Asean’s Attitude to the Coup in Myanmar Ne Regrette Rein

ASEAN has been confronted with this reality and this reality rests with its members, that the change of power in Myanmar is carried out deviating from universal norms or in other languages in ways that are not adab. How inconsistent ASEAN leaders are concerned, but what emerges is a contradictory polemic between the purpose of the meeting agenda and the press statement.  If we want to avoid political lip service, the best thing is that at least ASEAN leaders should not forget the meaning of a word spoken ” Coup “.  A coup is one of the ways of succession that is not adab ( deviating from universal norms ) According to Edward Luttwat the author of the book “COIR”, the essence of a coup is to seize power at the main decision-making center of the state and, through this, seize control of the entire nation.

The concept of succession that is shown to the public and accepted by ASEAN pervasively has replaced the meaning of democracy controlled by legality, transformed into community-controlled, that is, through authoritarianism pacta The Organization of Southeast Asian Nations, which has democratic value in the form of democratization of coups, as a true cultural or social achievement.

This reality must certainly be welcomed by those who have the views and ability to seize state power through the democratization of coups, becoming the new norm of succession of state leadership .  Political affiliation and patterns of power behavior by carrying its components are the greatest asset to show the results of geographical political support (Regional Organizations).  And furthermore the junta leader together with all ASEAN members took a ne regrette rein ‘ stance ( Don’t    regret anything/ don’t regret anything).