Reinforcing Teacher’s Instructional Capability: Web-Designing

Coronavirus has made the educational system around the world paralyzed, including in Aceh,
Indonesia. The only technique left to manage the teaching-learning process now is by attempting
online learning. This study aims at testing the teachers’ in Nagan Raya in concern to their ability in
web design. This study was carried out in quantitative approach; single group experimental design
where 15 teachers involved in this study as the sample. In the pretest, they were given 10 questions
to see their understanding in web design. Later, after 4 months of treatment, they were given posttest to see their progress. The data collection was clearly done through test: pretest and post-test.
And the data were analyzed using Normality test and T-test in order to test the hypothesis. The
result shows that there is increase in the teachers’ knowledge in relation to web design knowledge.
The score before the treatment was only 38.3 and it increased to 79.3 after the treatment. There is
score inclination for 41.6. additionlly, the t-test result is 4.041 which is still within the critical area,
and conclusively, this proves that there is a significant difference to th teachers’ web design
knowledge before and after the treatment. The implication from the result is that it is important to
host a program to train teachers on how to develop web design because during this pandemic,
websites have been the main sources for learning.