Tax Planning Competencies, Legal Compliance, and Impact of Tax Audit Examinations Among Philippine Economic Zone Authority Registered Entities

The study aimed to identify the relationship between tax planning competencies, legal compliance, and the impact of tax audit examinations among Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) registered entities in Laguna, Philippines. A descriptive correlational research design was used in this study. The study revealed that tax planning competencies were observed with an average weighted mean of 3.23, legal compliance was highly practiced with an average weighted mean of 3.22, and the impact of tax audit examinations was agreed with a weighted mean of 2.79. Correlations indicated that there was a significant relationship between tax planning competencies and legal compliance, tax planning competencies and impact of tax audit examinations and legal compliance and impact of tax audit examinations. In terms of significant relationships, legal compliance in terms of regulatory reporting and training and education is dependent on the tax planning competencies of PEZA registered entities. Also, proves that tax audit examination in terms of financial implications and company’s reputation is dependent on the tax planning competencies of PEZA registered entities. Lastly, there was a low positive correlation between respondents’ level of legal compliance and impact of tax audit examination under company’s reputation among PEZA registered entities. Regulatory reporting shows a weak and nonsignificant correlation with both financial implications and company reputation.

A Descriptive Study on the Difficulties that EFL Students Encounter in Writing Essays at a University in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Nowadays, it goes without saying that English has become the most popular language in the world. However, a lot of English learners in Vietnam, especially in the Mekong Delta sub-region have to face serious problems in writing skills, especially essay writing. For this reason, the study was conducted to figure out common obstacles in writing English essays encountered by EFL sophomores. The research participants were 62 second-year students of English at a university who finished their essay-writing courses already. To achieve the desired aim of this study, the researcher combined both qualitative and quantitative methods, using questionnaires and interviews as the main instruments. The SPSS version 22 was used to analyze data from the questionnaire and thematic analysis was adopted to treat the qualitative data. The results showed that these participants had various problems with their English essay writing including vocabulary, grammar, background knowledge, and idea organization. From the findings of this study, some suggestions were given to help teachers and learners in order to improve their English writing and learning experience.

Disaster Risk Reduction Management and Students’ Awareness

Disasters are inevitable and result from either natural or man-made disasters that put communities in severe danger, resulting in the loss of lives and property, disrupting their social structures, and impairing all or some of the vital functions of affected communities. This study aims to measure the relationship between Disaster Risk Reduction Management and Students’ Awareness. An online and face-to-face survey was distributed to 393 students in one of the universities in Davao City. The researchers used a correlational research design to determine the relationship between the two variables. The researchers utilized the quantitative approach that gathered and analyzed numerical data and a method of gathering quantifiable data and using statistical and mathematical approaches to investigate this phenomenon. The overall level of Disaster Risk Reduction Management is high which indicates that the students are knowledgeable and prepared about Disaster Risk Reduction Management. Also, the level of students’ awareness of disasters is high. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between Disaster Risk Reduction Management and Students’ Awareness. Thus, this indicates that Disaster Risk Reduction Management has contributed to the students’ awareness of disasters. This study may also help contribute to the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations particularly, goal 4 which is quality education, and goal 11 sustainable cities and communities by highlighting the importance of educational initiatives in enhancing disaster preparedness and resilience among students, thereby fostering safer and more sustainable communities. Based on the result of this study, the mean score for False Disaster Awareness is low. The researchers suggest the need also for additional disaster education and awareness, specifically on False Disaster awareness.

