Dynamics of Communication Teaching in Universities, Evolution or Regression in the Era of Digitalization

In the current situation, with technological advances, has communication experienced a stagnation imposed by restriction or even the disappearance of social exchanges in specific contexts, in particular the learning context? A real enthusiasm for distance education currently shows the focus on the construction of a “technologized” knowledge which could be centered on a purely cognitive vision; transmit an “inhumanized” content as a determining factor in the cost of learning, the development of interactive tools, imitation of interactional relationships in the classroom. The e. Learning produces value in university students. The problem of e. Learning is felt to be more a matter of pedagogical management than of content pedagogy.

In this article we will seek to demonstrate how can we create, develop and maintain integral and transversal communication skills in the era of digitalization. Once the TEC teaching strategy in the era of digitalization has been demonstrated, the question of its long-term effectiveness will be addressed using an integrative approach based on postulates of communication effectiveness.