The Determinant Factors of Stock Prices of Manufacturing Companies Listed on the IDX

This study examines determinant factors of stock prices of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2014 to 2020. The determinant factors are Economic Value Added (EVA), Market Value Added (MVA), and Earnings Per Share (EPS). The population of this study was 132 companies, and nine companies met the criteria as research samples. The sample selection method in this study used purposive sampling, using secondary data obtained from the official website of the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data were analyzed using Multiple Linear Regression analysis, the Classical Assumption Test, and the Coefficient of Determination. The results showed: (1) EVA, MVA, and EPS simultaneously have a significant effect on the company’s stock price; (2) EVA and EPS partially have a positive effect on the company’s stock price; and (3) MVA does not partially affect the company’s stock price. The results of this study provide recommendations for investors to consider the company’s EVA and EPS values ​​in making stock investment decisions.