Development of a Contextual Disaster Mitigation Teaching Module for East Java to Increase Student Interest in Social Science

The aim of this research is to determine the feasibility of developing a teaching module for contextual disaster mitigation material in East Java and to determine students’ responses to the development of a teaching module for contextual disaster mitigation in East Java. The research method uses the four D (4D) design stages, namely, define, design, develop, and disseminate. Data were collected using a questionnaire on a Likert scale to determine the feasibility of the teaching module and students’ responses to the teaching module’s introduction. The results of the questionnaire processing showed that the East Java contextual disaster mitigation teaching module that had been developed received 84% feasibility from experts, so it was considered very suitable for application in learning. In the response aspect, students answered that 68% strongly agreed if the East Java contextual disaster mitigation teaching module was applied in Social Sciences learning.

The Role of High-Quality Human Resources in Dung Quat Economic Zone in the Development Process of The Vietnam’s Central Economic Region

A rapid and sustainable economic growth requires three basic factors: the adoption of new technologies, the development of modern infrastructure facilities, and the enhancement of human resources quality. The process of developing human resources involves transforming the quantity, quality, and structure of the workforce to better meet the demands of the economy. In the process of promoting industrialization and modernization, human resources play a decisive role, especially high-quality human resources. This is also an critical factor for the development of the productive force and economic growth rate of a country. Within the scope of this article, the author focuses on analyzing the role of high-quality human resources in the development of the Dung Quat Economic Zone (EZ) in the central economic region of Vietnam.

Legal Legality in Managing UMKM Business Online

Understanding this legality is very important for MSME players. It can also provide confidence to customers, business partners, and investors that the MSME business is run with integrity and in accordance with established standards. The development of information technology in the era of globalisation has caused the world to become free and caused various social dynamics to occur directly, continuously and quickly, so that the life lived by humans feels easier, as well as freedom in making choices in life. What is currently growing rapidly is the occurrence of transactions and buying and selling agreements that do not require direct face-to-face contact, but can be done through the world of information technology connected to the internet network.

Through the internet, communities that specialise in trading certain goods are now starting to grow. Business people are now starting to join sites that accommodate their communities. These sites require users to become members first, but some do not. As an online shop that offers goods to be traded via the internet (Ecommerce).

Factors Affecting the Working Class in Vietnam Today: A Study from the Perspective of Spiritual and Cultural Life

The working class stands as the primary productive force, playing an particularly significant role in Vietnam’s current industrialization and modernization endeavors. Concerning for and prioritizing the material and cultural-spiritual well-being of the working class is of priority, contributing to the enhancement of human resource quality. Like other classes and strata in society, the cultural and spiritual life of the Vietnamese working class is influenced by a multitude of factors. By grasping these factors, the Vietnamese Party-State can effectively adjust policies to foster the cultural and spiritual development of the Vietnamese working class; for the reason that it has profoundly impacts the formation of the class’s endurance, stance, ideology, ethics, and way of life, as an integral part of society. Therefore, this article focuses on analyzing the fundamental and prominent factors influencing various aspects of the working class’s life, including: the Vietnamsese traditional culture; the leadership of the Party and State; the industrialization and modernization of the country; the globalization and international integration. These factors have an impact on the cultural and spiritual life of the Vietnamese working class today.

Implementation of Perkasal Policy Number 38 of 2021 Regarding the Acceptance of Cadets and Cadets of the AL Navy Academy in a Gender Perspective

This research will examine the implementation of Policy Perkasal Number 38 of 2021 regarding the Admission of Cadets at the Indonesian Navy Academy (Akademi TNI AL) from a gender perspective. It will also explore the challenges faced in the implementation and efforts to overcome these challenges within the framework of Policy Perkasal Number 38 of 2021. The research will focus on the selection process of male and female cadets according to the mentioned policy.

The research methodology employed in this study is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection methods include interviews, observations, and literature reviews. The theoretical framework used in this research is the policy implementation theory according to Mazmanian and Paul A. Sabatier.

The findings of the research indicate that the implementation of this policy has not yet achieved gender equality and justice. Technical constraints and societal views that do not support equality remain significant challenges. The policy lacks clear objectives to prevent gender discrimination. Socio-economic conditions in Indonesia also influence the acceptance of male and female cadets. Factors affecting policy implementation involve ambiguity in gender-based quotas, lack of socialization, limited involvement of female soldiers in structural positions, high aspirations to enter non-military higher education institutions, decreasing interest in becoming civil servants, minimal facilities, heavy curriculum burdens, and a shortage of human resources.

Recommendations include establishing clear gender-based admission quotas, intensifying socialization efforts related to Policy Perkasal Number 38 of 2021, increasing the involvement of female soldiers in structural positions, adjusting the military education concept to the social context of women, and improving training facilities for prospective Indonesian Navy soldiers.

The Shift of Fethisism as the Means for Criminal Annulment in the Criminal Law

The number of sexual violences is on a disconcerting point, among them is paraphilia or sexual deviations. One form of paraphilia is fetishism. The research will focus on the objective condition of fetishism legality as a means for criminal annulment under the perspective of mental disturbance after the passing of Law Number 12 Year 2022 regarding TPKS and Law Number 1 Year 2023 regarding KUHP. The result of this research is that fetishism can no longer be used as an excuse for criminal annulment, hence the fetishism sexual violence perpetrator may be charged with criminal sanctions and/or action sanctions. An absolute criminal penalty may not be imposed only to a mentally ill person under acute relapse along with psychotic episodes. Second, until the legalization of Law Number 12 Year 2022 regarding TPKS and Law No.1 year 2023 regarding KUHP, fetishism is not considered as a form of offence, but only as a special condition in relation to morality offenses, such as molestation or rape.

