Localized Deployment of Pre-Service Teachers: Student-Teachers Experiences in Focus

Teaching internship provides opportunity to pre-service-teachers to have a full-time teaching
experience in schools under the supervision of a cooperating teacher. Localization deployment of
student-teachers was not a new concept in Education, but it was implemented for the first time at
the Southern Philippines Agri-business and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology
(SPAMAST). This study used the qualitative-phenomenological approach and involved 32 preservice teachers. The results revealed that familiarization, lesser expenses, teachers’ attitudes,
concern for students, and realization were the themes obtained for the benefits of localization while
familiarization, expectation, and temptation w e r e t h e disadvantages. A ppreciation of
students, participation of the learners, and performance of students were themes for the best
experiences. The findings showed that familiarity could have both positive and negative effects to
localized deployment of pre-service teachers. It would lead to animosity and lack of trust and
slackness and carelessness. Pre-service teachers better equipped themselves by setting ground
rules in interacting with students and in communicating with cooperating teachers. The right
monitoring and supervision need to set in place. Localize deployment is a wonderful idea, but
implementers may need to conduct exhaustive preparations which involve the stakeholders.