Design of Inclusive Education Curriculum at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Foundation of Sabilul Muttaqin Islamic Boarding School Mangiran Pare Kediri East Java Indonesia

This study aims to find an inclusive education curriculum design, namely the educational design model for students with disabilities is provided in three types of educational institutions, namely special schools (SLB), extraordinary elementary schools (SDLB) and integrated education.  This study uses a qualitative approach, a qualitative approach contains an assessment of the problem that will produce detailed and in-depth descriptive data.  This research analyzes and discovers thoroughly and completely the design of inclusive education at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Yayasan Pesantren Sabilul Muttaqien Pare Kediri.  The result of this research is that the Design of Inclusive Education based on local wisdom was prepared on the basis of a meeting at the beginning of the year with the foundation, principal and all teachers (FGD).  With several main topics of discussion, namely learning objectives, formulating goals for each regular class and inclusive class with various targets tailored to the needs of students, student assessment, curriculum analysis, preparation of early evaluation instruments, determining the next level of learning in accordance with early evaluation, determining  post-level learning methods are determined, monitoring learning activities, mid-semester and end-of-semester exams for all regular students and complete oral and written tests for all students with special needs.