Increasing Student Engagement and Understanding through Project-Based Learning on Asmaul Husna Materials

This research aims to improve the understanding of grade VII students of SMPIT Iqra’ Bengkulu City towards Asmaul Husna (Al-‘Alim, Al-Khabir, As-Sami’, and Al-Bashir) through the application of a project-based learning model. The research was conducted on grade VII students of SMPIT Iqra’ Bengkulu City in semester 1 (odd) of the 2024-2025 school year. The method used is Classroom Action Research (PTK) with a cycle design consisting of four stages: planning, action, observation, and reflection (Kemmis & McTaggart, 2023). The results of the study show that the application of this project-based learning model has succeeded in increasing student involvement in learning, understanding of the concept of Asmaul Husna, and the average score of student learning outcomes. In the pre-cycle stage, of the 12 students who were the subjects of the study, only 5 students (41.7%) achieved learning completeness with an average score of 72.5, while 7 students (58.3%) had not completed it. In the first cycle, there was an increase with 7 students (58.3%) achieving completeness and the average score increased to 79.6, while 5 students (41.7%) were still incomplete. In the second cycle, the level of completeness increased significantly to reach more than 80%, indicating the success of the implementation of this learning model. This study emphasizes the importance of an interactive and contextual learning approach to integrate religious values into the teaching and learning process (Arends, 2012; Trianto, 2010). Thus, the implementation of Project-Based Learning not only improves academic outcomes but also makes an important contribution to the formation of students’ religious character through innovative learning (Mulyasa, 2014; Sanjaya, 2016).

Human in Xunzi’s Socio-Political Thought: Implications for Educational Reform in Vietnam

This study examines Xunzi’s philosophy on humanity and its relevance to contemporary educational reform in Vietnam. Xunzi, 荀子 (316– 237 BCE), a prominent philosopher of ancient China, is known for his assertion that “human nature is inherently evil.” His socio-political philosophy emphasizes the role of education in shaping human character and fostering social order. Through a materialist perspective, Xunzi proposed methods such as self-cultivation, adherence to moral principles, and active engagement in society as pathways to achieving individual and societal harmony. The study highlights the historical significance of Xunzi’s ideas in addressing modern educational challenges in Vietnam, including the identification and development of talent, the prioritization of moral education, the central role of teachers, and the implementation of diverse and dynamic teaching methods. The findings suggest that Xunzi’s philosophical insights offer valuable lessons for building an education system that aligns with the principles of equity, innovation, and moral integrity in a rapidly changing society.

The Descriptive Study of Personality Santri Tahfidzul Qur’an ‘Ainul Yaqin Campus Islamic Boarding School When Facing Polemics through the Deposit of Memorize Al-Qur’an

Based on observations made to Tahfidzul Qur’an students in the C class of the ‘Ainul Yaqin Islamic boarding school, there is a unique phenomenon that formed by several aspects such as parenting, background, and education that can influence the regulation and self-control when facing a problem in daily life. The orientation in this research tries to reveal that students in dealing with daily problems are reflected when students experience problems with their memorization when depositing in front of the tahfidz teacher. The type of research used is qualitative which specifically in the process adopts a phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques and their instruments, researchers observe the subject directly and interview through the dissemination of questionnaires. While sequential data analysis techniques include, data collection, data condensation, data delivery, and conclusion making. The result obtained state that the diversity of the response of students who memorize the Al-Qur’an when facing obstacles with their memorization in front of the ability is a reflection of how students carry out self-control so that the tasks, trusts, and problems they encounter can be solved.

The Influence of Product Quality and Brand Image on Buying Interest in Wardah Lipstick Products (Case Study in Kebomas Sub-district, Gresik)

Purpose: Is to analyze the influence of Product Quality and Brand Image on the Purchase Intention of Wardah lipstick products in Kebomas District, Gresik.

Patients and methods: Data has been obtained from the answer of questionnaire testing on 85 respodents who were used as samples in research using techniques purposive sampling.

Results: The results of the study show that product quality has a significant pos

itive impact on consumer buying interest in Wardah Lipstick in Kebomas District, Gresik, brand /lk7image has a significant positive impact on buying interest in Wardah Lipstick products in Kebomas District, Gresik.

Conclusion: The better the Product Quality of Wardah Lipstick, the higher the Purchase Intention for Wardah Lipstick products. Similarly, the better the Brand Image of Wardah Lipstick, the higher the Purchase Intention for Wardah Lipstick products.

Developing Sustainable Water Supply Strategies among Indigenous Peoples in the Davao Region: A Systematic Review

Indigenous Peoples have a profound cultural, spiritual, and ecological connection to their ancestral lands and water resources. However, global challenges such as climate change, deforestation, urbanization, and industrialization increasingly threaten water availability and quality. Traditional knowledge systems and governance practices offer sustainable approaches to address these challenges, complementing modern water management strategies. This study reviews the literature on Indigenous water resource management, focusing on traditional ecological knowledge, cultural beliefs, customary laws, and their integration into modern governance frameworks. A systematic review was conducted using the PRISMA framework, analyzing studies published between 2015 and 2024.

The findings highlight that Indigenous communities possess rich traditional knowledge systems emphasizing water conservation and collective responsibility, often rooted in spiritual and cultural beliefs. Customary laws provide dynamic, community-centered approaches for regulating water use while balancing ecological, social, and spiritual dimensions. Successful integration of Indigenous knowledge into modern governance frameworks, as seen in New Zealand’s Māori principles of guardianship, demonstrates the potential for sustainable and equitable water management. Addressing global water challenges requires inclusive frameworks that blend traditional practices with institutional reforms to combat water insecurity, which is increasingly exacerbated by climate change. Indigenous Peoples’ practices offer invaluable insights for managing water resources sustainably, enhancing resilience, and fostering environmental stewardship when integrated into modern governance systems.