Implication of Individual Company in the Scope of Business Law

The progress and improvement of national development in general and the development of economic activities in particular which has led to the development of the business world and companies, a company requires company legality which is an official source of information for all interested parties regarding the identity and matters concerning the business world and companies established, working and domiciled in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. With the implementation of Individual PTs based on MSEs, it is a legal and economic development that goes hand in hand and the government in an effort to accelerate this economic growth by implementing the Job Creation Law which in fact follows the development of the digitalisation era. The research method used is the Normative Juridical approach method. The strategy carried out by the government to realise it all is to take a role in economic development by strengthening infrastructure in the form of laws and regulations and implementation. The Job Creation Law No. 11/2020, as many as 49 Implementing Regulations in 2021, is not only a form of competitiveness for foreign investment, but also strengthening for domestic investment including small, micro and medium economies by regulating the formation of individual legal entities.

Teacher Supervision Strategy in Maintaining Learning Quality in Kindergarten using the Montessori Method

The quality of ECE (Early Childhood Education) implementation determines the quality of the processes within it, teachers have an important role in education, teacher professionalism and the quality of learning will increase if supervision is carried out with a clear structure and direction. In kindergarten, many schools label the name Montessori even though the education is far from the Montessori education method. The aim of this research is to analyze ECE teacher supervision strategies, implementation of learning using the Montessori method, and supervision strategies using the Montessori method. This research uses a qualitative approach of the SLR type, the PRISMA model. The process involves: (1) Searching for articles using the Google Scholar search engine, (2) Determining inclusion and exclusion criteria, (3) Screening until inclusion articles that meet the criteria are collected, (4) Synthesis of relevant literature to get a comprehensive picture of the related issues. Teacher supervision strategies to maintain the quality of learning using the Montessori method in PAUD/ECE. Teachers are child educators who provide stimulation, so that “Montessori Schools” must be given supervision regarding teacher supervision. The results of this research: In Indonesia, educational evaluation is carried out through monitoring and evaluation activities (Monev) or supervision carried out by education and evaluation supervisors who are accredited by the National Accreditation Agency (BAN), then learning using the Montessori Method has 4 pillar concepts and 9 elements, and The supervision strategy using the Montessori method for teachers is that the prerequisites are supervision with knowledge, interpersonal skills and technical skills.

Analysis of Factors Affecting Profitability in Automotive and Component Sub-Sector Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2018 – 2022

The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that affect profitability in automotive and component sub-sector companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2018-2022. The dependent variable in this study is profitability while the independent variables in this study are liquidity, solvency and model structure. The population in this study is automotive and component sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with a total population of 15 companies. This study uses purposive sampling technique with a sample size of 9 companies. The data used in this study are secondary data. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis whose calculations use IBM SPSS 24 software. The results showed that liquidity, solvency and model structure had a positive and significant effect on profitability in automotive and component companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

The Validity of a Deed of Sale and Purchase Made by a Official Certifier of Title Deeds Before the Land and Building Acquisition Duty (BPHTB) is Paid

Land is one of the most important properties for the community and the state because it is very vulnerable to disputes and conflicts involving various parties. In land sale and purchase transactions, land buyers are required to pay the tax on Acquisition of Land and Building Rights (BPHTB) in advance personally before the binding of the sale and purchase deed. In practice, people often entrust BPHTB payments to the Official certifier of title deeds (PPAT) by considering the efficiency of the time and process, it is not uncommon for PPAT to assist and represent in terms of tax payments, especially BPHTB. However, PPAT’s authority is actually only limited to making deeds regarding land rights or property rights over apartment units located in its working area as explained in Government Regulation Number 37 of 1998 concerning Regulations on the Position of Official certifier of title deedss which was later amended by Government Regulation Number 24 of 2016. The research uses the Juridical-normative method (legal research), namely legal research using legal norms as the object of research based on an internal perspective that is able to provide legal arguments when conflicts, vagueness, or legal vacuum are found.

Individualism in Europe: A Comparison to Asia

The motto of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity was originated in Europe in the 18th century. A desire to be on one’s own and go freely has been spread worldwide. Every individual is valued more than ever, each individual is an independent spirit who could express the creativity of their’s own volition. It can be said that individualism is one of the core values that lead to the development of Europe as it is today. It is worth studying how “individualism” develops in Europe and compare it to Asia where “individualism” promotes its own values besides collectivism while being influenced by the West. This will involve a specific model that blends the European idea of individual autonomy with Asian collectivism. Europeans take part in the decision-making process through the family so as to create a close relationship between the individual and the family; the Asian culture has to be self-sufficient.  Implementing this concept would reduce the chances of exploiting of common men in general and fragile groups in particular.

Franchise Branding, Technological Adaption, and Customer Engagement of Selected Food Franchise Businesses in The 1st District of Laguna

The study aimed to identify the relationship between franchise branding, technological adaption, and customer engagement in the selected food franchise businesses in the 1st District of Laguna, Philippines. A descriptive correlational research design was used in this study. The study revealed that franchise branding was highly favorable with an average weighted mean of 3.46, technological adaption was highly practiced with an average weighted mean of 3.43, the customer engagement was very high with a weighted mean of 3.40. Correlations indicated that there was a significant relationship between Franchise Branding and Technological Adaption, Franchise Branding and Customer Engagement as well as Technological Adaption and Customer Engagement. The results also showed that there was a high level of prediction of the dependent variable (level of customer engagement). The obtained R square of 0.674 shows that independent variables (franchise branding and technological adaption) explain the variability of the dependent variable (level of customer engagement). Further, the independent variables franchise branding along with brand recognition, brand image, brand consistency, brand loyalty, and brand communication and technological adaption in terms of online marketing strategies, mobile app integration, digital ordering system, and data analytics utilization are the drivers of customer engagement in food franchise businesses.

