Transcendental Transformative of Islamic Pedagogy (The Implications of the Prophet Ibrahim a.s. Story in a Transformative Pedagogy Perspective)

This research is motivated by the human need for education which is a reflection of the characteristics of humans as pedagogical beings, namely creatures who are born with potential that can be educated and can educate.  This characteristic is because humans have a ratio or mind.  With their intellect, humans can process what they see, hear and feel into knowledge that accumulates into an experience to serve as a guide for acting, working, and creating in the future.  The results of this study are human nature, the world of life, and future orientation.  This pedagogy is continuous and perennial.  Continuity means that human nature in the course of his life is influenced by the world of life, and this pedagogy is future-oriented directed at future generations.  Because future generations are human, this pedagogy examines human nature, and so on.