The Present Situation of Salvation in the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church in Vihiga District, Kenya

It is quite challenging that human beings are sensitive to minor things, and this sensitivity to minor things is surely evidence of a strange disorder of humanity and their great confusion. This involves a situation of one becoming as sensitive as to despise matters of importance that makes one to be so absurd because of the situation. It is the conviction grouped in the good news that “God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself” that makes salvation immensely more than a theory, a traditional belief or a slogan. It brings into focus as a necessity to understand. In spite of the fact that we are all unique persons, we share common beliefs, values and ways of life with many others around us. We not only share those beliefs but also reinforce them in one another and teach them to our children. The shared aspects of our personal cultures produce the common value, priorities and standards of behavior that we apply in each context. We begin to learn these things as helpless infants, and by the time we are adults, they shape much of what we are and do. It is also amusing to the author that many concepts currently labeled “Innovative” or “contemporary” are not new ideas at all. Everything seems new if one is ignorant of history. Many methods parading under the banner of “change” have been used in the past in a slightly altered form. Some of them have worked and some of them haven’t. It’s a well-known truth that if we are ignorant of the lessons of the past mistakes, we usually end up making the same mistakes made by the people before us. It is until the mental map of people are transformed is when true transition in the society can be accomplished. This is why the study aimed at investigating the present situation of salvation as understood by the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church(PAG) in Vihiga County , Kenya, and the impact of culture on it.

Innovation Communication and its Challenges in The Metaverse Era

The emergence of digital technologies in human-computer interactions nowadays has brought new technological landscapes in many fast-paced developed areas including the innovation communication and metaverse. Innovation communication is relatively a new concept in the field of public relations communication, which is one of the most important elements in integrated marketing communications. Current technological trend development in the metaverse platforms may bring many new opportunities in the future as well as challenges for corporations, governments, and societies. This raised further questions on what metaverse qualities would be the most important for marketers to communicate properly to all relevant stakeholders. To answer the above research question, this paper used the qualitative phenomenological research method by using a prior research framework in the field of innovation communication. It combined with some literature review works to explore the progress of the metaverse development approach which was used for further analysis and discussions of this study. Based on further analysis and evaluations, a matrix was then developed to value which metaverse qualities are the most significant for innovation communication among the stakeholders’ model. The study found that the communication of the true metaverse quality on safety was the most important aspect, followed by its innovativeness and inclusivity respectively. The research findings of the study give important considerations for high-tech organizations, especially those who will implement metaverse platforms in the future. Further, the findings can be used to plan carefully innovative communication strategies for all relevant stakeholders through Stakeholders’ Innovation Communication Matrix analysis.

Managing Sustainable Education for Social Studies and Economics Reactive Students in Post Covid 19 Era: A Case Study of Public Schools in Orlu Senatorial Zone, Imo State, Nigeria

The researchers investigated managing sustainable education for economics and social studies reactive students in post COVID 19 era: a case study of public schools in Orlu Senatorial Zone, Imo State, Nigeria. The study adopted a survey design carried out in public secondary schools in Orlu Senatorial Zone, Imo State. The population of the study consist of 201 (103 economics teachers and 98 school administrators) from the 98 public secondary schools in Orlu Senatorial Zone. The entire population was used for the study. The instrument for data collection in this study is a researcher made rating scale titled: Managing Sustainable Education for Reactive Students Teacher Scale of Secondary School Education for HIV Students Principal and Teacher Scale” (MSERSTS) with 20 items. Cronbach alpha statistic was used to determine the reliability of MSERSTS with index of 0.81. Mean score and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions. The findings of the study show that the result also showed that this both the Social Studies and Economics subject teachers do not have adequate knowledge of reactive students enrolled in school, and that there is no significant difference between the mean ratings of Economics and Social Studies teachers on the extent of their knowledge of reactive status of their students. It was recommended that principals, teachers and the Ministry of Education should provide a legislation that protects disclosure of HIV reactive students’ status to the school.

