Policy Implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number 65 of 2009 Concerning Indonesian-Flagged Non-Convention Vessels in the Main Harbor Office Tanjung Perak Surabaya

The research objectives to be achieved are to describe and analyze the Implementation of Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 65 of 2009 concerning Indonesian-flagged Non-Convention Vessels at the Tanjung Perak Main Harbormaster’s Office in Surabaya; and describe and analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors. The type of research used is qualitative research.

The results showed that the Ship Safety and Ship Manning Standards that have been carried out are in accordance with what is the goal, Ship Safety and Ship Manning Resources assigned to the crew are still not optimal because they are not in accordance with international regulations, Ship operations and ship safety have been properly implemented, The role of communication carried out in the form of coordination between several parties is still lacking, The attitude of the implementers of Ship Safety and Ship Manning is responsible for imposing sanctions in this case conveying to the captain to be in accordance with, Economic, Social and Political Factors Ship Safety and Ship Manning are supportive. The conclusion of this research is that the Implementation of the Policy of the Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 65 of 2009 concerning Indonesian-flagged Non-Convention Ships at the Tanjung Perak Main Shipyard Office in Surabaya is running in accordance with applicable provisions.

There are several suggestions that are recommended, among others, the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Transportation can make special policies in monitoring growth and development towards the security of ships and port facilities, including the level of security conditions, there must be synchronization and synergy between the central government and local governments in regulating regulations so as not to cause contradictions in implementation.

Marketing Strategy Analysis of Xtra Combolite and Xtra Hotrod Special Product at PT XL Axiata with the Application of the Boston Consulting Group Matrix

Every company must maintain and develop the market through marketing implementation and evaluation of various product control activities. The purpose of this research is to analyze the marketing strategy for Xtra Combolite and Xtra Hotrod Special products at PT XL Axiata which is being marketed in the community. The method used is the application of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix as a marketing strategy method by classifying the company’s profit potential graphically. The findings show that the Xtra Combolite product position matrix is in the Star which is an ideal position so it needs to be maintained. Meanwhile, the Xtra Hotrod Special product position matrix is the Question Marks, so high investment is needed so that its growth prospects increase and has the potential to change its position to become the Star.

Natural Resources for Eco-Tourism Development in Da Nang City and Development Solutions

This article delves into the abundant natural resources within Da Nang City that hold immense potential for the development of ecotourism. Da Nang’s unique geographical and ecological diversity, encompassing mountainous terrains, coastal areas, and rich biodiversity, presents a compelling backdrop for sustainable tourism ventures. The article explores various development solutions, encompassing strategic planning, community engagement, infrastructure development, environmental conservation, and marketing strategies, that can effectively harness these resources. Emphasis is placed on the need for responsible tourism practices, biodiversity preservation, and partnerships between stakeholders to foster a harmonious coexistence of tourism and environmental preservation. The insights provided serve as a valuable reference for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners seeking to promote ecotourism as a means of sustainable development in the vibrant city of Da Nang.

The Implementation of Public Relations in Enhancing Competitiveness at Smk Negeri 1 Boyolangu, Tulungagung, Indonesia

This research is motivated by the phenomenon of school public relations management to win the hearts of the community and prospective students as the best choice. This program aims to convey information about the school and build opinions about the school’s competitiveness. One of the ways to achieve this is through school public relations management at the forefront of the school in the field of information and relations with stakeholders in planning, implementation, and evaluation.

The research question is: How does public relations implementation enhance competitiveness at SMKN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung? This research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach using a multi-case design at SMKN 1 Boyolangu. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis includes single-case and cross-case analyses using data reduction, presentation, and conclusions.

The results of this research are as follows: the implementation includes a) publicity, b) educational cooperation, and c) partnerships. The research findings support the theory of public relations functions by Cutlip & Center, Harlow, Broom, and Keith Butterick, J.C, Seidel, as well as the opinion of Emerson Reck that public relations is a two-way communication activity between an institution and its public. In addition, Kotler’s opinion is that school public relations sometimes act as human relations only sometimes combines a marketing role, and at times tends to be marketing-oriented only.

School Principal Leadership as a Vanguard for Educators and Educational Staff in Enhancing Work Motivation at SMA Assa’adah Gresik, Indonesia

Leadership is an aspirational, motivational, and creative moral force that can influence educators and education staff to change their attitudes, aligning them with the jointly established vision, mission, and objectives. The absence of leadership can result in disorder and ineffectiveness in achieving the shared vision, mission, and goals. This research aims to discover and analyze how school principals act as pioneers for the school community in enhancing motivation.

This research employs a qualitative descriptive research design. Data collection techniques include interviews, participant observations, and documentation. Data analysis utilizes single-case data analysis. Data validity techniques include credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability.

The findings of this research reveal that school principals lead by enhancing motivation in the school community through possessing a sharp, far-reaching, and transparent leadership vision, continually innovating and making improvements to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of work and being willing to take risks and responsibilities.

Organizational Commitment in Improving the Productivity of Educators and Educational Staff at Man 2 Blitar Indonesia

The success of a madrasah head’s commitment to leading an organization results from love, loyalty, alignment with the goals and values of the madrasah, and a desire to remain in the organization. The productivity of educators and educational staff is highly dependent on the leadership of the madrasah head, who prioritizes the quality of education. This includes organizational commitment, attitude, and loyalty within the madrasah institution. MAN 2 Blitar has achieved its vision, mission, and goals.

