Education of Business Ethics Standards for Vietnamese Economics Students in Current International Integration Context

In the current international integration context, Vietnam is deeply and widely participating in the globalization process, which is an invitation that cannot be denied the grim “rules of the game” of domestic and international markets: competition and elimination. That requires Vietnamese business people to quickly improve their personality, intelligence, solidarity and consensus, build a strong business community, with a solid “Vietnamese business culture” baggage, proactive, ready to face new challenges (T. K. H. Do, 2009; T. P. H. Do, 2009). Currently, there are still a lot of students, including the biomass of economics, who are not aware that a strong economy is an economy that not only has clear and honest political institutions, economic development. bring social benefits, no corruption, but also an economy in which businesses must have business ethics… creating confidence for domestic and foreign investors. Therefore, it is necessary to educate Vietnamese students of economic disciplines who will directly participate in the business process ethical standards in business (Nguyen, 2015; Nguyen, 2012; Nguyen, 2013).