The Effectiveness of the E-Filing Programme in Order to Improve Compliance with the Reporting of Annual Income Tax Returns (SPT) for Individuals at The Surabaya Wonocolo Pratama tax Service Office

In an effort to maximise taxpayer compliance, the Directorate General of Taxes is transforming and reforming the tax system, one of which is the e-filing program for individual taxpayer reporting. Electronic reporting in the e-filing system is also carried out by taxpayers registered at KPP Pratama Surabaya Wonocolo.

This study aims to analyse the effectiveness of the E-filing Program in order to increase compliance with the reporting of Annual Individual Income Tax Return with a discussion regarding the fulfilment of effectiveness measurement indicators based on the effectiveness theory proposed by Budiani (2007). This research method is descriptive research with a qualitative approach, and data collection is done by interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The results obtained were then collected, reduced, presented, and conclusions were drawn.

The results of this study indicate that the effectiveness of the e-filing programme at KPP Pratama Surabaya Wonocolo has generally met the criteria for measuring effectiveness according to Budiani, but there are still things that have not been optimally done. Apart from that, there are several supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the e-filing programme at KPP Pratama Surabaya Wonocolo.

The Influence of Young Leadership and Psychological Wellbeing on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable

Employee performance is a benchmark for a company to achieve its goals quickly and accurately. This research aims to determine employee performance influenced by young leadership and psychological well-being, both directly and indirectly through job satisfaction as a mediator. The research sample consists of 165 employees with the position of Unit Head spread across branches in Lampung. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires using convenience sampling with simple random sampling techniques, and the data were processed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) – AMOS. The results of the study indicate overall support for the hypotheses, namely that young leadership has a positive and significant impact on employee performance. Psychological well-being has a positive and significant impact on employee performance. Young leadership has a positive and significant impact on employee performance indirectly mediated by job satisfaction. Psychological well-being has a positive and significant impact on employee performance indirectly mediated by job satisfaction. Based on the research, recommendations are provided, such as suggesting that young leaders balance and improve work-life, make significant improvements or changes in life for better psychological well-being, pay attention to colleagues in the team, and collaborate well with the team. It is also recommended for future endeavors that employees meet managerial tasks effectively.

Purpose: The aim of this research is to determine the influence of young leadership and psychological well-being on employee performance, mediated by job satisfaction.

Patients and methods: The research sample consists of 165 unit heads from PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani Branch Lampung. Data collection for this study was conducted by distributing questionnaires using the convenience sampling technique with the method of simple random sampling.

Results: The research results indicate that this study supports the hypotheses overall, namely that young leadership has a positive and significant impact on employee performance. Psychological well-being has a positive and significant impact on employee performance. Young leadership has a positive and significant impact on employee performance indirectly mediated by job satisfaction. Psychological well-being has a positive and significant impact on employee performance indirectly mediated by job satisfaction.

Conclusion: It is hoped that young leaders can balance and enhance work-life, make significant improvements or changes in life for better psychological well-being, pay attention to colleagues in the team, and collaborate effectively with the team. It is recommended for the future that employees are capable of fulfilling tasks given by managers effectively.

Mondica Mondiale Action in Afghanistan: Representing the Struggle of Afghan Women Post-Taliban Return in 2021

The Taliban regime returned to power in 2021, overthrowing the United States-created Afghan government and reintroducing restrictive policies on women’s rights. These policies included banning female students from universities, dismissing female government employees, and restricting women from traveling long distances alone. In response, Afghan women initiated social movements, forming women’s organizations and taking to the streets to draw global attention and resist the Taliban’s rights restrictions. Applying feminist theory, this research explores how political decisions influence men’s and women’s lives and delves into the development of social movements. This descriptive qualitative research, based on secondary data from a literature study, reveals that Afghan women’s social movements stem from the Taliban’s 2021 policies and garner global attention through media exposure. Movements like Medica Mondiale, dedicated to Afghan women, require increased support from international organizations in terms of financial, technical, and moral assistance to sustain and advance their cause.