Climate Change Awareness and Eco-Anxiety Among Undergraduate Students

The Philippines is one of the most climate-vulnerable countries in the world and faces several disasters, including floods, droughts, typhoons, earthquakes, landslides, and volcanic eruptions. These events are known to have negative impacts on people’s mental health. Studying the harmful effects of climate change on people’s mental health is in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and 13 (Climate Action). Eco-anxiety, defined as anxiety relating to climate change and other environmental problems, is one of the adverse effects of climate change on mental health. Among young Filipinos, prior studies indicate that eco-anxiety is prevalent, but research investigating the various factors contributing to eco-anxiety is limited. In the present study, the researchers focused on climate change awareness as a factor associated with eco-anxiety. This study aimed to determine the level of climate change awareness and eco-anxiety among undergraduate students and determine if there is a significant relationship between these two variables. Using the Awareness Scale for Climate Change and Hogg’s Eco-Anxiety Scale, data were gathered among 392 undergraduate students in one of the higher education institutions in Davao City. Results showed that undergraduate students, on average, exhibit a very high level of climate change awareness. Additionally, results revealed that, on average, undergraduate students experience a moderate level of eco-anxiety. Results also showed a significant but low positive relationship between climate change awareness and eco-anxiety. The results of this study add to the growing body of research investigating the prevalence of and relationship between climate change awareness and eco-anxiety. This study highlights the need to reassess various climate change awareness programs and implement other interventions to help address eco-anxiety among young people and students.

A Contrastive Analysis of English Swear Words in the Adventure Tintin in the Land of Black Gold

This research is a contrastive analysis between English swear words and their Indonesian equivalents in the Tintin comic book entitled Tintin in the Land of Black Gold. The purpose of this Contrastive Analysis was to find out the similiarities, differences, and to predict the possible learning problems made by Indonesian learners based on the differences. The author employed a descriptive qualitative technique with the case study method to accomplish the research objectives. Based on the results of the data analysis, there were 34 swear words between the English swear words and their Indonesian equivalents. From the data, there were 3 similarities and 31 differences between the English swear words and and their Indonesian equivalents. It was found that most English swear words were idiomatic, while their Indonesian equivalents were non-idiomatic. As the contrastive suggests, based on the differences, the Indonesian learners may face learning problems, in this case, the translating problems of the english swear words into their Indonesian equivalents. Indonesian learners may make mistakes when translating the English swear words into Indonesian for example Bluebeard into *Janggut biru , instead of the correct one *Bandot tua. Indonesian learners may make mistakes by translating the English swear words literally or through word-by-word translations. Indonesian learners should be aware of these differences and should be careful when translating English swear words into Indonesian.

Exploring the Emission Reduction Policy to Achieve Sustainable Economic Growth through Bibliometric Approach

Many countries are dealing with serious issues related to global warming. Facing the urgency of this climate crisis, many countries are now trying to integrate emission mitigation policies into their economic development strategies. This study aims to understand the evolution of research on emission reduction policies in the context of sustainable economic growth during 2019-2023 through a bibliometric approach. Using data from the Scopus database, this study analyzes the mapping of publication trends, country, author contributions and keyword network visualization using VOSviewer. The results show that there has been a significant increase in the number of publications, which reflects the urgency of this topic. China, Malaysia, and the United States emerged as substantial contributors, while there was a contribution gap between developed and developing countries. The analysis of productive authors reveals the importance of collaboration in increasing the impact of research. Network visualization identified two main research clusters: green and red. The green cluster focuses on emission sources and the factors that cause climate change, while the red cluster focuses on emission reduction solutions and strategies. The study results also show that research in this field is increasingly complex and interdisciplinary, requiring international collaboration. These findings provide valuable insights for researchers and policymakers in developing strategies to achieve sustainable economic growth.

Online Assesment and its Implications for Education Quality (A Case Study in Banyumas)

The pandemic situation has changed aspects of education. Online learning and assessment are still an alternative solution. However, there are still pros and cons related to online assessment activities. This is because online evaluation activities cannot be carried out optimally according to standard norms. This research aimed to: (1) analyze the online assessment type, (2) analyze the planning and implementation process of online assessment, (3) analyze the criteria in determining student achievement, and (4) determine the implications of online assessment for the quality of education. This research is qualitative research, which investigates the natural conditions of an object for which the researcher is the key instrument, and the results focus more on generalization. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is carried out interactively and continuously until the data is saturated. The results show that (1) the types of assessment used in the assessment are multiple choice, essay, practical test, and oral test, (2) the assessment planning process consists of three stages; the media are Google form and WhatsApp, some of the assessment frequency remains the same and some are less frequent, while the obstacle in assessment is waiting for parents’ cellphones, (3) some learning assessment criteria remain the same and some provide added value for those who submit on time, and (4) The implication of online learning assessment is that the average ability decreases (for example in reading, writing, and arithmetic), behavior also decline.

