the practice of guidance based on digital technology in accordance with today’s education following the landscape of the Society 5.0 education era. This review study was performed by searching articles on “instructional coaching” and “digital technology” from databases such as ERIC, ProQuest, Emerald, and Google Scholar. The analysis conducted has identified four instructional coaching models used in the freelance studies: a) Instructional Coaching Cycle Model, b) Models of Literacy Coaching, c) Technology Integration PD Coaching Models, and d) Instructional Coaching Model based on digital education. The findings lead investigators to further analyze the four models to increase the effectiveness of instructional coaching in integrating digital technology in TnL.

Kiai’s Strategy in Forming the Religious Character of Male Santri at the Darul Ulum Sampang Islamic Boarding School

This research aims to describe in depth about 1) how the kiai plan to shape the religious character of male students at the Darul Ulum Sampang Islamic Boarding School. 2) how to implement the kiai’s planning in shaping the religious character of male students at the Darul Ulum Sampang Islamic Boarding School. 3) evaluation and follow-up planning in shaping the religious character of male students at the Darul Ulum Sampang Islamic Boarding School. The purpose of this research is to describe the planning, implementation of planning and evaluation and follow-up of the kiai’s planning in shaping the religious character of male students at the Darul Ulum Sampang Islamic Boarding School. This research is qualitative research and uses a case study approach. Data collection procedures include observation, interviews and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques include data collection, data presentation, data condensation and conclusions or verification. The results of this research show that the kiai’s planning in forming the religious character of male santri was carried out through meetings held with boarding school administrators and parties related to the boarding school to develop programs and the results included short-term, medium-term and long-term education. The implementation of the planning has been carried out according to the procedures created in the planning, the implementation is supported by facilities such as mosques, halls and the boarding school environment. There are several methods used by kiai and administrators, namely habits, discipline, example, advice, punishment and stories. Evaluation and follow-up is through monthly meetings and 3-month meetings held by the kiai and all administrators to then find solutions and follow-up according to the duties and functions of each administrator. Meanwhile, program meetings are held after each activity carried out by the implementing committee.

Human Resource Management in Improving the Competence of Multisite Study Teachers at MAN 1 Tulungagung and MAN 2 Tulungagung

This research aims to find and analyze in depth related to: a) human resource planning in improving teacher competency, b) implementation of human resources in increasing teacher competency, c) evaluation of human resources in improving teacher competency, and d) follow-up of resources human resources in improving teacher competence. This research was carried out using a qualitative approach to the site study type with a multisite design. The research locations chosen were Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Tulungagung and Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Tulungagung. The data collection techniques used participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The collected data is then analyzed via single sites or across sites using data condensation techniques, data presentation and drawing conclusions. All data will be tested for validity through credibility tests, transferability tests, dependability tests and confirmability tests. The results of the research show: a) human resource planning in improving teacher competency reveals mapping of existing human resource needs, followed by analysis of human resource needs and programming of recruitment plans, b) implementation of human resources in improving teacher competency is carried out by recruitment through two ways, internal recruitment and external recruitment, and selection, c) evaluation of human resources in improving teacher competency is carried out using a periodic system every month, every semester and every year which is managed by the madraah leadership. Evaluation activities are carried out through monitoring and supervision with a determined schedule, and d) follow-up of human resources in improving teacher competency with several patterns, including: training, education, position rotation and MGMP.

Kiai’s Collective Leadership in Maintaining the Existence of Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School, Kediri, East Java, Indonesia

This research focuses on the collective leadership of kiai at Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School in Kediri, with a particular emphasis on the role of the Board of Trustees and Welfare (BPK-P2L). The BPK-P2L, known as the Islamic Boarding School Development and Welfare Body, acts as the highest decision-making forum, ensuring policies align with the school’s mission and values. This qualitative study employs a case study approach, utilizing in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation, with data analysis following the Croswell model. Findings reveal that collective kiai leadership, initiated by the dzuriyah, aims to unite families and prevent miscommunication. The BPK-P2L, comprising representatives from previous caretakers, plays a crucial role in determining school care, maintaining its existence, and supporting the principal. The implication of collective kiai leadership is evident in actively contributing to the school’s care and development while preserving the founders’ noble values.

The Change Management in Maintaining the Existence of Miftahul Mubtadiin Krempyang Islamic Boarding School, Tanjunganom, Nganjuk, Indonesia

This research focuses on the rapid development of Islamic boarding schools, exploring the case of Miftahul Mubtadiin Krempyang in Nganjuk. The school, over 82 years old with 5000+ students, faces challenges and changes in the current educational landscape. Employing a qualitative case study approach, the study investigates change management strategies and their impacts on the school’s existence. The change process involves thorough preparation, consensus deliberation, and continuous evaluation. Three key change strategies are identified: establishing a parent organisation, adapting organisational forms, and evolving leadership structures. Positive impacts include strengthened internal and external roles, but challenges like increased competition and potential shifts in Islamic values are noted. The study underscores the importance of strategic changes for the continued existence of Islamic boarding schools in the face of evolving educational landscapes.

The Development of Role-Playing Learning Model Based on Ubrug Banten Local Wisdom to Enhance Students Religious Character and Collaborative Competence

Technological advances and the ease of carrying out various digital activities in society era 5.0 pose a risk to deviations in students’ character and social behavior. This study aims to develop a role-playing learning model based on Ubrug Banten local wisdom to enhance students’ religious character and collaborative competence. The research method for developing learning models uses the ADDIE stages which are studied through literature studies. The research result show that development of role-playing learning model based on local wisdom in Ubrug Banten to enhance students’ religious character and collaborative competence can be carried out using five stages, namely analyzing students’ needs, designing learning models, developing learning models through testing model feasibility and reliability validity of instruments, hypothetical learning model designs implementation, and learning models’ evaluation. The development of role-playing learning model based on Ubrug Banten local wisdom to enhance students’ religious character and collaborative competence can be carried out using the ADDIE design with five stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation.

The Legal Position of Limited Partnership in Indonesia through the Perspective of the Philosophy of Utilitarianism

A limited partnership (CV) is one of the most popular business entities for the public in building businesses through Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) as a driver of the national economy. Regulations regarding CVs are regulated in the Commercial Code (KUHD), and Civil Code (KUHPerdata) as well as technical guidelines for registration and dissolution of CVs through Government Regulation No. 17/2018. The existence of CV, which is important in national economic development, causes the need to understand the concept of CV law and the legal position of CV based on the principles of utilitarianism philosophy. This research uses a normative juridical method with a statutory approach and conceptual approach, and legal materials are analyzed using the deductive method. The result of this study is that the legal concept of CV lies in the authority of the allies contained in Article 19 to Article 21 of the KUHD, if there are things that have not been regulated, the provisions of the Civil Code apply, and the legal position of CV based on the principle of utilitarianism, namely the allies in managing the partnership must fulfill their rights and obligations as applicable regulations, so that the business is managed will provide benefits and benefits not only for the allies, but also can increase the source of state revenue which has benefited national economic growth.