Monitoring the Distribution of Ready-to-eat Food Products Made with Liquid Nitrogen

The circulation of ready-to-eat food is a concern in the food safety sector, especially regarding the dangers of the content in processed food. One of them is the use of liquid nitrogen in ready-to-eat food, which has many potential risks that will arise if the processed food is consumed by the public. So a principle is needed that can be related to the handling of liquid nitrogen in the circulation of ready-to-eat food products. It is also necessary to organize food safety in handling the use of liquid nitrogen in the circulation of ready-to-eat food products. This research uses a qualitative method, namely the literature study method. The lack of scientific certainty related to the use of liquid nitrogen in processed ready-to-eat food cannot be used as an excuse to delay prevention efforts. As well as strategies in realizing food safety implementation need to be implemented as an effort to protect the public from various types of food that are dangerous and pose a potential risk to health.

Environmental risk management at Ba Na tourism destination and Da Nang City, Vietnam

Da Nang is a coastal city with a beach more than 60 km long. With beautiful beaches, gentle stretches and endless white sand, including My Khe beach, voted by US Forbes magazine as one of the 6 most attractive beaches on the planet. Da Nang also has the Ba Na Hills tourism brand. Discovered and built during the French colonial period, Ba Na tourist area is located west of Da Nang city, increasingly attracting tourists with a cable car system that holds 4 world records and an indoor entertainment area. The largest in Southeast Asia – Fantasy Park. Orientation for tourism development of Da Nang city to 2030, vision to 2045 with the goal of becoming a high-quality tourism and service center, creative tourism destination of Vietnam and Southeast Asia; Vision that by 2045, the city will become Asia’s leading tourist destination, one of the centers of high-end, creative, green, smart marine and eco-tourism resorts and organize conferences and events. international festival events. To accomplish this task, environmental risk management at tourist destinations plays an important role in creating the image of the destination. Effective environmental risk management at the destination will help ensure tourist safety, increase tourist satisfaction and contribute to tourism development at the destination.

Black Women’s Revolt in the Struggle for Freedom: An Exploration of Toni Morrison’s Selected Novels

This research work is about black women’s contribution in the struggle for black freedom in America as dramatized in Toni Morrison’s works. Drawing from the New Historicism, the psychological and sociological approaches which allow to enlighten a literary text within its socio-historical dimension, it purports to highlight strategies of revolt settled by black female characters against social injustices and discrimination in order to integrate the American society. The exploration of the selected narratives evidences the manifestations of black women’s struggle for black freedom; a revolt related to the history of America with abolitionists like Harriet Tubman called by ‘black Moses,’ Harriet Jacobs, Rosa Park to quote only some. Being the most vulnerable for ages in the practice of slavery, black women revolted and involved themselves into concrete actions to claim not only their identity as black people but also the right to be considered human beings as white people in the American soil. To get rid of the white system of slavery, black women inner motivation of revolt has been expressed by the psychological awake allowing them to act for their identity and freedom. This study finally shows not only the involvement of black women in the struggle for black freedom, but also the black women power in conflict regulation testimonies of which are substantial in the history of America.

The Influence of the Reading Medium on Learning Efficacy

This paper outlines the differences between electronic and printed reading comprehension for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. It explores which sources EFL students prefer and the reasons behind that; whether the reading mode influences the comprehension of the material being read; and which reading strategies are applied to each reading mode. We hypothesize that comprehension is easier and more successful when reading from printed sources. The method includes an experiment with students from the English Language Teaching (ELT) Program at the South East European University (SEEU) in North Macedonia. It aims to analyze and compare text comprehension and strategies used during digital reading (e-reading) and printed reading (p-reading). Findings clearly showed a preference for p-reading and more successful comprehension with this mode. No difference was found in the reading strategies application between e-reading and p-reading. The main conclusion is that there are no differences in the cognitive process underlying reading and understanding of electronic and print media, but comprehension and hence learning is more successful with printed sources. Eye fatigue and brain strain are the greatest disadvantages of electronic reading. Current and future English teachers, educational workers and policy makers should consider these conclusions when creating curricula for all educational levels and all ages.