Urgency of the Board of Directors Responsibility in Organizing a Limited Liability Company’s General Meeting of Shareholders

This research aims to understand the obligations of the board of directors of a limited liability company in organizing the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS). The method used by the author is a type of normative juridical research conducted with a conceptual approach. The research results indicate that the board of directors, as the authorized organ of the company, is fully responsible for the management of the company in the interest of the company in accordance with the company’s purposes and objectives, and represents the company both in and out of court in accordance with the Articles of Association. The board of directors’ role as a manager is more explicit and separate from its dual position as an organ and representative in Article 92 paragraph (1) of the Limited Liability Company Law. Non-compliance with reporting regulations and the failure to hold a GMS can lead to further legal issues and create distrust among various stakeholders in the company. The legal consequences of a company not holding a GMS according to the applicable regulations may result in administrative sanctions imposed by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), as referred to in OJK Regulation No. 15/PJOK.04/2020 concerning the Planning and Organization of General Meetings of Shareholders of Public Companies. These sanctions may include warnings, fines, the obligation to pay a certain amount of money, license revocation, or cessation of activities.

Policy Analysis of Sea Defence Strategy in the Archipelago’s Capital Region

The Nusantara Sea Defence Strategy (SPLN) is essentially a national defence strategy implemented at sea. The implementation of SPLN is carried out through a military campaign through interrelated joint operations, matra operations and assistance operations with the support of national forces. This research, which uses qualitative research methods, takes place in the Archipelago Capital Region (IKN). In the Marine Defence Strategy Policy in the Archipelago Capital Region (IKN), the problem formulation is the need for a defence system policy that can protect the Archipelago Capital (IKN) from various physical and non-physical threats. Given the location of IKN in the strategic Indonesian Archipelago Sea Route II (ALKI II) as a connecting route between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, it has a number of problems that have the potential to become threats. The results of this study indicate that there are several aspects in the analysis of the Marine Defence Strategy Policy in the Archipelago Capital Region (IKN) according to William Dunn, which consists of aspects of Problem Formulation, Forecasting, Policy Recommendations, Monitoring Policy Results and Policy Performance Evaluation. In the forecasting aspect based on Indonesia’s historical experience.

Policy recommendations in this study are the relocation of the new capital city from Jakarta to East Kalimantan, changing the geographical character of the Indonesian capital city so far. The development of IKN necessitates the need for transformation of the TNI’s power level because the centre of gravity of government has shifted from Java to Kalimantan. Therefore, a new breakthrough is needed from all stakeholders to formulate a mature and integrated strategic planning for the development of the country’s maritime defence that collaborates all potential defence capabilities of the State, namely between the TNI (Army, Navy and Air Force), ministries, as well as with other government agencies, and still adhere to the principles of transparency and accountability.

Bad Faith in the Cancellation of the Trademark Decision No. 2/Pdt.Sus-HKI/2021/PN. Niaga Sby

In granting a decision to cancel the trademark, the judges interpreted the existence of bad faith with different reasons in their considerations. One of the cases of trademark cancellation due to bad intentions is Case Number 2/Pdt.Sus-HKI/2021/PN. The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between the cancellation of registered trademarks at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Indonesia related to bad faith and to find out how to analyze the reasons for the judge’s consideration in decision Number 2/Pdt.Sus-HKI/2021/PN. Sby’s business is related to bad faith. This research is a normative legal research, with a legal approach and a case approach. From this study, it was obtained that the relationship between the cancellation of a registered trademark and bad faith was seen from the beginning of the registration application process, so that the Panel of Judges in deciding on a trademark cancellation decision, first looked at whether the element of bad faith had indeed existed from the beginning of the registration application, and regarding the juridical analysis of the decision of case 2/Pdt.Sus-HKI/2021/PN. Niaga Sby, Coffe Beer and Sari Temulawak Ngoro brandsThe Defendant was registered in bad faith from the beginning of the trademark registration without involving all heirs so that the Defendant hereby had bad intentions or bad faith because from the beginning of the registration, it was proven that there was bad faith by the Defendant. So juridically it has violated article 21 paragraph (3).