Marketing Mix Strategy (7P) in Increasing Community Interest at Man 1 Trenggalek

Madrasahs continue to improve the quality of their education in the competition to attract the public. This is also done by MAN 1 Trenggalek which has strategies for increasing the number of quality students. This research aims to describe in depth the marketing mix (7P) strategy of MAN 1 Trenggalek in increasing public interest. Researchers use qualitative research. Data collection techniques are in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentation. Data analysis starts from data condensation, data presentation, verification and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that the marketing mix strategy (7P) is: 1) The products being marketed are quality madrasah graduates, able to compete and can be accepted at State Universities, State Islamic Universities, Service Schools, TNI/POLRI, Tahfidzul Qur’ Islamic Boarding Schools an, and able to be absorbed into the world of work. 2) The price offered is an affordable education fee that does not burden the students’ parents, there is PIP, the education fee is IDR 0.- (rupiah) for those who do not have PIP but have one of the welfare cards. Rewards from the madrasa committee for outstanding students. 3) The madrasa marketing place is a strategic madrasa location in the central area of ​​Trenggalek Regency, close to the Trenggalek stadium, several Islamic boarding schools and other important places. 4) Promotion/promotion by introducing and showing the advantages of the madrasah to prospective students and parents via social media within the network (IG, Tiktok, Web and others) and outside the network by participating in competitions at district, provincial and national levels. 5) People in marketing madrasa education services are qualified educators, well-dressed, polite, neat and friendly. Madrasah Committee, Parents and people who have good hopes for the development of the madrasah. 6) Process/The marketing process is good communication between all madrasa parties jointly marketing by carrying out the stages of planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating. 7) Physical Evidence/Physical Evidence consists of representative learning rooms, 3 language laboratories, computer laboratories, libraries, halls, teachers’ rooms, TU rooms, UKS, canteen and sports fields.

Economic Vitality, Sustainability and Marketability of Mixed-Use Development Projects in the Leasing Industry

The study attempted to determine the economic vitality, sustainability, and marketability of mixed-use development projects in the leasing industry in the Philippines. The goal of this study is to identify the correlation among economic vitality, sustainability, and marketability. Additionally, develop a plan to enhance the economic vitality, sustainability, and marketability for stakeholders to use for future business ventures. The study employed the descriptive-correlational method of research with the help of a survey questionnaire.  The population of the study came from 80 mixed-use development projects within the leasing industry in the second district of Laguna, Philippines. A sample of 67 was computed using the Slovin formula at 5% margin of error and 95% confidence interval. The actual selection of the respondents was done using a purposive random sampling technique. After thorough analysis, the following conclusions were made. The diversity of businesses and tenant types adds value to the overall development. The confidence in long-term development projects focuses on sustainability and future adaptation. Tenant satisfaction is crucial for marketability, suggesting a focus on both attracting and retaining tenants. The economic vitality has a direct relationship with the sustainability of mixed-use development projects in the leasing industry. Economic significantly affects the marketability of mixed-use development projects in the leasing industry. As the level of sustainability increases, the level of marketability of mixed-use development projects in the leasing industry also increases. Hence, an action plan that would improve the economic vitality, sustainability, and marketability of mixed-use development projects in the leasing industry was proposed.

Management Information System Integration, Digital Marketing Strategies and Sales Growth of Selected Food and Beverage SMEs in Binan Laguna

The study aimed to assess the predictive capability of management information system (MIS) integration and digital marketing strategies on sales growth in food and beverage SMEs in Biñan, Laguna. It examined the relationship between MIS integration, digital marketing strategies, and sales growth through a descriptive-correlational study involving 65 registered SMEs, with a total population of 77. Key findings indicated strong agreement (average weighted mean of 3.31) among respondents regarding the value of MIS integration, and effectiveness (average weighted mean of 3.15) of digital marketing strategies. Sales growth was perceived as very high (average weighted mean of 3.35). However, statistical analysis revealed that MIS integration did not significantly relate to digital marketing strategies or sales growth. The study identified a modest relationship between digital marketing strategies (e.g., email marketing, social media) and sales growth, with email marketing showing statistical significance (p = 0.005). Overall, the model explained 21.9% of the variability in sales growth, suggesting other influential factors beyond the studied variables. While MIS was deemed beneficial for SMEs and certain digital marketing strategies were important for success, the study found no significant predictive relationships between MIS integration, digital marketing, and sales growth in the context of Biñan’s food and beverage SMEs. This highlights the complexity of business dynamics and the need for broader considerations beyond these specific factors.

Determinants of Cash Holdings in State-Owned Enterprises Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the Period 2015–2021

This research was conducted to empirically investigate the determinants affecting the cash holdings of state-owned enterprises in Indonesia. The sample consisted of 15 state-owned companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) over a 7-year period (2015-2021). The study employed the ordinary least squares (OLS) research model. The results of this research indicate that leverage and BI rate significantly affects the cash holdings of state-owned enterprises in Indonesia. However, cash flow volatility, and capital expenditure do not have a significant impact on cash holdings. This study contributes to the literature on the determinants of cash holdings in state-owned enterprises in Indonesia.