Accountability of the Financial Services Authority in Indonesia, Australia, Germany, France and Japan

The FSA is tasked with ensuring that by implementing IFRS, companies are expected to prepare financial statements that reflect relevant, reliable information and allow stakeholders to make better decisions. IFRS covers various aspects of accounting, including recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of financial information. These standards provide guidance on how certain business transactions should be recognized in the financial statements, how to measure the value of assets and liabilities, and how to present the information in a clear and structured manner. The type of research is normative, with a statutory approach, conceptual approach and comparative approach. The results show that OJK does not conduct financial reporting in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), so OJK must improve its financial reporting. The conclusion of this research is that OJK needs to improve the transparency, accountability, and quality of its financial reporting to ensure the fulfillment of obligations to the public and authorities with the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) can take some valuable lessons from the advantages possessed by the Japanese Financial Services Agency (FSA) in various aspects of financial sector cooperation and supervision.

Navigating the Leadership Challenges and Support System for Assistant School Principals in Senior High School

Purpose: The role of assistant school principals (ASPs) is becoming vital in educational leadership, particularly in the context of senior high school education in the Philippines. This study was conducted to uncover insights from the ASPs’ shared experiences and propose support strategies to enhance their school leadership practices for better learning outcomes in senior high school.

Methodology: This research utilized a descriptive case study using an unstructured interview as the primary procedure for data gathering. Separate face-to-face interviews with the informants were conducted to gather data for this investigation. The informants in this study were five assistant principals in the Division of Sorsogon purposefully selected as to the length of service, place of assignment, and willingness to participate until the completion of this study.

Results: Findings revealed that the ASPs had varied educational backgrounds and professional experiences, suggesting no universal path to becoming an administrator. Nevertheless, the skills and insights gained from previous roles can be beneficial in assuming the new administrative roles. This study also revealed that ASPs in senior high school had a broad set of responsibilities. However, the primary focus was on instructional leadership. It also reflected that ASPs encountered various challenges related to a lack of training and continuous professional development programs; establishing authority and cultivating principal support; conducting classroom observation due to the enormous number and diversity of teachers; organizing immersion programs for TVL students due to financial constraints and availability of industry partners; and disruption in their professional and personal lives. The findings highlight the support that ASPs need to enhance their school leadership. Conclusion: ASPs are the school leaders’ partners in attaining the school’s mission and vision. However, comprehensive support and professional development opportunities are needed to empower assistant principals to fulfill their roles and enhance school leadership effectively.

Judicial Review of the Authority to Investigate Financial Crimes after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 59/PUU-XXI/2023: Comparison of Indonesia, Australia, Japan and Germany

Financial crime refers to all illegal actions carried out by individuals or groups with the aim of obtaining financial gain. In facing this challenge, it is important for policy makers and legal practitioners to continue to carry out in-depth reviews of the authority to investigate financial crime. This research aims to examine the authority in investigating financial crime after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 59/PUU-XXI/2023 through a comparison between Indonesia, Australia, Japan and Germany. The method used in this research uses a conceptual approach and a comparative approach with normative research types. The research results show that the authority to investigate financial crime after the Constitutional Court decision Number 59/PUU-XXI/2023 has experienced significant changes in Indonesia. In Indonesia, the Constitutional Court decision Number 59/PUU-XXI/2023 regulates that investigators must be under the control and supervision of the National Police. This decision confirms the position of the National Police as an institution that has the authority to supervise and control the financial crime investigation process. This is expected to increase effectiveness and efficiency in law enforcement in the financial sector, as well as ensuring that the investigation process is carried out in a transparent and accountable manner. In comparison, in Australia, financial crime investigative powers are managed by several agencies, including the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Japan has a Financial Services Agency (FSA) and a National Police Agency (NPA) which coordinate the investigation of financial crimes. Meanwhile, in Germany, the authority to investigate financial crimes falls under the Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) and financial supervisory institutions such as BaFin. This comparison shows that each country has a different approach in regulating the authority to investigate financial crime. In Indonesia, the confirmation of control and supervision by the National Police is expected to increase cooperation between law enforcement agencies and strengthen efforts to eradicate financial crime.

The Influence of Technology Acceptance Model on Intention to Use Electronic Government Systems with Trust as a Mediation Variable (Study of the General Election Commission Secretariat State Civil Apparatus in Lampung Province)

The General Election Commission is a national, permanent and independent election organizing institution which is tasked with carrying out elections and has working areas throughout the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The problem that occurs in the research object is that the Technology Acceptance Model and electronic-based government systems create a gap for employees with various conditions of ability to use technology that continues to develop. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of the Technology Acceptance Model on the intention to use an electronic-based government system with trust as a mediating variable in the state civil apparatus of the General Election Commission Secretariat in Lampung Province.

This research is quantitative research and was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. The data used in this research was obtained from the results of questionnaire testing on 251 employees from the State Civil Apparatus Secretariat of the General Election Commission in Lampung Province who were sampled in the research using the Stratified random sampling technique. The results obtained from this research are that Perceived Ease of Us (PeoU) has a positive and significant effect on the intention to use SPBE, Perceived Usefulness (PU) has a positive and significant effect on the intention to use SPBE, Perceived Ease of Us (PeoU) has a positive and significant effect on trust in SPBE, Perceived Usefulness (PU) has a positive and significant effect on trust in SPBE, Trust in SPBE has a negative and insignificant effect on intention to use SPBE, Trust in SPBE is unable to mediate the influence of Perceived Ease of Us (PeoU) on intention to use SPBE and Trust in SPBE is not able to mediate the influence of Perceived Usefulness (PU) on intention to use SPBE.