This research focuses on how organizational loyalty enhances the productivity of educators and educational staff at MAN 2 Blitar. The research method used is qualitative. Data sources include informants, events/locations, and documents. Data is collected through participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is done using Huberman’s interactive data analysis technique, with validation through discussion, data source triangulation, and method triangulation.

The results of the research show: (1) The aspects of organizational commitment involve practical commitment in developing competencies, sustainable commitment in potential development, and normative commitment in building a nationalistic character. (2) Organizational attitude commitment includes the development of values and institutional achievement goals. (3) Organizational loyalty is the result of practical, competitive leadership and quality work based on standards to achieve optimal madrasah performance.

Magical Realism in Ayu Utami’s Simple Miracles and Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude Novel Characteristics of Wendy B. Faris

This study aims to describe in depth related to (1) the characteristics of magical realism in Simple Miracels and Hundred Years of Silence, (2) The narrative structure of realism and magic in Simple Miracels and Hundred Years of Silence. This study aims to describe the characteristics of magical realism from the perspective of Wendy B Faris 1) Irreducible elements (irreducible elements that concern magical matters), 2) Phenomenal worlds (phenomenal worlds that prevent magical things from entering the fantasy world), 3) unsettling doubt (unresolved doubts that occur when co-opting text into irreducible elements), 4) merging realms (nature that mixes the magical and real things together), 5) and disruption of time, space, and identity (disruption or disruption of time, space and sacred identity to routine time, space and identity). (2) The narrative structure of realism and magic in Simple Miracles and One Hundred Years of Silence. The approach to this research is qualitative with descriptive research because the research is carried out by reading novels, sorting words, phrases, clauses, and sentences, and taking notes to produce data in the form of describing the storytelling style in the novel regarding the application of magical realism. The results of the study are that in the comparison of the characteristics of the two magical realism novels Simple Miracles by Ayu Utami and One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez there are (1) differences in magical realism, (2) similarities in magical realism, and (3) the meaning conveyed from the two novels narrative characteristic of magical realism as a storytelling style. (1) The difference in magical realism that is lifted from the two novels offers a different nuance, if in the novel Simple Miracles by Ayu Utami, Javanese myths are often raised: ghosts, witchcraft, and haunted places, which are scary. If in the novel Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, things are often discussed: the circus, ghosts that are not feared, and magicians. Daily life is so close to the tradition in Colombia as a representation of the Macondo people, that it is considered normal to mix magical things with real life, but not be amazed. (2) the similarity of magical realism presented in the two novels, the similarity in the novel Simple Miracles by Ayu Utami both raises magical realism in life and simultaneously reality and magic are present, such as ghosts appearing in public places, haunted places on public roads. If in the novel Hundred Years of Silence by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the world of social reality appears, magical things side by side with us, that objects such as magnifying glasses appear among the public, even a person can fly in public at the same time, but is considered normal. (3) the interpretation of magical realism in the two novels Simple Miracles by Ayu Utami and Hundred Years of Silence by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, gives rise to something that the Western view cannot rationally merge into one with everyday life without letting go of reality being separated by magic. So magical realism in both novels serves as a storytelling style to convey the important points of the two hopes from the two writers from different countries. The conclusion in this study is that there is a comparison of the magical realism of the two novels Simple Miracles by Ayu Utami and One Hundred Years of Silence by Gabriel Garcia Marquez which are characterized by the magical realism characteristics of Wendy B Faris. Of the two novels in magical realism concerning; similarities, differences, and meanings of magical realism narratives in novels. So that magical realism as a storytelling style to convey behind the author’s interests.

Contributing to Understanding Mother Goddess Worship in Vietnam

Mother Goddess worship is one of the important types of spiritual activities, reflecting the aspiration of Vietnamese people for abundant clothing and food, timely rains and favorable weather. Along with the flow of time, the belief of Mother Goddess worship has certain changes, increasingly meeting the diverse and rich spiritual needs of Vietnamese people. The article presents an overview of the situation of this worship in Vietnam, as well as some values and limitations.

Factors Affecting Results of Pre-clinical Phase1 of Medical Students: A Research in Mekong Delta

Training preclinical skill for medical students plays a vital role in medical education, contributing into examining, diagnose, treat and follow patients. The research identified factors that impact results of pre-clinical phase 1 of medical students at a university in Vietnam. The research was carried out to collect data from examination results of 850 sophomores (school year: 2019-2020) after they finished pre-clinical phase 1. The research was to find out the relationship between the affecting factors and preclinical outcomes by SPSS. The finding shows that 97.6% obtained high results from fair level to excellent level. There was a correlation between learning preparation and preclinical results. The findings also help students know their scores in detail, building a suitable and positive learning scheme.

Quality Assurance of the Aun-Qa Standards Training Program for the Training Majors in Vietnam Today

International integration is an inevitable trend that requires all participating countries to cooperate and compete with each other. That is also the process in which each nation must quickly create a breakthrough to assert its position in the international arena. Under the influence of that factor, Vietnam’s education is also on the threshold of innovation and integration. Therefore, learning advanced educational models and ensuring world and regional standards is extremely necessary. In recent years, integrating into the common trend with other countries, Vietnam has introduced the concept of ensuring the quality of training programs at the higher education level since 1998. Among them, AUN-QA’s training program evaluation standards are the most used by universities in Vietnam to date. Within the scope of the article, the author focuses on introducing the quality of training programs according to AUN-QA standards with its sets of criteria, pointing out the impacts of ensuring the quality of training programs according to AUN -QA. From there, we provide solutions to ensure the quality of training programs according to AUN-QA standards for training majors in Vietnam today.